Orangeburg news and times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1875-1877, June 30, 1877, Image 4

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MASONIC Knreka Chanter No. 13; R?*. A.'. M-* ? "Will meet during the present Masoni? year at the usual hours, the followin dates: ?April 27th, Mnv 25th, dune 2nd, August 2Uh, September 21st, October lOihi November l?lh, Lccember Willi Bi DIBHI.K, M. E. II. P. CIeo. W. BnuxsON, Sec. Shibboleth Lodge No. 28, A.*. P,\ Sl.%? Will meet each Tuesday at 7 o'clock, from 1st Oct. to 1st April and at S o'clock from 1st April to 1st October on the follow ing dates, May Sth. June 5th, July 3d, August 7th, September '1th, October 2d, November Ulli, December,? Villi'. JAS. F. IZLAK-W-M. GlS?. VY. BltUNSON, Sec. mav 2'J 3S7? 7in. X. O. O. 3T\ Edisto Lodge No. 33-?Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Friday evening at 8 o'clock, from 20lh March to*20th Sept. and at 7i o'clock from 201h Sept. to 20th March. 15 F THOMPSON, N. o. F; Hi:M a HS, See. Rebecca Lodge?Meets S o'clock every nccond Wednesday after .-ale day. r, v Thompson, n. *;. ~T?WN C?UNCIIi." This body meets June 8, Sept; 7, Dee. 7. Mayors Court, hold whenever occasion requires. SONS OF TEM PK 11A St'K. Omiigeburg Division No. 21, meets every Monday evening in the basement of the I'rcsby tcrian C li n reib Notilii Carolina Itailroatl. orrici: iiocns at okanukiiiko m m r. From 8 nYlok a. M. to 2A 1'. M. From 31 o'clock p. M. to ?">; p. M. ( binds rmdved and delivered only dating ofliee hours. "V. 3ff. <'. \.? booms on I'usrcl! Street next" to W. K. t'roiik's Store. Jhisiness Meeting- Fourth Thursday in each mouth at S.\ i\ M. Prayer Meetings ? Every Sunday nflt rm oh at lit o'elnek, for a half boar only, and every Thui.-d y even ing at Si o'clock. M. UJ.?YER, President. H. F.TuoMi'Sox, Secretary. i] o c jv E. Mr. Atlgust Fischer will accept our thanks for a mess of fine cucumbers. It tried hard lo rain on Wednes day but didn't. .??wmwwre ? ? - ABM ?? The I (mot rat? of Clinilegion car tried the election by 8,000 majority. Darlington sends a D.m.oeral in 'the place til' Senator Whil.iem ire. A young'man was dragged 11- th.t! i'iverjlhe other day and there Wash ? 1 ?clean. He looks better now. Mr. F. Gerlaoh showed us some ?fine tomatoes and ?k rann M m.lay ?last, raised in his garden. 1 hi: thermometer was 07 degrees in ?in the .-hade atCapt. Lriggtnaiin's on Tuesday last, and 100 in Charleston .? ? - * - Mr. L. S. Wolfe has returned to ?his o/licc over lv/ekiel's store, pre fill red It) execute work in his line at the shortest hot-ice. See card. The local editor of the Jiri/Utor 'cow hided the local-editor of the J'/iuiii.r to-day a week ago in Colum bia. Mr. Hiillip Gothi'h brought lo ?our of lice, a cotton bloom on tli i 27th ?inst. taken from his field, lie is an energetic gardener and farm or. Our friend, Will. Crook, goes by the name 'of Doctor since his appoin linen t as one of our health officers. Dr. Crook, what is our sanitary e uidi tion ? Dr. A. S. II3% I rick, Chairman Hoard of Health, informs us that the sanitary condition of the town is not as good as it might be. More clean liness is necessary. The liev. S. A. Weber will hold services at the Laptisl Church to morrow, morning and night atlhe usual .hours. The Methodist Sunday ?School will also be held at the above Church. THE BO A 111) OF HEALTH? The energetic gentlemen compri sing the board have commenced their Inbors and are in earnest about keep ing the town clean. They will soon have disinfectants on hand for grati tous distribution. Look out for the board at least once a week on their tour of inspection during tho hot mouths. Governor -.Hampton's trip North has accomplished a groat deal of good for the State and the whole ?South. His utterances arc always wise and to the point. John II. Livingston, sheriff, re turned from New York on Wednes day. John went by water, and during his seasickness asked the Lord to bo merciful. He is looking well. Prof. Borg informs us that, the Glee Club will give an entertainment about the middle of July. The Professor promises to do his best to interest the people, and wc bespeak for him a crowded house. The Orangeburg Baud, under the intelligent leadership of Charley Hurnm, is improving daily. It is one of our Jiurg's greatest institutions. Without it how could wc get along? Our people then should j;ivc its mem bers necessary encouragement. COTlox nLOOMS Master Willie Dukes, son of .lohn II. Dukes, seid, to our olliee a few days since, several cotton blooms, with the stntcnisht that he has twoii ty one acres in full bloom Willie takes after his excellent father and knows how to make the soil pay. STJIA KM. I X'S MIXS1 Ii RLS - Cave three performances in Ma .-onic Hall during the week. They were not patronized according to their deserts, for they were really interesting and did nothing to offend the taste of the nust fastidious. We wish them better luck iti future. .1 IIARD A XI) ('HEAI? Jl l! IC K? The Orangeburg brink yard, in charge of Captain Bell, turns out bricks equal to the famous Hamburg ina^C. They are for sale at living prices, and are here convenient to our people. iJeside-, tliu Orangeburg, brick yard is a home enterprise, and ought to be patronized; Address all orders to L. II. Wanna ma I: er and they will he promptly fille L QUICK WORK? County Auditor Van Tassel has completed his tax hooks and has thein ready to turn over to the Treasurer. This is ah ad, so far as we know, of the 'Auditors of other Counties, ami reflects credi [ upon Mr. Vaii Tnisel and his urbane and industrious assistant, Mr. P. Oc Trevillc. The people will pay taxes now with a better heart than they did under Chamberlain's rotten rejynnc 0 RUNG Eli UllG LIGHT DRAGOONS This splendid military organization will give a barbecue on their anniver sary, the lOtli proximo, to which the Iulislo Hilles have been invited. The occasion will be replete with interest and promises to be a gala day for Orangeburg. Wc learn orations will he delivered by Major T. B. YYhaley and oilier distinguished gentlemen. The barbecue will take place in the beautiful grove in front of Captain J . C Howe's resilience, nnd will be under control of the following Committee on Arrangements: Lieut's. L. It. Ueck with, J. W. Cannon and X. N. JIaydcn, Sorgt's. J. J. Wolfe, J. Gco. Voso and CorpM. C. W. Culler. A.h election for oflicers will also take place on the day of tho barbecue. Captain Alfred Frederick will proba bly be re-elected Captain. He is a popular gentleman and takes a great deal of pride in his Company. A SLIGHT MI ST A h'E? Some one has received an ttritmy mous letter from sonic one else, and tho party who received the letter is strangely beating about for the writer. He has addressed two gentlemen in town over the signature of "A Friend" and "Customer" to each anonymous communication asking for facts about somebody or something (not stated in letters) and asm ring secrecy, &c. The party addressed over the signature of "A Fricud," desires to say, that under uiuoty-uiuo circumstances out of a hundred unonymoux letters arc not worth any notice, and information of any kind sent anonymously is either too vague or treacherous for the writer to ven ture his name to it. If, however, the writer will confer in person with the two gentlemen addressed he has assurances from their character that suspicions (about some one or something) will bo confidentially treated, if they refer iu any way to the i.ilcrcsts of tho gentlemen ad dressed.: And for himself ho can say that be does not know of aught in relation to any one which calls for a detective, ami if he did he never would give it in an iinoni/moua letter. 20 Oi>it i>fux(jci:.\t senscmn j:/:s JJcf those who have been kept pos ted through bur paper without pay ing for it, read and pomler the fol lowing. "A wise son niaketh a glad father,* and a prompt paying subsetiber cnuseth an editor to laugh. "Folly is n joy that is destitute of , wisdom," but a delinquent subscri-. bor causetb stilleriiig in the bouse of a newspaper maker. 'Ail i he ways of a man are clear in his own eyes,'' except the way the delinquent subscriber hath in not paying for his newspaper, "ltetter is a little with righteousness'' than a thousand subscribe!s who fail to pay what they owe. "A just weight and balance are the Lord 's," but that which is due upon your newspaper belongs to the pub lisher thereof. "Better is a dry morsel and quiet ness therewith;" than a long list of subscribers who cheat the printer. * "Heller is the poor man that Walk* eth in integrity," and pa.yeth his sub scription, than the rieh man who continually id loth thy ?'devil" to call again. 'fJudgments are prepared for scor ncrs, stripes for the hacks of fools," and cvctJasting punishment for him wlio paycth not for his newspaper. "ilopc deferred inaktith the heart sick," is a proverb sadly realized by the publisher who sendeth out bills." I "A righteous man hatclh lying," ! hence an editor waxes, wroth against the subscriber who promises to call and settle on the morrow, yet callelh not to settle. "It bitctli like a serpent, and stingeth like an udder," when the adder gels through adding up the amounts due from his subs. ? ? r?- mi ? - - ? - - melliciiamp's .school kxiiini TrOX?a lilllLLlA ST occasion? On Thursday evening the people of Oraiigeburg enjoyed a delightful treat iu the Annual Exhibition of Mr. Mi llichainp's .School. This was the third entertainment of an educa tional character with which Mr. Mollieltamp has treated the com munity, and so popular have they be come that the mere mention of them i.- sufficient to ensure a full house, and an intelligent audience. Tin- stage was beautifully deco rated with (lowers, and over it hung in graceful letters of evergreens, the suggestive motto, "Knowledge is rower." At ha If-past ciglit o'clock (he procession of boys and girls, gay ly decked for (he occasion, entered the ball to the sound of sweet music; and amidst the enthusiasm of an appreciative assemblage. A lew moments aller, the interesting program nie commenced, which was varied with the most sparkling exhi bitions of wit, humor and sentiment. Where all did so well wc dislike to discriminate, but there arc a number of pupils, outside of those who carried off the premiums, who deserve special mention. '?Integrity" was elegantly spoken by Peter C. llrunson. J. L. Cm in d id full justice to his theme "Floqiioneo" and II. J. Dukes to "A Letter." "Fields of Labor,' by Lizzie Dox tcr and Jessie A. Mellichamp was one of the gem performances of the even ing, both the little girls seeming to vio with each other in doing well. (The Judges have since, awarded a premium to Lizzie Dexter.) "Tho Spelling" Class" was full of fun, and August Kohn did his part particularly well. '?The Bival Politicians" was bard to be beaten. It was the most diffi cult and amusing pieco of tho evening and G'co. Dexter and John Zeiglor went through it with an air of per fect case and familiarity. "The Advantages of Education/, by A. B. Parier was gracefully donc "Thc World for Sale" by Mag gie S. Lulus, was another gem. 4 TkeSeminolo's Itcvi ngo." reflected e.rcat credit upon Charlie W. Dan ner. "The ? tu nip Speech" by Willie Light foot , showed that the right boy I was selected to' personate the humor ous. "The Hour in School," which smacked strongly of the coin position of (he teacher, was a heavy hit on the lawyers carpet baggers and scalawag-*. It was filled with sharp hits in every direction, and they came out so quickly and adroitly; that there was no dodging them. When Peter! Brunson in his speech in defence of ' I the lawyer, brought out. that wc are told that there rue plenty of lawyers in the lower house but, precious few I in the house above, and Willie Light font responded in his inimitable,"you bet!" and Prunsou turned to explain that he mcar.l the "senate," the an diencc was completely convulsed. "The Valedictory" by John A. Zcigler was well done. Then came the presentation of premiums. Capt. John A. Hamilton conferred the Tonn rewards upon Ceo. J. Dexter, John A. Zcigler Fritz A. Addeh; Pel er C. Brunson, Henry II. Brunson, and August Kohn. Lev. J. D. A;Brown conferred tho Kxhin i na t ion rewards upon (fco. J. Dexter, Peter C. Brunson, Henry II. Brunson and Jessie A. Mellichamp Mi*. Jas. II. Fowlcs 'conferred the rewards for Composition on Ceo. J. Dexter ami Maggie S. Dukes; and those for Ientim unship upon Fritz A. Addon, Jessie A. Mellichamp, Maggie S, Dukes and II. 11, Brunson. Capt. Mortimer Clover conferred the lewards for Elocution upon John A Zeiglor, Henry II Brunson, Mag gie S Dukes, Pauline A Meyers, Jessie A Mellichamp, and Lizzie A Dexter. Mr. Mellichamp, the teacher, then confe red the rewards for deporlnieut upon Ceo J Dexter, Fritz A Addon, j PC Brunson, Henry II Brunson August Kohn, Jessie A Mellichamp, Edith Ii Mellichamp, Maggie S Dukes, Pauline A Mayors) Keziah K Thompson, Annie Danucr, .Lizzie Dexter, Ida Zcigler, Charlie Fischer, Kitty Dukes, Luther Addon. The exercises of the evening closed* with "Tho Carpet Baggers March," a a humorous performance which sent .everybody home in good humor, and well supplied with material for a week's laughter. The trilling amount of ten ecu's which was charged to defray the ex penses of hall, music and lights, ahottt dollars, wc understand has exceeded that amount, and Mr. Mellichamp has generously turned over the surplus to the Treasu rer of the Voting Men's Christian Association. Twenty-ftvo cents will buy a bottle of Shrincr's Indian Vermifuge, the most reliable agent in destroying and expelling worms from children and adults, 'fry it. Every bottle guar anteed to give satisfaction. cold by Dr. A. C. Dukes. ? i ? ? ? ? k. l-:. j ones, journalist, of Nash ville, is dead, aged 64, Wages on tho Lake Shove, Michi gan and Southern Railroad havo been reduced leu per ccut. ?hyicic uratis? The Hon. Alexun ler IT. Stevens says:?"The Globe Flower Cough Syrup bus proven a most valuable remedy to me." Gov. James M. Smitli, of Georgia, says:?"I shall always use it with perfect confidence, and recommend it. to the public sis a remedy which will afford that satisfaction experienced by me and mine. ]t excels every thing for coughs, colds and obstinate lung affections.'' Fx-Oov. Brown; of Ca., says: "lie finds the Globe Flower Cough Syrup a most excellent remedy." Such endorsement by our great and good men deserves the attention of the afllictcd. Those suffering from cough, colds ami lung nlfections should use the G!obo Flower Cough Syrup. It will positively cure con sumption. For sale by Dr. A. C. Duke.?. WOXDEllFl 'l. SUCCESS - 1t' is rcpoi ted that Boschoc's Ger man Syrup has, since its introduc tion in the United Stilles, reached the immense sale of 40,000 dozen per year. Over 0,0 )0 Druggist have ordered ibis medicine direct from the factory, at Wood bury, Ni .1.; and not one has reported a single failure, but every letter Speaks of its ast>n isliing success in curing severe Coughs, Colds settled on the Breast, Consumption, or any disease of the Throat ami Lungs, We ad vis 2 any person that has any predisposition to weak Lungs, to go to their Druggist? -and get this Medicine, or inquire about it. Regular size, To ecnls: Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Two do ses will relievo any case. Don't ne glect your cough when you can get the above remedy from Dr. A. C. Duke*. Dr. A. C. Dukes fis giving away a handsome .J>^?j^ entitled "Pearls for tlic People," containing niuch valuable information jind mEny interesting articles. Jt also contains a history of the djscm'cr.y of tho /'If opaline;" for discasos-of. the liver, dyspepsia, coutispation and-indiges tion, &is.-t and gives positive assur ance that when the Ilcpatinc is tJtscd it cllects a permanent and lasting cure of these diseases, which 'prevail to such an alarming extend in our country. Take the llopafcinc for all diseases of the liver. ? - .? _ :?:-. .? j? i.j?aci?./.i*i The undersigned have this day formed a copartnership for (lie practice of law in thu County of Orhngebtirg, under the tirme nairte of |)eTrevillo & lleywnrd. UHice. opposite Court House. W. .1. L?i;TUKVJL?kt, ?JAMKSS. ilKYWAUD. J jun 10 -Ht "TjiVEIS NOTIOB. The underpinned respectfully informs the Citizens of the Town and County that he is prepared to do up and make MtUrcsics on the shortest notice. Also will conduct an Upholstery business. Trices will ho as low as possible. (>rdcrs solicited. 9 JOHN OrtClEN. j junefl tf !" NOTICE." I OFF I CK OFSCirOOli C?MMissr?NER. OitANoi:ntrit(.i, June 1 lilt 1S77. Notice is hereby given to the. various clerks of Hoards of School Trustees of the various School District, "that the. law an. thdi'i/.ihg the levy of District School taxes has been repealed. Wherefore there will be no lew THOMAS PUTLIillPS, Co. School Com. O. Co. id k:st tisti^yTT I>Ii. II. F. MUCKKXFUSS Dentist Itoom? over Store of Mr. Geo. II. < 'orne'.son's. tfif" Charges Reasonable. w JfJargahs can always be had at my store. Notwithstanding the dry hot weather and the scarciiy of rhhncy, if my friends will call on the, the will find Mich bargains as will make the hi feel happy of good thing's of every description always on hand in the general mcrchan di>:e line Call i:i and cua.ininc lor yourselves and save money .C. D. KOBTJOHMi 13 & ? Pr Steamnr 20? peices calicoes, one large lot Muslin at 10c pr yard. Also one large lot of Pique at panic pri ces. Also a full and ccmplets stock of Groceries. Call soon and get bar gains at TIS I AB, JtlSTBCF.. Having established myse'.f next door (u the office of the NkVvh ash Tivi:s in the Olliee of Ahial l.athrop, K.?|., 1 offer my services as Trial Justice tit the public. All business attchtcd t<? proinptlv .). fkluiok mkykks, Trial J itstice. LA ? N J) It V." Mrs. d. Ogreon lias 11 crow it li the pleasure (n inform the Citizens of Orangcbiirg that site has opened a lir.t-chiis I.aumhy, and is now ready to receive and make up any kind of cloth cs in the very best style, and at i!i>- lii? t reasonable prices. The estab lishment is from date entirely under my own sitperintendance. For further infor mation apply cither at the Laundry or at Mr. OgrciVs Saddlery Store. m RS. J. OGRF.X. may .*>lli if. iMtm sugar, LEMON SYRUr, rvASPBEJlJlY SY R IT, For pic-hics und summer beverage. Nie Nncs, Ginger Snaps, 1 butter, Soda and Cream Crackers. All fresh weekly, English Piccalilli, Gherkins, and NY bite Onions. A No. 1 bag I Iain at 1-lcts. Strictly prime Butter at -10 els. Parched Bio Coffee very choice. Ohl Moy?no Hyson, and Young Hyson Teas at Tools and SI00. Colgate's Storling Soap 3 bars for 25cts.' c ATiSO. A supply of (bo Daisy Tobacco, ami a full line of assorted Goods at lowest prices for Cash. John a. Hamilton SI IK RIFF'S SALES. lly virtue of Sundry Execution* to. pie directed, I will sell to the highest bidder, at Orangcbiirg C. if. bli the first Mondav in July next, for cash, all the Rights, Title ami riitercsts of the IVfondauts in the fol lowing property, to wit: All thai plantation or tract of land, in Orahgeburg County, containing one tliqii snnd (1000) acres more or less, and houn ded by lands of Kstatc Ilc-rloiiR, Es lateti. Illabinet, Mrs. Reed and Staley. Levied on its the property of 11. N. Stalcy at the suit of Daniel Riley. ALSO All thai trael pfhintl (with improvement* (hcjjcoh, situate in the Town of OraitKeburg containing eighty live 811-100 (S?.SO-lOp) acres,more or less, and hounded North by lands of Williamson Wi N. Scoville. Clover and others. Rast by the ?S, C. Ii. R. Co.. South by lands of JI. Riggs and W est by Charleston Koad. Levied on as tin.' property of P. M. Rbd ircrs, at the suit of S. A. (Jreirg. Sherill's (Uliee, ) .1. 11. LIVINGSTON. Orahgeburg, CJ1 > 8. O. C. June 12 1ST 7. J junclo 3(. Brick! Brick!! Brick!!! 100.000 Prime Prick for Sale at Oraiigeburg Prick Yard. Apply to L. II. WANNAMAKER, or at the yard. FOR SALE A very denreablc HOUSE and LOT, now occupied by ('has. S. Rull. For furthtr particulars, apply to J." W. MOSELKY. juc.e 2 3m Knowlton & WannaSIker, ATTOKNEYS' . - and ?' ? COUNSELLORS AT LAW, OrnugelMirg G. II.. N. C Aiig. 1?. Knowlton, P. M. Wannatnaker, Orangeburg C. IT. St. Matthews, may ? LS77 tf