TWO pOliXiAllS l'Kll ANNUM. } GOD AND OTTTi. COUNTRY. VOLUME 11. SATURDAY MORNING, M VRCTT 24, 1877. A Ii WAYS IX ADV ' NCE NUMBER 5 ABIAL, LATHROP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Orangebin-g, S- O. JJiay* Office in rear of Masonic Hall. I -March 3 1 y. PkRUFIAN GtLTANO Parties desiring guano delivered on or before 1st April can make arrangements rangemcnts with me by calling in early. Peruvian Gnnno '? Impor ters bands is net cash, and I shall fill first nil lots engaged on such terms. 1 am re ceiving same by said vessel from New York. Phosplial c and Acid at lowest prices. Sugars, OoJV'oe, Tobacco Family I'Toitr. PloSvs, Steel eve. ? ? always on hand Early Kosc\ Good ricli and Peerless Seed Potatoes also Rod Rust Proof Oaf*. J. L Hamilton Hussen Street next to Cornel-son's. Is hereby given that in thirty days from, date, application will lie ini'do to the. Clerk of Court for Orarigeburg County to grant a ('harter to Kdi*to T^od^e No. 33. 1. (). (). 1*\ in conformi ty with the Ac', < f Assembly, entitled ''An Act to provide for grunting 61 certain O'hurtersVapproved February 20th 187-1. .7. ii. \V> m.KV.A I Committee. F. 1)j..\Iai:s. j fob 17 1m If 11 y >mma 01 .rtjTTI pyornihopt will ho recognize*I at \J\ \Y:n-l iiigtah i dbr.- long. This ? h'ccrihg new:- induced me to purr ?chase one i>f lib; illicit !W n? s Otr.'iln ??hilf*, the public i : < u i! e m ?st roa ,* < mil lc trims No m:'it >?>?* what t *yh ill 1IVuve oi Mnie i wanicd 1 vom.h . On Uio h* hoi le?;J Xpt.u}? at 'i in-: fsroi:i: oi-' ivi i.i k i it >! j i: ;s< >n. quA^Giciiujia, s. c All work in the above line don'" on the slimiest notice. Also Jewelry repaired. My terms are rea-onablo and all work ?warranted. Oiv? nie a trial. dec. ?Sil l\n\ ii oil Sr o ? n 12 jtf srecixson ok -Ti :x\Y. Imnorter .vid Manufacturer ii\ if; mi ' I op If AKNESS & SADDLES. Has the pleasure to inform the Public that he has Received a heavy Stock from the North ofevery description what belong to -a ?'?first class Saddlery establishment. Also wish'! to draw particular attention tu bis Stock of LA Dl KS HIDINC SADDLlvS mid bis assortment of SIIOKS. Prices lower, then ever. (Jood Saddles at ?.'!.">0. Aerb**ilirig to t)ie latest improvements in the art. ? J, S, WOLFE over 10/(1;'ul's Smro, is prepared to execute anything in h\< line. (iuarantecir.g a faithful attendance to businrVsj ' he? n sped fully ask- a comimi niice of the 'niiirbnage, which has hereto fore been cxn'udcd to the old firm of Shidtir, Wolfe ?V: t.'alverl. jJVriy- All Work' G tin r:i n t ecd. The Two KfoVy I'uihling in the Town of Lowisville. The first Story fitted up as r St?rt?, complete in all respects. The second .Story arranged foi a Kosidencc. For jiartieulars npplv to , , jGIStyfOE BOLlVJill. ang. 5 if "~I>I<: NTIST JiY7 DR. ?JMVMUCK ENFUNS Dentist -Rooms over Store of Mr. Geo. IF. CoruclsonV.j .... ... ;. JG??"* Charges Reasonable. The Carpet Bagger's Lament. I've traveled this country nil over, Ami now to another must go, Wlicrc the darkies arc easier swindled, And less of my lying do know. I came from the cold frosty region, The land .of the iee and the snow; I came with carpet-bag eniply, Hut now 'tis quite full, as yon know. At home 1 was ragged and dirty, And left when the son jjot low, lint soon made arise in this country, Whin 1 got in the l'rccdman's 1 Sur can. I 16U1 how I shouldered liiy musket, And fought lor the poor old negro; How 1 hat? d the seeesh and relic's, And told 'em to hate'ein al.-o. I swore lliciii at night by dark lanterns, In the I ( ague wc call loyal, you know; And made them believe if they h fl i.', Straight down to the devil they'd go. I promised that land we wonld give'ehi Of acres quite forty or more. With :i tu nie fat and ready to tend it; 'that caught the loo' darkey, he sure. i i promised to give (hum all bifiee, And make tin in my equals also; 1 made them think I was :iu angel, Ami this earth would he heaven helow. We/jot every ofliec we wanted, Ami threw the poor darkiesa hone; I Wendthed and we stole without fearing. For Grant he would let us alone. That "mournful fact" speech of old Oreeley Struck the first heavy blow; Now the niggClF, con foiled 'ein. want office? Then where: hall we carpet-bags go? I see the more trouble is coining, The nude and the land I can't show; So like many a swindler before me, .1 iuu?i pick up my stealings ami go. An Ejcposifon of Merijs There is something irre.-ilibly per puHmvu in the of tlio pppnSij ii g (.'even in-." in the Slates of South < 'itrolinn ami Louisiana, compelling ike mind to judgment as between their j res i (.-live ekiims, sind 'satisfactorily ! deciding llii.v question of the ability of j ( m h to m:.-Iain himself when left lo ibis own iisources. If CbiverniSr ' Hampton felt any cbncurh for the. stability of his government should Federal troop's he withdrawn, ami the Stale I e lrniiltod to the undisturbed I cont rol of its citizens, to bo dealt with by them, in roped of the character of its officials, as they should deem most conductive to their domestic wcl far.', he assuredly would "not have asked that such a step he taken. If Governor ('hnmh.-rlu.iii waj by any circumstance encotiraged to think that. I c could maintain himself in of 11 do in the absence of these troops, ho just as certainly w ui d refrain from sum-it iiig their protection. The same may be said (if Nichols and Packard as representing t' c contending factions in their Stale. And wli n the ditler ence in their demands is considered wc lire forced to the conclusion that Hampton and Nichols are supported by the sum ami substance of the people, while their opponents fail to inspire any following which oll'ords proper evidence of the legitimacy of their claims to the positions they seek to hold. But if anything more were wanted to convince doubters that this is the disc, it is offered by the friends of Hampton and Nichols, wh?n they on behalf of their princip als hinke the most solemn pledges that if the troops ate withdrawn tiie nbi.'oxions governments will not In molested in any manner, the persons, of the rival Governors will be resjicc ted, and the peace will be preserved in every particular, leaving the people free to determine for themselves who shall be their ruh is; while on the other hand it is acknowledged that, the Federal power is the only reliance, and that without its succor existence would be impossible. Even worse iliiui this. Having exhausted pleas and .supplications, threat is now thrown out. A > the President has not incontinently yielded to importunities, they arc withdrawn, save only as a preface to the intimation of violence. The entreaty is now coupled with an alternative which whilom, in the mouths of others, filled those now avail ling of it with the greatest h?r ror. They earnestly beg that justice mny be speedily extended to them, us the lawful governments, that they mny not be driven to the uso of the rifle and cannon in defense of their rights; , Now, what is this but an at tempt, not < nly to intimidnto the people of those States who oppose them, but to influence the President by expressions of sinister designs? They know that there is no danger oi any violent opposition to the course of the administration, whatever it shall be, on the part of Hampto n'aud Nich ols, and hence they undertake to de i tor adverse action by insinuations of j dire consequences unless they arc aid eil in wielding the sceptre. W hen the whole subject is viewed iii the light of these facts and in'con ncctinn with tli3 legal questions in* ol vi?1 the true solutibi)^of the difficulty is apparent. All that is as red on the sido is thai tan people of the States concern ed shall be allowed the privi lege of settling heir own_af fairs in tlftsir own way so long as they shall con ?luct peaceably, in accordance with the principle of government upon w hieb the people established the Federal Un ion. ami without the certainty of which right that Union would never have existed. On the other side it. is do matided that the G ?ncral Go vern mcnt shall go within the limits of a Statt , and l>\ the "se ol its armed forces maintain a local government which con losses, its inability to sust. tin itself; in conformity to a decision of the I'resident of tue United States, which it is insisted shall be made, detcrtning what officers of government are entitled to rule?all in violatiliil of every settled construction of the C?Institution, and in conflict with all precedents laid ?!?>*?". l?y it.-, fmmoiv. Un the one side admitted right and approved prat'.ec On the other side aekiuiwh'dgsd injustice and uusahc tinned procedure. And when this is I iluj situation, presenting law, order, right and justice on the one hand, as against license, anarchy, wrong and oppression oh the other, there would seem to be no room for doubt or mis j giving; but every support of positive assertion and prompt action. The good of the United States, that of the several States, and of the individual Stales n fleet cd, is deeply involved. Ami as the only s!cj> required that of withdrawing the troops?is so simple , so proper, so legal, so just, and, there I lore, so natural, we look to S'-*o it taken at an early day, and expect to note immediate results through jut the cou n t}'. The wil d cry of alarm com ing up only from those wdio anticipate unhapyy personal consequences to themselves if the return to first pria eiplcs be made, should not be allowed to weigh against the interests of the millions to be subserved by the re form.? Rational llejmbliean. Chamberlain thought to play a small game on the ingenuoui and adolescent Rutherford; but two old preceptors, Kvarls and Slab ley ?Ma thews step in and gently tap the carpet bagger on his sinning cranium und say unto him "Daniel thou art a fraud ! but for the sake of our part)' and for the country, ve will make no blow about it, and will let you out easy; hut, my good fellow, you l ad belter slide, and relieve the admiuis t ration from the necessity, so far as Executive action is concerned, ofmak ing any decision between the existing governments, and would place you in a po.-ilion of making the sauri lice of what yon deemed your abstract rights for the sake of the peace of the com muiiity, which would entitle you to tin; gratitude n t only of your own party, but the respect and esteem of the entiio country." And Stanley Muthcws winked atEvartsand Evarts nodded assent, and Daniel took the hint, and said "what'll you give me to quit A young man offeneded his lady love by presenting her with a pair of duplex gartets, and thin ing them bacclcts asked her to try them on. The grave of General Loo is kept constantly adorned with flowers. That Tramp?A Printing Office Tragedy. BY l.iNOl.KY WAKItKN, I Jd was the day before going to press in tlio Gazette office, and the glum look hig foreman, mensuring rule in hand, gazed nltcrna tcly at the well filled copy-box and at the busy com? pontors, whilst hnxipus foreh?dinga flitted through his brain. Two of the boys had been absent on a spree all that, week, and as a natural result tlio remaing printers wen; rather crowded with copy. Whilst he was pondoring upon the situation the dbor'qfthp composing room' creaked softy up >h its hinges and a bizarre looking figure entered. His clothing cohsistcdiof a straw hat, an Ulster*overcoat which bail seen 1 otter days, a very dirty shirt, and a pair >:i b ; cd wor'?. About two oVock' J.i'.ins >:i, the senior editor, sent out bis leader. Now, Johnson's writtiug is fearful and wonderful to contemplate, i'eforc its intricate mazes the ehirography of such hicroglyphieal prodigies ai (.?reo ley or Bloss would look cloav. It re sembles nothing in heaven or on earth but itself. Von may read it in tiny manner you choose?upside-down, sideways or backward*, whichever way y?'ii select, you are bound to be at sea. The only mail the Gazelte'cbf\Yi who could set this manuscript with any degree of accuracy was Muggins, hi; wis 0:1 a p Tiodeul drunk. When the tramp made a drive tor that copy a sardonic smile played Over the fea tures of the other compositors, and they wailed future development-:. lie put the head up in n jiify, and then made a dive Ibra Capital "K" and set the word ?'Ilxesyky." Now. everybody know.- that iheio i- 11 ? such a word as "llexosyky u Thiiilaei having forced itself upon tb ; tramp's mind, he throw the word back into tin; case. Then hi- held the copy up to the light ami slowly and deliberate ly reached for a ,,T,'' hut changed bis inind, and took a "AY" instead. This, however, upon reflection, ho decided was imt the thing, rejecting it be made a plunge for n L\ But, lo! he could find nothing to convert into figures to follow it, ami, as no word could begin with such a sign, the dis gusted tramp in despair laid down bis Mick and sat on a stool to collect his scut to red wits. After gazing for half an hour at the piece of copy, which might be put forward, without excit ing suspicion, as a representation of either a Japanese puzzle, a Servian war map. or several dozen lengt s of Virginia rail fence, be heaved a deep sigh and quietly deposited the piece of paper on the floor behind bis case, quite out of sight. Then lie set sever al stickfuls out of bis bead. It was nearly dusk now, and the matter was rapidly proved, read, and placed in the forms?among the rest the picoo the tramp had composed. The next morning the renders of tho Gazette wcro electrified oil beholding the following in the columns of their jayorit 3 paper : nxKUiin.k ciiirnoduArii v. Occasionally, in the course of hu man events, it be comes necessary for ihe poor, over-worked, much-abused disciple of Faust to vindicate himself from the reproaches and maledictions which an ignorant and unthinking public are continually heaping upon him. The egregious idiot who wields the scissors fli ? he Gavctle office, whose ignorance is only equalled by his stupidity, and whose handwriting re sembles an African jungle in a thunder storm, escapes unharmed from the torrents of rage to which the poor compositors are subjected, I would anathematize the whole race of scribblers who scorn born only to tor ineht printers. Learn to write plainly, and i! you cannot write plainly hire :?.!) amanuensis to copy your prod tic lions, lint for heaven's sake do not imitate the. bad example of the Gazelle editor, who is too parsimonious to hare bis idiotic chullii iotts copied into intelligible writing. There was a sensation in town the next tlay. Johnson came in the office about ten o'clock with a wild sort of look in his eye, and inquired for the compositor who put that article iu type. Upon being told that the tramp had departed, Johnson went into the ? a tie tum and wrote a letter, placed it on the desk, put a revolver in Ids breast pocket; and walked out. When the "devil" swept out the next day he came across the missing editorial and handed it to Muggins, who, a armed at the mischief which had transpired in his absence, read it to the. assembled cninpi. It run thus: I N l".!.I'; i 1'.I.I: CAXnib.VTKS. The opposition, with their accus turned stupidity, have got themselves into a muss. No lc*3 than four of their electors are disqualified from casting their votes for President by a constitutional provision, which says that no person . hall be eligible for the nliieo of elector who holds a position of trust or profit under the Govern in cht at the time of his election. Dis pile their bulldozing and intimidation they are not likely to place on the presidential chair a man unfairly elected. Johnson was missing for several (lays, and the letter he left on his desk was b token open an 1 read. It ran as follows : ' I am going to have (hat tramp's scalp or perish in the allein pt." A few days afterward the doilies of the tramp and his unhappy victim were fished out of the river. 1'auomt Winlh Fi.iitri.vts Tin: ''Tioint."?.Some of Chamberlain's j friends ivho are here pushing his cause with the President cot themselves in to quite a predicament alter midnight on Saturday by being among the par ticipant- ina faro game at the'?Club," one of the most notorious of Washing i ... j ton's gaining houses. The police made j a well-directed descent, atid captured, 1 among others, what may he called a ! South Carolina delegation. There were ex-Senator Win. 10. Sawyer, who was the Assistant Secretary of the Treasua ry under Kichardson, and whom Jiristow so unceremoniously dis missed; Judge Carpenter, the "iron man" of South Carolina; one Congress man and two cx^C?ngressincn from the same Male. The police were even harder than usual on these distingu ished captives, for they were kept alt iiigl I in the station house.? Washing Ion heller to the liiehmond Dispatch. 'Ihe Hartford Times, says that a Cuban has married a wife who can speak eight languages. Won't she make a homo vocal ? Wink at her tenderly? The girl over there ! Her walk "grecian benderly." And purchased, her hair. A poor young man remarks that the only advice he gets from capitalists is j to "live within his income," whereas, the difficulty he experiences is to live without an income. ?. S. Senators. Tbc Washington correspondent of the Columbia Ulster gossips ns fol lows : "The couth at present furnishes to (he Sehnte of tlio United Stales three of its finest orators?Lainnr. of Mis sissippi, Mill,*of Georgia, mid Morgan, of Alabama., The latter is said la bo surpassingly eloquent, while Lamar possesses a degree of culture that few men attain. Patterson, the carpet-bag .Senator from .South Carolina, reminds us of a head-waiter at n hotel, as he moves among the Senators, and one wonders how he ever got there with his miser able, sly, hang-dog look and lying tongue. A worthy represent a live of a low class of negroes and scalawags! And he dares to rise in his scat and declare be. represents South Carol ilia! Are wo of the Palmetto State so hum bled that we must submit ever again to the sealing of such another scound rel as this man ? God forbid ! Stabil firm, yc gal lab I'followers of Hamp ton j and permit it hot! Insist.upon your own Senator elect, and swear to abide by none other. Have you suf fered so much, men oi Carolina, not to realize bow these men, Patterson, Corbih and other eurprt-ba- wretches disgrace you ? Spew them out; reject them ns poison ! The colored mm who held scats in Congress and call themselves members Iro n .South Caro Iih? do not, cannot, falsify her as these white perjured villains d >.' Apache Courtship Even those copper-colored cut throats, tllO Apaehu J u.litwkt*. brc-.-T? .a touch ol delicacy and romance in them. Er.m a lecture delivered in San Frail Cisco by Col. John C. Car many, the following account of their courting customs is taken . ?'Every young girl is at liberty" to refuse a suitor for her band. The lather, mother and brother are pro hibited from interfering in lierehoioc. Her person is at herown disposal. After a brief courtship, the lover makes a formal proposal by idfering so many louses. Horses an is-aud itrd valueamong the Ind. ins As ili? squaw dees all ihc work, horses are accepted as an equivalent for bor labor. "When a young worrior becomes enamored, he fastens his horse near the wigwam of the squaw "whosehand be seeks, whore he is lelt four days. If she fails to feed and water the horso during that time, the 1. ister is rejec ted; but if she accepts bis oiler, she grooms and kindly" cares for tlio horse, and then ties him to the wig wam of her lover, as much as to say, 'I sun Willing to be your slave and do your work;' At the marriage, tho sages and sachems meet together, and the bride is not unfrequently loaded with forty or fifty pounds of silver an I copper trinkels.M ?* ? .