The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, March 08, 1854, Image 5

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Dr.W.JasDargan& U o. R 1:1'.\1l, Ib 0.\I.1r;R in l)rine s, Aledi ein's. 1%'int, Oits, I)y"e -toll',, 1%.I tent 3e.licines, Viiidew Ghs:gI". l'erfnllsw.ry, lnr .\riieles. nnd it aarieiy of uther urtielIs ni.nally kept inl I)rg Store:,. J.M). W. I)la nt e:t. W. JAS. t\1tAl(:. A.N, 1. D. 2~PNest dhinr to China'lesiles. Jane. ,141. i1-tf. Epping's Sarsaparilla, (Ill-'.r NOWV IN U8'1-..) Awl ni variety of sker popular Patent M.eli. inb -:, far sale by 11r. V. .AS. 1),1A .N & Co. Felb. 29, 18-1. 18 If A Lot of Paint Boxes, ~t'nter Colors.) for sale by UA.RGt.i & t'"). Feob. 2.1, 18:1. 1B > f Garden Seed. \t large su:ply, kept ronstianily 4443 hand by D).\1IGA N & (:0 Feb. '29, 1 ; f Excelsior Family Starch, lit lH4n::l pae4.t -s. I4owrtIer-l. :\I01 = lne Highly relebrt'l Iorn-Stureb. for ".ah-' hy 1D1. G.\N & CO. Feb. 29 .1is-1. 18 t f Genuine Cod Liver 1, I'rep:redI by Il3uhton, ('hark &: ( .. Aib4. cold dirawn 'astoIr Oiil, (very line.) for sale by l).\liG;.\N et, ('). Feb. 29, 1 tel. 18 if Spanish Cigars .AND) FI~let.'ll:II-'W1Nili\t't'O, foirsale, by' U).\It(:. \N &.(': Fe b. "29, 185 . 5 . C Fancy and Toilet Articles. A beautiful as+sortine.nt. 'all at Iheran's an.1 exurnine them. Al-n a 'urieI' of \ote l'a per anl li ntelopes, for satl' by' 1)Ais; \N & '0. Nett dh.o~r lto t'inla' lltel. Pub. 9, 185l. 1$ i t AN ORDINANCE. irther to J1'h ,ulle t /e (l'ice oft e Townc of' ,Samreille. lie it ordained, liv the iintenalnt aIndl W\'ardens of1 the towna of Sunite4rv le ii. council assreblled, and I y the :ina thrity < f the sa-n11e, that all slaves resilingr in the town ofl Sunsterviille shai lie req3uired4 to calrry tic:kets, 4cert1iicates. c'ards. 43 4other written eviden e, uider the h In343- 4f their owners, or persons hI:4Iiv int ch 1'.rge of thema : in woerds illowving. o wit.:. A. 11. is lily servant, re4i;i.r in Slun terville, and has Ierlniisiotll p.9ass frims mny bouse to (the pl.ce4 to be sperified) and reinain (Ihe tisle to be speciliAl) date C. ). in order to einale theIa to pas; on Sun. day s and after iiiItfaill. Bie it hnrdler oreined. '''hat all slave, flo1nd out side of Ithe etnc isu res ol their owei'ilrs, or of the! person.s having! IbarI e eft ltIln, si11 Su hil:e'ys or ;Ifter ight-fll with out Such a ti'kret, certtdiet:e, c:ird or of her .'rilltei (:vidn.u ce.41 . ..a1.a.r .1eId. .h- Il be. i.. bl 1(o be pu~ished4 ais hv law p4C4'.ided.I 1ie it Ilther oirda:11ned. That all ( )rdIonan (Cs 4an4 I1:4ris 44f ) r-Ii4,uincecs ini w.itlh 1this Onreitlne hei and43 th Il une ad~4 re hiere-. by realed0:I43. 114: it Ilurthe4r 4)r,1:4ined, Thliat Ithe .9ahl I tickei, certuilcate, card 44'r4 thier (evnteceL afoi re'sid ay runl ihr a 4uh4411, it te own-i er, 431 pe4r--on har(1344 charre 4of any. slaive 544 lspeedyl Iihere'in, iln en;ses9'' nIZI he 11he sl:ve Inay jl*ave a wife1 residni4g 44nt 1 hte enculis.. ur of 4he 214 44:ter', or1 pesn lhaun. cha~e ~rge 01 such l'hiVes iln llriIer 23o pass such share fron113 his proper place'4 (of re~suidence' to lls wife' hus e andUS no14 lt elsewhe44re. lie it further o4rdained', Th'1at n14 slave o free pe0r54on of color1, whoi 4. re'sidence3t', or whvlose taast~er, orl 42n41441.yeir's r(1e3enc 3.. noct w.uiinz co4rpo4rate4 lu4its el4t the si \l Ilge, shall1 be :41low.ed 344 co343 33o 34. id V i. hage withont the0 sper'al pe rnet of I ll ma ter, emplo'ye r oir g'3Iuaian d14'..)4rnating~ 11h4 (lhyjLc'. theC place 33334 l'.trthi of 3inu' o4th vi'sts of' the4 sidi .shI've. or1 free persons31 442l color, 1.atifiedi in Couil'i asse44'ld this 2-1h Given undl~er m4y hand1. 34334 th I ea' of~ 1 the n Co4rpolratio w44 Snol3tervilk-), Wt. S! II ln')X. Clerk. NOTICE, . A.L those34 pe rsons3 ind~ebted4 to the4 sub-i 1'eriber, for1 wo.4rk inl lte years I185'2, anld ment31, by not3e4 or caish, as5 the0 artice is muchl'I uieededl. There are) vet1 some4 debts3 ilhat are not paiid, some for ''51 and11 501, 31(me4 even ats far back as~ 40, but1 poor41 2fellows. ., I e. peet thley are all dead044. I hal3load24, and13 houoped, awl14 hiollowed0 after thiemi, until1 thecy all1 died 0311 oif my indl, so) I dlont say an3yting1! to them., but thtose bright star~s of4 18'5'2 and11'53, that1 sare y'et Iresha in mly memo31fry. Genlemenl~ please ('all and14 pa4y 111p, as soon41 as poss5ib)le. Th'Ie sul bscriber alogive noice! that1 he still cont33inues31 tile to~ 31iller and llritton)'s lirng Store, whereO hie tiuy ble laund4, at all ti313es, to) lii l)V nyr der iln his3 line, w.3 'it eates and34 despaltch. lie is 11han3kful h43r fa3vors, andl holpe'S a ct'O~~inance of the 3.4tune, but1 w~ise to4 (d0 exclusively a eCh.. orC harter busin~ess. WN. (C. DUNCA N. A'latrchi 8, 1851 19.-:ht PAVILION H0OTEL, HI. IL. BUT..' ER FIE LD.. ) i"ebI. 21,1831. 18 1y'. -MILLS HOUSE. TH-OMAS . .NICiKERSON Proprie tor, CHI ARLESTJOJ, AS. C. Peh! 29, 1851. I8 1y'. -oh Law Notice, Iu'l rille uii S t '.. will p~ractlies in a' 4.'o1413 ofI SmutIler, lii~Iiil. Ae4r'haw,'. l)herlu4i4on - 1n-2 WtiI~iIinmsur 4li1dle. 4 (11ir.. j-at bac4k i . . I.d "i13.'It 4'.. 1 'I'r. 4 SOUTi CAROLINA. In Equity--Sumter District I. E. Yates, et. al, rs. Bill I'or Acet. &c. IVln. Sanders, et al. IN pursuance of at order in this case, I will ollier at pubie sale on the first Amo day in *lay next, between the hours of 11 o'clock A. .11., a nd 3, 1'. ,l., at t he Court louse in the District and State aforesaid, the lands particularly below dercribed, ly ing in 3areng c'outy, in the Siate of Aat b:nna, I wit East hal' of N. E. quarter of' seetionl :32, in town.ship 1-1 of Utanagel one last in the l)istrict of St. Stephens, Alaliaa, containing 79, 8 1-2 10 acres. W'cst lf:a t'of N. IV'. qpaarter of same tow ishipa. rinae &C., contaaing 79, c6 1.2. 100 acres. Fata t hati of S. IL. Iiarter of Fractional sect i(n 31, in tinne towlnhip &c., coltain ing ?"() arres. orth I': chst iaarter of F'ractional ection :i. ia sante town.hip &c., Conitainin' 151,titi. .luat re'. S. 1\V. -'ubdi'ision No.:1, of I''ractional s ition 1, in atwnhiiip 1:1 tot IRn ae (iale \'est, no the dist riet of 1uois subject Ito sa'e at St. Stephels .\la., cuntaunag I00,77-. It0 acres. l-:'t hIal 11 S. \\. <iarter of section 1, in townshlip 1:1 of anage onl' Bast. contain iire ti0,'! 1-2-10)( ac r.. S. W. No. :3, of fria:ct atuetl sa"ation1 1, in toiwisilp 1:3 of ranige,aane \Wesi, containiiig 11,77.1(10 acres. N. V. half giartaer of secatians 1!, in itowislhip 11of range One \Vest, conta.t iing 8 acre-, 1:atst hallf anni N. W. <prarte~r of N. \W. ainarter otsect it N,. ti, towanslip I:1, raiigie No. one E'ast tontaining 121,17.10-' S. \\'. quarttr ta sec.tioni No.:3!, tiown ship No. 1 1, of riaige one 1'at, contain Laiiang 111i acres. lI'ast halt to N. 1. giiartar of staion Na,. 1, towislhip Na. 1:3, of raine No. 1, \\Vest, ct:lningaI duO :ares. Vest. halt oi S. I. na(aartcr of sec'tiona No. 1, Lowniptja No. I I, of a atagt Na1. one I: ast. co'ntaltiing 7(0l a'res. W.hal of S. \V. a1na rter, of section :2, toawniship 1 I, ra h! No. one 1-, it. ctatIttat ing' 7t, "G- 1(3(3 ars \V est halt : 1.1 S. -:. eI r ir'er of N . I,. einart. r o secto I NO. i, towinshlip No. 13, aII ir:1a1'at .a'. ane t '. . t o a ia. tI:g,. , 121, H _. lIIIt are. \0 es' half of N. \\. aparter af sati't, No.~, townsi:y No. 11, of ratage No. on3 I-::at, omt.iig a lthi-:(a. L a,)ure. N. I-. ainariar aat N. Ii. <ptarter of sictioan Nat. , taownttshat:p Nao. 1:1, cif r":1:'1; Na. 1toe 1',. to't'ata Itt 1, (. T1'11:.t. : So Jtuchl 1"a.sh1 wd; hl! rellpiiredt as wili piay the e!xpense i of1 thila saie for the b:tl: tine the arrhtcasr, tiales lie pirefer it ay :cash. ila e e b1tatt1l w i1h ga",1i1 surety to lae C11 :tauasatn'r, Imyabtlae ii n to cpajat l a inut ilslat. haItunts. with Itelrt'.L tron th dls' a11 s.ilo pIa btile annually uotil the whole as p-t1d. \V. F. 1. I i.\ V'Ns \\ 1)1(T1I, Co~in'r Isil's 5. 1). Snne.II.e, 1'1b. -'>, I18.1. Fei. b!). I A I5. 11 !)t In Equity- --Sumter District, .\lary K'. lta'ltchborg. ) 'hy next fiend .\nd \V'. \\. It-ch Iiur'. atl wv. . DIili foar is injunet.att a:al N,11n'l. Ibchhan.urr I t!--hi,. ;at.t .laahnt II. 11ix T appe;ar'~ tto iy satlisftactiont. thatt thae 4- tihotw itmtanea .Ilahn 1I. Il a.'ster residaes baeyaaaal thar Ituaits oft the Siataes. It is tat dleraed that lt- ala apeara'aaa an iaswa'r, ptle:,tl, intattha- Irathe puba~litri a a itn tat this ietice* otr ani arder peaoa. c'tnl..'cssot there'ona~ will be eetrl ad aia.t hinta. .\ ', trdered that theaa above't aarlar pub-t hibod tfor thrae othttls mi aone of a th G. :'.at:5 tat th ~ alhstrict. Ctaa'r. laity'. S. I). Feb. 28, 1 "51 . I S 3ma ESta of Capt.I;. White dec'd. FINAL NOTICE. \V' nga oatiftay perton -att am~ aat whomaaa ae hothlh clattns thaue iat' Ibite D tpa. I ,eon.t lta.lae, l~athe'dtm:tatas wd'al bae paut tat sat. 1". .3. & .\. .\lfO)i'-8. F"ebrary' 2$, I -5.1 Ia " dt. Old Brass and Copper. 'fTh' Suh.-e'r.ha.r nI jay 12.'. a'enas paer Itolin ll i t':tsli h.' Ittv a ai t 'V a f at'al lig-s at' (.'apaaar, ai 'ha.t da at It.s -ttaip. 1 t e la.'hart :t t , I- I lI I-h t t l,1 Notice. T .'e Stiltsaribaer, wa.iti of IIinbet Crogan~t~ atf Statatertaiht', Ithop~. keepert hterab ia e, tw0ta'a thtat at thie xpiar.atatan alt atti intath tfrfil first lailbbcattttioi ttf this ;alivertasemmaiaa, it is hter ititetitiatitt o irudte as a stale tradler, ia.\tV CI()GII.\N. F~ebrarya' 28, 1Ib1 I 1.' tf Samuel Jeff'ords, C().1I3IIS UN 1ER' ( 'lLV T"I, C'IlAlLI'ITON, S. C. Fe b. 29, 1851. 18 ly. J. B, NIXON, PRI~OPIETl'OR 1 OF17TI.E Chiarleton, S. O. Fb.20, 18S5f. 18 13'. E. R. C0WPERTHWAIT, Furniture and Chair Fa b. t9, 15-1. 18 tam. PLANTERS' HOTEL,I BY G. WV. JIOMAlR, TINDAL, WATSON & CO. selve t~ th stand iti~tlpa iat,. A. J. il1aisi s' Stori, rtea tfrally solicits' the. aitteitiono jatheIir friendsi~ 'l'eir iassoaritmentt comaiprisesi all atrtic lesi usuatilly kltlit, (er ajllbig Iiijaualrs) naid will loo; contanitly rieitp l,.iid, ianild Bril seda aif' Ott as 1atlhla teirms ias an- oli,.red ny whlere. Their mucaik auinasjaLM in part tas followsi latirs' Dressiu (:odsa said 'trimnatgis. 1.iiiliaas' Collars, Cltemitteai, Boald" L.ra.cei, lIldgiattai, tl osa rt iaige, Jiiaiioi'L tul Siss~a' Musl ims", f.rij*,' andil gettlenaiiu's I. V 1 ldkf'a. A hrgi. tt of lluiiry sod, (?rtivnt. ndi Stocks. Alsoi, A full supiiily ofi P'rits a Doimestics. c ;I:J(;;IlI ES, h lardwarer. hililowsarc, ( urpeautcr's and lllsa'liaaaitl.' Iksiilii, tiiaera Pumpasaa moil Pipies, Cnarriia.,s Triam ( *riiikiry" and!t. t i', $nidlllery tBill llnoita, Shuss, I Fats, ( stp.s, Iheathy iutac 'I \I),\Il, W.'.'O \ & CO. 11. \'s. (;t n i:1 . Fe brusary 22, 1'831 17 if HAYNSWORTH & GREEN, W.M. lEA VNswout'Ill. .1(111 N r. t:tI:tex, ATITOR RN.E VS A'! I 4AW. \II.I. jir:tict.ce in Soassur andi tile il ltizituig I)i.,tt it ta Mill.. I AFA R, IV\(, N talken lbxiiiss at tileu lla oliti (Uie. would na:-Iaa'cttlain atius tlhe (citizen~ts iii Sittrille andt 1t, irwiii v" tla:it, luauriiit hail a111 tx soescoirO iii ~.suit; ini theC business~s, lie. is rp.u ea t~o~ Daguerreaii Likenesses, 11 r. I.. haas oil ls:uiud at jlwleuiu aa, .an /1ie .t tiii t( ' 1 ;1' Iii: is ",p~e wti:ha all the Iass~r~tsaati fora ali rat :silv Uruu1ss. li will naa it lair a shirt tmoler. maens.t-Itinsaution gi aetl int (le .Art. Fe'_''2', l?;, 1 17 if M~eeting of the Salem Board of Commissioners of Roads, '1'!!!: ! next reg'ular ui..~t. tip ul'h lii. alcu 1li:il ofl . 1 u s ,i u t I ' ' r Il V' i is ti l I i -1m~ht u l .i:rvla ntt it lit:ia te 1stI~ iha iV oi thy'~ sunalii. t'D~'t'1J. \V 11 UN1';TI H AIS juist reec'iv'ea froma Newcnv. asrilr~ u i. York\VE .V T'IC I.F:8.,'* &., wluch lie will sell:s cedap liar ca-u as aav ii: lr ret Thair es laid titl'tt. in thei S?;ite. ''hlasi aoll ia~r l)ist iii itrs. lie uesiect (us!'.y New Store and New. Goods, thmis village, lid lras nosy uplesed a large will well uartreil tlotlk of resh.i~ 3114 lect Driu1go; :tm,(I MiIiCi u4w, Withi Paints, Oils, [Dve-%lathr, 1Vlmqlotiv GI31! s, Vals ui~h'sPq juuta"* I'leau 1S ti - olf fihe bet' 'I Iflill~n iWll hea 1,,111 onl if 4'iIlllll. dlainig termas. A sanre' of ate piullic Ijtrtagae 11e1. 274 lS5a.9if Noice, - A T.T. wxr-'iaa wiat, arc ini me tlrht n fe Will pe':ase! fto comie falrar amnil ;ty it o) flit!, For I liaat Illta out1 of thea tfiulilijgi!t. iaaaail. And ealtalal,,'i Wait llllL,.*r. iiilet',. if I wolildll 't'he Slaerri IIh tauII it plet. at itIa ha rnless tile I a(ak; Aund B-tannm ltoIl trotl pol a very rotna irtia'k If iaa Iri-a 111 donf't canati flarwv~irdaltli gie lilt- I il, I'll ,:oa tao fte detvil. sonsii, tall ini is dlrift, Hill raitlaer lion 'I gio to. hinas o early, hark ye 1'11 g~ive at we! bit of n htiatt noiw mark me: ! If yo lal t ila,~fIy lap, right untder your reposetsi, I'l I k ta ll 1 youir pllers, and give them't to 3lisp .,;. Andl tou, tilt. ilhena vota'll get yoiur f'a rita lii hell, lit II ralL-.,L ),t, like ai Ierila, Is-hi~a, el., N, 1S::l. 13 if Cabinet Wareroom, F I'll. ANDREWS,. 'l'&kr-a thais ttll l o~~haf ifsfalrng la -it iizenas ~~~ ~~ of pumla r ills- .ttal uitinailv, "a' tha t lit! has~a .1ll111 oajwne1,n1apoll h it~ 4-lorner Mme'4 Clarks, Ili it-L lais Z'iKV ('Allsl.:r N1.1'A ~ o I 01 LI 3, wheare lit saill kee.p fair sal', depalaartmnta iof hais trlae; tuaI %ill firl fair , aii'fa. at ( *haurla,-faafa pariuesi. till alt'i-rijtiaaat lit' I lrfaifuare ttaale. Rlltvairiug excttnl ait tilt: a-ltirt,-.1 laaaljt'!. 3l:htt laty ;u lai it C *afluzts fatrti:-la'l u'i'ha out adelay t Columbia Clothing Fullings, Bostwick & Co. (JOL Ui\1 BIA, S. C. .\iIcott-ftaf ly out Itattiflit-' lllrguit in this. 111:1tir, uvhailh ftey are pirepa:red to sell ait iarict,- lowev(r t hai atty ua heur ca.alj. 'Il'ha:ri (iaat Iiamr t" fa:t a1iar^(! lit thaclit. .-ulv": i th ~ imrtiaftl;:r re-l'cen ltoii this II l'a'rlaa :111, Iatf'. atl warra IwR o .3 to Al "si'1I' (' !. )'1'111\ (, otlkued( ill am, V lart of thle ti aat hfrv. 'I'lls it' ltsifaes is colt haffl tlu' prtice aa f ht- aal! iaarfI:,I in~ ,t ftlt~ruiail l'ai price- I. ualai-lri, ;a ti thlfa ifu fa~t ;a: lt't-!l liuvuar i t telltil l a itaultkc Ihis lar is.s at ;;s !aa%- it rna', as tfle than) exI ;ru c t!Xtflfai aad aetr jnatl:e Pcid tu ll i vls11l1 (lu: ..Jri.electu invit. Its i eai:t , ~t u'sok*'. rl "BROWNING & LELVAN,"I LW/'11R7WU1. ' OF Fm'CUmClm, rUllI iwim aiuil (A tiian DRY GOODS. 209 and 211 King-greet corner of Mar ket Street, C A t!1 W'INGS LIngarii, 3 l'y 3,IruKi V r'l'.Tipot iv awl v>l t"'t4. ". ('I lt''A IN ATEI A LS, in Silk, Satin, lntd Waild. ('tIt'l'AlN ('A 311ItlLSuitql 1i1751.1\ S, in large' vurtI.rii llMulIII)IVitlI) L.ACE and M1USI i" (:11;' C '0 RN1 IC S~, in nil thle new d~ge ('I' I'I'AIN (:1 P, 1[OLI)EIC$i, 1.001'S, IJItA iluV C~itI)8 anti 111:1.1. &OI'": in all v:.rjrtien.. liiiI'lI'IS1 samid AMER1IC'AN FL.OOR OIL ('I.O'i'IlX. Xl I.VI'It andl (:1MI' '. lTIR iROlS and S'l'A Ill 2A ILl'l'l ofX ' all asyl.. I't.ill .reni tariaety. I'I.X\N'I'A1'I'JON %V 0) I1 :N S-H1l A N lRed msad Whiate! 1I .A \,\ BLS, 811 RI'I S, ('0'I"1'ON' ()NAIIIIIA;S:, of all the busrt Soautlnt inn ke,. Enitjsh wmil Ameatriccan (COTT"ON 1"J1.A N Fra.,ti:. i iglisia. nol ,Arnrii'n i I'':S. ~INE'NS 0!', 111(1 IA ltli( I'S superior 'I'ulIm.* l)auat:.ks. Do)iylie, a'. N ni, ruoi'tllirtag, I Iatckaliao la, Fruit (:loth.a, IH. E. Diaie rsm, .1.104 ( 'lot lard, &~ (I'10''1i8,(CASSIMKILS waoll~E'JG mit liesI FI""eho I ,iii' SERV(ANTlS C l.O'1'11S, iin all the tima'Ies ii SATlIN :'lS, 'i'W~KEl)S, .iEANS and LI\. SI-1 $, or :all 'I" ilium's zttu styli's V.111 A I t . I! . ASSORtTMENT' Oy Rich Dress Goods, in SII .KS"'. 'ISI'EIS. BA REl( :LS,(:;It F:\ A1)J1NI.., 31's 1.! \ S, Ai'. 1.l~C 1 1\ ~I :". A l.l'A('.tS anti MOUI.~RN err' d"-,'rpt ion,. I":1'E\NI( I )ltSS C heal in: Crest vamrietiy, eottu;vrrit irl. - All thea .Jeoti. atre of iaiir ownr 1;)3tlf:c '' fl 0 ' it 'i'ize ,' amid adi'r,al :,t tit' l.(1W E'S'1' 3 A ItI( K'!' Irice. 'I' I' I' '.-( ,'-i, or t'ji V A c,* elt ace. !Jil'Ithe ~an! price %'teu strictly ad Im:r'2aI t', and alli ( haaid., Wa';rm uttie. 1lIRU\V'I.M ; & .K"M AN. C harc.t.:t S. (., .Iami, Gilt, 1M' I. 11 if' South Carolina--Sumter Djgt.1 Fa:rrar, ilamiks,&(a. Sa,,u1a'l 'l'iinalal t,,1 i in the' enstod)'y or tiro Slter, il' Samiimm'r !)?st ru. lay %r n omfit t~ri of (:,ljli.5 eld .vaurlti.'h.,la,n, at tn wtilt oaf Farrar, liatiIks, .': ('uinl~ay. lharingl fireI inl 1" oflir,, Ii.;.?athlir wvitl a "ii,lt l,. 4111 oathl,, oar b'i" estate nul alh!ts. his lhtitiaa, ia th *'tirt oft foint' "ae !'leas, layiu thIat t wiany h.* n'lanitiaou to 11,e~ laa'na-it ofl, h' ea*: oflithe (l'tcral As. saeitilly, "no!,l' for tilt- r,-lielf of li,-iitt aorw It 18 increL'y oirdeired, that tile said Faurrar, lBaunks, .1 ('on, piiiv. a itdh all othter that creditor, to '% it,, tilt- s:; i.l Sau e n 'Ia *itold ia~ its ny V. iso! irlelntied, Ia.. mial they tire' l~inley atnn naor,."el.:ima havea itic~e to tijipeer, before tho. *..ial Viws at Siiiit.'r. Court I louise, fil the t'l:va.'thl uhey of April hnext, to mte cause, if, >'za plava:t i ieIrtaer rof the piititi'it asforcsja ii, h'ltil hust Ie- rntil. 0mm',.e of ( .ianioatlt I'la':oa of ? tIutt ey 'I'itr. i'. 29'aI, 185. S). e~Oli St. ohnsiScool - PERRY 17' 2If'l OLD ,Tx'71 1 11\5ji.t reciteid and olTI'rs for Male, at Chu 11 LA N K . I-'. nt Q :50 ea r.h, ilud ainid heavy. Hrnvy l'it illed lied Flnanel, 31 1-1 cents 8:Laie ii.. Kereys, &c., a Full auort:nent,. (:rorgia Cenry , anel lahins-Seidey's mran 31'1m1,. lie .nin, at 12 1.2, 18 34., 25 ceiter Print!!,, llnestir, .e., of all prices and .p Curpieing, at 50, '7, $1 00, $1 12 centi; P.'iekled Bleef. Smoked and Piikled 'Tiongiute Sugnr, C'offee, Ibwoun. Fhour, Lard,,'Blter, Iit iXi l'aelks Fire 'rneker.- for the Boy.; 20,t00 Segars-choice braudm. Hard Ill heavy .tok, and good nsscrnenmet ar A hF: 1.1 A ND G EN F,1 Asortmnt.i eitnletiI, tolther with every deasr will lie olil .. liw am can le bou-ht in atny m. rli I'ire:er,s will loi it to their :mii tmnigr its stocrk is large, embracinig A iy thing and Ivet 500' peolin,Is Nirni"ed, l'r uhilh thel-I er in Cash or .Merchiiadize. One Hundred Do z For which over they market pricy will be paid in (sct. 27, 1853. SOUTH CAROL.INA. In Equity---Sumter District. Mlaria 1". Alapiles, Dolfly M1. Maples.. 1 .I ward Alaples atal1 Naemi C. Alaple~s, By their next ; riend, Levi F. li:haine, ' 1.I1 for .tc't. Jackson J. ilroug"hton, Thm ias .aples nd \Villiiun .1 llroek and Mary his with. J It. appe:irin-.- ( tomy saisfaction, ilmet Wi!liain A. Broek, mni. of he I)elemuil.t.m in the above .tlaedl Ill, is ab ient fronm the S;;ins of South Carolina : It is ordere 1, on miotion of MiIavr iit & RIichiarlsnu, Complainants Solicit .irs, that ti.' nid Wllia:m A. Jirock it) plead, nn swer or dlemiur to the said litwithin three totn.hs Iroilt the d:ate of the publeatiu of Ihi, order. . Aso, ordered, that this Order he publish. ed three m onths in one of the Ganlzetts in this D)istrict. W. F. B. 1IAYN SW )i''rr, (eni. E]. 5. 1). Jan. 11. ,<>45. 11 3mt SOUTH CAROLINA. In Equity---Sumter District, Mary I). ('ox, I Serenai E. Janes, I Bill to, coulirin Sale et. al. = of Land and for VS. ( execution of title. Matt hew J. (ox &. Caspar Jones. It appearing, to iiy sattisfaction that the nbove nlamled defendant, C~s'rJones, re. sides bcyoiil the limit-s of the State of South I.tarolinn : It is ordered that lie do apliear, anl gnser, plead or deiinr to the said hill. within three nui hs after Ilie pulicatiun of tis notice, our an ordier pro. C'onfessuiv thereon will be entered aga;.inst hin... Also, mrdered that the above order lie publhishedi fo r three nionths in 'one of the ;aztetts ofi the l)istrict. Coninnissioiner ini iliuity.. Jan. 11. 1851 ' 1 Im GLENN SPRINGS Visitor. " J. 1). %Ie<;h.j roprieters " Groioa llruwro'e, lletor, and In struictiir ini MieintalI ande Chirist ian Science, Mlodern I.anguage4 aind history. Ars. IhEt~xox, Mah~troni., -- -, us~truictoir iri Malisatics Natuoral Xciences, mnial Anicieti I.iterustaure. Pirif. (. F. Dermi x:. (late, of iimu $ione S4iriiigi.) listructiir ini the theory and piractice Mi-s t'. M. Ih:1io, latu ruel resi in Eiiglislh. iNsioss i, lnitrnitresis in D~raw ing. Piaitinug. andi A iint i in F~renuch. .1liss Sott W.rinti.KY, lustlrurres in En. glih Irncheisi. nndii A srisini ni in .31.ithieinaris.i . Miss I'nt.rr, Alniistant ini Mluic, and 1--igIlih. . . ihe icirpis is not yet comnpir. f ~I Al'Fi~inb liustiiui, liciated aut ,(le~nn - Spjringi.s in Sjnrmiimrtnur District, S. C. wtill lie opened fonr the ree riiim of p'mpil.t on' th lf, ir,.t of Fehiraaury oresi. li cnvlerin. ti iteinlnnueint iiint a ejuiss1 for ymmnig.hidiei., the, biiildiings havte beetn lhornughly. repaired aud Iilil up ; andl in fulrnishing dwmiu utnew nii painis av bieeii spared to manke it, in eveeay respecit. smweh a homeiii as pan-nuts wiitlid desire foir ti hr idauighters. P'artieiilar atteniioin hats byemin siiwed pnl lthe Muii 11sical lusmnemytiiu, nini ith a.n large .ni ellijint ciirpi of teacehers, iuail a lthooughm ciiirs of nI oily, it iililai .*e. ry itld vatuage no be enijiyed ini a nimilahr institu Appjlicnhm?are adiiniiied, of ant' age, over lenen yeatrs. andi pilacedi i such ~lasin nas they nmiy he. jirareid lt join. Thle schoelantic year will cnuist of one seis. shutnthi jledintiiiitwo terms offIi iemntheeachu~l, 3inatiiui, I Jeemiber' iandi Jamniary. t.m'ress.--For Tliiiin:and IHuanI. inchailing wanshioig. iMetl, lightse, &c. &e., spj2i per terna awul lihere u-ll in no e.sIra icharz, exet fur .3lnsiic 8i3 pier lermi. ail liir loiiks, Shee'st 3u. nie, hirainrg Maitrials. &c., nt thy useil. -For fuiruher'iiormtion, see "'riue:etlu," wluhih limt b e liadl by aply3ing In the Retour, or eilher i thle P'roprteuorni. lhec. '2i. 185)33m andii all I le iithler piapters in the Stalti weekly':. f or thiree monuthi, and furward hnillis to one~ of the P'roprieturs. In Equity---Sumter District. Amlni'r. miof I' BLL,. Leoird W.hite, vs.'F. JT. & M. Moses (h'les W.. Miller. J Coimpl'ts. Sol's. 'Tlue creditors of thme le lDr. Janies IAVys satwon-ri, ntuiledl t, clnami under hi-4 assignmnt iio th labovelii namednl Defindant. exteeit'.e lii timi '2..ih day3 mif July A. I). 1842. are herehy nn. mid lthatn, lit an order in thu aboiuve stied enae, they aure regilredh to esitabhiahd thil-r dhe manmdu bmefore olin, t'nniussioneor in Eqitiy for Sutnter Diiitrwut afiimnid, on or before the I alsoi LiVe liuuic that I will until the iiaid lirnt ii ay of lnty nexl, receive. hlpposl for tlle malti of i. lpari of time real estate conveyed by theu ia Id niastynmilent, lying partly if nmt wholly in the eorport limits of Sumntervlle, bounded by landis tof Dr. J. C. lavsnswoa-rt. W. L. Baussos, TI. J. Conn l.A N, unti Mrs. C. los 5a.t. aimi by the, new road rnnnimn frotm Sum-. nert ie to thn slteam mill of T. J. (.OiantN & (ur., slnpposined to contuini abut oni titred aid sixty aceres. DeC. ~ ~ C'o'r. in Fgnity 6.I). De. . - t oil A. J. d P. 31O.5 .S rtlstoli rics (freight inclutded) ISE per ard o worec usn low as 16 2.3 cent,,' lli tics; 1IL'ioervl. 8:slinnsi L'hoter, Sand' , 3?eoruias, alt, &c., &~c., ~are. , Ato wtell known torqieenunneratjo LA!. A' Olt '1'MENT. 'ii r . of t~sss to sut lte,ntlry trinwi, pct ir mas orF to ajiju'uvtd pcii~eilsrN." iss Join.' * to call on me before pure'ii acts~ 3' it hc'??.L2 tighte'st ma rket price will heo pasid en Eggs Warted; arse r. Notice. J ishopviIle Carriag. UI;Imuucsw,1Yfia auis si~uory,, carry onV lisali ubste siem ill all its9 bnres. anti ukeiis: tis ni4t355t1 o rteitli lis: thnk' kt) l)ii fritrsnlee fotr Coir~ libieralt. :+",r , ttir st flyjt yce ttehtioisft Ic bssin mll mle'rit the~ Pause. (AlU?.lA(j*@.AJ W 1"a*> tissie. to order andt warnsntte for ti flhirlits. if theLy* iuil'i i t inl 'liat ti paint esf'+ssrkenknsiiip or mas~trinal. thety % repaired! freel of cisatge. lie dleemsss it u)i c(Bsary to s:ty artslns, itn regardtl te i n,"ss and5 disrtlijt of his~ work, n Isit tr ill show lfut, itself. .I'sill onl him at BIls ~ille and~ lie will give its good bargains an ie Issol iln (lisirestess. Ilec alssso 'lutes nlst-wok at seheort sot!' 1 ier'.eu-ssirtgtii oe iit a ter1s ande slis t 5i1 :iAI ail rsojsssc. H is turet f'tor tie A' ill, u~ to uit tsurtsers.-W~it i'le S ;,J~i' 8t,1~ SOUVi'i CARDl IN! In Eqiuity---Sumnter Dx~tr Julia A. Ilkj ile, j * vs. Bill for ;Actin Join Blikely ;andl ( and Rtelier.."' and othieras. J 'llhsnmatrir to m sat islaeljoti n.t e1'hoti,1 1:. Dick'r. 11011. M. C. Wiatl SpoadJrn'041 Motuiernute'y, Dotfyn .ants in the abe huacile ease~, resie of the ltissits Stateoh Sl 5.uih -C nit, III mottion f Blainling & DeSaua Coll) psia~.pL's Scilieilors It is ortderer! that lie don npspeacr,.j . itnver, plead? or deniir tu the stjad bmll, wi three :!mths after theo publiciC ontl of 'tnoe~C, .ur an 0r1er pro, rnnfcss ilter will ht; entered ;sgnnust hits. Aloodrdta ie;rlneodrlitlislkd hsr thsree nnoiths in one ofl (.aozftlb ul* the I)ieit rit. Conmsaisi.oner in J:uqtt