Orangeburg news and times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1875-1877, August 18, 1877, Image 3

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MASONIC Eareka Chapter No. 13. R*. A.*. M.\? AVHI meet'during the present MaHoaio year nt the usual hours, tlie followin dates : ?April 27th, Mav 25th, June 2nd, August 24th, September 21st, October 19th, November lGth, Lecembcr 14th. S. DIBBLE, Mi E. II. P. Geo. W. Buunson, Sec. Shibboleth Lodgo No. 28, ?.'. V\: M.\? Will meet each Tuesday at 7 o'clock, from 1st Oct. to 1st April and at 8 o'clock from 1st April to 1st October on the follow ing dates, May 8th. June 5th, July 3d, August 7th, September '; October 2d, November Gth, December, 4th. JAS. F. IZLAR, AV.M. Geo. W. Brunson, Sec. may 29 . 1875 7in. X. O. O. F. Edisto Lodge No. M,?Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Frulav evening at 8 o'clock, from 20th March to 20th Sept. and at 7A o'clock from 201 h Sept. to 20th March. JAMES P IZLAR N. Cf. F. Dr. MA RS, Sec. Rebecca Lodge?Meets 8 o'clock cVery second Wednesday after sale dav. JAMES V IZL?R N. G. TOWN" This body meets J Uric 8, Sept. 7, Dec. 7. Mayors OoUrt, held whenever occasion requires. SOttS OF TEMPERANCE. Orangeburg Division No. 24, meets every Monffay evening in the basement of the Presbyterian Church. South Carolina Itailroatl. 'office HOURS AT ORANOEBUIiQ DEPOT. From 8 o'clok A. M. to 2? P. M. From 3* o'clock P.M. to 5A P.M. Goods received and delivered only during office hours. Y. IWT. C A.?Rooms on Russell Btrtet next to W. K. Crook's Store. Business Meeting?Fourth Thiirsday in each month at 8} v. m. Prayer Mcetinzs? Every Sunday afternoon at 0J o'clock, for a half baur ohly, and every Thursdty even-, 'ing at 8J o'clock. MORTIMER GLOVER, President. TV. B. Thompson, Secretary. Ind pendent Young America Kire Kn gino Company?Regular Parade?Tuesday afternoon after first Monday in each month. Regular Meeting--At Company Hall Wednesday evening after first Monday in 'eacL month. SAMUEL DIBBLE, President* J. L- HEIDT MAN, Secretary,. ialisto Hilles?Regular Parade?Tuesday ?uflernoon aftei peconjd Monday in January, April, July, October. Regular Meetings?.Same evening of pa-, 'rade. ( ompanv Drill?Trcwlay evening after "fecund Motulav in each month. S. DIBBLE, Captain. S.'DTBRLE. ^fcretuiy. jl.a CTAl Iii Weather moderate during rvek. ?Drummer.-; arc in our midst again. 'Our merchants arc thinking of fall "stocks. 'County Commissioners niot Th?rs 'day last. ? mmm> ? ? ? ??? ? The concert Thursday night by the 'Glee Club was a splendid success. M. i. Browning, Esq., arrived 'home from the mountains on Thurs 'day last. Why. oau't a shooting match bo -gotten up for the Fair? Thcro arc Eo'me crack shots in the Edisto Rifles. Mrs. Alexander and Miss Ftiniiio ?Staleyr.\vill accept thanks of oflicc for 'it basket of fine poaches. The Edisto Riflee were out drilling Tuesday evening, and presented a ?first-rate appcaran< c ?Read the advertisement of Mr. J. Hi Norris, and if you have a bottom less chair, Bend it to him. ?Junge Cookc paid our town a flyi ng visit on Thursday last and was tho guest of Judge Andrews. A pf?tfacted Baptist meeting will comuieirde this evening nt their church.* hi: this place. Eminent prcaclicis will be present. Those Fork resolutions raised the devil hcrcy but for the life of us we can't find . out the members of that rinir. ' There Is still chloride of limo and canrjej-gs on hand at Dr. Hydrick's. Those who want health should call and get these disinfectants. The well in the Court House Squaro should be cleaned out and a pump put in it. Will tho County Commis sioner:: attend to tho matter ? Reference is asked to tho new advertisement of Henry Jessen in to-dny's paper. In our next issuo wo shall have something to say of tho Solieitorship. It is thought that tho Legislature will order an election this fall. DR. W. F. BARTON? We regret to learn of tho illness of this eminent citizen of our county and trust that he will soon recover from his bed of aflliction. A full rigged ship cnti be seen at II. L. Jessen'?, McMastcr's old store, made by 0. Mi Huroin. To persons who have never seen a ship, it will be a treat. Call and look at it. If Governor Hampton intends to appoint a Colonel of the Cavalry of this County, we hope the fitness of Capt. Alfred Frederick will not be forgotten. Many of bis friends ate desirous of his promotion. TAX RETURNS? Tho time for making returns *of personal property in this dainty has been extended to Monday, 27th iust. , after which tihie the penalty will be attached. County Auditor Van Tassel can be found at his office in the Court House every day during tho week. Mr. D. A. Struker informs us that he will deliver an address to the colored people of this county on emigration to Liberia early in Sep tem her next. It wi t doubtless be replete in good advice and comment on the cause which led the colored people tb enlcitain the idea. He is not reported tu be in full favor ot the schemeas it now stands. A PICTURE FOR YOUR SWEET JIEART? Mr. John A. Hartzog, one of toe best photographers in the country will be at Rranchvillo on Tuesday, 20th iiihi., prepared to take pictures of all the good folks' in and aroutid that place. Mis stay will be short and those in want of their likenesses would tin well*to meet him during next week. He is a clever gentle man and takes a clever picture. ?? mm?8^. ? * - -g-'-n^ ? ? - COOPER SWAMP RANGERS? The following i.s a complete list of the oflicer? of the above organiza tion : Captain?M. T. Silicat. 1st Lieut.?W. C. Rives. 2nd Lieut.?A. M. Izlar. 3rd Lieut.? K. J. Smoak. 1st Sergt.?John J. Wolfe. 2nd Sergt.?John Edgcman* 3rd. Sergt.?W. W. Westburry. 4th Sergt.?Joe Zeigler 5th Sergt.?T. C Dukes. 6th Sergt.?J. T. Smoak. 7th Sergt.?John Smcnk. 1st Corpl.?Jouithan Westburry. 2nd Corpl.?L. C. Zeigler. 3rd Corpl.?Alex Myers. 4th Corpl?John Dukes. The company now numbers some fiffy-btid members. SHOOTING DEER? "Sport" in another coin ihn desires to know if the Act published in out last isjue with reference to tho bunt ing of deer is the latest on the sub ject. We answer yes. Between February and the 1st of September no one has a right to worry, chaso or shoot this game. And if our corres pondent, or any of our rentiers who desire to seo the law observed, know of any violation of its provisions, it is bis or their duty to go before a Trial Justice and have the guilty parties arrested. Or, if that is too delicate; hand us the names of the law break ers, with tho names of witnesses, and we will hand them to a party who will set things straight. It is a great wrong to kill deer during brooding season, and the law means that they shall not bo so slaughtered. An cxamplo or two will do. Send us tho names of those who break tho law and wo will publish them and tho amount their sport comes to. A NEW DRUG STORE? Capt. J. C. Bell lias in process of construction a fine brick building for Dr. A, 8. Hydrick, on Kusscll street, almost opposite the store of C. D. Kortjobn. When completed the building will be sixty feet long and twenty-eight feet wide, and will add greatly to the appearance of that portion of our lively and thriv - ing ' Burg. Dr. Ilydrick is fast making his mark, not only as drug gist and chemist, but also as a physi cian of successful practice. ? V EXCELLENT SCHOOL? Wb call attention to school notice of Miss It. S. Albcrgotti in this i site . j This chool has been established in our midst since 18G3, and (consequently is the oldest. Miss Albergotti, prior to the war, held the po'sition of Vicc Priucipal in one of the largest public schools in Charleston, and has adopt ed the modo of instruction observed there in her school at this place. The plan of teaching i lust ho a good one judging from the number of well informed young ladies that have finish J.I at this school from tile towh and county. Parents wishing to place their chil dren in good hands now have the op portunity. Mr. J. P. Way claims the honor of having shipped tc Charleston the first bale 61 new cotton sold in that mar ket this year. It was expressed on Wednesday last to F. W. Wagoner & Co Mr. Way is a large planter, works hard, and we are glad that he succeeded in getting in ,;the first bag.' j ate it.?Charleston, S. C, August 1G, 1876.?Mr. Editor : You were informed upon the responsibility of a telegram received from Mr. J. F. Way, of Uraii^eburg, S. G, of the shipment to us per express of a bale ol new cotton. The consignment ar rived to-day and upon examination wus discovered to contain; a layer o f old cotton, which was in the presence of reliable witnesses, and by a capable 'repacker, leaving the bale in weight 3-19 pounds, and to the best belief of several experienced parties, new cotton. K W. Wage*eh <fe Co. ? m?mw - - ? ? - NEWS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS? As the medical readers ol this paper have, on -different occasions, been informed of the Beneficiary Scholarships! created by the Trustees of the Louisville Medical College, Louisville, Ky., they may be under the impression that these Scholar ships are still to be obtained as usual. The College mentioned is now a mem ber of the Association of American Medical Colleges (organized at Chi cago, 111., 1877,) and this Associa tion has limited Beneficiary Scholar ships to five per cent, of the clnss. There is much of great interest to every medical student in the regula tions established by the American Medical College Association, and it will be important to every student to read those carefully. Tiie-<c regula tions can be obtained by writing to the Dcau of the Louisville Medical College, Louis vi lo, 'Ky. These arc facts ol interest, and arc therefore given to our medical readers. Our lifne and spade were too limi ted to give a full account of the grand pic nie which was given by the farmers at the Pine Grove Academy on the 9th inst. But it is richly de serving of more than a mere mention, as being one of the most successful entertainments he'd iu the County for many years. The weather was threatening iu the morning, but with the exception of a light shower which occurred Into in the afternoon, the day was a beautiful one. And at an early hour a large crowd assembled to par ticipate in the pleasures of the oc casion. Several speakers had been ptigAged, and the Orangeburg Brass Band was present prepared to sound their sweetest notes, and under thei r talented lender, Mr. C. M. llurum, they entitled themselves to the high est prniso of an appreciative a udi ence. The exercises wore opened with an address by lie v. W. 11. Purler, taking for his subject, "Influ- [ enco of Philosophy ou Christianity,'' which was handled in a masterly manner. The next speaker was Mr. Abial Lathrop of Orangeburg, who was followed by Mj.dames Sheridan in a beautiful speech of about twenty minutes. After this a procession was formed, and headed by the Band, tho assembled people marched to the table, which bad been spread bcuoath the oaks and pines surrounding the Academy. Here a splendid repast awaited them, and all did justice to the abundance of good things which had been prepared. After dinhsr the speaker's stand was again cleared for net inn, and Mn j. T. 13. W halcy was i ul rod need. Nothing less then a verbatim report could do just ice to this, ihe speech of the day, arid cveti that could not prescht ty the reader J the full round tone nf the Major's I magu indent voice, his commanding j, and the appropriate ges tures, that gave so much effect to the eloquent words which fell from his I lips. Rounds of applause greeted each well turned sentence, and when the Major closed with a peroration equal to any of Burke s or Webster's, the old p.tics fairly shook with the cheers which went up frbni the throats of the hundreds of excited and en iiiuisnstic people who were fortunate to be able to listen to the talented orator. After the Maj., Rev. Win Stoudenmeycr delivered a short and appropriate address upou tliesuprem ancy of mind over matter, a subject evidently well understood by the learned speaker. Mr. James F. Izlar made the closing speech. The day doted with a minstrel performance by the band. -m> m m ? Thistles require radical treatmmit to tcmove them, Mid so do Rials an ! Pimples. Dr. iiiiM's Blood iVlixture j is a radical blood searcher euriu > a11 j skin iM'uptib'.ts. _ j "a Sti'cij in Timb Savks Ni.vk." ? Disease in various forms is sup it in du ceil by the existence of worm < in children and adults. Shrincr's Indi in i Vermifuge will destroy an 1 expel (hem, thus removing the cause, s tving both life and money. Sob! by Dr. A. C. Dukes. j T:r i: N ew Town Hai.l at Ay kk.? This elegant structure ii now cem I plete. Iii beauty of desigu it sur pas-cs anything of the kind in the State. Constructed of brick and dark marble, it it as permanent as it is charming. Ihe English architects have adorned it in subdued colnia which pleaFe without tiring the eye Dr. J. C. Ay er built and gave it to the town in acknowledgment of the distinction they conferred upon him in taking his name. Although it is a generous gift, still the hearty good wishes of n whole people are of greater value, and the gei.erous donor has doubtless secured them.? Gniton (.)/(/*>-.) Journal. -?? rv . mm ? - - ? Dr. A. C. I) UK KS is giving away a handsome book entitled "Pearls 1br the Pecplc," containing much valuable information and many in I cresting articles. It also contains a history of the discovery of the "llc.patine;" for diseases of the liver, dyspepsia, contispntion and indiges tion, &c, ami gives positive assur ance that when the Hoputinc is used it effects a permanent and lifting cure of these diseases, which prevail to such an alarming extent in our country Take the ilepatine for all diseases of the liver. ll "? a*; > /?;n f ul s uccess? It is rej)oited that Boschee's Gor man Syrup has, since its introduc tion in ihe United States, reached the immense sale of 40,000 dozen per year. Over 0,000 Druggist have ordered this tnedicino direct from the Factory, at Wobdbury, N. J.; and not one has reported a single failure, but every lottor spaaks of its aston ishing success in curing severe Coughs, Colds settled on the Breast, Consumption, or any disease of tho Throat and Lungs, We advise auy person that has any prodisposition to weak Lungs, to go to their Druggist* j-and get this Mcdicino, ur inquire about it. Regular size, 75 conts: Sample Bottle, 10 cent.s. Two do ses will rclicc any Don't ne glect your cou? h when you can get tlic above remedy from Dr. A. C Dukes. A D VICE OHA 'TIS? Tbc Hon. Alexvnler IT. Stevens says :?"The Globe Flower Cough Syrup has proven a most valuable remedy to inc." Gov. James M. Smith, of Georgia, says:?"1 shall always use it with perfect confidence, and recommend it to the public as a remedy which will alibrd that satisfaction experienced by mc and mine, it excels every thing for coughs, colds and obstinate lung affections." Ex-Gov. Brown, of G:i.- says: "lie finds the Globe Flower Cough Syrup a most excellent reined)-." Such endorsement by our great and good men deserves the attention of the atllictcd. Those sulloring from cough; colds and lung aifv.-ti > i? should use the G'obc Fl i-.vcr Cough Syrup. It will positively cure cou nt in ption. For sale bv Dr. A. C. Dukes. mil i add SCARCITY ?E MOXm'~ There is no doubt but the p. condition of all kinds of business! iudustry is dcarfully depressed, and it behooves every family to look care fully to their expenses. Winter \i coming on when children art; liable to croup, whooping cough,etc. Cough and colds will prevail everywhere and consumption, with other th.oat und Jung diseases will cany off many. These diseases should not bo neglect ed. Doctors bills are expensive, anil wo would advise our people to use Bo.-choe's German Syrup. It never bus failed. Cue bottle at 7"? cents will keep your whole family well during the winter. Two doses wil i relieve any case. Sold iu all towns in the United States, and by your Drug | gists, Dr. A. <?. Dukes. Wi >n sa i a :.~ ~ A line V'Grade Merino buck" .'5 years old look 2nd I'reininiunt tin: County fair in 1^70 Sheared '.'J lbs- wool this spring, l'rice 3I0> For further parlio'ibtrs enquire at this ofliee. jutie 'SA tf " TI2B AYrju^Taiy^.* Having ihl) died myself in reftr of the b.ipts-u ('*iui-it!i l.->t, I oiler my ?iTviees a-s Pn d .lustiev to the public. All rusine-* alterit -l In J. I KJJMvl: M K\FltS, Trial .lue ice. A very dcsircuhle UOl'SK ami I.?T, now occupied by Chas. .*;. Lull. For fnrihi r particular.', apply to .1. \V. MDSKLKY. HOTI ICE a UitAxt:i:3Ui:<5, S. ('. July 20, 181 (. I .tents. W. V. J/.lar, W. b>, IVrreyclcnr and Geo. W. Itriuison, of the Kdisto liitfes are auilionzed by Special orders from tho Olllce of the Adjutant ant! Inspector (ieneral to fbl'cct ?!l State anus, muntions ami equipments, not held by organized bodies of llie State Militia, and to receipt for 111*_? suinc. Ail unauthorized persons having State arms, munitions and equipments in their possession are hereby called upon to deliver llieui up, further notice. SAMUEL DIIMtLK. Capti Kdisto Uilles, ?Inly 28 tf. The Daniel Pratt Gin Co. OF lMlATTSYILLE ALA. Are manufacturing the Celebrated ?'Daniel PrattCotton Gins" with Uevoly ine; Heads and an adjustable s? ed hoard, which arc improvements patented by theYu in J uly 1 .ST.'!. Any ordinary plantation hand can feed these (.Jin-", and they will turn out mure lint in the same time than any oilier ? i? i, and by ih'U iue of tlic adjustable feed board, which can be adjusted while the (tin \ runuiiig, they can be made to pick the seed much cleaner than .am other tJin. **. The experienceof everv planter who has used them, shows thnt these CS ills will not choke, nor can the roll be broken by feed ing it altogether in the t enter or at the ends of the cotton box. We are prepared to prove by many let ters in our oflice. written by parties who have used these (tins, lor the pas', four sea sons, that our convictions of the wonderfully increased effectiveness and value of the Ke volying Head Gin has been correct, and ive are confident we can, without fear or denial claim, that no other (iins can compete with it iu quality, capacity, or advantages ofanv kind. Parties wanting our Gins can npplv to J. C. I'ikeci Cd;, Orahgcbiirg C. H., rt! K. 1*. Mays, Maysyi'le, S. C, Dr. J. M. Hunter, Tim mot is vi lie, S. C, J. 1). McLucan Marion C. IL S. C. Who are our agents for the dale of our Gins and sell at our prices. DAN ILL PRATT GIN CO. Frattsville Ala June 12th 1877 june 23 -Jin |gg:| HEEB THE ?sSI Words of Advice, ii^ TUTT'S _ PILLS TUTT'S 7?KsrKrTFUI'T'Y offV+crt byiLLLS TUTT'S w* T?'TT, M.D., for many pills TTi'i'T'u yars lli'ini(ti>:trutor of Anatomy in nit i u Tnil'S'1'" MtJicnl Collen? of C.torKla. Emi 2 'I'lilrly yeans' experience In tbcf1!''* 1U r I 'S nrnctlci! of iiivUleliif. toother with PI ''1.3 TUTT'S nfti'cn years' ti-st of Tult'tt Pills. TILLS TUTT'S ami tlm lhoii?iincls of tc^lImtiri 1 ttlu PILLS TUTT'S K'vcn of their elllcncy. warrant me PILLS TUTT'S'" ""'''"SI that tlu-y will pnstllvely wjLLS tittt'j cur?: nil ill souses that result from a u.r T <. i.Vri.Sdlsensi'il ,lv,r' llH!y n,e "wt ft-d mo JJi^J/'il for all tho Ills tl>:it nllllrt {,{. TuriS hitinaiillv. Imt for DvmipiikIii..lann- FILLS TUTT'S dire, (.Wiilliiatloii, (Mies, Skin |)ls-PtJjI?S TUTT'S eases. Unions Colic, ItheliUiatiUlt,' Pll.T.S TUTT'S Palpitation of the Heart, K lilney p I l,, TUTT'S A Heel Inns, Female Complaints, Ac, PILLS TUTT'S 1,11"'" w"result rroin a ili-runge- p jllS 'riiTT'S ineiitot the Liver, no inPilleliie has PMH ever iiroven no piieeesKfiil ns l>U. ?J, TUTT'S TUTT'S VEU ET AISLE L1YKB?!&H TUTT'S PILLS. PILLS TUTT'S ?.i PILLS TUTT'S s TUTT'S BMI.I.N ? PILLS TUTT'S ? CTKE SICK 1IEAUACUE. : TILLS TUTT'S :.* PILLS TUTT'S ?.-.: PILTiH TUTT'S : TUTT'S l'?.I^S : PILLS TUTT'S ? REQUIRE NO ORANGE OF j PILLS TUTT'S J DIET. : PIM.8 TUTT'S ?.: PILLS TUTT'S ?.: PILLS TUTT'S : TUTT'S l?II.,I,N ? PILLS TUTT'S SARE PURELY VEGETABLE.: PILLS TUTT'S :.? PILLS TUTT'S ?.: PILLS TUTT'S ? TUTT'S IM I,I S ? PILLS TUTT'S : NEVER Ulli PK Ott NAUSE- '? PILLS TUTT'S : ty\ ATE. r\ \ PILLS TUTT'S :..*:..ST...{ PILLS TUTT'S ?.: PILLS TUTT'S : TilK DEMAND FOR TUTT'S: PILLS TUTT'S iPIM.S in not ronfined to Oil*: PILLS TUTT'S -country, but ixteu?a toall purtu: PILLS TUTT'S iortbo world. ? PILLS TUTT'S !.I PILLS TUTT'S ?.: PILLS TUTT'S I 'ACLEARIIRAD,elasticlimbs,! PILLS TUTT'S Icuod digestion; Koiuid Mi-.:p,| PILLS TUTT'S :buoyant npirits, fino appetite.: PILLS TUTT'S :nro ?oiiic? of tbo r?-ult8 of tb?: PILLS TUTT'S ?issof TUTT'S PILLS. : PILLS TUTT'S :.j PILLS TUTT'S ?.: PILLS TUTT'S : AS A FAMILY MEMCINE : PILLS TUTT'S ? TUTT'S PILLS AHE THE: PILLS TUTT'S ? REST?PERFECTLY IIARM- : PILLS TUTT'S i LESS. : PILLS TUTT'S i.,.? PILLS TUTT'S :.? PILLS TUTT'S : ROLU EVERYWHERE. ? PILLS TUTT'S : PlilCE, TWENTY-FIVE CTS.. PILLS TUTT'S :.: PILLS TUTT'S :.: PILLS TUTT'S : PRINCIPAL OFFICE ; FILLS TUTT'S ilSJUIUUAY HTKEET, : PILLS TUTT'S : KKW YORK. : PILLS TUTT'S :.? PILLS This unrivaled preparation has per formed sonic of the most astonishing cures that arc recorded in the annals Of history. Patients suffering for years from the various diseases of the Lungs, after trying different remedies, spending thou sands of dollars in traveling and doctor ing, have, by the use of a few bottles, entirely recovered their health. "WON'T GO TO FLORIDA." Now York, Aufjuat 00,1673. OR. TUTT: Doar Sir:?When In Alkcn, last winter, I used roar Ei pect orant for my cough, and roalizcd men benefit from H than anything I ercr took. I am no well that Z will not go to Florida next wintor as I lntonded. flend mo ono dozen bottles, by cxpross. for norno friends. ALFRED C?8HINO. 123 Weal Thlrty-flrnt Street. Boston, January 11,1874. This oertifl? that I have reoommondod the use of Dr. Tutt'o Expectorant for diseases of tho lung* . for tho past two years, and to my knowledge- mtfny . bottles have been used by my patients with t hq hap piest results. In two coses where it was thought con fir med consumption had tafcnn place, the Expectorant effected a cure. ; R. H. BFRAOtTB.&LI).; " We can not speak too highly of Dr. Tutt'o Exk poctorant, snd for the eako of suffering humanity hopo it may b:como moro generally known."?CuaUJ tia? ADVOCiTF. - 'f?v i ). Sold by Druseiats. Price ?l.00 *? ?\l iy 20 1 Hl i I V ST ATI'' (IF SOUTH CAKOIilN'X.- P (Vi:.\Nc;F.iu.'ito I'tuiSTV, i In -i'robate Iii Parte i Co'nrt f ' .' ?au m. i: i Hi I alii f Petition Widirtv ul' Lather f for lief ifile \ HjlHi^!ei?L . iltiiva^iil. i Public iiotict! i-1 herithv a\v -n that .Taric \I. t!a-i-1 i!f inn] lier minor ('hihlrcii, U'iih.w :tn<l (.'hililrcM of l.iillier Kan.sdalo !????.? i-f 1, hive iijipHeil liy Petition to me .is Pro! aleJ?dij?! for the County of Oraoge hltrj; to Inno llieif llome-te.til and PeHOiuil Property Kxemptioii, aopraiswl ami set oti' ii'eeiinluig to law out of the ICstato of .said ilei'i i-eil; :ih?l I will act <>n said Petition uu the 'Joili day oi Aiitpist A. i >. 1^77 't\ i; t;i.t)VK|t, .liisltj'.! Probate, ? ?r.iajjehurg Coiilitv. jiiiy 'Jl At STAtK CM' SO! Til CAROLINA. On an (iE it" ft i ('(ii n'r ;", 1 In Probate i I'otirt. )?'? /';/.? !- Petition j-'irali ('. I'oilier for her Widow of W.O. Collier \- II uncstead. ilera.iii.1. Ptili??: ii'otiee i.< liorehy iriven that ?a:al? (j. ("oilier ami lo-i minor Children, Widow iindVlliildren nf.W'. O. Collier discx-leii, have iijiplied liy PeiitiuTi to me its ? Ilidge of Pro hate for lliu County of ?ran^ehiirg aforesaid to have their Homestead and personal pro pefly ICxeinptioit, upiiraised and .set of! ao eording t? law; and that. 1 will act on said Vetition oti lliu U?lh day of August A. L). C. It; (SLOVER. .1 iidge of Probate, (o aiiL'el'tirg Count v. July 21 .0?. HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERG, ./ill ours or prevent DIscaso. No Rons? will ?llo or Colto, Rotts or Lima Fx Vxrt, It FotiU'.s l'owilew nro uycd In time. Foutz'Hl'owtlew wllltoro and prcvcntUoo CrtouiTt a. FonWB l'owdoMWlll pruvcut ?ax-ks IM *'OW*?e* prrlally Turkeys. . FouU'h l'owifi r? will Inrrewo tho qnsntlry of Ind creira twunty per ccuu, und tuako tho butter firm indswert . , ._ Foutz'd Powders wilt enro or prevent almost kvkbi Dikkakk lhat Homes unit Caltlo arc heir to. foftz'h powdxkb will tilv 11 KATIIiFACTTOir. Sold overywhero. DAVIS E. FOTJTZ, Proprietor, BALTIMORE, lid. Sold by Dr. A. C, DTK KS. niiiv IS 1S77 D eTroville & He^ ward ATT'OKNKYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW <(runffcbiiric C. II., S. C. I T W'ill prat tiee in tho various Courts of the Stale W. .1. IloTrcvillp, Jnuies S. Ucyward junc 23 tf. AHBAfi, LATHROP ATTOKNEY AT LAW, ?r'rj'* Ofliee injearof Masonic Hall. M n oli 3 ly.