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SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE Illustrated 320 Pages. Tells all about- sex mattefs what young men and women, young wives and husbands and all others need to know about the sacred laws that govern the sex forces. Plain "truths of sex life in relation to happiness in marriage. "Secrets" of manhood and womanhood; sexual abuses, social evil, diseases, etc. The latest, most advanced and comprehensive work that has ever been issued on sexual hygiene. Priceless instruction for those who are ready for the true inner teaching. This book tells nurses teachers, doctors, lawyers, preachers, social workers, Sunday School teachers and all others, young and old, what all needs to know about sex matters^ By Winfield Scott Hall, Ph. D., M. D. (Leipzig). Newspaper Comments: "Sripntifirallv rnrrprt "?f?hi. cago Tribune. "Accurate and up-to-date.*?Philadelphia Press. "Standard book of knowledge." Philadelphia Ledger. The New York World says: "Plain truths for those who need or aught to know them for the prevention of evilsUnder plain wrapper for only $1 .00. Coin or Money Order postage ten cents extra. Miami Publishing Co. Davton, Ohio. Romantic. Tit Bits. "But, Helen, how did you make the acquaintance of your second husband." i was quit reiiianuc. i was out walking with mv firrt, when my second husband came along in a motor and ran him down. That was the beginning of our friendship." I | i' ' I The neper view proupa oi big etomw oat dean at one tit dirt off the roots Atuj tered into kindling v fliima time the anbai . II || broken np, creating I || (or the new crop. I || shows a celery croj I || per acre ten months 1 || were blasted oat. j !j To learn how progr I H are using dvnainite | n stumps and bonldera, I || coltiTatingfnxlt trees j U barren soil, ditching, J I carating, and road-i | Ask for B 1 '' v * . PREMIER "NON-PUNCTURE" AUTO 1 TIRES Guaranteed 7,500 Miles * Service. ' These tires bear the greatest * know mileage guarantee, yet are sold at a price even less 1 than tires of ordinary guarantee. 1 This guarantee covers punctures blow-outs and general wear. Guarantee covers 7,500 miles service against everything ex- ! cept abuse. These tires are in- ' tended for most severe service. Orders h.' ve been received for 1 these tires for use in the United States Government Service. 1 As a Special Introductory offer, we will allow the following prices for the next ten days. TIRES-TUBES Tire Tube 28x3 $9.20 $2.00 30x3 10.25 2.30 *irv?i 11 i nA jy'Ao V-L IO.DU ~ Z.OU 32x31-2 14.05 3.00 34x3 1-2 15.25 3.20 31x4 17.00 3.25 32x4 * 18.00 3.30 33x4 19.50 3.40 34x4 20.40 3.60 30x4 21.00 3.80 36x4 22.00 3.90 35x4 1-2 26.00 - 5.00 36x4 1 2 27.00 5.10 37x4 1-2 27.50 5.15 37x5 32.60 5.40 All other sizes. Non Skids 20 per cent extra. 5 per cent, discount if payment in full accom : i 1 x " pumes uiut'i aim ii iwo are so ordered, shipping charges will l-e paid by us. C. O. D. on 15 per cent of amount of order. Our output is limited, so we suggest early ordering. We sell < direct only, giving purchaser ' the advantage of all middlemen's profijs. Strongtread Rubber Co. 1 Dayton, Ohio. IT 1 uaruw . Ranges II V J\\ We invite yo May f to see our Soul Bend Mallab llgppi Ranges and g a Cook Bookirc The price of tl LEAR Ranges are $ AND including Coo ing Utensils. idCross Base Ball rnamite Goods hows how A full line a"*w'ih*nli Reach's Ba SSTmS Ball Goods. is thoroughly a fine home sure to get yoi Lower view _ > worth $800 from us. after stomps Galvanized r? for removing fng aild Eur? ? planting and " , regenerating 2-ply Rubl ~ Roof lug. ooftdei ? ' Automobile I Supplies a Specia The Above 1 *agcl. - . 7* . v.5. j- . . * * ? A railroad engineer (was coasting about the speed on his 17 ingine. . ' A K "Why," he said, "once when I l| lad a new fireman with me on li un 32, he asked me in a surpriffl^ I j vay if that wasn't a rather long ence beside the line. I 1 "White fence!" says I, wiih A J oar of laughter. 'That's fno 1 .vhite fenceMhat^milestone*.,'' "This is the first time 'you * have been io prayer meeting in 1 a long time," said the pastor of a J colored congregation. | "1 had to come," replied Eras- J tus "I needs strength'nin'. 1 I's got a job whitewashin' a J chicken coop an' buildin'a fence ] around a watermelon patch." J Notice To Cattle Owners: Anyone having cattle under quarantine i and wishing to move same should applv to me for permits to ivoid ^ trouble. Geo. A. Plexico, Cattle Inspector Chesterfield Co. , g FOR YOUR DEN g L ucauiuui couege fennants" | Yale and Harvard, each 9 in. x 24in. r Princeton, Cornell, Michigan ] Each 7 in. x 21 in. * All best quality felt with felt heading, streamers, letters and ' mascot executed in proper colors. This splendid assort- : ment sent postpaid for 50 cents and 5 stamps to pay postage. c Send now. Howard Specialty Co. Dayton, Ohio. , MONEY IN IDEAS Bell, Howe, Singer, and other millionaire Inventors began life as poor boys. Fortunes await other inventors. Can YOU think of something to patent? America's greatest f inventor tells HOW TO INVENT in a booklet sent to you faye by COPP & CO., Patent Attorneys, 745 8th-St., Washington, D. C. IfirBe sure $o name this newspaper in your letter. Aik Editor about cost oi Patent . 4are foi 50# ?????? ho ART? vnil SN T? rvivij i vu mi j_i 65 j^_ If you are, why not enlis greatest wars the South has e The enemy is the coir .creature known* whose filth tween out-houses, stables, sic I he deposits germs gathered fi disease than all other causes ise The best lime to begin tl ed now equals millions destr irs The best weapons to be screen windows, doors, galvanized screen wire. >ka Many people are now bi jer % back porches. If you will nrk?;^o ttmt this hack oorch il summer months, for it not < and other insects as well, ai Hy better to rest than this screei Named Goods May and F t - *i _ f i r *vcv IMR. B1 (| READ THE if ' !| Those who apprt !' appreciate our pi IB ing apparel. B g Men's Best Work Shirts j Chambrey, only 91-2 < !| checks at 5c per yard. 1 homespun at 7 1-2 c. per ; j'j' 1400 * yards .Riverside; j X kinds of straw hats^lor i 1,1. thing for summer. Shot jj | from the stout work sho prices that cannot be ma UWe are offering readyyou can buy it anywhere 11 great saving to you to se cv to reduce our stock of cl 11 There is about 75 men's s 1 A See our line of new dret S I] nas at 90c each while the: sale prices. || The best in all 1 ij ill 'ninn mm | rniiCLAiw ft ^WWWWWWWP r the Ft ? ' > /*- Cv. :i**U |: j *525555* NEMY TO DISEASE? t with many others in one of the ver fought. imon house fly, the most indecent y habits in visiting back and forth bek-rooms etc., and your tables, where roni these 'filthy places, cause more combined; tie fight is NOW, for one fly destroy- | oyed in July. had are at your service. These are fly traps, fly killers black and uying this wire to screen their entire visit a house so screened you will 3 the family living room during the onlv keeps out flies but mosquitoes id after a hard days work no place is ned back~porch. bt' had at Very Reaso lardw [ DYER:- I I PRICES BELOW: | | ;ciate real bargains will If I ices on all kinds of wear- jj| I at only 40c each. 1,000 yards of best 1*| 1 ;ents per yard. 2,000 yards apron M ffl 1,000 yards 36-fnch white Northern || I yards. ' || I plaids; at 7 1-2 cents per yards. All V| I nen, women, and children, the very ^ I >s for every member of the family, I e to the finest j patent leather and at || I I itched. || made clothing 25 per cent lower than . If you need a suit it will mean a J.! e our line'before you buy. We intend If I lothing, hence, our reduced prices. I iuits and a[lot[of odd pants in this lot. )| 1 ss goods and laces. Lot of nice Kimoi"i i V last. Childrens [ dresses at whole- 1 |j ? 1 iinds millinery at all times. 1,1 MERCANTILE CO. | ^ i irtners Paint II The best season yV JL _ j ? al the year far ? painting. It will 18 pay you to talk ^vlLL^' j 8 it over with us. i I Lewis & Carter's | pure white lead, I I Hammocks i A nice line oi hammocks rang- 1^ 1~~P^ ing in price from $1.25 to $6.00 Pff Ie' f^lpy Sash '& Doors y " ^J\ The season tor ! ,, _ _ _ New Perfection blue blaze Flower Pots and oi, stoyes We have them Jardinier. with four burners. nable Prices at I -?? art ||