The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, August 24, 1852, Image 3

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te lay halth JIlicer Levy, the chicf'of Police in this city, received yesterday altiernoo a di41ipatel tromi Mr. 'endergast., city inar~shatl of Savannab, annonning I that Dr. David Theodosius llines and Abraham J. Kapp, had broken jail that morning, it was supposed that they would endeavor to leave Savan nah by the steaninhat for this city. llities is so well known here that Mr. Pendergast deemed it unnecessary to describe him. Knapp, lie says, is tiout New Jersey, and a cozch painter by trade. Ie is 5 f'eet 0 inches in he ght, and has aany umarks onL his ains from Indian link. AN Erron tI L uea.--The Editor of the " Due W1est Telescope," the Rev. J.1. Bonner, was presented on the 10th en 4tant, by Messrs. W ray, Puekett, B ,rnes, and Wilson, Printers of that journal, with a handsomne silver cup. Car A telegraphic di. pa'ch fromn Washington to the New York Courier and Enqui rer, says that E. A. Bradltfrd, of New Orleans, has been nominated Judge of the Supreme Court, in the place of Judge McKinley, deceased. -....... - I..e .. TEis AoalcULTrU.tL FAtIt AT ATI.AN. TA.-The Atlanta Intelligencer, of the 12th inst., says that city has been, for a day or two past, crowded with stratn gers from all parts of the country, in attendance upon the Agricultural Fair, now being held in that place, though the weather had been exceedingly un propitious for the occasion, friequent heavy showers of rain having occurred since the beginniyg of the week. The display of stock and other articles f r exhibition on the ground is represented to be highly creditable. SPURIOUS Cori.-A Inan has been arrested at New York for passing up. - n ,nmigniraint. ,.huI ,.-11.4 tur porting to be c5 and $10 gold pieces, having on one side a likeness of Gen. Washington with the date 1852, and oun.the reverse the representation ot'u eagle, beneath the words "United States." There are also other pieces in the lot, with a coat of arms, and the word " California," in prominent char aeters, well calculated to dceive the unwary, as all them have the appear ance of gold, although they are in fact manufactured of brass and copper. Tres RIvER AND ilAntioit IL.. This bill which provides for four or five legitimate cases of harbor inmprove iments, and for upwards of fify, which t are clearly State matters. lms passed , ' I Louse by 4 vote -of' 103 ayes to "r nys. It appropriates a million .nd a half dollars, of which fifly thou sand dollars is for the improveiuent of , ,the Charleston bar. We have there fiore the consolation-which South Carolina seldont has-of knowing that in this unconstitutional sqjuanderitng of the public treasure, the umajority have condescended to consider our legiti muafe 'claims. Among the numerous Iprovisions of the bill, we notice that Big Sodus bay, which leeched the guv. ernmnent from 18,15 to '44, and nany of'the little nameless rivers zad di-ceks of'New York ami! Ohio, camne in for anotlier share.1Southiern Stuanrd. SPEOIAL NOTiIE. Poisonitlag. Thousands of parents who use Vernmifulge. composed of Casior Oil, Calomuel, &c., are not aware, that while they appear to bienefit the pa tiet, they ire actually laying the foundation for a series of diseases, sucha as salivationa, loss of sight, weakness of limbls, &c. In another column will he found thme ad ver tisemuent of JHobenasack's Medjiines, to wih we ask the atte-nion of all direcily interested in their own as weoll as their Chihdreni's health. In Liver Comnplaints anid all arisintg fronm those of a bilious type, should imake use of the onlly genuine mecdicine, Ilobenasack's Liver ru.., 1k"B not1 eew(e1, *u.. ,,tn sack's Worm 8yrup antl Liver l'ills antIel m serve that each has the signature of te Proprje tor, J. N. , as tione elsa are genuiiine Agust. 10. .2I...y Iloofiandq's Geran IiUters. hlundreds of our citizens comiplnin of deiljli ty antd langor of the stystemt, deranagenment of the liver and stomach, want of appetite, &c.; they are frerguently the result of too close ap plication, and a thuousan~d other causes wve '-an tnot htere uRine ; bitt we would say to all afflict ed, do as we have, done-get a bottle or two oIf Dr. Ilooflaned's German liitert, prepared bsy Dr. Jackson. andi our word for it you will he cured. WVe recommnendl this mic-inme, knowing from expierience that it is much suero to the gene rality of patent medic-nes. WVe would i-ay to our readers, purchased none umless prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Phaihutlelphia. July I A niothmer scientific wVonder 1 ra!PORTANT TO nYsIETi-es. Dr. J. 8. Iloughtton's I'rpsint, the trite 1)i. geustive F'ltid, or (Grutric ./n-, plreppared fronm Rtennet, or the Fourth Stomnach (of the Ox, after -directions of Haron Lie-big, thte great PhIysiolo gical Chemist, by J. S. lloughton, M. /I., P'hila delphia. This is trttly a wvondlerfutl re tmedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaunidice, Liver Coim plaint, Cotnstipation and D.ehility, curintg after Nature's Owan Method, bty Nature's Own Agetnt, thte Gastric Juice. P'amphlets, contain-. ing Scientific evidence of its value, fttrnislted by agente, gratis. See notice anmong thme ttmdical arivertisemeti. H-_ y. OB IT UAR Y. I)ied-of itnflatmat ion of theo howve, im Stumter l)istrict, (8. C.) Jtuly 29, 1gg2, ADELADF. Pos-1-IiiAn, secondl daughlter of Frantce BI. and Mlary E. J. Grier, aiged oneu year, three tmonthw, and four days. This was -one of a twatn. E''er-sin cotnld blighat or sorrow fade, Death camne wvith frientdly care; rTe openingj btud toi Ileauven conveyedl, And bado tt blossomt there. Ilied--also..-of Ithe saite disease, the oikier twitn, in Snumter Dislrict, Aitgtust 4, Francia It. nni Mtary E. J. (irier, igedl onec yea.r, tree mtothis, and titnitte (days. Th'Iewe lovely bmuda so yotunmg andt fir, CUnlced hict by early doomt, Juist camt,. to shiowt blow umee a. o.e 0~d~ ol CO MM EtC I A . Latest dates fromn Liverpool, August 4. Litest dates frot T la% re, August 4. Latest dates from Ilavann, August 4. Charleston Market. CAnrLIs-roN, August 21, 135 . Ilaf-past one o'clock.-Colton--With a good demand this morning, 750 bales changed hands at very full prices, extremes ranging from 9 3-8 a 11 5.8c.-News. Cosasigeces. Receipts per Rail Road at Sumiterville Depot, fiar the week ending Aug't 22, 1852. To: R. .. Tisdale, John O'Connor Thomas Monayhan, A. J. Moses : Brown' Lee & Co, L. Waite, P. Moses, F. I. Aoses' F. G. 1)Dose' E. B. Blackwell, J. S. Alc Fadden, N. 11 Cockerill, N. Crane, S, Newman, W. G. Windham, I.. B. Ilanks Wiley Fort, J. J. Knox. T. J. Coghlan, James Norton, II. G. Witherspoon, R. F. Ligon, F'. Alyers, It. 1). Brunson, M. P. Clark, J. E. ltembert. Sr. Bank Meeting. An Adjourned Meeting of the Bank Committee, will be held on lWedinesday, September 1st. A full attendance is re quired, to act effectually. S. R CIIANDIEiR, Ch'n Coin. August 1.1, 1852. Tournament ! Tournament ! TUIlE Knights of the approaching Tour. namnent, to be celebrated in th is place on the 17th of September, are respectfully requested to hand in their names with the characters to be assumed, anti the initiation fee (8500) to .lner W. 1)AnnAN at Sum terville, either personally or by letter. The young men of our State are invited to par tici pate in the celebration by complying with the above requisitiots. August 24, 1852. AT TilE OLD STAND OF h. & 1. J rt.ngt-r. S.&E. M. G 1 Ll11t l'l - -'continne the CA RR IA G R 1-Sl.VIN.S at the above stand-No. 35 and 40 Wentworth-street, Charleston--where they will be pleased in exhibit to their old friends and customers a very extensive Stock of Vehicles, coin prising those of their own nanufacture, together with various other styles usually found in this market. Their long acquaint. ance with this market as manufacturers and dealers will enable them to ollier great inducements to purchasers both in styles and prices. August 21, 1852. 44-tf TIH PEE DEE. IN consequence of a rummor, to the ellbct that the steamer h'l'K l)El had been sold, to run upon another river, Captain GEo. L. FJATON takes this anethsl of in foraning his friends that. such a report is incorrect, and that the " 'EE -IE)cK" will resume her trips on or about the 1st )ctnber August 2.1, 1r52. 41-St South C;aroliui.Clarcanmo Co. RIe'arcd, That this Board is' ready at any titue to Inert the other llards of Comi missioners of the Iet r of Sumter District to take into consideration the tnatter of a P'oor Ilioose. A'esolredl, That thle above lhe publishted ini te I )strict paphers. antd itotice tie given to the Ch remt an ttd Sale btItl ards. Ily otrder of lhe Itloard of Conuainissioiaers of the l'oor fur Chtarendont Coniatv. Gantt, Walker & Co,, A CCO.1f. 'ITJX III'..A k I.', Cl1ARLESTON, s. C, Rleceive andI xiell Cottoni, C.,orn, liour, and all other articles or 1'ro hice, andi g'ive personal atutni ion to the selectiona of Famti ly Supplies. Coaisaision for selhinag Cotltont, Fifty Cents per balo. RIeference-Coul. F. I. Ztlises ad 11. C. SO. CARIOLINA---SUMTrER D)IST, fly \Ve. L i IP, I-: ,., OJrdlinasi,/r said I>istrici. Whecreas, Jane Ja.y rte hatha applied to imt foar lIrr 0/' Adminaistration,, ont all atnd sinagihar the goods anad ebattles, rights antd credIitotrs of P'eter Jlayroe, late of the s'atd I bstrict, decease~d. Thtese are, therefo~re, to cite anid adhnon ish all ad siangubar, thle kindred ad credi tors of the said deceasedl, tot he andi apoear beforc mae at outr inext Ordtinary's Couart for the said D ist rica, to be holdena at Sumtater Court I louse ont F'riday the. 3rdl day ot Sepiteimber tnext, to shacw cause, if anay whay, the said admintist rationa shtould not be gratnt ed. Giv en uandem mny hand anda seaul, this 17th day of Angiast in thte year of [L. s.] otur L ord, onte thoiustand eighat hunat dred antd lifty-.t wo, andta itn tha 76th year of Amieriant iadepenadence. Auaguast 19, 185-2.-l-t So, Carolina-B~umter Dist. ily IV. 11E lVS .st,r., Ordinary for Whlereas, Johnai Ambatrtse hatha appli~d to tae for lette'rs of A dmnist~ratin oan allI anda singualar the goods and chtattles, rights andl credatotrs ofi Peter C. Amttbrtsc, late of the laistrict aforesaid, dlec.-a.sed. These are, thterefoure, to cite Iad atchnara ish all tad sintgutlar, the kindred aand credi tori of I le said dece~asedl, io he atnd appei~ar before mte at otar neoxt O rdiaary's C.oirt ftar ate saidl District, to be hioleni at Smnaater~ Coaurt I louse itt Pridhiy the :t rd Stcanemer niexta, to shiew ciase. it any, whly athe said adminaistration shouldh nt hto graiteca. GIiveaa undtter imy handit andai sealI, thIais 1 7tha of Septembater, ina the y'ear of (L. s.] (lar Losrd oneo thouatsandi eigha i ahun dred and lilly-two, nad in the 76th year of Aaamericana indlepenadeince. Augaust 19, 182. 4.LE-2t5 Parasols ! Parasols !! Our whlitle assaortmena~tt of I'arasa.b andtl ihn bl'lhot aure now oTeftrinig at iRedneed~t l'rier's, 22 I iagitl., (bendt,) optp. the Ilig I tout. l I i >Y 3iAl NE CLOIWIING (if iai' dttations as low ao a tiu a fati; .tat. L. . Iti A N I( House and Lot fbr Sale, A IJotse amid Lot plenannily situated in the Nori i-weste rnm part of Ilhe town Sumterville. For any further intirmation apply to J. 11. VAUGHAN. gU-" Watchman copy twice. Summtrville, August 16, 1852. 43-tf No Mistake, The subscriber iaving tnade ar. rangements with one of the best es. tablishdcthouses in New York to supply hint with Go l or Silver Watches by the single one at the lowest wholesale prices, anct having a friend there who will take an interest in selecting for ae--offers to furn ish to order, fue watchen within ten cays from date of order, much lower than they can be obtained in any other way. Also, Gold Chains or any other tine Jewelry. For particulars enquire of FRL E0M AN IIOYT. Aug. 17th, 1852 43-5t 80. CAROLINA--SUMTER DIST By W. LE WIS, Esq , Ordinary for said District. Whereas, J. C. Bethune bath applied to me for Letters i' A dministration, on allim and singular tie goods and chattles, rights and creditors of \V. J. F. Bethune late of the said District. deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admon. ish all and sinirnlar, the kindred and credi tors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at Sumter Court house on Friday the 27th day of August, inst., to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not he grant ed. Given under my hand and seal, this 13th day of Augumt in the year of [.. s.] our Lord, one thousanml eight hun dred am tifty-t~vo, and in the 7(th year of American Independence. \V. LE0WIS, o. . n. August 17, 1852. 43-2t Harness, Saddlery, &c., &c. r 'itl , Subscriber takes this method of in . forming the people that he carries on tto IlAltN*5, SA i)DlLEitY, BOT1 and Sllt)E MAKING in a first rate style, and will sell low. A reasonable deduction will be imade for cash. I have a good supply of the above articles on hatmd for sale ; as to the Ilarness Mr. Williat John son in Simnterville can give every informa tion respectmng the same. SAMUEL IIARVIN. Qr Watchman copy twice. Augst 17, 1952. 43-2t Notice. - T lE Subscriber has removed from his old stand opposite the Wateree I Muse to the store formerly occupied by Messrs. 11. Lavy & SoN, whmere lie intends continu ing his business in all its various branches. Ile expects to visit New York this month, where lie will add to his present large stock to which lie invites the attention of his friends and customers in the fall. C. MATIlESON. Camden, August 9, 152. 42-it For Sale, Tract of Land containing nine hun dred and thirty (31:30) acres, situated on the Saleim lLoad, one mile below bMid. way Church, with a Dwelling Ilouse, and otherttiecess try out-buildings thercon, at ane dollar ($1) per acre. A Iso, mn ititer est in one hundred and forty-six (1-16) pcres int the Estate of Wim. Ii. Melmitoshm's land , which lies amjmining, which I Will sell tit iliur dollars (4) iper acre. For further inmfornttionm apptily to time subscriber, at Sa lemm P. 0., Suimer District. W.M M. MeINTOSil. July 5, 1952. 37-t f Money Wa'nted. Ti E Smmbscribecr respecti muliy anmn'onneecs tin thme- itidebited to hmim ihr lamst year an md yea r hi.. re, thai lie is v'ery tmc oinit needl l offuds: "A word to, th wise' is F"ISh'S 31ET~'lAIlG COFF'i'NS of amll sizes.', con)istantly mit handim ataml imor amle by llSON & Dt(Yi'IIElR, Opp.' Te~mp~eranm~e Iluall Smmumterv ille. .1umie 1Sthm. 1852 :1-if Not ic.e. Pe'rsonts hmavimng dlenmtmmls n:insii~t thme i*:. tamlm oft it. IItimhardioim, Dee'dl. remepi-stedi tco prmesentm the~im dmly attested, anid thmos'e in mdebted to mazkin pammmmt tom C. M. RICIlIAItDSO N, A dm r. Nomv. 6', 185m0. 2 ~ tf Butter, F'reshm Gmshmcn limitter. " Virginmia ain mmm otmmtain llumtter lFmr sale by IROlllillTl LA'i'I'A Canmmenm Nmv 25, 1'45I. 1-ti Negroes for Sale. I WVi Lil mll'er for sale at Smmitmr Cmtmrt Iiomse oni 1he 1st Mmondmav ini Sepitem-i lier nexi, a Ne!ro WVomanm a'mu)l Cib,be immnginmg mm, time Es>tate oif WVilim Grmooms, decreasedl. Aisom at time samme I ime an md plamce anomthmer Negrro WonT~man~mi. C.ottndits mmtale know onmim dam iv of sale. W. L EWIS, '. 5. I). Notice,. Atmtpicatin i ll b. t e mna tin to tie nmt Si n of the. Sutte inh' mre for a re-chmarmer of imy Itridige aceromn Lymmhes Creek. A img. 2, I85'2 .;I _--m, So, Carolina-Sumter Dist, . Expatrie. Ini, imy, Et n-mm As m tsoms, P'h et iio fommr saumh Ilmms u V Wn-sci, et a). ) 1 I rmonl, &c. XY Order omf ilhe Coumrt oif Emiuity, I wiil iJ sell mon Saei-daty ini Octobmer iext, time Tramct of ILammml knmown as time Aiie'rsom Tratct, conmtaininmg 200I ac'res, tmmore or less, ly inig ini MdithIc Saleyrm, sittualed on Ta'uylomr Swu vamp, aboumt one mmilea from thle B lack Rwmer road, andm lying directly ont time Rail Roand. Th'le saind Landm cannmiot be sold1 for less thanm $4.00 per acre. TIEtuW-t-Ome-htalf pmale onm thle 1st Jammuary nexi, amid balan~ice onm 1st .iaumtmary 1854t, w ih interest payable auamlml~iy tiil fiill y pa id. Purchaimuser to give llmid a ini pemrsonalut security, andmm a tmortga.ige of thme pmrenumses. wV I. n. rA VNeSV io. I.., Executive Department, S C, > ' . JULY :30, 18-. 11 IJEILEAS inforination has been re Il ceived by this Department, that a murder was comiitted on the body of Ilugh )ove, in 1arion Distriet, Is HUGH CAMPIEILAI,, and that the said Camxpbell has either fled or conceals himself. Now, in order that the said (itunphell iny be brought to trial, be it known, that I, JOhn 11. l i As, Governor in and over the State of Sonth Carolimt, do issue is my Proclam ation, olleriig a reward of TWO IIUNDRtIl) xil)1.A lS fir his delivery to the Jail of Alaritn District. Camiphell is about :I1 or 35 years old 5 feet 8 inches high, stout built, walks quick and steps short ; has hino eyes, 11u man tnosC, black hair and thick beard. In testumony whereof, I have sNigfed fnv nate and allixed the seal of the Stuat'. JO N 11. MIANS. By the Governor. BENJ. Piuty, Secretary of State. Aug. 17. -13 St $500 CHALLENGES. Wiatever concerns the health ad liapptinies, of a people is L at ll times of the inost Vah 11le11 iltlortance. I takm it for granted thait every sroit will dto all in Iheir po' er. to save the lives of their children, und that every person will en leavor to promnote their own health at all sacri fiers. I feel it to be Ituy duty to solemnnly assure you that Wonais, nemrling to the opitin of title most celebrated 'hysicians. are the pritmary canes of a large inajority-of diseases to wticeh children andl adults are hable; if you have inn aplxetite continually changeable fron one kind of food to another, Hial lireath, Pain in the So gnach, l'ichking at the Nose, Ilardnoss and.Full ness of the Blelly, Dry Cough, slow Fever, Pulse Irregular-remetuber that all these denote WVoIt ats, & you shokil it apply the renedy : IHobcu ackN's Woram Syrupl. An article faintid apon Scientifie Principes, comtip.tnuteml with ipurely vegetable substances, bmeing perfectly mafe when taken, and can le 'iven to the most. teniter Ii int ilth decided ,eneticial elteet, where flou.! 'onmlainls and J)iurrhau have imade them weak tail debilitated the Toime properties of my Worin Syrup art such, that it stands without an eqiual in the eita loitte of medicine, in giviing toin. anl stren gth to. the Stomach, which intakes it alt ifa ih remedy tihr those afllieted tith l)spepqiiu, the astnishing inres performed by this Syrnp after 'hysicianiis have ftil4, is the best evidence of its superior efficacy over all others. 'I'Ti is thme lost difficult Wormn to deStroy of till that infest the huntiii system, it grows to ani ailnos indeinite lengtIi ecomtuting s coiled ial faistened t thie intesiines In Stoinneh.ii-eting the he.tlth so sadly a,, to caue St. Vitus I)ance, Fits, &c., that thin-e a ll'i.:teil seldon if ever suspect that it is 'Iupu' lhiirm thasteniniui theta to an early grave. In orler to destruy tihi W Voriti, n very euergetic treat in. nt muust he, plursuel, it would therefore Iho proper to talke m to 8 of Ilty L.iver l'ills soit as to remove all o.stranleslo, that the Worst Syrup tay act direct npxin tihe WMrin, which mist he takenin dhoes of V Tirbles ton fols 3 times AN. iay, these clirections followed have never been' kInm i lh' i atilrin thuo :nost.obstinate ctic of ''*mi's~fr/n Noptart of li: 1m'torti-i ^":Ibev le olIepp fh tn he.LI VElIt, it titi ing ns a. f erm to pup1 fy tht- blooi,'r t l thit' t't1 ,rMiihc r to' the hile - so that uny-wrne tet-lim oif-he liver effet h:e, uil er. iin gttutrrs of the sysiten' Janislice, Iy e lia.&c. We 'i C nitoref n~atisb ev'ery '.yinipmitg that nuigh~t nin a wrorig ac tiuon mf t he I irj Tr'y-Et tY'*jlymhetii cimioinuosied of i mon-ri 'M~ i.r' lih~.M. tine y inture tin lheal the siiek, -~m,,An,ii r' E c-ri tIi'T, n~ hiice iiim'nenis thle se'cretiion frnm the Puiilntm mary i i mnes nimbrsit, ofr pruintes the dtisch-arge ofi -ecretedt inl;mt ier. . 2juml, Am. ALt tile anid in'eni. ile aminter them merL'ini gimrbid nat ii o f tin he ytein. 3r,1, A T i sm, vh ichi g'iveis timne animl sirngLth tin the iin-rvousi sys'teni, rmenewinigl hemalth and vtii-..ori to alt pa~ri "of thie timily. -ih. A I vru A ait , n hi:lh arts in per-~ feent huariuy it the t i otther inistreienmits, and~ operting ona the htowels, :,iii ~e'peinaig thei ni hoile inams- ofeinrrmit mi i ia :emltitmauer, nith purify inmth ilum I dm,m whfiich des.troy. di-eaise andl re-lores hueahhi. Youml will flild thiese' Pill ani invaih:ale tin'di. ha~im ve'. imnimmin if ini!hatmble bene'i i, re'trin,. themir fuiintiinaml1 :nrimn.'-m-utas toi ia hI ho tin, lilingii' iliw bliomd ial mmIAr tmift sim eflecimilty to put to flielht all iconipi.tinmis whib inuay arise froi oma-ih.n irrm-uii:i, his li-il achI, ''iinetiiis', dtiiinmt ii sitit, paini ini the None gu ne ue-nd..N.louse, all tin as mimitaitniu 27- A enlt- u~ i-idi: niiew -.ilmlie. aniim Store I-'r pm l r by i a .i 14ii. i m and 31mmmizA-u-reants in the' ti. S. Ii. 31. ('i ' . I harleston~z, Whl le;l Am'ent for iihe Slat,'. So, Carolinla-S~umter Dist, E' I). VA IJill.\N, whoim is it the Cutsto. dy ofitu. ihe eili of 'tater la uu~strit Satisfacienilnh~u at ihe. sutit mof ThoIitas 3lc( eei, hiarmiy filedu in it ifli', tigietheru with ai Schecilulei mmn oathI, oft hi! l-:stite' andI e'll'hets,. hi~s pet11 itin tom the ('wiii of~ I'mmi ion Ilhia. prhYitifr Itht hei inaiy lbe :adinit til to the bhmtmllh it thle A\cts ni Ih (ien rail A\.'einbhly nuilO for the~ rie' mif jinl-l vetit dlebtomrs'. It isn ordlerdI 'fiat t ho S mnl Thoma's .\ile ;e, andi aill mthermls, this (I rmdit mirsi to whoum t hie said G. D. Vauiigham, i.- any ise~ indetdi, htman sthey I areSi her 'by sntiitiionedt simmi huave' nomtiic lito appeamr. hei oiin tue Iligth day~ of Nmovembehir next to sheitw, if anyu they catn why Itihe pra"yer ofl thte petitinl aiforesaidl. ahotnId nmot he granttemt. WV. J1. S N LT~1O N, (in m P. July 201, I'a.-r'I. :J..;ii ImprvedCotton Gins: lintd o ~t favourlhs it*mthensmribeir i ht Ps Imi inftrit the' pibmlic that hem still imaihiimfe. tirms ('mitonm (i-in sit is e-si~tablmhn'ent in lStte bmuris, mmn Ithe nsmumi iin lo'ee i-tnd i appmlrmm med tilan, n hibi Ihe think., ilmat the mmotim'n riiinnmd mn mone if' thoisme gins mof the' lae' sinmproiv'imm'ii is worthl it lea;'t ai ilmiirlmr mmf a cni ruere thanm thme mmit mli gonwdmmt mon the, mortdinary gsin. tim t a mlina nintaiimres thetal iIn the tlmst siml' mmiiitrmutcin, sif thn fine-st limn mim mndf thme best iaits; to hanrd'emed winthm lhe n' ill oell for i,. per Sasw. lIe alim rei' imbl gimis andmm puts thimo in rm-it pmlete oirmdmr ait the ilhmrtest noice. All mordemrS for I iis will be~ pirmpitly' and1 punictaily itimit'mde tim. \Vm'I.I.1A31 ih1.IISIIN. i-taitehlm rg, Smtier I ti-t, m . C.-' l Ii 17, '21; Butter, Lard, Bacon & Corn IP~ilt'.1 .tliniinlliemtr. til smuall i':nkiim.) Nmmrmm I ui1fiili 'Lii-Tii m.r . i i. Land for Sale. T I.. e' sold ot i'" '! pretnise" 'ht 27th day of 8eptemnb". next, a Pit ACT OF LAND) in Aliddle Salem, about one mile :nd a haIf from c tiniosli's Depot on the Wilington o Manchester Itail Road. containing abont 1(100 acres. Persons desiring to purThase can have the Land shown to them, by calling on the subscriber on the premises. J. W. 011115. July 20, 1852. 40-51* Executive Department. C iARLESTON, June 3, 1853. WIv ELtEAS, two Bills o Inldictneut for Murder have been found by the Grand Jury of Charleston District, at the March sitting of the Court of General Sessions, against one CIlAR1ES 'ER GUSON-the one for the murder of a slave named John, and the other for the murder of one Joseph Mlcorty. And, whereas. the said Ciharles Fergn son has tied from justice, or so secretes himself as to avoid the process of law. Now be it known, that in order to bring the said Charles "erguson to justice. 1, Jelm II. leans, Governor in and over the State of South Carolina, do i.<sne this iy i'roclamation. ollering a reward of TWO I IUNI)ItEl) I)(.)L1,ARS for the delivery of the sacidl Charles Fcrgusu at the Charleston Jail. Said Ferguson is about fourteen years of age, about five feelur inches high, slender, dark hair and comiplexion , some what freckled, and quick spoket.. Given nuder lny ha.ud and seal of the State of Soth Carolina this Third day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. J. 11. MEANS. By order of the Governor. llEN3AUtIH 1'r.uny, Secretary of State. July 20, 1$52. 4ti-5t Situaliota W anted in a Dry ,:nuts itore by a young gentleman whu has hud several year.s expe'rieneo in tie buinaess. A ppliction for informuatiu may be mate at this offite. Juhne 2, 1$52. 30,-tf Salt, 20 SACKS OF S A L T for sale low . for cash by JOHN O'CONNOR. June 7, 185-?. 8:-tf The First of the Season, fi IIE Subscrilr would infohrn the citi i zens of Snniterville and vicinity, that he is nus receiving a large, line, and well selected stock of C 1.0'1' 11 S , CASSI M1litES, ANU VESTINUS, both plain and aiccy. very large and superior assort melit of READY MIADE CI,0TilING, enhraicing every quality, variety and style, both for ten and boys. Call and see at D. J. W IN N'S. A pril 13, 181 25-tf Soda Fouma1taiin. im S[acribbr has just opened a SODA Ti FOUNT at his well known stand where lie keeps constantly for sale tile best oif 811DA WVATLE t, ICE-CiRE.A N acid GINGKILt-'O1". Alo: I C iE every ay~,, byv ticeu pound or otheirwise. All sield low for cash by JOllN O'CO.N Nl.. Jie 7. 1s52. :ia--tf N ot ice [S hereby gi vene lha. nppl icationi will I o Siadle at thce n-'xt Sessonci of' the I ,igis ilture for a Ciharter Ifor a lianik in the Townc ot Santerviille. July 20, 185,2, 39--td. Take Out Your Negro. Comaccntted to Ja . il c ilihe 21s~t Angnat, NSa negro man, who sacys his namie is (Nhiel and that lie belongs to Dr. TP. 8. Wisn. TheI oiwiner of thce above- aed ne~l groi is iherebyv nut cied, that if thce sid cceiro is clot takenc cenl, andti Lice expencses paid. byv thIe cxipirnon oi(cf e l yr fromci hiis hcilgmcenit inc .h ad, that hce wdci lie sold acs ilhe iw directs. Ilie wvili be sold on the tirst Aloniday inc Steter ncext. .l. C. lIlIAAIE, 5. S. Di. A pril :rd, 1 852 2 1--t f BY II. IL. BUT1TERF'IELD, htetinag-t., Clmie'lston, S. C. Septicember 1(1, 1851 .17-i f SOuth Carolina--Sumter Dist, Loulisa lleler, 1 Larence 11. lcer, I I.Y EQ UiIT Y. lilbert C'. Alyers, ' J1. C. Il~icre. Ic appecaringa to umy satisfacticon that liert (C.Aly ers. onec oif the dlceiiendcals in the. :ave sltld case is abcsenct fromc acid e.-oheic lice luitis cof thIe State' of Sointh I 'aroetaa~. it is o'rdered that saacl iticberi cc Acirt.:pel, aniswer oir di'einnr to, the 'cemlinant~c's bil liif ((cliplacint wiinji thre' luocinth fromlicc tile datce of thce impillicat ionl of his coradecr, eor an c orderi pro craii/ will hie tak~en agacinst hcimc. W. F. B. 1l.AYNSWVoltil. Co'ur Ey'r as. I}. 1Alay 15, 1852. 30 tf SUMYTER HOUSE, fhn t ci ~izns fccle naumt eil-yund tie .icrrcninac I c ountciec ry thiac le ini ,e,' r,'eettred ( cartet,cc cnd hasec adce rrangeentscc toe reeivei~it iCI iii 8t)A WVA li hasi, I'n thand, andiwil it icentinule to rieceive lcreacghtcic li' th ei'eain, a1 ebcicc ei.wrimcent cc. lii. mes ma I*crncialus. ConfcIejctioaries, Fru Xe., all iif whichi wvii le bei d i et cf cenji.' hcccan un' evcer ,tieredj bcefore mc thcis iplace. Webb Clark's Hotel, A'UAJTR VJLLE, S. (Y., Th''iis li citel is sit uated in thce tmost pclecaant part oif thce towian. T1he l'rioprietocr will bce pleased~ to see lhis triendus acid lice racvelinag plic; prcim Ismli toi spaare iio exer~t ticns ccn his part toi renderi~ themc comccortabile. (Chenges!~ rea. sonable. 1 'reepritorc THOMAS J. W4 DRUGGIST Al CAM DE OFFERS for sale, for cash, or an approved cret and wxLL CLs.cTED assortmaent of EAST INDIA Drugs and FR ENCH, ENGIltI[ AND AMERIC SULRGICAL INSTIIIIMENTS, PAINTS A 'I'it 1888, (ALd KINDS) VARCNIS) I'ESA RIIS, " I)YE STIll I)tUGGiSTS LAlBELS, IRONZES " GLASS WARE, . BiUSIIES 'ATENT MSEnsINPs , WINDOw G TIOlusONsunAIN MUINPES, LAS./ AND I SutAtK(LS' Illts & ROOTs, SOLAR, LAI GanEN SEns , SPIRIT GAM Genuine Cot Together w COMPRISING TUE STOCK OF. AL Agent for the I . PA TENT AN.D FAA April 6thl, 1953. Sheriff's Sales. B Y virtue of sunlry Executions to me directed, will be sold at Sumter Court itlouse, on the 1st Monday and day foil.w ing in September next. within legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following property. Purchasers to pay for titles : Horse, Mule and Cattle levied on as the property of Thomas L Wells at the suit of .is It. Brock. Cattle to be sold at J. I. lrock's on Tuesday the 7th September, in Clarendon. One tract of 620) acres of land, in Fork Black River, adjoining lands of C. L. With. erspoon, G. Plowden and E4. Plowden, levi. ed on as the property of Theodore S. Wil son at the suit of David J. Winn. JOHN C. ItIIAME, s. s. D. Sumterrille, August 10, 1832. 43-td TO PLANTERS. The subseriber Ias Just receiveiPa large stock of goods for SPRING AND Si) MMER, which he offers at Charleston prices, less expenses. 10 Ilales heavy Osnahurgs, " " Shirting and Sheetings, S " Ililue Denins and lMarlborn' Stripes, 10 lihds lacn Sides and Shuulders, 25 Ilbs Ilaltinore Flour, 25000 find Spanish Segars, Sugars, Collees, Tens, &e. &c. Mollasses, Soup, Starch, &c. L. B. HIANKS. April 6th, 1852 21-tf Notice to Pedlars. PEDLARS of all descriptions, whether on foot, horse-hack, or with a wagon, are hereby notified that shotll they be foutn.4 TRADING IN TlIlS DISTRICT after this date, without the necessary Li cense, the law will be enforced against them. A CITIZEN. Juie 22, 1852. 35-tf Land for Sale, T i1E Subscriber a.Iirs his Plantation in Clareduon for sale, containing 750 acres of Land ; 150 tcres cleared ; the place is well settled. On the pretnimes are a good Gin anl Screw, horse-Mill and Wheat Thrasher. Any person wish ing to buy, may apply to the subscriber on the place. one mile above Calvary Church, on the tnain road to Camnnen. J. C. WEEKS. uily 0, 1552. 37-tf Notice. All-per'ons intlebted to rte individually, or as Ordinary. will ile' iiiike iifuedi; ate paymn', as it is absolutely utecessary that I .close upt tmy bmusintess, somne part of whticht has~ heero of borg statnding iusettled, anud whlich I amt deterimned shatll rentain so nto leniger. I ho~pe tuty friendts wvilI at tend to tis ait ontce, antd give tme attd Ltmseives as liutle trouble as utmy Ite. W. LICWIS. WIlldLI~ lASthe law retlnires the Ordli n1uary oft Snter Dist rict to Ibe in huis Otlice, i'l.nday attil Fridlay in each week, ptersons thereftre hatvintg businiess itt sa ii Ollice wvill lease attend otn those danys. WV. LIEWS. March 9, 1852. 20-tf Valuable Woodland Near TI'1 T1OWN FulL SAlyl'. 11etweetn 17 atttl la acres otf hnt! Ivinig at Tiurkey Creek near Sumnter vilbe. will ho sol on accotmtnodat ing itrms to an ap proveecl pturtchaer. Apply at this oflice. J.t . 2'it h, 1852 14--f For Sale, My 1101;8SE AND LOT, int the village of Siunivdl. whr I n~ow live. 'ITtere are FIFTY-FIVE AChiES OF LAND itt ithe lot. Tertms mo~, easy to te purch~asers. Jan. 15, 1852. 13-if W. L EwI8. AMVERIWAN HOTEL, Cous'Na Or ht'o Ano GronG(E STEETS Cl~aarleton, S. C. .'. IJ I St IlICRlIBER, having dits. p;oed of his~ itnterest int thte AMER.1I CJA N hlOTilt to Mesrs. G. F. K EN. N t.y & J. Mi. iHvas-r, solicits for thetm the lpa trotnage of his friendcs. GEO. W. KING. Thte unders ignedl wouhtl respectfutlly infortn Stetir intds andt thet t ravelling{ ptublic that thrzy havue leasit hat ele-gat esutblishmnt ithe Amn- t cant I1l0te!, corneir of Kinug andu Geprge Streetts, whtere the.y are ready for thte reeptionu of thuose whlo mtay favor thetm nt iiih a call. I(ENNEIJV & lItRSTP. Mlay 25, 1852 31--6m Blaici Crape at 25 cnts l'ER Y ARD. Atnd utperior utptalities at 31i 1-4 atnd 37 1-2 tents a yardl. rThese wilI he fottma remtarh~ably low. W. I. JACOllI & SON, 22 KiF ur stt.ln,) opp. ithi Jiig Iloot. L!ROBERT LATTA. LAT TiII 11FIRM OF DICKSON & LATJTA wtouald respetfmidly intform Ihis frientds antd the putblic generaltty, ithat Ite is nowv receiving a vea. ruiy of I tcavy a~nd Fancy Groceries, wich he.- t will ,-etl low for catsh---Two ,hoert. above the lantters' I lotel, anud immedc~iatoly opposite Jameis Catmden., S. C. JDec. 10th, 1850 if 9 Improved Endless Chain All pertotns wvishing I. thettove levator; catn be supjpliedI tty thte substcib~er, w.ho it. thte Agent for the District of Smntter, S. C. Rt F. LI(GON. Sutmterv ille, DeLcemberw 2, 183. 6--t f Negro Shoes. The subscrib~er h~a. made arrangements fotr the maufatimitre of from Four to Five 'lThoutsandI pa.irs of thte attmve article by thte FA LL. Fotr re-feretnce as to <pmtlity. he wotuld respsetftlly re fer pe n-ons whota may to dtispoe d to tpurcltaNe otf hitm, to those' whIo ptrtonivzed tt tm ha-i year As to pricae, hie will gualranltec them s low at tan h~e altlhaled. Mavi22 2 ii . 5IfInl.AN. )RKMAN, M. D ID CHEMIST, N, S. C. it, A'r Tsi LOWEST MARK7 RiCelrg. g MlEDITERRANF.AN and EUROrEAn Medicines. AN CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. ND OILS, i'ICIes, GELATINE, Fi.AVOlRING EXTRACTS, PEUIJ3JKIIY, HAIR DI.., LASS NAIL ANtI Too'rml-BmaUtssr, StCsKa, COMBS ANh IIAIR Lt) AND SPERM Ott.s, FANCY SoArs, As CAMPuran, &c. &c. I Liver Oil. ith every article A. DUGGIST O1 PIIYSICIAN. i0 riost approved UL Y MEDICINEM, CABINET WAREROOM. F. M. ANDIIEWS . N TAKES this method o informrin^f the citizCtts of - Suiterville and viciity iit he has opened in imnterville, opposite th e ne Presby terrn Church, p CABINET WAKtE ROOM, where lie will keep foi sale, t4heap, all snch furniture as comes imdet this departritelt of Is trade, which he will warrati of good material ; and will furnish for carh, at Charles ton prices, all descriptions of Furraitre mtarie. Repairing executed at the. shntest notice. . B~hgan} y aund plain Collins furnished wvith. out delay. having procured the Bertices of Pr. C. W. I).vts, he is prepared to furnish Metallic Plates engraved ii any style. All the Nnbsrlber asks Is a fair trial, ard hopes by punctual attention to haislneess afra easy terms, to merit public patronage. Faebruary 17, I852, 1ly CLOCKS, WATCHES AND The Subscriber would respectfully in' forn the citizens of Sumter and adjacent Di- tricts, that lie has just opened in Stun terville a beautiful tasortrment of Clocks and Watches, Brooches, Finger Rings, Cuff Pin;s Eat. Rings, Buckets, Slides, Fob, Vest, Guard Chains, of Steel, Silver and Gold-(leld and Silver Pens and Pencil Cases; S(iecta cles of various kinds ; White and Corti Beads, Bracelets, &c. &c. All of which. will be sold at Charleston prices for Cash, by C. T. MASON, One store south of Mirs. Ilulbert's Millenery. P. S.-Repairing of every description done in the very best nianner and at the shortest notice. ?-W All work dune by rme, warranted to give satisfaction. C. T. AL December 2, 1851 is if A. ANDERSON, Sausutervillc, S. C. Respectfully Iiifonus rite people of Sum tar District that he has jutat recev. inld now otters for sale the best selected and most choice stock of Spring aid Sumanct' Gooda l'hat has ever been brought tb this iftarket.--. lie has received many new styles of prin and Summer Goods, which purchasers would do well to examine be fore buying elsewhere' Black, Blue,Green and mixed Brvad-Clothes Plain and Fancy Casshores. Satin, Velvet; d Silk Vestings, ikys aid Iihit,13 dc, ---AL8~o---. J A full and large supply of Hosiery, dot, Suspender,., Cravata, anidkehiedll,'&ci &c all of which will be sold on the meat libera terms, andl at prices to suit time {{igge g1I7 Garmets~ mmanfacturedJ by the subscrl her, and warranted to give satisfaction. Or den. from a dlistanice promapily Uittended to. ie may be foand at tihe *tand formerly oc n,'r cay Conway, and mnore recently' by 'A. Al'iiDERSON. April 27, 18C,2 25 tfi D. J.WINN, MJERCIHAlT TAiLOR. Woutld re~spectrfrdly inform his friends rad thme uniml generally that lie now has ona hand aiala ffe r for sale on reasonale terrms a large iad splenida a.ssormenit aif Clotihs, Caisimeru aind Ves~tinigs, with isnt., Capim, kSuspendaer, Cnavat.., .Socka, fine hn .ten anal Meririo Shairts., Drawema , G.loves., hianak creie fim, tlnnbnlhisu, &c Men arnd Bloy.. tientay Made Clothing of eve ry dl.eripniun anal variety. Conmplete SIlilitairy Onis, Urii formis, Sworda, Ej nmlatts, &c., furrnished~a at short notice. hinifornis. for Sumter Itillemnen furnisahedl an reasonable terns. (rIT ii ve'stirngs are pecuiliarly rich, coistaiaing of far richer patterns than ever previously ex hilbited mi is market. Oct. 1f, 18151 51 if Encourage H ome lManu fac tures, TPHE Subscriber, grateirtl for the liberal I. patronage heretofore bestowved upon him, rake.. this mnethmod of informing te people of Sunnter anid the adjoining Districti., t hat he still continuaes. io carry on thme CA R RIAGE ari IIA ItNES iS1>A K ING busirintess in all its vari ous branches., at lhirs itand ini Bishiopville, 8. C. lie is making large addiiions to lais. Estalh-h nient, so a.. to enable hinm to manuifacture elery thmgwrated, i his line, at thne shortesti notice, the Southern States. ie liar. in lut employ 62. pierieneda workmien, anal is well saupphned with. the best seasoned tiimber ; also with Trimmings andl Mounitings of the lateist style. All newv work donrie in his line will be war rated 12 mniauths andI raepairedl withtant charge if it fail in that lime, lie will do repairing ant the shoarte~st nmonce, iaiid ini case any person livmng ai a dimstunmie shiouill want repairing adona, if they wIll writo tat that ehlect, lie will send for thea. job, anid return it wheni donie. JAS. W. AMilROSE. N.Bl.---lis -rF.Rur are am reasonable as any peir'an coih ex~pect. IBishmovilhe, 8. C., Marcha 9, 1852. 20-Iy j2, Black River Watchmni copy Six To the Citizens of Suinatt Distric:t. (0hN the Preseimntent of the Grand .Jury. LIat Spring Tiernm, 1852, ik Hlonor Judge O'Neall mnade the following order: "It is oraderead tha~t so mtuch as relates to a Poor Houtsre, he copired and served on the Board of thme Comnmisonmers of thme Poor, for Claraemont, Clarendoni, arnd Saleim, with a rtile endaorsead, requirinig themn to buildl a Poor llouse, for thme Accommodsationi of the Poor, ac'ording tai law, or failing te ado so, that they shiow acause, whly they shiouth nut be inadicted." Undealr thiis order, thre Com-~ m ssioners of the Proor for Claremont Contiy at their regular meeting the 1st Momnay in Auguist, passed the following* resmottion: Resolced, That t'ie Chairman of thi. Board, h~e authorizead, and directed, to give notice to the Cntizens of Sumter District throuigh the papers ptiblihed in the same, inviting threm to meet at Sumterville ont Samle-ay in Sephtemiber next, to take into comnsideration the prop~ rimety of Building a Poor laouise. JOllN BALLARD, Chl'n Bard Comu'rs. F'ornr for Claremont .\umrist 14, 1852. 43-4k