'.P.4'0 t r t JONE8 AD, aicnddaebfo Dsrcen ol h atore authorie t niunco-DAN E se an* nouRe en -~~~ AX 6 E l4 &cdidate forte-e6 sk thih un It. a.,168 a LEC Ofr ~ houdosIArIELhIze tanuc O NET S can for-the 46e o a.Coie frCaeotcnf - at the ensring-e 87edito am ouret announe iJO __ r~e~J~fic of lerk.f~toof wrfWe ari auhoizefio'w LIAM G. BARRE' ,.1nc E - aR i'eindidaifa Tax Colletor, at thi n -Eleclion IMEPROVED COTTN elm8 Thankful-for pu favors,-the.subscribes dmaa to inf6 m the '.p bli, .that he still _vrsCsiCouton Gns at ;his,.eAblisit. At 8taeburg on the most imroved. and approveA * plans of the most simple'zonstuci tin, of -the'finest finish, cand of the b"ohae terials, to-witt B..teel 6atos, ang 'tee *Ribs case hard d, in \vhich he will." n Two ollars perSaw. HIe also repairs ol Tii Coeput- thm in codplete ore, at th ioTehtak ice, All''d forsftGinh Willbe, brsil ot iruallyittended to.b WILIAM- EIJJSOIMv Statebu, May 1, 184ote .27 tij Dry Good in aorlesteo .. The saubscribe:would invite the attniih --. Twoanter and Families who may visit C refit rtiatoko,.. ... . It IC6FINCY, ANID STAPL E9 ahoastseasn,'em in ablet oder, rat -i duceets than Aoder for.to hil rind Thed uscrbern wonuden invites atten .t ingmdlae dton to his tooKnath MotExAtensive in Country. It is intended to embrace every article in therDry Goods Line. Our front sales room will contain a coin plete assortment of .L~DIES' RICH DRESS GOObS ilsMusn,H Brges, asmer,Alpac $Aiinillas, Visettes,.4c. '.GENTLEMEN'S GOODS. Linens, Linen Fltries, Hosier , 4.o. 4c. Iii our Doinestie Rooms will be found. a . . . ery full assort,*nent of Domestics. Negro Geiod., Rljankets, Onaburgs, &c. &c. nd :ourstockf and prices well worthy their tenti, ru., o p-dttisdpr. Oniifacilties for purchasing goods, as-e prices, as defy com tition. 253 King st. Charleston, S. C. N. B.--In our wholesale rooms, we offer a large and well selected STOCK .to Mier \ehants for cash or approved paper, at such * .- prices as are well worthy the attention of -close buyera, 'for close' markets., March,1848. 18 1y COPARTNERSHIP. . .The subscribers beg leave to inform they usrede and the public generally, that their inaerd:tp .coartnership. under the -of~ CON N M ~A.&.INN, jotthe'pur. . 4- .. 4carnn th Tailorin liusinesa. - ..tacithe New Wuilding next 1vChine IHotel. They intend neral assortment of Cloths, Cam. - e estings and Trimmings, And, hope I~W~ ftion~ bpslnes. to merit a con.. ~.inul o the nage heretofore so liber. -ally extedo to m~ O W Y -January 1848. 12 t A ~RTNERSHfr PQr g ,~h~rrers hay nr. assoct dt~ -- - e mnder the firm of A. 3. & P. OE8, ri upoe~ ofd.ransactin aieta or ~espectfu jy solicitaW~~ - - ~N~. .3. MOSESR C ioer ut i Feb:8NBL 'West India Preserveipr preservd pinde m~or an lierre S -A and L os . F su" receie'd by- LEV:,, CaMdNen . 98 F e h~8t0 h i.-3ist frienids and ti yio blcit -ho h" openied a idt quwateib,*ti- 4ig OR A EA1 to acco~inm 3 he 1W;thidW ai hpes bypeo' bsn, t n 'e r i a is tiota ll tat i Fe 131.r 0 A' b. I VVE weith iei unstom mrach r red tW1oth-. t Iud wel seleed stock of.-CLOCKS, WAEHE al K1nick KackeesI~af Evs; .ua 4lse-rAbeen l u ofery i S ntrvlf. Haste receited byt gra~ii,an caatf aiy gamdeor Cas. C- e~ 614 f . The ubscrbrb r~aetur hinotral ac k~nds aedetfo th bi geay, a b holst oeneda lo pa n uet, ba quate o aulleFR EMAlDjOYT, N~ ocke s - ~dl~s-t gepaared a utsl in oal htma Theundrsine -havngethis Tad hesubvscinbtebsua Pratried fro Ade thoeNrmowtafuAl and &wl see~d also forxthe stocis th adto~a a their freen ofe$lat~ri . Harge.-a Teyte ihave ' r, ndd la n a t a-ga d f rsh e Mayt 2i0, 8ej y4I~7 Th'e NiuscTb O tN. uewersind hvngto thi wic ibhere atortmnt 49sn try-ah alofornd furany copjtry Mof ringh ter DtrUQ Unees ta sinW interis p thel roseyes the couatr fords at'( ce y29 libral'paronage Regular sRStonersWa (jtig T e resrbe-j~ Netokad hretn tyrspl o SPRake not UMfRA(OO~ Ther a~ortn~n i~r~a~ evry n~it~t '~bfoud luanycoupry re~nI,~tb* 84~e *k 1 H.wi 1bE Sf. -4r d for asalbthou e stocho PMM I8 HAAIIYE :. 'e n is *v m Gtmtexctal yr Cu.2r, ou 1 Nr H wiji adtsItshOlorfowi JesREyTeAW, Afralteebyt Camdrilen hi. C.a ttend the Corts, ofKeDrshw Smter,~ sU.HMERLLE8.MC. Office inthe rea of th Cour Iloue, i ithab omeryocpe byBadn & Deausr.288 3 t ATTORNEr ATLAW,. Broad-teret, am.n &E. 10 doens te Cortso esaw utr Laca "e a paie, (London)s. SUMERILLB. CN . OCASH i bhe read ofoa fhewCr .PIMEso thunt formely wothupimd byln & Mtayeb17, 1fayM8. ToJox Fa } es. Wne N3.Bas ketsCaolag, btr ntn adns 10idoze Porere, Flursh, rcesasrld Almnds aipin a, (Lo fuitdo uter 4GENT OM iECEMETEjRY youw"'Allwit orde . wlettrootwis Dtaeb.22, May24 188 ~' doiFar,'6es Nt .Mcaol ose.i E tin, arns Giner resrve, Fnh racers hasd ; Alod, RasnP~,Be itBttr Lad c &.&. stateb 13. & .MSS v Sw. A 88i r ~4fnp ~ Ca gaech~ Ing an - -exce 1h A - && ~t A #.I D '1 d - - 1 - 4 t Mr, ti--t it *,t