The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, January 25, 1853, Image 3

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VES 'AYMORNING MU1OLL AIRS in ai lvanvce, Two. Dollars YCenlts ait th6 expiration of ISIX rnon1tls, J e;,blia~rs,at the end of the year. d@ - fe-6ntinuier tititil aill nrrearages h aa t:0 option of t- Plro ,ritr. ents por miuatre, (12 lintes or It-,) for naui half that, humn fur each subsetliittt Th' number or incertiona to be marked liertisemeunts or they will be publishiet erel to .be di'scontinued, and chtarged rdifighv. a ON E' DOL LA R per squaire for a niingl of.Quarterly and Monithly Advertku ttwilbe chtarged the sant1e a1 aL s;ingteI in c lee'nv published by at ha -11vent (Aut to Chin a1 atis ar~we have thec accounllt III aI toI ME -s.- Pwanl, thle ladv (4, Pwanl vho, We ae UL, ii ia ejehiit of wealth, adsre U.fiof-able tofrepr: ata Ti hw is elap-yed in the rwvice of the overie I It this hi distionft. Ue at avives, lhe lady1of thehmer wife; dild nott nrake hor p' peat ice until a iittle tiume hN a lpsd O At.le' gth Ole enitel'I It oOM, and lthe other gave he wIl %ille ho'iceeived her visilvtor, :md rwlred to tao ke Ier Se-at lLAtil evry one .f h dtert'o g uarserlwa nodeat he ats a e feitat tilb ohlrge el'ettdre n~Iot 20 ver~~! i tient' oyr of agd. Iver. hair Y'abg arrantged their ua aIl :. ,nd itiern a oa I d , iltli n pe.nar, an othe 1101 ats. 1 Nhe vas attired in a imt ede f grass cloth, tight uab the oli*(jI 'ith '~ arge.' sleeve, txosb ~ata b tiC -. hand, and writ fil! Tn f bra a isceitze. h, erneath hr gra-is cCt lh 'tie the .ePleatI ]let1 .At 1 Itcta . I tworo an embroide-red Skbll. that neli ..n. a her little fe t. lIi n . aI ie'rd were graceul :m legtan. 'h> .he'eremarks of the. hldi, (hr vst o she re sponded cl o terey e reom alwng therself to git lwhiae v n t0, o ldies were talh:t -Ten a as servd in lcvd! euls wt ntl ladyhdot, to ik . '3r .. ti- aer bl t aned, and led lthe way. Ii ser eial' other of 'M r. *:wan Tin wa t adis attended to thi re-t (I'- :m yers fcvlowd the cnaat y of Ia tives' nurses servantl a.1chbii lsreeeded~, l ear to a:.'U teir huiodityd by gazin at u. 'A re daset has prard cats tin, I jel iCcS, fruits, u t c, etc., whi i e ca't I'eale d tifil; thle Chine:."e l it i or the her It. \vt:. w ( ry to listi ngru i.4h th lad of the h1s: v heUv ;1 ro !oved..usto bie Seared. whli! sh le or4) sthe ohed sti a Cho ies etiq e , rS . Pwann pas. h Ie chop stkto ach lat' ly, and we woul eturn thi e compua.limet :-h isngc dery grae!:ad it; theyI even go lsa fhr as tv pu itnt or oth 1a.l1. iw tt I a les privtate b,:d-room . -t awI11 iir A' cuihedith a narror.mi ~at , bedte. in'th-mat r,th e bed-ell the na ' aid in~ fru'ds, anputec; ad in tthe rs. Pwhea.ath aIthu(a ev t. panying uso thnug seedtt: ae't hnp I mets oti ai sbutaJing i stil' 1me ishn d. f The t ear hi wi.. p a h--al ganthe derms. wee aa. Ea itaa - ihnes, cointtbles. Io 'all J hm iidlic fu The elg were b.-:n' fu'l e ptdk wto h bird , an d wes allng ery wlasc a propiatIe toaa t sing-song(thear. "''fn goig ow a thei Vir-a.:. we t - tpaedte ro-o whr Ilt exi-en. compied ith ware th -m ld wit h refa, :t h wali t :2 th-- coiii L othelpr tri t ht r h -. . t ~ - litnse o theal ii ah:e beI o. jAl and it, ritire tiloill the innria: mnents, and the gen lea m.n iidd exponse, aend ge-azls a werei' not a Ii P. caerl strvitgth air y~~lI at the. thysi a Se ji. td t singcould not h learn~ Itha'. i' - ed inhe ri~i own ho 1 . :-a tytei empyentt(s'a r' ail.h i~ is eyoeittpia t th t)o ilet mbii'1.1 ry. a ii. httpsC~ occupy at pI t, and thi I b am seetn ttinf t h ' t 'a t ,ando h-. egallyi)5 fioh.luil ua the reti o ictth deth ofli. Mr. Pan andI' a eaplesed f wih he. 1 reem on. ofets orcan y th once~i ae himL ho beait hs t' imett l. e reed, is wive,-wer attlover is hou's, ian eamsed animself'. witha. tm." ftorn manp (in'ig New York writi hom aout the Sat.t e Ncoas' Ilate ','thus ospk of the: br id chabe: - Th alsof l the'a -bial eam-a' -t ein fri tIUnno find oange toa'! de- t 'eribe mthol tthr tim'~ig, gorgeoul draptery dethc. The. be isa designda a firy tbowerIitstads. i te een e reo theaedih flor. po abroada cu'h. Jof of wheo atin ith.a 'le mirrors IatW li fot. Thec bedhis covac'le redil with ienliere atin Bvrusses htuace, antd lt'sedhirmiof muslin, trimed wit tern' tisnin drewyis sWitan home abou atheo burn Nisheold. IaThis ' 'hr' o e ovre witsceuted 'at~ si5 pert dy : etodi lttgd.a tetIon therappgyedi.fp'e .eji tiiae ] eh en bies Itsn b iie se I Ii a lw patnyplhleti by Nel n, publisied in Loudon. We clip a plssag. or two: "We slould be blinded with the glare, and burnt up, if transported in to Mercury, where the sun [ets as if seven times hotter than oi this earth; and we sihould shiver in the dark, and he frozen to death, if reioved to Ur ausu, where the sun 1i three times col der than lie is felt to be to us. To pass tfroin Uranus to Mercury, would be to Iidergo in the latter exposure to a teml)eratiire sone two thousand times higher than we had experienced in the ihrmer, whilst on this ealrtl tlfr range of existence lies withiin two himii dred degrees of the Fiahi'enheit ther mometer. Aa for our satellite, Sir John lerseli'l Iavs of' it:-'The cli mii ate of' the mo)ifion iust bel. very extra1 Urdinrl : tile alterationli bciig hal.t of un11Iotigated ani'd burning sunshinie, flereer than an equaito rial 1noon1, contin-. tied liht whl)oe JIhrtigh't, antd the kee'nest severity of frost, ir exceed. ing that ilf our polar winters, for :ui eqIjili ti:e.' It would seem. then tlmt though all clo were equal, the varia tionsi In :iouint of light and heat, would illone lecessitate tim inianif'esta lton of* a note rrestriall lif'e uponl thle su 1 n1 tle spheres whichl accompany thei earth In its revo'lutionis aroiid. it. All else. howevvI, is not egnal. The iltens!:itv (1 griavity at tile surfac sof, the d vi.eent leaveily bodies dileIs enor~ly . At the sun it is inearlv tlwent'-ei 'ht tiies geater than at the ear1 th. Ani ordinary miL, ir ex:uniiple wouIh not only be unable to sustain his own weight oI the suti, but would beI I literl v ein- hed to atomi s under the i1oad. *' * * * * Unity is ill nat nre ofteil learest m-s exactly eii variety eeis to have put it Ii;rtlist away. ~WVe are like ite isai loirs of Al ngclIan who first rounded I' g'ol. .Everv daV they sailed fll. ther, as Iicy reckoned, ti tIe iC ofi thi'ir depjiiarur, ain plouhed~. liat s nied to Itm :I S)rafiht l ie of, ii creawing length, hich had1 all to lie r t d i beflore their firs't harboulr couhl be ailed; but bhild, when thiy la iled ligest, anid see(] med fitlhcest ti1m 1 ui, thep 1td the least to sail , ud v.erc liearest to port. Ex. a(tl w' hen hope of retuni as thin.ii e-t, Ve r they4' called on to exclaiim !!!L the Aiilent Nimier. - 'Oh, dreamn or joy ! is this indeed Tih gIhitiolse top I ser , Is t. ilic hill ? tis the kirk ? i tLi lily owl couniree P A Ill tirIhi space would, il like mamwl~r. turn (aut to be at cir-cuuIvti%' an.We shouild ,:iil froml Uni ty*. .di tverse the great eircle of a unive:' varietv, till we cohrne" t round . I. - '4 to U'nity again." At a recent incetin of' the Imip rial Acadt'my of Medicinie,.held in 1 rs, the Sveiretary prlnounced an .g . n t cleb ate d SI i g'oni 1Boy rw ho was adt lhe la ad of1 the M!ed.. leal taiu n dr the~ firs! NapoleonU. The 1lloyeri was th'e sn of a poor1 tail or, whose w if' kept a1 ilule shop ini ii harher'iis boy; uet Isc ri i tre asi' 8 I:tle' dWaer rema4ine as atlliitltan Mrb'~ ofi the Mte lica ioi and~ I -t it: :i ! lla l4, he I i lit' hors to r':ent then bitte an ass ist4 ' the d is Ico th I pri-v, (Ibu11( I ii t were\&' 14 I s t k h:ll -i v( s n p oite o n ( ld i atele,1 b'n her, re41n his~ i al six arre, w"hu hm A. [and.f read i bd hat e ither;now uid fthu' he arna his tliInersas bL'Ci~tne sucn hm suo in cthei heit ucd.a ln t n f te i nt ils ssmhsdy;hstet lt~ A.w~ito~i th {w Or.nk iTror give tho following pletui of the re sent Senators. I.Lis cerita ly not very gratifying, however truo it may be. The Frosty. head of' John Davis'iis still visible ; but except in thu.dignity which grey hairs give to such a place, he adds bitt little to the usefuiss or interest of' tle bodv. Near hila sits 'Malluin-now al most broken down with high lihug. lie hais been a long tine inl Congeress. and is a brilliauit debater ; but has al ways been wNanting in idustry and re sieareh. General Cass is a Ioosc the oly on1e of' the ru en of inatioinal rIepiitat ion who seeis to liuld his ownI, and is in good conJdition. - Judge Butler, of South Car]lina, se. enres the respeet of every one, I'r his learniig, a' a geniltleingi of the old school, :Mid the :parklilng racmiess of is oceasional speeche. Near himi sits llnter, of Virginia, who has; inne11h inluence, narelv nmke't ing lol g spetebes. nii.l Iwa' s Speak illg to the polit. With a great deal of Virginiia and Smuth Car'Olina Ab stractionlis i, lie poxssesS a clear hiLead inl exaniiing bades mtters, is al1 ways puncltuial inl nulilinhg his enga1ge Ienuts and~, if' ho cannoft are with yiu, grives youi at lea'4 tie sat isietion of a d1eC ided answel ill Ite 1ne'ti v'. Ilis e'oleague, Alam l, is a bittir Sttes-rights man, ol very cotited V ieu s, nId ' I t 'Vep .re es li Isel t'cca4sioll. illy with fluieev ; but ie is dest iu;te I 'n1y blsine ss halit, anld rieally has veryv little ilinence. Blight, Af Indiana, is a mlianl of fair abilities; but a linetre palty poli:ieian of the iA ultra kinid, mni has lit) in fluentCI, eI'It much Is, se:ven or eight, year 'experiene' ives hiLi ill linis Ocan 13,rlmrtd i' :nh nas, i4 small pjl a toees ill ever reIert, allI wo l be a1 t~t c in jalli' 1,-r W ellerl, i liolii, mho l1llst hiAVe sii.teetlefl I tealizii his iree.n I tp .i Io by. th ar iy ni - t ence. (! lhicl lie Iaa :,apl'Ill' W l ,tock Coupled with the gla s ; t vLgr:nlity of mneII and s;-eecvh. Dr. I, .9n ea Calirn, is a leas.ult :-lilt s i: 41kvl i nleuii l.J, t I lSe \vw lave had \61,(e il him .Say that I he wil i ..ea' v at i- \ t iv ly 'ta l11 yo:aLve t s;I; ad h i.txt day be as IgnorIMant of the SUbject as3 if he hI ad ne!Vt'r* Ilkeird t.1' it. F;1 k, of Ne.w Yo , is a j alorough ibtusef aa. a ,md writer. and very i a ,ttld, i t( 'olillilitt'e abut i; -eiwraHiv ra.ared a being t's titut aI t 4l glit.'i la tions as a peaker.mht t ith'i at b t al t.a Ille eltIe. l ev.ard is ad: itteJ, withI ll6 hi. de t ai ot'isl, to lie a ' na (ifta-li I t) but his v i is adapted fo any haar roons i ad bene1 what. he says tgh 'r . i generaly .lgi a m iti ni.;e, i Inot listened to with oIch attmo a:: I:s r ;- 11. t and b Iw I:Ih f the stat1in.1j~, til at t.iis ol ague,;'.i nore tiad 11 Ofw )' t 4 t 4U id i. ( ann, if Gerga i'ke vr I l 3rLookstlt ad A4i it na, 'of 41 Mi i ppi, 144eill tit., (tt :i.t. itil h \i J .1 ratetl nien. lThe lieit let ks liket ra'!.or. and3 sj''ils i if .e wer ill a ILa'tIg Ditl ftlbi4. :ut4il iL. .o iin i wayill ' i'eI \V aa i hlilt d et' tig' r pOlerItS, wetll)JtI iny h ' - rifel the l..t-,s oflyc tigthaner-n ta 1ne1141 1 the sk biler wsigh. h-ad bee.zii htti alte s a cd i:e fr he 'oi e \.c - 44 t Sumterville, So. Ca, Js RICHlA RDSON LOGAN,. EDITORI TUESDAY, SAITUARY 25, 1853. COT'r'O. 0 3 AR K ET. Charleston' Jan., 24. 1853. Tihe demand cotinues active with a SIMIil supply onl haud, 'Extreme prices range from 8 1_2 to 10 5 8 cents. 57iy relbweneu to our advertising Coluns it will be seen tIht the GOv e'lter 1u1s ordered til election for mem bers of Conmgress on the fouth nun day in February. Keep it beflore the twopIc. D:ciUXeU.-The South Caroli ailnin isi authorised to state hUt WmIIu. M. Myres Esqo.. of Richhilid deelines be. log a Cmidiite to represent this Cot gevsiSional Ditr'et in the lext Coll We publish in another Column the proee.udilgs of the Cal houni association of St..'s COlleten; they spwak for theln-.tlves, and thiould pinducte in v e. 'y Caroliniias leart a deepl sense ('f lortiicition, onW hunilityV at the apa. thy, with which every scheine ti) do 1iri"1m to the mn1olts of our illustrious Statesinani is regarded. The Farnsser and fannster. 'T'le JanrltyL), al nher of, this valuia. Mle Journa:1 l publi h(d at Penldleton, S. C., hat cirne to lndl filled with au1to-h useftl iauter. Th - 1''rmer and N aier 's dV v t 'd. tO agriculture, I liorticti! ture, Mclanics, Dornestic :1nd 141ra: EConorny11 and1 ik Under11 the( editorslhip of Me'srs. EAUO:C.n imid .. J. Gnmst.ks, whlo have ass:ociated wviti iearn l'Istant editors Me'srs R. F. isi:i.on, and I'. Binrt. The terwi of nubipijtion is to doil'ar por annora, ill vaniee, whlich is Iowv Cnoaugsl'to plae i C(oy in every Plant ers hands, inl the St.lte, and we m ill venture to la will find it, money well invested. 1Fri ~iad. This able ~welv visitor is publish. -d by S. A. G(n.lAx Esq., at Coluin. >.t S. C. for $2a year, or Ie furnish. 's: a coipy ofX GA., clemt itnotith. Iy M alaazi, and the Fr-ie-nd for 53,5 ill advance. The "follo)winlg is il cx. rIact f-om1 a notice i, wIli wegive plnt~ sjileasm're. 'h Editorial depdrtitnent of the .n-er i narked hv a degree of man v !epeli:ilecc. i'nri vig'rouso thlinkin' l insu! n hi 'eLin thwe ii un theslcon i. how tc!as mi'ali-!! * .ioica r:ga;.-o --Jmt inits he or nali contributies o tj e urna, a -itor hn' , as thte sktchei- , ev mJ ol t ry1 v thIi' eni e itt etonui, 'i~ lw p:: -.if Oihm oh iih n( -a~u t educe fromIi their t ta -t. the-al. ies!.nes versti' .li. /y -'il it t is t a I it wn a i s inu'ltiv h.-ser .swhilh ]'anno/itIbe Iet-olv bu-. i t'sed. taf th em'-; o t oft hi S!! nativ iog X ild(41vnIn Ct tit til i- Vtt'1ui eb i) t har s lie ss fh tlitl woub .netwI ofn the P -reiet. to ordi I.Cl u p ltttc I~t !.Crp l j.i~s (Mser i I -I srm ttd:. e f-rcs.o.. ti -i nckuy oh.cftr ry p p r Ind~on u :1 lve o se a en-uAi. Irr R, ea ilnft mu-iisi sbe~ claimsofAriretctza gpt 1ay-ti; which wasadopted. The join t resolition. dedarattory of the views of the United Stat6s respc. ting colonization upon the North Am erican contincint by Emropean IjOW ers, and respecting the island o? U ba, was taken ilp. Mr. Cuss spoke at length upon the -subject, and was fbllowed by Messrs. Butler iad Ilale. Mr. Alasmn obtained tho floor, and the Senate adjourned. In thue louse of *[eresetatiVe, the joilt resollition filr the relief John Taiaferro came up for consideration fll a. penidinig Ilotiol to reconsider the vote by which the Ilotuie had reflused to, pass the secoind division -of the said joint resolution; and this Inution to reconsider was laid on the tab!o aller discussion, in which Alessrs. Davis, of - Alassnehusetts, Stanil , Newton, Willianns. Jones of Tennessee, Mct[Illini and Stunimt, par. tielp1ated. AI'. Iloston reported, frm the Cornmit tee (n Walys and alas . a resol ution aut horiziuig that comm in ittee to empl)y a clerk; which was pa'ss.d. Mr. Brook s reporte-d, froml tiet sale committee, he New. York nint bill. to the second readinig ofi which M1r. Chandl er oh jeeted. Pen ding the q1etion 'n the rejection of the bih involved (inaler the ruIles) in that ob jct ion, and I lie morning ho r ha ving expire.l, the IIonee passed to Ihe eonsideriatioln of the special arder-tle bill to suppress tile ciren. lationt of small notes inl tie District of Col:ilbia, which oaccupied their attetio a'& the rest of the dly's ses sitn. After passing the 1)il, theL IIlo.n~.e adjounied.- CV4wr. Courier. Florizia Iadia . We were ve'.tcrdav shAwn a letter froi Florida, which tated that lilly Bowl3." e s and his follo'wCrs, have for. merly declared war against the 'nited States; m Iich, we C I lie . me12.11ka simply, that t hey ate determinied not to (ig-rale to the West. The salea let ter ga ve the painlftil rumor Ihat Gen. Ilopki:I and his siiall force had been miassaicredi. lki'lre the the Legisli. tre passed iml 10, allhiZtin1g the (overnor to org:ize two' lIeginietis, to lbe tieed to tle United States (overziintent, and froviding that it' their services were reject-ed, imd the lmliims nat remtoved bytthe first, day of Mav next, the Exeentive shonl1! pro> ceed at ance ali-et their inunediate I'eIaVil vy faree i nce.:sary. Iall -ursice tf this aet, A:ijor A. G. .Jo'insn, thierly 1 of ithe 'lhi rteenth ilegi I ment in Mexicoa, wa; eb11a.sen llriar1 dier Gentl, by al 11 alamt nanimpans vo4te. I1e was ill Echols' IaRilient, 1d i repCeeltld a-4 a braiCV a id mi tqrions afieer, wurthy, in -every re. s eet, a tile imp.ort:mt t rnit, coagvit ted I N s . O.!sININ Tt2~ CoNT: rUTIOIN. The~a feeb.le healh of Mr.' ingj) antd thai jinnineniaat dianiter in which the Il'resai Ileat e!eet wV1. as eently placedi. ha~ve braainght strolyla toIa the noatice ot the~ coun1try a1 stranger omtisslin ini the IConst ituden~ of the Un ited Staes Til C~lletii lvein . ews Ill 11el coiligene) is ve)' r lfuraate, still reate:i as it i1, it. was n~ear h1ap1 aenin . A tar righted as "we is iller t~Id ltiat I~stt'M1'e. Iii thae .('atse at '.iiadi Ill eatl) i!liel 112r, allal in the 21)salee a' fL all contlituition:1l proision, the. Lgeaaa sei '') ta tIll)' ylel esaiia]d II:ive s ien th neces y otf2 aaorlar ne fjii'''a'laa' ill I le~ i5 l i tiall h)y gar a I a the pul ie weal. The peoatple wanl have s5lllaIenel thie a xailelse o' Catin atr e f ,' t iie silne all) ha arli~ v as, I ha:t aat ia Il Itsa it ill ae ' ai Ilia ala'at!Ii ai bha I 'r I a!ent 2ad \' ice Prehh-ait, at tat till (aahilltneei~jaelt oaf1a th i:Ex. .ni2tive' Iiatetao!!2. I2t stch ai sli12J tIin o lai altiive po er is fraugLht 'a il a liallaer. ill 1 Illat haer colliltrIv taat $o t*nlit with~ W 'f-.'aaverliiiiiailt ats thle peapl aof ath l'atitedl States, snehcl ani t I.laili. ai2'd thle 'e*Itiligeil(Y it. tils Ia a jeriia.a : l liL..,lt taiilin'ii li ilt e aaveilthmat 1 of,taiihed antlhiI vandI bec a:ae ihe' ~l aae t f a vltiont l. The 02.2i. -a ii ahin.d be -ulpajlied 21 aAJs~l as~ pacticable." l!.1-'TANT It 10 i :ji.--n ralvetr ti enielll agaa :iraed il al' r t ca lii S a ia~ait tInia. :121. -.ignedi lhv Mr. E. J.. (Gantez,' SanliSh ConulI21 atey Weast, nota~Iiy i thelgl heirs aat~av..WhVlite theyt ighlt iern!i 1o-aat hag ta theirI iadanitage lay latlyling~ tao the, saiad aan-nl. It is gea'i.tllyV knoawn. we' he. lii . that Goverlnor Wh'ite dicad at) S. An\alaa-Iilaa. Fajioia itn the )11(nthl alt Aril. 1'- I. ad attlthaighi he initendedi th. ing Ii-fa' ainl as hia hir, 2aaord i't hIis~ tavaIunnent, hie afterard21aS ini iaadiel, darediit his rlatiaons in Ire. ilad hits only' laiili her-. A; it i-a like ialv i tat tiom aaf Goaveiaror liur h\Iita's ralation ayl- b~~~Ie Itatitd inlion'i thei Irish emtigranits i h's (aoutrV aaon votalmporI aiis 'tghet the 'al'nione-a tol thiis paraIgr~iaph.-Jckovil Je.\'1 Pinel Is oara ( N an:.-TheIia Ch'iester St~iadianh 2-ays: "'At thele o1'ef ni:. roeaas, lay .Ir. A. Q. IUnntovainl at this p1la. oni Tue0Nsday the l ih, then whle of a 4ra 78, bein average~ oft 9018 peri head.( Ini the iinmber wvere itneLI ded~ fotr very oald nlegroe2s, twvo of wh omt sold for bitt $10 each, and the fonra for Al 92. T1he're wats also a latge ptropotrtinao chibdren. Leaving out of the c2tiate thes four old nagroes, the neerdgc 'would hai *0. Otin N -t ,216) moveddbr eleon t libeats ;n Pi liaincnt Vacnated by miets h ec .. Ling offiee... The Tienis has the interesting iifor. iation that an event will tstko place a bout April next, that will add a n ew member to the Royal family. A paragraph in the Madras Gatz ette, of Nov. 26, inuntiones that the Marquis'de Lisbon, a young Portu. guese ioieman, serving as midship. nian on board the British ship-of/ war, Ihastings, was aceidentally shot dead by Prince Earnest, of Sane Leidi ingen, also serving as a mnidshipai in the sane .hip. Tihe young men had been hunting, and the Prince, in sport, snapped a gun at his friend, believiuig it to be ulloaded. An extract fron a letter dated Lis bon, Dec~ 20. says that Mr. iedeald, (Lola Montez's husband, went to sea in one of the vessels of-he Royal Yacht Club, having in his company a beautiful young lady. The yacht fonn dered in .%iight otf the liritish war steam. er lIutlexible. which instaintly :aiined a boat, with fourteen hands, to tes cue them. Not oily were they un. successfal, but all hands were drowiied. A tragical event has been made known at lloyd's, to the efi'eet that, fin 20th cf October, a miutihy broke out aoilling a party of Chinese on board the 3.itish bark Guertrude, from ' Anov to Ilavana, anld thlat, seven teen of the Chinese had been slit by the capt ain nd ereg. The bark pit into Singapore, wlen, fron the in ves tigationi that .wnas held, it appeared that what tile captaui took tir a tinut ily was merely a row- amlong the Cliese, but, having no interpreter on board, the Chinaiei n were unable to make thiemselves understood. Ius'e-:.-The Emperor has - not forgttn to partition out the royal re'sideices aiiong his. faimi ly. The Palais Rloyal. which beloiged to 1.41u is i'hillippe, is to be given to ex-King Je ome; the ElVee, firmerly in habited by Murat, King ofI' Naples. i. to be the residence of Prince Mur at, his son; the Graid Duchesse Stlepianie. of Baden, is to have aparit niits (t the Elysee; and the Prine esSe iMatilde, will occlupy the Pa villion de Aar-san, in the Tiileries, forierly theI elbanb rs (f the I Ineh ess of Orleans. He.ides this, Prince. Napoleon Jeroie's son, is to have 300.000 franes per amniIin, and the Pailees ;MAt hilde, 200,000 fiancs. There are s 1 any rumors respe tinig tile inntrillionial views, that it is hardly worth while to notice them.- The lateit is, that the )uthess Stephantie and Prince Mur it are iow on l a nission to Dussel dorf, to solicit for Napoleon Ill, the hatid of the Priness Ste phatie Fred hoijzontri-, a "ydilifwtdjI vn sixteenth year, and near related to the Murat 'hmil v. It is denlied byv the Molniteuir, that governmeniiit. int end1s to legal'zu 1.t teries or* g:!nling hoI uses. No. gold or silve coinls of the Em pir have vet been issue.. datedl 20th, . nn. annunce that a:oy aul deCeree had been publdiahad, re. duinitg allI the debts of Portugal to, one cionusol.ida ed debt of three per cnt after 1st Jan. 18533. 'The an. no()uincemenlit has exci ted iioeh alarmi onl Ibpu L. ndo n, 'Chamge---thle fivye and f~tir per cenits, ich iconstitute thle min portion of II thle debit, hav iig been ta!:en up in Enagloind. suth's mao her. at. Isruissi Is, has gi v eni rise toa exihnimtionis. Somie uni ph.lalantt rulni.oris are'i 'ant respect ing lie reloi-al if the Belgian Go vern m ienit to ailow (If her soni's com~ling to that countriy unless lie conlielted to be costnly acomplaiied. during his stay ill lk-lgoinn byv ai oice. ,it-er. It is undi~erstoo.d that the veiierable lai dy herself' 11rk d her snl 1not to submllit Ito) so) de.gradinig a coniditioni. in the C.olognoi GazeCtte that t he IFrench Go veinmend t is doing evey thing it c:ii to effet a e niimnerelal treaty w ith Germa~ny, fiountded on I a iiu'ltially I'liussIn, dame., no.t set uij, tooi high upretentionus, a tr-eaty b etweeni irenc: and the ZollIverein inay be ex uTh Zml. Conerncs re still go ing on at ienina, lbut ain imlpenetria bile veil ofl mylstery hsang~s over the pro Aloaoco.-The emperor of M~o rolec) ha~s forbliddenl the export. ofl cmil anil w od, except fromsu thle Prlo vince o f Ted hi, whlich ha~s caused sec rius bulsiiie-es di'lulties. Items~ of News, CAvnnts: IIAys is imakinig quite a haliul in Caliiif.bra. At thle anection fir die salle of tickets for her third conaclrt, the fit choice seat baroughlt 8 1,150. Tur:i Epo.puitioni of the Cai ted States is s2t,000.000 souls. Thei wecathI, it di videid lby t he plopu hit oni. wvonhi give $500 LIt a h person *younmg antd old. Tlu:sasp has b~eeni a Waiilure to eledt a Uiited states Seniat or, ini the State; of' N..:th1 Carolina A labamai atnd Alissis. sippi. IbSnIPr Ives of North Carol iina, ha'. *ri tten a letter to his 1DioIese ,~ giving usreasons for joininhg the Catthuo'ic The numrber of Newvspapers in the United States is h'timuiated at eigh. teeni hundredi. No wondler we are a p)rogresive people. .~ TunE brain ot . i L'w nuio '~~ celebrated Bostonn about' two4.~ onis Mr. XVebater.~i, .Wb or, lici ofevesbg ciasioua of St. jo~wi meeting, was aigalmaied il. MAlav, ne. it th Aj' lie p~rocee'dings 61 thiic. stait d by thu cdafina1 chanige o t lie d ayi br Monday if ifi aau imerg kIji Mr. DIL11 ugh SO akobJ'lj appointed dc~cgates.6'~ to W suciatioa, theut addi cSe'j Ia ifj a graeful and% 4M1d 11V Suid, that tit- ti mIncut, was faa~t 11) 6do, to,~ till- a anonnoa11clit- LOJ 4.,Ili was i e~l&icaaetly expcttt-d 11tt jle ut ih-Caroing, ' services lie had f&Q i fill orC the Iioiaa,8i, I 1ip31. . .. .. -t1( 1fic to their proftion tt ~ hag Would havc , ~ *j parajusition to lionor aOld to (lxprcss in. -a 'perifl1&lotI 4;, k (lhe sense of their grhtiW&deIa., III this eXpectattiole W ia i, ,l;hati deeived. As yat 64 jh socda'ioaas had becin A)~cdii~ h Stnaat. and fil ahgillr iouna1id~' thus beenl caaeI, li'apad. that tis lppurcn h j hlot. real-til..t tkc atoyoi~T lin. was naot. d ving out fiiilhf-AW ~ t Lihe people, nad that'16F14 yet, be donec to place 8.-Larp1,W h~v thec side t MIassnlaasm tts. taR-mr great fa( all aastIIrijcaus?.etb tOSre) lie erraichuajed his ret1~ t tht( ;a!iov* ik a mvrcf oe r~'h 11w- il, igt- f rI lorwing r we're tinanamaaa.f) adra ~ 111c e. ret Ithe opital d V i eecwhich prt vails iIt.sIli4 the statel - With respect..',ili ~ V. t~ h attaanniv it 61f .ecied. 1?au.lted. 'int 71'A~ v t~nIap illg that the' 1111" lilt~ stbe I rztv~o the h'itaare,-ia1 d wr readv to aclt il cont~ eiatiaans Ithat- .are'4o stoel asfailfiiae)t~.h~ tit Dulri; i, 61 N~~ Io~u u