The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, December 20, 1848, Image 4

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tor 0t4ofn d E hd Ia R.. u di'oidi11idel on ra he29tiqday caidd th1848, Go i rme rny n ri ,i C- i~tie i' ' [jar. t .aL,,on: tidsban 'oh ta f MWworteiht, adeinate 73rd ye a m ar ia an ae ne 4Tes thitiW.~ ot andI asijiin.s tU 10i ~dc, a,1& W. bidi Cann me, - ourvnex.O m C. or. - DJisrict, t. z hMadson 6_11, use n Friday,*the29i n , of cei -iii 43, to he-am wy theea.d adraistra tion should not ho granted.-. Given under_, miyhand antd sieal, tiiilf1th day o'eN6vetnbor, 'if theyear of our s.Lordon6 tliiqiind Ih. hundred and fo t ght 4 in the pro bn -arof tr cric e ' W ileof Capia ad WV. ENW1SPo. a Dec20 8 2t STATE OF SOUTHI CAROLINA, IN THE COURT 0'01MONP LEAS. Cn , W. H. Cannon, * vs. - Ga. Sa. John A. Mason, The Same, - The, Same. ) . Eli Greeg, The Same. b The defendant, John A. Mason, bein con-: fined weithin tl prison boti ds of arngton District. on three Write of Capias ad Satin faciendumn, at the suito~ f. W. H. Cannon and J. Eli Greg, and haft filed his petition Dig or. the benrefit: of the Act of the Geeal Assembly for ihe relief of Insolvent Debtorc, together with a schedule of his as tate and ef'ects: Notice is ofereby. given to all the creditors of the said deednt and especially toW. H. Cannon and AEcitGregg to appear at the Court of Common Pleas, to be hlden' at Darlington Court House. for the District of Darlington, on the third Monday in March next,to shew cause, if any. they can, onhy the state and effiects of e said John A. Mason should not be assigned and e be discharged according to the provisions of oo t we said Acts. t. B. BRUNSON,c Clerk. VErs ad JDarlinEn; to I DI.. t o ~ er, to ol JAMs . ao; hs ofS terltoiCaton B.Man w Itainearestr instalentl be aid by te 0th o.ofthe thesentd mnth watd- h okodr of Mrio ~lpay. ove W. S-AMU. R.. Co. Ec.N nd3 20 8amo ths 2o ari to EDICCo A L S. No~TosE. Su tDr.t ap.R GALUHA ureov t isy-eneshly hpoessialrvibecled b the itizn of ther lSesemo nt.. Dec.2 8, 4t LOST, Ont the night of the 24th Nov. a pair of SILVER SOCKETS, supposed to have been dropped from the Candlesticks to which they belonged, between the Main-street, and New Methodist Church. A liberal reward will be paid to the finder on returnmng th'em to this office. 11TThe candlesticks were used at the Bi ble presentation. Dec 11, 1848. 7 St LOST. Lost or mislaiud about the first of August last, a Note of Hand, given by W. HI. Woods 'to the subscriber, for Twelve Dollars, (612.) dated March 10, 1848, payable one day after date. All persons are f'orewarned trading for said Note as it has not been p aid. - JOHN 0. MCFADDEN. Dec11,184.- 7. .8t Note Lost or Mislaid. Lost or mislaid by thto undersigned, some time between thme 24th ar.d 30th November, a note for eleved Imrdred -and eleven dollars and ninety-one cents (61111,91) given by James D). Mcladden to Ri. . McCleary, or' bearer, and dated 24 .Nov.1 1848. AlL per sons are foreiwarned from trading fortle said note, as It has boon paid. R.. McCLALY. nDe. 4, 1848. n S A-t a ]a '4 I %MrY i .1 -W. 1w QF~u~ *1~ ~~~~" WOU~:~4'I 9~Q #Q o 3 iQ~tOmsfPIUW TJoWiit, -in RilmMe 3uja pamyOU, ftPftiaol.tht a .11 wl tOwg tWio t m;d its non h1 eEia ayj tNia r.o 1 the so mntifenerst u d Iihwo'adsues neu, e r to t ,Naadht q6eenresin itfs!..l 'p~seri~tw~l'~e topate to ich o h . 9- I 8!. e t ahe futue clml'i sult '4d eil' 'e head f siid eheart of tW da W th lifipithatorod, it the soln ieit of him who addresses you, *i~va~dl ~~ralngiTo he' ready to meet yu owe to the State, tfe Union, ~and th ~le.~ onititutionalj liberty. U ;;:t~V q0gr-idal parties to which I~,~nitewe alrea~dy behold p tily dxecute urpose. the other calmlyawait. t slig foqf eveints, without an orga disperse the portentous clouds doi the political horizna. Rely. l~ig~ ~jntie of atheir~ priniciples;, the sionsand moral power of tho sJ4jihe enactments oCCongress; qz$1~i9~iO~qVgollections of the past, and ha capations of the future; our ~ .~ietant to admist, that a disup. ~ Uo~which unites the States'!, pos. S uygsuppoaed cause of internal dis. -~nesrly ,entreat you to ionsider tationrfatal delusion. The doe a ei a'ready registered, that no &emian shall hereafter. sit secure nder his own vine and fig tree. condition of affhirs, the course S t in Statei is plain. Constitu t lpecessity,the couservntive portion ofe IIc,"they are admonished toculti. v r g egch.other a i sirit of comity and kin toAsseardillj alousies, as at once 4'a fiae'atl y are inis chievous; to'contend -- nother in moral, intelletual and hIIO 5I V .9pments: but, above all, to re .bie sorvyilaneo in guarding from pol lttion tji6 procious heritage of a common an. cery. To their spathy and improvidence are lPo!Iiabl the. bold and reckless attempts now o ratioi 'to annluiilate the Federal .Vrtnerppj, by ediiverting sovereign com m i ' dendencies. 8 rap. i~ h. are~ ~tisur :tiens and of euau on i,'tathe South no Tonger etlh(4r6vdr rights ih-t it hus lost, but to Iitses'wicih It yet enjoys. ~~hrWiltl hope, hrowever,, tat God, in* hlrvil avitthe donm wl ich imnpende bdo ydssir. Until the hour of Shal coyme, 'let her constitutional 61 (bo'faithfully discharged by South 'Xihe ieerstime, prepare for every emner A~$f'hefraitor is not he who resists us. t~tinINho who' tamely~ submits to its dqais. In your' repolves, he temperate t'i drkfjl n-lm, rooute and united. 15'1 "lec-prto and advice 6f'~jised cod-partnors bie it your care t#id adioieiul impressed on h':iioli ffidUhion, that South Car. o~ te il .6nesent to meet- in Fe deral cot ineeept ns sovereign and an equal. IM'ie knpw:n,' that youi count all ,dange Iih~ hen compared wth the hazard of pol icu dation. ~4t~ ~ Spodiker, in invoklng the ~r~t i~ fHim who penetrates the in. :4~*s~f~the1uan heart, that!I may - pttrui eservices of t;~'*t~t~Iias ben invited to fill, I say 1oy0 i (rbt- int mresidy to-take the oath MAT A oite 17th inst., by-the Rev fl. G aiha' NTlrr,s Esq. to Mrs 1X&WIDER, al-f futerDistrict. 00NMRATORS. sa ~rpoeI.'wil bereceived by the rgeutil the 25th January next, for NS4G' MATFIAS and BUILD. IG a Y~ts or DIVINE WORSHOP at BepI~~rogmnmn6 of place and specifica tzoqcneseert at Privateer P. 0. -Chm . Copm. on Contiract. an dmands against the thh, will render lad t~ i 11* lgly provqd; all n6 ai , ,ae requestad tecome - dlleDec -1848 Silo I ft oll o 'C Gib 3bda v r m A '3 d of ecemb r n tyero iol fory-ignd ito h Uf Be "~OW:' iy the* 22hil day'fY~~br merican Indeperimenc. W.ITEWIS,'o. S.So *Deai 10, 1818., - '": K.Y SOUTH CARO~lNA-SUMTER DIAT: Wherea Win. Wilson,bath applied to m ro 'Letters of A1ministration on all and 'sin arvIu the 'oo' oful teood dand chattels, rights and cred. its of JohnH. Wilsoi, late .of the DistrIct deceased. - .. ' These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, 4ho Lindrod-and creditora of the said deceased, to be tuld appear beforo mae at ournext Ordinary's Court for. thesai4 District, to be holden at Sumter. Court House on-Friday the 22d 'day of Deceiber 1848, to show cause,- it ay;why the said administra tion AoId' not be granted. . .1 Given underiny hand and seal hi I10ti day of December-in the 'yenr of our [L. s.] Lord, one thqueand'oight hundrd and firty-eigit, and in the73id year of Americanp: Independance. V.LE WIS, 6. i. D" Dec. 13, 1848. 7 South. Caroina--Sumter Dist. Thoi. Chandler & Wife, vs. N. Coker & others. By Virtuo-of an Order from Win. Lewis, Esq., Ordinary of Sumter District, I will sell on the first Monday in January next, at Snmi. ter Court House,.between'the legal hours of Sale, one tract of land containing 450. acres, and one other tract containing456 acresen Pudding 8wamp, and BonnetBianch, Waterdr of Black River;. Bounded by-J J.JMck%4den; Phillip Cokor,. Thos. IL McKnight-and fFq, Rush, originally granted to Robert Fullwood,, belonging to. the Estate of John Coker de ceased. Terms: -On a credit of twelve months (all feei cash) -the Purchaser giving bond.:with good security and a Mortgage of the promises to the Ordinary, for the payment of the. pur chase money with interest from the day of sale. HARVEY SKINNER, s.'s . Dec. 11, 1848. 7 '3t South Cairolina-Sumnter Dist. 8. Coker & Wife, - vs. L. Floyd and 'others.) By Virtue of an Ordor frorb Wrn. Le .vis, Elsq., Ordinary of Sumter District, I wvill sell gni the first Mlonday in January next, at Sum.' ter Court House, between tho legal hours of Sale, one tract of land containing 300 acres meore 'or lees in lower Saloem, on Fullwood, Bay, Waters of Black River; Bounded by iands of Estate of Jno McElveen, F. Rush, Estate of Jesse Floyd, and Phillip Coker, originally ranted to Robert Fullwdod, be longing to te Estate of Joshua Floyd do ceased. Terms: On a credit of twelve rnenths (all fees cash) the Purchaser giving bond with good security and a Mortgage of the premises to the Ordinary, for the payzinent of the pur chase mojney,- with interest from the day of sale. H. SKINNE'R, S. D). 11th Dec 1848. '7t: WA&NTD, A trusty young ngofellow' who is .ac customed to managing horsoa; for such, li& eral wage will be given. Hie is wanted im., mediatey. Enquire at th e Store of A. WITE, & Co. Nov.8. 3. ' t COMMISSIONER IN EQUITY-NOTICE, To Gaardilns, Trusees and 'Rbchirers. All Guardians, Trustees, Receivers and others who are bound to account to the Comn missioner in Equity for 'Sumter District, are hereby required to be- and appear' before said Commissioner at his oflite at Sinter Court House, on the- Tuesdays in yanuary and Feb.' ruary next, to make returns of the est ates in their hands, possession er management, set-. ting forth on oztth, the particulars and, value of such estate, and an aCcount of all rnoney receivedfand p~ for said dstateV, aind to sub stantiate ihe same b.proper and suflelieht. vouchers; also to prouce all -bonds, notes, 'certificates of stock and other evi~dence-'of 'choses in action, which are specified in stid return;- and also. 'all title deedst billd-of sale and other munimrents of title of'property put ,chased b.himi or.hor,.or them, for his, her or -their ward or cesty 'qui trust. Those wvhb fail, rules will be immediately 'issued against them. JOHN B. MILLER, Com'r. in'.$quity, Sumter Dist. Sumter Court House, 4th day of Deceinber, 1848. . 0~ tf Negroes Wanted. CASH will- be paid for K" few. PRIME YOUNG NEGRO MEN--their having a young family with themn will be no ~bection J. BRADLEY. Statoburg, May 24,' 1848. ' i0tf f~94 Au o 44 4 ed AA n as suit of i p of the.o i e Skat t B'io YSxitblf inCarJidni i f Stiukp i -fg. Ses at sui 4 OTBA One tr 1lsid uorles lejliupInd 1atWd. ani ot Harvin. inCrleon, adioini ansi andJ Jqbn Wf, Ridea~o~d N- n~t ti H. Woods. prty of A .e t.Aand~cas Zo &ChiiAo eley.escsi ne iacrerdan4 iCuno,~ligid of T. T. TofnA O aril levied ! V . we 3 caeso 4 ba andadd . o & Thos. Me . . aore. off Mand i d jdin Is tyrJar. neot, ithi theaths o saldwtie higha s t idea, a tol andiu M.rsoia opery.Pnhaer Thoy Mc'-itoe UHEFSN s pMiyofirtue of 3,id-.iskadwicelti,~ h u 1 hre,d1ve na~h~r r o Wil'. oldat S4il-t ofn1id1 on, t firt: d and 'w Ja netro, wihin ea houir sale, to the highest bidder, for.Cash, theffol. lpowg ersoa. Tlroperty. eurchaser to aychbo,4tses. 1 negroe levied on as thero pety of e Ei at m ithsie of 3i M. BLiowih. 1 hoego lovindo as les pro partyofL M. Darwiche, at the uitfd(Waa 2 negros, leid on as h pro perty of . ..ntle,t the ut o.. 1; negroeslevied ox stpv perty of 1k . . Belser, at th sut of Wan Ma'elltt.C.uksan 3.&1.o 12negroe, levied on asithe pro pertyof .l. J. Ber,t the suit of .Jo W.AMs.ndrs ..Coleloses . 4 negroes, leyied on asitbhpft petty of 1ar.T. iert, at th iso Sitc Jane lapW.Due and H Meele sMl sey.n 1 negro, levied on as the pr rt . 6Br t h.suit 1 neoe, leve on as er prrt of . Du &elost athe uit W.hAdson,&C.'css 4 negroe, levied on as ther pro *perty of Arki A . 'Dittlns , a the ut ufi. Jamey Du&Con. .H Pelsad' 1 negre, levied on aste r erty. of Jhang Jeig, yat the. sui' Vm. Les Ormay .I negro, levied on aster porty ofn. .FMellt, at the suit of qjm 1 negro, levied on as the prc .perty of .1a. A. Nettrlo, t the u ts oft L.n Chilley an &Wle 2css an horus, hoevied nd kia~ifr . &r, lot porks aso. on cti~ a-1~ nr, leviflon as tpoer pA. of. Wm.ite, at thea suits ofo~ '~lmtli J.ahssb and F. Hlledanea. 1 niegro, levied onas the pre perty of U. . b er ioat, at the sitfJn Cl3tinar id &Steen' ake cae 2 negroes, and ons u pgoetndo an..s, ohnl nd. MKight o.M.ieatthe suit s of 'VSamCollogh pDrycoemtbert1 iWata tesi.o :4 0~~iM. - AT~ NV 44 T 4.1 n -- - - ik ,. It I .* --* be-v A Tra } -.' - t n -- hav acc~ be expe ~t~ 1 -- tt Chavs plean hs whot hner t raH 3t thosan phngmiy g05,5tf withk* t oeeive a j d ?i oram n (v~~1 W Jigi I theansu~ 4na ? I 4Fortp