The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1876-1881, July 09, 1879, Image 2

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iE NEWS AND HERALD. WINNSBORc, S. C. I:I)NIsD.Y MOt Nl N, July 0, 1871 I'. E)Il. .vS D.t 1 *is, Rt)iToR. eJO. S. ItE YXOLD-S AvwClITP EDITon. Till. Ninv Khiledive ofE% I pt is IIh li!"J i of the deposed illonarlcl. Th hatrgets a1 pensionl of' two hlinidret andi) Olholrstaid dolhu's. at year,. be ;ide' e 1 ainling Il i.s private oituli I wv Ivill live inl 'aris. as anl ex--niolarcl inl 11o last is never satf Froi thi T rI. 'MAIEi lieputblicansl have 00omi n11ed a dark horse, nali'd Davis, t governor. Neitler 1lla nor IeLv no Reed was faken. Whether (hi inean that. the ladicails flink they Cal carlr .Maine with anybody, or wIether fit prospect is so nllvcrtain Iliat 110 proii iint 1nn is willi ng to rwi the risk o bueig slauigh oifred, is not known, lIhssu rs opening her eyes. and I Seems that, th1e( government, is half di posed to fry the eflet of a more libern policy. lieligiouis liberties will b) grani(ed to tIlle dissenters, who iatv heretoflore been per-secute<1. If. is als proposed to permit the dicussionl c Nihilist argtuiientis in the publi press Take a way tihe crown of martyrdon frol)n the,: Nihilists, and mu11ch of thei influence will be lost. Tiff-: SI:. rr; ill reijcelilg' tlie no i nation of Corbin Ias Supre-mle Judg of Ui: lh have givel that insolent ci pt-biggte. an1otlie deserved kick, an live ahninis(red a plain rebuke U .1 IN. vs. Despite (he bloated civi service refIorm speeclies of' he fratidn Lmnt. President, we doulbt whether evt( inl (lhe pahnry days of' Grantl there hla heen miore shainele..--sness diplayed 11 i ling governmniliilt. olli(es with perjm 41r*8 1111d lieves. And it, is a imic worthy i ut that 11 ilh ost. every. ItaIldien'2 i the Sout h Ouhat has ever beenl aIccu ed or. coniviefed of, sleallinr lu-Is heel Iaknii to Washinigfoni uald put ink 1.h1 treasury. lly(s is a trelendo fra udil. The Columbia Canal. T) iS a iara'phranse, Columil neveer is, but11 alwiays to be, biest. A periodie intervil 11 slight spasn i < n11h.:iasi over h1 a11nval w izes ill Ci'ohnnians, anld they% promlise to) hav fialori' inl Ipera ion inl thv shore; Ii tile tit tei . 111, soi' ething turj p), aii nlothing is don . TheL 1.rite ' appropriatle elev ahonsi' <lown' i i 1nt ago, to 1 fliollI,41114 (1'S Ax moc'i ie 11 ".4),l N)i V 1'' ex pended l the canal. As l nIli< 1 lcn of wt i'l m., if' we are corree INy inflorniedl, hr.s been expenldei INlib(ofy I )eiis w illn toxtak i l~ o Te0( 1)ninal 'I124 ' co Ill (.io I 2 ho (* l " liisw areg notu ' in)rnledI0 wIt Qi'0,I ne order of0i~ Ihes(21 sueite ltfhe pe1( W lo font ir e seems 101 1)o b~ie't doigi ni;22 Whe e ii I'2)1'.4i Ver 1' glydii ruinors ar1 e jmiillatin si teoun l2ivL2 fri Charles ici, whi 1112 1121 1o, >Inoe l,:'e' l ai'o hing t-esipe JlIevefor ' t Slacke adte fixed win's. oi th dirt I adca pry. Ci1)2( thizihde ireh temcrac u~enas Ie a1' vryinw 1leb intarneston ifa shI loti( 1lors~ are5' no' (lnuie1'fivrt I out of' the p)art. Wey wer' much 'su the Ciatyemor.cEeuiec meetin;aTde pErind get ei at oenghis cardj nexIe 01 he y. 1W o tat e iO'll no bei t ph i'e agandi falt' pos1iion as te merei~I~ replr 51h: Cthe headi1) of J)imocrat .uiies machineJ f)ioud bn hauch omany, inftlict Sul seas ecdeilH'2lg thatsbee, re: Theeylf e Si Stc~ii at arldel ixe 2lJ) hialesto.nd l)'li.i.1gthe pure, odu lTeratedil straeighouit Demi8 orats1 w nyxlec ral lyng unr Capaing CoutenayC OYCt sythy axun he'rflie 1)o-oper afler anil l l extra Sessionlftre n haof Conths. TheoJud~iclia bl aho~ poroe byit Maes aondr thu l ith Sou has succeede inG serin the reom as hveaded Thveays pof~ Ton and t. W.h n M.iakJ'ey are nbere prindtin onyf the regui~i la.rc sl's and prbibiing thet uiie of pi *. arshals~n aor oeeilon oasetoo la txet his eino ionteresting ctlas a over 1hei expulsion at fmthe publitt'008 erib. At. one t~ieitwshogt h Haeswo~ cala xr seso wVinter -in Congreos, caut be shapd ac Cording to the result. Thc Coe~ssmle have had a ftiaigui ng time. and Ihose who have stuck mallfltlll: to their posts deserve the thanks of' their coins ituoits. The absentees should be remanded to pri vate lif'e. Railroad Freights. On tlie 22d of' March, 1877, 3Messrs. Ctimn inlgs amki Cornipinly, of* Winns-. boro, ordered a.1 mnbLr of l boxes of Nicon fi-om Baltimore, of whih liwene Iy-live boxes weighing 18,93 1 poiids were shipped at. once. At that lime I ho tarit l1i-oI Ulnhillioroe lo Wiisbo ro was 70 cents per hiuired ; trom ,Bal Iimiore to Charlo te, 25 centks; aln( thie (,l rate from Charlottc to Winns boro, 2-5 nts. 1By having Ile baconi consiinel to1 ClIof 14, anad then re shipped to WIiinsboro, aI saving of' 20 'cent1s a hundred could be effected. 'hle bacon was sent to Messrs. lire , Brown & Co., of Charlotte, for re shipij)imnt. But whent these geitlemlien I delivered the bacon at the C. C. &. A. (epot in Charlotte, the agent, acting i unider' instrui'c.tions flrom a Mr. A. Pope 0 the general fr1'ellit agt'ent, -re.vcd to 0 reTcei'e the bacon al aI, uiless assurel Sthat, the shiepinnti(i was maeby rem, 'fBrownl & Co. for themlselves, anld nlot, for third l1irties. This aissiuance not. l bing given, the bacon -wtq left inl r luirhotte several days peldilng the ermi nat ioa of volumahinouts corresponld -enice. Fiinally, (lie ihtilrond ianiates conidesceide~i (o allw)W the bacon to be shipped to Winnsboro, on pre pa/I I men/ in Chiarlotte, of' $67.23, or withinu a fraction of' 37 cents per hundred, when the published local rate was but 25 cents. Cuaonings & Co. paid the bill ad theni ininedhtfely inIstitu1te'd sut ihr the rveoveiy of' tI overiplus. The road 'pr&eteretl nol, to s:1imn (lite ;Ilik 1ailn r ildedl. i.;if it hld snc c 'edd, by intrposing vexationis de ayinl preventing a1Ny ,litrt.her shipl imints in thits way. It. is ratier a Startling provisionl or law that. it Coml Ilon( carrier is privilegead to reI u whatever art icles of f10.ght it pleases. Si nce, however, tlie railroad author I ie sccm seisitive about haviig tle 0 'Uhes of the past, raked Ill), o1ne or Iwo instaices 01' recent. date, occiril ng lit der (te present Imnagmn lovii ent, are iven. As alreadv said, Ile rate For wevigtIiy articles is ilty cveits per iini 0 red I'm. on0 e h1lunidred mihs. Wins horo being" 35 m1iles fr-ont Columbia (lit lawl l charge voihl1 be 17.4 Ients per hun 'ldred. Vet. onl the 11111 of .annary, 1879, Mlessrs. "M illews & Co. paid -12 cens lw hutr ,-d fIor bacon, and onl file 3d of lFebr1uary, 35 cenik per hunth1d-ed. On (the t of' lPebruary, 1879, Mr. f'reights at 9.10 i'elnts per' h ndred, or) thle bacoin 14) irI. Fini ik('n e (N (''lt Oi jiymntt. of' $212.00. an ex(cess of $32. o4verl the4 st iplatedfc~ ilt. Alr. get ,he Ibaicon , anad thlen mnadea rI(eclz ladhing" n as afttaehed. Five mnonthls edc'lobis byx 1letter', .AIr,' 1"<'llnikeni has a (if Hiidge'way, shippe a~)(( bl he of cottfon, iir. to he moire prise5, they siplpedl it 3h.4 enii feet oh' colttlon, to Ii'arlestiin, 11 lTe fr'eight fir thle etire distam lie w-a .. the South Car~i iolin 211 itailro'ad ri'4(Ived ,1r $1.00 for the dlisfanice bet weein flatl a. pldace and Columbnhia, and tat ihe C. 's (. &A. ]tailroad r'ec'eived $1.75 1or 111the 2.! ileis betweeiin lid1geway and11( e. (olnia. If this be torl'1, it was~ a a heavy ov'erchiarge viewed even thriough r'ail roachd~'' spet'les. A t thle ma11x i:'imm char11i1ge oft 15 cents a enbiic thoot per' j1hunidred nailes, thle charige ihor 314I enthui feet f'or 2 1 mileks cannot exe~ced a$1 .20. This leaves 55 cents to be a hiardly etxc(ed its own claims in this -matlter, we wvonhl be gladt to hear somec a~ explanntiou of' this apparlent extortion. -, liy the wayui, the road hins an i'ht .. etic' p'enlhiairly its own ailso ini 'sfi 1. hmting distance. 1y a leaant ti ion ,git assitune$ tat Winnttsb1orIO is t hirty' oet it ik but thirty-fIve, and that Ihligeway' is twenity-six or' -sevenl when it. is hut. twenty-Joujr. By thle same I- rule Columbiiia is situated thiiee miles a from ('ohnnbia, anul a passenuger' I- shonl be char'ged fif'teen cents teor e looking info a conch at the Columbia >- depot. The practice arote in flhe hi palmny days when the Charlotte jjnd tihe .s SothI CarolIna Road mado close eOn.. ci leftion at, thle junmctio 21wo or the l. mnites below Columbiua. TJhie t rack to -the jnnietio w~l as torn uip long ago, 'but by a tbnd adhierenuce ito i'reuli ion y thle itxtra mniles~ are still -ineluded in s thue t'uvight. antd paissenger' raios. So, I' when the road issuesq a huousanud mtile y ticket, It chiifw oi'ff three miles extra e eaich w~ay, every timhe a tr'ip 1a mauude .1t'from thie ulpper' poirtioni of the Stato to , Coli ubia. Sever'al y'ears ago, a geni. o nian ini Wininsboiro diemiiurred to this s 1poeliarll speees of' ndlditlon, I'11) e thr'eatened to iuo I'or the threec miles as soon as hie reachmed Winnisboro. By -the advice of the attorney of' the road, a who was~ presenit, the1 eonidutor' gave - a check for te difl'brence, which the ,getlemai, having .gained his poing a tore up. A fler thant, howver, lie - submitted to thle overchiarge, as5 it was .a smalhl matter' to hIm. 1 These are but a fewv instances of Smaniy, showlng that thie people of I, Winnsboro are unot captions or litigI ' outs, but tat thecy have subittedi in patienice to a 1ong contitnued series of S ) poaIo081ns. Irohi6d With .1. 19old ffiO den hlloef tliate pbI o ~ton were~ tp o b Msti hy ~~ -Fou1r hundretd Nihilisf. 'were ar- m 1401 atKietIl'on1 the nit of .1 ru m. 1 .1 grelat qttallity of, weaponIs was .d. N -Car' 00otton flrvI0 and1( mill, teen nmiles eatst of' jAlta 1.1a, has, m IhIrne'd ; insui ance $:0.)01. T1e >pet'ty waus vahued at875,000. 1 m -Mrs. Frances ). :1104, a ealth IMIc , wats siti1g ill her'' carriagI3 e i Ia hill Ill 01* ter 'es4ideICe, ill N,'w York, md Iy, when msh suddenly dropped - tail --R1ev. Dr. John Conaniiiilg', the NM 1r11ated writIe ol fihe ne , Ila 3 been Inlelically Ordered to re-IJ 111ut ' Ill mnental work. llc is aboul i . retire fr-oml the( iinistry. .u -The faihi-es inl New "York dtiring p 1ut first. six vimn t s of, 1870, are one!l paI 1dred and fortX 1 viht l ss In 11umer111 liv t I $:,18,IM),()l) ill liabililies h thos 11ai ( 111 1ich1 occrd ill tie sainepeiod O oM;. t. Ir. set V isitors to fih White MNounit ains" (tru hin le i st. 'ew davs have beenl r11. ated to thle noemiiler Sport, of at 1 >wballinjig . Mluy -umitnis al( 11,1 Pes were covered with sniow Six 8 r :hes deep ol te It le inls(. Ceen -The idners at Seneena CollierYN. , l erPittston, Penn., 11ntinherinlg threte ude,4sruck huwst Thttrsday owinti it dissat istherltionl with (the' dockin9" at f wei-hits. The coll ier IS 1peIV A bv the .11mira Coal Coimny. ll T, irty ' men were killed by 11411a4 I' hiery explo~sion onl the( Hiigh UIlan (.oI re ,Pit near Glasg-ow, last Thursd1ayll >rning. Floir of1 tile vic tims film( ro burnl al I InIi ve. TWe nII I %, tik '! corpS have beel reo1ered. -AT banon .l'nnsyilvai, d'i- dis lehI says that Nimrod Spllbr mH 1viee10d' 11 1 u1(erilnl J h)1' . i visonl, 1111 a aloon i n that, cityoOn the il ight s i I 111ecember, lu1) '4 ->8, was hang Ied hall re onl 1.'riday in1 th1ic t -The Lrtiiana Const 11itu ioml Con- w it 1,1. W IutadopI ed 1 n1141 liutie pro- dol p.illg the sale of, aleoblolio or. It we nOril Sunclyiv and, providingf- that MC l' 3 i.. I .14 : k1, 1 1usst t('4 'it 414 \( net1e-rishat::,esalpasa hw w CI -1If i.14 stated thlt a411lem4, N. C., a Iall town, has shipped , during (hreol,. 11rs, over n-' e millions (W poumds dr1ied lac bris o whi-1h it, ret ived .1 150,0(10, ('41nal1 to tenl thousand. les o cttoll it. tell cents per pounl. ---I tl ry W hite 01,, i ea11 rs o( l, wll, as tiling at bull int> a s mihtl'er-)' l m at 1' ). .s,,At Soierville, Ahlas., onI Tut ( d,1 l i m th i rope arounld the creat's1111 11S, when th knot a(cidenally p-id aid tihe a '1a01 u1:11 Whil'e 14 low (he nlaval wvitih olin, of, ilt horlins. ,1 d r;ipped his body Comnpletely openl, usn ishl anllt death. --lSs Ljoul i 1401 aged wetv, ulgh vIr of Collinlel 'To1ina 1 ollin'g. o .liieinonld, Va., <died onl Fridlay h onin'gr the ehi (.111-cs of burn s r1 - anl1 ived the nighl. before by her11( dres31s thil tehing'. fire" fr-oml a1 piece of burniing, (-1l per tbrown by her41 oi ihe floor ofI , hIlagibel afir tigting tl la-dl o iks H.llig. wvas olle of, Ihe 1111 u ing d, Ile. of itichmond Society, and her fm d- deathi causei wgeat synipathy inl 11-1 -Tihe SignaIl )Iarps1 143ation atit Fori'ilo 1ty'13 . 3 A. (hik h, of I Carolia ( liil 13, .rth 1 Crolina, with 114 fou daturhte'rs1 lv V~~ i V10111 11 1t11161 1' 14V4.(1151 h Th n 'on. 4taric 011i a lmlib t. li 33344 itho }4141 rth. \\i41'he hal41111'4 - 41 To10 ss l jole Sound) the1 bot cap'. SIzed.' di. ['r4 ( r el'3 l44, butite recoverv'0 of1414 the'44 the herllS daghte isdutf.Tebd hi the elde:,1145. thingbler ha noti been 1 se:1 41er I' n boar111 . drewos 114 No 0in' huul.. tbu ,4'. 'Pr4w.3 ot f 31t3' itj on 41h4 us44)111 ii opleoli hor, wh we watin t o ariiik,4 h30'llslIer i liintIl'lisy 113)u i 13 11011 v i )1h 31l y , nreen. 'the hm-rIi -- thv ne deckI' 31mve4 Iwy with )the eigh4,1tO are. 1e14 le ( 1into thue' a er Seve1('in i -- fiilt. w: L'il'l1 001oel 41 .4 -'l'ed IniorlV1011 Depatmen 'is in reo- 'h' it 11114i4 ia 11111 orination1 1'1 hatl(1 d)ur- ii e In(dian alty thlied Oloui'd a14(igner3 41 .1Id run11 the4m' across theIl I14 l01 Nera iii )1e.$(The State4)441 autotitere1 do)inoi sot hing o prevet'. iia hids upyoII4( 11gI Ilans proply14 and&11' 01he mili'ary 4hotes, onl necunlt the' 1d4'3111law3 OflW 3.044yea, vstand by withVout intrcep t Loug the sien ~orses wee0 ienth 14Ii-11 (b11 Pa Cmp her4la an Camp 1 -bn iin 01.f't wayO PIofl3ketor I'oo i's tid aied running31)lt~ tat. 114 (304tun, and' severaii tckmen~ ' W on ra hi1u ill Iuar1started don tho eas lsid sin 'I (h13111n 3 Frnlu.itn stre station wals fm'e whedWItl' i the ioredian enine 1111 t, soh ars 0comingh up the road. 'ti4 Jun '0v. St1iae, one~ of1( the oldest1 1)m- liet 1y.e (Ions~ the lrad, (2oginteerd tolno 3., Al and1 VO' wangh I the proacing1 a11 un when(3 he1oigl was s11truck( thyir rea- 1w 'igut hibotu trla. lis ody1was d mledp font amorilfo manner oney ofI nyrak wh ily his nody ws thro be to101 lhe nretielIwo ieth as n-1mc mlaneoi us- lhl~Lsp aol (li .lClgrov adi 1.icss Enuad AllsnW 10 tle8 halloon anson~ from boori.. at rdht, i Gar ledons. About minight o h' halooniu came oy donn the boayi on t hit throgh hOW waertok mlesh intra titld~ wharf~ on the oppose f the ed""h u, threw oa~n t'ocants, wothm re somewhaQ cu adbrisd but l it (. )it 01'" x'N.IKc1'S. rV4l0nts 'Tales Thint 11 e'1'. opl r (fI m 1It'3-. 4f v'ig iia T1t-Il--A n4 (41. J )iatIil"-r's irrn--ThIu Khag of like 4attlesnakt-a--A 'nin4i's Exploit--Soue stories o the ete I2Idge. Itehes.ter (Va.) L t ter In l'al tlmlelJ'1 a 'im s, I nase Stories of, wolderf1Iti propor is are tol h2vre inl I he valley. T'Iir vouiched 11(, too. w .hieft makv.-' ni all IIh, nmore inlteresinlg. Ti Le SFor Ilniles alolunld ar i n , ul l 01' Iile. To thn AS o ils hst iet town Stretchl fihe -Ilu hide li om 1;4. To thm west. the big NorIth Itillain-, :1 Splr o*' the ja81 gg' d A - hanies, tower Iabove itslk e igihor.s. I lesn mI s and.'t2(I I Io g UjflI21 s opper Is abouni d. They crawl utL froil ler every rock. They 1i4 ill the h.way-i, there happen'Iils to be it hwa ly--readly !'()r at Irng.Thy Singlyv inl pall, int w11ole d11r s , il n fael, ill every wa y tII t, aI snlake rii to live. I heivy are-c' a venloli '('u alw%%ays ready 1161 bus.inesse. It, ik 1!1 tat Itlev very Seldl' n 41 ime 4 i1own mll 'ie m oila11I'4, but i a nly onis it II1 desiros of "tar-filig u '. ' n aki ' ILit ll hal is ka i to tep oil i on le of i th le ro'1w s p4'ikes 1114 ter her n' d ei btk am ngh111 Iti '1 Isu1'4111. like A S.\k 1 1?. here a lhis ol' whiky disiler s un11d the moiains. --Moon.dhin 'th ImIie who distill ill 1 smal y. 1and evade lxation 4i, r 1' vr 11e inl th'is di rict. lt demll ' lector. keeps a Sharp loOk -ouw, I's roulghly m11111 1liarl. ithi aill tih S MS in ' lick loibl' 'low Ilvem 111, aIid il ( ' ) 111a oonshiner olJ il ol' sharpest . to eluide hi carefll schl-. The tillers- t Sene irvi-lous. tal-s, I lre to back thetl Im ui p w it11 davii isii atly tiie . "Ti11kin' tbouit kes,' said o4e of' tIIm, who in i(s t1hi Illue Ridge, liar Ieesburg, otheri4day: "liikil', about sae y.look yere,"and he openeicd h is vabili ;lr and 'poinlted to the wvalls. Theyl~ re wair!." covered wih tile l,-1skin i(;'! 1'lerso Ohe e1t(ile kiml. Tl er re- s011111d ratilesniakes look ing d~own you from ovi' tihe door. I III 111(2 ln1.g bIy tl ir fail-, fr1om I he -Iets ad one big iolow oile up at box emdllt ready to pi. urb1 o ne(1' f1 the and the iluliar. id ol'he dry rattles wvoul. se1d a 11 all ovri . i persoO. i'Aren't you' af'iaill of ilem 1'1 'A fiaid ( wliht ? Snakes?'' o1 gte :filler lauglied iiotemp1uous. -hl, w1 ih 'Nel. Early il the i 'all y, -ii hllecne ne cain on and didni't ieio vI ' ) S'pos I'd .gel cared at. 0a teg? \il) doll't heIr ollr 'emt. I 1 :1 dozen or I 2wo every mikor1nIi'. just keep my luon ii. * II ow ? \\) v' 0( I em overs wi hi sticks and sho*'t 1. Nothin' easier. Som'h eiues I I ol 'em. iht's e1n, but yo' Ilave wvork biarlde r to dto it. l'er pis youl wvol like to see it donle?'' it, recvei ving a n1od inl lhe llirnmtlive, distiler led tie way il froi of I Valldilg up fItillIt inhe(lo woOka a ig cole wih a. lwo v at the end. The -fillkor took il down, shook it, For - micint, inl Ik bamnIL and lookeA init. "I've kongilh. ts ofI ;.snk ith til Phin'.." eit Sai. "i f you ik .ro. i li ...... on s Iof ther istier1 .iuhL i of ai inin(lg sljii' '.t'heisnak wa a1)011i( " "' (lOI unmI ' him self-i118bigh ill)er1 )rept up go! withi peaolt's thOP andh daged h noe ne rred (Imstil(v, rai)sed0 hiea and, (4hi lieI ''riking wat ai. 4 ty oon his1 1)8 ham. wet 1)0uh h ol". Tfhel ~tibrma ad alibi.,lnd pa.lh'd. fint a m~lomen theo~ lll('1 'ke was dang~Slin i th air' agot to >w)1 ory may againstbgu are in is.e A0 l';1-'TTYw 1U14 Y.\nT hr. fhe ti. tiller smiled a he replacd t.hl agnst te cain. "~Thar's no~ a i ellin'a scare1) ,khe Lsaid. "I. ip id'n. Ikeu h i b o i i l : i hI xl l hil and. the~ themt 6-1. It'he first tinlie. A story i toldl inl Ixees;btrg ot'ia wonui's advenI :lur'e 111 tlle nlo)ltill . Slhe wollt otit 0one! doay to pick I uIetbl'leberries, and, be fiore ,1he Wats awaV'Ire, 4 w' i, wa N:I is sItr - I 1 n01111 by I(I ) I'att'sna ks. Sh I I il I Oher was no baekingv ouit. It ws to kill orI hev killed, and she pretCi-rr-ed thw formner. (rapig I thiek st ivk in1 her hiand she alwaited act ion- l thei snlde-Z attacketd her svrlat a tiin notl hi.. con l have saINed her., bu t, Fort1:111y t r hevr, the. begn the onlagh sngv.A Ilnaku would h tl4 y c v Coil hi1inself ul p fol r a I srI n g 1 11 whe I v heI-:1 wouhd knoel: him over'. (hit laid ill aat h ll art oun. hler. A',; list, 's possible she imeked oti fIton her u1n:pleasanitI Isilatiol, b 4t Inot uii il the Ist.I snalke of t w denl was tilled wai. she safe. She coinkt e d I hie le-mad ;Il( I hely nui bvee I Ni . ThaInt, h.oly doesn'tI l i k utickhI berri s on t hIee Ioillitiills a t l-y il l hel tlt2! .I lke tire i ai hall 1 orpid oilditoltt it (1(M's not. re<quir'e ulne1h voll.ra"ne lo ele'n l , del n, bit a:n Itit ns 1t) l'eal u v lv 'tt li ry r tttle) 1 a1k eS ill their - A I11 I'n i e v York) 111111 wet-ti lhom e ti l ' t li '.S4:t ) dini er. IIve took his seatal he in lble :111id sany with1 It. hi/ tiivoritv ve b :aId lI ta betre 111t. 11 wats it e l re past , a11<llie It(- f (el o ge t, hl iw dl/ .v re s ie itspml hs pkin irl his, 1111, hielped hIl , iisl' to 1 piece o1f ( it lnd dis eI ed, 1 I (1hat i wa u iil y wIx . Il dre.! ' thl(, e (I lhc e to hii :and conn eItItj ed to carlv it, oly 11 find tiha t. it, too, wa:s wax. The pott lt.,:, the tomatoe's, (tho beans, the p111s, etc., v., ai ll Iit'lrde to wva1 x 1t, Ais lo ch11 Iln blank Ii1 tI , h 1111v e t o Ithe Caaur ive (it hii., wifVe [,orl Ithe expil at io '. A i 11111o1 ( i ght. 0,111r.1 w1as1 her reply. 1 I'. I(ad a arnrit. 6or wax-worksl, and lit huadreienl boast d 1 liit ! h c hld i4niia r ibly t 11' a ;hrlnce lhit Iher! work was alitiic'a. This wla., (it way slw proved tit I o1nhI'l. ie icknowIedged the corn, Ith pointoe' toilmatm-t"' e., ilt Ie k ly presied his pmeket1-book t his'u ac(out(pli4(hd spot ss (1Wto tuito uintl walki match Vor. ( 5. fl4Iv II' ll I 'I'lclt Y'(el :t' 11(t, Ito,".I ''beten Danie 54(1 tl~elv, :nni 'ge Crosshlind. of, .Nehclwkl, El.anld, enlded ill ('hienoa lnhynih, n was on by (Ylxcary. The. originl of, Ois 11111tch was oldin' llen ( e Po walk mvnly anl inl Ameren sevent v-tive hous Cor. i (5.0O a Ado, e h e had failed to wNinl lth Yi arv bel' hII II wa's cj ''ohpeted Ii- inl ,'hica'io. i ai-td I 1n4k fihe nh' lhmt (Itfor *2,5tI0 It si , and ('aptainl Turl-e, of1 this !Itv, at oliwe notileI Sir .John A i le nl i Lonl, who instru11cd hilni not to mnake the nmatch Fow less- lkiu 5u. Sir lIo Ltlt y beIivedta fl (l 0 ry was4 brokenl down, md~ no( Inathel for'l sit'h a larg sotS ut1 b theb atvite ol llit. fri40 he :tl Ijepted the . ondit ion, and the rival lu-destrians.- si1nedart ele-s ito wvalk vevnIIlI% (O hin's for w h45,000 a Aido (, goa. idonplshed walke1(IIm'd b v4 lito o tl alu b i in ga1d andrs scentdInuc used up10.iwilet Ihe menei4 ii h~eiren.-h Ch3 an li a panioni Coligt Itl, allha I Vt' deeins tiht i th secondce, ow tnn Mr. Ivtdt tsae. tllrdp oeedS a rhemica shItIeflifh, fitdI gre'wiioiagniligenti) 15owo, throw nto sui'ter cofusio,.. u',wtsee neciabe ~ev hudyraihed or he sairnsean( in nm~, w~ohtoobtainl boardl for hli. wit' ane lilv in the cititry, i wwas <Ureieed to i - n filit-11I- house kept by anl old ihier1r un14 his wife. A brielinlsper in sati-ti:' hii tha)t, thlt) phlre wvould "Ili( himn. "14l11m ow s to Ohe -rIm's ." lie sais. I.Wal," drnald Ohw fthrlInr, "yo halblve six chibIr.voll 1av?'' IYe, hir." Tit old mil ri.I'evtrIl a f(w\V 1io2inents anld then1 recpli'd : "Lat. u I look chlil Ilivn at1 half1 price. I )o youl ,ve theml p'ar treesv, :)!I berrybusn's Wanal, tlis y ar ' will charg e full price fill the yotia eIgtns, and I-lro; inl your wife mid vo2n:.ts!1f 1r1, Ilothini'.--Portlantd iberiser. Ser:-:vox ' TAo wt.:E.-Mr. Til m2('s discoursws h hold of 1 1(%tmy i ilost Sloil. The I ond i.- withI Ilis ini-ht v iVan ofl) vaJor. Sol Imav i v h"'till'Oh. etunpasIni c'eses vith vie to rV. I aimt in ll;cad it ' his voice. it ch ers ie int'ien Iy. Ile loves the Go.'l :1n21d 1b1iev< s in21 souivte hiig, wlie sie preachers- hardly do. TlIwrec aee tho abhiont. win>) u-e old 011)ls, -h ut N. I t~i~ o 22(21 Ilit ab hi bu the arltic-les are.( not. tho stnek\v the irrd-1 winl :-inlies of Sol. 14) ,I.-n br tihis i111. I 1m2 as (onlisilwd whewi 0>1 blese me, hbl omho-1(V I shut not hw' so inih sur pwi--vll if I' b e d this un .-L - <12) Cisri./i in Nilo/c lkPort. lin~i~co ava \!t'u:.-- nh lw r pIwt. ; tf Mr. '. B. Ivll. h InIt!-:co ity, n22 Wi(lely list, 1 (olore1d boy was e n g a ge''i''i i n1 v i n ! a 2 u t w h ile li r w l 1hw pata111-. W hdi (ilt s en '.2d the tho&'ughit y t tied the ropm,. whiiih was : - lniid the intule's Ieck, to his)4 wril. The22 mule(V 10ik Will'i b. bevoniing-1: unnugall dsed o W w1.iIt h t hi I rict iinI, 4unaIggIng him a coil Sidtlr:ale distance, and SO i !ightfully mu11illaing-o htim 11ha1 (i:-Ath r4suilted ink abou't l al houl.-- (1er llUl1ia. -Thel filii sx inl O"wnerno are no! to le I ri Iled I it I. At a iti'ner dress baill givhen there re"ceIIntl by. the( sub aite rnis af int''e try rItuent, a ha1y nolted for. ori2i21n1 luit i .('' i( 1. I 1was bro'Vibtb b - l)v hI 2 o2 112he Sid (o1 on2) o21 ib. chi a4 miliart arv thoii of ( hi pha-el . i( she' o 1' ( ()1. Z IMa i ak, Colonllv, whalt you l ? "Oh," answerev-d the Colonl,~ who wats e n not in one( ' hI hIlppy miooIs-, " 4 21 liun nothing ! W1hat lit'O y(IonI?" - I au nll1x, to not hinge" was tlie pro itl l er. 121-- ('h 11., 4,volld12 /e k/ ' Is C epon si ble 1, for thi. p n.1 n: "1122Ciejo.nin Fralinh INb- woul nuake at ve, r y "oal . li:.i.-)er to lluS iaa d IlIeIe is no i1u1. WC ( ul'1 Iwtt-r ipare t'ron I II o4)2- Ii residesiClC . lI8.'jn;1(mi it votl ot 2)1 CIn4IV s< Ive 11 cout' ry with isin 22ter S I'-< ( ) I it i-m blut Ie would he a vey I. (ecide1 livip to Gtenral I Ciirko il lis w:I i po the drjnI' ul Niiiisfs. nfi lwt iI lienj:uii wre gtiven Ill I NV wing,,r h ] w oN.. hI(Ilin %.I his halfs oil every Ni ili iIt. :21221 II i v Nillilist's SPOoIS within less than2 tenl days." - (A Ia Ite Inha Se lnator. "Donl." ('eeIIitron ll is prohimeiI d l hilisell int lvort of Oh noiinillation oIf Gnu, :222 1115 ,aid that S1ormtnit is not evni hisI his 11 1e-1-in-.w is a little sin larI Thle .solid Sm221hI, l''ensylv11mitand Al I 4ieii 2'~m give Grn the1 112 liepubl i o11li4' hoh2Iler., will imrei so)LttingI 1to .11y lih::ni the4 s2olic1 Souith when~i the( -ine i a plain in2g delega)2'1te arrve sait1 to) be (2 15u2 Ccess. Tlin2' 121an1 is 12 sell unathilterat'reedIL 1 gool at'i iwives and22 rturn21'1 the2 prof4its 1to the2 IntIeha2 er2s. ith1 'V'2 ever alit a ("rAllIente22 ol' thel 12n2o2012 is 1 iven22nd e'Vi'rv thr~uee mon21 ths a2 dividend2 is( pa1id on' thoseC givenl 12) 2outsiders,~ bie-ides Gi pr centt. on1 the monviey inivestedl. -A Nodth ('ar~ol 1ina man got tiried ofC hit, 1112 iVwent out ini the1 stale and21 as 12 he2 wa1s ) abo2u2t 1 brinin his Ia." 2ga2sp a1 in'ighilor 0l1)0' tn~iiely paiSsed C, 22122 doCwnI. "Ahi," said2 1the wou21ld--bo 51uicid14, "why.i (114 you t le kt mel hea11ven2)." "'Yes,"' dr'viv rennt~rkedI th22 odther, "yoi'd play tiiiu22der2 inl hieaven -- lt nyes hias been)2 pard'Coinig crmi na1lk by 11h2 score' everI sinec2 12e has~ bee in212 ollice. Theli last. bat21ch emn1 prisedt aI of' convited e2rooked wiihiiskey menCi of (ChicungC, Ih 12abg em2( of' Grani t's armyl)'i of'' whiskCev eroo)Cks, A ny~ number~'i of1 post-(hille' I hiCve 12nd2 ('2122ni2erf i-ies havei't been~ turncied 10oose by .11h ~Ls. Twl'iio IDulelonen0(ulonce got ito a dlipte aboul021. 11he .li'2ttIsh lan~guagu'e, Cneh cont2'l~~end, 111m2. lhe COubIl ~j)peak 12222 aptI)C)InledC a jtidigeo de (c'(ido 'lbe, twe them 12?2, and2( 2ireord'(ingl)'y they be0gan . " 'ViAl, (ChI22,"' 82aid 1the fi rst, "dCidI it ra1inI to-morrow'()I?" '"f shal1l 1 ink it vash51," sa2hl .Jothn. Watsn't that --Rove~. Chtas. 11. I!emiptill, a son1 of 112on~. James2 IIlempthilI, of CThester, has1) beent2 2?12'led Profet(7'sor Ancient22l Lan2-. gltages mi 11h2 SoutI h Wes1.tern1 Univer 8j1ty, at Oaksvillie, Tenne0see. Mrp. I lemhil2 resi5gn)ed 11 professorsh0i in i 11he l'resbyrian PII Th'1e0oogical Soitnariy atL Johunia: (o) a2ccept Ihis positioni. A citizent went tnt Co a Norichl hard-(1. waroi'( storo' 11ho ol her1 day and2( inquir~ed: "'1ow nmeith doC you0I ask for' a1 bathtub fo chithd?" " 'Thriec dotliars and,2 seventliy-five (enila," wasR the reply. "21les w23'll havei' 1to keep) 0n wash'inlg the0 baby)~ Ii the coal scuttle till picca Come down." Conktintg wiill find( 012t, a2s malny hiavo done2( Iboe,.hat, hii a battle 01' the ' 'YOt'1 Clo aothler' 1" comesCJ oil' secontd best. It is the flestL epithet thlat tells~ and1( stlcks.-P'hladuelh4 ia'imes. 0, Ufcsu! -Still thiero romns then .Amer2i'can briatnch of' the Bonaprto1Ii' farnully. igf~h~t tnot, the wvhirlgig o1 112h n'ing ai'ouind lIs royong-'It's Auch a fashiont as to place one o' thioso on the throne of Fran&tc?-Yeu. I'drk rhaphio. "Qih, It Wvas excedily riP' ectloddBbe. I dot hink T oVf saw Co~~nkl 1 va~los t4Ooed 'f accmmodaitn. 'Thiey found n1one1. Amd ntow they have gone to work to lelp tesleg The cause. inl which the people and1111 an le press are now entlisted is' a CmII- sei 1non1 one, bit. Ihe niovements ati tire Ii irely independent. A, we have a nu04e1h n% ider field than the laiw, we pro >ose to keep up lite light, whatever bepr Ite oittloie in l lie coitrts, tittil ihe oo atilloads W, the State begiat to show fr ;onwe Spirit of' aco(ohio o the T >eople-. We hlave belbro expre,eti dce onlvictionl that thiv C. C. & A . I. I, 8 nota. ihtit ii('t itluve til oflieis. B1 bit vc begin firstf at. hoie. -to to &SOtUT1 I(sNA NE IS% flit( -Mr. Danbiel Suber, of iNewherr- lil 'otlni ty, diitt his htote,nwear Ashtitord's ;1an i'rry on Tuesday, inl fhe ighd i -elit w eair of his age. lr. Situer was a sol- iie ier it tt(, war of 1Xl2. -Lictif. AllenI It..lordanlorCheser,( w\1I whlo recenltly graduathd :. We'St l'oint(, Ire ias Ieeli 1it asswligned to a lietltenauer il .;nIl he third cavallry, l'niteil S1tates Aimy. slo ilhis part, of Ile .ariily is operat in"' inl iM Nebraska and Wyoininig Territory. . -The election for, a mlliberl' of.the t P'" limioue trom l' dgetiehl couiltv, to fill I Io ht r11111an141y Occalsionled by the deathl of' Ohe 10t late C alit. Thomliias .Jones. Iuis beei nh w fere'd for thie h>t I of' A ugist. 'le at Demiocratic primaries will be held on| Ale 2:1ird of' the pIreseit tonitl. C -Ant intelligent11, gentlmanl who has I T.y recenitly t raveled ove'r file prinelim m pitions of the Stiat, iniforims the w 4airlanblurg J/eroi/d fihat. (lhe genieral Ion plospect o. the, cropli ; iA Iiutstiallv ood, and he ibitnd the pevopfe :pa renierlly11 inl cherfull spirits inldicaling|. co Ail encot itaing o(tlook or ih le State. in -On Wednesday afternmon of last (A weekz dur1ing at Severe lt under. Storm illh which passed over Darlingt1-on, the( hose of Mr. Willie isgate, Ibout four ye miles rotti lown, was stuttik by hil lghting, and his wift'e received a shock 'mc rmi' iwhiCh sit has 11t, f1iil reovr- th d, binig par-tially paraly zt'(l ailtd. un- Vo ible to VIIlk t - nte day last wek while two gitil I co lored t .1hn, liviig on a .sn plnvtoni h.,efe tlmiv, were Ve t[ 1 th) d, ther Fotmi what, 'of hey s'l4.'1pposed () I 1arritlge eggs, tce .'At car'ried tlim liotine and cot olkel m I'heml. 'They 'were, soon afterl vatiing lie eggs, pros1 ratetilitpo heir b is i: wiitlh silckiness, and dietd imimilialely. N\ Ii. semis Ile eggs they had eaten wvere w snalke vggs. -OI 'Tole4day, the 2 Ii uit., a Ie--Il gro niamiiedl flay was shol itl a Illed 'by bv Mrv. 0. Wilsonl, at. or neao Appetda in hiarniwell coluit y. I seeim- I hat, Ite e: iliffllult origraled aboutf thll. ill-treval ntif. of a dog of' Ir. Wil sonl's by tei 1: iingro. 'lhe negrio obt' ne iIluriateid of 'id started at. Air. \Vilson, with n tii uplifed Io , w1ie 'l. Wilson c li I Io shoot ill m.elefen'0 se. c0 -A negro while plowing il M. P: Levi .\ll':mah-ni's pihnilia tin, in (Claren- 'li don coulny, lastll weevk, plowed up -), .\I ol box which h1aid been hiried Smile h sixiveen yearls. f. conlltained Iweav- Ia live dollat's inl golt, aboit welve daI- Ill lairs inl silver, a silver walch ant gold tchaina, ami 'everal of'te pit' of jew--3 etry. It was buarieiliiduring (lie 'wvar ""ilt 010iwiIre1 huuted for. h)ist could N not be f'oundi. i'hi e aj .l iiy m -~1 d:ily~it'. Ta we'ek Alessrs. Cop.. mi luitk & Johinsoni, tof N'wheirrv (., l., at1 dfiately. Aira' ,Johnlison wtit. Itlige (t 'iild learnaed thanl (lie freighit wvoubt be Ii tily t'e'nts per't barriel-iI is only diht lie iasked It dlriver wilmiI lie wonbill i /: fake ft' Iti:1 til Il'rosperil fo - heIi I aliswtereri ifihs'n cett's pet barrel, tad ina Of' (eenrst' gt th le jobl.I ---.\ sa d~ Ztt-o'itlt, it ccurrt 'ied last ea tv, whiichl rsuilltal in fte tleathI of'Qai. yt ildarai P'lwtlt''s soin Etlwli, (':tis'i ti by li.i' acct'idetattl distcharige of a shot tl guii nm the hainds to' his ohler brother., mii .withI whitim lie was purisuinig a hear n iii a fhiceket. Th'le gtm wa'ts cauaght by~ at a butsh, whieb t'aused't it 41 ga tol', analI lie t'ni i re( charge'g eniler'etd yonnli- IP'lo.. t'v :ten's I high. l''roiim lie Ilm'ts' of' (lie in wound tis r'eceived lie died a few tdays lit --Thei AbbIev'ille ..:h/d//m says: aii 'Nt Si in' 18M hav wiiye e lintd sie itise-- Ii vere tiry wete s o h ps w ituonthls. Thle miooin has chtiaiged, I le (Ih days haiivie cmie and iitonelt, thle gari'tins ail fwrl~iownaid wviltted aid still we have Ia; fiil t.ier'e w'ill lie ihint in the land. ri 't'he situaon isit irm itnig, we lthink. 1 Sptecial t praer muiglI.he itiue 0ifor raii, (ih andt if' te preachers wat t1hir Iallaries pid tul I le sotoner~ Ihey pray (lie bieuter (i I ti i mces." I Isaae CIIOliieti, aI ('(lore'd uian Ial workinig ont MI .1.1,dsoi iion slaii I I ion, soiie thbree' iles fromn lim-niwel- iii C. I I. wals strutck byi lighittniig andi ini ir Alanitly killt'd on' Wecdnesday last.| Wi 114an1 andiu his sont were ploughinig,'r wliten a light 'aiin caitto up, accompai- W tiedi with l ig'hiniing. lia and the boy I). stoppited ploutghin g, lteavintg the. muitles l itanditing, atnd Ithe faithet', fo pro'tfct gc 'iinselt'.tromn tho t'aini, leaiied atgainlst. a ! tra dleal'oninig report was heoardo. 'The i hig'htmniig had stru'tck thle fee atgaiinst h1i: whIch Isaace wait leaninitg, killintg himithi i islatly13. The shock k noeketd fthe bov int hisensible for seome Iimue, but lie soon sft recoveredl. Iothi mutlts were also pr'ostrailed by' 1 th lghtntinig's fear'u'oi f'or''t, but t htey souleedt no pierantentIm mjur 11etxeclt, fhial (one lost ani eye. w -.-On'juesday last, Mr. AlberI. 1o (k Let lie, tof Ge'or'getown i, wats shot by lth onte Georgo idtht, who halls l'ri-o lit ihayetteille, N. C. TheIi Itragedy took get pilace. in a drinkiing salotn. Th'ie tw shootoIig Jud Its or'iin simlyll fromt ih pra'ttlical jo~keti a ndni ged in by l it 4)1 bal I le patlies uponIt 2. gieeral top~le. wt Stmlith fintall' enmiio to thie conlultsion no11 thatt DeLetlie wats too persgoil, a ('ow I li harsh wVords1 were thent .Cehangetd, buii wihe~n Smith~ dr'ew bl~ revoiver and1( to4. tired at DeLcettie, wht fell to flit) floor cI s i a doutbledl up posIt Iitn, Iho bailhiiiy-|Icmi mug ceterd his left breast, anid ponie- La [rated to the hteart. While hie was itn thils conillli Smaith fired thle sieond shiot, which mintered the skull iust a hove tho f'orehiead. Smith tli humed lit e.. litely after coimmittinig tho deed fled ~h .'itug downt the street, pur'suted by ~ hto ciftizents gener'allv. IlIo wast flioll'y '1:11)tured and1( commtted to0 jaIl. --"I am of fte ipression," said Mr. lhlt L'hujrn (.1:0 ofthert dayv, "althlough I cat nay bo self-.decoilng, that ont 'of the ('for lensanitosL thaing8 (lhat I shall rcollect to ni after ilfo, ats ocrtrinlg In my public ma ervice, will be 'the fact of thIs extraf "i ~ession I think thIs o'xtra session has 3W<