The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, March 12, 1851, Image 6

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" Th i tdel . ttd~hand the; a Prses, he t1thhg ich'President Fill. More sent a short. tete sinde td' Con- ' gross, in reference to ilp rto6te of the fugitive slave, Shadrach, from the officers of justice in Boston, by a mob of black and white people, does not, meet with much favor in some parts of, the South, and especially in South Carolina, if we take the tone of the public press Ax a reflection of public opinion. Our readers will find in another column an i ple from the Charleston Mercury on I 1he subject, which is of the character i we refer to, and which shows that the proclamation is considered in the light I of a ruse, to give the President the power of employing the army and navy at his pleastare, not against the mob in Roston but against the people ofSouth Carolina, in the event of their taking any steps towards carrying their threats of seces sion into effect. In this light it is looked upon as uncalled, and as a piece of duplicity-that in lssuing it, Mr. Fill. more acted as the Thames wherrymen do--looking one way and rowing the other. Without desiring to impugn, or even to doubt the intentions of Mr. Fillmore and his cabinet, we are free to say, that e,-. vi.uulntunces under which that document was issued, are certainly ". calculated to produce the impression which, as we see, has been formed in the Southern States concerning it. The Southern people ask, and certainly with some show of reason, where was the necessity of issuing such a proclaina lion, when Mr. Webster, Secretary of State-who doubtless was consulted by the President, in reference to the propriety of issuing that document, and who, in all probability, coincided with President Fillmore on the necessity of promulgating it-in his letter to the Union Safety Committee of New York, in reference to the rescue of Shadrach, used the following language: "I am sure, gentlemen, that shame will burn the cheeks, and indignation till the hearts of nineteen-twentieths of the people of Boston, at the avowal of principles and the commission of outrages so abominable. Depend upon it, that if the people of that city had been informed of any such purpose or design as was carried into effect in the Court House in Boston, on Saturday - last, they would have rushed to the spot, and crushed such a nefarious project into the dust. The vast majority of the people of Boston must necessarily suffer in their feelings, but ought not to sufler at all in their character and honor, .or in their loyalty to the Constitution, from the acts of such persons as composed the mob. I venture to say, that when you hear of them next, you will learn that porsonially and collectively, as individuals, and also as .represented in the City Councils, they will give full evidence of their fixed purpose to wipe away and obliterate, to the full extent of their power, this foul - blot on the reputation of their city." Th'ey also say, that Mr. Foote used ~~ the following hanguago, in revference to the same subject, in his speech in Tammany .-lall, on the Monday evening succeeding the celebration o * the anniversary of the birthday of' Washington: "I never felt that any considerable portion of our c~itizens would prove false to the Constitutioni. Nor will be con .vlnced thtat such is the case, until facts are produced far more cogent than anyI I have yeut heard of. The peopk of' Massachusatts are doing very wc!J, and, .J trust, will ttmately do all that is to -be'desired." In these two extracts, the people of South Carolina make out a plaausible ease, and can, with reason, ask the President why he should1( invoke the idi of the military and naval authorities of' the United States to put down a mob of colosedi people, when, accordingt to the words of his Secretary of State, .nineteen-t wer tieths of the white people ,of' Massachusetts are opposed to any violation of the hawv, and wvill supportI the Government of the United States in maintaining it. Again, Mr. Webster; says, in the same letter to the Union; ' - Safety Committee, in reference to South-Carolina: "In one important State, recent elections show that t here pre vails among the people almost an entire unanimity of sentiment in favor of breaking up the UJnion; and this dissolution of the Union, It is supilosed, may not take place with. out conflict int arms. Mimisters ofwtar are, therefore, provided, schools of in. tlruction in military tactics established, and an rme air and ttitusde assumned. sccession be attempted, are not only * ~ well,. founded, butt, in my judgmett certain to be realized. Secession cannot be accomplished but by war. I do not helieve those who favor it expect anyI other result. Their hope is that their cause anad its objeots may spread; and< that other States, by local symipathfies, I - or a supposed common iterest, may be Jed to espouse it; so that the whole oountry may come to be divided into I great local parnles, and( a. such to I contend for lhe mastery.''" Titextract is relied upon by thie ~ putihtln 'people to make their case * I~rnplate, viz: that the message recently ~ delivered by the President wvas really intWied to apply to South Carolina, and pot to the negro mob inlC Mas~tlthusetts. Now hlow far thle Inrete is justified, that taking theo ' Preiirt's message and the letter of P r e bster together, the klgslaiiont o~~dfr by the President, and the ~ ~1~t. made against the snr-gro mel)in ti - 9son %re Intended for the State of' 0 South Carohina, wye do not pretend to e say. What we do mean is, that, tunder (0 the clreoumstanoes, it is not unreasona ble 0 dht the people of that State should ptat a guch an Interpretation upon it.-N. Y. C ~r Dus--.Ther is a long article in I t ley frmer, b~ Ivhich it is establish- Ia ' 04 co4question thetg weet oil occasion. V Ily rubbed over bedsteads, chairboards, r tc , will efibuettally prevent the appear. nce of bed bugs. We think it unneces's ary to publish the evidence of the eflcidd y of this cheap and agreeable prevefitive t f the nuisance In tteiftkgta. The reader vill take our word that in conclusive. C Cuba. From an interesting letter In the N. t Cork Herald, we make the following "_ xtrnct: "Perhaps there is no more interest. nig question outside of the territory of he United States, just at this moment, han that which embraces in its bear. ng, the destinies of this island, tritely sut truly termed the "gem of the An. illes." Indeed, the proximity of Cuba o the United States; the recent quasi igitation of the great question bearing qually upon the interests of both coun. ries; (that of the absorption of Cuba nto the American Union.) the common ie of interests, as yet but feebly felt, but destined to be more clearly under. stood; all combine to centre upon this islndi an interest as instructive as it is excitimg. "1 hold in my possession facts deve. loped and undeveloped, that illustrate all three of the main points named above. Especiaily upon the last point of a common tic or inornats, as yet feekly felt, but destined to be more clearly understood, it shall be my pro. vince, in the series of letters I aa about to address you, to amplify, and to throw the much needed light. "tecent events denote thn existence of grievances on the part of this island, j calling for redress. What are they? The want of all colonies-ever felt, and whenever refused always engender. ing a spirit of ia revolution--the want of a union of taxation and representn. tion. The subject will be treated more at large in a succeeding letter. "''The planters of Cuba are natives, creoles, who intermarry, and thus gen. crally perpetuate their property in the hands of Spaniards, called here Cata. Inns, bringing with Chems, frm a more bracinag climaate, more business energy than is possessed by those native to the island. As the native business men of our Southern States are fromt the North. ern ones, while the planters are usually natives of the Southern, and less enter. prising in !isposition. These Catalans usually return to ol Spain, and live there upon the fortunes acquired here. Knowing these fiacts, you will the more I easily comprehend the force of what I shall have to say htereafer. "W hto feel the want of reform? What interest would be most Iavorohly aflect ed by them? When we say the agrica. tural, we, in general terms embrace the reply; but we son gather a more tho. rough understanding of the subject in the reply to the great gncstion--how are the grievances to be remedied? The Lopez expedition, was, for many reasons, an ill-advised afTair. The evils in society (and there are evils in all so. cieties) can never be entirely removed by changes in social and political laws. 'Tihe rash, whon would reform by sudden, violent means, expect such a consumi. matin of perfectiont as tire rewvard of a good end, justifies the rasca o)( ba eans. But as no sucha complete radicui result cnn follow, it often occurs that it is not wiorth whiile to violate laws arid disturba the peace of a peoplr irn fuaile at tempts in chasing an idea. Tire evils existing in society may be armeliorated ina thteir so cial and political aspects; nind there are relative degrees of good ex isting in) so cieties, somre being blessed wirh a much avairable orgratnization) iatn rothers, in some dleparitment of prol icy, it riot ina all. .Spaira and( theC ;United States are fair examtrples oaf udifl'erence ina poalicies; ad thte re'iats of' their wvo- kings arae clealr to every inatelligent obaserver. For all prar citiau purpot.S, adap jted to thle wantte at thea present genea rationar at least, thre cure is to bae soughrt itt a judiciotas dieveloprmernt, and lay gi ving~ a paroper di. rectijour to thre resoarces oif tihe count ry, its agriculture. ar ito other wav cern tis lbe (lone, litcause witha this initerest lies thre wealt; ira itshIanads is tire powv. er', arid no measures opposed by ithe rcro!e plarnters cain peraanerntly sue ~eeed. Sugar being the greates't str. ple prodluci. the great interest of tis island is tire plantiang in'erest. No van cent meuasures wh~ery they manv risk tire loss of their wealtha will b'e idopeud lay tire agricultutarists. Par n. Joxicanl through it a,:'y seemi, they are lie reformers and the conservatives of u bra. TheI developmnent o)f thei r inte. rest anal exteunsionr of thteir wealrhr.get ing means wiill, by thre very nature of1 haings, (ats will be clearly shown in the ~ourse of tihese letters,) mnake thtem re. ~ormecrs, The samie weal th and its )reservationl forces theam to bo coanser., 'ative. "Tihe effect thrat the pol iticaul manage. nent of tire cotirtry lay old Spanirn manv tave upon thaut property shall determrin'e hre qurestion ofthle existenrce of i;;et or listutarbance. It w'ill brehto ve Spainr, at iris junrciture, to rememnber tat if thre pont of thre tenakettle lbe left open, the 'essel is safe ti, buiat it st oppeud byi forcet, lie hid will be blowna off, Cubia Is th aat id. It is apronos of this comaparisoa tat wve reenal thle historicenl fact t hat to simtilar movemnetnt of tire teakettle uin. er thre eye of tire observant Marquis f Worcester, we (owe( thte discovery oif rat powveri of steami, wh licha, irn its re olttionzing progress, maust a rouse evyear atalan taslumbnier I roit itsa deep reponse. "Anad whlaat is it, thlat ira the veary attire ot thIinugs mtrst matke lie Cuanr lanters ref'ormters! It is not nlone the rent wiant ibefore nuamd. butt also) thie irme spirit of commerce. thirat tunderl ies le natins that vivifies, giing the life ( F all their actionr. A liberal comimer.b iatl policy wvill do mrore for a nation, tri marny Cihuans are brecoing wi se otagh to perceive it) laran autght else, at's a richa soil andl abtundantt Inhor. itbR possesses these agricturnial mecans Sa degree that, propoety aidedm, defies mpetition ira her own greart staple. lie uoonds, with its vanriouis chtannels atnd lunets, a liberal commercial policy. - blith it, thre developmornt of her sou rces, and the extent of her wealth rd-importance, may realize the bright. 1i pfotures yet drawn of the "gem of te Antilles." "Before writing my next, I sthall have ompleted the statistical memoranda, by ieans of which will be illustrated much hat is herein shadowed forth, and that i to be hereafter expressed," tiw Nottes, GEORGE W. lMORGAN, SUMTERVILLE, S. C. Office one door Sou'h of A. C. Sr.,u's Sunterville, June 5 32-t f Law Notice. The subscribers have this day formed a o-partnership in the practice of Iaw. T. 13. Fi'ASEI(, L. L. FItASER, Jn. Office it Sauuterville. Jan 1, 1851. ly WILLIAM G. KENNEDY, SUMTERVILLE. S C. Will practice in the Courtm of Law, for Suhn er, Richland, Kershaw and arliangton. OFFICE A' SUMTER VILLS. Jans. Ist, 1851 10 if TO STOCKHOLDERS. Bly previons order of th Iloard of Trairstss he thirdi lntuhnent of twenty five dolhtrx per hanre on the Capital astork of thn lirndfiri 4prin Femald institute Cumpany, ix nomw lue-'tckhohlert will plase attew ptromptly u this call. 1D. B. MicLAUlRiN, .ee'rv. N. B.--In my amnseace paymenat may Ill. nuide o Itev. W lI.Fws, !'resident of the C'omntay. Jnn. 22, 1851. 13 if ROBERT LATTA. rLAT rEIrIE FIRtM OF DICKSON & i wottid respeclfully inform hip frien s a nd time publie genernily,tt hate is now recemi' in a eu riety of Ileav} ynd Fanny (riroceries, wihis he will well low far nsh.-T w o doir nt a imi Plhnter' I intel, un1 lilnlinmately oppoite .laties l)hannp's, esq. Camden, S. C. tee. 101h. 1450 9 if D. W. PRICE, rie Subcibnler legs lrave to inform Ihis old friendt and the publie genernly itat, he lu taken the Shop formerly aeen ied iav A. (alt. way. lie gunramterma hiNl tark shill tik got fap in the most Fushlimnble anl $ctceitian man ner. ' Al thct he asks is a fair trial. 'uv. 6, 1t60 2 if Come and See. Elegant Black amid Fcermy Silks, Figured and rmhroidere-d Cnash'ner, Mode anm) Figtureid Altaeas, lienumi tat in ani Figtrel filnek Alpneae ilack and colored (Calico-.. and (:inaghuaaame, lack an colore i shawls of every size an ij tlit ", Welch and Silk Wnrp Flaatmei. lirowni and bleamcd Shirting anl Sheetingt 3arseiles Quilts etc. etc. For sale by J. T. SOLOMONS & CO. Oct. 23, 18501 5.2 I ANY, AND EVERY THING A. J, & P. MOSES, llaving receuiveidteir FA It. A NII W iNT1i TOK, now oflier at their acommrmeiimns Wcan WiHIESA ,E A.YN} ReITI, Tihe large~tistat nlost variedc ncearltcmnt am ( <wamla, Wn-a. nndii Mmerehi~naize,. tic bet fmamca 'in Smnervile, viz: lry 4 omiis. (ara cerife. t'rockery. I taninnmmrme. (uatlerv. nndt medlged Tooiils lintat, Cnpe'. nndm lintmam-a. 'Ittama nndam 8lhoie, Sia-ry nmc linrmaewai. Noteim, 1' pper' mindma Paltn IA-ather, ( arrinige Triiamcmgt, jmminidig A ilea 100( Sniks Nuilt. cwed andl Imi.nls Irn brot-cnct i ad arraam bii a. squmare tacnd rotmnmi dea. I lacep, lland, um 5t00 yairds iflaig Troge'ther n ithl itape. T"n ince-, &c. SCIIO)LluOI00S AN!) STATIO( NA RY Thea altitetioa ofl Tene-i'ra iii pacrticumariy re. queeda to lii the nhose nat faiccminour immaenmiw staock acy qitity o-ar kiima encn he& aibtutail. We~m havei thaa macest iljicplete a.mrtmen-it min 1t F. A O0 Y 3 A) l F C LO TI lI N ( tiamnt ka eveitr baaeen bnratauiht toii m azrkie-, tmo githetr n iim ('inaths,' Ciuanimcers, andi Ve'stinmgs. Ca tme nmnd sca' CA f I.'TI.YG, ILA IZE-|.4.YI ( Ill' - 10010 yarmds e~npeutng, Ituagm to imatchl, anm .tiiui ie-nin c'npply anuy qaityim~, gunmia ya . air coiouar ir pnmitt nnid aennm re-atinmali d moneimc t ila- nci to imualiay and at Cim rie'stmn prni'e. PA TICNT' 3MEICiN i:s (OF A1.!, kiN IuN minindcinmg IDr..Jl ane' s F'atiy 31edaiinet's. Unie aln- IFreash ia~e Jamap i jca opeed. l'lnantr wcili finmd It auo tir adt antamge amea-. mimme- aaur iiianakeis, anud Ne-grm (;iood~s as. we :nni sel thimen luwye aany Cimhrentuin Iimuo.. D~ecevmber-ila, Iu'(0 6 if BrIadflord Spriangm Fehmiale Institute. ThIe~ l.Sereaise mof thme lcairndai Spiringcsi Fe'. nicae I i tiu '. ill lam' re'sct'ned aii thea ire't 1caiimndy im Februnryt nei-t, unade-r the' darreenain if te Iterv. E'm' n' CA-rn as pmcrincipai, italded ay a'ctent~c iu'fiatat, iaan tahe icneiu barianelie if at ilhoroah and fmcinIjil-hed Edniieiit. fiar icard iandit iiine the litaints are tha-i miri a"e - y eitabliedi. hamlf 'arlyi ini imidmace DeKalb Factory. [ninag ~ rtae ithe Agenicy' oif thme ii: .X A1.1 FACTP(l Y1 , wonare- ir'reparedu toi selt wtir VAIR NsN uand OJSN.\ lLURG I fo$ tr Culm t lFactocry prirces. A. J. & P, IONES. .ianne 2-i, 185~0. 3.5 t f LEMYAN & AVEILHE, Grsocer's AND CfbI3ana5isiohI .Wercaamats, rcwannrtI'. [,.'iAN. P. A. A'rm.iui:, Ja-.! Octr. 3lch, 1850) I I y tai.' 0001) AS OLD) WVhEAT. .it' MT rm'ejri-ad lay ai lmtat 'Trnmiaif ier mmnlprime I of tnaaroceries, e nuct m.ngear, ( ollie. .ilames, hieeseat, i'lowe~r itni eveiry' thing tacacnmal y kti (ocountry tuerchciata, eblen p'oer ieth by~ MeiilttuY A' .JO.YE. Vanted to Hire 30 Negroes. I wiill give a iberal prce fair parimet N J RtO 1iIihlA,'WS, to work ont the il toadm ly thme tuinnth. Porsoins havinar a ny Spare, evttn for a short a'!mei, will do~ wiell atpply at ucn.n A. J. MIOSES. llanks for Sale at this Offce At ANDERSON, Sumsttnten'v1114e, St C. Rlesepectfully informs his fric ds and tiro jiubblin' generally, thmat ho lm:e' ut. ''v ed a large and( tell i~cleetede S'l'COIC Ofj~ FALL end WlN'ri'lL GOODJS, consisting at P~re:ch, Enish atel Auntrit'ia lratul Cloihiu1 Frech ndIaltlf~t(.'asesimers, pliuto and Inn and >:n ait T1weedsa, lestin'ky Jeus, I-'r Cravats, loankrelicfce, Jloce. EanbnrIllne &c. All of whlichm w~ill the" Mold u th mos, nt lilis)a termac, and1 at pries ceirresapudiaag 'with thme timnoe. (:arnene mano fue b illy tho uaacerilher and wnzrraauted to giv' e'nti'faemin. LIVER COMPLAINT. .Jw, ,idlice, 1)yuijla plei,, C/hroni o1 V1r'uuai Jh'b~ilifq1, Ii(%ea8E.!,f the Jti/lle'y, and all ig from ai 1)irdi'r edc/ J~i'ts ('1x l~timil wa!'d P1Iil('". I' l/ml~ 188, (r bloodl Wo 1/he 'lead, it ldtl, o/' 11w Sb." !Inst. fon.'or ol, ."I'UllmU's or twit/h in m1inlq (if f/ie (eadiu,',i and1 ilif?ie'u' Iri/l~'im r/, flu tritrc,'imi the f/i b I.'rm' tS'u/fo 'af[1, iii .'I'Iilfia.t U'/If'I in a J1irif'i./"n't~ae ', J Vrl~'/' n/' Iioi. f/tv' ,S'de I {" , (irci,! dill /1(1(11" inD',i'8 hevnb C.e 1. JACKSON,11r , ]','a fine, a, '~.'e toj r o1 Hatl h llt 'flt' c.'. the.a tarl; ii-, ie Cuii % 113111 N'i(i'f ;;i. tliee 3T' i. (1111a IGrieato i)r. Jun"kets.~ 01111t l,('8:) ctj VP31'1'11iNI":)B ''eeeleo'a'ttiiltiil''ti'ttti fr'el, ri'e'l ~leljtilt:~teeClt'~r:' :iEd'e, I i aitt\ay en'e C.tla eI'. J.ltaaat, IlOc,i aila Idea :mir Iutr rrai l r a t ' re t r..ix refit,' . li '1'NWi ~'iiiavr or )'rll::t h ' ui."lti.' .ett in I lire. ' t la ,riaaicv a' jti \l th' ,iluta, ijii r'e - atl lfdie' f hera'. uiIir l:reti'eI ii,!'r eaetk.~l' I'icei a er a lie'in " te a.'r ,t el .h i'e tl'a l tire, i'etue''u ill 'a. ilu 'a , a , ti , t.*c'r ii' t. n.\. let . II . Em;... eetiitraai i ,1. i n 'ai5 a aletteto~ 1ilr' Jat II' .a t. :1u eaid-i'-~ia II'il Jifer ati tii tiat it '-i\ ~ i: I7~tan-y aueei'aro ailt utl e'' er a e tha i yt ithae tic iiaeu' eeri tIe ai tli'',:jtee 'aa'a' eatl~rr d."ut. The Friends, of W, Ai flfttEtrt't I:(nnc 1."m C'tnlldato for' tihe t1flh4'e oif Ortinur)', at the ensuing election in Jauttary' next. MANY VOTERS. Feb. 19111, 1851 17 if SThe Friends of Rev, Z FRit)E'ILICI( RU-lII, unit UIcIJ hh int i amad Ctniitatto for thea office of Ordinary, at tiso N next (iec'tion. - Nov'. 13th, 18 50 3 tf t' ;Y' f1tasuini. Itil1TOI : 1'u11 wsill pieamse Ian nounm't' 111r. A 1ios A. N I''t1'l.I:s a eumlimiati, for (Jrtitatry" of 811:mlmr itriet at tihe smmxtivh'c titus tad omiligu, 1A NY VOT1ERS8. Um inn,. 29,1I, 145 1 i f s FOR SHERIFF. 9J' '1111 I 1'ieuI(I of A. U. Bu'31d-Su htaul, Ertl,., ammmoutmco hsit', anm u camstldugto for S;1 thme uflh'u' of' Sheriff tit lihe next elect ionm. Guy ilarch 29th, it:"'j, 2.11d and~t (-ear'e 111111 oijct to onatotce MALI, i.1 UO()ON, Esq. a w Candidahte for the (.)flicc of'Siterifl'uf Sulu. er D~istrict, aL them tnex't ElIection. didalte~ for the~ offIice of Shteriff', att the mail Tite F'iild4 of- *Iiclifn"d \'y II. ilit )WN, antt~tnittt'f iret as a Cntmli. I dit fu~r the ( )flic.t ojf .'fr'rit1' of .S'um~ter anmd [1' -W are ; tut fort'lito ;utttte Nitj. iIIiN ll.Xii,Aitl), ; a canmdidaste to A'* .'mcrill' at tilm. etuingrelectioi. I 1~. (;oiAI:i.O( ;( , tiumt . aotutt hittll _ as3 a ::I tatdatc' filt literil' at the ntext FI"(f TAX ("Ohli, l&'FO1e. Ii i. st . I',0tt 't I'la. 'I,'nv, "ttmm .lJ(liiN . earmiimn:' fmor'Ium ( 'mulvmctor, Im Ii tltc t , 'utrl i,r,. null ii~i 1',trtt:try" 511t. 1,451 1:, tf I r1; ,,-We are authorized to nlc t11 \VI..(;N a ail-11 dalet 1,fr 'I'-, t (II:~.tim r, fur Uiaretumtt 3ttt (Xiii t v, at tile' tte. I Iject . Burm atttuutture : I .i*: N 1N1i : it WV A I"'. K : otl at .ar a ('.tutlttt :lr Tax.I ('tlir't,r, of (;lte tt1011( (ttmt at time' i~mtstltitt'.l ect ht)1 t' - The Friends of Thos.! ''fII f ztmttittm, m It,, n- a r ittltt i s~t r tfe ii "," t fh 1 i i . 3tor, lir Ilse ('aut} of', (_i~ hrt , ISi'23 t,:We are authorized tlla d S t (':tit. J. 11. S'j'f ('k 1:1 a,+ a urttt . '" TIhe [I'iet(Il, of" Johnui (:. It t1'i' I. (f1. :t ttntotm , titt a, .a ( "uIIlif,tt'~ faur Tug~ ( 'iii I,, r of ('fltrctuotc outa)it at tftr FPare Reduced.Af to $20n from co re tey :011 Cotit rr ultnuel wtidr lwsit t p Ihler i or Darigo sri ct Vrit of.(uplafad atisfaciend, ohn F. Ervin htaving~fdetd iningotlle ith i bodu on othl, of hii 9t)9 IatMd als petition tai the Court of ('omonla ng tiat he may he admitted t9 tsbeOJcfi wcll of tas Gleneral As'embly, ntade f a. lef of Inolvent Dhebtore. It Is orde ] jj old John F. Ervin, and all other h vhon the epid tHumtuel Andrews is Indebted, be, and they are hereby eumUftfl1 lave notice to apear before the anid E [)nrlington Court jou-e, on the ninet if March next, to "hew -eture, if any' ,hy the prayer of the petition eforeenid s o Itot le grant,-d. ., 1 1.. It. BIAUNSON, -. r ,p.l )firc- of C(-nmnon 'leas' * Darlington iDoJistrct. t. (. Jeccean!br, 19th, 1850. rhe State of South Caroi . 1)ARlINGTON DISTI . Willianm Jeflrds who is in the citist 4. thee. 4leritff of )anrlinagton 1a)',rict, by. aiztj it Writ of ('a 'ins ad Satisfaciendunm, t-tlp aji lIohn ). 3urray, having filed hi moy "f01 ; ;ether with a rehedule on oath, of his e it. -fleets, his petition to the Court of O C p (lens, prayiag that ho nay ho udruitted dlha mencfit of the Acts of the General Anrh Wade for the relief of Inaolvent Debtors. ,rdered that the said Johns D. Murmayan;J a1l ,ther, the creaditors to whom the avoid irlj leilblr is in any wise Indebted, he, . and Ire hereby ,an moned and have notie to aP. sfore the nil Court at Dasrlington Cosjrn (sw aP Monay thn' ev'nteentlh day of Mfarch 1', thew ennre if tiny they can, wxhl the . ,f the l'isiton afo re 'nid lnold not begran . 1;. H. BHRU NSON, c. c. r. , fier- of r('moinn Ple', Ikhcember 10, 1850 Ih),rlinagton D'istrict. 8 3m ; The State of South Carolina DIa U .rJ;'rON DISTIerIC iliant.). ltoilingsa whio is in ths csatody of ii.- .Slerifl of Varlingtn Isitricp by virtue fa t o, (iasaad SatiSacitiiendtun at the suit of .Ib -- Is nall. loaning filed is my office togeth -r wita rehldttle on enth, of his estates and ef. recta. hi p'titiaon to the .ourt of Comosnin l'a,. ?nyilag that Irw may Ike admsitted to the benefit if tiw, Arts of the Gtnri Aprembly made for the rtelief tar ll").ihent Debtors. It is ordered that film tiel Johlt I'. Erin antt all tler, Lhe reditors to whoiatn therai Willinm D. Itollin m11w- ini iad. ha , a..h . and they are herahy omltuned andll hnve notice to iptpear before tbi, mssidi (.u''rt st alarlimgton Court louse o Mion. ayi)' the err.renthta at day of Marche next, to iabew ealsw' if nov they tena, 'n ly the prnyer oftlte pe tiaton a lonfit hr- granmt,-d. .1F. H. Ilitt'NSON, r. e- , R "Mi nen-f et'nrsssana 'I'ac, I)-ceriber 10, 1950t I),linsgton I s , tri t. 8 3m The State of South-Carolina, I ).R l NG'I'ON DISTIRICT. Jolt . ia'kson who is in the custody of the SlterO'ot Darlington District. by vir tue of a W rit of Capias adl SntisfacietgInttt at the suit of Wilice Gcodson, having filed in my elhee teglther, with a schedule on (math. of is estate and effects, his petitionl .n Ihe ('urt of Clmtnon Pleas, praying that he tm1ny bc admitted to the benefit of the Acts of the General Asaemblly, made for tile relief of lusolvent )elbtors. It is ordered, th'n ite sail Wilice Godson, andl nll other the A tltr.Is tio whtnm fhe. sail Jaohn1 L. I)siclhot is in any wise irdcbtd, he, amd i hey are llcreity sumtrntoned and have notice it appear bef'lore the Faid) Court at Darhnr;gtnn 'aurt louse on MJonday the sevetteettt day of March next, to 'rhew c'ause' if any they can, why the prayer lit Ihe pert I in atoresaid aboul'd notI he granted. E. 11. B R UNSON, c. c. P. D. n Ofice of Comnton Pleas, GIN MAKING, &C. W'e nre prepared to execute orderst6 anty textent in theo above line, both for ew workand repais. Utnr Gins are ne .-sitK p-:s-sed bay ansy ma~de in thbe State, all the- nd1 ant-. of the Iallin' aind Slidinigil:.., whbics saves a gr mn way aaf reunairs. We' ;also use the o j'lat Saws, s'ith teeth set its an angle-itat c'annoat psosibly injure te finest staple, wsiths an aatsprovmen~tt 'O. regulate the itntineg af the c'ottont; our barshl as consitrtteted on a plsa, gmnitg at once, thea adviantasges of~ htghtnetss, strength and force--allU very materisal in the suacceasful operation ofa~ Gin. We wouldi invite planters to call ,tt totur shop 'antd examne for thersisels.est, wshaiise wsousld assure the public generai Iy, tha't theyv shall havre no cause to com p1-an eithaer of onir wvork or~ price. CA \IINET'I MAKING. We are ao pirepared to do work in the C abinet !'te-snchl as Iledsteadis. Ward robe' s aes', Book casaes, Standts, T'ables, ( nphords'a-, &c. &c. at sho'rt notlice, on liberal aerss. IllU DSON & flRT)I'lER. ();ja ."t thes Presfyfierians chuwrch. Sasumterville, A pril 22, 1847. 26 CJJEAPERll THA N E VEB For Cah, Good Notes or Ac'couints, Consiasting of tugars, (aes good'as ev. rF brsaaghst to this muarket,) from 8 to 9, (0 and 11 eena. -'- Ctllee, Tea, Maalsaeaa, Salt, Bacon, tto5e, '-itiane, (chaee'-a, Peppe~xr. Spice, Csadies, es vssa uother aruia les too tedious to menstison. Ready Mlade Clothing. 3ROCKiERtY, lIARDWAV-lRE, AND (CUTL1ERY1. halns, Cnps, Bootas and Shoeat. A Finae laat oaf I Int..a, C'is, floots, aind! all kinds. aad a'izes, of XIIES. U~e sure to rail, andiaee. L'r yonns.elvesa. MctRO~Y & JONEM CHAIRS!I CHAIRSl Msahoegany Rlocking (ant weat D~o. Winsor Do. 1I2 dsayena (ains sa't anad Winsor Settiun. 'hais ftar sail'. low. Atapaly to A. J. & P. MIOSER. Ic'. 18ath. 1(50 8 t IIONNETS ! IBONNETS? ?. ENUIdSiI STR'AWV. Price fromt 50 5i, to 81l. 1y McR OY JiUNES. D)ec. 4ith, 1'50 6 t(. School Books, (Of F~verv Desc'ritlaton froms the Elcemen. iry Spealler, to La-tin and G;rerek, licluid, ig Stationery' of sall Litnds, foar Sale by, A. J. & P. MOSES.. I Connplete AsortueegtoiM es:ah ndyadt' t othaing frtom a thilals 8uek kn~ enits Os er ('oat, salso ilunak nnsa ctolorsd Clothe nda Uaaniean sand l'nney Veritiga iaid, Qg ata. 3iay bes hadia nt the aator'a of . Cl at 23, 1953'a 52*' S(1.) f05 C - I Nice asort1anent of~ph' Fokr s11e byv Iedebtotn 'Abvetiteincntp. E. B. CRFMS, actiouneer stand .Comnats1,el MERCIANT. NO 19 VENDUE RANGE, I CHARLESTON, S. C. mreserved Sales or DRY GO6DS twice a I k at his Sales Rooms. Liberal advances r, on all consignments. Dvember 6, 1850 2 if TE, CLYDE, Whoisale and Retail lcr Odd Fellow's Hall, Mlreting Stree CIARLESTON, S. C. DH.ALER IN ar, Coffee, Molarse', Wines, Liqours, I , &C. AGENT FOR Nan Tea Chompant,'s Cebrated Black Green Tras, et. 2, 10:0 40 if A, KENT & YIITCHELL, FASHIONABLE lothing and Out-Fitting E S'' ABL IS1 M E N T, MASONIC HALL, . 268 King-street, corner of; entworth, Charleston, S. C. 'urchasers will find at all times a full complete stock of Gent's. EADYMADE CLOTHJJJG A It I lCLES'. A. KENT. C. If. mrTeurp.1. taaIsthfctory 113 Wasniassgtosa 141ore(! N. 1'. bny 19I9. 30 tf Trout & DeLange, )MI1JJSSION -1EILlt (JIA NTS', No. 112, EAST BAY, imr.1.stun, N. C. Coep coinstantly on hatd, a large nasort nt of Fresh hiurnt Stone I ueo, Rosen . t'znt, l'l;ster of Paris, New York rhlec Limp, lhiladelphin white do., ( -'p. :, or Farners manuring I'laster, I ire Il brth flricksl, Plastering hlair, and hlin Materials in general. )it)1;lS left with Ale.srs. J. T. 801,. IONS & CO. will meet with prompt ~ninn. an 2:3 ly iARIONIC INSTITUTE FER)INAND ZOGBAUM, Importer of SIC, DIUSICAL INSTRUIENTS, King street. Sign of tlie Llre, ( iurlesti,, S. C. TRAVELLERS At:. iNwvrEo To CAL.. AT FAIIUo.t.LE rIr:9IINiC STORE FOil GEINTLEM EN. rner f1 trertr a'nd tarket Smrets, PeLnnand .\,udin Shirts., made in, late.-t I~l'ain, aml of the best Materi ,o uperior workmainship.,, and Dankin's Celebrated PATITERN. b. A. D)AN KIN is the originni inrerr of the s-yst em of cutting" Shirts by asu:re men t. A\NkiN'S P'.TTElRN hasN receired in~i:ihied commiaenidations of gent Ie n m: all parts of thel United States, and i'h~e superirit y of'Dankin,'s Parteirnove'r the iate imij:atjuns of it, is uiversaliy suieiwedged .-The yoke is listled neatly thenecknd shoulders rrtou co. weare'r. enItI(le n DI u.casures t3n. .11 ati ~milia'gN p.image to ord'rici ai ozg notice. Dr~n $iiilm ,'u JDnawi':ns of (7otton , Cotton:, W\ooleni andi other dlesirabile apetalerr, IIalIf I lose, G loves, Cravats lli inkerchi eli, (readv hie'rmned.) Stocks 'rai Ties, Ca nes, Umbrellas, Soap. I'er ery. And a great variety of other a' sitable for Genitlemenct. Th''ie prices at thie Estahi~ishmnent modelfrnte and urniforn--and the busi s so conducted as to secure the custom hose w hi, once purchase from us. be . '2, I650 40 f ~IPR1OVED ENDLESS CilAIN Water Elevators, 11 1'ersonis wuihinig the ablove Elevntors he suipphedci by the 9u bscribter, who isI Aget for the District of Sutner S. C. IL. F. LIGON. :ttrk'l, Oct. ;;1st 1610l. I Jy 000 lbs, Iron Assori~ed, 00 yds,. ltrown sh~lirtinig and sheetingt, 0() yda. lilne l)iimestic anid Ticking, .' half barrel,, No. 1. Mnekere't, ethi Soda. W ine. and Irmon Crackers and sha enipply of all kindsi of GianlR utr b -7, A. J. & P. 3108IES. REMOVAL it unde r,'htned hiavin ieo v ned oine ,bor -etfiulb ly In o ies ' th ei aronzaieii h retofoire fa _ Item n' iiih any articles' ini his lint' of buii cisiti ng~~ii of 'a lharge anid wtell se.le''cd as Gin Bands,. 100 Fect 4 mnch Copper riveted Gin il Floor Cloth, indin Rubber Cloth, a, wetls Carpeting, together with, a futl v ri mient oi Carriage Tr'iinm:nings, 0:' , its, Vzrnish &te. F~or Sale lby A. J. & lP. MO0SES. Wool Wanted, he highc'i man:het price paid for WVO1.1. A. J. & P, MOSE'S