The Pageland journal. [volume] (Pageland, S.C.) 1911-1978, March 11, 1914, Image 3

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The Pageland Journal Published on Tuesday Morning. C. M. Tucker and II. L. Johnson Publishers. Subscription Price - - $1.00 Entered as second class mail matter at the post office at Page land, S. C., under the Postal Act of March 3. 1879. March 11,1914 Friday morning the general assembly of South Carolina adjourned Wednesday night at 9:30 o'clock. No, we are not drunk, neither is the above a mistake of our type setters or an oversight of the proof reader. It \v s this way. The members had agreed to adjourn Wednesday night anil when the time came and they found they were not through they stopped the old clock in house chamber and, so tar as the house was concern cel. time ceased to he. Friday morning when they finally voted to adjourn, it was still Wednesday night, General disappointment is expressed that so lew of the constructive measures introduc ed during the session became law. Probably the two most important acts of the session are tile vital statistics hill and the negotiable instruments hill, the latter of which you may consult yotrr lawver about if von arc interested. '! !. - vital statistics bill provides for a record of all berths anil deaths in the state. This act becomes effective J uly 1 I'M a', and places tile burden ol its en let cement upon the state board of health. More than j three hundred acts were passed, but math all wVre of a local nature. 1 I e senate pared the appropriations hill enough probabh to make the taxes this vcar a little less. The house was inclined toonly nw^^enate or vetc overnor. A history senate's session W'OU rd of things they didn ng the hills that fa ill ifl *- 1V- ,aw ,,i mention the following; the medical inspection act, the compulsory school attendance act, the Mcbaurin warehouse act, primary ie-form act, the hill to prevent, white teachers from teaching in negro schools, and the 2-ccnt railroad rate hill. ff T> f ?t .,nvi 111 1 j. i . 1 MUlglHSS is ill nv,in with faults, of course4, as every other man, but within ?that manly breast beats a heart noble and true. Most men who suffer bodily harm at the hands of an enemy hold a grudge through life and when the op f^portunitv presents itself retaliate, but not so with the sheriff of this good county of ours. When he went before the grand iurv 1 few days ago 'o tell Fran res Davis, wife of the negro des ^ perado w ho was burned in his L house near Middendorf by the - officers, shot him in the thigh mid caused him much pain and (piite bit of monev, h< told how slu' had caused him to suf a <' tears in hi s < s he bogged grand jurors not !o find a H Hr, bill against her because she H Ti.i ! three small children who S^Hhnve no one else to look to for H^Hsupport, and said to punish her ^^Hwould cause them to suffer Kf'n.ih!.* more he walked H^^Biw av and. left tears in the eyes HBfld iho grand jurors, who were ^HHj< ^ ^ reatv of this man. Solicitor h iI < with i Ki" I. , - , iuiiit ill ins ^^Ktluout. told tin* jurors that lliey 1^^" would 1)' compelled to find a true kill, but lie told them tlint lie would never try the ease during* good behavior of the woman and she was according > lv set free to care for the little ones. This seems an insignificant matter, hut the little things make the great ones, and little k deeds of mercy like this mark k the difference between heroes Land ordinary ft CHURCH NOTES f Method'-. 1 Protestant. . Jno. \V. Quick, Pastor. j We have begun work on our ^ new church building. We thank ^ every one who has contributed to this great work. Hope many more w ill respond. Our appointment for next Sunday, Rose Hill 11 o'clock. r Re with us and take part in our * services. _ s Methodist Episcopal < By Ik v J A. Mcornw ( Last Saturday afternoon at Xion church we had the sad privilege of ad mini storing flic \ burial rites over the dead body of Polly, the 15 year old daugh- 1 ter of Bro. James II. Terry. Iler body is now hear that of Iter 5 mother's who was buried there ' about one and one half years ago. 1 Next Sunday morning at Zion { the sacraments of the Lord's 1 Supper will be administered. All , chri lian people are invited to be , with ex .mil join together in , commemorating the sufferings , and death of our Lord. Tlu.'Jefferson Circuit will hold , its <|uarterlv Conference jointly with our's at Zion, on /Saturday . 21 st , we will he glad to have , tlit m as our guests that day. i. Our regular service at Page ( laid next Sunday at-4 p.m.' Hi v. W . A. Masseheau, will pro I b !?!y preach in Pag*, land on ilic-11 night of the fourth Suiui.iv, and h w ill probably preach at Page-1 ] iand on the 5dt Sunday niorn-i ing at 11 o'clock also. Our schedule as arranged so j, far, for our special meetings this yea: as follows. i'agcland church beginning 1st . Sunday in May. . i /ion church, beginning -4th . Sunday in July. Antioclt church,beginning 5th . Suin;a\ in August. If agreeable with other parties interested we will begin ?*.ni66ting ntCenter Grove school n I ii i Baptist J. M. Suitivan.|l*astor. The Homo Field is the organ of^dve 11 omo .Masters is editor. We hope to | he able, if "La Grippe" will permit to see as many as possible to , gel your subscription for this paper. You need this infoimation, that you may give intelli- ] gently to the great cause of I lome Missions. Our Texas Brethern do things in a way worthv of mention. In the Horn" Field, January mini- I her. we take the following from Dr. Love's report. Something like 2,600 messengers actually enrolled at the recent session, and hundreds of messengers and visitors were not included in I these figures. By action of the I convention, the "Baptist Stand aid" becomes the property of the convention and will here after he under convention control Another outstanding feature of the convention was the prop- . osi'ion submitted by Col. and Mrs (' G. Slaughter to give to the Baptist Memorial Sanitorium at Dallas, two dollars for every t three dollars contributed hv k ^ J 1 Texas liaptists up to a total * Joint ' inn S^00,A(H). This the fcreatest hour in the convention. "God was in his holy place and Ids people were at the gales of heaven." This ureal man Slaughter tho * a nient sufferer for the past two I years, never if ahle to he carri'-d >, finds the weathei too hoi or v V cold !<> he in hisscnt 011 Snn l.n mornings. Anollicr iict of the convention wits in ;i decision to raise one ?Iimrtor million dollars of the Million Dollnr ( liurch Ihiilding: !,o.ui I und of the I l<>me Mis sion Board. Wednesday evening choir practice. Thursday evening Demons meeting at niy liotne. Saturday 2:T> p. 111. -anti Sunday! 11 a. in. White Plains. The vote last Sunday went in j favor oltl location ? Mf. Croghan Ip Mr. J. H. Ratliff, Correspondent 11 Soy Hurt on Head, Mr. Selfcbiriii V Improving, and other NevMMp 9 Mt. Croghan, Mar. 9?R^Vpjj^ Mr McGraw filled his rcgtlfetKi ippointment here Sunday HQd \ rave his congregation a- j ;ermon. c Mr. C. C. Osborne, manager t if the C. C. Osborne Lumber c Do. spent a few days in New \ fork last week. f Messrs. C. C. and R. L. Lurch s tnd \V. N. Ratliff were in | Wadesboro, last week on husi- 1 less. 1 Mr. Broughton Sellers, who If iccidentily shot himself, recent- n !y, is able to he out again. t Walter, the small son of Mr. 1 R. P. Tucker, fell from the back 1 if a buggy on which he was 1 riding one day inst week and i the wheel struck his head and :ut a deep gash in it, making a rery painful though not serious wound. I There will be two entertainments given here this week. On ( Thursday night, the intermedii He department of the school will give an entertainment con- . ... . i nsting of music, -orgs, recitaihns etc. On Friday night thq^lav, 4*Mr. Boh" will he piesented. The i funds derived from these will go for the benefit of The School i Betterment Association. !] There is being a lot of fertil i/er hauled from here and it ] looks as if the farmers are get- i ting ready to raise another large ' crop of cotton. Of course they? ? ire expecting IS cents for ' tiext fall STILL S Close out as much of our stock Dider to do some plastering in Now, it you want So well i DRESS W e have just opened up a 1>itf mings, etc., and we cordially i in and inspect this stuff. And the hoys and young; nu line of samples is complete an anteed. Don't get your spring D. E. Clai nu-: quality! ___ - : T 'j. ? JI.jB y .J.0 Bolted Snodk Lo \ solid cur of these popular t)i frr.di Irom the mills. Will sell f< it i> fresh. fl Ribbon Can ; 1 have bought another barrel of just like the other. It will not just mu-.t !>u\ it now, for you he to bu\ more. It is "that good 1 arrive cverv dav, J ?. H. I j^Not Boiler, but Dynamite. JJ1 |<M)roe Enquirer. pKjfesdav of this week there | PTM0M\port current that a boiler : >6l<Mlging to Mr. John A. Secrest l&atblown up at his mill a few ?l|&s west of Monroe and that web damage had been done Kit is not known by some yet H?fhat it was a true report. the foundation for the cirailation of that rests in the lact hat on that morning about 9 j'clock, Mr. JoIhi A. v\ inchester vlio lives on R. F. D. No. 4! rom Waxhaw, began burning ;omc brush and having such >oor success, decided to try a >ox of dynamite, consisting of orty sticks, that he had secured rom the Howie gold mine and which the donors had considered worthless. He placed the )ox in the fire and went to his iome- It was but a few minutes jefore the explosion occurred ind it was sufficient to make mvone believe that a boiler had ?] exploded and several other F iteamcaged vessels besides. When Mr. s\ inchester returned " " le was unable to find any brush "" to burn and the spot where rested the "heap" was nicelv ele-an>d. The dynamite was considered worthless and it was the J intent of gi tting rid of it as much m\ thing else in placing it in the c fire. i ' Dr. H. Smith, Dye Sight Speciilist will be at Fageland Monday and Tuesday, March VI-.1 1 JO. I ..ft WJ...1 I fcvii vi tiiiu i'lin. ji:uvnwii, \> runesdav March 25th. Angelas March 27th. If you have trouble vyiili your eyes and need glasses, sefe-Dr. Smith on some of the i ?bo\'e dates, . 1 i Advertisement) 1 mmTi. , FOR WE WANT TO I : as we can in ten days in 1 i r.i ?. H our building, | . bargains come. i. Knight GOODS I line of dress goods, trim- j* invite all the ladies to call t? n must not forget that our i d that a fit is positively guar- p r suit until you have seen t rk & Co J CASH STORE. ^ anwHRK HnuBBtfOt. | i and WtiileEU af || ands of flour iusi in. Ki^htg | >r casn or creuu. Vieiil win leg r e Molasses I dial extraordinary molasses, it keep in lint weather, so you w >ught all ! luul ami forced nie R kind " I a> i looking for it to r -.aitey [I UBHMStUUMULJLSBSSSMBBtfMMt' Ml armers Loo! List B "Gem" Guano Distributors "Coles" ? 11 11 ? Combination Planters Cotton Planters "Avery" Cotton Planters ? Combination ? vvil All Steel Spring tooth cultivat* Wood beam and handle spring" 1 Wood He am and handle spring Our line of implements is c We have a large stock of C middle busters. When you are thinking of limo rompn! nailc Inrl/c n r UlllV/f V.V, 1 1 IV. 1U, llMllOf I V / V_ 1\ UI Do your trading in PAGI ING TOWN OF THE ( with the Progressive 'ageland Has He is N< Ld is gone, but I am stil tnd the same opportunity )uy your goods right. 20 pounds best granul 7 ? good green < Good alarm clock Repeating alarm clock New cabbage at only Lot, ol children s clothing Dought at a bargain and A lew good quilts at c We take your measure for tail intee a fit and satisfaction. cata rn vn jl vr Per I Carolina S OA U u u u Pole i un I \X\ a ICQ e CO t ? b V Q is mm S N*i Lookout for Carolina ? E. S. Mangur The Squai k Over Tlic clow S 8.50 7.50 __ . 4.50 12.50 7.50 12.50 th fertil/.er attachment 16.00 r>r 6 75 tooth with ratchet levers 6.00 r tooth 5.00 :omplete and up-to-date. Oliver Chilled plows and building, see us for your id hinges, doors and sash. ELAND, THE LEADBOUNTY and especially at Here 1 here with the goods, is still op n to you to [ lated sugar lor $1.00 :ollee - - $1.00 - - - .75 ^ 4 - - - $1.00 ? 3 1-2 c per pound, and heavy'dress goods 1 will sell the same wav. :ost. or made clothing, and guar- J MP ANY. ? J upply Co. IB Hi HH magm toesl c/3 c/5 wBHR a 3 j 03 SHB J I; iWHw r Q WBSi w1 HH m m -m r i\exi weeKflj^B upply Co. 11. Manager. I c Dealers " - ?