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The Pageland Journal April 7, 1915 r \ Local News See P. A. Nicholson & Son's adv. in this issue. , Spring has come at last, it seems. It will soon be time for proniment farmers and merchants like T. B. Watts and J. J. Terry to spend most of their time in the shade. Township bond issues for "Good Roads" will give employment at "laying by time" to hundreds of Chesterfield folks who, according to their own statements, "sure do need the dough. Mr. E. S. Mangum has accepted a position with Consumer's Grocery company at Florence, S. C., and he leaves in a day or two to begin work. His family will remain here. His mother, Mrs. Catherine Mangum, who has been living in Charlotte, will mnlfP llor linmu liorn - While on his way to Kershaw in a buggy Monday, Mr. B. J. Hartman had the misfortune to get one of his legs broken when his mule became frightened and ran away, says the Jeffersonian. He was thrown from the bug gy, and in some way his foot got caught in the wheel and his leg was broken just above the ankle. Mr. J. E. Agerton, township road commissioner for Old Store township, asks us to explain to the people of this township that the road tax must be spent on the road where the tax is paid. He says that in some sections of the township nearly every man has his tax, while in other /.vsec^^^haidly any have paid. He spending the road /ioin whei^^H^noney came. If he is doiifl^mat, it's fair isn't it? The treasurer of the Pageland council of the Junior Order re ceived a check Monday for $500 for Mrs. R. E. Knight, whose husband died a few days ago, he being a member of the order. This amount comes in a good time and will be of much help to Mrs. Knight and children. Mr. Knight had been a member of the order something over three years, but he had received more from the sick benefit fund than he had paid in as dues. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Deese :r_ ^/ *# * i ? vvnu oi ivir. jonn li. Deese, of upper Lanes Creek township, died Friday night at 9:50 o'clock, after an illness with diabetes last ing about two years. She was about 61 years old, was a mem ber of Philadelphia Baptist church and a good woman. The body was buried at Philadelphia Sunday about L o'clock, Rev. E. C. Snider conducting the service. She is survived by her husband and the following child ren: miss 1 ressie Deese, of Monroe; J. B. and Frank Deese, of Ruby; G. C. Deese, of Pageland; Mrs. Henrv Jordan; Ada, William and Robert Deese, who are at home. A 6 room dwelling on Mr. E. M. Railings' farm 2 miles southeast of town which was occupied bv Mr. Minor Jordan and family was burned early yesterday morning and the building and contents is a total loss, save oKnil< inn /Inlln? ' * uuvui itu uisiihis vvoilll oi nousehold goods. The fire started in a bed room while the family was at breakfast and gained such headway before it was discovered that practically nothing was saved. There was no insurance on either building or contents. Mr. Jordan and family are hardworking people and they deserve the help' that neighbors " An infant of Mr. and Mrs. M. 1 V. Rivers, of the Hopewell J community, died Sunday and was buried at Hopewell Mon- g day, services being conducted by Rev. B. S. Funderbutg. p Mr. James Medlin, a farmer I living a mile south of town, sent to this office yesterday two eggs, a one of which weighed 3 ounces and the other 4. The two are * equal to four ordinary eggs. The same hen laid the eggs and * they were laid on successive days. ^ Jack Johnson, the negro prize fighter who has held the world ( championship, was knocked out f( in the 26th round by J ess Wil- n lard, a young Kansas cowboy, v in a fight at Habana, Cuba, Mon- * day. Every white man is glad the negro pugilist has been > downed. -j The snow recorded in these columns last week was followed ? | by another and more severe one Friday night and Saturday. 1 There was snow in the shady f places from Tuesday of last i week until Monday of this week. ^ You know it was cold, though, don't you? i Mr. C. B. Webb, national vice councillor, and C. M. Nalen, ~ state manager of the beneficiary department of the Junior order, ? will be in Pageland next Satur f day night to give public address- f es at the school auditoiium. f The public is invited to hear 1 these addresses. * One day last week a couple of ( box cars broke loose on the grade near the crossing in the c northern part of town and they 1 were on the run for Crowburk when Mr. R. L. Rodgers saw * them from his home near the track and ran and mounted one ] of them. It is downhill all the way to Crowburk and the roadbed is in poor condition. The cars would have been dumped I mio me mud somewhere clown the road, and Mr. Rodders was * taking a great risk when he mounted one and began pulling brakes. Hi? efforts, cessful and he soon troughs the ^ cars to a standstill, and thus \ saved the road many dollars. " He deserves a pass. Personals Miss Etta Ogburn is spending a week in Cheraw. Mr. R. L. Watts, of Cheraw, spent Sunday with relatives <?> here. Miss Willie Arant, of Cheraw, visited here Sunday and Monday. Mr. Robt. New, who has been running a shingle mill for Mr. J. L. Johnson near Gaston, Calhoun county, S. C. for several weeks, spent Saturday and the first of this week with his family here. Miss Annie Mae McCall returned yesterday from a visit of several days in Marlboro county. Mis. Albert Killian and chil dron nanrnnrt -- ? " t! home in Charlotte, after spend tj ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. j] Dan Little. h Miss Wilma Lingle, of Monroe, has again taken a position ? as saleslady with Mungo Bros si She will be glad to welcome In r h old customers again. F Miss Vida Mcintosh, of Gaston county, N. C., is spending a month with her sister, Mrs. Dan Little, and her brother, Mr. Fred f Mcintosh. c Mr. J. V. Thompson, is visit- v ing here. P Mr. K. II. Blakeney is spending a few days in Columbia. o i a ivir. M. 5>. Jordan who lost his tj house and contents by fire yes- k terday morning is a member of n Page camp W. O W. Mr. Jor- g dan is a hard, working, honest p man and we as woodmen should s< help him what we can. You it may leave what you will with u me and I will see that he gets it. f< ?J. VV, Quick, (jierk BUSINESS LOCALS ieed Cotton?bring your remnants of seed cotton to us and get the top. dungo Brothers .?st?Saturday night March 27th tlf Theatre or on street between Theatre nd Mr. K. II. Blakeney's one gold cresent pin. Return to Journal Office. 'or Sale or Exchange?one Ironclad 140-egg incubator, good as new. Will l*1 I or exchange for anything. T. B. Vatts, Pagcland, R 1. rVantcd?to exchange good mule for milk cow. H. B. Sowell. ]ane mill?We expect to install a large cane mill at Guess to make molasses or the public next fall. An experienced tan will do the work. Let everybody lant a patch of cane. C. b. Gulledge.i "or Sale?or exchange one brand-new one-horse Auburn iron axle wnirnn iVill exchange for fresh milk cow and >ay the difference. T.W. Gregory. Iring?the Balance of Those cotton seed that you expect to sell, as we ate. ;oing to quit buying soon. Mungo & Vll"e"- , four Buggy?requires oil; how about your wateli. Can it run night and day or years and years without a drop of oil? lave it cleaned and oiled. B.B.F.ubankst iVIten?your watch stops, bring it to the doctor. B B. Kubanks. ure Bred?White Leghorn eggs, 50c. a setting. II. B. Graves, Pagelan^, (. 2. > fVe ?will gin only 011 Satur day unt||j further notice. J. K. Agerton 8c Rro.'~\ itanding ? at my barn in Pagelaod ine Jersey bull. Fee $1.00. H. N. AsktiB Mortgages of Real Kstab , ^ides tS lea! Katatc and other legal btanks may ?e had at this office. 5et your tablets, pencils and sc hool supplies at Mangum Drug Co. Iring?your chickens and eggs to D. ft:' Clark 8c Co. They will buy in anjd [uant ty. . llghest?market price for cattle at any and all seasons. Also all the veals L an get. Phone no. 15, Pagcland^ Exchange. H. B Graves. 9-j VI. M. JOHNSON' ATTORNEY AT LAW Will be in Pageland Wednesday Thursday and Friday of each week. A Full Line )f Slock Powders I.inimontc anrl Veterinary ?vledicines kept on land at all times. Calls answered day qr night for the cash. i Watte and GravS Veterinary surgeons Pageland, S. C The Market is under fresh management, but the meats we are serving are much fresher. H i am glad to be back in charge of your fresh meat V supply again, and I ask thr i patronage of all my old cus-. t tomers and all the new ones in reach. * Charlie will still be on hand to cut the meat to suit you. R. E. Richardson Dorothy was visiting her randaughtet in the country for lie first time. Seeing a quanity of feathers scattered about lie henyard, she shook her ead in disapproval. "Grandpa," she told him, ravelv, "you really ought to do omething to keep your chickens rom wearing out so."?San ranci co Star. "Beneath His Position" Secretary Kedfield of the Jnited States department of ommerce, in reply to a man /ho complained that he was squired to do work beneath his osition, wrote as follows: "I do not know what the kind f work can he which is beneath ny inon's position. 1 think lort' i?i iui /.f tuViI/ili I - ~ ~ ..w ?* Wl u UI11CI1 1 now or have heard that is beeath my dignity to do, and I am lad to say that I have done the lainest and hardest, and what is :>metimes mistakenly called the tost menial work and am rcadv ) do it again if there is oceasi<a| 1 Notice of Electionj Bv virturc of Act of the I 'General Assembly approved 5ih i of, March, 1915, the Countyj Bbard of Commissioners -of' Chesterfield county are required KXahd do hereby call an election ; to be held 011 4th of May, 1915 j fofthe purpose of determining; the? question of whether the townships hereafter named shall issue bonds for permanent road improvement and maintenance as {follows: ?tDtoera\v Township not to exceed in bonds $40,000.00 Cole Mill Township not to ex' ceed in bonds $20,000.00 Steer Pen Township not to ex*0-. ceed in bonds $23,000.00 .'Croatian Township not toj vbyyexceed in bonds $30,000.00 'A,1Court House Township not to l ( exceed in bonds $40,000.00 Old Store Township not to ext!!ced in bonds $35,000.00 A -'J 1- - t 1 . t .\au cacn 01 sain lownsnips are to vote separately on said amounts respectively and each to,determine the question of the issue of bonds for the amounts above set forth and said bonds, 4?js{5ped shall be printcd'coupon to run for a period ol1 nt^e^ty five (25) years from date SppiSsue and to bear a rate of in Kee^hot to exceed 6 per cent I fiter amnum, payable annually | njWd the proceeds of said bonds j Wuill be used exclusively tor fold improvement and maintenance in the township voting Bunder the law at the same fftoe . said election is held the electors of each township above named must elect a Hoard of Ptjblic Works consisting of three electors of such townships who sljpl' attend to the issus of the bonds for such township, if the majority of the votes be "For B<)pds" and to discharge such other duties as required by law. ^t the election herein called ^jqualified electors shall be enaXed to vote at their respective hd^^WQ^^^are appointW IBmanager^^ conduct saiu ewfction and tickets, boxes, and instructions can be procured at tlhe office of County Supervisor: I Cheraw: I. S. Huntley, G. A. Nlalloy, T. M. Knight. Brock's Mill: A. F. Parker, F ed Miller, Joel Brock. Grant's Mill: W.T. McBride, Robert Gardner,R. Parker. ^Cat Pond: J. W. Ruthven, iBft. Sumner, J. W. Winburn. ^Bethel: J. R. Burn, D. S. jHtheson, P. E. Tracey. k?ratrick: J. C. Baker, W. F. \?irtburn, J. E. Williams. xjpGdom's Mill: W. J. Davidson, S?W. Winburn, Mike Watson. ^Douglass Mill: T. H. Douglass, A. A. Douglass and J. R. cumuii. ./fCourt House: C. II. Rivers, Al W. Hursey, II. I. Sellers. jJSnow llill: J. W. Parker, J. Carroll Davis, W. B. Duncan. JBftTxford: D. G. Griggs. P. A. (jjulledgc, U. N. Pittman. Ruby: J. S. McGregor, las. F Crawley, R. D. McCreight. Hfa|. Croghan: J. O. Taylor, J. HKivers, II. A.Jackson. .Cross Roads: Guilford G'ulletl^e, D. A. T. Douglass, V. B. Waddill. Pageland: S. II. Laney, J. A.; ^irner, II. B. Sowed. ; Win/.o: II- F. Evans, L. J. Rivers, 11. Z. Outen. Plains: G. W. Ilinson, G. W. McManus. ] Jones, T. D. Ff^^^Wnv, S. A. Funderburk. Polls will open at 8 a. m. and close at 4 p. m. The law and 1 rules of the General election.ap pto to this election. jH. F. KING, County Super .fcSANDtilS TYLKK H VjATSON, County Corns. Per?Brother, it pained tly to see von come out on the other night, ioner?Me, too, hut it ^ } i Springtim Our saleslady will now be pi line of spring dress goods, whi Elite Silk, Chimosa Silk, Sil Siena JSilk, Modesta Silk Stri Mercerized Ratine, Chiffon, Corduroy, Galatea, Ginghams, shades and patterns. Look o^ Yes, the price i MINGO BRi i ii mi wi?? ??i !Makc An ( to yourself in the shape of - an account at the Bank of | I Ii Pageland Then vou'll not IJJ* have to worry about the IIB9 safety of your money. If you haven't very much to worry about, all the more reason why you should make sure of its safety. So start with what you have and sleep easy hereafter. The Bank Gf PAGELAND, I I INIpw ?nrim I-?iivii? my* We have now a beautifull lir childrens spring hats. Also a n towear hats. See our ready made dresses line of men's and boy's suits, times. See or nything in tl line. Remember we will not our goods and get our price 1 Yours For Busint I Pageland M | Compa Nothing More Charged C< We will be glad to do your Che! Dressing and to grind your vent corn, but we keep no more 1915 books. Bring along the pleai money with your work. need All work guaranteed. atter Fox Lumber Co. hrsl H. A. CARPENTER, Mgr. e Again leased to show you our ch includes: k Taconnee, Shetrsilk, pe, Mandalay Tissue, White Linen, White Percales, all in new irer these goods. is right OTHERS ?Offering Pageland [ S. C. 1 tgl mens, _r , T^Hl -----at $1.00 each. New At prices to suit the I ie general Mercantile be undersold. See s before buying. iSS. ercantile iny =k Notice of Court I )urt of Common Pleas for iterfield County will con^ on Mondayv April 12th, . Jurors and witnesses will se take notice. Grand Jurors I not attend. No Jurors to ?rt until Woflnocdn- r>( tVw? T f V-VJ I1VUV11IJ 1/1 liiv< ? week. I. P. Mangum, Clerk of Court, I 1