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Court of Common Pleas Court for the trial of civil cases will convene at Chesterfield on Monday, April 12th. The following jurors have been drawn: FIRST WEEK CHERAW township W. R. Reid, Stanley Anderson, T. T M Aroron I Q TJfiomon -V. A* i'lVl^UII, Ui Ml I^UKUI, A T. Wallace, J. F. Agerton. COURT J10USE township N. A. White, W. C. Adams, T. D. Robertson, W. J. Streater, Peter Parker, J. A. Rayfield, C. R. Sellers. Mt. CROGHAN township J. P. Thurman, D. L. Graves, B. H. Burch, J. Wesley Lowry. OLD STORE township J. R. Cato, R. D. Hicks, C. C. Clark, W. B. Evans. TEFFERSON township J. A. Jenkins, B. F. Ogburn, J. W, Ilinson. ALLIGATOR township C. W. McManus, W. M. Grant, E. W. Clark, W. T. Brown. COLE HILL township j. a. ^rowiey, 15. 1\ (joward, J. H. Johnson, Charley Curry. STEER PEN township J. W. Ruthven, W. E. Funderburk, J. E. Perdue, L. A. Griggs. SECOND WEEK CHER\W township R. D. Crowley, J no. C. Huntley, A. W. Britt, E. M. Rice, J. C. Whitley. COURT HOUSE township W. A. Burr, B. E. Smith, W. T. Therrill, J. H. Bittle, A. J. McQae, E. S. N. Rollings, J. M. C. Adams. Mt. CROGHAN township N. L. Gibson, J. C. Dairympie, C. P. Nicholson, A. B. Sellers, ). L. Stancil OLD STORE township W. J. Blakeney^C. H. Eunderburk, P. H. Evans, J W. Terry. JEFFERSON township B. C. Jones, W. E. Gardner, Z. l,. ivuciaieton, U. K. Rollings. ALL/GATOR township J. W. McDaniel, W. P. Shaw, J. A. Blackwell, H. M. Norris. COLE HILL township G. S. Crenshaw, J. W. Cassidj-, Jr., A. I. Williams, Jno. D. Odom Hrow Aboul Spring U/n ? nloo " if nave a nice I11K nets, chitons, shadow flouncing up to 45 in guaranteed to be the lc T. E. < k.-i U/p aro CQvinn n I W* V ua V L7U V 11EJ.J V not You? L PICTl K? From March 1st to make 1 dozen oi the tn $5 00, hall dozen lor $ I dozen made. Better n B We guarantee satislactii Will be at Ruby ev< B Whitmore will be at Page I WHITMORE } __ CHURCH NOTES BAPTIST, J. M. Sullivan. Pastor. The "All day" service al White Plains last Sunday was a success, if weather conditions were a little unfavorable for dinner on the ground. The Missionary Program by the Sunday school was fine* in that it was both intertaining and instructive. Giving valuable and helpful information in regard to our Home and Foreign Mission work. The offering amounted to $13.84 and the ladies had already raised among themselves $4.05 making a total of $17.89. The B. Y. P. U. are planning to go over and be with the Providence folks the Fourth Sunday afternoon. Next Sunday we hope to have a Missionary Rally at Pageland. We hope to have with us some of our best laymen. Among the Qnpjl/orc utiH Ko iKo (/\11/* M|/vt?uvio tv nt i/v ttiv iviivmug from Chesterfield: Rev. B. S. Funderburg, Brethern C. H. and Kirbv Rivers, T. W. Eddins, and others if we can secure them. We are not going to have dinner on the groud hut of course we expect to see that these visiting brethern are well fed. Let us pray for these services, as they will mean much or little to us, according to the amount of interest we put into them. METHODIST EPISCOPAL J. A. McGraw, pastor The Sunday School Conference at Chesterfield last week was well attended from all parts of the Florence District. About 100 delegates being enrolled. Only one pastor in the entire district ,was absent and he was engaged in a meeting. Our circuit was represented by the pa* tor and the following delegates: From Zoar, W. B. Pigg and L, M. Boone. From Zion, J. \\'. Simpson. From Pageland, H, W. Crosswell and L. J. Watford, and from Mt. Croghan, N. T. Rivers, J. C. Rivers, W. A. Riv ers and R. B. Redfcarn. Othen of our Mt- Croghan members attended though not as enrolled delegates. All our services last Sundaj were well attended, which fact the preacher appreciated. ?N?iii?Swdfly w? wiH Antiofh at 11 o'clock and at Mt Croghan at 2:30 and also at f p. m. t That New Dress? of silk mixed goods, la<*0G OWIil AinKnAl^Amr iches wide at prices twest. :ato iiiers money. Why JRES March 15th we will nest cabinet pictures lor >3.00, no less than hall lake use ol this chance. )n. iry Saturday, but Mrs. land to do your work. I'S STUDIO ? .y "u Financial Report of 1 of Pageland fof ls< (REOUIRED BT NO. 455 ^CTS OF SOUTH CAROLINA i RECEI ' January 1 Balance cash on ha 2 J. R. New, Town ta 2 Cimmul 4 R. L. McMantli, tov 4 J. W. Gravesjjjf M 4 E. M. Railings, " 4 Dr. J. M. Railings " 4 B. L. Manguiiy/V 44 5 Mrs. Mary A. Sowe 5 Mode Horne 4 J. Monroe Railings 8 Mrs. N.G.'Page, t M 11 IT? .. j> a >YUl IU| Y? 44 12 J as. Rorie, town tax 12 44 44 commut 44 12 Will Moore, violatii 12 Lonnie Broom, 44 44 15 J. W. Laney, tov 44 16 Philip Whitley 4 44 18 Joe M. Rollins 1 18 44 44 44 ^comi 44 18 R. A. Carpentfetv tov 19 S. W. Watt*" ^ 4 19 H.W. Owentf & * 18 J. D. Watts, j * " 21 J. A. MeGrav^Jf 4? 23 P. H. Evans, vUgati 27 W. L. February 1 J. A. Turner, Jf 1 44 3 Mrs. A. M. SiowOi 12 J. M. Seago, u*g. 12 Mrs. M. E. Threat, 13 J. E. King , 44 17 Sam Mangumjcom 44 18 S. H. Turner, - f 19 W. McColl to 20 W. F. Redfeaqi* ika 44 20 C. M. Peninger, to 20 H. W. Threat!, * 20 44 c( March 2 H. B. Baker, to 1 3 W. J. Blakeney 4 Pageland JomTai ; a 4 C. M. Tucker! 1 * 5 W. A. Pia^Jjfcni ' 8 WrTf]Ed^ew?fi 1 " W. T.Rutledgrf ' 44 Guy Watts T Of>mi 44 44 Thos. Jordan, J tow 44 F.W.Walters 44 44 Mudko Brothers 44 44 H. V. Mungo comm 44 G.C. 44 44 J. W. 44 44 F. W. Walters fl| 44 44 Pageland LandWo. 10 J. F. Agerton J* t1 44 L. B. Price j 44 T. P. Smith. I - 44 H. N. Askin8,cdLm " C. G. Morgan 44 44 Pageland Drug.?o. 44 T. E. Cato, f44 S. L Evans f 44 R. L. Smith, coamu 44 U.F.Moore, 44 D. E. Clark -II-44-' 44 W. T. McGuirtJ 44 44 11 \ J ; if j? 44 14 Fred Horton, I 44 16 A. C. Dougla-is, violi 44 17 G. D. Man gum, fowi 44 22 C. W. Porter, ^tnm 44 23 S. L. Stokes VkV 44 23 Mrs. Mary E. W^tts, 44 23 G. H. Watts commui 26 O. L. Smith; -" " 44 R. E. Richardson " - 44 C. C. Price * " 44 44 W. F. Redfearn " 44 J. D. 44 44 44 H. B. 44 ? M M. L. " 44 L. C. 44 44 A. G. Anderson, towi 44 44 Mrs. Mollie Redfearn 44 44 M. V. Funderburk 14 44 A. C. Robinson, bom 44 44 Bank of Pagelant, to 44 44 S. F. Ingram 1 44 44 R. H. Blakeney T ' 44 44 Pageland Mercantile < 44 44 S. B. Eubank#, co(nm ? 44 T. E. Cato , 44 44 27 M. H. Dawkins, V 29 G. C, Deese jB Contin^H 1 treasurer of Town t quarter of 1915 ; OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY FOR THE YEAR 1912) PTS nd 7 70 ix, 14 2 30 tation tax, *15 2 00 vn tax *13-T4 8 70 *14 3 00 5 60 5 10 40 II >n?rn ? ? ' 1 A 1 o / rv M IW" U IOA 1U1 11 lO UU M ?t ?< II J commutation tax *15 2 00 own tax for *14 4 00 dating ordinance 3 00 for *14 65 ation 2 00 ig ordinance 10 00 5 00 /n tax *14 15 3 50 4 44 3 K> nutation tax *15 2 00 vn tax for' 14 2 15 4 . .. .. 2 4i .. 2 4Q 75 1 44 44 35 ng ordinance 5 00 town tax '14 1 :>0 15 i. 2 55 M II M 4 O/Y 1 01/ 2 60 2 25 mutation tax *15 2 00 " M 44 2 00 wn tax *14 4 70 &nse 5 00 wn tax '14 1 60 44 44 2 70 >mmutation tax 2 00 wn tax *14 2 30 7 40 44 44 3 40 44 2 95 mutation tax '15 2 00 twa^tax *j4 i 2(W_ r 44 44 2 10 - 41 44 100 44 44 10 20 44 44 15 14 44 44 15 Ylutfltirm tav '1** nn ? VV rn tax *14 2 95 25 44 11 10 iutation tax 2 00 2 00 " 44 2 00 44 44 2 00 town tax *14 25 00 44 44 44 45 44 44 44 1 40 44 44 44 1 85 4 5 00 utation tax *15 2 00 2 00 town tax *14 6 00 ** ?? M .) k)C 40 tatirtn tav '1 ? 1 M>WU IUA X 1/ ^ u 44 2 00 44 44 2 00 44 44 2 00 f J i} i < i?i<? 1 00 tax *14 2 15 sting ordinance 5 00 l lax *14 6 90 utation tax 2 00 2 00 town tax '14 4 30 tation tax 2 00 2 0O 2 00 2 00 2 00 11 ' ^ 1 AA e. uv , 2 00 2 00 2 00 a tat '14 30 i town tax '14 2 50 15 imutation tax 2 no wn tax '14 71 65 44 44 13 05 44 44 7 50 Co. town tax *14 37 50 utation tax 2 00 2 00 2 00 | 44 2 00 mt Week L. Characteristic is always found in Royal Tailored Clo sential needed to make the clothes su< not extreme Effect. A model fabri Fabric's, woolens of highest grade. Fit exclusive. Weaves of beauty and elej Come in some time this week anc body lines. The new spring patterr showing all that is new and correct, by us gives them that distinction anc sired by the well dressed men. BOYS SUI We also beg to annouce that w good "KING" Boys Suits left, which v your boys have not been fitted up, it v let US show V'OU these PXPPntinnnl \roli D. E. CLARI THE QUALITY CM The Mil The mistake in bottles or in drti scription never happens with us, partment every prescription we fill ed so there is no possibility of ?. m We do not leave out one drug we give your doctor credit for ki into a prescription better than wi well perfected to permit any bun? accuracy and perfect purity, that our prescription department. Mangum 0 The quality Store, where fair d [still Doing1 Same Old We Protect your property Don t risk your property wi times like this Wc hiiv and ?pII I AMFfc?l any more Land. Did you SAY! We have secured the Suretv of New York. Can furni for any kind of Positions at re See us about this- Dcn't leave home Pageland Ins. 3 "The hustlers" and treat I I RESIG We have resigned as weathe the duties of this position are one who has time. We are the wants of our customers attention. As the people learn of o dealings our list of customers Are you one? If not, why, CATO C01V Per J. R. C : Elegance thes. Also every other es3I1 as Fashion's snappy but c for both, young and old. ;, unquestionable. Pattern's, ?ance. I let us make a map of your is are exceptionally clever, Having your clothes made I individuality so much dcTS e still have a few of t hose ve will sell at a sacrifice. If vill pay you to come in and les. i 8k CO. 5H STORE igs used in filling a preIn our prescription de1 is checked and recheckictake. or substitute another for lowing what ought to go e do. Our system is too ding inaccurcy. Positive only properly describes irug Co. lealings has first place. BusiURs PlaGe / while you sleep, ithout fire protection There will never be ever think of this? aopnrv fr?r tKp National -O 1 sh any kind of a BOND, asonable rates. to get what you can get here c Realty Co. you-right people 1Y?;1J r prognosticator and turned over to some; too busy supplying to give the matter ur prices and square grows steadily. IPANY ato ?1?