J. S. RICH ARDSON, J. EDITORS. JOHN R. LOGAN, E WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1854. S:T Persons wishing to see us upon business connected with the Paper or law, can find us at any hour during the day, except from four to five in the aflernoon, at our office, just back of So:.oatoss' New Store. All business connected with the paper must he transacted with WILLAN L~wis, JOHN S. RICARDSON, jr., or R. C. LOGAN. Mr. R. C. LoGAN, the Foreman of Banner Office, is our only nuthorised Agent to receive money and give receipts for the same, and may always be found at the Banner Office. All letters addressed to the Banner must be pre-paid to insure attention. Nolice. The Vigilant Society of Sumtervillo, will take notice that Hand No. 8, will turn out from blonday the 15.h of May. for tho usual term. L. P. LURING, Pres't. J. H. DINGLE, Sec'ty. may 10, 1854. COTTON MEAR KET. CHARLESTON, MAY, 9. COTTON.-The market to day was quiet, the sales having been limited to 600 bales, at about former prices. The trans actions were at extremes ranging from 7 to 91c. Wesley. The communication of " WESLEY " has b'en received, but its length will preclude its appearance in this week's issue. We will insert it in our next. The American Hotel. In our recent visit to Columbia we - stopped at the American Hotel and were so much pleased with it as a quiet, well kept and comfortable house, that we feel we are doing the public a favor in recom mending it as a picasant and comfortable stopping place, espncially for ladies. _ -- te.. "4~) - -- - Soutlh carolina Tcnperasce bltadard. The above is the title of a newepapcr soon to be pubisheJ at Ihexing:n Court House, S. C., and to be devoted to the cause of temperince. We wish the en terprise every success, and refer our read glbr.moro particular information to the Prospectus on another column. Miss Breuau. We were favored on Wednesday eve ning last, in listening to this gifted and favorite songstress, who gave one of her charming concerts at the American Hali, Columbia. To say that Miss BREWAN came up to our expectation is to accord high praiac. She did ca, however, fully and admirably sustained her high reputa tion--giving, if anything, increasing claims to her title of "the Carolina Mock ing bird." We hope Miss BREtFNAN will not entirely overlook Sumter in her visits. She has many friends here who arc anxious and would be delighted to hear her, and we would guarantee her full houses and a hearty welcome in old Sumter. General Conference. Trho third General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. was heid in the Methtodist Church, Columbus, Georgia, beginning May 1st, 185-1, Bishtop SOULE presiding. The following delegates fronm this State presented themnselvcs and took seats, in that body: Messrs. Ship, Ga newell, W. Smith, Walker, MeSwain, Boyd and Stacy. 32T" The unexpected acquittal of the brothers Ward in Kentucky, who were charged with the murder of the school teacher Butler, has produced some dissat isfaction, and been thte cause of an itndigna tion meeting itn which all prirties engaged -in the case are denounced, and the Hon. U. S. Senator Crittendetn has been request ed to resign his office, on account of the part, taken by him in the trial. We have moore confidence in thc, inde pendence of the Jutdiciary of Kenttucky and the Integrity of twelve jurors, than thte ver dict of any such men, as usually form an indignation meeting, which it is hoped wvill meet with a deserved contempt, for after all it Is nothing more thtan an attempt to -force into courts of justice tho law of a mob. An Excellent Ordinuance. The town Council ofGreenville have passed an osdittance requiring all own era of'lots to attend to the w hitowashing of their fences,eclearintg out their horse lots &c., and a general reno.vation of ~their preniises. This is a happy move and one we would be pleased to see generally adopted int our country vii lages. independent of the efficacy of )ime as a promoter of health and ab sorbent ofitmputre atmosphere, noth ing adds more td the beauty of a town at this season of the year, than the contrast of newly whitened buildings and the green foliage of summer. There is too, no better evidence of hrift and prosperity than cleanliness, nor a surer evidence of decay, than broken down and tattered fences and *dwellIngs. - - Thne Vetoa vereceived a copy of the veto . message of freuident PIERcE. tipon "an ect molting a grant dt public land. to the agveralgtates for the benefit of indigent mnanne. pere.,ns." The message meets *wIh ten cordiu approal or th. ,S.t.... press and is hailed as a death blow to the plunderers advocating such measures as the Homestead Bill appropriation &c, The bold and fearless manner in which the President sets forth and maintains the do:. trince of States rights is a sure guarantee of his fidelity to thn principles which are so dearly treasured in South Carolina. Anti- R tail Convention. This Convention, composed of those op posed to the retail trade in intoxicating liquors, was held in Columbia on Wednes (lay and Thursday the 3rd and 4th inst. The Convention th augh not a large one, was a very respectable and influential body and was made up of those, whether con nected with any branch or order of temper ance societies or not, who were opposed to the retail of intoxicating liquors and desir ous of some alteration in the existing laws upon that subject. The Convention took this subject into con. sideration and passed resolutions expres sive of their sense of the propriety and necessity of such a law and resolved to recommend to the people of the State to memorialize the Legislature to pass an Act requiring the express.un of the public well upon this subject. The law to be left in the last instance to, and to be framed by the wisdom of the Legislature and the measure to be acted upon only in case the public-will authorizes it. Resolu tions were adopted and committees appoint ed in conformation with and in further ance of the above. All of which we pro pose givin, if we can obtain them, at length in our next issue. A Mtarket. In the last number of the Watchman is a communication suggesting the propriety of building a market in the town of Sum terville. We think it is an excellent idea, and reminded, as we are, by the said com munication, of what we had promised our selves to mor-, and concurring in what our friends of the Watchman have said upon the subject, we cannot help seconding the motion and lending what little influence we may have to the enterprise. If carried into effect many advantages must result to Sumnterville and the surrounding country. A neat and substantial market would not only beautify our town, but would add ma terially to the convenience and comfort of those living in it, and wonld afford new in ducements to the country people to bring the produce of their gardens and their stock and poultry, &c., to a place where they could dispose of them readily and expeditiously and without having to run (as they now have to do) all over the vil lage before they can find those who wish to buy. By all means let us have a mar ket. Our Militia System. We publish elshwhere in this sheet an extract from the South Carolinian in regard to the present militia system of the State, in the spirit of which ar ticle we concur most heartily, and in the voice of ai large maajorit~y of our citizens, and as defenders of the rights of the people, and exposers of unjust exactions and abuses, shall not cease to call lotudly for reform. The present system of training the militia is wrong in its foundaitioni, and utterly inefli cient in its operation. A more ridi cuilous fi.rce that our common hieat mtus. ters can scarcely bet imagined; this doesi not arise from any want oft public spirit, or honorable ptride, btut from a settled conviction of' the inutility of such exercises in times of peace and an indispositioni in the part of the men, to be made putppet shows of, for the gratification of the fe~w, whose amblitionm would stalk forth in "fuss and feath ers." Few there are, wvho would think of denying that petty military trainings and musters are sources of great social evils, and a heavy tax on the workimg classes, but some there are who from familiarity, prejudiced ignor ance and perhaps a Turkish faith in predestination, still carp, and chrone like, ask to have it substitute pointed out to them. The substitute as ofl'ered by the Caro linmian is amply sufficient, has beeni proved by actual experience in other States to answer all purposes, and if once introduced into South Carolin~a, we will venture to say there will never be found in our legislature an individual bold enough to advance an opinion in favor (of he system mnow prevailing. We have confidence enough in Caroli nians to believ-e, that should their State or countrmy ever call upon them there will ho found in the field at one monthi notice a better trained andi more enthu siastic militia, than all the batallion, regimental and brigade musters now in vogue, could make in a century. Thme remedy is with the people and from what we know of their senti. ments on the subject we, have no fear, but that they will demiand and receivo their rights. Pelileness Overdoe. A characteristic trait of our townsmen of which we might boast, is their gallant ry and politeness to ladies, but this, like every commendable quality, may some times be overdone ; instance a coma mon street acene. The reader must real ize that the enervating sun of summer is upon us,.a shadly sidewalk is in demand,. and'hefore the stores are gathereda group of the genus bomon,. in busy discussio,. of matters such as require "a eal of vast consideration." a gentle rusnda af muln disturbs the air, a'rd attracts the etyej ihile from the bleached sun bonnet "a dimpled chin and neck of ivory" steals I the sove. re'gns start and admist a scraping and back. ing of chairs and pulled beavers 'he fair dis turber of their equilibrium passes as it were through a triumphal arch. Now the object of all true politeness, proceeds frorn a wish to give pleasure and gratification and to a modest damsel and one seeking like the violet to veil its charms, this dis play of attention and commotion is by no means pleasant and not unfrequently annoying. With all due deference we submit, that the best manner in which loungers can show their gallantry, would be to keep the walks open and remain noiselessly respectful. What think you gents, is the hint untimely I A WNell-wisher to Young Men. To the communication of "A well wisher to young men " we most cheerful ly give a place in our columns. We feel that we cannot too earnestly recommend its serious perusal to every young man in the community. To the industrious and virtuous it will prove a source of consola tion and an incentive to perseverance and energy, and for the idle and disolute, it contains invaluable advice. We have read it carefully ourselves and we hope every young man in whose hands it shall come will do so likewise. While reflecting up. on the subject matter of this communica. tion and following in our own minds one of the questions propaunded in it, we have been led to consider why it is that so many of our young men and that too hardworking and industrious young men never find means to lay tip and thus become better off and by degrees become rich. For it seems to us that the working young men among us ought to be better off than they are un less there is some sad mismanagement somewhere. We find an answer to this in quiry in the sage remark which we recol lect to have been once made to us by a young man in cur midst who has become comparatively rich by pursuing a different course of conduit. ' The poorer classes " sail he "of our District are too extravagant and especially in the article of dress." Now, there is not oily a great deal of truth in the remark, but. we believe that it is the true reason why so many of our industri ons and hardworking young men are kept. to use an old saying, "so long under the hack." They spend all that they make and spend it in this foolish way. We have known instances where young men have worked hard for months and months and when they have come into possession of half a years wages, led on by thisfalse and foolish ambition that has diffused itself through our District to look and dress as well as the best-spend all for a singlefine suit of clothing. Tbis is, heyond all doabt bad policy. It is foolish, extravagant, and little, ney,even worse, it is almost suicidal. A suit at one-third of the cost would have answered every purpose, wou ld have made them jtust as respects ble,. ney,. would hamve made thema mose respected by the good arid sober,. and would have given them a snug sum to lay up to he invested at the proper time in some tuseful way. Dress can add no hmng to the respectsbility or standing o)r a mran "Act well thy part, there all the honor lies.'' Wie have thought it riot amiiss to- thr-ow out thesetf thnughts in conniectioni with the itnly commumen~tin of "- A well-wishr-r to young umeni," arid to ask a senilus cotnsid erationi of the subject by the young men and especially the hard wearking young men of our l~ist ric't. We d~o nut sa but that all classes and sexes, the young la. die.s as we ll as the young mecn wotild be payimig greater respect to their parent's pockets and be actong more consistently and .senisibly by desistirig to miister to this foolsh notion (that dress aluone is re spectable') which is (asm we thiak) abroad in our community. j'pf The meeting of Railroad Pres. idents, which was held in Philadelphia on Friday, was only preparatory to a convention for fimal action and better arrangements which is to meet in Washington a nminth hence. Correispondence of the Banner. Cormutima, May 8, 1854. DrAnt fANNER : We intended reporting for your niumerouts reatders the proceedirigs of the Anti-.Iicenise Convention that cont venedl in this city on the 3d inst.. bitt your Senior Editor having beeni present, wve will assign that duty to him, anid pass on to other topics--warning yott beforehandr t hat we have no news of striking importance or of much interest to commtunictit'. Ex-Presidlent Fillnore is expected to air rive here this week Hion. John P Ken. nedy of Ba~ltimuore accomapanies him. Our Tlown Cotuncil have appointedl a Commit. tee to miake arranigements for the recep tion of those distinguished gentlemenr. While we would tendier ihemt a hearty welcome, we would (do it without adlula tion or " fulsoire praise." The proceed. ings in C.harleston on a similar ggcasioni were we fear, characterizedl by two much servility. Hornor groat mien but do tnt woirshiip then. Mi-s Ellen Brenen, assisted by Messrs Vaa, Ro.'pper and 8ig~nor Novelli gave a Concert otn Wednesday evening which was attended by a large and fashioniable audience. By a reqluest of mnany persmns who ware unabile to attend that time, Miss I. intended giving onother Musical Enter tainmnent on Saturdy evening but was pire vented by severe indisposition. The Court or Appeals arid of Equity are now in Sesaton and have drawn hither many lawyera and' litigants froiw every portion, of the State. We are not sufhi ciently versed in "law practice" to give the ca we ,nruced and disivsoil of bofrnpo these Honorable trirmnals.' Kinsman, who was found guilty at the last laurens Court, of negro stealing, Io i3 teihtqled f'~f a new trial. His case will be decided shortly. Seveial negroes belonging to Col. Witherspoon of Lancaster, are also in the Richland Jail awaiting the decision of the Appeal Court. They were, you know, convicled of the murder of Mr. Craig of that District. The Annual May Exhibition of the Senior Class, S. C. College, took place on Thursday and Frday evening last. The excrases were as follows: TuvUsaLAv I'VENING, 1. C. P. ToWxsEND, (Marlborougz,) 4 Quisque Sum fortunes faber," 2. J. C. WEST, (Kershaw,)--Christiani ty essential to the Stability of Government. 3. W. L. DANIEL, (Edgefield,)--The Dignity of Labor. 4. JaMEs LOWNDES, (Charleston,)--Sci. ence a Confession of Human Weakness. FRIDAY EVENING. 1. W. B. CULP, (Cisseta Ala.)-A Vin dication of predjudice. 2. J. R. RILEY, (Ahbevill,)-Vir civi tatis regende peritus. 3. J. W. ADAMS, (Edgefield,) The De. Inagogue. 2. T. P. OLIVER, (Orangeburg,)-.Soli. tudle of Genius. 5. B. R. STUART, (Charleston,)--W4itch. craft. Of course it would be invidnous for us to pronounce an opinion as to who did best ; for all done well. As compositions, their speeches we perhaps too " flowery " and redundant-a fault common to all young writers. Quite a number of ladies wit tessed the performance of our young Friends and were, that is those that listen. ed, very well please. The new College Chapel is not yet finished and when it will be no one seerns to know. Capt. Walter Gibson whose adventures in the Eastern Archipelago are so well known is here on a visit from Anderson C, II., his native place. The citizens of that town have instructed their Represen tative to bring the matter beure Congress and procure indemnitication for his losses. Dr. Chambers, an eloquent and talented divine from l'hiladelphia has been spe ii ing a fortniejht with us. Ile preached in th1e Met!dIt :Church the la.: two . day eveningl to crowdel :ind attent ive congre:atiomin. Dr. Ba' tnan of Clarles ton also discoursed on Sunday afternoon in the Lutheran Church. He was heared by many ofdif ercnt denominationsa-all of whons were pleased. The pew holders of Trinity Ch-ireh have resoived to enlarge that noble edifice. It is now one :,f the finest specimens of Church Architecture in the South, and will we hear, be improved 'm appearance. O4"'yunt folka have commenced en. joying themnselves by pic-nics in day time and moon-light stroll, at evening. Sidney Park is as populbir as ever, and may its flowers ever bloom and trees ever be Lreen and brigjht, reminding the visitor of him whose minmd fint. suggested and hand fist plan ned. Yours, CoUurrm.Nsrs. For thie Banner. Aftssrs. Editors :i heg the privilege f youri coluamn-a to give a few words oif aidvice to a most interestbing and iimIi-oat eiasn of eVery community, viz, yun~g rnen. W hy is it that so many of onr young men are either idle or doing next thing to nothing ! Why is it that so many of them complain that they can find no thing tio do '? And why is it that so many of them fail even in their at. teumpts to make a comifortable and com petent sutppor t i? k is my purpose, in as short a compass as possible, to answer these important inquiries. No mran nteed be idle or unprofitably engaged a sinigle moment in such a country as ou~rs. With a wide field of. fering emplomymnent, full and profitable emnploymecnt to ten times our present popu~lation, thmere mnust be some1 sad deficiency in the men tmemselves, whe'n they are either idle or unprofitably emi. phoyed. ThoI very fact that so many can allbrd to be idle, proves contlu. sively that a livelihood is easily ob tnitied amlon~ tus. In many countries, and in portions of our own country, idlenes-s brings starvation inevitably. 'Tle fact is. niany of our young men feel thmat manual labor is dishonorable. They nmust either be Doctors, Lawyers, or Merchaints, or they will be nothing or worse thana nothing. The fact is, the dishonor lies in their false pride. A good mnechaici or a good farmer (and now I am speakinig of the man who tills the ground with l.is ownt hmands) is womrth a legion of yotur dap. per', dainty, dressy, lommiging yosung men, sighing after impiossibilities, and spending the money of others to sus. tamn them in honorable idleness. W hen I see a young maun with coat off and brawny arms exposed, driving the plough or the platne or tihe steam engine, or weilding the mighty ham. nmer of the lafcksmitl.h-shop or engaged iln any of the various honiiorable om. plhoylments, fequirinag mianual labor, I have a full assurance of' his independ. enee anid of his honorable position in society. Find nothing to do ! Why young man you maust be either very silly or very h-y pocritieal. I )id you ever try' to tinid any thing to d'o, and when you found it did you engage heartily in tho business, and after all it proved a fail ure ? If you can make this to appear to the satisfaction of half-dozen good citizens, come to me, and I will pay your board and clothe you. But I will pay neither grog nor cigar bills, nor for theatre tickets, nor for extravagant clothing either. Young man, you must cease to build castles in the air over night, which are to be dissipated with the fog, by next morning's sun. Gold mines and rich wives and dead uncles or aunts, leaving you fortunes, are things very uncer tain. And the fact that you look for such things, proves you to be worth less. Decision of character is a fortune itself. Determine upon some honest employment, and go at it with might and main, and the work is done almost as soon as begun, for you gain the tconfidence and respect of all good citi. zens at once, and your ultimate success is as sure as a clap of thunder accom panies a vivid flash of lightning. Pshaw ! Don't tell me you can get no thing to dog, or that your business don't support you, when your face indicates high health, and you smoke spanish ci gars and wear coats worth twenty-five dollars. Don't talk in this way, when thousands of dollars are made by others while you are snoring most inglorious ly--or spending your time around tav ern doors, or eve, in a worse manner. I can point out a number of young men in this community, who, a few years ago were worth nothing but sound bodies and honest hearts and determn ined wills, who are now growing rich and have all along been respectable, because they were not ashamed to work. You know them too. I real some years ago, in a book called Decision of character by John Foster, a story to the following im. port, as illustrative of the question he Was discussing, viz: the success which crowns the efforts of deterrnined .urr pose. The principle is involved in the anecdote, although to my mind the re suIts were any thing than happy. The story runs thus: (I quote entirely from muemzory.) A young man had bcen left by his father in the possession of a large prop. erty. le became dissipated and ex. travagant. A ga 'g of base men prey. ed upon his igrperience until finally they swindled him out of every cent of his large patrimony. After they had got all, they had no furtier use for him, and turned him out to starve. He was in dispair. TIe had never felt thre pressure of want, and more to be a beggar, the idea was iusupportable. lHe resolved to destroy himself by drowning. Wild with despair he marched to the banks of a neighboring stream. But before the fatal plunge, he dete-rmined to survey once more the world which he was about to leave forever. His position commanded a vie*w of all his former landed posses sions. Ho viewed them- long and in tently. Suddenly he changes his fell purpose of selfdchestrurction. lHe had come to a determniination--a full do terriination so regain those lost lands. Hie went directly to a neighbormng town. H'e sa w a pile of coals ly ing before the cellar door of a gentleman, he proposed to take themr down for some small sum, lie wats allowed to do so. After his work was clone and he had received his small pay, he begged for some cold victuals, it was readily given. Off he went in the pursuit of something else to do, it was soon~ found Again he received his pay, a-.d again he begged Abr a small quantity of food. He soon got a litrle amount of money in this way. And then he embarked in some regular business.. The resu'lt was he not only regained his- lost pos sessions, but he becam immensely rich, arid died an inteterase miser. Hlere was decision of character, it took an unhappy direction it must be allowed, but the proposed results were more thran accomplished. Now if any young man in this community will come to a virtuous resolve to make a support and a comfortable one too, and follow his resolution up with in stant energetic action, not waiting for business to come to him, but seizing upon it with the grasp of an unaltera ble determination, he will, lhe must succeed. A WarL-wrenIEa TO YOUNG hIENZ. Try it. For the benefit of the affiod we publish the two following receipts, which are said to be genuine: To Crian CoRNs.-Pare the corn smoothly off, reaching the quick if convenient. Then get as much ear. wax from your own ear as you can screw out, and rub the place well with it. Two or three repetitions of this course will effect a permanent cure. To Dawva AwaY Wars~.-Let the urchin's hand be so placed that the bWood from a newly-butchered cow shall flow upon it until well besmear ed.--Then suffer it to cool and remain unwashed for ten minites, Wash off then. and the warts vill aimanpsm,. The Militia System of the State. Brethren of the press, here is a theme worthy of your steel-pens we mean -from now until the meeting of the new Legislature. An opportunity in the coming elections is offered t", you to insist on the reformation of our military system, which ought not to be neglected. The popular mind has long since come to the conclusion that our beat, battalion, and regimental musters are all farcical and ridiculous so far as results, military knowledge and discipline, are concerned, besides imposing a duty on many who have neither taste, time, nor inclination for playing the soldier. It needs no further proof of the utter inutility of the present mode of training, than to see the general drillings of beat companies in the country, and often in town. There is not halt an ounce of military pride or ambition in the whole troop, and that is generally confined to the feathers and epauletts. The mnarchings, manmrnuvrings and manual exercises, no matte: how devoted the officers may be, are bunglingly man aged, and you may keep your eye on them year after year, yet no improve ment is visible. The cause is evident. The duty is regarded as an exaction from the State. Very few of the pri vates aspire to p'omotion. They prefer a stick to a musket because it is lighter, and they imagine it a terrible imposition if they are drilled for a couple of hours once every three months. Of course under the workiag of such a system the acquisition of useful military knowledge is not to be thoughat of. tN e have no substitute to offer or recommend but the adoption of the system of uniform companies through out the State, the continuance of those already organized, cavalry and artille. ry, and the establishment of new com panies, to be organized into battalions. regiments, or brigades, as may be con. venient or practicable. In addition to this, an enrolment of all citizens liable to perform military duty, and the imposition of a military tax on those who prefer to pay rather than become inermbers of the uniform companies in their respective localities-the amount thus raised to be distributed equitably among the volunteer organizations. In this way we think an eilective, well drilled, and disciplined fo.cc, men who unde'stand their business, will at ways be on hand in case of emergenc-. We regard a reform in our military system as a matter of some importance to all the people of the State, and therefore hope that our brethren who think with ss will discuss the question, give us their suggestions, and urge upon the incoimaing Legislature such action as experience and investigation may dictate. We want a citizen saol dierly who will take pride in ther orgathzatiu, acd tfeel.. agire ambitioni to performn their duty wihspiiit ; among whom an honorable and gener. otis rivalry to excel in all the arts of war will prevail, so that, should-the necessity ever arise, we will fmnd men as well as office's fully prepared to enter into action at short notice. Carolinian. Tita MI~rraRlY.-The battalions par ade in Edgefield commence this week, at Mount Willing. We suppose that each one of these occasions will give rise to the usual amount of dust, gin gereakes, colt whiekerings and loud bawled words of command, all result ing in n..thing. We regard our mili tary system a flarce, and would be more than willing (save tome good volun teecr companies and the cavalry general. ly) to see it all done away with. But why should we desire to d'ebar our gallant majors the great pleasure of "strutting and fretting their hours upon the stage?" Well, perhaps wie are wrong. Let themi enjoy their trappings and their su~ts of glory ! E&fyeferld Aakerther. Grand Division S. of T. The Spring session of this body, was held in our village during Thursday and Friday of last wveek. The attend ance was not large, except from our own Division and from that of Bennets villo, which deserves to be called the Gibraltar of the Temperance cause; still it was highly respectable. 'We expect soon to publish the proceedings, so far as they will interest our readers. In the mean time we may remark, that the turn out and public meeting of Darlington Division at the Methodist Church, was in every respect worthy of the occasion and gratifying to the f lends of the Temperance movement. The procession was large and impos ing ; the music volunteered by the amiable young gentlemen of the Vill age Band, most excellent, and the assemblage of citizens, especially of the ladies, highly c-ornplimentary and encouraging to the members of the Order. The G. W. Patriarch, Col. Montgomery Moses, presided over and directed the proceedings at the Church. After a very graceful and impressive salutatory address on behalf of the Grand a ivision, he introduced our worthy brothers Rev. John Culpepper and F1. F. XEarley, Esq. These gentlemen made very admirable speeches, of which we can utter no higher praise, than to say, that they equalled public expectation and' made an impression for the cause, gratify) ing to Its friends. It is scarcely necessary for us to say, that only the absolute want of space deters us f'rom a more elaborate account of the occasion. Darlingon lag; A General Sabth Convenion ls to meet at Chicago,. on the l'Zth May, under the auspices of all denomidna lions, and Is designed to.enside, whag measures are neeessawy to lnsure the proper obseranc of that day fp the remion orf te Wet. Gov. Manning. The Barn well &nfinel, of the 29th ult., pays the -following well merited compliment to the worthy chief mai. istrate of this State : His Excellency Governor Manning, has just completed his review of the two Regiments in this District. He was attended by our new and distin guished Adjutant General Dunovant, and also by two of his suit, Colonels Edings and Willingham. Governor Manning is one of the few men in South Carolina connected with the old regime who does not suffer by comparison, with the source from which he springs. His name is hallowed as the represen. tative by descent, and, in fact, of that spirit which the weight of more than two-thirds of a century has but caused to shine with increased lustre. And it is source of satisfaction to us and our people to be, as in this case, so pleas antly reminded that the race of those to whom we owe all we have, ia so well sustained by one who, in the ab sence of ancestral honors, could, and has achieved a distinguished success by his own merits. Governor Manning is not only a finished gentleman, but few. of those who claim to excel, a.4 public speakers can bear the palm from him. We have heard the strongest expressio-s of gratification at his speeches to our Regiments, not only as to the manner, but also as to the matter of his addresses. In fact, our people have never been better pleased with any Executive, and we venture to assert, that in no portion of the State has he left a more pleasing reme:n. brance or higher admiration for him self, than among the people of Barn well. With such.a Governor as Man ning, and such an Adjutant General as Dunovant, there is no danger that the claim of South Carolina, as to talen t, ourage or courtesy, can well be de nied. JUDGE BUTLER.-We find the following allusion to Judge Butler passing freely the rounds. Current paper and, more espe cially, genuine coin (lhke this) pass every where : Judge Butler, of South Carolina, is one of these Senators in Ceuigress to whom the public heart instinctively turns when ever a great question divides the public mind. There is a niellow ripeness in his language, a real value in his counsels, and a genuine heartiness in his thoughtp, that win upon us whether we will or not. All about him indicates disinterestedness aid integrity.- Representing an extreme Southern State.--a State more disposed to independent action, it, politics and gov ernment, than any other of the confedesa. c)-he is nevertheless full of deVotion to the country ,and alwars ready to show his sincerity by his acts.' Fartal Affray. We learn from the Marion. Star that on Sunday last E'vander Jackson, about 14, shot his cousin, Evander W. Jackson, about 12 yenrs of age. They were out shooting and disagreed. Evander Jackson has been arrested and lodged in jail. 'The iame "pper says that at a muster ground near Anthony Cribb's, on Saturday, a rencontre took place between James C. Riggins and Johin Martin, in which the former was killed. Martin has dehtvered himself up to the Sheriff.-hareston BAIL FOiFEITE.-John Charles Gardiner has forfeited his bail, not being present, on Moanday, at Wash ington, when his case was called fo.r trial. Holloway's PiUt for- de Cure of Sick Head. ache, Bile, and Weak cad Disordered Sfosacks. --These wonderful Pills have been the mi-ans of rvstoring to health many prmons pronounced incuribie by the ftaculry, bth at home and abroad.- Thby may he tallen with perfect safe. ry, and a certaity of'elleting si cure, by er sons sufierinig general debility, sick headace., diseases ofthe stomach, ble,or liver compilins, and theie who are predisposed to drope canot use- a more effecttia[ remnedythan Holoway' Piflit acting as they do- upon. tho very main spring. of hfe, no disease can meist their isn.u ence. The eil'ect they slave is mild, yet speedy, and as a family medicine they are unequaled. Emmenal. MARRIED-On 30th of April 1854., by Thos.- H. Osteen, Esq., Mr. JoHN H. COURtTENEY to Miss MARTHA NoRToN all of Sumter District. MARRIED.-On Wednesday Evening 3d inst., by the Rev. D. WV. Cuttino, Mr. JOSErH, B. WVHITE Jr., to Miss ESTHEa H., second daughter of John China Erq., all of this place. Home Industry. THE Subscriber takes this " method of Informing his frends and the pu Ic, that he has recently enlarged his Carriage Shop, and procured the services of several god werk men, and is now ready to build Vehiclse of any description at the shortest, notice. ~i ue to repair with neatness and despae sas isfy all those who may favor hi wh6~ patsen age, incheapness &e. EYon~n, . .,May 10,184 S4 ICE ! ICE ! ICE ! gJ NE COLUMMA IC~E NOUSE has been ejieyrebuilt,.so as to be 'eapable of holdingjseverai thousand tens of ICE,.ad i. now opened for the season. Every faeity wIll be-aerded-to-pesvens living at a distaee'to isnl them de y.I he seat offevery monnif dable, by rail road, pseer or frel ht train: and the railroad agentsbaveba lyo red to give every facility fovraaits~ tation. We will always have a' an at h different depots to receive retus edNaes. boxes, &e. I~ Cost of ice two 'eents per on'dSg bares and packingS7 cents; oaiii will be from 25 to;5 entspr BOAT WRIGIF -a N, B. Blankets ar vr oftrxansporting frs. BlanIete wE sedi at cost. May 30, 1854 58 IE RAE h*RAw13 VASIl T HE lfubscribere are paying the high.. eat price for Colton uad Linen imags ; per.. sonsi having them for sale,. willI find it, ta' theis advantage to address WMIMEIWNAMMS & vo. PAlIa coMlexssTus MRactrAxIT9.. . Carlrster' 8. C' 8sth.crsem aper ueirna Compdiag. May 10..134. . 6j