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The Pageland Journ, Published Wednesday Mornint C. M- Tucker, Proprietor > 1 f ' Subscription Price - - $1.( Entered as second class ma matter at the Dost otfice at Paai land, S. C., under Postal A< of March 3,1879. March 17. 1915 Sections of road where tl1 draff or scrape is used are s much better than the sectioi tirViorn nlniir r??t/4 cVi o m pivn aiivi ouuvxid ill used that it is strange that e the roads are not scraped. Tt\ men and six mules can do moi work in a day than a mule ar twelve men can do in thr< ' days. m ? The prohibition law whic went into effect last Friday cu a man's allowance rather lot but it's worse across the lin lust a quart every 15 days is th maximum amount one can hat shipped into old North Ca'lin; So if you think a gallon is bi nine, rememDer 11 coukt t worse. Every child is entitled to common school education. B cause the father or mother unlearned is no reason why tl boy or girl should be thrust o into the world with no prepar Jto A i f f ?*-? 111 i 1.1V 11 IV! HO U11 llV/Ulll^O* Vylliupi sory school attendance guara tees to every normal child chance to prepare for life's wor Any district in the state mj have the benefits of fhis la' and the sooner action is tak< the easier will be the fight. + ^ ? J- ^1 1 "T.i ? r * * i ms is me i/in oay 01 marc 1915, and you would be interei ed to know perhaps that on about one-third of the taxes Chesterfield county for last ye have been paid. A few hone . souls paid back in Octobe k_ November and. December^ b most of the ll CHURCH NOTES METHODIST EPISCOPAL IS ? J. A. McGraw, pastor On next Sunday at 4 o'clock ^ ? we will fill our regular appoint- S H) ment at Pageland and our sub f ject will be "The child's right to ? HI ,_i _ C I i! II - J me suuuiiicui ui uaptisin or why we practice "infant bap- ? tism. - We will be at Zion next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. ^ BAPTIST, J. M. Sullivan. Pastor. J [c Some church members rather g take their money to hell with v them than repent of their sins, ^ ^ and spend it in obedience to the great command of our Saviour, fl Theonlw money we" will have ? ^ in Heaven will be the few dol- ^ lars we have invested in the N Lord's ca ise here on earth. And ~ the money we will have in the lost world will be the amount we have spent in oui pleasure *s while here in this present world. Vlflnv r "liripd.ino 4.-*.Mii? uv/ vimivu v. ih lOlldllO e* prove by their actions that they ,e love the "Almighty" dollar betrc ter than they love God or His Y- church. Llt One of the crying needs of to>e day, is a "Revival of Bible Study." It would solve man}' ol the difficult problems in our a work. Somebody said that the e- Motto Text in last Sunday's les is son was in the New Testament. ie We hope to have some good at speeches on the 2nd Sunday in a- April by visiting brethern. Peril haps we will have llie following: n- Rev. B. S. Funderburg, Brethem a C. H. aud Kirbv Rivers, T. W. k. Eddins and others. *y Fairly good congregations at w, Pageland and Liberty Hill last in Sunday. We hope that our new . work at Liberty Hill is coming along nicely. In fact, we are h, delighted with the outlpok. st- Hurry up and renew, to The lv C^niirinr in A deacon without his ch irch ar paper makes almost as good ist officers the pastor without his ir, bible. ') ut Next Saturday, Center Grove m S?*fa.v. ciemornrm Mrs. Rockefeller EN&HH Pocantico . ,<jfl New York, March 12.H ohn D. Rockefeller died flg 'clock this forenoon IB lockefeller country h<Jl 'ocantico Hills, just oui|H Pnrrvtnwn Hor AantYi tlH . ?- - j WW *.? A AVI UVCIlil xpectcd, although she h^B II for some time. ^ Her husband and her s^H t Ormond, Fla., and wereB d early today that tier coin vas worse. Mr. Rockefe?B lis son immediately ennp peciaFtrain which left |SEI 'ille this morning and ^9| lere some time tomorroAgw Mrs. E. Parmalee Ptfajj drs. Rockefeller's daught^H drs. Rockefellr's sister^??!? vucy Spelman, were withi vlien sne died. ^ Bid May be eatefr in the week if thjipf store for we ca^i& come and see tli6^ I hen use your gdm If we satjf why not ii| CAROLIP& uuq . We insist tl Quarts a Month * Journal HRSic new anti-shipping law B Ibh is published in full in this BjffifltMBp of The Journal, goes intc ^Bwt the first of next month HmjHhile it was not all that the pro gBcBption PeoP^e asked for, it is ? 99KHM??mv Roou law. it stops al SSElMng in drug stores or other The Union county deposi is abolished along with all BjEB^Kr like means of selling nov 9 gorce. There will be no mon lp"ip." as doctors will hav< W^gMtthing to issue prescriptions on j?K?lSvill permit officers to breal blind tigers where thev *.visl ?9?. The only way that a mat |npi get liquor after the first o month is to order it at tin of not more than a quart a fee time and only one quar ||3Bthin fifteen days. Errs Ip breakfast six days ^purchased from this you in prices. Just money in this, \ other lines? B * pPPLY CO. potto IHpery transaction i i 11 11 Missed ! Our weather prediction for F 1 \Y/_ L v.icunauic. w c iniiiK, nowever - have some rough weather, and t [ the goods we have been telling can't be absolutelv sure what the \ but we do know that we are se f merchandise at prices you can af! t Compare our prices with others, know. CATO COMF Per J. R. Cat SOOOOOCCOQOS SOSO! | Just Rec< X Nicest line toilet and stati o ? eluding Rook cards, Mary ( Q and powders. Also nice line A i i - * * IX dy just received including pui ? children?Iresh by express X Whn you need anything in X ot us. We carry a complete stoc o S PonolonH AI uytiuuu ui j^H^jfiCgOSSOOO It I ebruary was not , that we will still hat you will need you about. We weather will be, filing all kinds of ford to pay. for then you will j 'ANY > jived ? onery articles, in- V Jardens perfumes 0 \ Nunnally s can- h 0 re candies lor the a 1 JJ the drug line think H Bfl Co.h