. oLURELI. -. UMTERV - eU- OAOMMANOVE' l4is i g 9I 144 - Q Q VOLIUiYIE IS SIUiNTEflVILL THE SUMITER BANNER; Ia P'UOLiani.D wIHK~m.v, DY WILLIAM J. F'RANCIS. T E Rt s: Two Dollars-and Fifty Cents in advance, Thre Dollars, at the expiration of six months, or Thre Dotlara ant Filly Cents, at tle.end or the year. Adlvertisements inserted fit 75 ceints per square (I7 line's or less,) for the first andl half that suni fo riach gtthjitieuet insertion. The number or inmse Lions. to bo anrked on all Adveriisenernto or the will te. ptislimd n.itil 'ordlered to tie diacontinuej tond chmirgel accorilintgly.. Oe Dollar per squnre f:r n single insertion. Quarterly and Monthly advettisemets wIll b charged the same as a single insertion, and Semi mmilily the same nis new ories. For publjshin:; Citations at, the law directs thre ,illlrs wvill . chmarged, All Obituary Notices exceilitig! mis lines, an, oominunications recommentling Canmialaie- for pub, litkomffees of profit~for tust- -or putlling Exhibitionst wilt lie eharge-d as nlveriseme'ntim. 5clr.eccoumnts f'or Advertizemg will be presented to 1!nymeneit qmarterly. All 'etiers I, nail motst he pomst paid to insure v pijtictmwl nitention. A GR I CU .T U R A I. Froem fle Souith-Caminian. 0OU7R STATE-. ts agricultural Capital-btu ninch dern ted to the purchase(iC 4 ,ind and Nc. groes, and to little to Improvements. We h.ve saidl, there is inl Somfih Camroli. 1ln, toll bmrge tilt mm u t ill en-peia lmil Cli at verv timproductive imerest. This is paiirtietiim lar tue ofl oumr tAr iemniuraml enpm~i. i:la. We inti-st tom tmich in hamls nail fin groesm: ai I Iteo little 41n1 the immilmmve.m.eiml ,,f Ithomse lamims. A lammif em:imary mmm,, this impoverishinigi sysvtemm emised ali ove'r Ofhe Un mimi. lvery where. 1te capilinlisl I1mlokel iii the ivestmemm t -or his memm inm In-iom bsso'etd his Ltithir .iiiiin tIltits, wvdiitho hatimng a rev t the im1rovmme lof ag ricultire; am w-is inl imcseilencme lioomedm t. see ilme iie Iivenels. oil h smol o grad-lt nilyv min aishgingmm. Within a few yemrs bcmk. mm mmrme1 judicimm sysem mf eimlmrme in1m1. obltimned: scienlce l.is emme1 inl tm tihle ,idl mof art. ami the fj.rmer has beenm tlimght, hliit it is i t om- tit holy one ne, mid ex pemid a pmmnimn of his rpilml ol its im ltmmrOmement, tha.n1irio hiohld two nres mner the old plan. it wtImiever S'imtte, there fire, magricmltural imprcvcmems have beent intrmlmur''l, tle Cnplial 'm11m41 lambh r ol the fi eri-mhave imeen prod uctively . employled. ' Wherever the oppossite course has ieeii pursuedm, impoveristment and ruitn heavE follo1wede. iet us dwell somewmmt upoit ihis view tit the subject. All ovmr our Stmte, iur lanters live blt.eenm Cmaciamimmlnig o time SmIll interest dlerivedl from t heir imis ind togroes. Uitil very recenilv, tin- cry was, that produtce of 'rv er iescriptimm had cme down tgo i mere iomial valnic; anmd farimig lsabor fof aill kimlna was irolivess. Grati this 1-i lee lihe casc: ure nimt silh de plre.ssionls immcideninil li evmm y siem- ies (of ll r And jmt as certain ns Ih,-re exist : a l 1r such de presin s, thr ikewise .mis a remidly. We ar' miml fot those who ieI'ieve ther iA in.ver-prnltuei i man off cliin foi r illhe uses of mnkiini. We railer thi k i eamomit he shown thatl iltre is yet a Ii.r- a maretli for the conmimption fof that arlictle, 1ms wams ever cmciei'ived lb theb y maost libmer.ml imaimigi imation. The Im illiins imm (hinma-the fil. mermmis iwit'l discovered ishol s in the Pmacific-the Simes .if misotIm Aimerica the yet iinvisited parts of Alrien,--i a wiord, fall tIhe worlb is epin miti markels for Ibis slaple, md all Itesem arkets mt I amil will lie sutppiliel. Nor are we of iltmhse wii mmare sc'arde imto theblie*h~if, lhat th le cotton m .mmm pit m is starvin lng beenusc them staple hans coimmmmewin tom its p'res-ent depIrecialt tionm. Ahn im'sl eve*rv mhinmm' hams .ntonmminmally ecme tdwn it pricemt; mmnmd tis will appiemar toe imany ione whim will matmke mm compativm ml ne seam io mf time price's mm oumiir owmn sampies, with time prices of time momnmu (.ac'tures cCofilier cmountrimes. Frmoim mii ex. hib Iit iinw bmefore ui, we'm fiml, i.mm ini-timeet thatm in-.1820 raw coitton nyerammard itt Liver poto1, 9 pence lair pciundmi ; iihi etit colm twist sold ati 19 penmce. Inm 1830, cimttonm had f!! cn to. only 7 penrce in thm ~epoundmi; whelile ecttoen tistl had fmallent toc 12 pecem. Thu~ms there baid beena ini ten ycearsa a f.mi, avrngiing, oly) 2 pence onm rawin cmottmoi; whelile in the sante perimmc, mim time miaimafn ttured article, the depjreciamtin waes as great ats 7 pmece: Thteis iff'erence, w.e wnnill be tldm, nrises. from the irmprovenements in mneiniee.ry, which ennble.s the manufatmcturer 1mm sell foer mnaeh I'ess. Butit, rmay not stimilainr impr~cove menats take place ini time peroduction mef time raw material? If thme paesi teachles anym les, sons for time future, wne mire certaminmy wa'r. ,anited ii suchm a hmope. Let it not he foer, gotten that it is Becce sev'enty years sinct cltiona wats iimtroduiced amomngst tis ems mil te idlen or its -everi biecmminmg at staplem cone was~ inromnced,' no onme ever thouemght time sced couild be separ'tcI fwIm thme wnool, ex cept by the agile fingers o cmonekeys Itra ed for luhe putrpose.- Are mde impreinenitc ini coctton culiture to ste. with Witnmeys'i maichinery'? We can lmook oveer thiiottoi plntatio'ns -of no portieon of outr SIates itmihotmt beinag cnavinced to the conitrary We cani noint to tmny nlantters in 8ouii Carolinntwho canl aff'ord to sell cotton -at live bentsitend yet make money. This they are ennbied to do, by raising everything on their planitations necessary for their wants. and considering cotton as the result of their surplus labor. llowi many plan ters are there in this atil- other 'StateA, who make:large crops of rottoin to the hand, but save little money. Ol the con trary, are there not ve'ry many who dinie little cotton, but are- enabled to put up all it sells for. Any one the.lenst acquainted with domestic econtomy, will see how this $irises. Every plantation has certain waits to satisly, mnd expenses ,toiincur: supply the one anid defray the other, and all over will be clear aigatin. A -system of figures1 has frequently proved it best, to Mnaske iiore-cotton, nat buy all the plantation i waans; but few rintiers have ever grown rich, who did not pursue an opposite course. Taken (iew instances. New England a few ynrs since found agricultusral ltrsuits a most profitless business. Ier farmers iivested most of their cnpitil in lands, and I Mimie in improvements. Sich a practic'e was- sour. fou nd ruinous; and the remedy was immediately applied. It becme ob vious that it was more profitable to ctulti- t Stie l n- improved soil than an impovcrishcd I 11n1e. A Id those peroi-le being most excel- I It'ti econtiinists, wiere apt enough to learn l the u maxim) thiat "tley Iw-ho Would get the righst sort of ric-hes, mitust first get the rightI artat wvisdm "' They set t) -work and Iea-ra t etr, and lie improved condition i ,,I* di-ir tagsictttire is evidence wheiher I ihy -iive Ieutn disa ppioi nt el in the foirm.>r. 1 Vv woi here comilbat a prejudice < wheich exists iii the miiinids oif many panters, I n- renraIs agaiualttra improvenents-in i I doig whih we have to aeknowledge our- it selves inebedir neatny our views to an) 4 addiress (of the ilae Senator Robbins, of 1 Rhoh- Islanid, highly approved, and com- p im* itledu inl a letter of Mr. Jefferson. Some ti of 'ir phanters conceive -that plantiig is a abo'urtlier a business tif experience and r skiIl; a1t it ilust adalit itself to each 1i teit's Sitiisait; and will be, and ought I to lIbe, difli-rent in difli-rent contries.- 1: T'I'lhese o.'piniionis we will not dispute.-. i Bilt When Pattilers miniiin that no in- Ii strurion is to~ he at thered from the it exp-rience and skill tar other countries; it nIo Isefaul lights ta be gained from boouks; il nosn-Ivainages atoherenpe fii rundetilrstnaid. ii ilg i he theory of those resulte, to which I I 'ir itusiiess rmerhanIally conadicts them, I1 they tare dle'cteiv-ad, ataid should be other- i1 vise instructel. Let then lie tauight that it thouigh iroitductiotns vary Witi siitations and mtiodes of caultuire with productions, yet at priiciples are every where thic same. Let v them lie tauaglit further, "Iat crpericnee is r. amil ever Itais been the teacher in all ages, s and that her lessons are not confined to i any particiular in'a, or class of men; aiiit g site has su ggtesa aled different mcans to the a 441sam' endls in li-rvrestt places; and that it e is preeuntmituios, umid tao much to believe, r that she has alrealy tatight us the very best s ntsas, and la-ft us nthitlting to learn. All at farmig knowledge, valuable as it is, was tI once theory; antd iily Iteenme practical - fraotm experiment; Isan faniliar from trai- Is linairy experience. But Iow is this know. v hedge 11a be tagtigli? Bly introduciig the o stuiy if agrieniItraI science into oiir p) systems of eitication; in to ir schools, at acadeimies, and colleges, and by maaakiiig b our lieple conversait With its princi- Ic pils anid improvements, through anins of agrnituiltral societies; and by a means at itore tlicacisius tha all, by iitrodia- p cinag thi a gricultural surveyor anttd Iec- tI ttrr aontgst them, to nwaken their inids y --ttach them thiir interest, and convince s item ii is bet-tter tot exper'i menita little, athana s to tlive's al itogaethesr ina ing Ioritous, deathIi-catus- ii ang tenste. fet uis noi be miistauken in lthe e last sugge t astonii. We w'i sh it d is tintedvh una det'rstiso.r, wet tire anil advocatears foir a getalg tg ic-salvsve asf the Static iat this time. Otur a petle arie tye t nt'pa to a pIt~~ prectiateits L hlat-i-c; andts the gr'at ajatrity of ths-a are yt to laIearn ithle vetry alp Ihnhti of signicutl martI alt ciece-o bte taut tagliahe truet ecctno r mytti tf Elabtr-ta umh-rl' standitt the use. of event I lthen coaaa uaonest tossls oaf Ihutsbanilry-thie : iapplthicratin tof lie trd i nary vetg etatble andit a ana imalit tnure's; ite v'alue(i of ce rinain seedts tanda stap Iles, andaa the ae tual wetath cotalin - a edl ini a thoumsandilCi ciman tinmgs artoundtt I thtt'm. StachI iniform'atI ai ion tn only be ima- i poted&t by thae poplar l'ctaare'r gating I aamonagst (tutr pilatears, familiarly cona ver- I sing with tane anad anthler, atal weaarintg away pirejudtice's by brn agiing thae resttlt ofa ttie netighsbor's expteriecait to baer tupoat anaother'~s.. It is satchI it sysctemn of agrictul tanral surveinti'ag andit Iecturainig, thaet hasq |broughit the agricutlture atf Alassachutsetts upl tto its p resteni ta inittof a exce'llene andt gatinted for Colanhata, whc wits ealoayed fair Ihe puripttse, the juist famcii which attach les to him wherevear knowiin. WVhten asuch a a lec'turer is pirtaenred ftar Sounth Calrolnn, yo waa vill f' itnd or cia tits eivery whet re gan-1 thearintg to bear lhim; you will adisctover y east after yeatr preajuidices wear ig awaty, and1 the ptetle every whetre wakintg tip to a truet senise tif their inatetresi. This is te way till moaral, religittus anda political reftorms are eiYectedl, andit so will a true aigricualtuaal reform ctame abtout iwhen ever the Itropetr mantis are resoartead tt. One refotrmatetda drunkartd goinig about IteIlinag the people the rocks uipton whichl heo hadt nt sveil, has eerer isal it salary hal. ance over tt.6ugands heLt-t $Olie refirmed firnier du the same, )tmirds etYeetilIg a1 agricultural reform, m:d the same-measure of success will crown the effort. But, howvVer much agrictiltural surveys will-do towards adivnneing our agrieuhtural htiterest,' the creation of new agricultural wants will do.still itmore. Take a familiar lIastance. A few years since, the Cliiirles toP vegelable market was the mbst misera.I able in the Union: beenuse its chizetis were not a vegetal~e~ising people. A new population with new wants has grown up, and behold the consequence. 'The Charles. toLn Vegetable-market hishecome lne.of he'best supplied in the Union; a tlarg e nitint or capital is empiloyed in. farming , For that purpose; aid fully $100,000 is ni. rtually derived from this sotirce otif labor. I large domestic trade is ithus put int 1-10i tion, and not nitly this, Charleston, like tome of her Northern Sisters, is beginning :) carry oni an export Irade in several kinds If egetables; and the Northern cities are owiw -the annual purchasers of some thou- t ands of dollars of the labors of our Charles. on farmers. The depressed condition of our agricul tire hits been so oftdn ;iresented to us, that ye are apt to consider it worse than it eully is. We musist not be deceived how ver. WVhile our agricultural resources are Pbeen very imperfectly developed, our I lanters and farmers ore far from being in I he distressed state represented. And if re look at thi -present nnd past condition f our agriculture, it will a ppear that our anters have'actually undergone many im- t rolvementis. Th'le traveller passing throiuidh ny District in Smith Carolina, will ob. ruve that well built cottages aind in many a taces elegant mansions, have taken th'e 5 laces of tho rude log houses of former (I res; he viil finid the style of living q mongst all classes improved even to uixu- y y; lie will see'education more generally '. ill'used, and retiiement in many placet's ervaiding, where thirty years ago,1 was to A e found the greatest rusticity and rude- tj ess. To bring out all this reforni, must 11 ave cost something; and the people must c ave been at work to paty for it. We will 11 ot grant, therefore, that South Carolina as been doing nothing in the march of nprovement, or in the making of money. ut at the same time we contend. sie bas ot done a huniredth part she ought to ave done, with the numerous resources at b er cummnd. f, A volume might he written in pointing b ut the many' cases. in which a liberal in- p estiment of capital wouli call forth the u gricultural resources of the State. We 11 tall instance one or two only. All along d ie sea coast of Carolina, and (in the mar- U ins of our rivers there aire thousands of it ,res (of marsh lands which when reclaim. 1, produce the most abundant crops of ti ce, cotton or corn, yielbling in every in- I ance where the experiment has beenI d iade, twenty, thirty and forty per cent. on i to capital invested in their reclamation. is etI companies lie formed to reclaim these p, Imds, and tufter reclamation, ither culti- 1 tte or sell them out. The plan is no new ti r untired one. It his been successfully e rnetised elsewhere, and it this time there re companies on the Mississippi, whose U Lisinless is, at immense prohits, tit reclaim nr inds for the uses of the planters. ti We state it upon reliable authority that (< early one million of dollars of slave pro. so erty, have been taken iwity frot two or b iree parishes of this State within twenty -.% ears, solely from tile want of a few thou- 0 and dollars ofh catpital to drain certain % wamaps itnd( irrigate some of the best rice n~ ands (If Sou:th Carotlia. hin it i breen oth-. rwise iour Statte wotutd thi damy have re-u ai neil a la rge poartionl ot' thIe slav e populta- I on that thas gone West; an itheil wealh pl nil taxes atrising from thiese sourres wo~ul tl nye still beena here, to dlivide amongst her c coplte. Let those patriotic capitalists wuho knowv v othing of the resources of Carolina, ut the commissions cit the sale of her t Lice anad Cotton --let those whto iare e-ter ally prating about what a lazy people we 1 re, whlile they, lordlly, ire, heave one hantd na all llan k issues, antd the other in the I oclnkets of the honiest farmers; let these pa. er monaiey manufacturers-these idevout-i aceit tiock jobibers andi conmmercial gain. alers-spange'-like, soak the life-blood of < he country anit then pray Godl the victim I nay not die. Let them, we say, posses unninitg anid mo(1re Ihonesty'; Ilea the itif ereince betwveen recklessa peculatiom andl rue economiicat wisdtomt, or if that be pnast >rny inig for, let a jusat Hi'nse ot inmttign Ialtioin i se uip in lie breasts of thae pe~ople, tintilI me'h imnposters shtal bI e ditv ena from ouiir j)laceis oft honoil)r andii popi~uar trust; and thle Planiter of Ca rolion will theni b e knowni by mthe~lir nameiii, thanil that, (If the Lazy Dri ters, of Sin ves. itRAFtNix 'TnE 'Io iA.io UttoN TritE P0 'r4a'o.-A t a mee'itintg if the New York Fiamer's Clubl, MIr. Mu-inz renits fronm thti "Anlnals of the htoavuIal ' rtic ultu rul Soci e ty oh Paris,"' an accoiunit ofi ri suuccssful expeieneit of graittin g n steinm of the to ma to uipon thet stinik (It at pot1atoc, by whtih a cro p taft toatos was riii-d in the air, andai on tif nt otatoes in the earthu. TIhte tomita the intlito tare o( tue ire )c gends C S SC ELIA. .OU . TlIE WILL 0' TIlE isP "You ask Ine', boys," said Anlrew Bell, what a will-u' theavisp IS," ai I will tell -ou. At one time it is cnial Wijl .o' the wis, atid ill antotler jai-k Il'. the lantern, lut bo(tl these iname meun the sun'ei thiing. "I will to' fhe wisp ill not always trube enen, f..r I have looked for hours withiuit naling it; wthile. at tother sentons, .withoni "itnug f'r one at all, a will u' thc'wisp has tpliefltenl before me. %Y4u ie not look for a will (t ihe wtsp on the top of a mountain, or in a dry anuud corn (ieht, or in it warm sunny slope, ror ihese are not the places where it is to it seesi. It is-m low, marshy me*adows, It swamps and boggy ground that it is nost likely to be found. .6A will o' the wisp isfa vapor, that takes ight. and iflits antd d:nces about amonig.tle >OgS that it Comies from. Many a nigli raveller has taken it. for a taper in* a* cut age window. or for a friendly lantern, and ias been so far misled by it as to filia iiim elf, before he was awai're, In the watery wvamp. Ihave a care, boys, and' let not -ills o' the wisp deceive you. "But, besides the will o' the wisp of the wnrpy ground, there are hundreds ofanot iwr kind .that will beset your pathway irough the world-and sonic of them'are 'cry dangetous. If you never meet with nly but those of the bog, you may not be iti cry gre-it peril, but it is agaiist others hat I wish. to warn you. "Pleasure isa will o' the wisp that has d many asnray. When we follow our wn will, and not the will ofGod, we are tire to get into danger.-Pleasure has rawn imany from thie pati orduty into the nagmire ofsin. Never let pleasure lead ou into evil; for one false step may plunge (it into destrtuetion. "To sonic, praise is a will o' the wisp; or it altogether dece-ives them, and makes ten think more highly of themselves than icy ought to think. When a boy grows cinceited and prond there is little hope of im. H-- is out of the right road, and is ill reat danger. "Learn to contemn all praise betianci, For flattery is the nurse of cria.ea." "Finery is a will o' the iisp oftein, to oth boys and-girls, and-otight ndr tii^ br llowed. The love of fine clothes lu rought mnany to rags. 0, what misery 't air of ear-rings has before noi breght loon the wearer Be neat, be EleanI but -ware of fine clothes! The rich man ressed himself in fine clothes, Luke xvi. Do hut after thast he lifted up in his eyes i tormejnt. "imndreds have found money a will o' ie wisp. It has glittered before them, and azzled their eyes, so that they have been teeivetd into the belief hint : would make~ iemn happy, whereas "the love of money the root of all evil." "Give rme neither itverty nor riches." is a proper prayer. 'lie love of God can make you happy, but ie love of money never can. A content. I mind is worth all the money in the world. "A bad cornpanion . is a will o' the wisp, Iware of him; for if there lie one thing ore likely than another to draw you into ouble, he is that very thing. He'will pre. mIl to be a friend, but lie will prove him. ftI your enemy; lie will seemlibh.-figJfC at lie w ill draw you iitaw hWrness. If y ou ish to, at1utoniry places you do it at ice by following a bad companion. That ill be the way to lose the right path; this ill be the way to fall headhlmng inito ruin. ."The sparkling glass is a will 0' the 'isp. 0, what numabers has it led astray! low tempting it is in its appearance! Ilow leasnant it is to thle taste! hlow it cheers le spirits! But by (leg rees the deceit tun oils itself as a snake, and bites as a ser enit, it shows itself to be a will o' the 'tsp, and those wvho have, beer, deceived y it fmnd out, too lute, that it has lured menm to destruction. "Cards and dice are wihlls o' the wvisp that ave lted boidies and souls astray wvith tt niiluer. A pterson begins by playing or amuisem~ent-thien for small suims; but his esire for gaint grows greater, andl his vie ne'reoses; he winms or loses julst as the wtill ' the wtisp thait dleceives him shines Ont ir wtithdraws its li'vlht; but on lie goes, anld isusdowniward roiad endts ini a miry swamp vithout boittoms. "Bad looks are wvill o' the wisp that fear sully lure astray, leading the simple inside rumu holy things, and tempting the root to nay in is heaiiri,.. "'Theire i no0 God.'" Giod's holy book ells us we are snners, and. thatt Jesus brist is the onlhy Saviour; bitt hadl boo'ks leny this truth and ptaint sin in gay colirs, liat it may deceive. A badl b'ook attrneiitt e eye, but poisons thes soul; it is a will 'the w-isp that has breckoned on thousambi Ii dest rtucti on. "I mlight tell yolu of mtanty inore wvills o thte wisp, for as I said, thetre are hundaredh besides Ithose of thu swvamtp. anil the hog but remiembler that sin of every kind is wvill o' the t wisp-it wvillI take all sorts o -chutres. A t (one timei it is ats brighit as fri enud ly i ntr n, anld ait ano1 ther anct eerftu as aI taper1 inl a cottaige window; but it is al A AP it la~ thu slfiitt ni A : t.nt ot, ~ .A likea ufire -wIork, it :spnrliies'jgdtle tbi e s comes. tiaer 'its intalsilet;'lik'e hirne~ ne Wnif', avhena.i,spring's it promises i -i I.yre to inefict' pinji, aaaalinl givrs rest5 delight to i ksure fugtre tkstrtctioa" T Na hlvill Whig g seurther jta o n utein resj'ecting the; ve-y tloLiiaieidPeow n it oP* se inal'y in T'eanessee liy a le ' quest df the ltoe Idae Flaiklin;h. dr e in. April st. Fynklin a-begunife as a boatmanaad - left it Iha ientl o thialuetf moreWthati6 0.000 lrgvalu pfA , tile000 Is iarpslpart.the, his estate ws asasuated.in .Lousiana, wher6 -'' , the law Iimnts the pruporio.of his prop arty whicb a fathermay alenate from his children. The amount thus secured to them by law, iding-safcient (say $300 000tor more,) alie remainder o his es. iate is given to tIe endowment at a setni nary, to bedeablished at the oplace of hid residence in Sumner Cout'iy, Tennessee I TleWhig says:-. - "H lre, ien, Is an institutisto n6ty - enclowell by a single indiridual, wt, pop erty.of the valte of not less than.6d0, a 000. Moreovef, the .will g roIds- ahat it shall be bailt on his 'plantati'on jiSumner County, the selected ireteal of-his -ilechr ning years- a spot .cialiivated like a Para-' .i 4KI E4 dise, andas fertile'and attrattive as can be ... round in- the Valley of tho Mississippl. This delightful ~spot, ufon jihichinature haslarished her chiiest gifts, is set apart -- to an ohjeet worthy~ of its natural exyIl lence; and, it may be-'hoped, wilie ralth - : among th'ose lucalliesi 'inthe world to which our kilods recur *ith sentiments of reverence and. aWe, as devoted by maW anal sanctifiel by Heaven -to advanice the well being of the worla. "The sinipleand unpretei ermisii which this magnficenti enclouiet is couch ad are not a little.ariking, upd at tile sane time, characteristic of. le. misn. Thoe revenues' arising from. the propwty, -says. tile will, are to be laid oulin buiing , proper anl suitable edifices on my Fairin - plantation, in the.County-of Sumner, ind State of Tennessee,-for an aCaUdey or.. seminary, tie furnishing the' same with fixtures and furnittire, and the employ' metal alid payment of such teachers and professors, male .and.- female, as may.'be; cansidered necessary by 1!ng said trustees. fr the id6a'tTh6 io- adff aid116tho - te children of .my brothers anad..sisersa oad . their descendants, in the best; and '' . most suitable and proper manner for ?nier4. aan Youth, having .a particular regard to a subitantial and good English qlica; C tion aid sth other hc8hetapil rn:i 661 tal branches as the toresaid refEirest will enubl my said truste"n- eiPliiiha A nd, if the rievenues, &e. shIall S. sufi.' "4 cient therefor, j also, wilih thfit ficos' **. children in thp iaid Co'iuiy of Sqniierf Z-11 unexceptionable character, -aiid suchii: my trusteces- may select, should like*ise 5' be educated and supported duriingi the time at the said seminary. "The main object, in the -aturd oa('e.' vents, here designed by the ie'stdior, name. ly, a provision for the poor childrcn of 41 Sum er County, is modestlf cloaked un :ler a provision seeming to be clicifly for - Ilia own 'and brothers' nd sist y. ais nobl e e ect'nally ex.; of povery and orphanage in Sumner County, andi makes blessed & lot usually so niournful, and so excitin our sympathies." A Nrsw Mtni tap A-r-ACed.--lr. i~ ~ s~ ., the celebrated Artinaut has tendered hi~ services to goveranientl thro'ugh the col unmns of the Lancaster Americun Repub ~ .A ican.-Mr. Wise, proposes' to take the. castle of San Juan tie Ullon py. rneanso A.o what he calls a "wat balloon."Y'~ Ilis planj lhe describes as follows:A balloon of common twilled maisliri,?of 100 feet in diameter, wvell coated' witih varnishf anal caphable when iundlaeofraising 20,00(~ It-e.is to be laden wvith 18,006l pounds weight. of percuissiuoed bomb~hels~ aqd tornedbo s/ leaving 2,000 lbs. fti ballaiset'iid men.. L'hte balloon may be infltatedi on shore or. tin btmard a tnan-of-war,- having ai cable of - five miles-ini length attacheda to it,~to' govern its manouvrcs. Leavingthe shore or vesa .$' self out of reach of the gains of te Castle?: it is to hover at the height of a mile abovel . -theo Caistle, anid liteially a'aitido* .,destru'a tion tupon its inmates.. This 'o fer om. plhetely throws-Capt. Brobdignag's plan nf' cuitting uap'an army in detail, into the slii'de/ - *4 The chnaacr given by Neckar>d96.A, celeobra teal French Anacier, of' the elptjuin , .1 anrabeaut. was dophtbless corelete aa dse 'cribes i-n a- few .words that odimtingulihed - - nant, viz: ***lie valia'ODeahoeratifrompl cy, but ana Aristograt 'drii tait" A A good criidrji by wibicbiojt4jme tije ,AA -lispll.