The Pageland journal. [volume] (Pageland, S.C.) 1911-1978, November 11, 1914, Image 7
The Pageiand Journal
Novembe^ 11,1914
* '
Local News
The third anual fair is in progress
at Chesterfield this week.
The hunting season opens uu
in this state November lbtli.
More grain is being sown this
year than ever before. Next
tall the people will be giau
cotton was low this year.
Mr. A. F. Funderburk lias been
elected inanagei ot Fageland Insurance
and Realty Company to
succeed Mr. 11. N. Askins, who
receiitlykpurchased an interest 111
Carolina Supply company.
One oi the traders asks us to
say that they want to make next
Saturday the best trade day yet
in the lot near i myall's shop.
iou arc asked lo bung anything
you have to traue 01 bell.
Mr. (J. M. tjregory lias resigned
ins position as policeman
nere and has accepted a similai
position at a iar^er salary ai
Kershaw, to which place he
moved his lamil> last week. Mr.
J. H. \VIntniore lias been appointed
policeman here.
i he rural carneis have been
.given another small raise 111
saiary wlieie the wcigtit ana
uuniber oi pieces ol mail justii.)
such action, darnel on rvuute
one was raised lroin to
$1,110; Koule l\*o rioni cm, 100 n>
^>1,112; Route three lronr Oouu to
StlNd i . . .... IJ
ifvw WUilivi Wll IXUUIL" U11U
iloiil Monroe was laiseu lioin
lo 5>i,ZUU.
hire destroyed the residence oi
Mr. liud Williams in liuiora
township last i'liuay morning,
together with all Hie household
goods, a collon House, a bale oi
seed collon anu several bushels
ot collon seed. There was no
insurance. ihe lire started
overhead in a small bedroom
hulli lo the house, and 11 is supposed
that rais and matches
started the blaze.
The second attraction ot the
lyceuin couise will he given in
the school auditorium Weciies
day night, November. l&tli.
Those who atlendcu the lust
entertainment 111 October
remember the splendid attraction
given by the Pollers, and the
second promises to be even
better. 1 his one will be by Mrs.
(Jhilton, ol Oklahoma, and those
who attend will not regtel it.
Remember the date is Novem
ber 18th.
Mr. W. L. AJarze caught a
bluish, red-eyed bird last week
and brought it to town lor the
lolks to gaze at. Mr. (J. .
Porter, Jr. bought the bird and
carried it home. It was smallei
limn a crow, had a short tail,
white beak, red eyes and geen
teet, with nairow webbs 011 the
toes, Some said it was a raven,
others a coot and still others liau
never seen anything like it.
Alter looking at the bird and the
New International we call it a
coot. Mr. I. 1\ Simpson says
Mr. Joe Dent by caught the same
bird and kept it about a week
and turned it loose.
Mr. Levy Sowell, an aged citizen
of Jefferson, was cut about
the throat with a butcher knife
in the hands of Pleas Henry,
a tenant on Mr. Sowell's farm I
21 2 miles from \o... I
_ W.x JVIH i.HMI, i*lUir
da> morning. Mr So well claims
thai Henry had made way with
some cotton made on his place,
and when he vvfcnt to his place
Monday words were passed and
Henry attacked him with the
knife he was butchering a hog
w ith, and inflicted a very dangerous
wound about the collar
bone. He was arrested and
lodged in jail to await the outcome
of Mr. Sowell's wounds.
Mr. Sowell has been in a very
critical condition, but it is !><
lieved that he will recover if no
futher complications arise.
vj ^'
The county chain gang has
been moved from the lower part
of the county to the Jefferson
road about half way from Jefferson
to .Mr. R. H. Garland's
where work has begun. The
two miles hack to Jefferson will
be worked first, after which the
gang will work toward Pageland.
Supervisor King proposes
to put this road in good shape
before the gang is moved away.
This rs one of the main roads of
the countv and it is in very bad
condition. We are glad to see
. <
work begin on this stretch of
Mr. T. A. Funderburk came
up to Pngeland a few weeks ago ,
and returned to Choraw in the (
afternoon. 1 he train was de- j
laved here and he had a 30-rhinutes
wait at the station. The
Cheraw Chtonicle said he was
in such a hurry to get hack i
where there was something
going on that he went to the
station ahead of time. Last
week Mr. Funderburk came up
again to transact a little business
requiring an hour or two, and
he ju st stayed right on until he
had to go home, and then he
looked like he had rather take a
whipping than go back. The
boom in Gheraw's business must
have pasi again. J
Personals 1
Mrs. J. F. Crosswell has been <
visiting relatives at Cassatts, S. C. 5
for several days.
Mr. B. C. Oghnrn returned to
Cheraw Monday, after spending
a few days here.
Mrs. Jack Kidd, of Monroe, ]
spent Thursday with her sister. <
Mrs. T. W. Gregory. I
Mr. l-armiit Gulledge of Flor- 1
ence, spent Saturday and Sunday
with relatives here. 1
Mr. R. C. Funderburk and
Miss Fannie Nash, of Monroe,
visied at the home of Mr. A. \Y.
Funderburk Sunday.
Mrs. D. A. Simpson, of Colum- (
tAWht ;a -rwrrrfr-.V..v: r
? .-j. uv * VIUI uaj 3
with relatives here.
Miss Annie Mae McCall, who
has been in Columbia for several
months, is at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. McColl,
to spend some time.
Russians Pushing Forward
London, Nov. 7.?9:20 p. m.?
Kxcept for the fall of Tsing-Tau
the most significant reports from i
any of the battle fronts today? (
and the most welcome to the
Allies?is that the Russians,
besides driving the Austrians
back in Galieia, have reached
the W'arthe River in Russian '
Poland and have established 1
themselves on the Last Prussian <
A Berlin official reports says
some Russian cavalry crossed
the Warthe but were driven
back. lo this the Russian
report adds that the town of
Wart a on the Warthe River in
Roland lias been occupied and .
that a German column has proceeded
westward near the
Silesian frontier.
The Russians too. are responsible
for the report thn they have
defeated the Get nans near
Mlawa, in Roland, ju*>t across
the Ivasl Prussian boundry and
at Lyck, in Mast Prussia.
Millitnrv observers here say
the Russians have followed the
retiring Germans at a much
faster pace than was anticipated
and that it the\ are in force they
may prevent the Germans from
takine no th??ir now ?
the Warlho and compel them to
<all buck to the Silesian bonier.
Maine?Mv steady blew me
off ti i supper at a reg'lar rest*rant
last ni??ht.
May? Say, tliey tell me lie's
real refined.
Mame?'s what! When he
poured hiscoffcc out in issanccrj
ter cool it, lu* didn't blow it like!
some uys would, but just fiinii-1 _
cd it wid is pnivam-.t. | '
Methodist Protestant . .. I
By. J no. W. Quick, Pastor
Our fourth and last quarterly
conference for the conference
year will be held with Rose Hill
church next Friday afternoon at
'1 o'clock. It is very important
that all official, members be
present, "It's your duty."
We leave next Tuesday morning
for Asheville, the seat of our
annual conference. We would
be glad to go before the conference
with a clean sheet, all
claims paid. ^e are known by
our fruits.
Our appointment for next Sun-J
tlay will be at Rose Ilili at 11
o'clock. This will be our last
appointment for the yoar.
Have I made it pleasant for
veil? p !
Have you made it pleasaet for
Have I done my duty?
Have you done your duty?
Can 1 say well done?
Can you say well done?
Will God say well done?
"What lack I yet," Matt. 19:20.
Methodist Episcopal
Rev. J. A. McGraw, Pastor
Rev. \V. A. Massebenu will
preach in the Methodist church
Thursday evening at 7:15
j'clock. The fourth quarterly
conference for the Pageland
circuit will he held Thursday
jhout 12 o'clock in the Pageland
Methodist church.
Cheraw Chronicle
The trouble at the McDonald
house last Saturday night turned
out to be only a little drunken
fight. It was at tirst thought a
murder had been committed.
Arrests were made and the sus
pected parties were taken to jail.
Sunday morning the supposed
corpse came back to the boarding
David E., for Instance
[jaffnev Lodvor
Why is it tlrat after a Ion*?
lank Democrat stays in Washington
for a few* years lie begins
to look like stall fed cattle or the
moon when it is full?
"There's only wan thing Oi
liov against liquor."
"An' phwat's that, O'Brien."
"Sluire, il 1 din ink beer Oi get
full before Oi'm dhrunk, an' if
Oi dhrink whiskey Oi get
ihrunk before Oi'm full."?Ex.
Notice of Election
Notice is hereby given that an
election will be held in the town
of Tageland on Wednesday l)e
ivmber 30, 1914 to elect an inten
[lant and four wardens to serve
during: the ensuing: year of 1915.
R. L. McManus, Intendant.
C. M. Tucker, Clerk.
()ctober 26, 1914.
Old Mr. Sunflower
thrusts his head nigh
above the garden fence
and proclaims himself
king over all the little bugs
and small potatoes down below.
In strength and vigor he
overtops all his associates even as
trIjad TIRES If
are head and shoulders ![{(
above other tires when it
comes to lording it over jo; i
skids and short mileage. Jin
h i ,
Oxx/rx h gii<es you the best lire oiy i j
(ioodruh gives you the bi'sl price r&l t/j
Che Pagelanri Garage
<r * ?
I?Tou ?wish to rent a 2-horse farm or
work it on shares, see J. 1.. Griggs,
Pageland, Route 1. * 9 3 p
Shingles lor Sale?we have big supply
of No. 2 shingles. Will sell at a '
| very low price. Pagvland Hardware Co.
Your?watch needs cleaning. Why
not have it done? B. B. Kubanks
For Sale---for cash good sound corn
from the heap as it is shucked. Mrs
M A. V. Funderburk.
Now?is the time to let us sell you a lard
stand cheap i ageland Hardware Co.
Rooting lor Sale?we have just re
ceived a big stock of Galvanized and
Rubber Roofing. Our prices are low.
Pageland Hardware Co.
Sausage Mills?at reasonable prices
at Pageland Hardware Co.
Wanted?Salesmen and collector to
work Pageland and Jefferson. Experience
unnessary. Good contract. Party
must furnish horse and wagon. Address
Singer Sewing Machine Co. Uennettsville,
S. C.
For Rent 2-horse farm one mile northeast
of Pageland, sand and clay soil,
goad buildings. See Kufus Clark, or J.
W. Clark at Marshville.
1 have?closed out my business, and
will appreciate a prompt settlement by
those who owe me. 1 helped you. Now
it is time for you to help me. Mr. T. Ik
Watts will give you a receipt for any
money you pay him for me when 1 am
away, but 1 can usually he found about
the same stand. S. II. Lancy.
tor Rent?large two-story painted
dwelling on Maple street. Possession
given December 1st Fred Florton.
W. A Walls- -is now prepared to saw
your wood or thresh your peas. His
prices are right, but his machine refuses
to work on credit. Sec him, if you want
your work done at once
We?have just received a new line of
post cards. They are beauties. Mangum
Drug Co.
Hirjtiest market price for cotton
eed. Our scales are hack of Mungo's
store. Mungo Uros. & Walters.
I hereby forbid anyone hiring or harboring
or giving aid in any way to any of
my three boys, Esa^Pjujidand Willie
J u l i
M For
lir *
Vj Realizing the \o\
:' depression we ha
II.SJ La(l les ong blac
11 Bin lot worth $<
Lot ol ladies coal
I 'w nice coats
5] Lot o( hoys overo
IJ Mens overcoats a
embraces everyth
| W9. as is made
IIAI hoys suits and pa
IjjV struck deep with
tjjj You will find ev(
Iji d?e limit. We ii
jH (ail to interest yo
51 and will not \\
gV guarantee satislac
v v?< /?
! The Only Reallj
is the one with something
laid up for a rainy day.
The pair without a doilar
ahead must alway worry.
At The Bank of Pageland
a husband and wife can
start a ioint account upon
which either can draw.
Why not start one now and
lessen your worry with
I every new deposit.
The Bank <
Wanted within ten days 100 head of
cattle in any condition; price depends
upon condition of cattle. W. F. Phillips.
II rough lumber at 80 cents per hundred
is what you want, see J. A.
Red Rust Proof Seed Oats at Mungo
Try---a Bottle of Liver Lax, one of the
best Laxatives there is on the market,
it acts on the/.iver. Mangum Drug Co.
Highest?market price for cattle at any
and all seasons. Also all the veals I
can get. Phone no. 15, Pageland
Exchange. II. B Graves. 9-p
We will grind your corn on Saturdays.
Miller & Hinson, Plains. 20tf
Bring?your Chickens and F.ggs to D.
E Clark & Co.
Cold weather is coming and you had
better let me supply you with wood
now Cord wood $1.25 per cord; short
lengths $1.35 per cord. J. A. Laney.
Our?laundry work is giving general
satisfaction. Let us have yours next
Monday. Mangnm Drug Store.
! Pollock & Pegues
IWiilding - Cheraw, S. C.
Lmber of firm will be in
The Fall Tr
n price ol cotton and the
ve made the following re(
k coats worth $7.50 redi
5.00 reduced to $3.00.
Is and jackets 75 c up.
uits at cost.
oafs at $2.00 each.
11 greatly reduced in price.
ing from the little baby
We have the largest 1
mts ever sbown in Pagelai
the price cutting knile.
iry item ol our immense ;
nvite you to inspect our
11 . . i
u we win not taKe up me
link hard of you in tl
Come to see us
' Happy Couple
of Pageland I
*D, S. C.
j Dr. R. L. McManus
Pageland, S. C.
Will be at Jefferson on W ednesday
and a! Ruby Tlmrsdav
Mt. Croghan l rida\ of eaeh
week, remainder of time at Rajje
land. Oftiee in rear of loseph's
new Store, Rayeianu. S. C
\N" ill t?e in t'n^uiaml VWiJiu-mI.iv,
Thursday and Friday <>; 1H1 w.-? k
Stop Talking
Talk Business
C av'
general financial |V
luctions: 11
reed to $5.00. 11
Our shoe lint If
m An/?noi i-* S ^ .1 < A\
lUUttddlll III .1^ ??
ine of mens and M
nd. These were M
stock reduced to Yf
I V ' J
stock and if vvc
ich ol your lime M
. . ii
le least. W< [V
v #
nvv wi rw
ULt, (o. [{ ;