The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, December 20, 1848, Image 5

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i7I ;V AWitt8 2 Xn. 261841 a th We a orized taan ter 40Munierk OH - noMrdksEX N iE WATS, Eq., DAR OA1dJONidt ,o a a cdectoi of areo leoun atthe esen Eleofth Coii MANY FRINS Ao 1,1tnter "Yttcad biete "-NB40,*SMEEN Aukri-iberh oi8br for ale theTat nwe nowt izve d to an Iounce'd ANI Iy CHBOURG; a can didate or-4h ofClte o ae catthe an wlin;b. 'cgo ibrdlnwt V,* . 1. 6 84 - 3 t g y, Withae andSh root an ..:. OR !tAX (JOLLEOTOL andidatn Tax Colletor of-Clarenin ctty atthea *sulng waection, MANY4FRIENDS. D'LAJ)'OR SALEe' f'scriber efrock for sale, the Tract L~and on which he neov lives, containing Foui H aid od an 'd Fft our Acres; one hundre tnlrot nin" acres cleared andunder iot fenc;g figy ahro of the* same, cleed Ihan winter; de balances timbered land, wit - O rongablo Frame p ellig house (sin gloe with Plaza and Shed ooms ani necqssary. and convenient ,out-buildings. ilehcUthtealthy-good 'water, 'and 'goot rangeT or..JN e- above ld Is situated . onth Charles roead,nine le. below Suinterill a, in ti taelghboirhood'of Bethel Baptish,Chuicb ali Ebters Methdist Church and Priateer I D. *. -, eendant, wosasnifo 0Carson (asMing to purch as had bette co t d see for themselves, ar a good ha, thU may be had. : SOUIk-CAROUNAUMSIMTER DISK IN TIME COMMON PLEAS. b .j Penick wielaetion in Alnach' ded. . D t West, .ebt. Whereas the plaintiff' in this action did oi this -d~y file his Declaration against Beonj. - J . WesttoJd. ondant, who is .bsen fro ad without the' limits of th State of Sout Carolina, (as it is said) and having neithe wife or attorney known, upon whomn a cop of the above Declaration with a rule to plea thereto, may be seried .Iet Is torteur odrda the dpoeed an aopled theet onrfr the motwipenstu f:oth a fiMnextis, aofthwet al n abolcate ardfnein wih then wiln anl f 'ToDos p3r Da. HOES also repi.o hott office, SumtorerstfrGiswilb ta'brMay , 1848, 31 qf tlad CPOVLUMBOTTO S.IN. Kend acus cottyon hand a chicestassorth meat o'Clthsur Cansime, Veostimprve Shirt DawrsunesGove ln ftemssimpl corchiefs Crava, c. ~c.ce inwhich he willr a elrlfoa sho ries.itie All orders for inse country prmtuatne to.atndd o Stet., 848 1845 6m27 l Ale pesconsthaviy n andin a iensst. estt of Cohris, Cssirs Vese ,~ Srtsr. hi ies.d trnoerse fm ltesuted, prmntly attnddl to e:o osi CSaet.o,2Nov18 4 5 5tm Alproshaving any dears againtet ' ste obha.e EnR i,.decesed,ar rum erD arquested to'rhand hem in pprlateed propeaetead all the exetos; saider aEstate will e closneohat ta t te R.. GLIN, Exector. Ct.r11o,234No . 4 5 ft uth eij ;to.1s MackelLmn 1', AI)Bottran hain a ers;'& Lobst, thed ;qs o l. EngBach, aend Lad'fSun ter rleston Brandostid tohandotem inra A. 7<4. P all p.. NA '. .e n~. 1, iee n 4,1Sandipouni page g, e ul uoil],nand for self by dol 1.ii!& W s1 $ GIN HMAKOlTE Wlead'i ard rsapb We are preparqd to execute orders to any extent in the above line, both for new r ork. :and.repairs. Our;Gius are netasurpassed by any made ini th' State, Rossesiig. all the-ad."taksof the Falling Bieast and. Sliding Ribs, saves a groat doal-in way pairs. We also use the. Steel Plate Saws, with teeth set in aii angle that cannot possibly . jure the finstu'taplewith'an improvinent to regulate the mating of the' cotton; our brush i constructedo an,gig at oc, the advautages of lightness,srength and force all very material,in the successful operation of a Gu. We would invite, blanters-to call at-,our shop and examine. for themselves, whilst ie *vould assure the public generally, that they sharll uive nocause to omplam either of our, work"r pr1ices - CABINET-MAKING. are dso prepared to 41 cvork in the Cabinet line-such as Bedsteads. Wardrobes Safes, Book cases, Stands, Tables,Cupboards, &,. &c. at short notice, on liberaltrm. HUDSON& ROTHEL Oosite the Presltrian ch ,r=h. Sumtervile,-April 22, 1947. 26 ly Private Boarding SchooL The'Subscriber desigi& opening a private I Boarding School for Young .Gentlemenn; at his residence ten miles north east of &mntervills, r on thi'nd Monday in January noxt. He feels thankful to the public, for the libe. ral patronago ho has herotoford re'edived,-as Teacher, a4d hopes by strict: intektion to is upl. to merit a continuance of thesame. For furtherinformatio, letters addr s"d 0 to me at Mechaniwvillo Post .)fflne will meet with prompt attention. W. W. ALSTON. Cottage Lovel, Sumter District. Nov.8 -lit SPIL AND WINTER OB IC. UC . GOODS r r Respectfully inform their customers in Sum. I ter and the public generally, that they have received their Fall and Winter stock of t Goods, consisting of FOREIGN AND DOMIESTIC GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Cuitiery, Crockery, Boots, Shioes and Bonnets, Hats and Caps, Bagging, Ropc, andI Twmne, ISADDLES, BRIDLES, &C. And every other article usually kept. in thjeir line of' business; all of' which are offered for Isale at'their usuai low prices. Remember to call at theo CAMDEN BAZA AR, Opposite the Camden Bank, Camden, 8.C 'NOTICE, I have appointed Major William E. Rich ardson my Attorney, immediately to b~ring te a close and settle up all matters and thmngs pertaining to my late Sheriflalty of Sumter District: and request all persons concerned to take notice hereof. All persons indobted to mue are requested to make immediate payment to my said At torney: and those having demands against. me, are requested to present thoem to him wvithout delay. THIOS. J. WILDER. Fob. 12, 1848. 16 tf COPARTNERSHIP. TIhe subscribers beg leave to informi their fronds aml the publbc generally, that they have entered into cop~artniership under .he firm of CONWAY & WINN, f'or the pur pose of carrying on the Tailoring business. They have takeni the New Building next door below China's Ihotel. They intend kea general assortment of Cloths, Can. sim ~Vestiu/gs and Trimmings, and hope oyeI ct attention to business to merit a con mnuanco of the patronage heretofore so liber ally extended to them. A. CONWVAY, D. J. W[NN. January 1848. 12 tf The Subscriber Begs leave to infoi-m his customers and the the public generally, that lie has just r'eceiv. ed a general assortment of MlEDICINES, tthich he will dispose of as lowv as they can be afiorded in this place. J. IL MILLER, M. D. TO PLANTERS. The undersigned has just received a fewv Barrels of very choice CASTOR OIL, for Plantation use, w'hich wvill be sol lower than it can be bought this side of Charleston; also am large and fresh supply of' Glauber and Ep. som u*lts, wvhic~h will be p~ut up in quantities to suit purchasers, at the shortest notice. CamenNov ~ J. A. CLEVR LAND. E 1 .. 1 1 qI ont tor n Iste, a Haing loc-ated hi f iow prepared to -, ke 0 intheab66ve line o I eakid A share of lie - let W 1R UNTE AGENT OF-r'.THEOEMETERY . MARtBLE WOMhIG Otr-All orders byist 0o ;o th iU will meet with prompt en Dec. 22 1847. JustIcie: And for sale b W t r ne stochof .IfNT QOw yE 3.-c. MTJ4-c.M D SOtJTU-CAROLI A.-dI R IN ORN R N H. H. Corbet Jam. Corbett andithors I ppaig to m atisfacto thht SI hen lHank Johnwlooda ind uiia0 Hank, Ellen 1JanksnNJandila Maiytla lariks, MoDufle. ianikgand /t thildren o6fKStebhed Hu nksad ieEt both,-dofdndints iithe bo.Ve staea aae, sidds without this'State: It' is'.tberefre dered, that they: do fippear aniAdbjift*tt Division or sale of the RWa1 Esat- "JA Corbett, senior, deceased, on'6r befozr. t third day of January next 'ofIn eir-ini will be entered of record. '1 , W.LEWI Oct. 3, 1848. SOUTiR-CAROLINA- . MTj R IN ORDINA Mary J. Wells, applicanit, ~ vs. ., Jam. Hodge, and others defendants.5 it appearingr to my satiafactioii tha Rlol Smith and wife defendants -in thel ii00t od came, reside' without the liii~~ft State: It is thrfndisg appoar and object to the''divisI4 or sU th Real Estate of Thoinas BWls oni or before the nineteenth day of Pcif next, or their consent to the se a ilt Ii& tered of record, Ssept 19,:1848. 418 i: SOUTH CAROLNA-stmId 1 DI In Equity. Rossor & Yates, et. al vs. ) il Win. Sanders and ethers.) The creditorsof Sanders and~ Crane a the Judgment .and* Execution. ergditorR .Noah Crane, whose Judgmnents and Execo tions existed at the tirme of the sale of tl propert of Crane &, Sanders iby WniM ca son, t.'yit: the.13 and N 4~ptenb 1838, do file on okth a 'wilton statemeont their demnande, givingj credit for all pymeni and establishin their demands byloga to timony, ly the trat day of January next. Dy order of the Court,., .Co~m. Eq'y. .8. P Sumtorville, Aug. 31, 1848. 48 Sm SCHOOL AND BOARDING The~ Subscriber designs to continuet h School the ensuin .yar, at the: aiie pa aind the Terms oftition andbqlhe a ll tho same, am they are this year. ..4.> .ie also designs to eq~deavourto, brn; us. aid a Lady, accomplhshed in the ipsu o amrentals of the day, the terms'4Wd eorvices in tuit joa shiall not oxc~;' Suterville, Nov. 15th,~.' ~ i Js FURNIT~ifd Jutreceived W fine absortanent fi eu napie and fancy sitthng and Roacki chai :ane and wood seats; tether with fl issortment of Forhitit,'snehrom a Sofa 13Bo ~s' WardrobeBd 2 i't and Plain Dressin Bnreaur P"or se cheap for cash or r J. F. SU ARIND, Camden, Jan 10, 1848. 11 Ut Violins, Flutes, &d. a rebot i ti1 Golin and. Guitar strmn* . lKli. inronsa mid aim er.VJun. .j. TZ Yi~ Q3f S pom %I tt I I "e -N ~~.,- VICZI * woIl ISti ate Io Usipr~~ n To~JLn 4W ~ 10 Sto.2l2h.a12Bum2IdoMI IV n1 f ;~ ee Lb - V- - S A ;t ..l I 4 pvAv. 79 Al 05 4V nw