The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, June 13, 1849, Image 3

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on :dmixturo ef aid cqn ua~i ~~ jphuric acid, thn wj san water, and drk-d It t.wg yRI Y thls process ;ho vp highllyexplosv. T sses envo ved conists ohiefly19 -carborik acid ,nd car. honio oxide, olioti pOrtianently ~InsIo,16 that passing throug -tcold a r rtimeeNr they do not collap sebid will 1 ow u the pisitou to the utnost limit of Itswauk. In fgligiis. material n6tlie, fre nor water is rt quired, and it creates neithek smoke nor an otliensive efflu in,- and with the ejcepiion of a slight moisture or ptre vapor,. t leaves no residuri behind. A mong these gasses thero is none that will corrode metals. ,.The explosive -qualities of thie fibres treated in this way, was first noticed by Professor Otto, of Brunswick about four. years ago. and aguin by Polonze of Paris is, in 1838, and finally fully published in the English press about the early liart of the year 1845, tinder the nome of gun cotton, as it called by Professor Schon bien; or xyloidina, by M. Pelonze. A great feature of this new compound is its complete tractability,. By compres sing it the explosion is retarded or entirely prevented. A slip of cotton or fibre pre. pared can be.exploded in any required part, without aff'ecting the other. By greater or less campression, a slip has been made to explode with greater or less violence. Several small pallets of xyloidine were. placed on a table, and each of them compressed in the middle with the back of a knifn. A match was then applied to the projecting ends, and they exploded. The knife was then raised and the parts covered were found to be unexploded and sound as ever. These experiments hint an easy mode ofprevent ing accidents. The explosive qualities ofthis ingredi ent is so great that very small quantities and small apparatus are required. For an engine of'two horso power, a thread not larger in size than ladies' solving cotton is suflicent. A thread of this size passed through either end of a piston, and divi. led by compression, and these parts ex. ploded by compression, and these parts exploded by electricity, will furnish the power. Mr. Isaac Mickle, of Camden, New Jersey, has built one of this size. The workirig machinery occupies no more space than a man's hat. lus appli. cability to every thing that requires mo. tive power is apparent at once, and its freedom from smoke, steam, and heavy machinery, will. extend its applicability vastly beyond any oilier power, ifit should prove at practicable. MARRIED-In Mecklenburg Co., N. C. on the 17th ult. by Rev. Prof. Wilson, Mr. HUGH H. WILsoN Jr. of Salem, Sumter Dis trict, S. C. to MIss MAny E., daughter of the Nev. Dr. Williamson, President of Davidson College. heir Stateburg,Sumterdistrict, S. C., on the 0th inst. by the Rev. A. L. Converse, WILLAnD RicuAnDsoN, Esq., of Galveston, Texas, to Miss LOUIsA B. MURRELL, of Sum ter District. Education, The SECOND SESSION of the subseri ber's School will commence on Monday the 25th of this month. W. W. AL.STON. Cottage Level, June 8, 1849, 33 4t A, 1I 1YANIGAUJLT, VANDER HORST WHARF 0HARLES9TON, . a. June 13, 1849. 33 3t [Pd.) Lost, Stolen or Strayed, .A small sorrel filly, long bushby tail, hind feet white, long mane. Thie horse strayed from Moses' Brick Yard on Saturday morning 9th inst. Any person finding her will return hier-to the undersigned at the above place. DAN'L. R1. DEMPSEY. June 13 33 2t SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry Executions to me di rected, will be sold at Sumter Court House, on the first Monday and day following in July next, within legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for Cash, the following property. Purchasers to pay for Titles. 3 tracts of land, one of 128 one of 119 and one of 50 acres, more or less, in Claremont, adjoining lands of -- levied, (on as the property of Cordoll Hunt, at the suits of James Dunlap, the State 4 cases, M. Hunt, etal, Wm Scott and F J & M Moses. HARVEY SKINNER, S. S. D. .Sheriff''s Office, 9th June, 1840. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sunidry Executions to nme di rected, will be sold at Sumter Court Houso, on tlte first Monday and day following in July next, within the legal hours of sale, to tihe highest bidder, for Cash, the fol lowing Personal Property. Purchasers to pay for Titles. 1 negro, levied on as tho pro. Srty of Julia Fryerson, at the suit of Jamies Fryerson, admr. 1 negro, housohold and kitch en furniture, sorrel mare, plantation utensils and other articles, levied on as the property of C Hunt, at the suits of the State 4 cases, F J & M Moses, M4 Hunt et al, James Dunlap, and Wam Scott. Negro and Mare will be sold at Sumterville, tie other things will be sold at Richard Marshals on Tuesday 3 July. 5 negroes, levied on as the property of A M White, at the suits of Kel sey & peas 2 cases, 0 Chafibe and St. Am. and 2 cases, H Stoddard & Wood 2 cases, L White, Thos Hartwell and McLaurin & Chandler. Goods in store, levied on as the property of James Mack, at the suits of Win McKI Iveen, H1 Stoddard & Wood, Sai S Farrar, survivor, and E A J Gray; to be sold i Sumtarville. HA RVEY SK!NNERt, s. s. D. Juine 9,. 1849, 33 8i 'e~oard 'of- Tristesi ft'isi had d Springs Institute, having elected i ind two AsstTelieeyisey a the p~ment yar, in whose qialifications they 44 th hhS4e and having iade every r emn tory to the coin mevcenrpent of its exercises on th fist ;t A NDAY in JULY, ner-g.4ivq e to: the Ntockhloklers and the public, tiat. pils twillbe reo -it the Insttute at and from thmat**-t. The admirable location of the .Bradford Sprintra In point of hea mi d $ t 0 rao'ter of the Teachdrs emplo r~iOgtiis~tbth6 active supervision of the Boar f Tristbes, and the extensive influence pledged to the support of the nstitute, will, It Is confideitly be d, at once'seciire fo it a high reputa tion. - - - A Vielting'Committee, will le appointed by the Trusteds, which' "vill f0om time to time, visit the Institute, atid *dommend any regulations which may condoch to the im provement. health, or cormfort of the pupils; and parents are assured thatno pains will be spared in'the culture of mind and heart, to Implant aad strengthen those principles, and form those quihties which best adorn the fe male character. The Institute will be opened under the charge of Rev. E.. CATER ,as Principal, with Miss E. SPAIN as Assistant Teacher, and Mrs. E. HUMMELL as Teacher of Music, French, Ornamental Needle-work, &c. - - The annnal term of the Institute will con sist of two sessione of five months each, be ginning on the first Monday In February and ending- the last Friday in November. Terms of Tuition and Board, Board and Tuition in the entire English course, per session of five months, - - . 075 00 Mlusic on the Piano, Harp or Guitar, including Vocal Mu sic and use of Instrument, per session, &c. - - - 20 00 Latin, French or Italian, - . - 20 00 Drawing and Painting, - - - 15 00 Shell and Wax work, the mate rials furnished by the pupils, -- - 5 00 Nor.--Pupils who return home at the end of the week and have no washing done at the Institute will be charged one-third less for Board. 4b REV. HENRY D. GREEN, Pres't.of the Board. SAMUEL E. Wisox, V. Pres't. Trustees, JAS. W. REMBERT, W. W. ALSTON, J. S. RICHARDSON, J. F. J. MOSES, REV. NOAH GRAHAM, JOHN A. COLCLOUGII,-Sn. W. NETTLES. June 13, 1849. 33 tf Lots for Sale at the Springs. The Bradford Springs Institute Company own a tract of about 1200 acres land, includ ing near 100 springs, many of them very bold, and all of them affording the purest and most wholesonte water to be found any where in the state. The Company proposes to sell about 500 acres in lots of from 5 to 50 acres, at fair and moderate prices, to such persons as would conduce to society and the interests of the Institution. The Springs have long been known as a safe and pleasant summer residence, and needs no further description-Persons wish ing to purchase summer lots, will please ap ply to tihe subscriber or either of the Ttrustees of the Institute. - D. B. MicLAURIN, &c'L. <t. Treas'. June 0, 1849. 32 4t. NOTICE. All parsons having goods shipped to 3Mid dleton Depot, will be chiarged Storage on the same, (in case they remamn in Depot over seven diys after the date of their arrival) and in every such instance will the storage be rcquiredl to be paid before the goods are delivered. B. F. WILSON, Agent. Aliddleton Depot, S. C. R. RI. June 6 32 it To Tanners. The subscriber keeps constantly on hand, a full supply of Train Oil of godquality which ho ofife for sale by the gallIon or quantity at reduced prices. Z. 3. DEH AY. Nearly Oppsite Masonic HalL Camden June 1st, 87. 32 tf COLLIER'S REMEDY, For Diseased Horses. WARRENTED TO CURE, Lameness, Spavin, Bi~ Jaw, Founder, prains and Strains, Spinto, Wind Galls, Ring Bone, String Halt, Trush, Poll Evil, o&c., &c. Having been appointed Agent for the above, I would call the attention of Farmers mnd dealers in horses to the importance of hav ing it always at hand, Z. J. DEH AY. Nearly Opposite Masoniic Hall. Camden June 1st, 1849. 32 tf SPRING AND BUMMERa MBDICINES. Townsend's SarsaparillIa, Robert's Sarsa parilla Pills, Gordons, Spencer's, Brandroths' Wrights and Lee's Pills; Roche's Embroca tion for Hooping Cough; Hasting's Syr. Nap tha, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral &c. &c. All of which may be had fresh and genuine at Z. J. DEHAY'S. Nearly Oppos ite Masonic Hall. Camden June 1st, 1849. 32 tf A CARD. The subscriber takes this method of in.. forming his friends and the public, that lhe lias purchased the DRUG STORE of Dr. J. A. Cleveland, where he will continue the busi ness on his own account; and hopes by strict attention, and constant endeavors to please, to merit a continuance of their patronage. Z. J. De HAY. Camden, Feb. 21, 1849. 17 2m Three or four Negro Shoe Makers, for which liberal wagers will be given. Address 'GEO. ALDEN, Camden, S. C. April 25, 20 St b af0to.fitino the o werv andvl A[tha h6 S1 me tinrg l on tietheunend wl biu'cher toe-orethree times k'ek -if- re. 1 TUEBD , THURSDAYS and ATURDAYR ;re t'eldata be Will.Butcher: Mrff fur saId Be cetsf UBeef is 4ken ie~eully rouod-r holce pieces eve Stheound theprice is eight.cents. ar equest. to have a,, small tat the Beef can be entered in their ",Vas well as uine. JOHN CHINA. June6-'8ft tf Claremont Troop-Notice, The following gentlemen, pamely A. White and and F. Myers are . hereby appointed to take in -possession all the cavalry Swords, that, may come under their Notice, and to keep until called on for-them. All members are hereby ordered to deliver their Weapon. L P. LORING, Capt. June6,1849. 82 tf CALL AT THE SOUTHERN STORE. Fisher & Hoxie Receive weekly by steamers from NEW YORK Additions to their extensive assortment of Dry Goods, and are always prepared to furnish the latest Stlyles at satisfactory prices. Columbia, June 6, 32 8t Bradfbrd Springs Female INSTITUTE COMPANY. Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of the Bradford Bprins Female Institute Company, that the first instalment of twenty five dollars on each share, will be required to be paid as follows-one-half thereof (S12.50) or. or before the first of July next, and the other half thereof, (012.50,) on or before the first of November next. By order of the President of the Company and Board of Trustees, D. B. McLAURIN, Treasurer. Sumterville, May 19, 1849. 30 6t New Boot and Shoe Store, The subscriber having just returned from Charleston with an assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, Ladies' and Misses' SLIPPERS, TIES and GAITERS, of every :d what ever, owrs them to the public on better terms, for Cash, than can be had elsewhere, and so licits an early call at one door east of Miller & Bossards Drug Store. Also, the New and Fashionable ulipper for Ladies called TAY LOR TIES. B. FOLSOM. May 30, 1840. 81 tf Dancing in Eighteen Lessons, Warranted. Mr. A. BERGER respectfully informs the citizens of Sumterville, that purposes opening a DANCING ACADEMY at their village and teach there 3 times a week, (should a sufficient number of pupils be obtained.) He will instruct his pupils in Quadrilles, Cotil ions, Waltz, Polka, Mazurka, and in every kind of FancyD ances, such as, Smolenake, Cracovienne, Gitaua, Cachucha, Hornpipe, Cossack, Varsovienne, Shawl Dances, Polac ca, etc, etc. Mr. B. is a native of France, but has resided in Charleston, 8. C. for the last eight years, where he has taught Dan. cing with the greatest success in the first families and Academies,-from which, he has good testimonals which he will be happy to show to persons wishing to patronize him. Hie will also teach Ctilions or Quadrille. in 18 lessons (which takes generally, at least two quarters to be learned) and should any one attending the 18 lessons be unable to dance well no payment will be required from thorn. A subscription list is now open at the editor's office. May 23, 1849. 30 tf Just Received, A fine lot of SUGARS, North Carolina BACON. FLOUR, and other Groceries. BROWN, LEE & CO. 29 May, 1840. 30 2t Just Recleved. Dress Muslins at 12 1-2 cents per yard. . Also a fine assortmenit of Bar eges. For sale by CLARK & LEWIS. Copartnership Notice. The subscribers have this day associated themselves together for the purpose of carry ing on the CABINET and CARPENTER'S Business in all its various branches; and hope by untiring industry and attention to business to merit a share of the patronage of their friends and the public generally. DAN N E L S. SA RGENT, WIL LIA M B. ILEi Feb. 19, 1E49. N. B-They will keep constantly on hand--Fancy and Plain marble top D~ress ing Bureaus, Side-boardls, Pine and Mahoga ny Wardrobes, high and low pest curled maple Bed-stead., soas and Divans, Centre tables, Sitting Chairs of every description, Mahogany Rocking and Nursing Chairs, do. Boston 1ocker. and INursing Pir'ables, Candle stands, &c. &c. Also, Cotton mat tresses, which they will sell low for Cash or good paer. 1D-FURNITURE MADE and REPAIR ED at the shortest notice. Mahogany and Plain Coffins furnished at the shortest notice. Just received a splendid asbortmont of Bed-steads, Sitting and Nursing Chairs. 8. & M. Night Writing School, The subscriber most respectfully informs the public generally that he has opened his WRITING ACALSEMY at the Town Hall, Sumterville, S. C., whore lie will be haeRv to receive all who are desirous of obtaining uiis useful and elegant art. His mode of instruc tin is entirely upon a new and simple plan, and will at orce convince all, that tihe most abominable scrawl, can be converted into an eleganm, bold and expeditious hand writing. Chargn-4 for the whole course of 15 les sons. Nights-Monday, Tuesday,.and Thur.. day. ALBERT Ht. GRAY. April 24 27 3m Theregular Ahly sfon will be hel. on net aitheir Hl t W B. HAYt 1 Sumtervill&,8 C. . phlstQrngaud aper HANGING~ f The subscriber respetAillkr iadotmu the pubik that. be jaag establishedhlm.efmselfshisuit-rvlle and Is 4w propered to execute any.orer hat may be entrusted to ieire withintneus and dispatch, to wil:-Maklng. and *psiltng Scr.a Chairs, Lounges, (ot -very decrion) at. rasmes made to order, and eyei-anii7 Bpnd CHARLES DxLORML. May 23,1849. Gm - F.'SUMTER Attorneyat ".L . BROAD STREET, Sdmterville, S. C. May 16, 1849. 29 tf - New Goods, The uidersignenwhas just received a full and general assortmentof Now Goods, which he will sell very low for Cash aper. April 4. Twenty Dollar Reward, Ranaway fom the subsriber, on the 26th of March last, her' negro man DANIEL i I. about five feet, 6 inches high, tolerably stot, his teeth projects a little In froat, he Is very black, about forty years old, supposed to be harboried about Sumterville. Any person delivering said argro to the subscriber, on her plantation, or Ii Sumter Jail, will receive he above reward. STNHER PERDRIA U. 28th april. 1849 26 S3m CLARK'S HOTEL' SUIUTERVILE, S. CAROLINA. The subscriber woild respectfully inform hi. frienids and the public generally . that he has opened for their accommodation a House of Entertainment in thie place. He solicits a share of public patronage, and piomises te spare no pains in order to- merit and secure the same. He would further add, that the ocation of his House is such, as entirely sub. serves both business and quiet. A trial is all he asks. WEBB CLARK. "Ian, 8,. 1540.'11 t NEW GOODS, AT THE CAMDEN RAAAR M. DRUCKER & CO., respectfully inform their customers in Sumter and the public gen. eally, that they have received a large and general assortment of. Spring and Summer Goods, consiting of every variety siitable for the season, Also, a complete assortment 'of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Groceries,. Hardware, Cutlery Crockery, Boots, Shoes and Bonnets, Hats and Caps,_ Bagging, Rope, and wne, SADDLES, BRIDLES, &C. And every other article usually kept in their line of business; all of which are offered for sale at c.rtremely low prices for Cash. Re member tocall at the CAMDEN BAZAAR, Opposite the Camden Bank, Camden, S.C South Carolina Rail Road, On and after sunday, the 20th lnst;~ the Pa. senger amid Mail Train will leave the Mary-street Depot, Charleston, at 10 o'clock A. M. DOWN. Will leave Hamburg at 5, Camden 5, and (Co lumbia 6 o'clock A. M., arriving at Charleston at 1 o'clock P. M. as heretofore. Passengers at the "Way Statious" will accommodate them selves to the change, and make their arrange ments accordingly. GEO. s. H ACK EK, Agent Transp~ortation. A. CONWAY, DRAPER AND TILOlR. Respectfully informs the public and his patrons that he has just received a full as sortment or NEW AND FASHIONABLE SPRING GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Ves ting, Drillingse, Drab D' etc. etc. etc. A large Assortment of Ready Mady Clothing at prices to suit the Times, to which he calls the nttention of the Residents of the District, ArLso, An assortmeiht of Military Treim mings ect. April 11 24 3m South C'arolina-Sum ter Dist. Henry Spann, vs. Jane Williams and ( others; DefendantsJ It appearing to my satisfaction that Jane Williams and Rebecca Jane Spann and others Children of Martha Williams and Children of Charles S. Spann, Defendants in the above stated case, reside without the State of South Carolina. It is therefore ordered that they do appear and object to the Division or Sale of the Real Estate of Richard Spann, deceas ed on or before the 12th day of June next, or there consent will be entered of record. W. LEWIS, 0. S. D. March 12th, 1849. 20 3m 0000, Spanish, half Spanish and American Segars and fine Chewing Tobacco, for Sale by CLARK & LEWIS. May 9 27 IMPROVED COTTON GINS. Thankful for past favours, the subscriber wishes to inform the public that he still Manufactures COTTON GINS at his Es. tablishnment in Statesburg on the most im proved and approved plan, of the most sim ple construction of the finest finish, and of the best materials, to wit, Steel Saws and Steel plated ribs case hardened, in which he will sell for two dollars per saw. He also repairs old Gins, and puts thetm iii com plete order at the shortest notice. All or dlers for Glne will be promply and ptknctu ally attended tot -WILLIAM ELLISON. Sttehnrg, S.C Anril 31 1849 oft ti. 4V' I *. complete ek of t. '. REAYMAD~ i4' imorwr 6-7 rfof184-. Kt HARMONIC INBTITUTE FERbrnIft ZO 5~ M , Inpoate f ICUSiCiaNeTRUMENTS King strdety Sip: f the'Lye Charlest6n, s.. GREGG, HYDEN GREG Importers of'TFWWatches, JEWELRY.8E. SIRza, Guns, Military & Fanny Goods, (orner of King and Hiasell stresets WILLIAM GREGG, . SIDNEYAOREG, A SH."HAYDIW, may 23, 1849. .. New & FsliiabMe ClothIng GEORGE A. HYDE, SUCCESSOR TO HOUSTON drHYDE, 283 2 IiG-ST. Oppositt Merchant. HoteZ. Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retil Dealer in Clthing, G. A. H. RespectfuIly-invitesAthe attention; of his ftends andthe public to his" large as-1 sortment of Fahim'iable and Elegant Cloth is now'onlhand , eual in e respect q to the best custom workto which Is we4kly addig large suppliles direct fron bis own Manifactory in New York. . This Et:ment is conductod entir'el on the Cash Principles both in purchase RiiA sales, givid;g him aroat-ad"antage in his se lectiots- and enablIg - to sell itNew York rates. He is, pow offering this stock, (which is not excelled for variety, atuZe, beau Ay, and durability of, corkianhp in the UJiion, at such, prices 'as to make it an indued mont for purchasing to call before ;makingi their selections. A superior assortment of Fine Shifts, Collars, ravats Canes, &c.&c. constantly on hand. With attentive and- obligin ealesien, gcntlemen can depend upon aving.' their, w tnts supplied immediately. All garments warfaeted t0 fit welI.'and g -stisfa6tion in every respect., 327 Mr. JoHN T. DArA, long known in the blothing line is now at this establishment, where he would be happy to see and serve his friends. GEO. A. HYDE, Succestor to Houston &'Hyde. Charleston' May 23,1849. ..'301 i ly COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND VHOLEsALE DEALItl IN Groceries, Wines, and Liguors No. 139 East Bay, (Jorner of Quteen Street, Charleston, S. C. May 23, 1849. 30 Dry Goods in Charleston For Spring of 3 849. , . W. BANCROFT, invites the attentIon of Planters and their families, who vialt the oily to, his EXTENSIVip STOCK, He has now received his Spring Stock which' coinsists of every variety ol Rich and Elogat fabrics for Ladie. D.ress-snch as, Silk, Grenadine., Tissuo Silks, Bareges, Mus line,, Sewing Silk, Ginghams, Prints, Lawns, Bomnbazines, Chadys, Alpaca,. Shawls of every Style, much am, elegant Plain and Enmbrordered Canton Crape, Cashmere, Sewing Silk, Silk Muslin, Barege and Plain Silk Shawls. Linens, Damask., Diapers, Long Lawns, Llnen Shebtings and Linen Goods in grout varie ty. Hosiery, white Goods, Goode for Gentlemen, wear etc., etc. in his IOM ESTIC UOODS ROOMS, will be found as psual a complete ssortment of, all the leading Styles of Dome~siio Golodp, such as are adapted to servants wear and farmify use He confidently invites attention to' the Stock as one of the Largjest and most Extensive inteSouthern OEntry. and the Prices always the LOWEST POSSI BLE- also 253 King Street, CretnS. C. April 1849. 24 it A Card. MR. H.3. BRISNENDEN, of Charleston, Professor of Music, ofibre his services in the Formation and Instruction of Military Bands, &c. Mr. B. is possessed .of the rost -satis-. factory testimonials regarding capability and character. Communications can be address ed to the care of Mr. F. Zogbaumn, 201 King street, (harleston, S. C. April18. - 25 3m Merchant's Hotel, BY STE~EN &, DIVVE~R Corner of King and Society Streets, C HA RLE STO, -8. C. This Hotel, situated in the biusiness part of the city,, offes every desirable comfort and convenience to the Travelling Comnmu-t nity, and Permanent Boarders. iThe estab lishment is conducted strictly ci' Tomper ance principles. T~[ERMS MODERATE.. Il-An Omnibus and Carriage \vilattend the Steamboat Wharf, arid also to the Rail Road Depot, for the accomniwdatin pf Pan. senge.17 v More Panama:Ha, A i~so-- cask eaqh Pale Al. and Lonilon Por.. ter in pie,, for salfa V 'Lt. 0. 'fAM R 4'4 0.2 -~ 5005do. w.' 4 as Leave C M 5 d 1 l F.andoriil 8p iumwsv~isba,~ ou Juncion d tiop~ Fae :te500 a M'.Qliiui6 t 0. Gadsden 4I0. JOelr Hopkin's. 430d4! e 0 Up.le~n 6VDd.aiino r' uJn~ ncinr. Tedag TWA&',f*ui )w ~ i Leave ~ Leatf . Camden,- :.00 aV . b Colin1& Boykin's 0.0 ;do. H am -v< AW" Cdaremo. 6op ins Ad M"ddfleton, 6.0co. jGa en o 8 S Jud&op 71id-in. untio Gadoen, .7.85 do.. Hlopkss's 8. 'do. C Hariptidt's, 8.9QO dd)~oyi s~ A.Colrmbia.4 do. Ar. Ca b -Mondas, Wednesd&ys,:,anddy&gs a Leave Cainden' v500:ain b 120..0 do. -Boykin',- .030 dom.rv<1 I0d6 - do. Clalmn m000do 1.20fd60 do., Miiddleton, .6G&p. 1 o Leave Junction, .671 d. do Middleton, 8, .q do. ' Claremont, 8 do . do.- Boykin8- %910' 0 Ar. at Cate'd, t4h0. f iQ.10 d S mundaysruac &W b Boikia L -s,25.T0do. Ar.Jinton,71O doa Ar ian Jne *3 .i h d THE GREAT MJAIN NUTElNRO CHARLSTON, . CN'~ L4EAVING. the Wharfr at the foot bf1litr a rens-st. daly at.m;,ssrtheiarrime , the Southern-cans via W ~ N WE~LDON, N.C. iER.U G a IfONID,. to gMORE, and PHHiAI The poblic' Is" WT ~ tfl lfi kn~~ the steamers of thii. n-flO f t Wilmingon, are in-firtte Jcobda, oc~ arq.nav tedby wll konnnd s~pd' -- der, thieby accuring both sotadjtaJ. A TH-ROUGH TICKET h~ar been in operation is now continu as manent arrangprmnt from: Chrleto t Philadelphia. Passengersfa'~iilig :hMi1J yes thereof, will have the op either tw continue without delay throhthe rdatew-er otherwise; to stop at eny-of- aienterm at~ pOints, .rgnewing thei25 seats. on Axiie suit their conveniepce. y ai~u94vI lers may reach New Yokonth duririg business houriPI.'Mj~~e i!b 'ticketed on board the stehini'r o dl~ on, likewise on-the, change oiftars, at-thd inter-" mediate :points from. thence to Philidlphia. Through Tickets to Philqe'ha at 20gach.,a can be had from E. WINS the Wilmington and RaleighK R onppy.. at the office of the Company' foot 4f Laupens.. street, to whom please apply." For oih%r 'id' formation Inquire of LC. DUNCANK At the American Hotel, Charlest S. nds2 May 9 49. .Y e BY ROBERLTT Would respectfull annonuec e now in eharge.tna ave Wdillco convenient to the noat bnizines ~tofti Town, 'for trav'ellers; directli on abt' passidg th'rdugh--antd nowifdo ough repalranr He 0arntlyha~ from hi. friends anid the publio-gneally-sfe$ he fee coqteni tha. -tey can'ober-otherut *wise thapn pleased, a. no pains wifle-a-prdg to make all comfortbl.',, A variety of the best, the most favorite brand. of OIGw~jih tbh chnicestbrandsofSearwamnl 'ket conse lyoi Iai ai3tI season.- i GoodStalisi ro0tny iots for DrorD 6id0 always phntyg co aaadff *N. B.-.-Omriibuaes rn 'aiI ii from -tihe ISail. Ipade wh~o cap also be i 'ThG seib4 lot'of Bacon iid which ho"6fbre fon ial low for 041 paper. Appl, to ~ d~t -~Cr4