The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, December 11, 1850, Image 3

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Aj 'Vi'i " y t; , f y'F:?.y " rwt j'ay EII@C ,J if nil Ai frig .lip, s 4 fI 'oft @ -t t4$_ 4 t ti;tl illi . Lit fly y t y y }} ,ha##rll Yl ll ' Cat the .. ' " , ti'felali:. In 'on- the 6,iYt?;ylacUtl'hy tll1Q tt c thDUK ' III iuts. slut) tt"h011 it d ' " the pramisa " c7,i "t }, .Will $tnt fl *{ hilltgo tale = A3FpltHr. Ilya + . . f j 'A61 lire ' ' 'v t1 fitl+then a It;ilu"itsolf;? t " 1 t 1lgt t ilillt taut i."am hoax- Mnetic ' ?,ttti the tttiir r3ty of tliti, Prma r '' _> 1 oue of the mos t imllorttint 17 hF , ilk r trs of Lucc pe, in talent, 1 t d t o0 itn cir.,ulatiull " "fill it is not to '' "ba il4' ktftt ' uch -a' jrlttrhat '%ttnttld bo Y t ate} L r p c 1111 UtlQllt"illltliittipid ilttLinpt s4 i; h r> t to ubUc:.:. 1n itl'lUlhrr ogp. of ; ," Y r t;t tQ' ?i st ltl ,: u:ur,+ltly,. the .2G.II , t tl erg ara I?a fetci1ie ncts,.Kinned t + Y : , sloe;Allix, Ittu,: P itue l3icliehi u; t t;Y?rnn jly *pusit ve ytt ficlrting drat .' r*t w' @ t;,Qf eRectintr 'llti'iint t i ntw Cow aA r, i1 hout.regurd to tlintullre, and x f t3 jtt _ iIhout. tiot}tincmus Illicit as t eIe talegragb, has been brought 'I ,'more; tltat,.on the. third of ;s' t is eeent nkuulh a clttt.stiun ashec1 a' he;e 1 ue Richeliuii, rat"' >tll iuyt itntnpilitito rOply frt in tite dclnhs of ,i.Qitlttr dl,:liud'iliat this tv;ts dune chclitlY 'f} ti tz 1i ritt>tetlt+llity of suailsi ! Tho ill. "Vent ors dret]iscovercru of the al-leged mar ''f _ . t elite 111..13onuii. of :he 13e ,lririlent. of gt0l lelillllt, atld a. M. l3iat of Nliie "z'=5' I) yCilr3' observation ittttl experi- i ' ; y . TiR lQ xdt nn, tile)', it is nsserte'l, leave asce Att et1-that cortair, deseriptions of dt#Ef usses,. lieuuliar IIrs Iiortics or synl }'' thW -'whJ ,t;ezsuuc tlletn to Inch, lla lent f&ilUww'hdt Stance they iiiy be, the same _$ltwitiOlli or caiiinotiun, when rimed on in a;pttr icuIar by ltaivrtuic and m;ll;netic t?Sc 7 4r llntfi tSCflB.. Pl el boxes in such a way tt'. jtouchCtt, 111+ y Ahliat( panic. }l;o l(trator ItaS olil t to iiiake f r6 a ;kick (sir.) :Ind'511 iil ii in I 'tvitich box m"iv be in u 'ry ". Aincrica or the deserts ,Tepp;lta the Elul:, aid so on for ="' : ,.ri;, ttr" of a required' word. The ', r of T" t''cif Ursa 1u ev;ously he put Oti ,Wi mlicatun, and the t wy. - illitl 4ir apparatus, w hicll ifi t Pf , @ } lteiited, must be 'ii;ke, The +y , , e oc t ail ttld an"til iri- UQ J feels is Said vv by :in cleb 1rlc: or in nrnetc i, : fIq .otifried"by the oarlli th estraordina +{" ,ry,, " 3'i antl _ itt ii, nmun r ante lrnvn to M tiT: cttHgtt W nrdo' it is the uii netie eJcgt' t itlrut -the connecting w"ira. ,, I tl js "se1 me"allsurd. does it not 1 but 1 t Y: b k' the thing nsit is said to tic. " ti't fi .,:, :r ' ... .....:,..: ,....r ' ]r'mtn itiq Colttnhin T~1t. n1!ih. D e. 3. Gto11e 9onuno moat, tnrno' 'etnent 5 nett upon us < H lint Been th t asc time itnine" nuil nloontJanr] tutveritl ith ntt evident prop n.. ty ill gill Ce:ltlicr r t o ea u tl {., ' lu r-iiit'.. )m severuf this i;" t SI Aa+tF, 1 1 "u k 6n;c :111!!-%dt ill pnct ; tit the nc vc vion, the ttnddtlle ('ilalal i +' y :.; i) t ctnpitii(y cif room. r;yr vt ,or 'ue ' lemehn the Union, It' t tiy heir ight liut it is theird "' y't2yod hd punish suohrno het oi yenl tii to use silh13toi F lo Per. %v 1, v sa it rtraito a4 p Ri tsor van, TOat whe: y eclan he ilhk9(At' eccssion as a right. reerved toatie eople'and not surrendered by the Consti. utlo; we believe it to bo un extreme emedy, and one that should not be resorted o unless all means to preserve the Union, d to protect the property and inaurO the velfaro of the people, have manifestly failed. RESOLVEn, That the fugitive slave bill ately passed by Congress is in confonnity vit the-provisions of themtaatitutidn;and hat its repeal, or any alteration tending W inpedo the owner of a slave.from ret4kin its property, will be regarded na uiipubtot slad sulficient evidenco that a dijarity '. rotinrdss lre unrestraiied by th6 &he ss irovisioris of the- Constitution, ;'d th at' a .imo has arrivedtvlien it.bcoine'the dait' ,f(tho people of Not th 'Carolinia. touldecide ,hether they will; submit to an unlimited rovernment or. resist its eneanschinetar ioldly and eftibetually. REsoLVED, That property in slaves being 'eca'gnized both' by the Constitution of North Carolina and of the United States, it is much the duty of the Federal Govern nent to delend and protect Slave properly s it is its duty to protect and defend any ether species of property. and that any ac. .i. n oft he General Govermnent preventing he emigration of slave property to any ter. itory of the Unim is an assault upon such )roperty, tending ultimately to destroy it Jy the slow but sure process of circum scribing it and preventing its removal to errituntes better adapted to its profitable iccuphation than where it now in found. RL-soLVEn, 'fiTat the injustice done to he Slave-holding States by the late admis zion of California. into the Union would lever have occur'd, had the South been mnit d; ive therefore invite the co-operation if the slave holding States in' demanding ram the Government an adequate protec ion, for such slave property as, may eni rrate to any territory belonging to the U. 'tates, or shbtild it be more advisable, an qual division of such territory between the alavo holding states of the Union. REsoI.Tr.D,- That the Governor be ro juestedi to transmit a copy of these resolu. ions to the Governors of the other States Union, with a request that they be laid be. ore their several Legislatures.- Iilminsg on Chtronicef. Legislative Fast Day. The following are the rematrks of Mr. Moss, in the Sennte, on the reception of a nessage Iroms the HIouse, on Wednesday last, communicating Mr. MENiNGER's reso!utions, concerning a legislative fast Jay: I rise, Mr. President, to move the 'unani inous concurrence of the Senate in the nessage just read: The purpose which it iroposes commends itself to the::had and Ieart of every patriot of the country, and nustcomoaind our approval from the pe.. :nliar circmnst. es by which we are sur oun~d : uTis Cfengral Aesergbly Mt' idoptiona of the Constitutiong no session' Isas beeni hold frotn which the people have sxpected so mruich. The danger and breatening posation) of our IFederal reia n!hve ta ughtaus to believe that. the ayes of all our constituents arc upon us, wvatrchitng our proceedingsa, and 'with hopes most aonxious for the~ ap~licaition of sonme remedy which is to heal then wounids inflict. sIdlay the~ late legislaxtioni of the General l overinment. Tw'~ent y years of patient muilaring huas redauced us to a conadition wheni -bar~rancte would cease to be a tirtu0. Iloutuon of re~mnstraico. has~ IIllowedt resolumtions in .such quick succes 44m1 that we have ahinrost lost the v'zgor of aetion by the very anxiety for relicf, 'anal we have now no haope, tio reputation, btt by a remedy to lie furaaishod by ourselves, ndl to lie mnaintained by our ownprws nadl st renigthI. The result of our deliberations is to afyect 'nt only tose' now iammtediately connected witha us-a t only thaose now dlear to ouar best afy~et ins-bulat it is Lto wieldl a destiny 'or weal or woe on theo very existence of io present Governent. Mr. Presidenat, it is not to be disguised t hat the peopl!e of So~uthI Carolinta stand rep~ared to achiove, by their own exertions, t heircant ire emi~aacipation froma thec servitude whiebI now attanches to thean as menmbers of this Uioa~. Theai r stern resolves hmave beena tixed m ao delierate a mode that re reat would only subject thean to a sh-une aiore mearitedt than that which they haave so long~ embaired fromt passive acquieseence itn lae wrngas whlieba have been iflicted upona Ilaom. Plaintoag thae~mselvesa, as their own lahanetto, theay wilt look to thaeirowai swords for rceedy and o invokae upon their exertions lhe sntles andi blessinigs of that all-seeing owe r whieh never conidena ar faila to tain the righat. it is mieet and proper, Sien, sir, when t'uch high anal anomehntous conisideratiuons rnro at stake, that we shouild exhaibit to, thet woirld the fact, that under tno exci td fo'ainigs do we apaproach the wvork .aolore us, but thatL every step) is in view of lhe solemni conisegieaces that diuty to oar. selves' iiakes uas meady to) encouniter. WXe nn give no~ greater evadence of thea sinceeri [y9 o'oaur caonviahions thain lby thus muani rs inhe sobah:aam impaJressions with whlich we aie imipelha'l to thae waork, iad as; a peo. rile reling:. on the right~eousnessa of our unlSt, it is not1 3 utit t hat before we a ppeal o th. Goal of IDattles, woe shaoulId first in vokoa tihe Godl of I'eace!. Mr. Prceidnt, thae mournful cemblemsa in wrhichi thiiis chambuer is clothaed, remindia us >ft lae ch-ustening rod whmicha we have felt in he deal ib of iim am haoor to whose memo. -y, wo havte deocked thesec walls wvitha the iiambhre haiimtuents whIaich ensharouda them. Phto wranhgs and contumelies which for war a quarter of ai century we have endlur. rd fro-n thae oppression of ouar mniscahled irothiren, fand the evils con~sequtent upon he~m, aill attest the patienco with which mar sufferings lavo hoen borne. May wve t iiope that these dispenstaion of an iverruing Providence are but time presag~e >f that happy momient whaich is soon to do ivor us front tharaldomn, and again restore :ti the quiet and thte s~curity which we maye lost.-Thoase whlomi lie loveth hie clhat. enoth;, andi im thmis hope and confidence let is hope, Mr. Presideont, that time Clay of ouar holiveraanco as at hiand-' Witout a reli mece era Divin laeProvidhenea ntions no more lain indavmidunls can .prosper. Our desti ty timuet at lust ho fmxed hy his haglrtbohe4; ird an It ho that 1 Ile who wtefl@kat d urnets th eglo in its fli hlt, thn sai ~noita wig rwill bo uimainl ful inl lHl )t, ti w to tlj ,nlunsO E. d o itcar., tip: ~motb~x t ou anld tfnrtpal." c:hte urii - - eaP $ ; glstrates, read end ?eferred to t hbi t+ tee on District offices. .-Mr. B. 3. Johnson oered a soriei or solutions on the subject of o reFderal re lationef o dsfed'b's a indted .nif~ed Mr I )0 Ii sarlo a r ' lotions on the-sane subject, which were. Air ;'uckeriflered resolutions direcgg inquiry by the committee on oducationon thea ubjectofr fie schools. , , .. , -Mr. 1untgave.notice of 4ahill tosect!e planters and; farctors; frVm hauclatin ths. cash salesQf'cotton,.rieq, &...or m. .4 , ,Mr. Tgrre introducel.* bill for the tet, porary :re-charter, oeertsi ,Barke..-the: Ilol extends-totlplst' January, r137, the charter of all Banks expiring before that day.-Dai y'cegrah., : . . Correspondence. hf Ihe -Daily Sun. . ' ATF. CIAMBEli, Columbia, Dec.;3, 1850. Mr. QUATTLEDAUM offered a resolutio'n that it. be referred to the, Coinmittee, on Finance and Banks to:,inquire: and ; report the extent of aid. which,thoBank -of the State may beable to : render. the State. should it become the policy~of the State to establish a line of: war steamers for her coast defence,. as well as to-increase her military stores and munitions Mr. J. D. WireoN, offered a ,resolution for the appointment of a joint committee to nominate suitable persons for President and L)ireotorsof the Bank of the t'ate. Th'ire Governor's Message, No. 3, was taken up,.and appropriately referred. Mr. A ins offered: resolutions affirming the right. of a: State .to secede, declaring that the exercise of this right by the slave. hnlding States, is inperatively demanded; that this State is now . prepared to assort and maintain her-soverengn right to secede, but that she. forbears to-eercise it at this time from a .desire fgr. tho ,co-operation of her sister Souulienn States, and' that the Governor be requested to: onvend thn Le. gislaturo'sb 1 soon has any of the other Snuthern States shall declare themsolves ready for decisive action... The resolutions were referred to the Conmittoe.on Foreign Relations. Mr. PORTER. presented -a petition fron the citizeni of Charleston, prayimg an ainendneh thttheCharterof thoCity. At 1 o'clock the . henia joirnel the HIouselin a'.ballot for Chancellor and IAw Judge, which resulted in ' the election of F. H. WAtIDLAw, of EJgetield as Chancel lor, and Gen. J. N. WItTNEn as Judge' In the ballot. for Secretary of Site there was no choib Ii t lie ouse severa bills we reported and aipprojiyitelj referrd: A bill toisit~if tie charter of the hank of the State was taferred to a coln+mittee Mr. Iz f MIDD , otto et a 'Y. ed States Senitur matnd after' a 'dis cussion by -Messrse IDLETON and ~KiTTr on mnotion.uf Mr. ParEsToN, thne Conunnisteo rose, reported progress awlu asked leanve to sit, again at 1 o'ciockron Wednnesdany. Theln Ilouse thnen udjounrnned. . Our paper not liaving appnearedI daoe terdlay, we' now give a brief abitriuct df WVednnesday'& proceedlings. Ini tine benmat-The.lhavorable report of tine comm~nittee onn federal resolutions (Mr. Mayck,) on a preamble akn'd resoluuioin, rb. qluestinng the %olorpor to appoint inn agefl to receive tine sha~ro of tihe proceeds of thje sales of pubbde lands, nined to thninStqte by act of (06: grdss of 1 611, wans takoen up for considerafion.. Ott motion of M~r. Felder, tine ages'ind noes were taken, anid are as follows. Ayes--Mosars.linrker. Iarnnes,-Cnnon, Ca.rew, I odley, DeoTrev lie, E~vins, Ganse, - Grilimn, 1H.bben, in wton, Manonat, M.vy'k. P'ahIner, Quattntlebanmn, Skipper, TL'uwpnid Ward, Ware, I. D. Wilon, Wherpooen -twemtv-onne. Nays--lin. RL. F. Alston, presidenit, Messrj. B. G. Aliston, Biedon, iall, Calid. wvell, Carn, Eaves, Felder, Goodwyvn, Irhv. Mliller, Noweol,- Purry, Porter, MV~itian. Leoave wans givern afterwards to the fol IowJing Senators, Wil) wvere abisent, to r9 nodte votes they . woultI have ginisi're spectively, viz:-Mesars. Adnn, tist, Taylonr and 3. 3. WVilson, whon, answered in tine allirm'atnve, and M~essrs. Ilnnna and Moses in tihe Nega~tive. Mr. Taylor asked tihe privlege if ,ox plainning himself beforro he voted, lie stat ed thnat no onto proseint, woul'd go farniner thnan hniimself, in mnainntanininng thne priniciples whnichn South' Carolina had einforced in hno refusal to accept what had been allottedV to her, as her share of tine pirnceeds of thne sales of putbic lands, but that 'circmnnn. utarnces had chatuged sinice athe took that stand, aind in view of this change, and tine events nlhreatened--the disrupuon of thne "Union"' aind its conseqtuences, tihe shad'owvs of whnichn hand bLeen cast ahneadi, Ino felt it to be thne duityv of tihe State to take what been acconrded to her-to hook to hner re sources and hntsbandc them for what, in his opinionI, awavnited lher. le would, thnerefore, vote for taking tine money. Mtr. Carew~ ofi'ered a resohition, directing inquiry by tine Miilitanry conutter', into tin expedneney of "arranginng umnder .li litary horgnanization. all citizensa of South Caroina, between tire ages of 18 aind 45, whno labor undher no phnysicai disqualification" wicha was agreed to. . . In the Iloeuse--Mr. Phillipo gave notice of a bill to alter and amemnd tine tenthn see tion, first article of thne constitmut~nn. The following resoluit ion by M r. Ashmeore, ayas a greed to, amnd ordered to tine Senate: n, Resolved, Than~t hecreafter only one News' paper in Columnbian, aind onne in Chlnmeston, be pid by thne State, for prinitinig inotice. and orders for thne court of appeals, (~hiLJtr small be certilledi by tihe clerk. Mr. Arthinr offered thne following- faeo hinon: "TJhat it be reerred to cornittee on Judicianry to inqtuiro and r'port -on tine propriety of >turchiasitng tine mnanuscript di gost of tine Equityn. repnorhs of.theo State, nmnado by tinto ateiCancollur Calidwvell, am.nJ that, tine Connnimittee alscertin, and1 report oni what termntthe sannpq can be effected,"' On yesterday, (Thiursdhny,y there was a connsidler;di atmut of bnusminenrs gon 'over, but very iittle tha~t we 'deemn wvort'hny S 4e; r Yh '^l~ ~~ 1.''j.- Y -a unz~o . .o" c? Ithe It nouon. I.rmmnastat bt!cl 6tdhLl on c'tayd and Paflt uch pz ats t wa itdbrin l' ,n rbo an. Ag peulra1 u*tjt plo shegi "eroro 'pe erp Trqulo ~ eg4l: imoun Clionio:. +imit togrrie tlia. b ;: e. t oatsflotq -t~ "ubt to and. ii[taae mmtnltio n te a rqeitnatis.fii ~t cersl t amnined (lietttty to I i'C ~ ,firza so~ thee fihiti f rtatet a od Svud nt ' a ihe laws shoud bei, f ex estlodomna shq ~th Clllbrtammni 06' Ik ~ en llesjeo atnl sobrs o'easin ti aglains t ombIn all, Cafoutnue niCo 'le";iotItt orWn frota.: tied"Utah;iustit ltha -inmler n h msstsbish: matn os no asltolguard hainst jetmirib d le proposes tit risi n ofrtimre ii retiment nioqand na"y.; 'Pervenuie of -the font' Ofice' Deatmtenu_ j'dv'the year ending June 30:la, 18$0, was '5;. 552,9i71,48; the exp nditurv 8,2120933.4 lHe reeouatmntds the furthenr .rotuctom .of pot-:+ snternal Imjuercmnentn are stroingyadcauod. Ito recownods tiue nppoinmu;mi .c~r jwsi. Sion to otuls tall pr:tate clalma against ttq. Uri-. tedl Stzteis. Jfo bspeakw,' far tlan District of Coluiulia. the f&*rerlag carouofCuilgrees; and, as It peliquld. po 169 prjdq pf Americans, to rveudor,tbc Capital attvAch tks :ltmiico~se of theo 'Whole Repumlie Intl onvenient aid aafis fr the =trajamesuh of pulchuslnoar ard- Ilm prpm rvmuin of tme pu1b.. ba n liberal' proportion of the btmvatcmu. of all necssry antd us eful Inretnns ront mult d supply pure wtr-t t e .City. . ; Anid finally, wihlife ayes glar'ed anti iueotiy dasuik.for ld crmlrmly cannot be taido to the trai conditioni of the comn~ry, hle this pin. cidly pnlogizs Northern rubbery. aid geuthern, trealmoty. It was litillyto htave been expected- thai the: seni:: ofmnvrstt .parsd t -your; list ieuon,-: will! the ,view of It, sling .the ,,secttaI suta whmcl 'het' sprng from tSlit s lavery cool~ territoriasiqucsmsinsa, should' at once have realized timheoelnrpe . All anustiln, i.iono I the nureOabeuw om wpromnise must necenmLily belmicotm to tarn of extreme opinlen. Am] though, without such: concessios our Comaslita. denc havec boon firmnetd, amtd cannot be" p~ermanently~ sustaianed; yet We btmX4 seen the made thme subject of-bitter controvrsy in both ructions iof the Republic.. -It rtequired many months of dmlbe uss and deliberation, to secure. thme conimtence~o a r.rnJt~y of (Comw In thneir favor. hiwuh b-aiswnmmuge~lt; ad been. received with immediate ap abam utby peo.ple, those measres to have een required. ly clreimtn. mt40'e antd comtibilw UL 06m canry:- U1 .4 i they .a 1,to it t. tn '4... . tailat s.p~rnp~federal f drlrela 6 _ l w d i lfr. Pros ^fre"wI'4 pl ily; BoE r$n v wl th a out th Sut1 tdy be6iosbjeotod~ianW Unto igqosqioo :was the:O~ 1intl t h ; 1~~A. o i ~ a ~ h ui hno t uce y of scohslbn 'they ens~ tertain no~d d9 nd thetotork wilt apply to ,the.. & linin. Amajority of the TIIL+E IMTEft BANNER.; VED)NESIAV, ECIEMBER 11; 1850O. J1. 'S. 0.,- fltthtdwon, Edi'tor. cj7 - fossrA R; IIITE & Co., arc Agents for the,. .-nner. in Siimterville. We iuiyef fur distrlbin,' evcal.Ctreulus. of Dr. 31. Ilutgz&i'aotts, Principal uftbo Green }ille Seminsary. { Tit r R{on .T U.1 _POINSETT ha,' written a letterto l~is fellpw citizens of this State, cotinsolling thio tnmoat abject submIsson' to the lnto acLe of Congress. 1ie Mts out by giving us tie: viry complimentary aseur anc, -that' we 'kuowv nothing at all about 1oqiloationthat' &'tatos uls.-leaving ni, to Infer that tie 'to of our told by Calhoun, Ch ~oa., McDuflio, Preston, puller, B~arnt% ell afd Woodwar-d Is all gam. mnon." Attu: WI( are enveloped in pollti .cal darknesas; and thinther shall wve turn, our eyea for lighO hr. Pomusett aures us that ho is the indiv hu1 beet qpualified to In struct bur "goauand by way of proving the fact, uflbrts tho following .arguments. That hli ar: trlled- North. That there {vas'tipon a co~ ccra.yon, a grant-Union tneojing,. in >t iv ano. That,. ho, Mr. s.iatt hase III" friondln Penn", ~rdibtlacUjtey4S iltt st Ort, till) .uarryi nggtat t rl = jY' , . <-r r 410- irtittee of whole at ij p 'rni and' w a > tr soli by '. sit r I W .A f i to provide or iliQ. election, ol : o! gates Southern Congre ," " a zt r The neat of :qtr. W, D. De$ua uro was decinred :b c+int,'and a tvriYi f' CletU;at' to supply.bierI.piece,-was ordered to. be issued lFrom [he 'rf c 10, j le [nn'; acn 4Of rite grad ting'ora tbn'9' ..31ir "Jdn'r . Ak !k , fiat { ' ta1i;'ni ei bi tb thost" l . if :elo4ue tr d'tt+!; tb' 'tvhtch'li wa ever fa luiie'C ,,'t -+s p rti ed l tl t lTh t t> t n] "" Mr u r "lot v+ r t lf: we 'urn yjutl o rroi u , etlii chose 1 ae1uoe (or ll }s ! it .t" F oq , fiC snb oct,'tn agnvuteo gtadl~ xice,:whe ; eloqu ht:4 ,b ilia Y !add 040 for ;reatwit' 1=1V r t nlict?itiort wns' in4eed thee; the'lat gbog itch wtr out the' udlatss of flmcy hh t rWgbti of tit b% .ilh't ''t i' "aa. gather 16 nature Td$ f ", " a"1!a " e04rt we ii&gtaditioti+ ably award t> e - hich'it n !hc t er d!'our'ju {o be>it4sgi ing:Jim of feet on oU c1va t ur ,ytia itl and a't oery look . and. gesn e, we : r..uubeidto: tlagiy; it i as the very.;btiit ii'a retsity r eeci tre evur heanl,.tetictltye bawd hesild" , ti tan G+All, . "o!' the. J (anger. ! 7 ' Bradford' Sprir get . tdt '. The cliosln Mbreisee of (his "13e .11 - niinnry began uti Tu '" y tlt:20tli_ inst. t "As ,thc vieitofs from' all: pmts or thie.and;ofthe neighbouring .Disttscts;, nwde their way tc the i lrridga,} thhy +t.eGld'not 'All to observe the striking.:contra between ;ho 1ti pgttoto. our puio, is o +r. r is hlch t ieiy ltad paset , Dud those,'bttautiful stills now? decked with . Elie varied"tintsGof'si tutun :;,: The woathet tvu dr "tbut' rather w rtn ;fors sea n this cirt;uaOat t:gce tine_ favorable since a wintry blasrt tin so elevated a:": 'tree would have. been-rather. ttnconiro bf , The exercises lie at time' o'clock sit c Q fr puq er-pupj s6 The writer urifurtgnetel *,did twti arrivetill these w ropver. U'%ifthoticohlOf; many Iatslligont' n un t'be "cal dtr' ttae atu ClaritA htgFifitttfd '{itettBttolties WILht' r c rcdi ' ., c t P t, hejifto jtuon was ;4 z p with the muili(:ti) of+=1Wt ec dXatris" est to '4' i ttsEtli't lpt , 0r icnli , tCer raft li td, " t act opl RZ t to tt ;tsuta n k on , i 4th sieve" by ordt r rn 't ., i ! eel V1dvq (WaEOb fit' ti _wh f aU g . she ( c YFrriur .o t1i0,: , , , ." . teeltpg br resj)uct fiir 1i t ' ' aftlon t ay occupy with; any o ! tW!#cy Tiy W 74k*1 ! 1 a t lei; a#l cetp s 1 C E Ir ; pa7they made thei appeet inh .tdwaorCoIumb er dh + ' ,., , rot tl ;r aA EoC nrt nA ! 3f )e c 'Ut t; eft tr } ' r if 'slats then by 00 pe ffi n r x , :,were consequentlyl' con i1r :Y 7 =Fi night's rest Lurtbmrs and ttiuir '_ d i 'i o::the sheets, to"a; jday'n travel :, f Yt' are ti R dared r regard r , ' E M {nribeCQlA Ul '5 rat 14, Yin 7 t}X M r t fv ;.r 1 r p r.*,C r:' 1 3' r r fi: J N 2: That''in rthe Tf tit ti fatigued . chrtditia>n , tli{ AM jA tly'1Y8? . W"to td otlt, n[ ,,c :r x $5 That ,fhb tlfaritcs:' of lx lrertinned fo r I a vid. true dale' ae tin gtiso s lXing under vi hen art" werecast'out n ?tsi}ai ?tlt ttitl ? t ivtttiou a place. to shelter our t da } rrt " ,4:That the se psociacdmg t lie rli *' In. the -papers' o( , the tnWn,". aat i3faa>j. .:_ papers of Sumter District: 1. B. N. HAMMSBT, Cltai A ;4,", j: P t ie'oui YarJaiOn ti ' L ? t Reported fur tho'J'r w ,. lg ! te't fr2 a La+o " -WVfJrt 1 LfL ,e n FC4 , iY Unanimously, gaolutieni np [ ' r ti '4 t + s9 ir'rc F'ttgitivQ slave rI.avi . nnd decl: fi Chat! not be itttarced in that l Charl toia ltl itrket.s ,; ; 4} ; :'the'dayhir * ii'oach'.,t <<t couwurableproportion tieiigi=tir 'I i' ";+; 4L .a decline' of 1.8 a wkCe 'le Y current. ) xtremoa I2 al 1')1- l+c"' t y 1" " ' a&r i "Fo a , R t>is Sotr rri ia" -tai., r " ' " j .tcr. -. . ' h? r gbt of the United StAtee reh il4: '_ zreet.Gover ;or Quitman an+ car 'I.oui na, id t t emg : argu