10 Al I SAV.-Mis Antoinette L. brown, a gridute. o'college, tai liited bnil prialhitl iur a ..comgregatint - in Boston a tew Sundays agso. ier text was front 1st Corinthians, 14th chap -ter, 3405: 'lAt your: woinen keep milence in the churches, fir it is not per onitted to theme to speak; for they are cprutvained to be uncder obedience, as also saith the law. And it' they will leUrI anything let them asvk their hits umds at hone j;r it is a shane fpr womeen to speak in the churches!!' When Miss Anttoinette practises what sho-preaches, we would be glad to read one of her sertnons in print. *.TM ART UNION. CAE.-The Cites tion of the ConstitutionalitV of the ::Art Union Lottery.is now before the Court in two actions,' in two separate CaseS-one brought by a private in dividual and it subscriber, inid the oth. er by the District Attorney, on the part of the State. The Herald says the questioi will soon be determined by the proper court. FRUIT DksTROYrn DY FROST.--hle Oncinnatti Gazette states.that most (of the frnit-cherries peaches, aiples, arid Spears.-which had escaped the extreme cold of the past winter, have all been cAtfied-away by the recent and unex pected visitttion of Jack Frost. In Essex. county, Va., pnenmiutia has' assumed an.epidettic character" and* twgnty deaths has occurred in about two weeks. Alabama produces 6,400 bales of *otton more than any other slave State. Mississippi produces more thai any other except Alabama. ..Ngw ARMY AN) NAVY UNIFORMS. The Washington Telegraph states, that the adoption of the new army uniform will be enforced (in the fourth of .JMly next, and that the new navy uni fprni, which was adopted on the 8th of this month, will lie enforced at the same time. - NoMINATION FOR SOUTHI CAROLINA. -A writer in the National itelli gencer of Tuesday, whose coinmunica tion is signed "A South Carolina Seces - aionist," recommends Col. James Gads den as in every way qualified to fill the Executive Chair of the Uniofn. Miss Frederika Bremer will soon . ptiblish, iti England, her work on A 19.erich, called "lomes in the New World."- Ga. Citizen. AL Spanish Consulate ,has been d'petted recently at Key Vest, wvhere passports fhr ports in the Island of - cuba, can be obtained at .ll tinies. A- new Post Ofiie has been .es tabli.hed at Donaldsville, Abbeville District, in this State, and Sam'il Dunald pippointed Postnaster. tivyin, 11tokF. LoosR.-Two thtou mared and two marriage een issued by the Clerk 11' . m 4 inl ) Ol1 i y ,of January, 1851. to the . December, 18M51, e averaige 't' sevi" per day. * < oMM11 Mc IA L . lAtest dsta tiom lverpoo, March 20. Latest dlates fromi Ihavann, March 17. * atest dates from . Ilavre', March 15 OlCharleston MIarket. CHAn.T.stos, A pril 3. *COTTOQN.--The enquiry yesterday, al. thotegh to a fair extent, lacked spirit, and the market exhibited a dull appearance. The transactions foot ed rising 1660 hales. at extremess from 6 1-2 at 8 1.4. Price. the same as reported on Thursday. SPECIAL NOTICES. IloofIased's Geruznug Bitters. *Tusasa celebrated Hitter. prepared by Dr. C. M. Jacxsou, 120 A reh-street, Philadlelphia, are performing astonishing cures throughout thes whole country. We can bear witness to their eurative. power. in the case of a friend of sours who had the Liver Complaint, andi who had tried almost every other medicine, bust wilitou e&yct. After taking a few bottles of these litters ho was entirely cured. To those who are similarly am~icted we r, commend them to take the preparation, knowing that they will cnre the dlissease spoken of, and many others to * which " flush is heir to." Theiru is a spurious artie made' in Phila~delphia. Thes only place -" ise get the genuine article ise 120 Arch-street, - Ptsdladelphia, of Dr, C. M. JACKSON, or his Ageint. throughosut the country. Mhs2-tmn - A mothser Scienstiic Wonsder!t - INIronTAt4T TO nysrrters - Dr. J. S. IHoughston's Pepsin, the true Di. gestive Fluid, or Gastric Jpice,jprepparedi from Lwaust, 'or the Fourth Stomnash ogf the Or, after . 8lsections of laron Liebig, thei g.ait PhIy~.slo .gecal Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, 41. D.,,l'hila - delphia. This is truly a wondeg(ul re mesdy for. I ndigeston, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, ILi ver, ('rsn -plaint, Conslipatlion aned D~ebility1~sninsg rtfIty Nature's Own Method, by N;eture'q Owin Aigent, the Gastric Juice. Pamphlets. contn~ o g Golentifie evidlence of its value, furnished by agents, gratis. See niotice among the medical qdvertisements. 8-Iy. F. RI. Shackelford, Pactor and Commisslotn Merchsant, CE~NTRAI VL1IARF-CI JIl fESTON. "Take Out Your Negroes. Committed to the Jail o-, the~ 2rd Mayv If45*a negro man, c'allinsg himself Isaaic, ,says lie beslongs to a in-an ini Yosrk, by the . etame of Luii ton. Also one ons f1 st Angust . 1%l, says hsis name is (sahiriel, anid that he he'lsings to, Dr. 'T. S. Wib-kon. * T'he otiners oif the. i*',vs. amedl negrs *are herebry nnt stied, t ha if the sasid ntegrcres -are not taken siut, andI the expenses paid. .hy time expijitio~n of sine sear fromus Iheir - 1niment in .Jail, t hat they will lbe sohl as the lnw. slirects. T1he i'orrer (.J~uae) on i. first Mnrhdy in .inne next:; ansd thes lai 1r((;abrial) on t hu fir-i Monmdaiy in Nep~ tembe~r nest. Ajnri'li.tl J m -....2 Wilmington & Manchester Rail Road, 236 -Miles Joe Operationa I On and after the first of April the AMnil and Passenger Trains on lihe Wilmington nd Manchester Ial Road will run to Maves' Stat ion, 25 miles from its junction with the Camndn Branch Rail Road as fol. lows : Leave junction daily at 2. 55 P. X. after ele arrival of the Cars from Chinrlentnm. Arrive at Ma.chester, - 3. 10 P. M. , " " Sumterville, - 3. &5 - "4 " Sayes' Station. 4. 20 "1 l1,a've Mayes'Stat'n daily at 0. 00 A. M. Arrive at Sunterville, - 6. 40" " " Manchester, - 7. 25 " Junction, - - 7. 40 " in time to connect with Charleston. A Daily line of stages carrying the U. S. Mail through Darlington C. iI, and Chte raw to Fayetteville, will run in connection with the Rail Road. Passengers between Charleston or Co. luimia and Fayetteville, or intermediate points will find this the most comfortable and expeditious route. L. J. FLEMING, - Res's Engn'r W. & M. t. R. April, Oth, 1852 24-tf Piano Tunin g.. JoSEPi FiRE, of larles ton. informs the' lad em and Gen llemen of Sumterville and Vicintv. that he has arrived and is sow prepared to TUNE AND REPAIR Piino, Organv, Alelode u.nm, and'other musical inst ruments. Orders left at the Suwteter i:nner Office will b6 priiinptly attended to. April 5, Vf.152. 24-tf TO PLANTERBS The subscriber has just recuived a large sterk .of godsx for SPIIING AND 8t11WMER whil-h he ofbrs amt Chte rientsn prices, less eXpenasvs. 10 Bales'hieavy O(naburgs. "Shiring and Sheetings. " hie . nimn, and Marlboro' $tripes, 10 .Hhds Bacein S)des mnd Shoulders 25 Bhis Baltimore Flour, 25000 finn - Spanish Segnvar, S gr , CofTees. Teas. &c. Ac. M!asses, Soap, Starch, &c. I,. B. HIANKS. April 6th, 1852 24--tf Elegant Dress Goods, New and elegant colored Silk.Tissues, Thorose Sitks, Black wateired do. Plain Black do. Embroidered Silks. "Jenny Lind Goldschnlid," Freneh printed muslin%; Jaconet. .awns, &c. flarir~e D'Laines; rAlcy Ilareges, Plaid Swi G .l sh a .. French re emisettes, Collar, Slee ves ('a'es. &c. &c. ltaek antd colored Alpaceas, Prints, Ging. tams, at 12 1.2 cents, Gloved, Ribbons, Iosiery, Trimming, &e. at Vharleston pwices.. L. B. IIANKS. April th, 18:5v . 24-t f JEADY MADE CLOTIIXu f. all descriptions as low as $2 50 a full eouit. h. B. IIA NK-. April 6th, 8512 21--t f Cheap Goods. "E1lt. subscriber has just returned fromt Chlarleton with a full assortment of A L L KINDS. OF GOODS. Warem RId Merehan. din in6 lineof business bavingq excvr.sed tli an4 hal - t ain obj 1 a nety ione to eithertatEihole l or A pril 6th,. 1952 24--tf Su1k,. Drah, Leghorn and P'alm Lcaf flats. 600O Pair Shoes,--various qualities, spcht as Broigans, Gents, Boys and Children. Ladies and Mtisses' Gaiters and Slippers. For sale by ANDREWVS & ROAChil. Sumnterville, April 6, 1852. 24-2t. Sprisag Good,. AT Tl -IPAILME TT"IO IIOUS.E,', Jl'sT REtCF.tVEfl, AND Foat SAi.E L~OW. CA L.ICOES, Mtuslines, and Gitnghams. Caimbhric, Linen,, and Linen Drill. Farmers Dr II, and Strip.'e limespuen. L.. C. Ildk',s, and Mluslimn lldk'is. lled Ticking, Browne and lIl'd .-eirming". Ladies White and Col'd Silk, and 1L. Thread G;loves. For sale by .ANDR EWS & RIOACII. Stmterville, A pril 6, 1852. 24-2t. Ink, &c. I larrison's Col umbeian Black, Ried, and -Indellible Ink, in quart, pimt~, atnd small Bottles. WVriting Paper, Copy Books, P'ens, W'a fers, &c. For sale by ANDREWS & ROAChl. Sumterville. A pril 6, 18~'2. 24-2t Groceries. 2.500 lbs. Brown, Crashed and L~oaf .Su;.ar, 200 gallons C. 3Molasses, 5 Bhln. Flonr, 600 lbs. io Collee, I1) Sacks Salt, 50 lbs. Candy, Candles. Cheese, Soap. Starch, Teca, Segars. Tobacco, Snuff, Shot, Powder, Water and Tin Buckets, Jugs, &c. &c. For sale low hy .ANDREWS & R(.ACIl. Sumterville, A pril thl, 18~52 21--if Notice, TheII Co-partnrship heeretofore existims between the subhscribe~rs nnder thme firme of J. T. Solomuons, & Co., is tIs (lay dissolv ed by limniation and mutual consent. All persona indebted to said firms hv note or open accountt, will please call atnd settle. J. T. SOIDOMONS, II. 3. IlAY'NSWVORTII, Jan. 6, 1852 11 tf ROOKS! hOOKS!! ROOKS!!! English. French, [at in aned Greek Scheool Books. Also Illank Hooks of all sizes, aned Stationary for sale by PERRY MIOSES. Feb. 23, 1852 18 Election of Music Teacher. Tlhe~ Ikoardi of Tlrustees of thet liradford Springs Female Institute w ill electi nn nuehlitin. na M~usic Tleacr on the, last Muondatccy in theis month. Applicants will pleaise acddress the P'rincipal at the Institute. Salary tire lhue. drei dloilars and bomird. C ?? Triweekly Charle.stoni Menr.ury wit copy twol weeks and forward accotunt. Winncesry 2, 1852 l5-t f Ready Made Oloing. W41 be redcived in a fewv days, a very fine Stock o.f iteaidy Madte Cluthineron-orsieung 4if every rticle of (.ents wear, atud will he old loiw. by W..J. F A NCIS, . Opp~dide F. 3. 4' ). )hwes' law togglea Sent. 11 .AS8t . . .n i Important and Unreserved Ba I a, Jso,VENC AND EXTENetVE FAILUnE AT THE NOnTHt. Sale of $25,876 worth tf Splendid Goods, at - less than Half Price," a/ the Isn. dun House Store, 217 King-Street. W t' heg rempect fully to call the attention W of the I.-idies of thin city, its vichiiy. and throughout the State in general in our I "GRlAT UNiPRECE)ENTEDl) SALE,"I of tho richest stock of dress goods o-ver offered in this Southern Alarket. Wo also invite Country merchatits, and till i buyers of the undermentioned cl;,ss of 4 gools. not to leave the city without inspec ting iin stock, being to their advanita ge, whether buying for family use, or retailers of the same. These splenkdid Loes, of the iewest spring goods, exported fron the British anid Parisian markets, at the cost ot importing, amounting to upwards of $561. 000, but owing to the finn saspending pay ment, the same was sold for the betnefit of the creditors, aid W. KING, of the IONDON HOUSE ESTA1 11.111IMEN', became the urchasers, at a disconit of 55 per : ent. of the cost, the who'e of which will therefore be open for public inspection' and sale this day, conlsistin g of: ..RICH FOULARD S KS; Barege de Laines.; Paris Chintz Baroge; Paris Print ed Lawns; Embroild, r.-d ido.; Paris Chintz Musline, warranted fast colors ; Broche figred Swiss Muslins; Paris Chintz Fme Cambric,, ell wide; Rich Satin Plaid new style Printed Barege, of Roeklin Freres' Paris celebrated printing ; Paris Tissue dle Soie; 2,000 metres Satin Stripe Paris printed Organdie Muslins, 12 1.2 cents per yarl, cost 31 1.4; Cashm-re Travelling Dresses ; choice colors Paris Manilllas ; Black do, richly trimmed ; Paris Kid s Gloves ; Nat in Turc Paraois; Rich Glace @ Silk do; Rich Foulard do.; sea green bor- % dered and figured do; Rich Chenie do; I Rich boiled Chameleon do: 4,000J diOzen Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Gents 7.8 t full size elegant quality do. 31 1-4c ; La. t dies Richly Embroidered do;- very rich Works iii Ifabis; Chemizetts; Collars; Cuf's.; Ladies' Caps ; Infants' ling Robes; Infants' Waists, &c,; Damask Linen [)oy. lies, 6 1-4c; Embroidered Curtainit, 18 3-4 cents each; Rich Broche Bonnet itibions; Poult de Soie do;. Rich Taffeta Glace* Fa conne, all boiled Silk ; Droche Stripe do; Heavy Glace Broche do, in white; Black, Lav. aid Black,Steel and Black, fo,.MeiiUr ing ; Rich Mourning Dress Coods, White Dress Check and Plain Muslin., from 10c per yard, full width; Swiss, Mull .-do Cambray plain Ginghams, 8c per yard do. yaril wide plain self color Lawns, dea per jard, Emnb-oidered Sleeves 1 .3.4c; Canton Crape Shawls ; Rich Chene do., &c. We cannot here describe each and every style, quoting price, &c., but will nerely take some oi the leading hits, and I leave our friends and customer to inspect 4 and judge for. themselves, therefore, com-I mencing with Lot 51, we introduce to your notice our magnificent stock of Louhessas Qaaootto=. . 1ot 51% 200 pilecvs cotaimsinig 6,00) yds. of P.%ris Priinted iawns all at 12 1-2 cent, i yard wide. 14t 52, 2,000 Metres splendid Organdie Paris Chintz, yard wide with sa timi n ripe and chooks, (worth 31 1:4 to 37 1-2c per yard,) our price will be 12 1-2 to 16c per yard. Lot b8,. 2,000 yards Chene pattern, very-rich.fast colors, from 15 to 18 3.4c. Lt.54, E.legpnt.Al''rnmg Dress I Goodr-. Lot 55,- Handsome Printed B4rege, 1*J 3-4 cta. Lot 56, very rich satin Stripes and Check, l'aris printed, at 31 1-4, worth 62 1-2 cenrts. Lot 67, Extra suiper. Paris Tissue do Solne, all brilliant silk, at 37 1-2, worth 75c. Lots 68, 59, 60, 61, 6'J and 63, contain rich-Dress Goods, of tihe richest styles, and only. require :nspectuion to wvar rant a rapid sale. 35 Summer Quilts,' measur'ng 3 1-4 yards long, worth 85 each, all at 83.25. 400 dozeri of rich Damtauk,, all Linen Doylies, at 6 1.4 or 75e per dozenm, worth 12 1.2 each. Lot 64 P'aris Kid Gloves, v-ery beam make 62 1-2c. Lot 65, 40 dozen Ladies Black Lace Miss, as 6 1.4 cenms per pair. Handsonme Enmbroidered Curtains, at half price. WHITE DRESS GOODS. I1 aidomie Check Muslin, fromt Oc per yard to thme richest. maade ; fine Stripe do., I8 3-4 cenms ; tine Swiss Mull, Swiss Books, Itndia Books, tihe cheapest ever Lot 201, 200 full size Black lace Man. tillasa, all at 62 l-2c each. Lot 202, 400) do. white richly trimmed, 87 1-2 to 1.37 1-2. Lot 203 to 207 lRih Black Silk, trimmed with deep lace, at 1.87 1 -2 to 4 eaich, wvorthm three tim.'s tihe mioney. hInt 205, 50 changeable Ture do., very rich, at| 641.25. Upwarids of 1,000 splenidid qualities, richly watered, ha~ndsonie Damiask thordr, bold regrularly from 63.60 to " eachi-our price for these superb goods wvill average from 1.25 to the richest goods made for 82 25; 401) children's Silk do. at 50c each Linen Cambric Hdk'f. Department. Lot Extraordinary.-400t0 dozen Linen Camtbric lidk'fs. warranted all titne Flax, and the best tiade goods at time following prices : No 1-3 for 25c. or 90c. the dozen, 5 8 size : No 2-3 for 28c. or 100~c time dozen, 5-8 size : No 3-3 for :11 1.4, or 1.12 1-2 thme dozen, 5-8 size ; No) 4-3 fer 37 1.2, or 1.37 1.2 the dozen, very fiee; oilier niumibers runnitng 01) to the finest miade, at. equally astounidinig price's ; 1t1M) richly emibroadered do. Frenich works at half price. Int 197 contains a perfect novelty. 400 . richmly emmbroidered Tlravellitng Cashmmere ilobes, cost from $8 to 810 each, contain ing 11 1-2 yards in each patterni, worked all over, for 82.t17 time full dress ; 200 la dies' Marsella Skirts, all at 87 cents eachb. Our splendid stock of Ribbiotis, am above described, wve conmmee at 6 1-4c per yd BONNET DEPARTMENT. All the new Spring Bonnets, from 81. and upwvards, comprising upwards of 2(Klo fashionable amid elegant shapes. Tme above, with other lots not here de scribed, to which we invite m le attention of time public, will be found to surpimss any r-x. peuctationts, therefore we call on otir cutsto tmers mo inspect time same, now open for sale amt thme IDJNDON HOUSE 8'TNltE, 267 Kinig-street, Charleston, S. C. 'Wi.t.:Am KiNUw, P'rotiraetor. N.B.-All hills amountting above $50, a discountt allowed oft2 1-2 per cents : under that amotmt, as uhnal, net camsh. Country orders will heave Mr. King's strict persional attenidance, and any liress Gomodsa left for hi.- selectin wili be exchtanged if required, as we canmnot as tustial, soi well send sam-i pIes bty mail, mihe fashuionable ptatternis gente rally being larger this season, amid rue2tirinig ait least 1.4 of a y-aJrd to see the esignis andii colio rings. t A prilO, 1852. 21-4t TIIOM4S *J. DRUGGIST A] (JAM DI )FFERS for sale. for cash, or an approved cre nd W EL. SLECTDciassorltamnt gf EA-r ,INDtA Drugs and 'RENCHI, NGLI.IHAND AMERIC tURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, PAINTS A PtUJSSES. (AL.L KINDS) VARNISHl 'ESSAVIES, " ' DY K STUI )ItCUGGISTS LAIES. BIRONZES " ... AS WAltE, BRtUSHES 'ATINT MrseseNxs, . WsoOW C I'5tox5PAoNIaN Ti CvNs'ss~e, LAai AND ;IAxFxa' JicnaN & RooTS, SoL a.aa LAi wAnnI: Sxxus, . . SPIsT GAI etau ia e Ceo . . . 'I Tugether COMPRISING TIHE STOCK OF AL Agent for the i PI T ENT A ND FA A April iih, 1852. Torch-Light Procession! Public Meeiting of the Sonts of Temipe. rance, Sumter Division No 1?, will the place on Tihursday the 8rh.of,-April, t 8 o'clek, I'. M.. at the Temperance fall. All Sons of Temperance are invited r join the Pirceesion. An -idilr-es may e expected from H is hIonor Judite (fNEAL 'ast Grand Worthy.1Patriarch. Procession u. lie formed at. Temperance. Hal. precise. y at 7 o'clock J. II. CLARK .L S. March 23, 18.W. 22-3t Estray- Notice. , abtut a itnth a o, from the subscriber at Pineville, :i.irleieto listrict, a GRAY .MARE, omewhat bielow medium size, and about ix yearse old. She has long hoofs ; was eithout shoes, and in her lelt pastern be ind seems to havo been strained. Any inlorniation concerning her would m thankfully received, or a reward paid pon the delivery (if her to the subacriber. G. II. McMAS'T.R. MAarch 1.5, 1852. . .2372t 3utter, Lard, Bacon & Oorn. P'RIMI. Mountain Butter, (in small Firkitns) - do. . do. Leaf L.ard- do. North Carolina Baron, do. CORN. . OBT. LA'T'TA. March 25, 1851 24 If Lewis M~ Hatcb wo. 12o niYEETUViG 'hr'REET ChlA RIlWrN, 8: C.., )ILS--S.pern and Whiile-.Agent.-fe- the Brooklynt Factory. VIIITE. I.EA ).--Agent' fir lnion:Company. RON SAF ES--Agent for Itich's ialamnander. 'I.ATFORM 8CAI.ES.-Agent for Lahartes.' OGAltiUS'S MILLS...Agent for Mr. I. EOIIGIA BuRR STON S. Manufactu. L.l/aTIIKII E ANDS, 4 barge.stock. ('harlestion. Oct. 6, - 50- itf Garden ee rop 185L Just received a fresh supl ly, including every -ariey -k*hsiich ah- WAI I ANTED; Also I8I POTA TOEK, flue deu, 4-c. Lt , ERICY MOSES' Feb. 17t, 18-2 17-tf Apple- Trees; 500 Apple Trees 'fr"in the 'cklebrated ursery of TAIts & Lai.Us, for. sale low iy ..P Il Y MOSgS. Feb. 124, 1852 :.18-t The suticriber hiaviung p7rchased th-:STOCK 3F GOODS -belongin~g td A. J. & P'. Moses. aill contiue hsiess: ttiiheir. old stanad, and nsaures his triensal, andi. the public general, hat he willedo all in-'hli/ pOwer to mert their :onfaieensec and patroeemp, SS February 10, 1852. ;-- .-I6 i~f Notice. DR. W. JAMES [DAltGAN respectfully of. ra h~ia prnsfessional mrvices to the citizens of sumterville andI Its vicieity.. Ofice-theas A pethecary shop formerly occa iedl bay lir. It. 8. Mr.L.ar. March 12tha, 1851 20 ly Notice, TnE Sube'criher having recently puirchased .he entire STOCK OF -GOODS, .belonging lormerly tss Mchtlsy & Josiue consiiting of every Ihisng thiat -en hie found in a store, for town or -ounatry eosumaptioni, 0iti-ru them at very re Iincedl pricess ir 'ash oir goods paper. ie solicit. u share of ahe genseros public atronagjte. Marcha 22, l852. 22-4w 'IIJEREAS the~ law reqj uires thte Ordi 'nary of Sumter District to lie ini hais Ollice, Meonday andi Friday in each weeli, persons thaerefore huavinig biusinaess in said Dilice will please attends son those slays. WV. L2WIS. March 9, 1852. 20-tf Valuable Woodland Near iI TOWN FORl SAI.E. liitweena 17 ansd 14 acres of. land lying at Tuarkey Creek necar Sumiterville. will be soild on ac-commodatinag termas to an ap proved puare h waor. Apply at this office. .an. 21th, 1852 14-tf Evening Dress Goods. White ansd (oloiredi, Embroidleredl Swiss Mus lin,. Organditeos, 8-4 wide, of the moat beautiful colorie, at 25, 31 1.-1 and 37 1-2 cent.. A splenled andi rich assortment of Colors, in Sewing Silk Tii.sues, at thes remarkable low pri,-sa of 25 reNts a yard. Embsros i.-rtd treniadinse Silk. 360 lhaseIsoim and rich Embroidered Evening [Drsses ine tnio. moi fashaionable etyles. Thecse, toigethser with our larte assortmnent of Good. for Evenaig wear, are offerinigia remarkably a~ow tatcris. W. J. JACOBI & SON, 221 Kinsg.st., heist, opip. the Big Boot. Charleston, Jan. 20,.'21-i Yarn and Osnaburga, 'IThe above goodis at. whotlesalo or retail by PEIIIRY MOSES. Agent of The D)EKAn.B Manf'nag Coman'y. Feb. 23, 18523 18--tf lll'A41 QU~A RTrERS, 44u hi Reg't. S. C. M. Otwnomta. March 5, 1852. Mr. Johnss R. Loigan havinig been appointed Hergeantt Majoer of 1iw Forty-Foeurthe Regimuent 80. Ca. Milimiau, will hie obeiyed amnd respectedt asrolsigly. By sreir of (o1. F. M. M E LLET. E V Was-hnmnu copy onte tie. - M~arc'h 9, 1852. 2-t Enmbroldered Thsibet Marisse Sh1AW1,S. A large ands very iueiaerior ausortmenat of Rich Fimteruo.dered Marino Shawls, with hseavy Silk Fringeis, ande embracing Black, White, andi all the moost fashionsable ceoleor., are now offering, very low, at W. J. JAC(Jel & 8ON, 221 Kinti-st., hsend eepp. thee Big Best. Carl-es, inn 20, 1W52. 13-af Negro Shoes. 50t0 pr. Negro shioes (sir wale low by Odih-t . W..J. FRANC18. ORKMAN, M. D. D CHEMIST, :N, 4.. C. lit, AT TNK LOWXST WASatT rates, a large MBomTganasAN and EUROPAX Me dic in e a. 'AN CHE.IICALS OF ALL KINDS. ND 011.8, RPICES. RM, GELATINE. TS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, PERFUMERY, HAIR DYE. IkLASS HAma, NAIs. AnD Toor.llatV1n1n. WIcs, FANCY SOAPS, 'D AND SreauN 01.s, FAsV SoaS, I AND CAurmunaa, &c. &c. I Liver 0 11 Ith every article A DRUGGIST OR PHYSICIAN. 50 most approved (IL - MEDICINES. 21-tf NEW STORE! NEW GOODS!! . J. BAR NETT, Of Colunibia, has the pleasure of annotun. eing -to tihe citizens of Sumterville and the surrominding District, that he Ins opened a Braneh-of his Estabbshment at Mr. China's Hotel, where will be found a miuost com plet.asortrtment oft ..., ,t. . .. Ready Made CloistIng, Shirts, under do. Drawers, Cravats, Iand kerchiefs, Suspenders, Trunksi and Fancy Good., all of which he pledges, will be sold lower than ever offered in this place. Call and be convinced. March 30th, 1852 23-tf New Goods and New Stores T HE Subscriber beg. leave to inform the citizens of Sumterville and the public generally, that he is now opening a fine Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. - Convisting of Ladies Dress Goods of every dwecriptipn; and Fancy Articles. -ALSo A very complete assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, all of which will be sold extremely tow, at his store, one door east of Mr. F. Sumter's JAw Office. -ac -9. B. GREENVALD. arch 29, 1852. Dry Goods and Groceries. li'4E Subscriber respectfully informa his I friends and the public jenerally, that he has just returned froin Charleston, and is receiving a well selected assortment of DRYGOODS AND GROCERINS, which he will sell as low as can be afforded in this market for Cash. --AL~so Corn, Meal, and Grist, kept for sale as usual. T. O'CONNOR. Marth 23, 1852. 22-tf Spring and Summer Clothing T1HE Attention of the public, visiting the - City, is invited to the New and Fash .ioab4 Spring.and Summer Stock now receiving AT.DUNN & DURYEA'8, 238 King Street, (on the Bead.) We have.eaan are co0staatly-receivis of out ovf~inar=MfLcture, All the latest patte' of Spring and Summer Goods, made up In the best amid -meet fashlonmable manner and warrant them t6 give perfect eatisfaetion. -N. B.-..Great Blarratins can ha haid in the bat. anc 9f our Winter Stock as we must clear It eit so-make 'room for eur Spring end Suammer Goods. Please call and isxanune at .238 KiwG Srsaa, Charleston. S. C. March 23, 1852. -22-tf ROBERT LATTA. LATE THE FIRM OF DICKSON & LATTA would respectfully inform his friends and time public generally, that h~e is new receivinig a Va riety oflHeavy and Fancy Groceries, wich hie will sell tow fomr cash-Two doors above time Plante~rs' lintel, and immediately opposite James Dunlap's, e'sq. Camden, S. C. Dec. 10th, 1850 tf ~9 Dry Goods for Fall Trade IN CilARlESTON. W. G. BANCROFT, 253 and 255 KINo-8saT. (One door below WVentworth-Street.) We would aginm respectfully invite the atten tins of our'frientds and customers in the countery, to one extensive Stuck of DRY GOOD)8, wheun they visit our City. Always in hand SOUTHERN MANUFACTIJJU.ED, Consisting of Georgia Plaines and Kerseys. Alabama do do. Plain and Striped Osnahergs. Illeachied and hurown Domestics SUPER DUJFFIL BLANKETS-DIRECT IMPORTATION. We wvouldI also part icularly invite attention t our IMPORTATION of 8SIKS snud DRESS GOODS, being one of the l.ARGIEST STOCKS IN THlE SOUTH ERN COUNTRY. We are also pre*pared to furnish every article in the Dry Goods li ne, viz: Hmaiers, Golves, Linens, Flannels, Cloths.Casimers, Hlombaxines, Alpaccas, Merenoes, Mousse-llain dle Liines,. Platids, Jaconets and Swiss Muslin., Furniture Dimity, Prints. Ginghams, Shawls, Laces, Edg ing, Ribbon,., Trimmings, &c., 4c. September 23, 1851. 48--t f For Sale, My HOUSE AND LOT, In the village of Sunterville, whmeres I now live. Thmere are FIrrY-FIVE ACR ES or LAND in the lot. Terms made easy to the purchasers. Jan. 15, 1852. 13-tf W. .E WIS. Limae For Sale at P'ER RY 31OSES' Feb. 17th, 1852 17-tf TIOlJ ACCO! TOBACCO!! BA RGAINS to be had in the above article at P'ER RY 31OSES' Feb. 17th, 1852 17--tf 1,000 Dusbels of Cormu. W ANTED by the subscriber One Thou. sand Bushels of Corn, for whmch the highest taarket price will lie paid. PERRY MOSES February 10, 185 if-tt Butters Fresh G;oshon Butter. Loaf, Crush, Clarafled and Brown Sumgars. Best Rio and Java Coff-ee. Orleanms Molamsoe. Sardines, Lobsters, Salmond and )Lackeral. Pickels, Preserves. &c. Also CH EESE of the DuanaAn lranmd, thmat will keepi in any climnate, anid improve with age, at P'EIRY V 10ES' Let,. 17th, 18.32 17-. .i SllMUEL C, DUNN, JIOL ESA L E ('LO ''IINXG ANn) Furmairshiiag Warehmouse, NO. 20 I IA Y'NE S'ITR EET, Clanrietom, S. C. Marchm 1st 1--'! 19--tf South Carolina Shoe Facto RY-CIIA'RLE8TON. TO CITY AND COUNTRY DEALERS. Frnm 5 to 10,000 pairs EF ,Kip Bropania, Goat and Calf Shne ., suilable for the Spring Trade, cnnstisting of Mens, Boys, Youtha, 11111 Womaens of various qualities and styles Are now offered for sale to Dealers and at hors on favorable terms. The above de. scription of Shoes are well worthy the attention of tle Trade; also. Shoes fitted In measure. March 9, 1852. 20-t The State of South Carolina, SUMTER DISTRICT-In EqUITr. Laurence II. Beliser " va illfor injunc. Robert C. Myers, tion and Reliif. Willia.n S. Belser, IHarvey Skinner. It nppearing to nmy satisfaction that Willinim H. Belser, nue of the Defendants in tie above stated case, is absent frmn and withnut hlie limits of time State of South Carolina. It is ordered that the said Wil. 11am S. Belser do plead, answer or demur to the Complainamt's Bill of Complaint within the time prescribed by law or an order pru cnifiesso may be taken against him W. F. B. IIAYNSWORTII, Com'r Eq. S. D. Fel. 21st. 1852 19-3m South-Carolina--Sumter Dist IN EQUITY. Wm. Lew is and others . vo. Bill fur Ace't &c TT i0 .Wtmhite and others I [,ktai jtelS ,dtaat the ceditore of Thouma Jam ler , late Sheriff of mak DiMtract, did " Are me. and prove tbeli demands againstth ., . By order of the Cmftt. W. F. B. II A V,4SWORTH, Com'r. Sumterville, Feb 23, 1852., 18-om3m Notice, All persons haviig demands againsilt . late of F. S. Belser, deceased, wilpreset - duly attested; and those indebe will nakm payment to E. Mi Anderson, Esq., Sumterville C., - LIfSA BELSER, Adrn'rz. Oct. 20th, 1651 4f Through Fare from Charles ton to Baltimore $17.50, to Philadelphia *19, and to New York $20k. THE GREAT MAIL ROUTE FRO& CHARLESTON, S. C, LEAVING time Wharf at the foot- o Laurens-st. daily at 3, p. m. after thi arrival of the Southern ears, via WIL MINGTON, N. C., from which . poin two daily trains are dispatched at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M.; the 8 o'clock only connecting a Weldon with the lines to Petersburg Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Phila dolphia, and New-York. The public ii respectfully informed that the steamers c these lines, are in first rate condition,- am are navirated by well known and ex perienced commanders; the Rail Road are in fine order, (the Wilmingtoi and Weldon. as well as the Seaboarm and Roanoke having recently been reami with heavy Trail) thereby securiig botl safety and despatcl. By' these route passeners availing themselves of th FIRST TRAIN may reach Baltimore Ii 40 honeis. Philadelph~la in: 45 hours, and New York in 50 1.2 -h'ours;- and by the SECOND) TRAIN they- arrive' in Bah timore in 50 hours, Philadelphia in '?i hours, and New-York in 61t 1-~ hour. Through tickets can alone he had fron E. WINSIDW, Agent of time Wilmingto antd Raleigh Rail Road Company, at te office of the Company, foot of laureft street, Charleston, S. C., to whom pleasi apply. March 23, 1852. . 22--tf REM10V AL. TIESbcriber hmas removed his BOOD AND HOESTORE, to onet doe WVest of Captain F. Sumter's Law Offiei le has just received and will conistantl keen on hand a Fine Stock of BOOT. AND S110ES, which he will sell r.99 for CastE. Rut will credit hi. puneVdu customers util Fall. Prompt pagulppy~t required. B. mOIMOM. February 24, 1852. . 18-tf Notice - The Co-partnership' hereofere esutingb tween the subscribeu,, under the fra of A. & P . MOSES ls dissolved by its, own Uimitatic and mutual coupnt. . All per~wmh mndebted to the maid! firm by Not or otherwise will please cal-and 8 ET TI L E * , A. 3. MOSER. PERRY MOSES. Feibruary t0, 1853 16-6ta. Pastry Cook and Raker of Cakes, 4c. 4 Offers her services to the citizens< Sumter and the adjoining Districts in tU preparatioti of bridal feasts, party-suptper &c. 11er long experience and servte every department of her business, justifit lier m engaging to give entire satismfactic to her employers. Shte may be found by appieationi at tl Barber's Shop in this place. Stumtervillo, Jan. 8th 1(-51 11 if Butter. Fresh Goshen Butter, " Virginia andI Mountain Buttt For sale by ROBERT LATTA. Camden, Nov 25, 1851. 1-tf Notice. A LL. Persons indebted to the subacrib .tby Note or Account are respectful solicmted to call and settle immediately circumistances compel him to call on ther Dl. J, WINN. Matrch 15, 1852. 21-tf. Administrator's Notice. I hlAVE appointed Mr. W. M. Grte myA Agent, to settle all the matters time Estate of John Mclonald, late of ith 1)istrict. MA RY E. McDONA LD. A l.. Persons having demands again the Estrate of .Johmn McDonald, will presc thenm tduly attested. Those indebted w nmake immecdiate payment. to W. MI. CGREEN, Agent. Februanry 14, 1852, 17-tf Notice. D) R. J.M TAGE8 having ocr t his services to the peoprlo. Inne4th 1851 32 tf HIF, Commiss" ' foruinter~ k D to he handed in to theu mop the the Third bloml!yIt, menl, for tio makingoot to imhe Record Jk'okspin the gister of Mlesie (omneya ce Disjrict,,frog theNabmahpnegto Office therein to the com nes t general Indexes, which 9 bAii eetea de pursuance ol the Actzof , . ,. ,The Crhqioq ons ri t syok 9all.'be,*excaoti w e correcaness, and (or this .p 'e." letd thaat.. the sentraptor .shall bla iy f " every entry byjrfer s 0 iself without relyin on. the . the reapective a. The sa Iud xe to-b made i9 '.wo ioks, (to be provided Vy the Co'iwiim~iere)~ c '0Iang ys Coastum~unen),be# ..t yems f Registr , pames. opti an4 pag ; tmh e one, the napse4,, O.prties who e xecuted the writi, an g i .ithei the nantes !f the parti ~.Whoit they werr, oxpute1..to ibAe' at be allprA ranged, such alphabetca arrangernent te extend at leamt to the three first letters o the surnamin, and the christian Dansa u111 . each surname to be likqrigeapaifl.lcl arranged., . - waI. AkYNSWORTH Bew'ry , March % , . : , i -.*. -. Encourage 6eme Napwke H 1E Subscriber.,gratU;th patronageqeetWfoe; bestcaredsol hin,. taken this method'Of binb i of Sumter and the adjoining.D tt still continues to carry on thW CA Rh 1AE end HARNEWS MAKING business in ni I. vali, mum branches, it his stnd in B. He 6n making large additions o ment, so as to enable hai'so msnobtib)"VO thing wanted, in his line, at th e abort and an a style of workmanship '"it*i thie Southern States. He ba an has een eh' psrienced workmen, and is- well sulaud With the best easoned timber; also with and Mountings of the latest ,I- - ' All new'wurk'done in hils wak ranted'12 months and repaired . If-i fail in that time. Me wlUO4.so AU the shortest notice' and in .~I .a distance shuuld iwantrprl . _ ift will write to that effece will 00br= job.aad reiqsrnait whem one. s - . . SAS. W. AMDBSE at B,---Ris.amaage web- dethisonafldi'eny SBlack Rfver 'WatchsesUM wiit or CABINET.W.ARERoOM. F. M. ANDRFW I ;. TAK~IS tise enet .tiS inforMin We eitizens . . Sainterv -Ad--vFi *iyhk he has opened in Seatrl 1i.the View Praeb riaachashw a CA WARE ROe here hi sale, e)Ie such furniture. as comnestqnei*h1ltals ofnhis trade, which- . bewil waseat:of god t materal ;:and. will furnish for e lha es. ton picms, all deseiptone of Fnun1,aeade. Re Vasiecuted as &he hoish atite. i e nyead~taneCms ftaishei.with All the suberiber askN5:diis'tujaf, hope'-by ptie-tual attention to bealaema Ses7 terme, to raerit 'public patrnige. 7bruary 17, 185. Would respewlly inters a the public Uprally -tis lie ahd o&s ilr sale on ==nnate. terms a and splendhL.q -( .., r mjn. Glovesh~c.4mr~. Menwaa Boweiyfib of~t~ eve. . - ry decriptiod uq reasonable ~.s. - gTHisav areqpsibullarlygteh,t ceausting of it ricier thn ver pgVlUvisly ha hibited Inthia.markAe.-. - Oct. 18, 1851 . 51 if N; CRANEi ltanfactuuer et .Maggies. LIGHT CARRIAGKiS,&q. Returns hism sincere thankh to to bestowed and begs leattd to Infeete themn that he keepe constantly on hand the above qtrtlces 0 fhsonnignufacture and warrmnte the -s r to be of the best maateril.l, workmanshJi, and . the latest style. His pricee shell omea wt theChrleto ic edas to d hi~sme Vcomtparison;t to beconvinced, you will call at his Carriage ReposItory on Brad v uinder the- Town Hall and examIne for yeas. With twenty years esperiencee, and Libertybs He'll vie with the country and the arts jet lain trade. May 14thm, 1851 ' 9 ' if SAVE YOUR MONEY. Charles P. Freeman & Os (L A T. FR EEMAN, NODGES as Co.,) .IIMPORTERS ARID JOSBRS, S(Otto Door South of Liberty-Street,) 144 BROADWAY-NEW YORK, H AVE on hand, and will be receiviu daily through the ueasona, New.Ood direct froen. the Fu amanfetazssra cash auctions, rich ~ ,F.nlnbm 5 c Millinery Goods. Onurtc of R1dk Ribbenie pf comprise every variety of the latest aind unge ebeautIful designs imoed ~ Many of our Go~ar' tasnafactated espe ly to our order, from our own dpl6- ~n nl tern., and stanad unrivalled. We ode ~ p5 Good. for nsett Cas.k, at lower tces ia amy credit Ihouse in America can . All pearchassers will And I. to ther interest to reserve a portion of ianemy ad e make selections froen out gre'at vauing of Rieb Cheap Good. : Ribbons rich for BonnesCaf1ashes& Boite.. Bonnet Silk., Satinsa,Crapee & Taetees, Embroildres,Collar,Che 'tsBeerthas. Emobroidered Reveire, Lace, and Heusho Cambrie Halkfs. r-~ Blonds, llusions, *nd Emabroideed laces. hr Cap. Embroidered Laces for Shawls, Mantillas, aind .. Veils. Hlonitona, Mechlin, Valenclonee, and Brett Lace. ar English and Wove Thread, Smyrni, Liste Tbhread and Cotton [Is Ki it"Thread, Silk, and Sewing 8016, French and American Ayti~elal Flewnee French Lace, English, American and Ind'an.a Straw Bonnets and Ttimnminge. - March 9, 1852. 90-t a Notice to Stockhoiderse ALLt Stockholders In arreas. to th Bred. ford Springs Feale Institute Cssnpany are so. quilred to make full par eet before rtr a in March net--to the subscriber er to Wilis at Lewis, Falq., in Susmtervillle, it iy order of the Beard. l EDWIN CATER, See'ry &.Treea. February 2, 1852.1-f Bargains in Ladies KMd -, Slippers. The subscriber Is now offeinig his eatire stock o f I.ADIE8' KID SIAPPERS at low price. for Cask. rs Ll. in want of the article will do welt to ctal. B. 'FOLSOM. June 17th. 1851' 34 of t