~~X'N ............ M1W1 n D { b P4iooron% ion r of y. ' .'*v'sall atol nw ir- Vig rep - ea 6 1 Ef lien Laninn,-; yen-he , di; l. n N~letii W hoi le It3 d kl ay M nt i , 6u.l -~res It-qit I d t y aCurinbe . ad ;i uif ~t~f1~ii en..o hnrom'e-a t thi. zaediti'+ l ii t istattice of ,lt t v6 atbyNzore to the weak arid a'em-l *0~'0 .alid k ast finuishue t reare'.; yet .tho sell 5t~lil h:4i s ,fei fllen a n .J1i t4 ~ulr irintllons asulte, > e tOILe he w le per-tintS Wil 'an ''iStitedijf. dt-' a the waprin e that i If -irr e--( c jIulss hileis such deal.l sehpr?.d I'a comparative anlatonass ,~ ~j~l~t.l9'wam lui ilysis'of it. I t 'he tooIh, orot p" nn; in opt;kor huuwlle ini 11 .,lei. I fle l theiJI l a, WirieitIII WI the nII ttgociled he rpo Inoa. 11 4)th4 t i- bfion duet;" r queezer for muscle that h s~i 'met~en:tim frm tiwbakg, aloni t tooti into tIr - tr h h9'Ai~I ijh a. lpThe t pi - its shire -n the cfui~op ex ma 9 If2M*vdeinr lie. an~ilijr e ~ki~~ suini' o' tinple liieriiiz4 eNcx~mnisle, the Ilong tling t .adwd' vaneaa ir ;idded,; the :aaine no~~h ivanl to auch teetli -a t.oth. )ird jtttltiota' 9amt slendler er:' a I lifisy-amil if he w..r .r2l4i;9lJanAh.1i asleimler aund par il., Li l I3he roled ont flat. thet - e thmumba't towards -each other. ~ ~ at~);I6.'tdother, s'u am tI t.'r nd g it.,both enuds, he wo.uld njqajtkW.eAsgbial a if fae general formi ,;IunliutrUtetre of a poisnum . - '. lhe e apsi~posid toy be. so .approxi rte',11 uji are oumii thet eml1 'sf thec J *.~fld14~nCt, l~hai cloJselv adheres to - 1 s nladh'ill li i1m oh un/ as'ietn thiL&4?dges ramns alonig the (uiniresiieto o thei slightl, !~1I ~ ('h ~ Inda aperture oh so~fi'cual isloblique, arnl its *~ ~ er~;ijQuleittis still 5j *ueseridim.,the form of ai ;iJ ffe seuli l, aswl entire, ai 4~rthe purpose of perforationi. *64~l~jh- ,i b~ p~ase through hlcai ~ tho poison tiug of the ~~ ~rotl s u miodilled ini '~1~$tWV sjkWt ike oriiary ~~~~ b tf'nlysolderedl--so to n~e,~ which com as noter tooth to support, ~ ,bly'Iinjified;ii.SZe anid A'ipe tQ allow of the mnovemnts re ~usitedi~r ther deep' phlmtgo of the ~,~4D~pL t1 'ej~t-ainted at. t jis t ji that' is& so amed; amsaniidsii be ~~oti~oftlie ' face or d atahe7yon somali part - ap&;o ~I'~bo in a~ovt anud *einig that hinmge ihat alia toin8t s 9 e~l~nid," wiihih restricts ~~ 'j~la~ but allows t*InV7l that direo pp wof the -Venom k 4.4~~p~it~ plays or rotates back a 4yp4frwa id the a w 1 () tuu a t a;laik he jaw. ~ ~ir & Lu aji arussuta\ po. withu' t poi it !YZ n___ I/f thwd it w', hre ififirst el'h it _ id;_ In rim Mxe~tr' froid tlibo d thi 'b; ur isl azu o l~iVei a igo I~lenigte tie cpy llary chanmnels 19:e41:01~. ,.laint is surt -~unedlbya kilotenf CnItsvasa hag" or apoierOsi, nwsat i aiat.6m 4ts elil aui fu ~ixin tnbhfate4 lit'd 'this tin'itrtme in-coicti it t idnsli's, by w hose eqtrac isi ile-vi tadl cellsarlobes .oftie lansd irempresednd empiltiecjf lhise-etion'. The porI~u st ia ' edci b tieidet to the hisal a 0Er toi e o' theis 'e:miF iw'thefrnatig;d,"as tie a I' s rlivi-n i1 i, oil er animBsis -re m--et active. diing Trt is u Mr e'mo t s" n-as hen they ate huugry.. riMge ich stiidates the snakeAo se' its e,-eliveni'te(I ilit v.apon, doiihtless exeites-an active seei-etion anl reat disteiit : A o the' poison ladis Thle vouti. is iliiited by.a blow ;gltier than by a-bithe ti 4ti fangs when ,erectd at-. i enek like daggers- into the airt aiied 'at and, as the 'actin'of the coiprcssing inmcles -if the bag is conteipparat -.u1s With the Mgw by" I hich. the wo1nd is insflited, the I(idoll is at tie same noument itjected-with force, Iato the vpund .frem.i the nical- or, .i.aaiial outlet if the ierf'orated fiang. The aisn Ith- ict.44itf it61'e .r lL.sd ed: aijeffect tiefordi to' the spe if sei-ient the igeur 6f.,the it hvtual ae pens. the. season of tle aeni-,Iand. , t wotiog k e su t 'I i es :wit: 1 1. d, anid is conv evlpd 'ithl dthe ra pidhit' of ie ic-dilhtino i the brain, tjShnig tia tl~eif les op 'v*oteadatinml. No m mni-res it be use~ begi- t close upk 'the vorid; the eye~s at e dimmewd, the ers e 1. the tongueL' falters; the torpjid brain then reu.acts upon the heart, Shosea firm pulsantins are reducedi to: bie feeble fluttertngu; th~e breaths gets .scanstier, the lititbs grow 'cobil, andl lecath superve'nes; it may be in ten munn'tes, int half ans hour, in an hour -as in1 the case of' the recent acei -lnt-o~r at a latter cm ciod; the chani m's .of recovety being in the ratio "If the slawn-ss of the o[I~eationi of What is this strange andi subtle flsuid!, one dirop or less thtan a drop ofd ihieb can qunell the force of' -the ascive brains and nerv'ous svstemn of' at man ? To sight, smnell, and tabte, it seemsfl a mere htarmless saliva.I Cheical analhsis detects i it a lit rle - mucus, nosth water.'ai d some o the. saltA. of saliva; froma which it inansce kif an aanmal acidl. . There is~ noithting in all this that c'oud Su ggest, beoead (te specine-,propiertiesi of' the 8'eretion. It is nsot pilsonouhls whecn takenr into the stoinnel-h. The readhiest anid perhap.s thte mosast efhi cient i'emedy, thait of' sucking the wiountd, may be cerform'ied w ith seas:cely ansy risk. This has beeun ktnown of oldi ,'-Whoever," writes Celans,iawill suck the swrounsd, will be bioth .safe htimseif' and save theo .eiffeter." 'The only' d anger in swal howinig the venlom a of' the viper, co. Lra, or traitle-snaake, arse~s fro~n the posibudty oIf somen blister or sear, or any hesi--n oIf the scarf-skin of' the mouh,. thsroat, or gysllt, wthich ,iighst allow the pisont to~ eniter time circula ting blood. rTh;ei nervus ystm of' a porison snak is roo aganstthe specifica titon of'its owtn poisont, but not a gaintst that of- aniither snecies. Di f'itrick Russell, in his I1istory of in dian 8erpents, aflirms that cobras bite each othier without halal COnseC quences, buit kill'othiet snakes. The larger andl miot ::iidable hiuiad ryas of' 1isia ~pr-ey upon other- se pents ; killintgsthetm by their enven omi-ed .bite, s and then swallowing thm'Tho 'saja, of' A frica, in like mdunier ills iami. gorges the putf-ad-. der ; imud the rattle-snako will strike anid ship the Locasinesnake, stud af Naa dieseize andit swallow it. A 'to iinellies ;' when our sown speei es has. .bemi the subject of. ar tuek .to fit~ jiontt is to remove t e rysue It be - . r a Ildidisre 1O ~l- . ' a hears that te taifrftgiWA~ victitt "tt1 ite of the cubr:Phlii d sa:re of the 'ibamna CMi'6ln 1a vusses. si n bu i w a ~ u 1 ne' - i n61 ehlef fuWT)~ !'d8' to ji; tI~ 'greips Rfeatuijei of tteiae tihse ,r~ealed tIm. se i e ...ing .i ! TIiirnga ofb SattedavOctober, twyerdy. thiin 4, an idr vtedt. thedie of tisl i.ai'crWIt par1es that this av-A (lenitens suc olcrcncirees -are steadynani will.ahf( ad ( eionI v er firuedc his duities ii tilt -ui safis 'actoL a'lv ( begn-':ii Vted -to dbi: fiiyo ave, leaifin t the ageuf thit idad M y ng .fanil bered'vddofV the(ir :atural pr otectot' d ,r iier-ts (oe of 'the' eont'i ecscalannueis hirajoig ae neekly-. toxidtinId (xhrlint Itl ad lft his hdni q Itqt J iiin ii with utier keepaer,-ona as hilto dh Icorttit4ti theQe'ddiit ds coin. ai leave-takinga ;li'tif a frienad o. ng1~ -to4tast raliti. a OJi feuainii~g to 6 %j'y)tI\ 1rnofof gin 's We' ~:i andain- aiather .llood circulated. thr'oughi the brain; and retasoin, pruidenace, the j.lainuest powered. The exiit iont, during the previons year, O f tlin Egyptian sniake-eharugerts, "uho noted their liarts nith cobras deprived of' thei:r inison fangs, lada left a vivid impres. 8luitpon the amo niiud ;;thia iu~tres sionceatre upphernmos, shein lie enter ed-on. the 'sce,f. Iif (ladiy duties, aend hce. umtst -needs try to, emulate the Egypatians. A tieulv, atrriv'ed tedl. It was taken oust of' tle eage, "as g' asped by4 i:s middle, fl 'urished aloft, and throwo like a las o rourd the neck -of-the v'onnger' i former; fortunately for him it was not r<.used to bite. .An assistanat-keejier, whao hap eined to cter the room at this jincure, begged (arling, "For God'alike, to ji a bis ack the stake. T he infatuted masi replied, "I amt inispired," and laughied at the nari0 it aing replaced theMl'rocco - anm-snake in it s cage, Gitling thein eied, "Now f r the cbra ! ' and, lif'ting uip thc glassq frtat of thye cage, rettnoved it as he had dgane the other. T'he cobrta was sameu bat torp'id firn m11col uifthe- procedinig naight,. and thev an laced it in his bosomi; it there revived and glid dow1 iwaid round lisa wrst, its. head emerg im from benieath thte back part of his waistcoat. The mian gi aspeud thec coba a .by- the .hody aboust a foot from the head, with oe hand ; drew it Ant isizedI it lowter dlow withid the oithe(r hand, aid twas in te act of florishing~ it alaft, na lie had filu eother snake, when, as he hie' it tip~ iis front of his5 face, the c~obra-sujhlenlv expanaditug its hood -si iel him like lightinag betwteen the eyes, phmiiiag the JoisionI'fanfgs lmto the skin of one side of' the bridgeo of the tnoso, antd sera tchuing thec opposite side wtitht.the teeth of' the lower jaw. 'Ihe manm was stag. gered by the blow ; the blood at rehm ed down his face ; lie called for lielp, and' his comp'aaninu fled ; but "h ow long Ito was 'away lie could riot tell, being in a inaze.' WVhen assist anc utrived. Gin'ling was found seated in a chair ; havinig restored .the cobia tod te cage anid closed, down :-thie ftriitefaJss This reinedn t6'h agire of'mhity, and this 'I'!i~e.# iti 4 f hereglentac'' hei t intme '.' .. . ...... . .w1 ex b W 4 i t 4 l h' 11 Al$f@ 1'. tt I I%.nt,. k, s 1e~ q, ' u 1hd al'r~r F1t2idz t ru - o t r. Siition~ tit ll tioa ~~easit x Ti-Wor,-eid thecioutse t deni it jk ie iite, 11 e n ou afge 5 theinstu 1 t n wlit*:lip .sirec tie l l se-AGl. eer ad., Guirniunin ed ice 8 SStj ang'6 e'eprts, hs - j r.1 inT occurrn h e a throuIgkntp r., vels Wxh rIA s141nin til4i t'al. nts n thle" ftentihi 4* *i eofi .thesipesome had sitsw icc -ther.l t iote fic >includirthi ait n~I~etu mcd ao, is de . tr edfr eie e Thet Iicu t y the' ardous duty Galitt' retecil the sar t alioterre ker whosmheregesuih 6ed the spen asDflfine 89 wit' hcran'on o.liryt eauio 'lsure r~'fedidlou. epo-t fwin fundi i4thwa ,iaulcotriered, tint oiiae -r rile, oincludiriegmiracouhimred carlg th salurnal.reotth Now, areards.remomede adthe tedfro threerein the e're tir Tihe Ilues jng gtieaedn d te tlnpl Zheolroic iadns toeinsect-ter hrugmtenth.hey fronfs he tbis comp.- artens hoebl ired, runait t'the nItqtordinaryd pauione kno tuse perfiec safset froms casutly.e r'cl tht kid. caygeans, ianir irod, ahoke t-he end, and ier thrto glath aual at aprtur i~at te thp Sfeccoartmentte repogca tietr iiy roeoved iathtato "the keaet ienr hre ohil the nkeepwere ntrune onVisior aeenabled'a t s thoug the dthik.gas ronto thehra swl hti the sages are in tetar. see, like cases (isia w ie ha stfed bids arebukedpt-or'like "tii' largeni Loto gass ases autt fony grte helr'sest asnt. es4bf eThle Seeary inndotaf ter Zioogicae Soie~tyhld tsd honi oat tha ~t. kepter inache of the o fnakew Oer. nsi. -trcd hone suaceotit, at hesyn time, tos doanytig, to the lfen~ta illg"s-when the uvi snakseein the, imdyta ~nneat' occsetn le nao se vry rtteuked aj ringe tfor':*bifing. theoglsapting infodoo the i mnThe rreport afo ri stutes "Th retile hafrtho editelyaferisbt reiquse it!ql mtteefe waAuh ha tisanl wix 1't 7 n h6 'h~fltIM aa A is 1.sth nu ito 'liC nfi 1130 *a; Sirgii~ 41 unselfini d ytia 9 ~ts 'o .a a ner a" ni 8iitiIfIaes, un 1 f ita ccnsoh~iugrate -fle arii l~'~llf asA 9sA Witseilt ."inhi:i' onoif floo Ns. RAI .I, - t s~ abthtoo ;i s fn~' il u4led n~.I~u i id td regmatosaye tl i nt esipe 9ffIle p i pi4fi~c4h ever1 'coir ea t *'w'r-th~ Iid tlhim iielves jat Miri ni int pgg1d j co7 t resij'ectabilityi li t iIi~tn disbtiJry. cl dreeted mndu trvit4 ihe..elsil int :s dc'aohlieuhnA(si1 dlel d aid Lie' sun mid Viai lr. te i Sa toe labo aus acid zidu c'tron e nilpi.v .sne -ISdXlt the.S cauotuL .fuly&3. tstJdih ~-d mand ennomyv-.ad7 scelf rebaneus* DO it ti in,,Inueli dves Then fb Nid ne owtui eeup ati earl lite. evecry one slhght o tahglit~ IAto il afi)- hints~ 1. 'A uini tzalynta (rp ,oeier .bungight out.. 'tittil' heaiW I ii own to some . gerg-apo hb* r Yo Notsiees. It'in ev-ei-'rydi . i~t ll h 4h ree-t'&ye.:lis wil igever n ucjare thait ap. tit igl of.Igr Il-.iQp, and tbitt .promnpt puirp,,oa ~dienr igi g arf ts itoser ii h'6lcild iwmyrliduit 'ta Ai fcertihi -grro heif tnlee denit feling in . eiti ti inthe (ulI 4oe -eloplnent of tI~ e fied~(udl cliaritc thei iither of e niid,,see. Ilse '~4 eniisug tmenighe u1,ghloruiat u~iu as in' tlie way ie agreedg ,Th.le ny tual deleidenec ,.poie~ris so a d li, wiil eb ecoi;dm.tr t law of phyyte s, uneidtst Srige' (thanu.~its weaa t, link, arc oftenef~'buken throngh th eakness of %thetd; haii thieir oiwn Put a pronit fniihnent~ egg ien ui no~t orly of thiit~t;a illfurita:JeL,, beausa it cnebIlip~s t to mied their ownt engagetuecuts proinp II t y in i'amothi Int ieliceit att the mcdumt:bn as i ifihrs. well ore de1-his 1nes at Cunimipid his, lhr~ces uirhialljd, und 'ier'i'ylng ready bir ietii-u idai t hat he. kicags his o stftunguh i ~ I witeli inrigj cefnrhque,g mu ni Mt~ . hasps as iiie tuget i g jeng~agnt. 4.'Atteiid to -t ho tIuiiupvf tI. busin'ess, sniall thiiigaaa ivll as eat.e See thtai the rtsiy1 filjpnedte ;n govdns 'ruskttai liig ,and. natllk pcticked uptudilite dy cutliAr~t.l,; ilt':hi:it~o, ; rgs ho muay oati*.l, meorely as toolzWillCWivhh It work, tint as # 'JM*b~ d p ~ 4:f t te io. ai~g rtI u' n ihw ~ ~ e- ''e' - 'I Knnow tPt 1. aa ft a loo V* Jc ohInA th V - t.i 4AM krj 6 V A- grns i im4t 0 iueen gH .e.~t~~ ra in gu g~t _ 1'1:49) hi i hbz~ She iminedbf~ 4 V hi d conm~d n ) t eahm oa il tbk-.~ -1c. Lear,1eWijarhad '&at In)hin t~r~ ~iwo4Iho~ ;.Vpij~ ther lie '4tk1hI.& Weg ts:he tree .4un beat h'ad beigone au 1a'ig g Yae bea of.ft arni ad aj l tbr, bleag e r n tirev ieft hygee ~4x. !i as 4 oenare' b bV hise : ~~i i pleett.'lth a 'I 1ohQiJ9e u the gd u hi4s ?o) i si y4 r r rud v14j (l~fi y ""41 Old 4 - .Il IM"A~d" ' 11D rtill ril C"" '14Irc~O~ I~.6'N~trq.