... ..... t i'c w s sw t 4 rw rs . 4 Y r H12 TER ~ *R'&-r.' ,VLM Ii SUTRILaSUHCROIA A 714 THE SU1ATER BANNER: PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, BY WIL LIAM J. FRANC:IS. -I E R.MS: Tw' Dol arA and FitTy Cents in- adivance, Three Dollars, at the cxpiration 0l six mliontlis, or. Three Dollars and ifty. Cenis, at the edid of tle year. Advertisetnents inserted at 75 cents per square, (17 lines 'or less,) for the first ani hal If that suin for each subsequerst inserti on. The nunmher of inser tions to be marked on all Advertisements. or they will tie pub!ished until orlered to be discontinued, and charged accordingly. 0 * One Dollar per square tir a single insertion. Quarterly and Monthly ativertisarnents wvll ti ie charged'the sanic as a single insertion, anl Semi monthly the same as new ones. For publishing Citations ar the law directs three dollars will be chargrd, All Obituary Notices exceeling mix lines, nind Cominunicatinns reco:nmendling Caniiaisateq for pub lic ofieit of profit or trust- -or pulliig Exhibitions, will he charged as adiverisenents. fl-Acccaunis for Advertising will be presented for paiyment quarterly. All 'etters lby mail must lie liost paid to insure a punctual attention. AGRICULTURAL. From the Camdnlen Journal. CULTIVATION OF RICE. Mr. Editor:-Sir--I am of opinion, that your palper is eminently caletiaterd to proi. mote tile agricultural icterest of the south ernseetioi of tour Uition. Situated as we are inl these States, so lit tie removed from the tropical-favired with seasotis so lengthened. we are enabled to cutlivate any of the fruits, aid mnost vf the grains of that region. It is therefoare ofiC moment to tIhe platter, to a waken his ener gies-lo encoure enterprise, atnl too mik e experiments snilei tio sir fiiorel sitoatiiii. In accirdasice withi lese I,-lio r. I thema real with iouch interva'l. tie Variits iM provenetits inl progre-ss iii the art- , "ri culture, so jmdiciously selected ini v r Pa per. There is oine view however, u hae at this crisis. I thinik imlersait t it eo.. sideraiiiii of t1 e planater, whieh I Ih at. nail seen expressedol. Nter dol I know 'af all experiments now in paroigre-ss. likelv toi prodtice tiny favirable result. To make explriments anal to communi cate the result, I conlcive to) be our duiv. -To give them publicity is a task whi'lh yoti have promised to perform. Formerly, when lands were fresh antd vielded abunlanly--when ci'len bore a high priceand the tlanter ptickpted at heavy retirn from Iis crip, ima tiers movedl (tn with very little difficlilty. Twent y cen ts a piunl for cottoin supi lied tile necessitV of tall experimen is ani an expedienct was I eldom thought of-iileed, t lie sience ofag. iculture was entirely neglected. But, now these iron tinies-theese worn tout andt ster ile fiel ilh ayve prefixed anotier feature to tle seen.- in which tihe planter niav por. trayed oit the ione side, povery miil emhar rasstment. with all 1-f its coincomiliantts col. lierally connected. Ont tie other. Ihe oInly angtitle, industry, ecoiiimy ail fiat giality. Anid siticae it lh-as becoiie aise oif! the clearest axions which cai liet deduced from the recent hisiory (af the colton mar het, thiat lahr, skill .i iiustri eve-it when appiled yi the hest infoarmi' al tist jiclilits eilivators -f iahe soiil, will very little more than clear inictaiuamt ex pensos, (mnd indeel soime planters fail in doiang this iotch.) it ia a1 lmit1 'ad aurgeit call oijitn the coninanitv of ciitton groiw% ers to abholish at Ileast to a cosid erabh-la ex tenit, it not e nti rely, the cul tusre taf Ihis vial eless comnmiity,- anda adlopt syes tna t icaIlly, saime othser morsie preotilablhie it its ste.s i. Hearae the queaastionl very natuterally arises, wh'lat can suppa~ly thes paceu aofcottont? wa-st avill iebia al betteI r revenactut? Laet.uis titers, insbueire ito ste nalture f the rice planii, anal cimpiare, l'reom facts wheiche accidetnal hsas brsiughtt iithin aiur iewa, i ti relastiveu valne ali splandia cultu11re'. It is a wellI knaowni a tact, that the rice pantt Ilhriva-s wa-llanad ui ill mature p~'rfectly ont aniy lasn' ithat wiill pro (uc tcoatt sea. The result will bee, thm at the product oif an ascre atf ricae, is moare thini unastbie thi a ittaon. Th)a t mo sre case lbe Lu! ii vatedl to the hat ssi-tichat it. will mlatuere as soona ndt thte ha traest is aover before' that pf cotton Is fairly be'gut iad thant is paia ftaltunt to a't)y o'ther sadvanit alge ini thae scaleI Is, that there catnnot reasabmlly exist any apptrehe~~nsion~ of starving aitt a le cannouncsi ty even,) if rice L'ecomes a~ is taple commsraodii. ty in this region, nio maater t whcat exierct it nay be cualtivatted. Nier is there any proc babily of glutting the miarket, iih ant ar ticle ini such tuniversasl deandcsr, asal wvhsire thme geographtlical limiits ins whIsich it cast he cultivated to atiy adivanitage tare so clearly defi neal, Objections matybe ofl''end to thsis change of cultuere fromt tc,e fact, thsat rice is anatquait tic plnt. ani ldian ontly be priiticlhy ctulti - vatead ont latias that are irrigated at will. To this objectin, I woulad amnly remnark, that itis naot umnuisual fear plan ters wito' are most favocrably aitustIatt onaie Itlad even, to adop~lt a system of airy cualttire wvith sec fiehls, restultitng in an abaiunant htarvest. Indeedl, it is a long contestted point with successful growers of rice, whether ihe water or dry,,culture will yield -the grettest product pbr ncre.- With-he use of witer miore can be cultivated tip the-hlandand that the fertility of the soil is ba'tter preserve'd, are points along gince yielded. - These re marks are i Ii nded to illustrate, the f'act, from tll; peculiar organizatison of th-. rice plaint, it will iecaonmmodas te itself to either the wet or dry culture; then why shotn we for ono mnoment ioubt, that if we give it -a trial, it will itn like mainner acconmmoa.daite itself in a pecuniary point of view to fall the nseessities of the cotto-n planter? Few will lsiinte to try the experimeintvhn'i it is stated will that land which produre moly a bag of cotton to three acres. will yield sm der preper culture fifteen or twentl bush, e ls of'rice. It maay bo proper here to renisk. Ihnt the cistom aif plainting-rice iin Ihw daiminp spits ii your corn or cotlton fields is a hal one; the plant w'old thrive iuch btter fin H dry and lIose soil; a1nd salti ihougLh whei nn waiter is skillfily applied t) it fielid of rice from n the pb1.-tintg to the harvest, a gotod product is usually the resiut, it is neaveriieless true, demonnstrated by a thousan i experinents, that as much nns hasheein mude upoin thes me field without irritating i Lt all. Lainds that tre not dry should be ditched so as ti drain two feet at least from the surface, before a gill)-1 cruIn of rice cnn be eXpecLed from it. tiver swamp lands that are fresh anild not much worn, will vield 50 or 60 bushels (if rice per acre, and with less la bor thani the same lanl would require il tlhe prodictioin of a coittin crol)p good up lano frnt 35 to 45 bushels. Rice that is sut cultivatil, will cimmtnainl the highest price in tne Charleston murkie, if sold liar seed; seed rice cultinted iln this region will be greantly pri-rerred for tide lanid plantations. 'ne encoiuragenent which tlie t111 iRail now in progoress, hIs put to the elerpri sing planter, the fineility with which it promises Lo ionnviV theu riiaz rier II' of tlies "ind the adjoining diisiit-ils to ti e ipagioirium of* ouir St~ate. where it will fiol :a r-audy asid prfilitable sale of sieed, de.iinned -to germ-ni. inatu' a1n1il viilil its faiture ilinihnint-nlpie ll tie blg .iui jsly reputed rice lansil that skirts our sout irat shares, is doibiitless a in ibjec wo4'1rthy the alttntinoi (4 the cointton plantir, wio will heir in mind that the lpractice of irrigaiion is tised as an auxiia ry, nntat es-. enitiil in ite prodicti eon of rice. It is in every respec, adapted to the ivt air dry cultire. Thiese remarks, which I deem rterit soine atteiuioni, I legw leuve to stubmit lt the runisideratioin ,I vour nierous read. ers, and ant, sir. very resipecifully vours, &c. ANIPIIl BIOUS. MISCE LL ANEOUS. TImE YANKEim A ND THE -%UCKi.R. Iiv MElitRIL. C. V41tN10. Parily concea-l it' iin the bnoriners ifra woid, which kirts as scene wlhere a irsairie "Streirhlel iln llionde be'ttiy lit.s," is situnald u chrming litile ciiitageit., inesiled in shade anl seclIu n beneath the fllaige f ove'r-shadoewi g b.-hs. O. the Palnz ni in fCront of this diwevlliing. a venerable secker (tnmied Girdonm) was seateil, nine snmmnier afta-rnmm, btuildiniig dreatms of thrift as he surveyed his plantatiinn, epain. n1le-d ito lieivy cropns ri pening ints pleny. N'iw as oir sweetest dremns are fleetest nith gnickest to cliose, it is not tirange th1a1L his, althoutigh pleasant, were soon terimina ted by some I'nie shoutiing 'i aIliiy isaurselfi n snl dliskiverhc w li iti feelIs,' Ihe retorted. no nitrniang sisinntieusly with his reply. Isis --ye fell upnInu a young mnani, at strainger tin him, leantinig pn the yard rience. 'iiceuse ime,' 'saidl the stranger; 'may lbe yun mouiight be si elnever ans toi tell a ehny wh Io owins that terein whaeaut fi'ld tup anside Lthe timber, wini'S vyst!' 'Wall, I will; I on n it!l' 'l~eni say !' said thne etrrsiger. 'liiut a in't in mnighety cute~thaat yiu aillowv finur liggied tadl sichi c itter-s i'o be ian it. 'lili I donn'i,' sasid Goirdoinn. 'l seen a boss ian it thoughp~I, as I ktum nione~.' remiarnked the' st ran sgier, dryly. 'A hiiss rin my wh-Ient!' e xclaimned tine -nreker. 'Zangsa and lighating i le're i3|l be i r ! 81niita A innaa, I-e-e-re-s---r-i'.' II is en. ilii hii tinei ef'ct to bnri ng finrth n iwo dosgs, anne a nii'enl, wi tn his le'gs inalIfats lon g ats an enisiera schtonol-master' 's, tine ot her a bull, the( pe'iasr aiir k oaf whoseui umnnler jiw mighnt Iceml you to miistrtust itst Ine wins over fond iof whast the kniowinig onies enll the 'g r:, b gam te.' AtStenmdeid ithi thnese, lie croi ted ill' in 'lhot lhaste',' thne dlogs twntiggintg ihe-ir tails as t'eir olii maste'r w aggeid his tnonguie urgintg themt to pursue. 'The yi'ung stran nger after waggling his chnin sj little awrny ansi inuhtlgiang ian a light Itaght tinant madte him i bosk sans pici itislyv wnnggishn.uwalk ed to tihe cottange dioor -andu tinecn, withlonit ce'reoinny Iimto thne pl Ior. II ere find liing hnimnsa'lf nlone, Ihe cotueneaceil a siurve'y tof the npnrt meint. Iiiefinrehen hadl much'l leisunre, however, either to inbst'rve' or admrire the taste andi e legnnce co i.bhinedl in every ti ng arFiound imi, lie wais entrntan cedl by a gunahl of rich, wil mIrielindy, suncci'e dledi by thei s''usnd of igh t :.'',tsteaps, andi iin stantly flitted a creatutira' of bt-ay andl comelinesa it Ihis preseince. Oh'! lhai fair rosy-cheeked damise'l, tine very peso ificattion of blitheness She wna strted though,~ when her soft blue ayes encounter. ed the stranger; and was hiastily wilthdraw ing, in ding which, site chanced to cast anioler glance-her countenanea changed from fright to gladness-she -uttered iht nane', Henry Leslie, anl thlin ran--notuilt Ii of the dot*, but smack into the young stran. , ger'sa arns. What tin extraordinary at- J i n-fa-n-.a-tin.. Whe It him-let him kiss. her; unal listened his impassined ltan. c guia2ge-why what did tie girl mean? Their s conversation will, perhaps, suifIice to ex plain. a "Clarisse,' said the stranger, 'lahrisse, my beautiful idol, I htve Come to claim yoo p for my own.' '0 llenry, I fear that our hopes will ne. er changue t1 rea'tli'iesa. I laove vou very, P very much; buet ny father dlislikes you if marely becsause vou areta Yastkee lativer. lie is mb1stinaate andil will nofit conssot ,''a'l I the rosy flush fled the young laday's chitek. ,i 'Da ntl fe'atr. Clarrisise,' 'tiis ietry Le-;- l lie. 11 cat) anad will remoave hi. prejdtilice. fi I know how to work tiln a farti, ali heloes ti Ilot knuow me. I will hire tat him uml-ir an c asstiled tamte andIt by the merit of ione:a I worth and virtue win a place inI his affec- r tiasns. 'Iheir hipes excited, and consequently l1 their uanxieties hillel by thle reasotiable- a tess of this phn, the two setted themschv, o es (in the sofa flwol enjoyed those bright 11 angel-lumed delights with which a reci-I pr-cal love inspires youaag hearts. When a Gairlon returned, howeve'r, the stratnger e alone, Clarisse haiving deried it pruident l,: to retie a. the sound of her fdther's fGlt steps. . Gordon was glal that the stranger had tarriedhe wished tai gire him a peahing,for Y ie had searched the field aill liver and founid tnft horse. 'Now don't bitme me, old man,' iit the il Ytnkee', for stire-r thati my niame is Dick b Qtiruk, I seen a baiss, a detl one, itn th t're s very wheat is I kum along.' Oh! but aisaj Gorlaon waxeid wroth fat thus l'aninag that it had Itt-et sill to drive a a me eakeleton fitrom his lieldI; yett the Yankee rnmtrived to calm his rtflead feelitgs, anrd ti hire himself tat the Sucker to 'dew-thaiigs.' to closing the bargain with the impartial atreete:.t, that they night 'loeus paacus' C ite attither its imich as they pleased; whereupoit Gordtant ticked his innter-sell Witi the. Conf'it, that lie wotld make nor hero stif'er atell thle wrongs heta had emdured S from Ytakee trickery, even from the titn' it if Iis buying a clock (tom a Yankee pe-l. i l'ar, vhich Ite said kept time inickwards, y ilown ie the lieriod whet the New York y lieu if'mguier wished t ritmarry Clarrisse. Reispectiitg Ilentry LasIh', he had been inl "arly iimaiahood, tilt coterprismng youig fiarimier, enlowed with at broad and beauti- i fAl oalinii. Bii bei moreover gifted is witlh lail excellent bfmck of intellectua I poiwears, Ce Itail been itiduced to forsake S the tatuiit I ti oltiion for ei-. pirhiaisht- It ter betiing his abitiao, inste unaid iility- aI bi w. In tie villae whi-re le studied, ai pratcticed. lie hecamoe aequainted with Clar ' issae Gordari. whio had aeemaaieal itnnut ' from the west, with the dIa sign (it comiple. I: ng her eduati at t dine il' those ierito, riaus institltions fair lm.-itale instruction 1. with which tle enstern Staies abound. They loved. The ait w rat te t her brathIt ar, atIld Gordon, solicitineg his consent foir Clarisse to manat ray, explaining aliairs, &.e. 1 Gairlton tan'w-ered, satig thit lie shittll ever ntegative his daughta'er's %ish ltl tnarrv ty Yainkee, whoa it appeared, was too lazy t tat work, and Intire hald resorted to peuifalg'. c g i log. fit- alsoi istruclad lier to cotm. home irtameditatl u, t(der tlie protectii i of antit a'lde 1'Lady .anA gattlan, friends a'his, i Lthe a'boau..tt tat re'tt ra fiorn athaerena. C latrtssa'a s Love i, we tall knowa i, as Ii e winte, a matack. er, anad S aonttatimies piroastra'e s its vic't imts, by) mnysterilus inltaleatians. Solnthuing oft thais kiltnla efy'cteda Leslie. II is tnaoble lilt haaintgs ofi desire atnd e'arne'st taaittti, C we are sitaid. 'The ex~ci t'eent ofC butstmess- 3 of pItractIni lie lbecamae charmtless. Anad| wiitin t the a.'Ipse of' twe'alv mon111tihls, we tol -y himt as pre'sated'a tat the readler, diagniseda hi atntiler un a ssana - neal mea t, t laguange, and dellt- v" ttani rt, i entag atupont'. athptat tat in his y lady have, ha thea sweat of' his briaw.' II ere. itnt was centeretahei ratnal tes tintg the pui- 2 tI ty atf Itis afTec tionitatndai praivittg it .as pure no tad cla Itr andi iunauntted as ihae witteas air a mtoutain.i Ile wats wvill intg tai ltabor f.r lien ad li kea thet ptatritareba an ri-cataol, tatilI tot entdutre at te' wronag anid rack itf botae andl sinew' i. 8 Grtadugally dial he init his way intol thte ald '' mtan's es ieem. On goodi deedsk ba' laiad thte baise anad bitildinag tap of a goIoid chaarcter. a By his steadaty a ppaialintin amti itis p ratca 12 skill an id abIi lity'I Itba, hte substa tiiated2( ( a reputttatin faar inadusttry; and f'ram experi Il ene'e caimbinied wvith bootk knotawleadge, sua pei~nrity in thec puratnits aif'igrictulture lit t theo Iattecr, Gardatn wats pasticuarily inadeb. ( teal tat lim, lie ack nowiledgead hi's worth; the plttatan, baa exparessed it legibly. Nev erithess, I ali taolt kno whti i tat wv'i .ld have baieen the result, had taot a Ccicumstlance ate. a'uarreai prtopltioaus to the laver. It wias Ii thaus: . doronaaa iwas vary unjustly prosecuited bay 14 ~a neighabor. A rrivinag at thei cournt at thae timoe summoiraaned, (it iwas a jaislie's trial)hle r fouitnd evet y bodtay there whl 'm hei ished'a toi see bitt hais owni laiwyer. 11iaiwalbl not beo - be.at for a hundred dollars; yet he knewv he ould-not conduct the suit succesisful hin elf. To'ji manlike' him, independelnt to ob. inary, such is situation, 'withOut alterna. Ive, wal moir'ying in the extr'ee. As le .Jistice r~n5 derfaring-that th case inst proiceed'f.rthwith', Dick Qutiirk,aliis' .eslie, whispereid to Goirfdon: * 'Maty be seen an how your Ilawyer ait urm, rou'll let me try your side-1'Vdid ich things afore. a. Gordon opened his eyes wide, and stareI t hin. 'I dont think you need hang- l for 'I l ny the cost and lamnagoand give you ai ear's work if I don't beat. Gordon complied partly from despair: nrly bet.ause he never knew Dick to fail Snvthine lie tundertnok. Five mitiates elapsed, and Leslie vasin is elemetut. He had rich sport ihat after oon. The cornering up of some half.'a ;izpn suspicious witness; ..the psItting ti ,Lit of half as many halffledge4lawyert, le astonishnent which the fiudier-e'evina eid as. throwing'off his assusted, style'of peaking. le nierged into a chaste, 1ear slit epid stream of elolitence. The plain exposition of facts and of the, iw woven int. one glorious. irresstibloee rgument, finally resulting ini a verict far, rable ato his client, were both arnusement ad prut to Leslie. Gorlon. who during the whole affii-kAIl it wilh his inuth so wije opten that you 1su1d have, tossed a pcotatoe susfficien'tly rge for a hre'akfust down his throat, with, tit his knowing it-sait when tihey we disis home 'Dich, if you are a Yankee, I don't car on lire an all jo,-fired good (f1ler.' 'So I am,' said Leslie, laughing. aindeed hetier von take me in the field of labor te cousirt room, or i-i tny other place of sbiness you please, d) you kinow any man tperiir ine to hereaboutst' 'No I dont.' *Now what do you think of my poverty?' ked( Leslie. 'I thiik you %Will chCluanee it for some iing htte'r, as you did your blanmed'Tann i to-d -y,' answered Gordon.' "Do you coonsidler puverty a disgrace" inlinued Leslie. 'Well nos %, I shouldn't thjink I didl." "Well sir," said Lesle stanimering a ttle, 1inasmuich as you seem to i-irbor no ntiment cniicerning ie bit What favors ie, I will be so obist as ts iform you there a nuitmal sittnechment existing between oiur daughter anti myself, and we solicit our cosieint to our marriage." U.rdon open (I his eves amol nouth again 'iler than ever. b"She is % ours by jingo.' said the father [ier a short piaise. ''All I care about it that she will ha ve- to take such a coinseirn I ugly name, Quiirk-Quiirk-Quirkit Isrils so it-e a sick gobIer's soililoquy. tit I s'pose wecan peitition the Legislature li1 lare it altered. 'Clarisse." said Gisrdon in the evening, Clarisse, Quirk has told me vou oved oie isith r, so I have givesn you to him eitire '. I an trlad, girl, that youi have this tiumle iaie choice of a man who kitows how to atifusg,jam up, without being too luzy-to 'ork on a farn." Clarisse laughed in her sleeve. Ileinry L'eslie und Clarisso Gordon were iarried. A fier the departure oftlie welding guests it that sweet iccusiom, even after the cere ioty wisich launeched them into the inextri hible yeleped matrimony, even after the Ike, mui isic, en, kising, winse, dancing, nId ciflee, afster all were finisshed, after all seir friends were e, Cla risse oundh Ien. ixlf betwieeni her husband anti hser father lie turnedt hier eyes to the Jutter atnd said eseec'hinsg ly. ''"Fathisr, will you foirg ive us?" "F.org ive y'oit! (sir what cl hid "Whyi you knowte I --lved and wvisha. I to-wedl IIlenry Leslie, rey'ies nst ae, but ou wosuld not conisenst to our alinmnee."' "Andit reco'slleett, too, perhaps," satid the stungt huasb~und. "that whesi I first casme -nre, the miutual augreeruenat wias shat we ere to hocus-pucus5 each other as much as "WVell, whast I was about t.o say," enn ituted te bride, '"is aisist Dick Quirk ande leusry- Le'sie sire the samte persaon."' "'Zags asid lighstning I" exclaimned Gor sun spir igmig to his lees; but he paius.es iii surv'eyedl boils the culIpri is alter. ti veh us! theni cotstinused wci itut passisina What sin old fool I ha~ve beeni to funes~ tnt mny girl dlidun't know enough to chosos'. fit ands proper huasbumnd. Fsirgivce yel ea! I wilt, anad bless yous in the birgaini omse to thinik of it, I sam glad it hats hia, eiesd s, ior weu shu'nit have to petitioni thi uoierat Assembly in ordler to get ril sit int btlamsedsicik-geibler soliloquiizing Liirk-Quirk. Gso to bed childrent." A simseud ol lady feirbid hser diress mtake's >pisither frticks nnsy more with c''tisin ens ~ isa see,'" said the oibi laity, "thle pai ers sea as howt the stuff will satrtiiily ex l.ssle, and I msighit get blowed up !-whos "bWhen you are in Rome, dlo as the Rn lints do,'' is scomewhvat elsingattedl by say. ig, e'hien yoiu are in Bflio, dto as the stlalors edo," sun bwhien you are tat 'I'urkey, o as the tturkies ano." From the dN W kit VLAT - of hWblo.. IAmat Saiha'Ann a. he inMd .th ,ik, of tiW, M ek c By th anr ' jy eni0g rhe 1hre by i ns fro'rn 'ampico, t .24th ej*; ehe'r t.an9 e thencefu ny.u jig 'date. - ,:.General'Onni~uller-inthief airrived apa jThrdfevening. the18th. ~tuA dIll'nt cine ashore Onili Fr ds to which he re ceived a "U4,0ng weIeo'ej". He semn edl to b ?; h ijzaI gl~jnispirite *'4fre reeijeg h c ratlatidtia f ta great numbher of,. 4.tiens h eei to Gen a 'qr 'OnA'ead .quarter. .OA the eddithhiscstits 6n, hoardl 21st c~ e t'1ed-wth lii s iii d, ~a~ thle s$eas, 'lassachusetts. to proceed, n he.Island of Lobes. 'The fn .. tfdr.Q.neralsrwin, Pik . . Ira 1.teldsanduitmian, are emparkiing. i4Tblj~y,(ordhe saoae destination although Athi psitIvd in elsation' thereto, wag. ifr~or gted St ie inhabitants or Tampi. *gi 10e bentinel says, "the destination liflheep troops is.edry-properlysletL to to fruitful imagination of the.public;.for whit a gi va;alugor secret if Wis in the posses stan(u of rry one. * Ab ut 2000 trodps had left Tampico for. Lobog ind all the vessels.were hauiling-in .to ake oi bnaid the renainiler of, the ;!ops - Tfie steamship- Eudora was to leave( on like 24th ult. foriLobos, and thence for this-port. NERAL WOnT.-The brigade ofGen eral Wohli had not'reached Tampico on thei 20th tit. but was hourly expected. The scene in and about Tampico is stn ted to be stirring in the extreme. Reviews .f troops, in regiients and brialades,'weia daily taking: place, vdssels were continual ly arriving with goods, merchandize, milli.. tary-.stores, &c. drc.; the American p-opu lation were all in intense excitement, re garding' coming .evtnts. Every thing an n1uneed action ihv its utmost inteoisity. All quiet regard toihe enemy in the inter So r. MARCH EROU SAN Luis.-It is alifo re corded that on-the 27th the. Mexican armr Was to leave San Luis, for Sultillo and Molenter y, several brigades having been riushed forward in that direction. Gen. Valencia had resigned the command of the divisioin at Tua the officer nov in ciarge is Brig. Gen. Don, C. Venquez. VERA CRuz.;-There appears to b' no truth in the report of the evacuation of V.-ra Cruz. 00 the contrary, the papers state that the oauthorities of the department, being convinced that it is the intention of the enemy toaittack that city are actively emp1)lo) ed inleeising and perfecting meas. iires for its defence. "Puenie National," and another salient point, called Chiquies uite, have been fortified. The legislative asserbly of the department, sitting at .Ja lapa, have authorized the Governor of Ve-* ra Cruz to abopt every possible means for hefence-.clothing him, for the -time, %with extraordinary powers. The accounti of the situatiou and number ofour troops are quite contradictory. From the N. 0. Picayune, March 10. VERY LATE FROM MEXICO. Return of Atocha- Ilis rec-ption in Mexi co; Pass, d Midshipman Rogers sent to Perote; Arrival of Volunteers at Anton Lizardo; More of Santa Anna and his Plans- Later from Chihahua-Furth er of the Battie of Brazitto, 4-c. <4-c. By~ the arrival of the U. S. revenue cut ter Forward, Capt. Nones, a large mail was yesterday received from Ataton Lizar do. Our own .letters come dowvn :to the 28th Fe-bruary, on which day a northe r prevented the Forward leaving before the 2d of Marcih instant. The .information which folhlowva we 'derive eichusively ironi our hetters and papers. It appeats that Senor Atocha, wvhose ar rival at Vera Cru~z, wvith despatches, wre antnouinced y'esterdhay, went over there on te Forward from this city direct. He reachaed there on the 0th uilt., aftd pro, ceededl immediately to Mexici. He re turned from the capital on the2Gth ult., and repaired again immediately on board the Forwv.ard, and is now, we presume, on his tway to Washington. It is not supposed he Imas ascomplishe.d mutch by his migSioD Thae Mexicans bud -persoaut objections to aim. anid hisreception by. the authorities f Vera Cruz, atud the people and Govern,. metnt of Mexico, was anything but cordial. Our readers wvill learn with infinite pain. that Passed Midsftipman Rogers has been oirdered to P. rote, andh thait he Is nuw con fined in that gloo'my prison. - We lear. that thle bIorkade of Vera Cruz co'ntinules to be violatod with alnost impu laity. This issattributed not more to the wat-of vessels vf the proper description, thana to lie instructions tig which the corn modoro enforces the Jaw 'of blockade. Two barks' have arrived off Vera Crux vith volunteers frorp the North, andI gone into.Anan Lizardo.. One of them is the .$tClotui. We cannt attt this moment re colleet from wyhat port, the St. Cloud. sailed.. At the Iatest accounts" from. Santa Ana he was a~t Matehiuala, where he arrived eat