The Pagetoid Journal
November 21,1917
( Local News
Born to Mr, and Mrs. J. D.
Redfearn yesterday, a son.
Mr. Pearl Guin brought a large
sweet potato to this office Monday.
Mrs. B. C. Ogburn returned
i t '
iuwuumj' uuui a wul'k s visn ai
Badin, N. C.
The brick work on the new
buildings on Pearl street is ex
pected to begin today or tomorrow.
, Lieutenant A. L. Knight of
Camp Jackson visited his
mother, Mrs. M. J. Knight Sunday,
Remember the meeting at the
school house next Monday at
10:30 in the morning. Some
good speakers are scheduled.
Will you be there?
Congressman Stevenson made
a splendid address at the school
hllilHinnr horn loo* Wo/lnnr/ln..
r-~??-*??v*uvi v iuai V'ViiitOVirtJ
night in behalf of the Y. M. CA.
Mr. D. V. Horne and Miss
Belle Jenkins, both of the Evans
mill section, were married Fri
day night by Notary S. W.
Watts at his home just south of
Rev. J. C. Lawson, who ~has
resided at McBee, and served
McBee, Jefferson and White
Plains churches, will soon move
to Jefferson and serve Macedonia,
Jefterson and White
Seargeant G. F. Turner, of
Camp Meade, Md., spent three
t>r four days last week with his
mother, Mrs. M. J. Turner. He
went from here to Summerville,
S. C. to visit friends for two or
three days before returning to
Mr. L. L. Parker broughf
down a quantity of fine straw
berries Monday morning, stating
tbat be gathered half a gallon
before breakfast that morning.
The strawberries are of the
everbearing variety, and are as
fine as the spring crop of the
ordinary variety.
Magistrate T. W.Turner has
taken charge of the Plummer
Grocery store on McGregor
street, this position being left
vacant by Mr. W. T. McGuirt a
few days ago when he moved!
to Monroe. Mr. Turner will
transact the business ot the office
he hold at this place instead
of upstairs in the Mercantile
building as heretofore.
A meeting of the people of
this section has been called at
the school building here next
Monday, Novembes 26th bv
Demonstration Agent Tiller for
a discussion of the wheat problem.
Everybody is urged to be
there, big, little, old and young,
and especially the farmers. This
meeting is primarily to talk of
sowing wheat, but as the season
is aireaay so lar advanced, we
want to ask the farmers who
have idle lands to sow wheat
THIS WEEK if the weather
will permit, and then go to the
meeting and tell about it.
Mr. W. M. Mangum brought
some fine green oats 10 this
office Saturday. One bunch
contained 59 stalks from one
root. The field from which
this bunch was taken was sowed
in August. He also brought a
bunch of volunteer oats ihat
was fine. Some of the stalks
were heading. Mr. Mangum
explained that he had three
acres of these volunteers, and
that he will soon mow and rake
them, along with the late corn
in the same field. He expects
to get next spring the third crop
of oats from the one sowing.
He is a firm believer in early
sowing. The oats he bought
have been hanging in our window
since Saturday,
Cotton sold on this market 1
yesterday for 29 cents. Seed 1
3.50 a hundred.
Mr. B. A. Threatt and daugh- ;
ter of Hagan, Ga. are visiting .
relatives in this section.
The fact that the Pageland i
school won first prize in the
parade at the county fair was
inadvertently omitted lastweek, (
A recital will be given by the .
music class at the sch ool auditorium
Friday night. No admission
fees will be charged.
The public is invited.
Messrs. H. B. Graves and R.
K. Richardson have gone to
Tennessee to buy about three
car loads of cattle. They expect
to ship them here for the
Mrs. M. I. Agerton from Che.
raw spent last week in and near
Pageland with friends and
relatives. She will leave Che
raw at an early date for New
York to spend the winter with
her sisrer Mrs. Huffman.
Mr. Worth Taylor, a member
of a Norih Carolina Engineer
ing corps at Greenville, left yesterday
to take up his duties,
after spending a few days at the
| home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Taylor.
Miss Spiegner, of Columbia,
president of the School Improvement
Association ot South
Carolina, made an excellent
talk at the school building last
night, and immediately following
a local association was organized
with the following
officers: Mrs D. D. McCall,
president; Mrs. G. B. Dukes,
vice president; Curtis Laney,
secretary and treasurer. The
next meeting will be held next
Friday afternoon.
Notice has been received
from the post office department
that carrier on Rnntp No 9
from Pageland will start from
the office instead of at his home
four miles north of town and
will travel the route in the
opposite direction. In short, he
will make the round as he did
before the change which allowed
him to start home. .This
means eight miles more driving
for him without any appar
ent benefits in the servi ces
The repair work on the
Journal building is nearly completed.
and we hope to get back
home before our next issue is
printed. Getting out the paper
and keeping up with the work
of the job department has been
rather difficult iu our temporary
quarters, and we have been unable
to serve our patrons as we
wished. Within a very few
days we hope to be back, and
ready for real business again.
We thank our patrons for their
forbearance, and hope that w e
may have opportunity to do
better and quicker work in the
Work of Exemption Board
The young men who had '
been temporarily discharged
were called back yesterday to
furnish any further claims they 1
may have. These will be acted
upon at once.
Fifty men who had not been
called were ordqred to appear
for examination yesterday also.
A good number failed to appear,
others failed to pass the physical
examination, and still others
were accepted. ' i
Fred Sellers, Walter C Funderbuik,
Charlie Roscoe, Kobt II
Sullivan, Prince Humphries, V/
Ilarley Evans, William E Hunt
ley, Charlie M Swink, W Ervin
Abe C Sowell, Preston W j
Funderburk, Elbert DeBerry,
Oscar B Funderburk, Kobt N i
Stricklin, Clyde Miller, James S
ibiii? ?????
Report of Road Commissioner,
Quarter ending Sept. 30, 1917. \
Aug. 9th- . j
Rec . of County Supervisor,
Carried from 1916 bv J. W.
Jordan 9.75
Carried froiu 1916 hv W. L. . \
Jordan 20.Q0
Total $331.75
Disbursements as Follows
May 4? J
L. Z. Middletoo, 2 1-2 days 2.50 [
\ 1
Van Robertson, 2 12 days 2.30 2
Vernie Horton, 1 day 1.00 j
Wallace Stevens, 1 i ,y 1 00 ?
\dge Ponck, 3 days 3.00 f
William Jowers, 3 days 3.00 \
Walter lowers, 2 days 2.00 p
Richard Burk, 2 davs 1.80 c
Kenzie N^vman, 2 davs 2.00 ?
liin McCaskill, 1 3 4 davs 1.75 q
Babe Middleton, team 1 day 2.50 j
Oscar Funderburk, team 1 d. 2.50 j
Nathan Ponds, team 1 day 2 50 j
Bud Morgan, ov'rs'r 3 days 3,75 >
Lee Mercantile Co., nails .25 .
Minor Jowers, team 1 day 2.50 1
Ed Horton, team 1 day 2.00 (
Ed Horton* hauling lumber .75 1
J. W. Knight. Comm 7.00 j
Aug. 15? j
W. H. Middleton, ov'rse'r 1.00 j
L. A. Munn, 1 day 1.00 j
Lonnie Munn, 1 day 1.00 t
Lewis Kirklev, 1 day 1 00 /
W. L. Cato, 1 day 1.00 |
C. D. Catoe, 1 dov l.OO ]
W. B Catoe, 1 day l.OO i
B. N. Cato, 1 day 1.00 j
C. C. Horton, 1 day 1.0O j
I. A. Adcock, 1 day 1.00 j
n F. Forlor 1 .1-" - J
?. v^i.nvi, i uay i.UV j
J. C- Sovvell, 1 day 1.00 <
L, W. Middleton, 1 day 1.00 j
O. M. Middleton, 1 day 1 00 >
Lewis Moore, 1 day 1.00 ]
E. A. Middleton, 1 dav 1.00 i
C. E. Middleton, 1 day J .00 ]
C. W. Middleton, 1 day 1.00 j
L. S. Middleton, 1 dav 1 00 j
Jim Munn, nails .75 .
Bud Morgan, overseeing and 1
warning hands 3.13 <
- Fa?
1 It is a positive fact t
I 50c to Si.00 higher than
I over $2.00 to $3.50 per sui
| outing and gingham not o^
H Gasoline is high, road
I to Charlotte or Monroe an
1 If we havn't got ever
| mail runs both ways and
| rri Ti
j 1. Hi.
I A tew nice ladie's Hal
coming. Nice Petticoats
suits, from 4 to 20 years
can t be beat. Bleache
Scrim from 6 to 12 \-i
1 2 1 -2 cts. and many oth<
A car load of J. M
for every day, prices good
Come and buy.
J. R.
A Gold walclt
^ case is a miyhly Jh
jl "purty" thiny. |j|
PJlgE3BBBS?g0^1S S
P T>V? I ! I<? It ?? ? \ *T"V > ? ?/M? T1
V '
/. Zf Middleton, work on b. .90
im Hollj, work on bride .90
I. N. Holly, work on bridge .50
'rank Oliver, 2 teams 112 d.0.00
Vm. Griffith, 1 team 1 dav 2.00
\ A. Nicholson, team 1 2 d. 1.50
pence Boon, 1 day 1.00
rrank Oliver, overseeing 1 d.l.bO
Threatt Bros. 2 teams 1 d. 0.00
. D. Boatwright, overseeing 0.25
lonroe Hardware, shovels 4.50
ohn Catlage, team 1 2 day l.r>0
Nill Waddle, team 1 2 day 1.50
D. Boatwright, team 1-2 d. 1.50
). E. Baker, team 2 days 4.50
A Black well, team 113d 3.00
V. J. Keziali, team 3 clays 7.00
lenrv Miller, team 1 1-2 ds. 3.50
3ress Miller, team 1 2 dav 1 00
im Mack, 2 day? 2.00
\rthur Hancock, 1 dav 1.00
jillie Rivers, 2 days 2.00
?d McLean, 1-2 day .50
Luce Horton, 1 day 1.00
im Ingram, 4 days 4.00
ivarider Baker, 2 days 2.00
ess Raves, 1 day 1.00
chn Catlage, 1 day 1.00
3at Brooms, 2 davs 2.00
>am lLnrnrlf 1 a am. ca
?....-wvx/O) x m u?y .Jv
3ird Home, 1 day .50
A'illie Brooms, 1 day 1.00
detail Hardware Co., 6 shov.4.20
H. Finlavson overseein 2 d.2.50
B. H. Finlavson, warning h. 1.50
3. H. Finlavson, team 1-2 d. 1.50
^ee Mercantile Co., file .30
detail Ildwe. Co., 3 picks 3.00
2. L. Thomas, team 2 days 4.00
CtS hat
shoes are not over
last year, clothing not |
t higher than last year, |
rer 10 per cent higher. |
8; rough, then why go I
id^pay two prices. I
V thing you want the fe
we can get it. ^
Cato j
[)NOLA Free :
ts on hand yet, and more 'J
at good prices. Boy's $
old. Men's Suits prices |
J Homespun and tan $
\ cts. Nice Nainsook at I
ir things just as cheap. |
. Strickler's (lour, looked
Cato |
<111 "fe
M\ L
I'& . ^
iCharlie Baker, team 22 5 d. 7.20 .
Son McCaskili, teams 7 hrs. 2 10 ]
Lee Mercantile Co., plow p. .35
Andrew Newman, team 1 d 3.0 !
J. L. Belk, team 1 dav 3.C0
E. H- Melton, team 8 1 2 h. 2 55 <
W. C. Middleton t. 5 3-4 hrs. 1.72
J L. Belk, overseeing 1 day 1.50 1
The Jeffersonian. printing 3.75
1. W. Knight, Comm. 6.60 J
Total paid out, Sept. 30th $187.30
Bal on hand 144.45
Total -rrrr^E
Wanted, agent for Pageland
and vicinity. Good proposition.
Previous experience unnecessary.
Free school of instructions.
Address Massachu
setts Bonding and Insurance
Company, Accident and Health
Department, Saginaw, Michigan.
Capital $1,500,000.
The owners of the Pagelai <1
Land Co., Messrs. Maynard, McGregor
and Godfrey will be in
Pageland on Friday December
14th, any one wishing to see
them about land or lots will
please meet them.
Notice is hereby given that
inv land is posted against tres
passing in any wav. Cows, hogs
or stock of any description, forbidden.
R. M. King.
For Sale, the Tradesville tele
phone exchange. For partic
ulars see Dr. D. H. Funderburk,
Lost, between Pageland and
Chesterfield during the fair
exhaust whistle for Ford- Re
ward for return to City Garage.
Lost, Saturday one pair of
spectacles. E. C. Chavis.
For Rent?one good farm
11 1-2 miles south of Monroe.
Will rent at a .bargain. See J.
R. Eubanks at Monroe, R. 10 or (
B. B. Eubanks at Pageland.
Wow is the time for you to have
a 20 year gold case put on
your watch in place of that
nickle one. B. B. Eubanks.
See my guaranteed Fountain
pens. B. B. Eubanks.
For Rent?3 horse farm of
Rood sand land, 65 or 70 acres
open; two good dwellings,
plenty of outbuilding; good
for cotton. R. W. Cato.
For Sale?one nice broom
dwelling with two lots. G. H.
For Rent?g o o d six-room
house on Maynard street,
good water and outbuildings.
R. H. Blakeney
For Safe?87 acres clay land
near Mt. Olive church in
White Store township, 35 acres
open land, balance in second
growth saw timber. Bargain '
for quick sale. Good terms. J
F. Watts, R. 1. Marshville, N. C.
3 p
After this week the Crowburk
gins will rub Thursdays, Fri* i
days and Saturdays only.
For Sale?171 acres sandy land
2 1-2 miles south of Pageland; 80
acres open; balance in forest
growth; good dwelling and 2
tenant houses. J. B. Mills.
Wanted -You to know that '
we still sell Men's and Boy's
suits, odd coats, overalls and
work shirts. Mungo Bros.
Cover?that cotton with 3 lb j
Bagging, we sell it. Mungo Bros. ,
Bring?your cotton seed to us. ,
Mungo Bros.
This ?is the place to buy your i J
dress goods if you want new
goods. C. L. Gulledge. ]
Bring me your beef cattle, or 1
call me and I'll come and see 1
them. H. B, Graves.
See me for transfer. F ees
reasonable. Terms str tlv
cash. R. F. Smith.
Don't?forget the Ilallmrk
shirts, we still sell then for
$i. Mungo Rros.
Wood?buy 3'Otir winter * >od
now. Give me vour order for
what vou want. I have 4 ft t )rd
wood, oak wood an ft no VW Wl *.!
R. F. Smith.
I have two small tract; #f
land for sale. If v<5u want to
buy a small tract near Pamela id,
see me. R. F. Smith.
McCall Patterns at Mm go
Buy that Suit case before \ou
go. You will find it at Murgo
High Brand?shoes, for Senday
wear, and a good work
shoe, all through the week.
That's what you get at Man ro
John B. Stetson Hats. Mango
We are still sending Laundry.
Give us a trial. Clark fc
Feed Mill?new feed mill do js
the work in a jiffy. Bring
youfcorn. li e will shell and
grind it, or crush it cob and all.
Peoples Gin Co.
appreciate your orders,
'phone them in. Clark 4c
Our gins have just been sharpened
again and they cl?i n
the seed. Peoples Gin Co.
Last Year's price' on Men's
work shoes. Now is your
chance to buy. C. L. Gulledg -.
Don't buy your work Shoes until
you get my prices C. L
Gul ledge.
Car of Salt iust arrived Mnn.
go Bros.
Wanted ?to buy sound white
Corn. Pagelanil Novelty
Scarf Pins, Cuff Buttons, Watch
Chains, Brooches, Fobs, Rings,
Bracelets, Silverware and Clocks
B. B. Kubanks.
'Phone Clark and Smith For
fresh loaf.
Wanted-all your remnants oi
long staple cotton. Highest
k^w iiiv ii V.II.111 <i'.ui <i M|
deal is what you want. A L.
Lntta, Box 2 Cheraw, S. C
Wanted?at once 1 inch dry
boards, any width. Highest
prices paid, cash. meat
once. A. L. Lai la. Box 2, Cheraw,
S. C.
Work Shoes at last veai's price
at C:. L Gulledge's.
Solomon in all his glory was
not arrayed like one of the
adies wlio buys her dress goods
from L. Gulledge.
Buy your tnea! and hulls from
Clark & Smith,
market price. John H. Smith.
'Phone your orders to Clark &
Smith. Their John Henry
goes in a hurry.
Fresh groceries at the right
price. Clark & Smith.
we always pay the top for
chickens and eggs. Clark &
For bagging and ties at the right
price, see 11. 1?. Craves,
Buy your underwear from ( lark
& Smith.
For Sale?mv farm of 39 1 2
acres just s .. . oi the town
lirtiilc V.ii.i . ... I ...l- -
tuaiioi 1 i -111 ^ i111U OllILT
improvements J 1>. Watts
Car?Te xas Ked rust proof
seed oats. Mungo Bros.
New Mill- \\ e \\ ill ^t i1111 \ our
corn any day in the week.
Give lis n trial. Peoples G;n Go
Wanted?4 ft wood, green or
dry. Will pay to: same before
car leaves your station.
mn if ......I ..