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The Pageland Journal, 1 April 22, 1914 ? 1 i Local News j 1 < Mrs. J. E. Agerton has again 1 taken her position as saleslady with Pageland Mercantile Co. The ladies of the M. E. Church will serve ice cream again next Saturday afternoon. Everybody is glad to see it fair again. It makes business a little dull, but the merchants are not grumbling. The Journal is asked to say that there will be a meeting of those interested in the reorganization of the local base ball club at the Pageland drug store next Thursday night. Mr. Rodgers wishes the Journal to explain that it ^vas Ruby that could not ring Chesterfield for us last week and not the board here. The eleven-day-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Watts died Saturday about noon, and was buried in the cemetery at the Baptist church here Sunday afternoon. One Verge Hailev, colored, of Lanes Creek township was right severely whacked up at a negro school breaking Saturday, and Dr. Eubanks sewed up the gashes on his arms and face Sunday morning. In telling how certain two of me couuty otticers are for reelectoin, the Journal overlooked the fact last week that there is a four-year term for some of the boys. Well, this just makes it a certainty, whereas there possibly might have been a stronger candidate. \ Miss Euzelia Gulledge and Miss Connie Benton left yesterday afternoon to be at the bedside of Miss Gulledge's father, Mr. R. H. Gulledge, at Wadesboio. I|K>yiaffcrcd-a thitd stioke of paralysis last week and is very ill and is not expected to live. Mr. A. M. Stack, of Monroe, lias resigned as solicitor of his district, his resignation to be effective Julv 1st. He was appointed to this place in 1910 and elected later for the present term He says the office has been so crippled by the recorder's courts that it no longer pays for the trouble of getting and holding. The Mills school in lower Lanes Creek township taught byMiss Annie Lee Lowery, closed last Friday, with exercises by the DUDils. A nicp nrnirrcim woe carried out, and talks were made by two of the trustees, Messrs. Mills and Richardson. The < session just closed has been a successful one, and it speaks well for Miss Lowery as a teacher. From Newton, N. T. comes the news that John W. Ilam has just closed a great revival at that place. On Sunday afternoon he addressed a great crowd ! in the court house and read the names of those persons holding liquor license in the county and of those who exceeded the limit i of law in buying. After the ( meeting, Russell's books were 1 heaped and burned on the court house square in the presence of a great throng of people. Fire destroyed two wood store buildings at Jefferson about 12 ] o'clock Friday night One building belonged to J. H. See- < gars and was said to be valued ( at $1,000; Insurance $550. The stock of general merchandise belonged to J. G. So well, and was said to be worth $2,800, | with $1,600 insurance. The ? other building belonged to L. IC. i Gardner, and was said to be ' worth about $500, with $100 insurance. This building was occupied by the Hrandon Mer- ? cantile Co. and the stock was orivpri nt Srtft with ^An In n- - --- ? ^|VVW| HA surance. The orison of the 1 fire is unknown. < \ Miss Kate Eubanks and Mr. Calvin Lanev, better known as 'Vin," were married last Thurs- cc day evening about 7 o'clock at ^ the home of the bride's mother, cc Mrs. Louisa Eubanks, in Buford ^ township. Rev. R. M. Haigler, c? of Wingate, performing the n( marriage service. Only a few friends and relatives were pre- \: sent, and it was a quiet home affair. Mr. Lanev is a son of 5, Mr. Jerry C. Laney, of Buford township, and a brother of Mrs. v, S. B. Eubanks and Mrs. T. A. si Gulledge of Pageland. Tie is a p] prominent young farmer, very popular in his community Mrs. Laney is a daughter of the late jonn luioanks, 'and a sister of Messrs. S. B. and B. B. Eubanks, l of Pageland. She is one of the f( county's best rural teachers, and y she is well liked and highly re- fc spected by those who know her. j i Personals ? Ci Mr. J. D. Mills, of Columbia, c, is spending about a month with his brother, Mr. J. A. Mills a Mr. Robt. Turner, a student at Si the University of South Carolina, is spending a few days at the S home of his mother, Mrs. M. J. fc Turner, because of an eye trouble. ri Little Miss Nell Gregory, spent a few days of last week ? with her aunt, Mrs. B. R. Dabbs, at Charlotte. w Messrs. C. G. Morgan and p Harry Redfearn and Misses, p Connie Benton and Eu/.elia Gul- p ledge spent Sunday in Kershaw. jr Mr, J. L. Covington, of Clio, u is spending several days of this ' *! week on his farm near here. n( Mrs. \V. T. Rutledge and Mrs. J emima Man gum spent Saturday c, and Sunday in Cheraw. Miss Claudie Sullivan return- 1T1 ed to her home n ear Ruby yes- q terday after spending a few days c. with her brother, Rev. J. M. Sr.l- ^ livan. rr ' of 'Ruby News Items a Mr. J. T. Threatt, who is with C'J the Bank of Cheraw, was in town Sunday. Mrs. \V. S. Lewis, of Chester- ^ field spent Sunday in Ruby with frinnrlo I 1 IV/ llUdi I Mr. A. P. Ilarrell, of Cheraw, in is visiting at the home of his ap brother, Mr. II. II. Ilarrell. re Miss Burlie Griggs has returned home after closing a verV a' successful term of school at ar Patrick. The W. O. W. and Jr. O. U. A. " M. enjoyed a very pleasant ' picnic over at White Oak Camp last Friday. Mr. J. S. McGregor spent Sunday in Hartsville. ja; Miss Laura Crawlev, of Ches- M terfield spent Sunday with her T mother. The little infant son of Mr. sp and Mrs. M. J. Deese died Satur- Iv day night, and was buried Sunday afternoon at Cross Roads. Mrs. D. L. Munnerlyn return ')l ed from the Hospital Saturday, lai but she is not verv much im- G( proved. The members of the Jr. O. U. jj A. M. of Ruby council, met , Saturday morning at the home m n>f Mr. James Allen, and planted his crop. <yj Mr. J. C. Huntly spent last da Wednesday and Thursday in Florence S. C. se Mr. B. II. Burroughs of (die- W( raw, spent Sunday in Ruby. Mr. Lester Griggs, engineer i,., on the C. ik L. R. R., spent Sun ! day at the home of his mother. Dr. Bull of Cheravv was in 1 j^ Ruby Sunday. Miss Theo. (irtman who has been teaching in the graded school at this place, returned to ^or ll nm t > in ( linrlnc(r>n .1 - W. Viaiv aaa wiltaa IVOIV/1I HIOJ ||]| r uesday. fo] Look out Mexico! he tc, Wanteb?at once, heavy ,K' nule, not too young nor tool rid. The Town of Pagtland I ?' " ' 0 *.'* * ' *y Court Proceedings The two-weeks term of civil mrt is still in session, Judge emminger presiding. Many ises have been continued, and ?low will be found a list of the ises tried up to yesterday afterx>n: Bank of Cheraw vs C. L. angly and M- B. Smith. Verct for plaintiff against M. B. mith for $330. West- \\ infree Tobacco Co. 5 McBee Supply Co. about a lipment of tobacco. Verdict for laintiff for $162.45. Hurst-Streater Co. vs H. M. teen. Verdict for plaintiff for >16.03. vfro a .... c a i vs J. rv . . railway A suit for damages )r the death of her husband at 'cBee in 1912. Compromised >r S380< >.05. H. J. Sellers Co. vs M. L. Pate, idgement for $175. Beasley Shoe Co. vs Directors f Union Distributing Co. 1st ise, verdict for $753.73: second use $757.74. McBee Supply Co. vs Tippett nd Hancock Verdict for $10.84. I. P. Simpson vs Mungo Live tock Co. Verdict for plaintifi >r $282.50. J. W. Miller vs C. M. & C. tihvay. Verdict ior $4062.45. L. D. Ogburn vs C. M. & C. til way. Verdict for plaintiff 737.55. Most important case tried last eek was the one of Willcox, i-es Co., a large fertilizer Com :iny of Savannah, Ga., vs. the irectorsof the Union Distributig Co. The case was a very nusual one as suit was brought gainst the directors personally r>t tor anv indorsements on Dtes, for there were none, but >r carelessness in not seeing lat the manager remitted to /illcox, Ives Co., certain loneys collected by Union Dist. o., on assigned collateral. The ise was fought very hard roughout, the plaintiffs being presented by a brilliant array counsel. The court held that director has to exercise due ire and take an interest in the >rporation of which he is a rector. The jury gave a verct against the defendant for 88.14. An appeal will be taken. Mr. J. A. Arant, upon petition Hanna & Huniey, represent g various creditors, has been ipointed by Judge Meminger ceiver for Ilorton Bros, of fferson, S. CM and will collect 1 accounts of said Ilorton Bros id wind lip the affairs of this in under the orders of the uirt. Messrs. Hanna & I lunley e attorneys for the receiver. Dudley News. Mrs. J. E. Funderburk spent st Saturday with her daughter, rs. Thomas Hunter near radesville. Mrs. O. C. Curlee, of Monroe, cnt last Friday with friends at in 1 ley. Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Funderirk spent Sunday with the iter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ;.'orge Smith near Pageland. Messrs. Theron, Preston, and erman Funderburk visited ends at Tradesville Sunday. Master O. C. Curlee, Jr. of on roe N. G. spent two or three ys last week with friends here. Mr. Leon Funderburk spent veral days at Monroe last eek. Mr. Leston Funderburk spent U Snturdnv niorht nt Winmitn Miss Sallie Baucom, <>f Union unty is visiting her sister, Mrs. II. Funderburk. Teachers Examination. Notice is hereby given that e regular, spring examination r teachers' certificates will be Id in the court house at Chesrfield on Friday, May 1, 191 1, ginning at 9 o'clock a. in. K. A. House. County Supt. of Education. (Ailvorllsomcnt) I FI LjJ Cannot bi /\ are inexpensi / \ churches, sch / \ the country. ^11/ 7 PAGELAND IIARDW7 Feed St rruviMi Corn, oats, hay, mi pricos if you buy in qua the retail market in sma You have made many if you buy before seein . more. We sell you one sack please. Buggy Harness from $8.50 to S20. Double and single wagon harness, double carriage harness, plow collars, bridles and all other extra leatherS goods in our line. Call and look; get prices nr Pageland Buggy FPFFl on<,on "^anH"" Necklace fllljL<>|;ve|vn Thaw" Bracelet These two beautiful pieces ol popular jewelry are the craze among society women in New York and the largest cities. They are neat and elegant gold finished articles that will gladen k?. 1....... ^s .......... ,.:.i ..... I ll\J IlvJil 1 I Ul U\ ^4111 \Jl WUlildll no matter how young or old, Very stylish and attractive. Our Free Offer. We are ad vertising Spearment Chewing Gum and desire to place a big box of this fine, healthful gum into every home. It sweetens the breath?whitens the teeth and aids digestion. It is refresh ing and pleasing to all. To every one sending us but 50c and 5 stamps to cover shipping rT>ctc w?? will ctiir? d Iwr 1\rw rU 20 regular 5c packages of the Spearmint Gum and include the elegant, " Tango" necklace -trd "Evelyn Thaw" bracelet absolutely free. jfThis offer is for a short time owr. Not more than 2 orders to line party. Dealers not allowed Ro accept this. tinited Sales Company. Dswton, Ohio T. O. box 101 Fax Lumber Company Manufacturers of rough and drfcsed lumber, columns, ballsters, moulding and all kiMds of turning. Give us a triM. No order to small. R. 1 A Carpenter, Manager. I REPROOF J irn?never leak?look well?and fi ve. They cover the best homes, K c iools and public buildings all over For Sale by ? j VRE CO., Pageland, S.C. i * ? : 1 lifts and : ons t ill feed etc. at wholesale . ntities, or at prices below .11 quantities. J mistakes in your life, and ? ig us you will make one 1 or a thousand, just as you ! ; i, At' S A'X\.. i 1 ~T-y ,, yy.i i i. \ J > ? . ? , * 1 "V. f-??'." / ? J : - - N , 7 H " 1 . ] \ ! r LK Lot of brand new buggies ] . just put up. Take a look - and make your selection. Tire prices range .from $55 j i upward, and you'll be , pleased. f < < < id then back your judgment. & Wagon Co. I - , Everything Man Needs, l$C?mP*ete Sl,av,n? ?uiiit^^ ' 10 Articles 01 ! To advertise our Universal 1 Shaving Outfit and Universal Products we will for a limited time only, send this well worth $3.00 Shaving Outfit for $1.00. We sell our products to the conI sumer direct and therefore you I save all agents' profits which as ' you know are very large. 1 Hollow Ground Razor. ! 5-inch Lather Brush. 1 Razor Strop, Canvas Back. 1 Nickle Easle Back Mirror. 1 33 inch Barber Towel. 1 Bar Shaving Soap. 1 Box Talcum Powder. 1 Decorated China Mug, 1 Aluminum Barber Comb. 1 Bristle Ilair Brush. ; Agents need not write. II Each outfit packed in neat box jSI.*K). Coin or Money order, postage 10c extra. Universal Products Co. 1 Dayton, Ohio. Dr. R. L. McManus DENTIST Pageland, S. C. I Will be at Jeffersson on Wed nesday and at Mt. Croghan Friday of each week, remainder of ' time at Pageland. Office in rear 1 of Mangnm's Drug Store. Monuments It will pay you to see me be- j lore placing an order for Monu- j ments, 1 loadstones, or anything in cemetery work. Material and Workmanship guaranteed. John W. Quick, Pageland, S. Cli 4* Special Hosiery Offer. Guaranteed Wear-Ever Hosiery For Men And Women Ladies' Special Offer. ror Limited Time OnlySix pair of our finest 35c value adies' guaranteed hose in black >r tan colors with written guarintee, for $1.00 and 5 stamps for ?ostage. SPECIAL OFFER FOR MEN. For a limited time only, six >airs of our finest 35c value guaranteed hose with written guarantee and a pair of our well mown men's Paradise Garters or one dollar, and 5 stamps for postage. You know these hose, they ?tood the test when all others :ailed. They give real foot :omfort. Thry have no seams :o rip. They never become loose and baggy as the shape is knit in, not pressed in. They are Guaranteed for fineness, for style, for superiority of material ind workmanship, absolutely stainless and to wear six months without holes, or a new pair free. Dont' delay send in your order before offer expires. Give correct size. Wear-Ever Hosiery Co. Dayton, Ohio. BUSINESS LOCALS For the next 30 dnvs you can buy a ane dollar bottle of Healing oil for 60 c, i 50c bottle for 30c and a 25c bottle for I5cat Mangum DrugCo. For Sale?one *30 saddle. Second handed but good as new. Will sell at i real bargain. 13. B. Kubanks. Try a bottle of Caldwell's syrup of pepsin. An ideal spring laxative for 40 cts. Mangum Drug Co. ror saie?ten to twenty thousand shingles, grading l's, X's and 2's. Frices right, Watt Gregory. Jack?the Marshall Stewart lack is located at my farn Services $10. F. B. Funderburk, Pageland, R. 2. Don! forget our home made meal. Carolina Sapply Co Bring or send us your I.aunday, 'we send ij off every Tuesday; 1q ..the. Saui tary Steam Laundry at Charlotte. Or phone us and we will send for it Man runt Drug Co. 11 In Need of a writing desk, hook :ase, medicine cabinet, Kitchen cabinet >r table, see us at once. We have a lot an hand ready made and painted. Pageland Novelty Works. Repairing?If you want your sewing machine repaired bring it to me Work guaranteed. G. R. Knight. See Me?before buying your seed potatoes, Nancy Hall & Vineless. J. D. Redfcarn. Wanted? a few boarders. Price reasonable. Mrs P. H. Arant. Have?Your watch repair work done at E u hanks'. When-Y our watch rocs wrong bring it to me and have itcorrected. II. B. Eubanks. For Sale?Thoroughbred White horn eggs at 75 cts. per setting of 15. L. L. Parker. We will grind your corn on Saturdays. Miller & Hinson, Plains. 2<>tf Send your kodak films and plates to J. H. Whitemore's Studio at Pageland to be finished up. Buy your doors and sash from Fox I.umber Co. AUTOMOBILE TIRES A1 rAtlUKY Save From 30 to 60 Per Cent. Tire Tube Reliner 28x3 $7.20 $1.63 $1.35 30x3 7.80 1.95 1.40 30x3 1-2 10.80 2.80 1.9<> 32x3 1-2 11.90 2.95 2.00 34x3 1-2 12.40 3.00 2.05 32x4 13.70 3.35 2.40 <Vix4 14. NO .5.50 2.45 34x4 16.80 3.60 2.60 36x4 17.85 3.90 2.80 35x4 1-2 19.75 4.85 3.45 36x4 1-2 19.85 4.90 3.60 37x4 1-2 21.50 5.10 3.70 37x5 24.90 5.90 4.20 All other sizes in stock. NonSkid tires 15 per cent additional, red tubes ten per cent above A 11 f / 1 gray. /\n new ciean, iresn, guaranteed tires. Best standard and independent makes. Buy direct from us and save money. !> per cent discount if payment in full accompanies each order. C. O. D. on 10 per cent deposit. Allowing examination. Tire Factories Sales Co. Dept. A Dayton, Ohio.