The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, October 11, 1848, Image 3

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Jt wasok~d Cla~e EwuI~l that odmoi ! - qp to PHI 4pm the; J o nd. riyuan .bqings have een cast out on the world's lle com naii of Sir }Will'm Fizger aldat Lis h4 I .hs lidusds-a tumbled, I vr, hr pht. aa ~d tW~4i. - -jected for non-pf tht- ent." t hhCairanon Brtaneh ib u1Mvd1!tfit6i-6nCi helfr 641% a'' IdfwitWW'areinbthokriired to tG thAt cto tViltlbotebifa hf thilCom'tnr'ttt'k Point, ,B4tfdlfht8erketeittDkins Tui-n 'O(ftidlNK brddlivered'athere," iroWded'sthi owner gives notice to the ageni at the'f-n "Outthit- faggoiioill' bin'rehdidthsdtore. -d4ie it .t audi ti: as said ogent "naf 'ai SCaeden Joai h "1k t$& T411~t Ig valunsaf 'tliudt'o -,4teJuily 31, 1845. :dvMub "POPE NEVER: DIES." *5466wittibdiriary *irtues bf'Wistar's Bal of .,on~ a la~uMNg,-lenttestedl y somtany ththadobtaits efficacy must io ohathain, n hca :at to us byDr.Herrick, an eninent'phydiLagof -that -= W iv wh' pe:nissiin to'refer ig~aipy V1 -Iad longlabored upder an a ctioblofitbblengs,,and who had been un. eriecuiiye ltaf, was coniired by hei mie.p.q..b 4o the reach of pnodicine, and - se 'was informeduby her medicalettendatit th it sl niust die. All her'own premonia y ild to the gr'v. Fortunate. is nduced.,t send te theKindderher. hoo uokstre-for a-bottle of -WISTAti BALSAM OF WILD CIER Wa's^Ii*t i-eoit in'ber critical situation. 'Be fo sfgytents were exhausted, the young -ladiJesperienced great ralief, and two more Soems were successively procured and ad k e * now happy in the restor. ki ofheath, and blesses the day when she itM. orted to the une of this healing Bal. Not gep. ' ind ui!evs signed I. BUTTS Sntlie-w-rapper. F ' ala in Sumterville by Dr. J. .I. MILLER, tt the Drug Store; and hb ryb&gits rener:lly ini outh Carolina. -pDeparted-thie dife. Sept. 28, Byunx EnvIN, olrson of :Dr. J. E. and M rs. M I. Byrd of BIritten'e Neck, S. C. aged, 2 years and 8 1 ltuibates. SO R S HE R IFF.. . ,Sa.a 'mathorized. to - aUn nt#.il2AY-RGOON, Esq. a Candidagfpt146 Office of Sheriff of Sum tz-We are4uthoriued to ~naigpce gol. JQHN' .C. RHA ME, a candi. 4atpW4o the office of Sheriff at thle ensuing Election. *fepkt27, 1849. - 48 tf .M-The Frienadi of Ritch~ard B. BROWN, announca liiin as a Candide~t #f mt h'e Ui'ef Shdriff ol Sunflr' Districl at the enuuing'Niecion. Sept. 20, 1848. 47 tf * 3-W.are authoriied, to announce . Major JOHfN BALLARD, as a candidate for trheriff at the ensuing election. April 28th,' 1848. 20 tf -r 0'E hcie n~lds of Williana A. COLCLOUGH, Esq, annone him as a candidate for Sheriff at 'the next- Election. April .19, 1849. .25 F OR CLERK. . Mr. Editor :--Pietse 'announce iOHIN DARGAN JONES,' all a candrdate for re election .to the office' of Clerk of 'the Court for.Mumter District, and obli '(he -Ari *4 28 MTEnrI us. ~~aei~ihoi~e toa n, 28; 1846.8 ~ ~ '~.... Dr. U.' gd l par. is16Debt nexte Ad Sa~mX'..umtdr DIstriot. ',: 49.. Oad -, F glishi W00A L F-W a audi G-Hed - . ,Gurd M1 Gordon, Jn as rdn H-tg atMel J-nauiel Yn. -N J LJ4wreo os Locklayer. Ml-Col Af~ 3f a D MoFadden, Alexr lipg,D James MieCauly, Samuel AA Oh:%, cAeen. N-Miss Aa a P-James T'a in ate. R--Wm Ri dn, J. Re:art, E. P Richardson, Rifrs,ln ( Reily, Potter Richardso M-Dr C C84i is Sugnna4 Smith, Wm J t4 n,, Sturges, -oses L t F aD i Rv lin . i 0 James Weaderhetm bxv '-JHENMM4AYNS WORTH, P. M. JUST RECEIVED, 500 Packages ofBoots,'Shoes ailBrogahs, which tebst]Ibidoies ei A Vhbleiale andietail on thie'most rehsdnable tenni'? Merchants aend Planfers' li'igi Sumter Diptrict,.will do ielfio i'll anf en amine o stoclfbefer'e urchauing elsewhere. We w'6i1lll joiir attenti6n to our stodk of. extra heavy Brograns, manufactured expr'ess. ly for Negroes employed 6n "the tail Roads and PlAntation. - , " SWe. have,:ilso, 'a splendid assorti'ment df Gentlemen's *Boots,.and Iddiesi' Shoes; -a usual, together witli all kinds of gbods- kept in aShoe Store. We~would also, invit tKe. tention ofthose wishing tiyutphassHatas itals, our'-as sort.ment of which is inferior to none in the State We hae te'ceived'per late Steitner 94Cases of fine Tashionablelobr; Mole Skin and Silk Hatm; also, a large stock of mediuni, low crown and .broad riIm black..s (drab HJat. Also, a splendid assortment of men's, boy's and children's Cloth, Velvet, Fur Flush and Oil Skin Cape, of the latest and most approv. ed styles. Call and examine at the Store of, G. Ml. THOMPSON, & Co.. . First door below the Mlarket. P. B. A large stock of Wool Hats and Hair Cape, for plaiitation use. Columbia, Oct. 10, 1849. 50-4t Dry Goods in Charleston for FALL TRADE., The subscriber respectfully solicits the at tention of his friends and purchasers gener;. ally, to his stock of Goods for Fall sales. He has recently received and opened 300 Packages of New Goodsr making the largest, most- varied and elegant. assortnent he has ever exposed--consisting of every variety of New and Rich Dress Goods, Shawls, Visettes, Laces, Hosiery, Linens; Linen Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, Embroderies, Prints, Long Cloths, &c. &c. His Domestic Goods' Rooms, are as usual, wvell stocked with a great variety of Fabrics adapted to NEGRO WEAR; such as Ker seys, Plains, Jeans, Sattinetts, Stripes, Cot ton and.Linen Osnaburgs, Blankets, &c. He is ahao prepared to supply Planters in any quantity, with the same style of Negro Plains he has sold for the past two years. Samples of these Goods will be sent to any person who tnay desire, and all orders shall receive prompt attention. Planters and others visiting Charleston will find it for their interest to examine this stock, as it will be tound one of the most Extensive in the Southern Country, and he is enabled to oirer Goods at prices well worthy the attention of purchasers. E. W. BANCROFTr, 253 King st. Charleston, S. C. Oct. 1. 18 tij BL.INDING & DESAUSSURE, ATTORNEYS AT- LAW, Will continue the Practice of Law and Equity in the.s District, and wvill attend punc tually to business placed in their hands. Sumaterville, Oct. 2, 1848. 49 4t IBREA0: BREAD! .The subscriber respectfully informs the imhabitants of Sumterville and vicinity, that he has opened a BAKERY for the purpose of supplying Bread, Biscuits and Cakes- of every description at Charleston prices. Families wvishing to be served with Breadh every morning ii please leave their orders at the store of C. I), Gayle. 'Thei subscriber trusts, by strict attention and punctuality, to solicit tho patronage of the public. -- C. D. GAVLg. NOTICE. The Subscriber off'ers for sale his TRACT OF LAND in the. Hand Hills, Clarendon District, containing lf00 acres, and adjoining lands of WV. H. Bi. Richardson, R. C. Rich. ardson, and .John J. Moore, Esq. The well known healthiness of' the location renders it highly valuabig .as .a .Muanspor residenm e. l''or .further inforinition, apply to -HI. L. PINCICNE Y jr., at Charlestons or address 1SANN, staesburg 'W~ W ALKERg Drawers, Suspenders6love,44ndkrehlefs Cravat., &c. ag# ith'diFo a at reasons t~lopri~g., $l q~hvr f -o .t6 contry 1lat toutoe -MLAW A - 6 P, tqce~ ntento o AMany -18 4 434 2 -R ." .UMT E Y T V. Wdbid.rbie''tuy uf t o it 4if Suntorville and t t eiy th hehispponod lt1' t rvila a koponstan n -mape dIWsteadsfM? anid Di vanis, Centra tables, Sitting Chaiis of etery' d iierl Mahogany Rocking and Nursi Ch'Irs, do. Doston Rockers and'Nuniing beal, (tnkidle'stands, &c. &c. "Aliso; o at - I-6 URNITU RMDEB!IREPalR f attheshortesi otie 6'. The :tabscribe r hapek. . Z !71 t~ftion, to businessin aeri Mot the bzblic patrodge. D )8 sept.i27,1848 8 NFEAMElDEKAM, FOR CA DEN AND ALL Itwh-iN TEllMEDIATE 14ANDINg8'- 106t known" te'nei DEKALB, WI ')rtILhi bok xaster,, V in Ieudet haul ad ,'yal ifl eith Frebt on t 'aj We,&W t despath. 141 Ship'pers'of Goods iij 'ely P" their being ,forwarded with promU s river being in'fide 6rad, hmd atsl. a. they can buentbyapy, othericpsyeance Any Goods now bei lande may, a to the-Agent, and will istred frefcr until she is ready to take ,them . ,T Boat throzgl4out thejppason 1i9psit #t'pny and everylndmn onte ravembt going and coming, for a .single packag* enlyr R vided the. freightkis paid h1e 9.he Agmst at Camden are Messrs. P.'. VRLLEPIGUE & Sons. MARTIN, STARIR & WALTER, Sept 14646 ? t4, Co4 -..6, RAIL ROAD. This Road is now open for the transporta tion of Paiseugers and Fre'ht to Boykin'. 'dm Out, d distance of 8 miles from Cam den. A passenger train will leave thaTurn Out daily 5 hours and-4. minutes, A:j~g,,to don nect with-the Car, on the .South-Carolina 'RaiI-Roaif for Caehtonfind Hamliurg. .Returning in the afternoon the tratin reseh es the Turn Out 5 hours and 30 mun., P. M. connectingatthat point with the line of Sta ges for Raleigh N. 0. via .Camiden and Che raw. The Accommod tion Train to Colmlia continues to -run as heretofore. .JOHN McRAE, Eng. Cam. Br. Sept. 4, 48 . 8t ATTORNEY AT LW, SUMTER VILLE, . c. Gl'ifice fourth door above Mr. Jacksson Moses~ tore. - May 17, .1848. 29 ly -SOUTli-CAROLNA-8UMTER DIST, -IN ORDINARY. Mary J. WVells, applicant, Jas. I;Iodge, and others defendlants. It appearing to my satisfaction that Robert Smith and wife defendants in the above stat ed case, reside without the limits of this; State: It is therefore ordered, that they do appear and object to the division or sale of the Real Estate of Thomas 33. Vells, dec'd. on 6r before the nineteenth day of December 'iext, or their consent to the same-will be ost tered of record. , , ''i sept.19, 1848.6 48 (8,) 12 . NOTICE TO DROVERS. - The undersigned -would respectfually --inie form the Drover. .of Horses, Mules, ic., 'that has specious STABLE ROOM,'E~ts, ~&c., ready to receive quantities of Horses, Mulee,&c. Also, aplentyof Cor and .Pod der, warranted not the wew etep; and chebper ,thant was ever sold in this. Distript at. his season. Call at the stand formerly occupied .1.s' E. C.'$ ngland, Fulton, Sumter .District, * -. .. A. ABRAHAMS. S.dep.2Q,.1848,. . ..47.. tE .:J'Thq Camnden Journal wil~pleaso copy tone month and forward bill to the subscriber fdr 'payment.' T LQOOiHERE.rg SThe subscriber has'.iustreturned -frotn' -jhe North with refull anA welfisilictd *uikKnaakdries of everydeparptiad..u. The above etockis the 3a, t~ista over been otrered in umtervlfen Hasbee. woleted with great'caer'and casii Tail to please. P Jurchaserg may expect tobdgebs gains for Cask. - - T1he -subscriber tis.t greatfal as. knowledgin'ente fer pit AVQT~ a frie 5Qstseli t' ienoe#aI of. patronag. :. - , .a 8 toval - p 4 y d Nsre~ a.ruual ofon shb ih1a~i~ torsi h 041e hAn Apea fore me ato ~t r 4Cr fo e -e, e dn1 a -mum- Court, yf rctober, i the yqac oflourl L 53 Lordep~phoul ight' 1undredland - fory~igt,- aidin-fle- 72j'-esr of, - ;D. 80UT-dAnd'LINiA.SU ITmiM DST. l8H ,IV. LE IVIS, Bsq.,'Oh'diniry. fWr Ads t S ty ath a* lied to Me larThsoo h4 a~el rights nd c deceased. t i Theie jir, ti-e oiet t 'eke and adninish all and singular, the L indred and creditors of the said-deceased, to be and appear b'forigme it-ou'neixt Ordinary's Coirt :for theo.sald. Distribtit 6be holden at Sumtei Cburt Hotiie on Friday, the 13th day of October 1848, to shew'thbe/ Aifi,f whyhhb!aidaiidistra. tionsqhquid. netsbeLgrante4.... . -. Misei AuideY my hand anisa91this -8rd day of October in the year of our [L. s.] Lord, one thousand eight hunred and istVif-diit, id in the -7ivd- year of Ameyrcan Independence. W. LE*WIS, 0.- V. D. OctoberiA 1848. 49 S0E'hkM-IA6IN.--SUITER DIST. IN ORDINARY. . H. II. bq4 Jas. Coqbtt and others. It a ringto my satisfaction thif -Ste phen fL, anika, 4ohn Woodi d andi wifi, Louisla IfInks, Ellen 11ankir,''Jani Ilank's, Martha H(Anks Mc Dufflie Hnks, and thers, childrin of Stephen llands 'ind wife 5liza both,- defendants in the above stated i.ise, re sides without this.State: It is .herefore or dered, that they do appear and object to the Division or sale of the Real Estate of James Corbett, senior, .decepsed, on or before the third day orJanuary next, or' their consent will be.gotered of record. W. LEWIS, o. S. D. Oct.;3, 1848. (68.) 49 3m E, FULLINGS & CO. CLOTHIERS, And Dealers in Hats, Caps, Trunks, &c.; I door below I. D. Mordecai's, C 0 L U Mf I A''B . C. E. F. & Co. keep constantly on liand a largo assortment of Geitlenei'd and servants' Clothiig. of every description, - And make Garments to measure in the modt Fashiona. ble'style, at the sh6rtest notice. Oct.4, 49 Gm SCOTT & PLAYER DEALERS IN *HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Blacksmiths, Carpenter's. and Tanners' Tools) Mill Irons : Also, Groceries, Paints, and D ye S t uff' linseed, Sperm and Whale Oil,' &c. &c. &c. NO..., MERCHANTs7 R1OW, COLUMBIA, A. C. Oct. 4, .49 6mn DISSOL.UTION. The Drug Business carried on heretofore under . the firm of MEL.IETT & BRU~soN, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The subscriber would very respectfully inform his fermer customers, friends andl the public generally,.that it is his purpose to continue the Practice of Medicine and Drug Business in this place. Thankful for past favors, hope by strict attention to business, to merit fu ture patronage. . rf1ave and will constantly keep on hand for sale, a large and fresh supply of Drugs. Medicines, Pamnts, Oila, D~ye Stuff', and eve ry other article that is common to a Drug store. R1. SIDNEY M ELLE TT, M. D. One door wcest of Mc Lea n's old stand. NOTIOD. The undersigned being desirous of bring ing her business to-a close,n-rq'uests all per. sons indebted to her either by Note or open Account, to call and settle up. R. SOLOMONS. sept. 26, 1848. 483 8t NOTICE. All persons indebted to David Solomon. d'eceased by Note or open Accouut, are re. quested to come forward and, settle up as longer indulgence cannot be giv mn.. R. SOLGiMONS, Adrn'rz. sept. 26, 184$. 48 3t NOTId7!& The undersigned would - respeutfully in. form the Public, that his present stock- of MEIJCI*im were purchased in New York, (and with a few exceptions) from the Manu tacturers. P'ucchasers may rely on theirbe. ing fresh and genuine. ' At .I. I. MILJLR, . . ttesign of the Golden Mortar. $umterville, S. C. NOTICE. ApplictIf6W dill b9 mad at'the iiext sea sine of thd Legislature, to indorporate the Village of Klngstree. Aug 1t(~1848 42 lainf3m Appalitation vill'he made to the .gisla ture at its next seusion- fot a 'cherter of. Brderrs i6Cek 'w av~ i (8 hd) -WM: N M4NI& . V11 t a tion tobus neastoteea h1 HENRYAi L~ w~H Sept. 7th, 1848 1I"B.-One of f6 IhbiNofthern cities bi Iwo" I W.0sale " I o a AA C Ww known) -~bs~lc ai uI~ Win. iiaii the end - Noah C tions ei - farMO AERIO rsnyiig -, een Iijsu The sabec rerlie itdt fat or-anythingp purposes, hmd tora- UfiaeFof ro. Itsel ted-to-press fpo aut five hundred four halfyards o aud that-with rPersonaowiph ib build thei will be * e *tba hil1eft ian dimensiona for Twenty Dois, The subscnibeR info tm lie .that they now e' : cMechanics t neScauhave by onw 8nIe - wortho 91&pr * AnI. mation wanti , a to V: IGON We, the undevsigned,T Nafonti ouras~ nteighbour aud the pulic, tat ietill' tintue canyngon t~'above buai -n 16 ton, abeuie e6iM.L y~as~* the public tiver road. greaful .*ek . ntearthe -l~~ port webhehd solicit a cotlaiie' fter srp~,. The subscribers alsifyinfortn ha1I~iu Seith's Business, and would be glad to ab. tain one inmediae -L., H. G. DESCHAMP S -July.12, 1848. . - 3, "RemovaL. A. LOMhY!A tikesithais nehd ing his friends a:WtI~pbicjD*Ie,* hhas removed to Manclqiuoid ed an elk&ee ut~eOddn he'will sell l6effd Case rutymdi or will g've,thie tysual credi ta'~ta .10JST'lRECNIVEb PER WIL RQAD~ 200') pounds Bacon, shbuiders' 15 sacks salt,, 10 boxes op. .3 boxes ~i V* All persons ligvln de mhndn gan. Estate of A. H. Bucaadeee.*3 please ' aset thiem d~l ~eti; ts nted te the said 'etIW make-payinent. - ' -SARAH-i BUCHANAf' d'j - ate payment to.* t Oa i SSeptP42 onstanus, amsamanwee4me Cesdewt/iC. Ang. 1 V