The Pageland Journal Published Wednesday Mornings C. M. Tucker, Proprietor Subscription Price - - $1.00 '' r Entered as second-class mail 1 matter at the post office at Page- ] land, S. C., under the Postal Act ' of March 3, 1879. s May 27, 1914 - i Suppose we agreed with some 1 folks in their opinion of us? The installation of a self-kicking ma 1 chine would be a cr> ing need, ; says an exchange. I m . If we believed that Chesterfield is half as good a place to live as the Advertiser has pictured it in the last several issues we would move there and try to 1 persuade everybody else to go 1 with us. 11 j Theodore Roosevelt, who was defeated for president in the last election and who has been on an extended expedition in South America, is back home prepar- j l ing to go the length and breadth i of the country on a hot air camI paign in the interest of the Pro ^ gressive party. The big news ] papers are putting him on the front page again. The Monroe Journal still refers ] to our county seat as "Chesterfield courthouse," notwithstand t ing the fact that the Chesterfield } Advertiser is using nearty two , columns a week in telling what , a great town it is. Make it thrpp i columns, Marsh, and compel , them to recognize your town as __ something more than a place to hold court. ^ The Chesterfield Advertiser < thinks that President Wilson is Hone of the strongest men ever pro 1 ^BHced by any nation but thinks ] ^^^BLmade a mistake when h^re- j sonsfortm^^^^^^^^|Pi^Rr ^ resents the uN^^JH^ffement in * W Mexico and tha^^ie sent three i B strong men tov the mediation i conference in Canada but in the I 'same breath acknowledges that I T T vi or to r?n m o intA nrktiror KirmiAo r vjy SUtationable methods. The Advertiser says, "nevertheless there was the j form of an election and on the 1 ^ face of the returns he had a small 1 majority for the Presidency." 1 What better reason did our president need to refuse to recog- i nize Kuerta as the rightful ruler of Mexico? i The coupty commissioners are coming in for a big share of criticism because they bought S^bile for the county . The supervisor relit hundred dollars a i no allowance for The law says lie ote his entire time to and his work requires eling over the county, urn requires that he e kind of conveyance Here-to-fore he has n his own buggv, and consider the fast age we live, this is coming [her slow. The coms believe that he will | d to do so much more t the purchase price will y well spent. A Ford is what tht? r>r*iir?t*r nnJ/t r.? vwumj j/mu for at the regular price of five hundred and forty-seven dollars. To this Mr. King added the necessary fifty dollars and bought the four passenger model. Mr. King furnishes his own gasIoline, oil and repairs, and at the expiration of his term surrenders the car to his successor. The machine belongs to the county and not to Mr. King. Many other counties provide automobilW for the supervisors, Darlington and Florence being ^^^ntkis number. / CHURCH NOTES Baptist J. M. Sullivan. Pastor. There are rtiany things for which we are grateful, but imong other things we are hankful that we were permitted to attend the great Southern Baptist Convention at Nashville, Tenn..?the lai^est nttpndanrp ind best convention yet. Over nineteen hundred delegates en-j rolled, and visitors variously estimated at from two to three thousand were in attendance. We felt that it would be selfish not to tell our people about it. So last Sunday at Pageland and Providence we took time to tell them just a little?and some liave actually had the courage to say that they enjoyed it very much. We were, as we always are, delighted to be with the Providence church last Sunday afternoon. These good people are always anxious to know what is being done religiously elsewhere The "enlistment campaign" is nn. We understand that it started off well at Dudley last Sunday, and Pageland Sunday night Inasmuch as Dr. Langston was yery tired from the heavy work if the day, Bro. B. S. Funderburg was pressed into service Sunday light and gave us a real good sermon along the line of being jood ourselves and the joy of finding grace in the hearts and ives of others. Dr. Langston had charge of [he services Monday morning jiving us one of the best talks ir lectures on "Christian Literature in the home," we have ever lieard. Monday night was anither good service for us here. Tuesday Dr. Langston was at White Plains for all day services. Bro. Sutton was with us at Pageland Monday and at Plains Tuesday. Htliorc nrn nvnnnt/vJ 1"' uti free to be in the campaign ind hope to enjoy it with our 'riends on our former field. Methodist Episcopal By Rev J. A. Mcuraw Next Sunday we will preach it Zion in the morning and at Price's at 4 p. m. We will not have any services at Prices on the next first Sunday. The children's exercise will be next Sunday night, at Pageland. A collection will be taken for the establishment and maintainance of Sunday schools in strictly mission sections of our county. i ne next Annual vx>nierence will be held in Sumter, and the date tor holding the session has been fixed for Nov. 25. So our conference year is now just half gone. The general conference vhich is the law making body of the church and which meets only once in four years has just now closed its quadrennial session at Oklahoma Citv. One action that concerns South Carolina Methodism was an act authorizing the division of the South Carolina conference into two conferences. This division will not be finally made until the session of 1915 conference. The conference as it now is, is almost too large to be entertained in any one town in the State. A Coaxer for Baby. When the doctor called to set the baby its mother informed him that the medicine left foi the infant the day before was al gone. "Impossible," declared the sur prised physician. "I told you tc give him a teaspoonful once ai hour." "Yes, but John and mothe and I and the nurse have eacl 1 had to take a teaspoonful, toe ' in order ?o get baby to take it.1 , ^-Youths Companion. ' v . . "3 To The Voters of Chesterfield County: i The State Convention has * adopted rules which require & t new enrollment of all votelM this year. 1 To enroll you must be jH white Democrat, twenty oqHj years old before the next gejifl eral election and must have lhft& ed within the State two >ea*?| and the county six months bq-^? fore the next general elections and the precinct sixty day bd?b fore the primary. You m?fl| enroll personally and sign tnH roll yourself. - jg You can enroll on only oneYj club?the one nearest to you your township or club district. Now, it is important for everyJj voter of Chesterfieid county tojj enroll, hence let every clut&f; have a representative at Cheste/r*i field Court House on MondawP June 1st, Jo arrange for this'.* The books will be there by that ' time and must be opened by ; Tuesday, June 9th and close on Tuesday, July 28th, thus giving- i seven weeks in which to enroll, < and it will be published where the books will be for each pre- ! cinct. Let every man go and enroll and see that we have our full vote enrolled. After this year people who do not move do not have to enroll in the county anj' more, only new voters have to iio so, but the cities have to enroll anew' every election year. If a voter cannot sign his name to the roll he can make his mark. No white man is to be denied the right to vote. See that your name is enrolled. See that your club is represented at Chester-^field, June 1st. I a member of th?^^3^1"1011* but as State commif'^^l want to see every i uJiiie democrat in this county 1 - tmitt A k M. M. -JOHNSON I ATTORNEY AT LAW 'i Will he in Pagcland Wednesday, j Thursday and Friday of each week." Office in rear of Mangum's Drug Store THE MOVIES The Pastim \ Open every Tui and Saturdav nidi Saturday afternoc Strictly moral and entertainin tTTemovies AOOOOOQOOOQK X | All of Yo X that we are in the drug busin X you want, or get it for you, A remind you that warm weatl v w U LU1U 1. V and we serve them in a mam X ure to drink something ice c X Drop in and rest while you c > 8 Paints | ' ^ at prices to please. Get pru . ? We are agents for the Chalj > f|J do the best work. Yours fa : | PagelaiuL o J fOQOOQOSOOO^I r> ##^HImlet *to m^n^ster* AflHHu have some more >^BHL Eightly. It came jHKflp garden.** Hamlet: Yes, *n* tlSffl^nme outer our own ij^m^flBfaK^a said he bet the would keep nBHH|^Ptt home after he ?Bub|Bb(v more of *em."? |HK & Hunley flHRttorneys ^SfERFIELD, s. C. ^^^BjR"Wear-Ever Hosiery Foi fllv^n ^n<* Women Special Offer. pxjfWjgMBfed Time Only? ^SBsflr-of our finest 35c value ta&HHgaranteed hose in black orj^BBibrs with written guaraSHPbr $1.00 and 5 stamps for SBplALOFFER FOR MEN. j&r< ft., limited time onlv, six pfttaB^f ^our finest 35c value gd^Bteed hose with written gt^jj^veeand a pair of our well krij^Bt'men's Paradise Garters for^Be dollar, and 5 stamps for "Ycm know these hose, they stood the test when, all others failed They give real fool comjprt Thry have no seams to Ip. They never become lopsl and baggy as the shape is l^V in, not pressed in. They ^Hpuaranteed for fineness, foi sl^B, for superiority of materia aB| workmanship, absolutely stall less and to wear six month! witlout holes, ora new pair free dont* delay send in your ordei bettrre offer expires. Give cor tar-Ever Hosiery Co j Daylon, Ohio FOR VOIIR DEN C fjeautllul College Pennants^* e andHarvard. ead^jin, x 24 in ^efid now. Ejjpward Specialty Co . i' Dayton, Ohio. THE MOVIES ie Theater s jday, Thursday its at 8:30, and t?4 A. n'rlorlr Pfp M W VAV/VIll g, Come and enjoy yourself ' THE MOVIES - - ^ooeoBeeeoee ji Know | qss and that we keep what j pnd just at this time let us | - ?o tlin fim/i trAll rtoo/1 A 2^1 AO 1111/ till IV j\/u UVVU ^ jjrlnk't | r er th ?t makes it a real pleas- j :< >U! in our cool store room, j | rink. ( |nd Oils | lies from us before you buy. | jjotte Steam Laundry. They ' If quick service. Drug Co. OOOOOCOOSOSOi * - . . ' flQMHHHBBHBH Here are Two Mack f Walton A. Wood M Admiral Mower b] because it is the only mower di that has genuine underdraft, to 44 floating" frame and uniform s} tilt, the three big mower features 111 no farmer should be without if he j!* h values his own time or his teams' h ,n I strength, and wants the machine H) m I that does most work the easiest. yc Make us prove these claims or convince yoursc.f I Mower - $45.00 We will only have fou at the above price. 1 $47.50 PAGELAND HAS WHO SELLS C COME AND SEE? > ? Fresh lot Hour, three grade j be beat. 22 pounds best yello\ i 21 'pounds best granu 3 7 1-2 ? good green Easter is far gone; summer is hei [ to wear ladies hats yet that will go Oxfords for gents, ladies and chi Be sure to come around to the fc town. I We take your measure for tailor ) antee a fit and satisfaction. con j. TI^TiT-. rv^ii miy miu veil Goods. m This cut will remind v you of filled and well pleased customers, . and that the long drouth is about over and our cus- ^ tomers are coming to us jgjn because they know we pride ourselves in hand- ^w| ling high quality dry W goods and groceries. Keep in touch with us. I Carolina Su "I A. F. Funderbur I The Square gl?lllll 1IIMIMI III! ! WE ARE NOT GOINI Selling Good ?" S To do this we are boui 0 | customers want and need, fi I often the Mexican greasers 0 I people eat three times a d, ^ I rations. Get yours here 1 I S. H. I ? 1 W/ie? IToci Need No. 10 Steel Hay Rake icauFP every tooth is held invidual y and has a coil spring protect it against sudden rains; because it is made enely of steel and can be deeded upon to stand up under instant wear and tear of work all kinds i f fields. Its long life ^3 akes it the most economical KS ru v,au uuy. bv cr ***t>iinrr the macliinr* at our store. Rake - 22.50 ir more mowers 'he next will be !DWARE CO. j IHEAPEST? COME TODAY is, at prices that can t v siBgar $1.00 lated ? $1.00 coffee $1.00 e, and we have a few ready cheap. Idren at star values. >x place when you come to made clothing:, and g:uarivcr the ipply Co. k, Manager. Dealers S TO MEXICO for) Is is ir Business rid to carry what our We don t know how ? eat, hut the American ay, and we supply the Inn un;. | aney |