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> / . i?i ai $ I show you tl boys Goll and ^ 75 and 50c. _ y AMen!i_?lo I Just opened a tii - will please. I newer or better All the leading i - stripes, serges an meres, suitable I young and old $25.04 & $ T _1_- .1 i aiso carry tne in youths sing double breasted i x >Rlf ke latest styles in men's and facht caps, price $1.25, $1.00, thintu IT aWash Suits ? Boys' Wash suits in ^ colors, such as stripes to see these to appre jKHHi ciate my prices, at WM 50c, $1.00, |H| $1.25 up to$5. 1 m vi i Patent leather, gunmetal and tan, 11 the latest in shape, beauty and inability. We expect great sales : these prices $2.50 to $5.00 Men's Overalls or the working man. I sell the best )verall made. I guarantee it not to p. If they rip 1 will replace with a ollar bill. .. They are Guaranteed Elgin and Waltham Waides carry both the Elgin and Wait'nannf lovements fitted in any kind of case, iold filled, Hunting or open face. he prices are below what we can note you here. Let me know your rants in this line. 1 can please you * | VE By The I I Have Just Re< and Summer G< ionable Purchas Thousand Dolla and llsables, an I have fifteen yes know what I can you on this sheel what you want ii summer; all new ? 7- : I Men's MB 9 Men's Pants ^ Pants These come in the latest materials Hr the spring just opened. This lot fresh from the factory and findl have fancy serges and casemeres. Price $1.50 to $7.50. T.H.B ;rr my store in nnmnirrvMMHi V Jve-Vl ;eived and! )ods that s| >m, ivum its' Worth 1 id the price! irs experience I do for you 11 t are not old, II styl4 shapi and the pricl "The Cliiss of ShflH the prices I've alvfl 1 That's wiiai. you vm 9 You have never sBH before, because sc^HJ before attempted H| up mH Guaranteed Color T/a f h i v; C9WW l I i *? i 1 I " > ' lieve and buy. wmmmmmmmemrtr^- wujii APRIL iJ