The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, August 30, 1848, Image 2

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A- -j 14 -i% --- - t - - -4 - - *- -7 -~~~~~ - -J ' --- -7' 1-- - -I -il -W-N: Isk are. ~T ' or,' requalte&any, t.ed to give fadiaiful a 1 1YU R ,,TOLL, get, 14m.fiLL, well known,, made exipressy tAob earling-'- ihe subscriber ormIills, will bepompt Ild(McCREIGH1T. 0 cm.4 fsertitae h er resi Wynga0rt:Of. the: Village of :1Dellng use, which nely and, nstuct pczl contan dr'ng.: " ly upon pess recon-7 irabli fsor a r d Sum~aZ tet ie ~ 'b~fathuly tio ~or the the 4~fhI ind 8 e frs~ tlad j.3n'~oarng '~he pie r Mlls wil b prmpt 00, 04 ".ddPui~ BOA k .41, Ir. &c 1A. A- Ek.ND o1-- -- Ferl n poi cobitda Cmd,8. M pa e e 4erl A a& nt o C An, nie for edlcnee cnnccted with t lis ment. nA.C. T~ *ibedriber will . e in WV hln the month of -Auguut~i emenente-by which- ho y 4pii horest:. I pnd at leat ea , 0acjes fTAn o, reof' vernment cr' fi ti ach ,msinber'o he a. ch, deeased blemi~ lb. bapp npc his ~t ora)P :'tio a.7 Sea I his-dpa,&C ESDBLANPING. tily 21, 1848 > ~ 39 4 u CA. -SMTER DIS'J Elijah Reynods .)Declaration in 'A vs. tachment in Assus Isaac D. hitworth sit. Whereas the Plaintiff in the above stE case having thismont filed his Dedhirath against the e t, h absent fro and without tA e of t tate, (as. It sald) qud havid byi~ wife nor Attorni kno iacopyr of the aboveD e ead thereto, may 1 served :'It is therefore in prisuaince of ti Acts of the' General Assembly or the Sta . such cases made and provided, Order that the Defen Iant d6 plead thereto oh or b fore the ei4t!t day or June,'A.;D. 184 othe Ris a and abselute jud ent w be th ven and d inh him.. OIllesc D . Pleas, S irt. J. D. JO ES, c. c. c.r. June'23. ( : t 4 - qflryd WILL RECEIVE TO-MORROW A chodistock of Grocerlee, consistings 4 11nne b n or, 2H s bacn ~Sides,'f -- o D 1 barrel Reynold's Hlama, .B 'it and soda Crackers, . I 8~,Lobsters; Ginger preserves, serve dIa reserves, n p ae, Let n , &c. &e.;s m aiye o les a sorted. a te anstie d y Goods. Broivn horn ,ns.srted; Cotto~ Strip u&d.;' ~ Ntg Grass srl do. d Box. Won biayofhDpt"A' dral era;JWs ana ) Ga1o~oy~ eni 1h do.; A finde 1(nd aslt jus,,enders. 'be very low for caw - ,g. 0,148- L B. IIANKS. SHOES ! SHOES.!! The subscriber would 'respectfully infor his friends and the public generally that-1 J~esconstantly on hand, aometasaoi .fo~ dif gro, and Welt 8~e~hch I will dis of on the 'most re oni6htorn wqftng themn to wear as well asany 3.10RGAN. Aug1. 3848. 40 tf Wbu fft ears TO bnar ld iitnot at and e sn~ ~ 4~ ruption f~rm te tq n D Anfe~cn6f~ alibin 1 f 1 t, A liI v a P. eao cn~~iihyT sp~~~d~o e Wh in the g akti d twhi Il I *book ~fsk ~ r and theriih a oh olitterd didep c ieritnetswouldieb e J. owera of paAthis aoKto o be a otra ture, a ougim y e "ver Snors tineve less on w o er-lsola M , b, ~)z ~Slig: &loa4ure 460~~t~ ioj1 t proIV(, inntW handsi aIlcdilous 4aes wi ot ll be ablo bear e comi 4&6'bi iefi't!k t ~i~pjtoikra s o -tn cunt c6u1 ~l~ld~i~~l heaigatdr e hpb t' 224fi~ebOWfortify hli undersk -1 lt l iaboiurs o insTil thi tant il nqnn~et essided -and tho sesi ofiu drudgery of scho studies, w goin school, substalitiuily' overcoine. Many genis, that Ile dee ly imbedda in 'u ignoilee, by a philaniro by of this sort, - might be brought out to 'N line as. stars of 4 sohne pingi.ude at least, Mhich left to erdina ry haphazard, can never ichieve muc. a True, we hive somo brilliani instances of selffrmation, which should stand as beacon lights to'the .erld; yet we do feel, that a s warm-hea'ed officiousness in a mat'er,.we conceive of ith nhonint, would be the dictate of an unsophisticated benevolence. With much respect, yours, le ~ ~~ W G. B..-.'.._ 0 Sumterville, 28 June 1848. FOR THE DANNEn. 3, PATRIOTISM :-3r s . M. 11 It has been often charged upon the scrip tures as a defect, that they do not sufficient]* C .cute the virtue of patriotism. If indeed, hlrge were tcell founded, we do not see, it could militate against the truth of re. ion. .But it ifalse, and must have or iI S d in ignorance of, or inattentidh to 31e iib we carefull examine the Old Testa nment, we shall, jn.this, sacred injunction: "Pray, f9-je aalem; they shall prospes'itovothTe devotion of the, Jews .yI)t .' was ~ roverbial their3 aBW .was ardent ad sincere, espe ci J~rJerusalems, "the centre of their hap p~nI~'bo~p.Aof all the endearments of lif.".) Whenbejho and beauUV'city was destryd Je.Babyloniu ~l~ysurren ' der jems j to an mncons)&legrief, and i~ hov~te 4~irloss in the most piteou termns: "By" hi ers of Babylon, there we eatdown, yea, we wept. when we remnembered' Zion. I U.We .hanged our harp upon the willows in el a thami 1theroofa * * *: * 4 Hoiw rag lan ing the'Lord's songI eiatne lotn'ih forgot thee, O -selemyrgthand forget her cunmn * If I do not remember thee, let my toanue -dceane to the. roof of my mouth; it 1Irefor not Jerusalem abore myj 'li a jy." ilsbisii *the language of strong at& jent--and at m tachmnent for. the land of thu.fathers, the e so romils, wich ~ ~opressions of - aiw hee quarters of t century tended s .Nor is the Jewish history wantin .in indi tidual instances of ^atriotic Nfidunet We night allude to.N6 eniah, David, Jeremiah and Pniel .But, "of ill the examples re-. coid etJp in .ancient or mder~ istory wheiie d or profane, itid1ll difficult to1ai urpasaa that 6toilustrious ~ 110) g~ator, -Moses. Alide hmein I St jp. eover whomi h e~ihd, pro. : seu t baatr in a e~~nlil pirof 'vie,. on te 4pose f'ki 4Mrimlk S.-t w n i ~festoVilntthds4, aer their tercedei~ a4ir favori yet ,now~a ,T andf y thee, outo Lxoc, hk- ub -written. (Ex. - : Sue th~le and diuintered d oa t am o il usman;-e that thi ~ue is ebetually taught,-a~em '~~iiipeInTe'Joh1h scriptures.' - i #"I~oleknto thec o asrit 9. ,j~j tamrit gt ) tib 'l1, t narwk erdremaand rone4' u~ d~it iis 46 e hour I 'W e zlled herbthwafd r ,i ' e baska sveenOth~ nOfeawlaewl4a o acu6WArd asioht -I b.eashiyseegi-bl tita er ri di oh on418 h oChrontp a tdt dat aysdn conversavion ery m s our.,ernanaof-dur4a, i Aus-ti A.-as his' firi MOi'i aiey "'pevry 1pV d for a to meet hi payments! an vhat was wvorse,-his busines, Instead o mproving, was rather rotrogradinge,! hat his proapeoleiffor" tilo fuitue ,wen ny;hing jiutfiatterlng. 3 Iad neyk dvards~ed his de a nal;b'16y, riment, and' as ist resort, eteg . appropriate a ceainarnur o at purpose and conseqpentlydconi nenced advertising in the mostextedairia y circulated dailies itthe cit, iodn"i ,wn among' the rest.' Tolis 1gse' isur 'rise he soonfiiindtht -nenw custdinr ppeared daily, and in a very aort tlini to was able toinak6 his, aymentsp rom p y, and his busines has continuedo'n trenme rapidly .ever The Pittsburg G~z J~ the fore nun whose busfiless ha aiar prnportis f capital at its founda( enast inges mi' uncerfIn speculatiens, and'wh idverlises judiciouslf ad frdely, neve ~ails The want of these requieltes wil endanger his situation1gbut the waii.d idvertising is the greatest want' i. h hree. .Ajudioiou an, with'little6ori :apital,'by a frog if srdverulsingm >rosper and crp 'l'N ite ie'fmi ta ~,~inpital diprinishing year by yea: L'hijstoredts'are ier:fled by the ez di "f' housands.Mi 1fty dflatr ~e . ~In adirts'Ia oaf more irdlut o a'bnv4 p ja thtan trotjhusan A CEUTION TO MerB .& child a dr. Tsaac A. Richardson,' in this towr ethirioenuidnthi gd o6 its death or Meiesdayi$ sigandanaerl vas left sleeplg upn, a bod whfoh'stoo fewjnlesda tile sido ff Ikil rool I'~ '~ ldaa~ ud~to lefs fafllinoi paed bel~Ig' large no ugtot et it eads t i~~ t Wastheed ky th ed cl6Idi at ddi hedo d.4 narkablo and'r 6~oLo~ir ear the Y h p was Pt. IV 0: ! 'g t~jt % - xd n - -, hI d AM.. COS u o Me~t~e3&, ; ?j proprietgg 1re sh$61 tch ~nbodat ctt ichi& ~ e ne 'mk~ile~n a y ch a vu a ciko atjas ~ - j ; -- mb L ' *o . Wpurt% pr io f 0 :4 Fha~1 4. -' - na i p