' t o la te.~1~ t. e 6o lris ordwr:s ve conil kioni of the Blritish' at fid n before iho emancipation of tho. blacks,anid showed thatsince thea, tbolition of slavery lIiere,'the poptilation'has decrnagedi, thie trade product and wealth of thri islands di. lniaA hedi A 1 e 'sokin1 ''oridition- :ofre 1i6 begroes : reduced almost to a state of Ur biarity and savageno.4s. Where, then, was the object to be attainod in th-i clbrts of the Aiolitionists of slaverv ! The institu tion of slavery wats not the monst rous thing: 4t was represented. There were ll'ectionis 'and kind feelings existing between the knaster and the sLave whicb de; rived slave. ry of man/ of its hardships. Negro shavory was not the only involun. tary servitude known to society. * Whorev. er there was wages for lator, there was involuntary servitude. Thie Socialist wan tle-only Abolitionist who understood his missjon. The Socialist went for. perfect 'equality; lie was for breaking down the ir -stitution of hard labor. Labor for -wages was' involuntary servitude, and wherever 'wages was paid for it, that wages was the .price of involuntary servitude. -'he northern people, however, consid. 'ered it an evil, as a crime. The South qienied it. The North declared their con. niwes conld not justify their snpport of a titiution which guarantied to -he slave. r certain rights. I their consciences such, why do they not cease to vio the conipact, and come Out'holdly and . We c-atered into this compact un. ardedly, we release yvia froin all obliga. ins, let us dir.solve!' *ta this Union lie ,preserved whoen the Constitntho, so iar as -it aflrde protection to one section, is disre gardt.l, C!in ths Union be . reiervel when thie States are gathered. round he Ihnily board-t hose from one -'sertion a1r:! received with jeers, tanints and insults; and when they are d-mied their equality of con. stltutional rights? T J'his Union, in the linls of a rocklies * majority; of a sectional majority-woul bd a curse instead of a ble'ssing. The union of Enghitd and Ireland placcd all legisla. tive power in England, and England rufle' Ireland now with greaier power. and force, and oppression, with her statute hook, than she did when she held her by the sword. It was said thAt isunion was a remed for nothing. '1hkis he denied. Suppose 'a wild and reckless majority were to place ai autocrat at the end of the aven 11ue, wou i there he no States thit. wonld rise and de cloare disunion hould he had-peaceably if they o(wild, forci.lv it, they oimst! Nu o pose a sectional majorily wereoto turn th!:r ege lation to the oppression and degrada tion of thi. minority, would the'ro he ino vdice raised to declare disunion-peuea bly if we can, forciblv if we niust! !Te was told that this was treason. Trea von to whom and to what! Treason to stand by his native State in defending her unjust and oppressive aggression.s? ed allegiance to Virginia, and Virginia to the Union.. Who doubt as to where his allegiance was due when the State which gave himl) birth should be opp-ised and attacked by any other power? If the day shuinih come, which he prayed may never be-that hoe sliould he called upon in such a contest. lie would know where his allegiance w-va due. le would know the voi of Virgn ia midst a thousand, awl would obey her all, and whithiero ver sho led he vould fllow., Virgj s bound to this Union by the voice people only. When tley' bind, Ie is ound, when they separate, he;itt is separated. r,60L! l1crioved tis tn oT*. Ito loved peace *ode -. 't 't.~s BaeIdi. rottu - 4 - lb. 17 e, - lb 5 a 0 Pork, .j. . . IL. . . a 6. blor, -bll. 6 50. a .7 00 Salc - raaeklI 75 a 2 00 'lle. - - - lb. 10 u , 17. 'Tea, 1y1n, - Ib. .75 a 1 00 " Gupowder, - lb. -1 00 a 1 00 ugair, iaf, - lb. 12 a 1-1 " Broi. lb. 6 a 10 " White IIVaana, Ito. II n. 12 M Winses. We1t hulia, gal. 37 a 50. New Orleans gal.: 4) a 50 Itice. Comnry, - biu. 00 a 2 50 ('harston, - huu..3 00 a 3 50 lamp Oil, - - gIl. I 00 a 1 50 1.nrel. . - . - ~1b. 8 it 10 ('1n111 's. TelOw, lo, li. 18 a 20 -'4. Sperm etii s. Iquo , lb. 37 a S) Gmpowelr, -.., -kg. 5 00 a 7 00 1- a 17 Rale, Rop., ib. 10 it 1 NOTICE Will be sihl for Cash on Thursay, II th Alril next, twl) ovut and a Womain of Ilhe I.sato ol* M. \I nlies. JO lIN W'lES, Adim'r. A pril 3. 2:1 2t Improved Cotton Ginq, Thainkful for pnst favort. the 4unel~wil-or. wicses to infori 1hc pueblic that, he .ill Manulitture COTT1ON GINS' at his Es lablishinlie.nu inl Stateshniry, (n th most im proved inpp.v'd pii--o f the lo0.t siml ple( conlsirtCi nil of t!1. fin'est finlisl, :11nd1 of ther le.t mabl-:. lo-wit : Steel San:.S 'Ind SNerI Plaired lis, caso herdrw-d, which he will sell l-r two tlia. p! r sw. Ili. Also rupniti fi old ( ins. and pl-,t Illohiaa ill co ml idet oiler at ih 1 or! i . ti . .All or .br. ihr G;, - ill w- 1111m0%y! an pune . WiI.IjAL.\i 11.11S J,18 -rstehure.S. C. : pril 3. 1"50. 2:t :1m Head Quarters, Cn~u.Errs. nen 28. 1iS . -;J IN ulirm ilof a ree( mm In 11ida in is4of he i.e i-la~trv in re'lation 4 to t distriblii ' (A only repaired air . illh- .ilius (M)licers it r - d lare, lh r hr i tiitled that. a s ll the llifies(f b l n i I , S:.111: , 11re I .,C. lit, nsfiel of* that desri nil in i' 1wnro be issufie4 flruome the Ar. enl's. 0 ly order of Ohw ( 'miamnoler-in-Chief. it. T1. WNATTS11.1, Q. if. G.2 Marcli 9 23 nur. n1n1 thw io imii ty ni lar- 11: 1 t It 1he - Ijliit r'-ceivo-d a lart:- Xortou,'ru , e 'ASDI.ll-EltlR8. D1R % P 'ETl-:S anud VEN.Tl' INGS of al desc'ription, tether % ith a lar-! stiow oef Sprin; aid "Siminwr Ready JUadn1 Olothlang 11 f ich, wil I.-- h how far e i, rto liuinctual emor; pi-- enIl ad eunnine for Afnr 26 ). J. WINN. Blonrtac! Powainets! c n~fS o it a 4 Itn lJo x iMleng,: ~Phuraf M requosted to b'at their posts on 1I1 occa sion; .,an& all tlelhboring iisohm are invited, and also tine publi generally. Public speeclhes Will tien 'nd' there be made. Ii. J. H AYNSWV4LIi, L' 8. March 1), 1850. 21 Foi} rn E, Spring and SButhaer df 1850, J. T. 8ow oNS. & Co.' Wouiid inform'th'rir friends nnd the publie genemm.rnly, that they-have ju opintot a 'Id elegutt aisiorg.mehit of 1pi1'g Xi 111ua1aser ood-s oft I veiry dscript son, mini usN I'laim mnd Figired Mumlin, Em!rcoiderWml .1 i;., ' -t llaek hfnd Mod lInrnged. I'i'aev anil Embrobtlered dio. Xilk T'issues.,. andm Coloredl I .awnls I .henmi 1.tt1tres and Chamibrays, ';.%i lin, PlaInin anti bnhr1iIernmd, ilnmmsmi,, Fanwy aumil Mourming l'rinta or Nry 'ariety, etc. - i -A Ltto A bauotifi' asoritent of white mal Faicy [ilenii Drillings, Irown LiAneni, Drn p W e roiton Cloths. Mneillesm Ventingo, - lack rini otoremi tSik (ravait, Gin mhm and Muslin do., tltonaties, Bleached an .Hrlet Shitting md -like.ngw of every quality witi a :artety of Toous too numerots to be specified. ''hey wouild invite particular attention to their tt.e-k of Ht HA DY MA DE CL.OTIIING, wlichm mvmg been purchneed-of tilt Mminnnfacurerent ie Lm:cst Vash prices, they are pmparemt to ell m th imsmit reaonmmable teri. A ltie wmoortmeint of Hoy,, You ths and Mentit llat-. coi-sting of l'ahn iLeaf, Itl-ghorn, Inm. a. mi, n% bite nwif black- qoll Himnoriani, 11w1 filie 4,k anl IHenver Ilat,-with Ilo1t,- Sh , reeo-r, C t,1-ry hinst-ware. "viddlery. .1nd 4. rinteri Toir, may also tx found by v-alum u er Norlb of thl" Cour' I fonse. $30 REWARD. The abve reward of Thirty Dlbrl iq mereby ollbred for the apprelensioni of my n1;1m .AMBO.IC, who runnaway last (~hrist~ n:s. lie is about 5 feet high; well iom-uti. -d: ratlier ligh; compl:xinned for a negro; gwi .heek honoerV: !-rgmt mmotIth; full, an11d nSpictio i Set. of tim-Itt eetll;. sdIm-ol hitm aw teeth are out: others decayed ; full ed o hair; is toleralde imtellim. for a logro; speakcs; in a very conScientcio, .neet and artle ss imaner; ha . no wmli iatce-er of the whip upon hittm; he I monrally poiiae, anid sociable: has a %-iv 1in1,1l scar tt his for:Ieead: he Is somle I bir V-.I Ven years of n;e. le is supposed to ill m C1hrleston inm some kind of employ. mont since ie dihi contrive to procurc a 3s.R. If ' is not in Charleston, ht( Ema in Ilhe neighborhood ot Mechanicsvilk Meilt Ite fnriyiCiV 1ad a1 wife on irs VIeling's plnitat iont, antd sotei old Irieid it Mr. Laddmen Fraser's place. If he iv rogmht to me, or lodmiged in jail so that I et hi: ngain, th1e $16 will be paid; bit if e he lrmmrh to tme within a month after ate of t.hIs dertisiemn, I will pay 850. i. RI'ii. Fr -dhi, P. (I., March 15, '50. -2-l lmi lh Evein g N-ws, ('harleston, i, lease Iubldish fiounr times and lorward 1,i1 >m tho slbcriber for payment. LANDS FOR SALE, Tho subscriber, wishmgr to concetremItc is plan1ting~ inte Crestj, olli-rts for sae11 hisi Plantation in Clarendon n the Santee River, about midway, be v.en 'Manee anl MAtrrmy'i F.i.L.,. .t N eome the at place .rhe' suhacriber-bega to inforth the inhalhi los Large Stock of SPRING GOQD i: is sellinl at prices that nIust colivinde Il1 v Iving hi a call. .- A P. 9.-Don't firget that the NO ii 171. March 20, 1850. BELLING -OUT, AND G -~T. W'1w Being desirous to close his Stock of:WI disco, nTI persons in need of fashionable and 'it his establishment, where they.can suit th i"ANTS and VES'1'S, it the most astonis oin hand, and the whole miust be sold witho ,IPe can assur nall those who are in want advantnge ftid saving to then, to select the . T. W. IHOGE March 20, 1-85 0. AND MeROV & JONES, voeld respectfully info in their frienils and ihe pih!ic goneral. ly that, they are now recccving one of th best selected stocks of Drv Goods and Grocerier. ever ofTered in thiis place, con sieting in part of Calicoes, lonerpuncs, MuAslin, Ribbons, Gloves of ever dei scription. I lobiery, Hats and Caps, Boos4, Shoes, Blnd, &c. &c. Groceries, N. 0. Sutsar. Cofnho, Molnsses, Candle-, Sonp. Mickerel. 7001) Spanish ('igars, 10 barrels Bialtimore Flour, 50 lbs Sallfrattus, 50 lIs Carolina Indigo, 100 lbs assorted Candies, and various other nrticles too un mr-rons to mention; till of which, t1eV oetfhr low for Cash. or country prodnee. l'icase call and examine for yourselves, bift pnrcliasintr elsewhere; opposite Webb's N. York Store, Broad street No. 3,'Sutnterv ille, S. C. Ma rc h 21, 185(0. 21 tf Notice, Tho.ise wishing the I'rofessiotal services 1flthe otibscriber, siv find him during the dVat his ollice in rear of the Drug Store, and during th night at the Hotel -ept by Mr. John China. J I. MILLTAll. Suimterville, Jan 1, PiMO. 10 61m 20,000 lbs, Iron Assorted, 5,000 ydt. Ilrown hirting iand >.heieing, 5.,000 yds.. Blue Domnefgtic and Tickings, 5 half bmrrels, No. 1. Mackerel, F-reshe seoda, Wine ant Lenion Crackers and a fresh stipply of-nll kids of Goods juset re erived, anlt for sale, by < Feh 27, A. J. & P. MOSES. TEMPERANCE HOUSE, The mudoigned wiould ifiiform Ile publie lint hle lame tnken.- -- . il known as the '-t:RO mL9 .y kept bly 31r. Wn. McIainti thet twn Cie where lie is prepan-d to neoinnssel nvle tnd beardlere at rencsor:sbif perier.s-. ' Tfei-e who. dsre to fenel the samte qeict u broarasc at htnm-s3, are invitced It% give huni a Call. Travellers tccouuantltLed fir a ingjle nligli, nd hreakfcuat in tinu- 'r li- 4;1s I tihe I orn. I M.idd-ton, a Purs . elarse, msostly ~Ato 0 to buy- ChapGbdp Euiti apptjxtrct~ th, C'ifl)lOO n~ver 'lpetJtnUtWhich I li's tt 1"totey. cank: be paved I 'I BricR Range. PRA.N TH OJ1NG-:TO V;ALWORNIAlr, NIRCICY1'f1INGoina go to, san . ra subst litiaI CLO-rIIn(;G are inivited tI cl aneVes to all sorts or WATS. CLOAK: I ilg low pri ces, as tLlietc Agetvro it reserve.agetvn of articles in. thlis line, tlsa t ttilk bqAg. r lothiid fron " li-h~~c. I t "S' 242.1(ing ist., Opposito Eloaufii, 1 261 King St., text door to Rabcock's 21 4 N.I.ColixaFt Or Kaxa AiND M1utARrr Srn' .Cts1AUPNTON, S. C. Has, refeivcci by rercnt qrri .vuly and , no Op('slstg ar ge at,.! cottlilrtcStPPhttl. Irii-narmd Atne'tipnn thy Good., to*Wlijl I i tiv iu sutten t of 1t10o40 v's'tis Ch~arleston. Ontile (woodi,' litc.'omd Lojig :t * prt-- m i s Voai ,'c.. , Semtlt ool I ttsi i ~~pr, 11. F. I)inp..-r wiiite Onti m.uid! coloredl ijaen Dillts, ..ujserh moake utit fillikh. MYelI'N W~ear, artid (rot-it i:olcsrcc! (::s imire'ts, ITwilledI i L11aek, %%htr and cot'd Kill, Silk, US] T11real, antd Cotton Giates. A eylalrge. nimurtmik-.t o('Ii !k, white, sill Laexand ]tlP EIgingille. A t-urnijikte tu-sorttntt (if Bobit jjtojd 1'on I .a'. Ctndri E'qipt~t~ mtid Inserting.. A ollitp of Ba,%--ik N ;s, Sati -i '-~t., lt n,,r. .'wtagSilk, I 'o4Icie iARta I' -,ol o'*C~ em ubi.jgo, Brown Sicting "It I "?-; ('osien Iht',othoI Sltirting., al S~pring of 1850. WG.BANCIIOFP,. fi weivinut and offterpin pucha e I)RV GOOD)S, whlo may 06it the City Uone I tis Largest Stocks of Rich and -C1 .ewiery!jPle Goo4i. I bW n& t~e ig~f hd i~i -f 1WW W(Mti , &cII 'Ap -- It, petlntWorgiv nai6r lrio tr a' in Ornitnental Needlo-w'rk, wou be pre forrel. Applictiors to be iddr 4a0o, (po't. D.- ). McLAURIUN. Stuinterviile,,8. C. March 13,,I 20.4t Educational Notice. 33! The exeieisei of the BRAtFd RD SSPRINGS FE MA Lit NSITUTE;~Sum. tdr District, will be resinried on' Mondhy ,the 4th of Feruary ei . tiider thq Sdiret i 'i.CT;EDW ER, assist. ei(1b lv ~~ an ccompfisliod Teachers, iII ) al the varjou4s rancies of literary.and ornamenital edi4Catioz)' T1)..rustees have made the most. Jiberal and -complete ar. rangements to inpart an extensive, thor. ough, and highly tinished education to all the pupile bnirmitted to their 'inrge; and -onthe most moderate terms.' Strict and parental attention paid to the manners arid morals of the young ladies. Religious Fer vide,'in contiectio'n with Sabbati School exbierpei eld every Suhday marninin Iv the Chpi, filr tlc ben4'e df th *nstit . (ion. Th7.e. 1holali year is divi'ded into two sessions of. ive months ,each, . beginning respectively on the first Mondays in Feb ruary and July; paymenta half yearly in advance. Rates the the same as last year. D. B. 3IILAURIN, See. & 'reas. The following resolution was adopted by th Board of Trustees! . Resolved, That hereafter' any paIreit, who shall send to board and educate in th s Institute, at any one time five daughters, shall be eititlLed to receive the board and education of the fiftli one gratis. An arrangement has also been made to r supply Students of the Intitute.with hooks andstationar{ at Charleston retail prices. Feb. hh 8-50 15 tf Webb Clark's Hotel, -SUMITERV. LLRB, S. C.l This IIotel is situated in [lie most pleas ant part of the ton% n. The Proprietor will t be pleased to see his friends and the trav elling public; promising to spare no exer tions on his part to render then coinforta. blc. Charges reasonabIle. . WEUII CI.AlzI, l'roprub ir. 3Mfri-W"kly Telegratb h, i oum bia) and Chartlestei Courier, copy three months and send bill. to.this office for payment. A Valuable Plantation IThe Subscriber offier6 for sale the plans tation lately owned - by Col.-Thomas, .. Wilder deceaaed, situated in Claremoim County, Sumter -District, five miles below Sumterville. -Sol plantation has on it n ood dwelling Mise and the necessary out buildings, Stabdi, Barn, Ginhouse and ew, and negro houses )suinient for thI -iccommodation'of about 40 negroes. It contains over 1000 acres of the vqry best pip I ,~ut 00 acres of which are ifted *dqo fence. tour )ye'irs tog~ w Ap to lhE $ubaeniba, or to .kim D. .luOn mSumterv-ille.. LEaONA RD WIITKg J'h'rv.6th. 1850 17 1m ite Frztly Povhbibze and ir amn ed rLTIOR' 0 6"i I hA bp~i, to file a ' pkhe ke lowes" "to t*bit Udfrea 9odd) hasalso rendored entitetyihcessary &rY pretext for self-laudatioP; for tseir Cup of Glory is.F l, Every section of the Union will'Wi nbss .to the glorious and .$6%* ' Luek of this fotutA!eAlouso . Currespondents all o*jfrjhO 0 1 have realized spleudid Fortunes froms uthavv At GREA7' RIZE A(#EJV . CONTINUED sUC0EVES Wonderful .Dlhtrution of Prike Phid'tut in Prize mnitey durilig b U1-O960th of Marchi, by the far fanied PYFER & CO to the patrong of-thlir tru'y lucky :Ho06e residig mn the foillowing Batex: *Readersp 4dees s~ c $25,000, nunibers 13 3042, pa dkoge whoite tickets ser.t to Tennessee., $11,000, numbers 52 06 71, whole ticket sent to Alabama. $20,000, muhber 14 7 33, half ticli sent to Ohio. $11,500, nurmbers 1 16 42, Package half sent to:OIlo. '0,000. zlnbberS 11 44 7O, palcnge q y. ter tickets Rent tc, Norhj Carolina. . 18,0001, numbers 5 57 59, qitater tickejt sent to Virgi: in. 18,000, 'unmbers 23 62 69, package quar ter tickets sent to South Carolina. $5,M0; nnmbere 12 70 75, package quar ter tickets sent to South-Carolina. 34,000, numbers 22 55 7, package .5JIa' 3 ter tickets sent to Pennsylvayi > 3- Prize pRyments at YYFER&Q ,nade mt) Gold at xight. 0T Os. O1-m- to this great may secure a Fortune. Grand Array of Lottatif For. Apru-!9i50'q_ U^. Confidence Strictly 6* red. IDate. Capita) N6 or PrCe of. Prie a A p'I Prize&. Ballots.' Ticketp. P'ek'g , $25,000 7 SNos. 12 drawn 8 63000 S2-1,000 78 Nos. 13 dmwn .4 18 00 . 35.000 75 No.-. 11 dmwn 10 9 00 4 20,000 78 Nos. 14 drawn .5 1750 5 29,000 Ci66 NoR. 10 drawn. 5 1700 6 37,500 75 No. 12 drawn 10 0 0 ' 25,000 78 Nun.13 dmwn 8 80 00 9 20,006 inNo.. I" dmwn 5 1 25 10 30,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 1* 37 00 11 19,000 72 Nos. II. drawn. 5 8.50 12 15.000 71 NM'. 14 drain 4 .13 00 13 5,(0) 78 Nox. 15 dmwn 15' 506 00 Is 2,!000 71 No.12,d1 rawn 11 .:Woo 1 . 18,000 7a No.. 13 dravn 5 -: 30 1- 520,000 76 Noe. !12 drMivn: 10 Vi 00 is 45;00l 78 Nos. 13 dmwn 5. - 18 50 19310,oo 72INos .'au- 1., 5 it 00 21) 40,000Q 78 No..l ~ 0 -0 29 3 15.000 75 Now. II !d - 23 1,000 78j~s. 13 drawn a 20A 6014.19 -drt-w n 0 26 13,000 78 Nov. 15 drawn ' 1:I00 27 75,000 75 Nos. I i drawn 29 26,000 78 No.. 15 drawn ti W 3 30O 20,000 -74 Noq. 12 drawa- 595 Corgespo0'doety wi)lpla b! thiat t he prices of Packages of QU.ART