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The. Pageland Journal Published Wednesday Morning by The Journal Company C. M. Tucker, Editor Subscription Price - - $1.00 Entered as second class mail matter at the post otfice at Pageland, S. C., under Postal Act of March 3, 1879. November 29, 1916 Warehouse Commissioner John L. McLaurin has evolved a plan for checking the advance of the boll weevil at the Savannah river and thus hindering or preventing its coming into the Carolinas. His plan is to utilize the river as a natural barrier and to strengthen this by a 20-mile strip on this side of the river in which no cotton would be al lowed to be grown. He has studied the cotton situation in this Stale as no other man per haps, and he is recognized as authority on matters pertaining to welfare of the cotton farmer. On the face his plan appears feasible. We see .no good reason why this should not be done. Partridges and other birds destroy millions of insects, and the birds are the farmers best friends. Most farmers are coming to realize this, and very few farmers are willing for their birds to be killed. With the idea of protecting the birds and in this way preparing for the coming of the boll weevil a movement has been started to get just as many citizens of Chesterfield countv as possible to sign an agreement not to kill any more birds this year or next. In another place in this paper may be found a list of those who have signed at Pageland. The same agreement is being signed in otner parts of the county. A copy of this agreement will be kept at this office, and any others who .... F> Oi > ?je cOvhty should cirrn it Th/\r/\ ?/% % . at i ucic aic j|iiciii,y ui vavs in which the people may lind amusement without killing i he birds. It would be well for the legislature to pass a bill ma King it unlawful to kill birds at any. season for a few years. Come and signs the agreement. ? Agreement We. the undersigned land owners and tax payers of Chesterli dd County, agree that we will k ill no birds of any description during the balance of 1916 and during the year 1917. especially q tail of all kinds, as we wish to p.epare for the invasion of the b >11 weevil. Let a copy of this agreement b ; published in all of the county P pers and and a copy sent to tke State, which will notice to a'I persons to stay off any of the 1. ids which belong to the tin d< rsigned or within their con trol, as any violation will be punished according to the law. R. II. Blakeney, M, L, Davis, I r i/*: * * ^ ^ ^ i. ij. iviuk, n. a, rrice, U. Morgan, R. W, Cato, B. E. Ken niigton, L. A. Blakeney, W. J,Jk 1' inderburk, L. L. Cato, J. M I\ iks, S. L, Stokes, T. E. Wright, '1. W. Gregory, U. F. Moore, A. F. Funderburk, C. C. Clark, ( , M. Peninger, P. M. Arant, J, V. M lingo, C. W. Wilkerson, G, 11, Watts, P. II. Evans, J. F. Tad ? 1 :k, L, C. Watford, II. B. Sow c J. M, Gathings, G. R. Knight, M. D. Dees, A. G. Anderson, J. C Blackvvell, H. B. Graves, J. A. J iney, R. L. Vick, W. A. Pigg, J C. E. Smith, R. P. Marze, P. M. Rogers, W. M. Groomes, W.J T. McGuirt, G. C. Smith. C W I I'orter, jr., H. V. Mungo, J. H. 1 rice. G, C. Mungo, R. W. San( jrS: S. W, Watts, R. Smith, W. R. Funderburk, J. A. Arant, J. \ /. Terry, J, J. Terry, A. G. Cast.?n, 1). W. Mangum, J. C. Sanders, G. E. McCray, J. R. Cato, J L. Cato, G. M. Rodgers, C. M. Tucker. Such Langwidge M I asked an Italian who speaks correct English, which language his children learned to write ei more readily, Italian or English. D] "Italian," said he. "Your English words don't sound the way they look." ai To show what this poor man ?s had in mind, I shall quote some *e suggestions given to me by one 111 of the most famous scholars, aJ philosophers and professional m men in America. They show ff what a curlicue language English is: b' Put it vice versa, and if laugh * ter is lafter, whv is not daughter * dafter and slaughter slafter? *r Enough is enuff, but cough is CI not cuff. However, if cough is ^ cawf, shouldn't enough be enawf? w riougn is pronounced plow and bough is bow, but cough is O not cow. c* Moreover, a little Italian hi knowing that cough is pro 01 nounced coff, is liable to spell the cup of morning beverage in cough phee. e< 1 th Card of Thank. hi d< We take this method of expressing our appreciation of the OJ kindness of our friends and neighbors during the sickness sa and death of our child. The people were very kind and help- p ful, and we appreciate all that |Q has been done for us May w God's blessings rest on each of <j< V?u. 0, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Taylor. w CHURCH NOTES MKTH ODIST PROTESTANT John. W. Quick, Pastor The setting apart of a day when the wheels of trade are aj stopped, and Sabbath rest is aj planted right in the midst of the Sg secular week, and when a grateful nation is called to otfer up jj, prayer and praise to Almighty ^ God for his unfailing bounties, ^ is a beautiful custom. It stamps w us as christian people, The nat- q ural thing ought to be that those .?paejaUy who- lova God should -y gladly accept this gracious oppoitunitv to gather in their l( churches in large numbers, and ^ unite in songs of praise and t( prayers of Thanksgiving. ai There will be preaching at ^ Rose Hill Thursday, Thanks- q giving Day at 3:30 p. m. Every- ^ body requested to attend. Ev ery one who attends will receive e a Thanksgiving souvenir. Be with us for just one hour. " _ Quarterly Meeting of W. M. U. The quarterly meeting of the Pageland division of the W. N? U. will be held with the Bethlehem church Saturday, December ^ 2nd, 1916. Devotional exercises: Mrs. R. M. Armstrong. r Duet: "Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters." Mesdames H. N. Askins and K. P. Stewart. Reading: A prayer, Mrs. E. G. Funderburk, Liberty Hill. What Part of the Mission work Appeals Most to Me? Open discussion. Quarterly reports from Socities. Song: "Must I Go and Empty Handed." T _ T * iNoon Hour H Devotional Exercises: Miss I La ret t a Ogburn, Plains. I What One Crochet Needle I Did. Mrs. W. C. Jenkins, Dudley. B If Ail Who Hate Would Love Us. Miss Gertrude Tadlock. An African Apnea'. Mrs. W. L. Rape, Wolf Pond. The History of "Nearer My God to Thee," Mrs. Heyward Milier, Jefferson. The .Standard of Excellence, | Open Discussion. Address by Mrs. M. A. V. Fun derburk. Address bv Rev. R. W.Cato. Closing song: "Blest Be the Tie that Binds." Mrs. M A. V. Funderburk, Mrs. Edna V. Funderburk. Mrs. S. A. Funderburk, Mrs. J. E. King, ft Program Committee, | ' J [r. Sowell Write* of Cards and Likker I want space in your paper to cpress mv gratitude to the peole who have heartily encourag1 me by letter, telephone, words id through the columns in reird to my good deed done a :w days ago. I have been lade to feel stronger bv the act id encouragement from so [any good people. Christian iends let us encourage every x)d deed pertaining to the up jilding of Gods blessed cause id Kingdom here in this world, want to sav here truthfully, om my heart, God is mv saed judge, I am not doing any ling at all for notoriety. I do 1 the good I can in every way hile here on earth. I live to le honor and glory of the dear ne who on the rugged cross of i ilvary did shed every drop of is precious blood to redeem 1 ur souls from an endless Hell. Now if there is another place uur iuwii mai nas uninougnt ily placed decks of cards in leir stores for sale, which has ?en the cause of so many ;aths and wrecked minds of so anv young people throughout jr land, I say I will,-upon noce that you will let me have ime and not handle any more, iadly relieve you of them, riends vou will never feel the >ss of profits on them, and God ill smile down from Heaven's x>r upon you and me stamping jt the de\working tools, hich I consider a deck of cards be. Now I don't mean any reflecon on the part} I purchased om, for I take him to be as 3od a little man as Pageland iords, but who unthoughtedly, 5 so many do, placed them for ile. Let us strive to have a decent ttle town. God will help us, ; nd I trust it will not be long tat there will not be a drop ot hiskev shipped into our State, ounty and Town, nor a drop e allowed to be sold in .riysq mted Stales ot ours. I consider Cards and Whiskey > be two of the vilest tools 'hich the old devil has in his >ol chest, which cause thous nds, ves millions of precious uman beings who are made in lod's own image 1c stumble. tm I right? If so, sav "Amen." Be with us in our Wednesday vening praver meetings. H. B. Sowell. Monuments Now is the time to buy- that lonument you expect to buv. ee me and save time and loney. G. R. Knight. I R?au 8 Flour, Meal, Lard, 1 I r> ^ ^ " ^ugar, Col tee, Crits, Lij wear, Sweaters and Sc wear, Comforts and Blan goods, a lot of new Shoi et articles, Extracts Pri Come to sqe us. The Cato PAGELA "Was your Christmas bazarr a success?" inquired Gladys. "It certainly was," responded Mabel with enthusiasm. "The minister will sufelv have cause to be verv grateful." "How much did vou make?" "Oh the expenses were a good bit more than the receipts. But, then, ten of us got engaged, so the minister will make a good thing in wedding fees a little later." Auction Sale On Saturday, December 1 Oth I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, a lot of good second-hand Sewing Machines. i Come One and All. Sale being between the hours of 1 2 and 2 o'clock P. M. G. R. Knight. r Town Tax Notice Town taxes for Town of Pageland are now due and payable at Pageland Hardware Co. Please pay promptly. L. J. Watford Clerk p ~ ? New Feed Mill i We Are Now prepared to grind your ear corn shelled corn, peas, oats, etc. We grind bread corn on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, but will grind feed on Thursday and Friday only as we are always crowded on Saturday. Pageland Novelty Works =1 Tk* I Si ima? -^ice Meal, Corn Meal, ght and Heavy Underarfs, Head and Neck ikets A lot new Dress es, Drugs, Notions Toilces guaranteed on aii. " | Company ND, S. C. I I V Please This is to You if Y Account Has Been Sh and Requires Your Pr< Ari Immediate pected. Muiig< |Bon Toi Ultc We have just receiv world Famous Bon Toi but not so high as the like to eat sho nulf go( get at least one sack of the price is not so high tainly be. Will try to save yoi as you can. D. E. ( i=~ - Nol The Bird Law se will find us with a larc Single and Double bar and Cartridges. We Can ave you h Pageland Hardi i L fviviwvwv -v\ <? | Trans! ^ We have secured Ree ^ a car in transfer. He is ? we have a good car to pi ^ us at any time you want t ? Our stock of parts and ^ more complete than it is J your wants and we will tr | Redfearn fcwvvwwvwv Settle I ou Owe Us. Your I inding Long Enough | )mpt Attention. | Settlement is Ex- I 3 Bros. I MBiMMgm?IW IBM ?IJlkl n Flour iper ed a shipment of the 0 Flour which is high, next will be. If you )d biscuit, you should jhis shipment while as the next will cer% 1 a sack; Come quick XARK nl ICC ason is open. You I )e Stock ol Gun shells, rel shot guns, Rilles 4oney so Caii on us. 11 ware Company ~ i on r1 on % J t ce Blakeney to run for us ^ a competent driver and f it in the business. Call ? o ride. ^ accessories has never been ? just now. Let us know f y to fill them. ? Auto Co. \ % 'VVVVVVVVVVV*'** m t