Orangeburg news and times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1875-1877, October 21, 1876, Image 4

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l\?u I _A_T " GEO. H. CORNELSON'S! I am just receiving a LARGE and WELL ASSORTED STOCK of FALL &, WINTER GOODS , Comprising all the DTEEEREjNTT ILLISTES IjST DllY GOODS GROCERIES, 'CLOT3TING, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, '.WOOD & "W'J L.LOW WAPvE, SA?lVlMBS & IEAKNI3SS. ?RQCKEIt^ & GLASSWARE, In endless varieties. I have also added to my establishment a Storeroom for E TJ R 1ST I r_T XJ R E, And shall always beep on hand a good assortment of same. All goods will he SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH, And according to the times. Call and examine for yourselves. Respectfully yours, GKORG'TC II C?RNRtiS?X. Ricken backer . NEW ST Taylor's Here is the place now to get gro ceries and liquors and everything that is new. We sell for cash and will give everybody satisfaction. Having just opened, we invite our friends to call and see us. sept 22 1876. tf Hi ? PINCRNEY'S LANDING Cotton bought and the highest Market Price paid. On ha^d h Sarge stock of Mer chandize which is ofiered at the lowest prices. -cpt 23 IS7G tf. ESIDENT aSAOT Was rejoiced when lie heard thai Rabnoclc, his Private Secretary, had been acquitted of Complicity in the Whiskey Frauds, and immediately Sent ah Order to our Store For n ear load of Dry Gooks, IVoots, Shoes, Hals, Groceries^ Canned Meats. Oysters, Lobsters and Salmon; also For Samples of Wines, Whiskies, And twenty thousand of the. Cigars with which we have been furnishing him lately. Jib object in making this Large Order proceeded from a desire ou his part To Teat the Jury Who cleared his "Bahby." We have filled his Order, but have, still a Lar^c Supply of everything Good on hand. Our Prices arc suited to the tinic?. Of course we make Grant pay well for what he gets, but to all decent dcoplc wc Also for for sale 50 Tons of Russol Coe's ?mnioniat?d Superphos pfoa3 o of Xaime. i uj, ,.igs or Darrels, and Manufactured at LINDEN, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Give usti call. HERMANN S- liKflTtf Fl It IC U. 3 ? u ONE HUNDRED YEARS ago the quiet und unpretending citizens of this place did not dream that a century hence I would open the complctcst. That was ever established in the interior of South Carolina' Nor did they think of the mighty destiny that was wrapped up in the future for Or angcburg. It was to become one of the centres of trade and industry, but the homespun maiden and the unkempt bachelor of the long ago, had no prophetic visions of the fact. But Truth is Strange Than Fiction. And on the 21st of August, 1870, on Rossel Street, next door to Dr. IJydrick's Drugstore, in the Town of Orangeburg, I established THE CENTENNIAL GROCERY My friends were invited to examine hvy'stock and after a thorough in spection passed the following 11LCSOLTJTIOiSrS UXANMOUSLY. J?Kso?cn7t That the people of Orangcburg County who are fond of good things to cat, are under obligations to P. W, Bull for the considera tion he has manifested towards them in the establishment of his SPLEN DID GROCERY, and for the low figures at which ho has marked them. litwlocil further, That his line Sugar, Codec, Lard, Bacon, Hams, Molasses, Rice, Grist, Butler. Mackerel, Oysters, Lobsters, Canned Fruits, Tinware. Tobacco,Cigars, Candies, Raisins, .Jellies, &c, &., arc the best ev er offered for sale in this place. ft'i.Y" Goods delivered anywhere in Town free of charge P. W. BULL. J. STRAUS & CO. Rice, Grist, Meal and 'Lumber Dealers, (Cor. Market and Amelia Streets.) Beg leave to call attention to heir increased Facilities for supplying all wants in their line. All grades RICE for sale, at LOW FIGURES. GRIST and MEAL (Bolted) for sale at " " Choice Clean Rice exchanged lor ROUGH. Highest Market "Price paid for RICE and CORN. oxm l^L^-jNTiisrcx mill Lately ERECTED enables us to furnish DRESSED LUMBER at un heard of PRICES, as follows: DRESSED FLOORING, $15 per M. and Dressed Ceiling, 814 per M. Bills for ROUGH LUMBER, sawed to order at lowest rates. Per Sale Plastering Lathes, Machine Oil, low down. One dp Saw Taylor Gin, good order, at 200 per saw. A large number of 2nd band Portable and Stationary Engines in good working order, for sain at half price of new. "We invite all interested in HOME ENTERPRISE to visit our c?lab men t. 3gl j i: as rtisMOV"ii:n to T. D. WOLFE'S OLD STAND With a full stock of Groceries, Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos. Call on Mm and he will do his best to please you. DE. A. S. HYDRICK, DHUGGISr AND CHEMIST Has just opened an entire new Stock of DJ ? it G aiid CIircAIICAT-.S, At the Stand Formerly Occupied by the late E. J. Olivcros. The most popular a PATENT MEDICINES - With full line of XOITliTST ARTICLES OortslnntTy on hand, fhe Proprietor will ^ive Personal Altention to the Com noiiiKliiiK "i lMiyHi<?iaMS I'reseTipiions and i'rivatc Formulas. I'hysieians desirous of purchasing will lind it to their advantage to INSPECT MY STOCK! He fore Inlying Klsc\vhe;e. Hceogni/.ing the fact that "la Medicine Pwriiy is abo ve I*ricc," we dial) .-pare m> pains to secure the very best Medicines. A call is resp?etfully solicited. ocl 30 A. S. HYDRICK, Druggist. 1775 52 ot It! The best BEY GOODS, GROCER IES, LIQUORS, &c, inthe County. Let everybody come to myystore. WALLACE ?AOT0N. Can always be bad at my store, corner R?ssel Street and Rail Ro?d. Avenue. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES Will be kept constantly on baud, and will bo sold for prices to Buit the hard times. A Lot of Heady-Made Clthing for sale cheap. A splendid suit for a littlo money. SHOES, BOOTS, SADDLES, &u., of the very best make and style with a complete line of GR OCERIES AND LIQUORS, Such ar Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Lard, Bacon, Cheese, Molasses &c., <fcc.r can always be bad at my store. Those want to save money should give rao a call. Thad. C. Andrews, Agent. c. D. KORTJOHN Begs to inform his FRIENDS, PATRONS aud the PUBLIC generali, that he is continually receiving Large Supplies of Dry Goods, Tin Ware, Hats, Caps, &c. Crockery Ware, AND grocebi Boots, Shoes, Wooden Ware, Of all kinds; in fact, a supply of GENERAL MERCHANDI E. Always on hand at Low Prices, and shown free of charge. All that kindly favor me fly calling and seeing for themselves, will be con vinced that the place for them to hup their supplies is C. D. KORTJOHN. Come One Come All! TO DOYLiT/S CORNER J. H. SCHACHTE " With a full supply of Groceries, Shoes, Cloth!i^j^iid^^a^rai--Mt*is? ?vl. chandise aiso Liquors, Cigars and Tojiooo, A T Lov7 S?? Pd:r>. 3 Bl 8 50 rt ^ s g = * ? r o 7L z ? g 3 5 H g * o B C P % g 05 ? 3 li ?. 2 ft 5T ? g* SB S _. o c/> CT* ? 2 ? o S3 O o to _ r ?* l" 3 2 V, '=/ c: -? ? ?1 I "?: 12. -i O g" ?. < ?B 3 5 c p tg CD ft" M c d ?? on p 1 I " I S 3 B a o . H B * o c B a. c^; - Hi f5 B E" ? S-i? s e: g o ^ ? 3 CO ? .8 g i; ?B b O 3 ?B P B P B 133 p w 6 w g 03 a ? o CO o O o w o H M W Q H cd m 1 12! j> losin Oostj Cost D. LOUIS