re Me lied up a S Id Please I I Old. IV all Kinds I Downward R In buying ai lis season. TI ?dds nor ends Is and Colors I and profit cl< 1 15? ways wanted at ted to pay!" o, when you see RK worth in shirts ^ YOU WILL E 1 i? fc " -/ reliant N Itock ot Spring lie Most FashM Show Ten ol Wearables I nd selling and tie goods 1 price s, but are ju^t or spring and ose adies' Dresses v you a line of these which trim and materials, the goods se you and the nrir#? ? AO i em from $3.50 to $15.00. y a line of Children's ready jarments. It will pay you j lem over. s. c. DID BARGAIN wmmmmammmmmmmmmrnmm f - L -T| . I = f In Black,-Tan and W Price 75c itO $3.50 Big line ol misses . childrens white canvas ] ent and tan. All new st; and shapes. Eosicry^r-^ : Ladies mens and children: in silk and Silk-lisle, 50< and 25c, colors white, tar and blac^. Paras?ls-and ^ Umbrellas Ladies, Misses and Children's fftnrv _ J parasols in colored centers and borders, assorted handles, Price 50c to $3 Musical Instruments 15anjo,38 nickel brackets $7.00 finish,pearl dots,$3.50,$5? Accordion 1.50,$3.5 pwMirnm * / Vs * / Guaranteed color fast. Qua!- \J ^ ity full 50* higher than N / you are uaed to at the prices. ^ g Hallmark s ^ S H I R.T ^ ^ $] .00, j 1.50 an<] Up s ^ Ash to Me tkem 7s - t ^ 4s ' s ? I MMHHMHMBMVMH E ttrv. . J. , f>' ??P WW! Hill'HllJJjJiU-JML. ? ^ * i BbywwA B35BH9 niflFCffl U !^t^j * yif:r; ' " > ' <$? and pat- Ladies' Tri I have a line of thes York and a line from t me Wdi show you the lal trimmings to be had. J { can to come and see the I $1.501< ? ~T Bamboo. . 1 \ ? Ladies' Cors All the latest sh and styles for I \J average, med hi ft ifii an(^stout lady*}$$% t ^^USlPpof Tennis Slippers i Wflann - vakHVAl Th ese slippers I carry black. Mens at 90c. .Children s at 75c; cem most popular this seaso wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm immed Hats ;e just finished in New le factory in Baltimore, test styles, colors and I want every lady that | :se goods. Prices . I o $6.00 I ns' Hats I ij^traw^raid^ino^ncl^ | or Men and in white and Ladies and lented soles, the n. m 1