The Pageland Journal Published Wednesday Mornings by The Journal Company C. M. Tucker, Editor Subscription Price - - $1.00 Entered as second class mail matter at the post oifice at Pageland, S. C., under Postal Act of March 3, 1879. December 13, 1916. Will somebody kindly tell us why any man should get drunk for Christmas. Of all the times in the year this is the best time to stay sober. ' Plan now to make the holiday season one of pleasure for all the family. The man of tne house too often forgets, and is apt to think that what is pleasant for him is pleasant for all. He should remember that the faithful mother and the little ones have hopes and desires, and that v a little kindly consideration will bring joy. Let this be the Christmas all will remember as the one when each one was happy. Make yourself happy by bringing joy to others. On Monday of this week fiftythree money orders were issued at the post office here, and thirty nine of them were for liquor. If we had the* Regular Army of the Umted States and the National Guard of all the States to protect us hourly for the next fifteen years we should like to go down to the station and get the name on each package of liquor as it comes in and publish the entire list. When we gave out a list of all classes, including some of the good old Amen corner brethren,we should expect trouble and lots of it. The stronger the guard the safei we would feel after such a list should go out. . ? The cotton^Mrket has been ~ playing some strange pranks foi a few days, and the buyers vyhc were loaded have been looking about for warehouse room. The writer has expressed the hope that the local buyers may sell out at or above cost and that the market would thon ctav rvn the decline until the 10-ceni notch is reached again. Ol course, we do not expect to see this, but it seems to us that this would aid in more than one way some who are to suffer because of high priced cotton. A steady decline in the price of the fleecy staple would have a tendency to check the soaring prices 01 an other commodities. It would also prevent a wild scramble for land to plant in cotton next spring. Suppose cotton should cling to the 20 cent round until spring, how many farmers would plant enough corn, peas and other food and feed crops to supply their.? Suppose also that everything should be planted in cot ton and cultivated' on a 20-cent basis and then the price should be 10 cents. The long faces ol 1914 would be short and sym metrical compared with what you would see where the bland smiie has been worn this fall. Yes, we would like to see the price of cotton come right on down tr? to nunte Km. L.%.1 v wiiia i cui uttrv first. Notice of Meeting There will be a mass meeting of the citizens of the Town of Pageland on Thursday afternoon, December 28th 191f> for the purpose of nominating candidates for Town officers to be voted on in the election to be held Tuesday, January 23rd 1917. All citizens of the Town are asked to attend. H. H. Nelson, Mayor, L, J, Watford, Clerk. ; **'?" ?K"* Auditor's Notice. The Auditor's office will b< opened for the assessment o personal property from Januar: 1st, 1917 to February 20th, 1917 All male citizens between th ages of 21 and 60 years ar deemed Taxable Polls, excep those who are maimed or fo other causes are incapable c earning a support. The law requires 50 per cenl penalty added to taxes on prop erty subiect to taxes and not re turned for assessment on or be fore the 20th of February, 1917 I will be in the Auditor's ol fice January 1, 13, 18, 20, 27 an. 29; February, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, * 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19 an. 20, and at the following place on the dates named: n^*_!. ? i r 11 4. rumen: January l, iiuui 11 u 3 o'clock. Cedar Creek church: Januar 3, from 11 to 2 o'clock. John H, Wallace: January A from 11 to 3 o'clock. Cash's: January 5, from 10 t< 2 o'clock. Westfield Creek, at nev school January 6. from 10 to 1 o'clock. Cross Roads: January 8, fror 11 to 2 o'clock. Jefferson: January 9 and 10, t 11 o'clock. Catarrh, at J, G. Holly's: Jar uary 10, from 1 to 3 o'clock. Plains, at J. W. Hicks: Jani ary 11, from 11 to 1 o'clock. Grant's Mill: Januarj' 12, fror I to 3 o'clock. Angel us: January 15, from 1 to 3 o'clock. BcBee: January 15 at nigh and 16 to 5 o'clock. Middendorf: January 17, fror II to 3 o'clock. Ruby: January 19, from U t 3 o'clock. Dudley: January 22, from 11 1 T \J VIUCIV. Pageland: January 23 and 2' to 12 o'clock. Mt. Croghan: January 25, fror 12 to 4 o'clock. Guess: January 26from 12 t Che^^^^^Jary 30 and 3ls 1 T. W. EDDINS, Auditor. Letters to Santa Claus Dear Old Santa Claus?I ai , a little boy 5 years old. I wis you would bring me an autom< I bile with two seats and a littl j train with 5 box cars, some nic r fruits and candies. And Sanl f Claus please remember all th , little children. Merry Chris ; mas to you. . V. L. Mungo. DUDLEY NEWS Mr. W. K. Funderburk ( Monroe spent Saturday and Sui i day with his parents, Mr. an Mrs J. K. Funderburk. Miss Lessie Funderburk, \vh is teat bins at White Plains sper the week end at home. 1 Mr. sjid Mis. J. J. Funderbur mo\es this week to Troy, N. C where thev will make the home. Mr and Mrs. U. A. Fniidei luirk spent Sunday with th 1 liter's parents, Mr. and Mr George Smith near Pagcland. Mrs. KUis Games of near Zoa has been suffering severely fc the past week w ith appendicilii Miss Ma itith Jenkins, who i in school at Pageland spent Sun day at home. Managers of Election The following have been ap pointed as managers of th Town election to be held Jar uary 23, 1917: B. C. Ogburr Wni Home, S. H. Laney. R. H. Nelson, Mayor L. J. Watford, Clerk. Monuments Now is the time to buy tha monument you expect to buj See me and save time am money. vi. R. Knight, Toy, Toys, y As Christmas is dr* e to invite you to make * for Holiday Goods, *{ We have a comph Christmas Gifts for hot] ' plenty Glassware, big week. !" So don't forget to visil Look for the Sign. I The 5 and s Xmas is the time when old children look for someth v We have one of the fir 2 Nuts, Raisins etc. that i n These goods were bo can save you money o o and Mill Feed, Shoei Pants and Overalls. C< L G. C. Man 0 The Peo] : Chris Good * our tfonaay ' Goods Are Here. I Our Line oi Toy: ? Dolls, Chinawan J Glassware, etc. " Is More Complete this vnar than U1I1U J V VII UllVt IK ; usual. o Our prices are aboi 11 the same as last year. k It pays to do you ir Chr istmas shopping earl r: Pagelan 91 - ware i " i ' Town Tax Notice Town taxes for Town of Pageland are now due anr) nairfi kl- P I ? UIIU |?< yawn ai 1 a^ClOIIU Hardware Co. Please t pay promptly. jj L. J. Watford Clerk \ ,1 \ ,/ ^ ? -_J= I Toys, Toys iwing near, we wish our store headquarters lie line ol Toys and h old and young. Also assortment to arrive this : our store before buying. 110c Store er people as well as the ing good to eat. test lots of Candy, Fruits, ever came to Pageland. ught early; therefore we >n them, as well as flour 3, Underwear, Hosiery, ome to see us. gum & Co. pie's Store >tmas y "Your Uncle Santa la Getting Fat." d Hardfomnanv Miss Mims On Vacation Miss Stella Mims, home demonstrator, left last Friday on her vacation. She went to Albemarle, N. C., where she will vis it her sister before going to her home in Barnwell county. She will return in February to again take up her work. It was one of the best days work the Ches terfield county delegation ever did when they made possible the office ot home demonstrator for Chesterfield county. A better woman for the place could not have been found than Miss Stella Mims.?Chesterfield Adi imrlicor r Yviiiovi# ' I Please S This is to You it You ( Account Has Been Standin and Requires Your Prompt An Immediate Sett pected. | Mungo VMHHnBBHBnDian I GoodThir the Chih We invite all the Child] See our 5-cent Boxes of C; packages of Kisses, our F other goods things to eat We have seeded Raisins for eat, and lots of other Good tl are Hungry, just Remember tl or Less at D. E. CIA rCar loa Fresh I I we nave Just 1 Car of J. N. Strick Fresh From the : WE GUARANTEE Buy the necessi here, and you'll ha left for Christmas. The Cato Co I PAGELAND, S OWWAAVWi WW I | Car of F J We have one Car load J here this Week, which cor J If you are interested, let us 5 ?i ?1 f .1 n ^ lure me arrival 01 xnese \^ar # able to supply your wants. \ Redfearn Ai if ; fcvvvvvwvww w iettle )we Us. Your g Long Enough Attention. lement is Ex- I Bros. HUJJLULWH I I II llll I I j igsfor Iren ren to Come and andy, our 5-cent Raisins, Nuts and the Cakes and to hings. When you lat you can buv it RK'S =t==tL_ Iff i lour deceived a ler's Flour mills, and the PRICE, ities oi life ive money S mpany I ^==J k%WWWW9 J t ords | ol Fonis to he ^ isists oi six Cars. J know by or bo- J s, so we mav be r ' j uto Co. I ?