The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, November 11, 1851, Image 5

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2? '' + t'~' ..ic t.',a v :1"ti iti. "1': t ii r ,t. 4 -.1 ^ . . }mot . . hy ' t? ist " Fi 1. iir I .} t ; a 4 ' t it nilrthat 'it , w,,ul r.9 f, P. lice tt t h r .liu " i;}si(uh' ilti -tv 5 t I lic tt t , f'otettl' dl t',t1 ' ih; ert is A oar= t , < e ' n + _ C 'o tt ti fiat t ' a at rn { f ( 1 a 1)V j11 t4 ;:, 11' ?11 eta 6i i ]tEL: :, u}l ti=:lnw, . +" .T" y t11RTi.'Li 1 'tl lu int+u. 1. Ilt bid' el]fa 4t ilol to thh zr yl. S r,,yy }I It tho he 1 ! tej } 81 lir ", idj ilitnetr it i1 edd :, , iiEt he f te ld liittlI g- : 1 ,. '# 1A -yv Iit ;?nm 19:i4rffid tf :t ult. f r rcttvo, -:ihe r{t yt r il e3 ;;'to each a Itotit" nteridian. the euirtfr: at' g , . !4 ' % 1 I f rent( 1 i g n!fXA: t'4tt4i t4tfibld'." S. PLC. >. ' t ! it tZ R1t1 st]1? I ttY aU11t :Al1 A 10 t 1 i1 :t; tro t1 rtrliiit er r r;il ough trhnttftg * x s - + , "; ( "cif" i 11 4 un rns ltl : i : ' pit Su':":4v . s } t Q . tt t ." I Iit ?U 1J1 .t; fi,. " i j yy fo re ;y pro ai i1ei been F.i r - ~ U IICLI ] tI tbri', iiui I ttl;l'that " i 1 ' ' . tar,'rYi *'o ' o74q ti in ; " y . , :.", Jl',! '7i r? Al] 3tt1[ n ! ' t f . . r y acin gr hj ]dd r ' }ga 117, y ye itl sdenci s, ttR s< lilt nl ru lt; t t (t o-tru any nothing 11uC truth,. ' : Sa, tvXH :fit e cttibit gf - Ire ioMp a qwfil ary=.-tote fox Ntld "the f q,. R ' iG, , ...__:..rat r r : u., -" r'' ^ ,:mss= ia16. K Al ?ll, nr >. wthxt.:Mr. ter.rttittructur.,/l'yr.. ra?iulg. tiw w' ^ Iakliyiilo aitil Grange. . f_ p'lrb 3y ,.t Qinut no l ' op ilas c 'fat On r' t ,lt iea, mail:'1to itvtil iu' I = few n q' l 1'ttl e "f)fi trtft'tt .ttand kta r eSpec twtoatnvo.+the gr ailing 1si iii a drn tiro tticpir th ou of.. r+ '- _ '} t8 +contrac1..- tl}i " ilid, first. of. _ . t urge:'ryiiAntitiar;-of>cma+ ties: ,y A,+t gyt roiCJ silang tllb li"te of ' {t Jx y, it_;,.':3...;5' ;J i aYt"SFN , ' , i 'eti'*tL ; y o'f Niu rtn?"t1 t . t ; V t H ,: , t+ x '. .,.+" .. ,., "" '1^' Keay. ,. .vY ! 3071S: i pC, KS. 7 ',ftl t Iil a, 1 ' tlt lT lQ - nt0. 10AIL Ila) 1 t . uc l , , a u 'ts iiit y' (1 ;'s '11Mp a Neg1.1y,, "om ru c ' l, i ;v l pa"Wlvl ftwil'kal 4 fi'rlrlbV tlid UU. : ill . r iflt 4 ssnt7;.: ItuitNil''tit'{t)Rd' reihl, ril,6.r in a hick tholdprtt .hb'd , tw;1 ;1 n t hv' t' hdnt;e t prnt ,tub 't, l lielt r C Ihe ;FJitrtiptl' c accowIts tile 1oe 1 rtllt tti;hbWiit; #natnunled <t r"a:tr W Ucllt i' ' aC'.ytacil;ty fit 8.1'=$c 'slit nt l it'y " tt L y3;it'ure a ' tliltrslt tTav oftote rt"e kt uot - ul der mvlo ;' Hltltutitat.. p} IvQ yUll c;c~tuuued to, extunt, 1y lv :;Y :":a.ki11lt5aui OIIt", 115U bile ," at tcluil gfre! I it s"3 (tt 1luneltty, iter;-Ilia peitlt} 11,; ti o;':ulAr :ottitt;itil" but;an..,ooay,: dernanctt t11wtiL'r tnkljtt's itdt"Jt;o, , Ihrro. dny>is .,later.- tllunffiiltes ;I":urultn, .taere. received "to_%ttlrde Incur The.-refierted.:cclhtlnutitirm of a4, kip ewt 1)' stud drujliiig "ii : kk yt at i l rpll' ylcitl t lp} atto:iciy ;tcttal.:4eswtdun :f, _rni qu ait our ;for the rotnlllrt4er.-,ofrthe dty; t te salglt:ltt km> . alaountQcl to tnIy.<i140 bales. -., L vuOlt I l tit+.x ' btijer_'s. del dnded du }.8 re. cUunn!'s W lli 4?isOlderti in ordei to direct Va1es"were?cotupoUedl In grunt; 'atid 'frith _gttitoan active Inquiry. met freely' hy;'the Inner , , tiptl tirda.,, 1,1:.170U bales '.;changed hatidr: (7+1,'..WeduIt: dsiy, ' tlld -ideniatid' cdntiitiillyd t uftilr-pxtont-but, ar generally porte)ifiii uv, at; tiir{tier pricelie, and'.tnuiA =1t j I':,t ur.of hUld r,=i'tlle I rutl8actiotul footing ..ljcl,; flee ., ~ otcrday,.,the ranaactinns . reucI!gd abrut ,1000 bak' u--rtho;; market. siti cJ1414itin :ether all . unxottlod character, ,and l riccK eoinparnticely ir. rc ula r - iitlrcut'' 4uutable -u Kirke the prerieuts Ve:1,leailny,. 1utal tr:1nsactiony faun Saturday, last, tlIV,, anmuntel ; t.., 3,0100 balee, at the Cglhl tie purlir.itlar 80 Niles at 8. 1.1, 7U t 1-ti 131,at 3, 3J7 at r 7.8, lOW al; S70,;Itlt'.7,3-S. 12 1. lit 7 9.16. 91)1 al 7 1:::'13x1 nt'13" iI 14 at 7 3-lit, t19 nt..? .hf 7-.4,.'23 at t 0., .4 t.nt (1 1-3, 4l; at (1.1.4. 19 lit .6. 'rho f.,liuwing lu, t:ltinlul+: 7.iverlo ul clastsilicdtidn Will t*6rt1-ui, itulex of the marhot for the two ti 1.2" urJinary 05 P3 t!. a 3s ,l otv;,to _ nutl: niufdling 7 a 7 3"14; idditpig_.,6Lji.'7',3"4, fair to strictly fair !3_ u 1 $, gcdd fair 8.1.-4,-- Juurier.. ESA L, ,,llarrlnl, Ln the evening of the 5th iilstnnr by its Ituv. V. (;1e: +t. 1 11031A13 ItlV!".ks, .Eerf, Atui ;Ul , .W: O'8rEf:,Y. ,Atxo. on the 6th infant, by the Her. N. (-iiA" :ttwu _11r _?1 "1)A1'1S, and Aliens ELIZA ;Ki:'I=Htt4Ue t-dn,% hte of, Junius Iloilge, of Sumter I)istiiut,. AIno by 'the mule, on the Gth inst., LA [IA if II01)GP:, Enq., unit Miss E.I.IZABE'1'1I JON ES, all of thnmtbr Uistri.,t. Mim, on !he Will ult., hy- tIsr..Aev. RICHARD : liooeill,,i(, ujt r d SAi1 U L" . R. lat.lti DI.E1t, ofSoutltCa;utinu;and 311pn, 51Altl J. HUICCH, Of ,'Htu.'dui Gcorgiu. WOn ICE# '1 iE slilitcii! petl: .e;tl 1'ti1'a;:ili Vie, t f: ><1><. Ilofir ct l j 4bel friends o)ld tl " *.i , iE 4 ._ dnil.?ye t y ts te a R ' s4 fit; i ityti r1'. i'J R'",'7+, e ' Z:? '4x2 t L',L r Al'l? ~ - +. " ' Rt s r" a ' Q . Wit:;. yF.y r t .i.. ttnnt .wit > ,tds a ii~ ; . Tv - .: .l x yi "siss"pz lltt 7 t {/ ilrt' 1 t 1t! y l " Tf s ,fir "S1fVar'' y* " A -T S 1511 m Ouch Garoli a .Sumter Dist, By ;H '' l 4 Vtfi,{'Ei r". ' Oi.jiftr ry ,, ,, : t said Dis[reCt,. r4 . rg.,a r- y i aa Vher 11 s ; ;Ri ltnrt oit halt npPlted to nistf "1%Yi.IJUt t e of liIiteslrutirrn un ittl und'sltitililr;tile' " a and chattels, right rind r. pddithI9 of Y. D; ticltdrdr oit; iota of . WeD:strict=af?-re ai,1 decea8od ''bete tire, thereuiire' n cito'rititi at iiitin. itch ; all?n c sin IIar; the _kintlred and crcili: Cote hf decna$ptl, to bo :tad appetir,, I efnrn tiie at bur .iiexl C)t ntiry's.",Court for :aak1 J)istfic:'t, tti bo' toldmi at ..Sumter CCodrt house oh-tF'r dh tht 21st duy'of. Bhew.611 l4e, tf aity 1S'h . tiie asiid adtninie tion eatouki ttot 'be granted. , _.. F Given tihdc'r iti , hated iitlc sear ttda -.; :. ,,.''8th da .of uglist'in t ioYual".,of our. trordi a ie"thuuaand'eight bun drt:d and of y:otie; nnd' in the 75th year. ,of. Aittprit:ati. ;Independence. W.lA ST ,ti.n.i3. Noi"eusber ift ardi. 'i'ttu xtthscrihs"r hnn the plnnauPu of inforinin his frizndn and - '. genet hlIy, th,"s! hife hbaltli.lisr a 1x frcc v= hied iu to cnabla: hti to titko charge oi' lii S. bus iiieris tlguin. Truly thankful' for: " rit faivors, hopes , to he able to rn' till -rio, favor hitn -tgjthr"jr entire s;itiKtisct;Ifri hn;c jusr c)-ivtld a tarurr" nssr'rt ~citi tif' c cy article naunT-kept Iii Ilia line. - " "" FItE 1IAN 110W.' Novemb,"r 4, 1A51. 24t._ BOauiifuti .Fall ui Goods,_ Now Opct>1 1. .. " Amomgg which tire, . Rtch ,Changeia111R Bilks, FIgurettd 't,, French t'ai hniet-ea; Sbot&h Po ,ling, F ured I.ilstree, ,Cltutt euhlo.l)uminio, 'inin and l igured . Alper is,; ltaln and Figured Dc 1.nincis, 1":ngiih anti lmerit in :'rt, >t general us btltnt:nt of gopds, fur sale lbw at the afore bf 'FRANCIS Opposite F. 1..ll. Moses' low O11iee. October 7,,1!tal, *0 tf ------------ Ste:timer ti l't:ltit;I: lls i;ommcnced her trips up tu. Yrigittt.,U1n1r Khich ssiltcontiltuo as, or as any rgl ht 'Qtl$rv. The rntecrIb r also kris a pair ol'. iVcw 1lotch ilixika whirh.will i bu ready tp ti eufry (Sotton byg the, in (&N,). vember. Ttic Canal Iwing t in litre artier, chippers may nay tin getting their produc w market. "J. S, 'PINIAI.. r< So" file' isubscAber also iri i 5 IWrge, Ibt of Goode.1;roceries,'Aild uther'urticies to suit thu country trade, c hich win :be soW as low all any country market. - - J. 9 T. i b o rqiit v. i1 . 1. i ;tom t . , ;" t :; ,.i f" - F i1" pt spa. j' 11 'i " t!Mlittl 4; vt If f i P 1i 'SW tI,-o jr El ', pj " ,': " 1 !'I)ir:4 f qtr ,; >' .I y " !1{DIL' 1 I t3 r ullttpr "Illa, ; . C% .. w t " .;i a ' , " .' It ,atidean! ed, -inkn. gtir k tr in riBlo UT. ntnbb' f . Ijt h tt p Fri*ri . u'iWnsh , of qt f 11 + , t it.^iu i Cq toer I octat :"r'Pnltt(. "" opInliin"A '1 (Airovrti'd cresl uti 1 'eili va; to ,!! It tIio'think',Catlrun; vt4ii. i t1id r rt i tlruhlci,.nfter ha ing attvlgwlany ; . a o l w t t a hayee getli usedirt : k Y. nu3 "tt ccrii uftikl y,14m, in a' 'o " ltr iialq" l cmell'lo WTTyy' 11117itiritltti w 1dchi iTrew (coin he1ioJ.I nt r"outarki nf. ji ihl; d.n'pidr,, luhco';it'd taddly ' emhrans : )ir m vim i rutomtmtcnilin liitit is tltp' ninitnijy.'llt1n , eve thereby'sltell euni acis fuvdrail that, ius#i>,tclipfaux Qpr bntna ilty. .s ' t(= ['tCit:tr:.1 ,L CArtao, t: M.P. flSsinstie 'i t 1.._Jot+tr;'AT. IIu ;'M. 11,, Woodville :.'1i" ,ter 1loattrrte, 11I.D.,..hartllo Chow . N . f IV."R, figisy ikt .1's utmtisttdr(" ,halyitt,' t J. ,Jbii iIitrhr,1No%%berr) ; Diatrirt; t3 !: ' Re"rft tltict.n. t#rtittit: ItQlycu4, '_.. js , IYoic " 1. NctnTQ.Y, Dtlrf+nQt ln, I.: 4 "' 8.iML'Mooa , Jottrt WiuiOir,;.Darlki ton-Uis"trlct, S C.-' '1Z. ' r'iL t Jtltitt -C Vit t":r l , . JA tristr Y ill t is(:mnv:certE tbttf-'a ter;t ingHVe , ema ify.1't'nu1il h rgi ;'lil l:t lnig'ttte41 I ,bt ti i"o or'.I z o f 1116 V: OL, 'MItic rtjti e ps ia of: 8timtert"lltb anti Cnltimhih. S. 4:; ib ilk'. rti o of nth al'r lisl; vliinli ,I ant 1'n11y;, tsbTisil. Wass A hniwor, that opinion beingiib!obl}tl i*ti : by non or-ti e bazar csten lvc prur"'if re ef. Cr.lambI(if;V r e Iv 4 nn nttrtt a ve t1, " , )iron,, t' if fP, Itleh i, ekill'istrtttot dir . pprescuri'dillj., ittfrt) ".l now nJo! . to be hass ut l enrr o ji .t]a I' the veryfgjWpntptnnPnt ,shot liate, of ahpttt-r evert aver f fr tn th a first rppllrs(tibtl!; I c itsi> 'ilfss t' atrt s.fnre 1ittitt cl yt:y ars sta it:tbiig; and' of Mluw but steady prvgr'ests ; anti to t.hns'e wild' may be tiftlic:ed' ithtLbs tlist:aso,;l:,wotihI Ay. try t tr .I)octnr'a,.remedy by all tnpna, for y 1 earnestly' nnd',cn i behest, "i ,*Lll; anchee(i iti .eiorpca q ;where it is1'ntlmisrkxhlo,," anti - im .dissebso itot en difihied Ili tlw; sietrt'tla .to def3_itn , rt<tiied}: whunievrr. MQNT( O,.%tr '3 1it".l:It1..t 7'n tFtc Public.-.I tnka tills. muI 3,('git nonneingthat'fiir w e n t y yenta I . ' ttaib=' a eots% v1tivh itas-xt ppniied to itu'?' that braving unaergono mail' ,trials it. and bowing always failed;-.I the 'Janus C. Ile s.ufauntterrill t rolltsiir;_ iind alloutthe Qrel of, tti nr ' '' 'I went to that place dad. pprti tit) t t +eittiStet t.: and I' remalf1trit t 'Itl lei _, tiw lss bf ' eptein4er,'1e.3.'1;ttffent ii bier: Ing ely pt rfectly'cared., ri n.L11iw-; plet iketroyed attil I led _ti nl' nn sign ,of the ults<emw; t s the 'lrarty around the n!1 lusts of my n(17e lisiii rariwil, it t . A f?I-pal t 3 cured, wlyuh I" tint earls iotl ,Ia trie".' Would i tat.o afspt 141,4 tl ' i Iseitt lied neei y: destroviul my ni 4o ,Nf(sro, :1)r.iock, Ati limr71t art Of 111etIa to 1. n ut ; t1 ,elta.. . fit or all who may lie nfth in atc.pibii. ', ner, I"lotve:giventhus ttttl ,r{xLgr 011.'T1 ;} "kt y . thaw . ' frilla:.1N; rlityt utl t Xi < + iT _t ?! i . 9! i-Y}' ~' 7 Rl T" ' t CiaQ '+h'. t _ 4k . a dtt Y lllt 'HIt ' CIU Goopi iM,, 00 , "' r'", :..,, S is t ens' XIG 16 RlOb w. Yq+no Batik of tlwi n tti C 1 ai+ : , t'i iu IL '1 % (i -1 * oe of . o , N i .k t 1Flt tei'N lElt'iKli it+ I L li> cc got tltie I>wn * u1aU IR I b y vet>aoo lltq " '1' l man ' r a obi ,: +a4 t satiiitttp i " i ;bb {11 ;p , y, r'i ?- t llf 1831. ,cx 1: ."ewf rr. aza~ _ ' ,_ ?I 8tf 'I.rviIil~; br t\ " n theme nnd." Ri tenh1'! cc'g a BIX .IMItILLl.: ILPYU> Ri tgade by Atlen d who. '! may find 1;, b re. cct a k li K " OcL *),1851,' ?),y r ''"s. ijl " I. > _.rl. ..'f ?la . + r r4'a:s.. +; . itr." ..: .I."i, (~+F\! ar 1 y 1r! a ibtcnl on Ott k c 'bitltar! tfbNfi um bit t tippet. J S+(a?1 r r wig. } _ _ t" .i t+ j, , .: - fir , R; .": v, i t VA or.o -.' ! ;. e; iii, '" - ' , -:t 177 lath# , u r pp , t.. r. R Mir lld OQtit ' k*lreit, p flir t chrMr e e vlnn4er a } v 4>-,1;} vim,. ,_: r < .' -: r z 7Y1f . r .and .. A8' p garb Ikinrbi Rib 4j 7 CCs V* 4 W D.' ,' . per b INS tl Us.f) 3".. v y 5,: ti "f a is i , . , 6; ' e <," ' rs L i t nth ,"' j rfi L V' .,. .l ,c, . f + Flu t to r it . i _l r'"% L T<auti ?A ?' '' _ i \ r 1 F.. e".tr r C:. ! ., 1, 1 . x 1" r .." 1. f;:tY r. T _ _ i i.ft. I fs t ,. t, t br11t ..' ':i }+tS.aY+L "' tl l\ }.ut. >. 1 = l'-t t ?t t i' -i'a r l . i. ". tr 1 1t J' Y T 4 i tJ vt- 1, ,i , d ?{it ,"1 -{t' to y.5 rt -T -1 '70.1 yF .( J t }f t c 'I-. Yt tS 4ti'a7 t t t . u 4, :. t:1 ." "b ftr fi' 1?y" . t 1. F! , a t " r ifj i X L . 7*04 tr J y F, F S 1'S ee(,r' >?" I 11 t I'i+s Mi ' f ! 1. Af f .1it . ,. , ,elf _S'.;'L 11)6 47 /.S T Y 1 - 1l 'y '' c I ! -j_ } ! jJr d r V" C,14 1 :4 7 1'1: 1 .", +r. rJ"- ,j -'Eti H'S I't .-, t !t? " y 4r ? i,.. (c t:?, YS?4~ 4A y r Y-sS', ; "-.1 .