The Pageland journal. [volume] (Pageland, S.C.) 1911-1978, February 17, 1914, Image 2

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The Pageland Journal Published on Tuesday Mornings C. M. Tucker and H. L. Johnson Publishers. Subscription Price - - $1.00 Entered as second class mail matter at the post office at Pageland, S. C., under the Postal Act of March 3, 1879. February 17,1914 Mr. J. F. Parrot, federal income tax collector, was in Pageland last Tuesday. He said we wouldn't have to pay. "News of th^ inauguration of President Wilson reached Page land last week"?Jefferson Jefferson ian. Yea, verily. And now they say George Washington is dead! Had you heard that, Bud? Fertilizer is the topic of conversation nmontr thn fnrmorc now. The stuff is higher this year, they tell us, but the farmers must think that makes it better for thev are buying and hauling to beat the band. Commercial fertilizer is the great drawback to the advance of scientific farming, and we hope to see the day when no fertilizer containing nitrogen will be bought by our farmers. Millions of dollars worth of nitrogen is to be found over eac^i farm, and yet we pay - high prices and haul it. Begin this year to use the nitrogen you already haveb}7 growing legumes?Peas, clovers, soy and velvet Jx ans, alfalfa and vetch. ^ Br'er Rabbit is able to look after his own interests according the vote in the house of representatives last week on a bill introduced by Mr. McCravey to protect the rabbit during the period from the first of March to the first of October of each year. It was claimed that th** mIvK:* - - j ? "BUUIl m 'niulm^es^sompidjy and eats If We Were Rich. Fort Mill Times. What a blessed thing it would be if one could run a newspaper and never ask some of its subscribers to pay up. As long as the paper goes on week after week and no statement is sent for arrearages eveo'thing goes like clock work and you are one of the best and most ac- < commodating editors on earth; 1 your paper is the best in the country; your items are highly polished; your advice followed; your sayings gladden the hearts of the household and happiness reigns supreme. But oh, what 1 a brute you are after sending a < paper two or three years for 1 nothing, if you politely send in < your bill for what is due or a ; portion of it! Yotir ratty old r^onor to nrvf nr?n T ? ?* I pupvi 10 iiv/i nil y u iil l |ilv>l took it to accommodate you, no one in the family reads it; we can pet all the free reading matter at the drug store, and hundreds of other mean and contemptible things are hnrled at the editor and his paper. If we were rich we would not ask you to pay for your paper?we would not print one. CHURCH NOTES Methodist Episcopal ' By Rev. J A. McGraw Last Sunday was a very dis agreeable day lor travel, but we went to Zion in the morning and somewhat to our- surprise we found several on hand with a good fire burning in the heater. After a short service, at the suggestion of Bro. B?, we drove by Krntlior A inirtnn'o (V,.- ,11n? 1 mhv! 1X/1I O 1VSI VllllllUl. | Yes, I think maybe it was for , dinner sure enough that my , companion suggested the trip, < but we sat by him and saw it , through and did the best we < could while the game was in < process. < A gentleman found some < preacher's sermon book last Sun < day in the road near whtm^^^l j Hill churchwa^et^rfJB^^^^B Pollock & Pegues _ LAWYERS _ Club Building: ? - Cheraw, S. C. One member of firm will be in Pageland every Tuesday. M. M. JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Will be in Pageland Wednesday, > 2 Thursday and Friday of each week. Office in rear of Mangum's Drug Store Dr. R. L. McManus ' DENTIST Pageland, S. C. Will be at Jeffersson on Wednesday and at Mt. Croghan Friday of each week, remainder of time at Pageland. Office in rear ? Df Mangnm's Drug Store. t Woodwork We have just installed some of ry we could buy, and we are pi and window frames, mantels, tables?in fact, any kind of e difference what 3011 want, seel We have had considerable ea and are prepared to serve you f PAGELAND NO) i \We Caif t - -\uA II Planting I In Farm ai^Rj We handle T. W. I seeds in bulk and I Beets, Corn, Cabba^^^Ki I termelon, Pepper, I for all I Hnngnn HHHHHwj V MHH|l rJanna & Hunley Attorneys V CHESTERFIELD, S. C. Notice of Court. Court of General Sessions, Pig term, will convene on dav, March 2,1914. and Jurors, Petit Jurors and esses take notice. I. P. Mangum, Clerk of Court. (Advertisement) Notice Anyone having cattle and v^shing to move them out of the cgunty will please notify me at Pageland. Geo. A. Plexico. jpr inq Plant the most improved machine epared to manufacture door columns, newels, balusters, abinet work. It makes no j| before placing an order. $erience in this line of work ight. /ELTY WORKS i r AA ?. ? A A A A A ^ Supply| OUR - - < Wants \ arden Seeds, t i Sons high grade garden f ly you with Beans, Peas, K imbers, Cantaloupe, Wa- J Cotton and other seeds ^ HAT THEY ARE BEST ? Pword for it; call S NG; SEE US BEFORE \ NG r Mercantile | ?any f - South Carolina ? IE FAMOUS "COUNTRY 5 free to each oue who brings ^ it by mail with postage for ^ i For Fishing, . terns Camping, W and Hard Use under All ible Conditions. jright light. L . Easy to /ick. Don't : blow out Don't leak. there ( ) DMPANY j? . Charlotte. N.C. Chnrletton. W. Va. jL-Ht Churletton, 9. C. i Atlanta markets and will give If you want to buy, swap < are picked over. 1 also have a nice line of 1 select from Call at once anci s. F. INI Money is Whether ou have $35.00 to spend c suit we pledge our you the best val money. We tram ness with the large America, and we k i ? ' IJy ilia! pine ior p the luiesl -tailoring la?Tics in town. 1 do 11 it'll the true and give us a rial, GroGe Our line is new am ojd goods to oiler a When n need, pi come to see us. anywhere in town. Carolina Su] E. S. Mangum, 1 The Square I Pageland Bar MULE! MULE I will have another car of fine m days. These mules are c j iiinrnnA uwm t tu.. S! MULES! I H ules to arrive in a few II arciully selected in the satisfaction. Dr sell come before they buggies and harness to I be fitted up. ^H^H| SRAM I Power | $15.00 or in your next selves to give ue for your our husi st -'house now positiveAm and finest V/f I: MBH vicir liyuifS |^BM| Call No a hone or We deliver M>ly Co. _ _ _ UillUkuer. HHB lealers