The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, March 15, 1848, Image 5

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pt * pu p . ie re.(P se1-1 0pt gh. 9/kgo dm a th9ora nise A ~ ~prqd~it,yqur y1en atenilant upon _AO In the social condition, and the urerafia intelligence, is the tfuma life. With 'die: in i orhe ee ofh and a tegard for: them, and, airidi *ith the strides of science hav %6tl ed the means of arresting die mask aneftngIts ravages. Ndtwithstan. ding the progess e have made, statistics .. qven now, one sixth of the whole 1i-tion die'annually of consumption. 9 nost iiportant discoveries of ?,, n 'orting the condition- of this large class of sufiering humanity, isDr.'Wis 4 ofWild, Cherry...- What time 'sMGblAWand consecrates, what experience i A li'conifins -hat all men in all e~r saymug as good and valua beis so no doubt. A popularity of this Sd"fiAestinOciety itsb roots so deep and 8 tio hift tinie cannot destroy it. The ggyjhic has. attended this medicine *p*fewrayears past, has overcome the rejudices-of allkespectable and sensible men, d~th r c ite thken a stand among the 'discoveries awl blessings of the yge; aniJeitesroorted to in season,: eradi. . t neassifor. which it is recommend. gNone jenuine, unless signed L BUTT8 t ajpie For jale in Sumterville, by 1r A MILLER, at the Drug Store; and ts . generally in South Carolina. 4JC ROLINA.-SAIuT5R DIST. VV ' k!WZS, Ordinary for said ' I luchanan hath applied to me Ajiinisiaiion, on -all and sin. "goods nd chattels, rights and f H. uchanan, late of the Dia a! ii d, deceased. ise artherefre, to cite and adinon. ,sleasi andsingujar; the kindred and creditors t. deceased,,tqbe and appear before &aour.noxt Ordinary's Court for the said arcto be 'holden, at Sumter Court . ~4niday, the 24h day of March, 1848, t howe ca f any, why the said adiniis tr ith fliot be-granted. ~4 nbmdep my hand and seal, this 14th aZt\ .dyo.f March, in the year of our r-- B~~odoe'thousand eight hundred and -ht, and in the 71st year of American Independlence. T W. LEWIS, o. s. D. Mar. 157 1845.7 . 20 2t TJelknown and desirable situation f~ii~TMM~ R RETREAT, is offered for atjad presents a chance for a handsome MTrTemotains. 1248 acres; of which )ares is wnder fence, and. -400 acres have . laj1ared. 1t ssituated on the main h4drw atunderi to 8umterville: about 15 nii eais each; and gives liame to the lbef'ighlands.. I93,he oplace .has been -improved at p ~npee, and converted into-a-'Female Sem:iIy 'The main .building is .120 feet longhsfrom 2E to.20o Rooms-some of them spacious;' ofty ceilings;~ 10 fire places; 120 feet of- Piazza; 60 feetof Balcony; wvido j'asesges, and gtaircase: ;imahdcsomne Base me.taly-ricesgary. out-buildings;- and air and4twatet pureas the'mnountains. - 'Two "commodious -Cabins -are attached, 'it veRoomns,2 fire places and Piazza. V *~IC etdtement is close 'by on this land; abringcomodations of any kind for a i~nfily ~ at many fine springa gsh from - '~d46ft9s. hills, m~irig t le scites pfnuneru*ttemiets; whi'ch in time will qtibnihed here,.since the groat *einteo and Wateree swamps L9-Q eo9b.the4.amden Branch siu so or an Acad ~iiy~ ~~nale ; .or for a 'Boarding QtO!ntr; or for-a suminer Re nof fortune. - 1~~opt~ ,060 cash down; the re ~~neiae annual instalnents, with in. dal,/l secured. To pyrcsr the, time' of payment 'f~td., Pwhasers to pay for ne ry Pjete.. C - ppyat 8,pmterville, S. C. to -, E; RICHIA 8D N, 8 2(6 tr petir f h~donie.Furiniture will be og9tAct~ ip a~dnesdlay, thme 1.pit'residence of' Miss L. q4'rfs-Sums over Or, a hon Note and security, tfr dly of ale. f'erms to be adfurniture removed aame S Mar.15. 20 It . of 'Weeding Hoes on atgharleston prieedy the ueOt W firs M" daaI th dt o 7 7 4 retafo4 0 ee of la Ia more o1ei t i n .of H. Kelle W'~aai.enls and mG~Uiwj Mroue ol ten distero, o aid eday 401.h po~iing ro a Pa t idih - the ulea Ur'. '. B oie d hit"e.hdl fou fAQ M Wna4ta~pry ?rhs to; One tractf210 acresof: W4d more or less, in Clarendoni *djbI khlands of IL Kelley, a.l ,eIa andi Misr 'Mry Kellsyindaisterist, ?eved upon'! asj the, :PropetSain]. Tindall 'at- tile, suit,-of .. hT.&L. Bowie aind'L'W-hite. One "tract.qf 200 at flu Henry Dickison and A.Brown, levied'upon as the property of RiVy chard E is atsthi suit of, A, VWFri er. iterst' in one tract of acres of land in Claremont, adjoisi' of Win. Sanders and others, levied Upon as the property of John W. Sylvester.deceaaed, atthe suit of Shannon & McDowall'ind Charles J" Shainonv L. H. Dinklub, adi.' of Jnd. W. Sylves One tract cres of land in Salen,- adjoiiing as'of . S. Watson, Thos. Fraser, and'Eitate of C. McLean, lev ied upon as the :property -.of B. Bateman, at the suit of. Joh'n C. Kelley. HARVEY I NER. S. D. March 11, 1848. 20 3t SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry Executions toime di rected, will be sold at Sumter Court $ouse, on the first Monday and day following in April next, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for Cash, the following Personal Property. Purchasers to pay -for. Titles. 1 negro, levied on as the pro party of E. B. Singleton, at the suit of T. L. Gourdin. HARVEY SKINNER, s.:s. D. Mar. 11, 1848. 20 - S at SALE OF MORTGAGED ,NEGROES.. I W'll offer for sale, at Sumter Court House on the first Monday in April next, four Ne.. groes, Ben, Elcy, Henry and Caroline,. levied upon and to.. be sold . to foreclose a 1m1ort~ge given by Win. Ross to Wn. J. - IL SKINNER, Agt, to Foreclose.. March 11, lfS48. 20 SOUTH-CAROI.INA-SUljTER DIST. Thomas A. Pack, James Plowden and wife, et. al. By virtuo of an order from Win. Lewis, Esquire, Ordinary of Suniter District, I will sell on the first Monday in April next, at Sumter Court House, between the legal hours of sale, A TRACT OF LAND, con taining 200 acres, situated in Clarendon, Szamy Swamp, waters of Black River, ad Joimig lands' of WV. L. Reynolds, David Beatson and Mary Kelly, formerly belonging to Joseph P'ack, deceased. Terms--On a credit until the first day of January next, (all fees cash) the purchaser giving B~ond with good security and a Mort gage of the premises to the Ordinary, for the payment of the purchase money, with inter est from the day of sale. HARVEY SKINNER, s. s. n. March 11, 1848. 20. &t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Wililimsburg Distict. IN CHANCERY. Edward J. Porter, Assignee for the use of Joseph L.awton, et al. John J. McClary, WiI. liam H. Brown and his wife, Mary R. et. al. Itappearinig to the satisfaction of the C'om missioner, that William H-. Brown and Mary R. his wife, two defendants in the above case, reside beyond the limits of this State:- On' motion of N. G. Rich, compl'ts. Sol'r., It is ordered, that they do plead, answer and de murr to the said Bill, within three months from the publication hereof ; otherwise the bill will be taen po. conesi as t hm Kimgstree, Feb. 25, 1848. 20 lam3 Wn Chabur, Ma.rch Term Pursuant to an order made by Chancello James J. Cal dwell at the present term. Thr creditors of David S. McClaryv, deceased, are required ,to prove their claims before the Commissioner according to law, by the first day of January next. ILEY COLEMAN, c. z. w. D Kingstree, March 9, 1848.. 20 4t LOST. -A very neat Saddle was lost on Wednes day last, frtom the back of anaffrighted hor se, oathe read leading eact frem this place (be tween Hulburt's brick yard and thePlw den's Mills Road). It is supposed to hav bn picked up by a wagoner from Salem, who passed shortly after the occurrence.--.. Anmy information will be thankfully received, or the finder liberally rewarded by leaving said saddle at this office. March 15' 20 8t White Lead, - Window - Gass, &c. White I adLinseed ;iaow 9la Sp~nlsh 'Brown; Ventat Red; Span. Float and Carolina Indigo; Cochineal; Verdigris Quicksilver; Lamp Black, &.c. &c.; teth. r theeyarticle in the line, freshfor ty. For sale aeue e S -CLEVt Camden, MarchI~~~' fM;0e 1. _3~ % Il t nthbd "h~dr4an' nd~wo at odr ext Ordinr' o a o *1 ~)i~rlc~to Jaod~1t ?~bnir CuriOuse, y a 2 di ko ,arp ew causs, if any. wh th6 said dilta. tiowifhould not be ganmte Given under my.and au sal, this 6th defof Marli akf our s[#r Id, one thousandleighthundzdand forty-eight, and in the .71xstyear. of American Iiepence. . ai.' 8d. 7 9, 2t SOUTH CAROLIA-SUMTT)ER DWi B W.E WI, Esq.. Ordinary forai Whereas, J. McCoy, hath applied 3to ime for. .euers of Adminmstration, on all and Isigulsrthe'godds aind chattelsrights'.and .cedits of. .W. S. D.,McCoy, late of the Dig trict aforesaidt/deceased.'. These are',therefore, to cite and admanish !all and singular,;the kindred an creditoi of the said deceased, to" be and 'appear before Ies, at our next Ordinary's Court for the aid Distriet, to be holden at Sumter Court House on 'riday,' the 24th day of March 1848, 'to show cause, if any, why the said administra tion should not be nted. Given under ffy hand and seal, day --bf - Mah, in the year of our (r.. @.] Lord, one thousand eight hundred and . forty-eight, and in the 71st year of Amcrican Independence. _W. LEWIS,. 0. B. D. Mar. 8, 1848. 19 21 901h RIeginent, 1. C. X. WILLOWGnov, 29th 184 ORDER NO. 1. An Election is hereby ordered to be holden on Thursday, the 27th day of April next,.for a Colonel of the 20th Regiment, 8, C. M. to fill the vacancy occasioned by the.promotion of Col, S. R. Chandler. The commanders of Companies will ad. vertise the eame forty days previous-call to their assistapce two of teir officers or other competent persons-hold the election in their companies at their usual parade ground; meet on Saturday, the 29th day of April pext at the Regimental parade ground, (Swim ming Pens,); count the votes and transmit the result of the election to Head Quarters. JOHN C. RHAM , Lt. Col. Com'g. 20th Reg. S. C. A P.S.-The polls to be opened at 10o'c'ock A. M. and close at U P. M. 'March 8, 1848. .19 2t Notice. WILLIAM M. DAvis, takes this opportu nity of informing the :voters of 'Clarendon, that he is no longer a candidate 'for Repre sentative at the ensuing election; to my friends at whose earnest solicitation, I con sented to apliear before the people, I can only say, that though I feel fattered by their nomination, I mnust beg leave to decline the honor they would confer ou me. March 83, 1848- 19 St Notice. The members of the Salem Board for Cross Roaids, are hereby notified, that the Board will meet at James Lowry's, on the. third (3d) Tuesday in March. The following persons. were appointed at the last sitting of the Leginlature..-J. W. Stuckoy, Win. M. Scott, Johfn J. Shaw, Ste phen Lacoste, J. E. Wilherspoon, M. E. Mul drow, W. A. Muldrow, Ezekiel Keels, J. C. Rhamne, I. 8, McFadden, S. E. D. Johnson, James Ml. B~aker, A. H. Thornp son. STEPHEN LACO8TE, See'. Salem Board Oross Roads. AMt. Clio, March 6, 1848. 19 2t Entertainment at the Clar endon Depot. The subscriber begs leave, to inform his friends and the Public generally, that he has opened a House of Entertainment, about a quarter of a mile from the Clarenudon Depot, on the Stage Road, w~here he will be ready to accommodate customers by the 15th inst. He hopes by close attention to business, to give general satisfaction to all that'may fa var him with their Custom. THOS. McGEE. March 6, 1848. 19 tt Estray. Daniel Driggers tolls before me a black horse, blind in the right eye; marked with harness; about ifrteen hands high; twelve or fifteen years old; appraised at Ten Dollars. The horse may be found at Mr. Driggers' on the road leading from Carter's crossing on Scape O'er, to Camden. A. SCARBOROUGH, Magistrate. Sumter Dist. Mar. 6, 1848. s!!le of Negroes. Will be sold on the first Monday in Ap'ril next, at S3umterville, SEVEN rery likely young ..Negroes, belonging to the Estate of John M. Dargan, deceased, Termis cash. Purchasers to pay for all ne cessary papers. A. A. NETTLES, J. D. JONES, - Qualified Er'ors. March 1, 1848. 18 6t Taken U~p, By the subscriber a cheanut sorre mare; white hind feet; scar on the right; dappled with white sp~ots. Said were uppsed to be ot9or 10 years old. There are no other marks about her which are necessary to des-. cribe her. T. WV. A. SMIH. Clarendon, Feb. 22nd, 1848. 18 tf Five Dollar. Reward. .Strayed from the subscriber's residence aear Fuilton; on the 8th February last, a small 5nlfly COLT, with a star in the face Me paid for its delivery, and any information h:at will lead t ?.errpcovers. IN Fulton. Mac 1, 1848 s St* ellent out-buidinpattcead ber wiptl. to sell 4TO 850 mW hension YR who., left, mny realdana JAii*~ abut the ~th.9f D"'" qab* n ar ns.omoish is a remar feet in he epes; W 'verblik; bia fn - very mRuQh deoad lVe"I", h write tolerablywel, and * no dout, p on FR E PAPBiSR .-Abram aisr4ck layer and Plaisterer. I will give the tboye reo.A for h i . ry to me at my\1G.IdonMe.4, _ 'Ut for dgn n any South rolina., - Edi. LL~T February 2, 1848. 14 ErThe Charleston Cob i l the above once a -wek i for m d *he bMI to this offce. 05 R1E-WWUL? I will give the bove: wame a rewkrdOf#0 to any person, (hat will a h and y er to the Jailer of' SuntrDistricta T fellow named "SIMOC '(a lickinii longing to the estateof T o76" Watt A has a-wife either it s. o Goodmanl ', oPddimIIM"1 7 supposed he maybe lur I bt' E~PHEN O~~n'Ia ' Bste Es6f Thoiw i. mt. Olio, Febv9,- 184 04141 ;; -Nodlct'qkuu, The Commisajon o Pub for Sumter Distraet,*ilr e d posala to make additioQs a the Court house, until the next. The plai and. cdatio en at the office of Ha of the Board, to Whooin. a sent. By order ofthenBor Feb. 14,1848 19 I have appinted Major Williami~ Rich4 ardson my Attorney, limediajely to brg to a close and settle up all matters and tig Imtiin toylate Slierifihj ofSate All persona indebted to me are quse to make immediate payen t my sai 1 torney: and those . vig demandsagni me, are reqested to present them to 4m without delay. -. * THOS. 3. WILDER All persons indebted to the munbsbriber by Note or Account, are requested to comne for ward and mttle UP, and save cost. B. FOLSOIL .March 1;1848. 18 2t A- CURE FOR H A RD T I ME S?! SMALL PROFbITS FUR:CA$IL THE subscribe r is now receiin alarge and general assortment of Netw'os; vs Dry Goods, Groceries, HiardwaCutlr Carpenters Tools, Crockery.; Shoes an Boots, Hat. Caps and Bonnets; READY AMADE CLOTRiNG Coats, Vests,Panta, Shirts, FineBlack Closa &c. &c.;isere~ BAGGING AND ROP; Tobacco, segars, &c. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT8. Violiv -.itars, Flutes, &c,; and also, a so. lectee ot of Italian Violin and Guitar sru' and a great many Fancyv Aieleb too tediu to mention. All of which, will be sold low for cash. Blutter, &c. 3 kits Mountain Butter 6 bushels Cranberries. --ArLSO 3000 lbs. slaughtered Dry Hides. L. B. HANKS. Opposite China's Hotel Nov. 15, 1847-.2 tf Notice.. TO ALL WHIOM IT MAY CONCNR. The subscriber takes this method"-of In. forming all those whosae Indebted-t nilu by Note or Accounit, that if they do dinte forward and settle with hmbforo return da the will find their dOE &., in the ad of . B. N. Hlammet, ra.for collection. - Feb. 2,18. -1 A? NOTIC&~k AH ersons indebted to b. S6oondq are Sequested to come forwar~n Ik pa~et. as the subsetibgr~ ~ii Oi~gat thingr us hais anniness. s - N11 -MYn Mbled . S- - ns rwa 1. unnun g niveyn ne u~un asi thie eliGM ifai is ii! . uesia r . sad isra9- sE b ~b I. . -b.enm .. e d 1-- -.y, Tie p om tou Chnle atb~p dadeuin th.2thbyy g sin~8te Regimea soothrgcaupd1 ben vrace the proiheton M~ te1th27 day~s~fq brfr d oinih. cc aiuub hsm1~ ~ sit4 -b i Pt - e inprsaceod of theGene'a - d. at.t. . .detal