MASONIC Potros Council No. 11, K \ ft S-Jfl.. AVill meet each Thursday at (5 o'clock I'. At. from l?t October to 1st April and al S o'clock from 1st April to 1st October, on the following dates, June 124, July 22, Any. 39, Sept. 1?, Oct. 21, Nov. IS, and Dee. Hi. 1 J. F. 1ZLAK, T. 1. G. W. Brunson, Recotxlct. Eureka Chapter No. 1?, It *. A.\M.V "Will meet during the present Masonic year at Iho usual hours, tlie, Nov. 7, Dee. .">. JAS. F. IZLAK, W. M. CiEO. W. BncNSON, See. may 21) 1S7? Tin. I. O. O. F. ElUstO LotlgO No- Itll,?Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Friday evening at 8 o'clock, from 20th March to'20th Sept. and at 7J o'clock from 20lh Sept. to 20lb .March. I* DkMAUs, n. t;. ? J 11 KUM A n WAHL KUS, See. Rebecca Lodge?Met ts S o'clock every second Wedncsdav after sale dav. * F. Dr.MA KS, n. o. TOWN COUNCIL. This hotly meets .luue 8, Sept. 7, Dec. 7. Mayors Court, held whenever occasion requires SONS OF TBMV??Ii A NCK. Orangeburg Division No. h2\, meets every Monday evening in the basement of the Presbyterian Church. T. Ml V. A.?Hall and Headini; Room vcr Store of .Mr. .1. C. 1'ikc?open tyery night from 8:00 to 10:80 r- Si. I'raver Meetings ibis month June 1st, Slli, lf>th. 2:!rd and 2S>tli al 8 :>0 p. Si. ?nsiness Meeting June 22nd 8:J!0 i\ M.. tverv Fourth Thurstlav in eat h inouth at OO'e. M Mi, President. F S Dinhl.r, Secretary. South Caroliua Ilailroad. OKKICK 1I?U'IIS AT OKANOKItri.O lU-ilMiT. From 8 o'tlok A. M: to 2.V I'. M: From 3} o'clock V.M. loO 1'. M. floods received and delivered only diirhi? oflice hours. TL ? O A. I. . ?Services in the J hi pi ist, Church tu morrow morning ami eveuiti IM l The weather has been cool :i cloudy with a slight, sprinkling <>:: casionally. -m ? tm Our town is more lively now ilia for some tiin pa t. Cotton is Co niii; in daily and the merchants is n. smiling as can be. The Rev. A. I'. Norris, by special request, will preach ill New i!np< Church near Rowesv?le, to-morrow, 24th instant, at 11 o'ehick. . . - ml * -mm The New Court House will soldi be completed. It is one among the iiandsi inesi building* iu tin- State. The contractor deserves the praise id our citizens for the svorkiu iulik? manner if which it is beinu liuish-.d Mr. C. It. Jones is just from Char leston with hoiv goods of every djs cription, in fact he has everything that in necessary to the farmer and his gootl wife. Call on Charlie and examine h;s goods ami prices. We invite special attention to the advertisement of Kickecbaker Si Tay lor. These gentlemen are young men of energy, and of wide popularity. Tliey have a store that every body ought to visit, and buy their groce ries from. Messrs. Brigginnnn A'. Crook has Olio thojliiicst lilted,up establishment in this place, and well filled with dry goods, groceries and liquors which they are ollering at very low figures. The public will do well to call a.t the above establishment before making their purchases. - mw ? -mm~.-? A protracted meeting will com mence iu the Methodist Church of this place on to-morrow morning. Rev. Wm. Martin,"P. E.j 6f Colum bia will preach morning and evening The meeting will continue during the week with Rev's A. J. Cothran and J. O. Wilson of ft. C. Conference to nssist. The (Sunday School Mission ary Society will meet to-morrow after noon at i o'clock, when addresses will be made. The public generally andChildren especially arc invited to attend. Mr. W.E. Lewis advertises that he will buy cotton and pay the high - est market price, also that he has a first class stock of goods on hand which he is offering at oxtrcmciy low figures. Give him a trial and be will satisfy you that he means what he savs. How Tight Thoy Wear Them. The extremities to which fashion has advanced in London in female attire are really deplorable. A lady on whose truthfulness 1 can depend, confides to mo the following particu lars ? She was asked the other day to inspect the wedding trousseau of a young lady of high rank. The dresses were very numerous and beau tiful, and every accessory of attire was in the height of fashion, if not of good taste, "lint when'," inquired my friend, "is the under clothing?" "Oh," said the milliner, with a smile of pity, "ladies wear none now adays. They wear these instead.'' And she pointed to three complete suits, not of armor, but of chamois leather. It is only over chamois leather that the skirts from Worth citri be strained light enough. At Bristol; the other day, the MayoT gave an en tertainment to the Lord Mayor of London, and the occasion seemed so important that one lady guest sent to Paris for her dinner dress It was so tight when it. came that she bad to take oil' garment after garment before she could get into it at all. And then she had to sit down at table. I am told that her sufferings were consider able during the repast; but her worst misery was the r< (lection, "How shall I get up again ?" Kvcntually she did get tip, thanks to the gentlemen on on each side of her, who pulled down the refractory garment by main force. At the *>cry last drawing room in Buckirigl am Palace a similar catas trophe tool; place. A lady made be. bow to the Queen a litt'e too low lot hi r "kicking strap," (as a man would call it, but I dare say Mr. Worth has some prettier name.) and it slipped down so far I hat she could not get up again. The Lord High Chamberlain himself had to conic forward ami sit her straiuhb Call at Dr. .1. (!. Warinainaker's ami get a pamphlet ami read about Dr. Clark .Johnston's great Indian Iii.I syrup, the best medicine, in use. Dr. Wannamaker also has the medicine for sale at wholesale and retail. juiie 2-1 ?- mM ? ^ - l)i pepsin Americans are particularly subject to this disease and its effects : such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache Habt': tua.1 eoftivciiess, Heart burn. Water lihish, coming up of III i food coated tongue, disagreeable taste in the mouth, palpitation of the Heart and all disea es of the Stomach ami Liver. Two doses of G roon's August. Flower ivill relieve you at once, and there positively is not a ease in the United Slates it will not cure. If you doubt this go to your Druggist Dr. G. Dukes, and get a sample Mottle for 10 cents and try it. Regular size 7? cents. OUESriOXS FOR EVERY USE To AXSWER? Are you troubled with Indigestion, Constipation of the Howe's, Dyspe psia, or any disease of the Liver ? Have you sulfered for years ami found no relief from the use of medicines ? Do you have a faint appetite, and are you troubled with feelings of languor ? If you have these feelings we. know yon have not tried the new discovery Mcrrcli's Ilcpatine, at Dr. A. C. Dukes' Drug Store. It is performing wonderful cu es in this ami all bt er communities where the people use it. It is pronounced by all as the best Liver Medicine in the world. Two doses will relievo the worst case, of Dyspepsia or Constipation of tin/ 1 Jo wets. Each bottle contains fifty doses, and a teaspoon fill of I libs medicine in a wine glassful of water throe times a day for one. day, pro duces a most wonderful eliaiij Where the system is run down with loss of oil orgy and appetite, or Dys pepsia, with all its train of evil, is effecting its deadly work, this remedy, Mcrrcli's Ilcpatine, never fails to bring about n speedy and permanent cure. Those who doubt the merit and virtues of this medicine and live from day to day without trying tho Ilcpatine; have our sympathy, but can not be cured unless they take the Medici no. a \ xoii arc e n i x *r. Mr. Editor:?Please Announce (!AM \\Kl.l, FOOTMAN fur County 'Com missioners. MANY VOTKItftJ. School Notice The exercises of Miss C. M. Kvaii's School will he resinned on the 1 Sili of September at the residence of Mr. P. V. Dibble. sept U .it, Notice. The Stockholder)) of the Oraiigebiirg Agricultural and Mechanical Association are requested to attend a meeting of the Association on Saturday September oOlh, til the Fair lltiihliug at 11 o'clock A m* A Full attendance is requested as business of j great importance will bs submitted for your consideration,^ Ily Order of the Hoard of Directors. KIRK KOjiINSON, Secretary. sipt 1(1 2t Notice OFFICK OF COUNTY AFDITOH, OllANOlillUKO, S. C September 1 2th 1870; T<>.I. If. Dukes and H'. I\ Murphy: Take notice, that the Taxes, Cost*anil Penalties (together with fifty per cent, on the entire ammniml have been paitl into tire County Treasury) for the redemption of the Heal K.?tate put chased hyyoii; JAS. VAX. TASSEL, County Auditor, sept Hi .'!t " NOTICE.""" Notice is hen by given, that a meeting of the Clerks of the Hoards oftbevariou Trustees of each Dist rict will be held in my olliee oil the 80th day of September 1870, as business of importance is to liu transacteil. Tuos. I'iii i.i.ips, Co school Com <) C September l?lh 1S7<> Sheriff's Sales. Tarlton S. Mod row 1 vs. j For Jane L. Sight jc'r ) Partition, and others. (' Hy virtue of the Judgement herein. 1 will sell at Orangeburg ''. II.. on the First Monday In October iu.\t, the following track of land, to wit : All that piece or parcel of bind, situate in (ioiidhy's Township Orangeburg County, containing Pit acres, more or loss', and hounded on the North by lauds of 1' I* .Me tSrew, on the Fast by lands J A Keller, on the South hy lands of Whitteman and on the West by lands of Km-,.las. A Mot 5 row. Terms?One halt" cash, bahnte on a credit of one year, (with'the privilege of paying all Cash.) credit portion secured hy bond of purchaser bearing interest from day of sale, and a mortgage of the pieiniscs, Purchaser to pay for papers, ami recording. A b?o Lutlii r F Shulcr vs. I Foreclosure r. t'ar.-tin I". Fe'erith die privi '< go of paying alt ca.*h ), balance on a credit of one year, seen red by lb?nd of purchaser:, '?earing interest from day t?t sale and a marigitge of t he premise , purchaser to pay for papers ami recording. Shei ill's Oliieu, ) Orangchiug C lt., I K. 1. CAIN, Sept. tub, 18;? ) . s. o. c. sept Iii :.t OH A NO MJHMUi IN PISOHATK LOU KT. F.x Paitc "I Petition for Mary Shuler, Widow I Homestead of Samuel 1,. Shuler I etc. Deceased. < Public notice is hereby given, that Mary Shuler, Widow of Samuel I*. Shuler deceased, has applied to me, by petition, to have her Homestead and personal property Exemption appraised and set oH'aoeordinii to law, out of the Estate of tho said deceased: and 1 will act on said petition on the lentil day of October A. I). 187?. Dated al Orangeburg, South Carolina, ibis Ninth dav of September A. D. 1s7u. ACC. Ii. KNOW1.TON, [ l. s.l Judge of Probate. sept '.) 1 in Is'otii'ti ?l' I >i*:.-sol ut i?ii. Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately existing between brant/. II. W' llriggman, Jr., and Herman S. Heuneker, was dissol ved on the 20th day of Aug, 1 ST0 hy mutual eoii.-ent. Hermann S. Ilennekcr, :s autlmri/.etl to settle all debts due to ami bv llietirm. KllA iNT/i H. W. Hit 1 (JOM A N N. 11K It M A N N S. K E N N E K 1011, Aug. 2o, 1871?. Thanking my friends ami the public generally for their patronage in tlie past ami hoping for a continuances of the same, I am Very Respectfully II KI I.MANN S. ItENNEKER; mjjit 2 FOR CASH. A llargain can be made by any one who has the meaiu of purchasing now. The Subscribers are authorized to sell for Twenty-Five Hundred Dollars, thai very desirable Itesidenee fronting on Court House Square, and owned hy Mr. C. W Iii til more. Another year must so increase the value of Heal Instate so located, that such a bargain cannot be then made. Tho property is under lease for some months. ALSO The Plantation of <'. Whi tlcmore, on the old Charleston lload, about live Miles fioni Orangeburg Court House, ran he bought lor $2000 Gash or on lime (as to all bill $1000) for a larger sum which can be learned on application to I1UTSON ci IIKTSON. Orangeburg, G. IL, S. C, August, 12, 187(1. a, ig 12 tf $12 A DAY !lt borne. Agents wanted Outfit and terms free. TR?15& Oo., Augiisla, Maine. mar 11 187G 1V NOTICE. All persons having demands against the Estate of Mary S. Hideo deceased, and all persons indebted to sahl Instate, will present their claims duly attested, ami make immediate payment", to the tihder Bigncd. JOHN 8. HOLEN, Qualified Administrator. Sept! Gth 1S7U. sept 9 St _ School & Kindergarten The Exercise;- of the SCHOOL conducted by Itcv. J. B. HASKELL ami Sisters, will be resumed, at their Itcsidciicc on Kussel I St., on Monday -Ith September. Monthly Terms. English Course (Primary and Intermedi ate,) $2.00. Academic Course, $:U)0 K indergarten, !?1.00 German, French, Latin and (!reck Extra each, 50c. Elements of Music and DraWiiig with Calisthenics, will be taught Free The undersigned is prepared to organize and teach Classes of Young Men or Ladies the u-ual collegiate branches, Classics1 Mathematics Ac;., as well as Stenography or Sli tri I laud Private les-ons in Instrit niental music will he given when desired J. 1JACILMAN HASIviiLL. NOTICE Till-: STATU OF SOUTH CA KOLIN A. OitANOKltUIUI Col'nty, lx Com mux 1'i.uas. The Rr.nk nf Charleston, South Carolina as Assignee of Cephas Whitleinore, Plaintiff. Agaitixt Thaddens C. Andrews, Lydia Williams, P.arnabas | Summons Williamson as Assignee. The Columbia (las Light I for Company, F. II. Green' A. 15. Know-lton as Judge of | Relief Probate, Assignee, Harriet | M. Andrews, Kciihcn Toni- j liiisnh, John Fisher as j Complaint Tr?steu, in Ihihkriiptey of the Citizens Savings I'ank | .Served, of South Carolina, F. M. Jackson, L. Cass fj irpeiiter, (redrgc Synuners, Margaret Takicl, and Samuel i'. Laii iihan, now, or lately trail ing under the Finn Name of William Lanalian ec Son, I Defendants. To the Defendant F. II. (irren. You ate hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action of which a copy is herewith served upon you and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their ollice opposite Court I louse > qua re in the town of Orahgeburg S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time afore said, the I'laiinill'in this action will apply to the Court for :he relief demanded in the complaint. Dated Oraiigehurg, Julv 25, 187(1. { 111 TSt)K ?V lll'TSON Plautills Atmruov. C5EO. P.OLIVFH C C. t'. To the !>,/, nil,nit /?'. //. (/i /r/i. Take notice that the summons in this action of whie.i the foregoing is a copy; to gether with the complaint thereon was tiled in the Office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the Comity of Or ohgeburgin the State of South Carolina on the litli'dav of August, A- I). LS70. IIUTSON & HllTSON, Plaintiffs Attorneys. Oraiigehurg, t". IL,S.O. aug l it Ot BEellicliamp's School The Exercises of this School will bo resumed on Monday September lib. MUSIC has been added to the usual branches. Terms per Month. Primary Department.$2.0() Intermediate. 2.50 Advanced (English). 3.0? Vdvaueed (Clasiiical). -1.00 Instrumental Music.-L00 Vocal Music. 50; Vocal Music will he taught FREI'' to the. Classes in Instrumental Music. For further information apply to STILUS 11 MF. LLI CHAMP, Principal. ANTf >N P.KKtProfessor of Music, aug 12 lm J O II X OU EN SCCCKSSOi: OK llOliKRT A ENN Y. Iiiiiiorter and Manufacturer Of llAK.NLSS & S ADD LKS. Has the pleasure to inform the Public that In- has Ilecttved a heavy Stock from the North of every description what belongs to a jirsl class Saddlery Establishment. Also wish t:) ISTfi tf. GAINS Can always be had at my store, corner Kussel Street and Rail Road Avenue. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES Will be kept constantly ou hand, an 1 will bo sold for prices to suit the hard times. A Lot of Eea&y-Ma&e Clothing for sale cheap. A splendid suit for a little money. SHOES, BOOTS, SADDLES, &c? of the very best make and style with a complete line of GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, Such nr Flour, Sugar, CofTce, Lard, Bacon, Cheese, Molasses &c., &c.p can always be had at my store. Those want to save money should givo mo a call. Thai ?. Andrews, Agent. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of Sundry Executions to me di rected, 1 will sell t? ihe:highestbidder, at Orangeburg 0. II. on the Kir-it .Mon day in October next, for Cash, all the I tight Till.- and interest of the Defend ant in the following property, to wit: Aii that Plantation or track of land situate in Orangeburg County containing t'?U acres, more or less, bounded oil the North liy lands of. I no. ISrwon.on the Kast by lands of T N Willihins, on the Smith by lands of Mary Oarivk and on tbo West by hinds of .1 A Keller. Lcvid oh as the property of Letris CSarick at the suit of JnoJ T Jvneings, Adiu'r. also At the r'nk of for mer purchasers, All '.hat plantation or track of land on Long H ran eh in said County containg 42 Oliver, Ex'r. Orangeburg C. II., ) Shei ill 's Olllce, \ K. I. CAIN, Sept. Ulli, 1?7C. J S. O. 0. sept ItJ ">t SO I I OOLNOTIC E Thu undersigned will resume the exer cises of his Academy for boys and girls on .Monday Ith of Sept also Iiis class for young ladies in the afternoon. The patronage of the public is respect fully solicited. JAMES S. I1KYWAM). sept 2 Jt The fast (rotting thoronghdtredfstallion MAM MI11NO TRUSTED will stand for the Fall season at my stables. IMODI^KEK. MAMIUUNO TRUSTEE, by Mambrino Modk-y, be by Old Mambrino Chief; Mam brino Medley's first dam hy Young Medley, a fine race mare, second dam by Stanley; third dam by Trustee; fourth dam. by Speculator. Mambrino Trustee's first dam Jenny behncv, by Holeohn; first dam by Lady Wood ford, h\ Sir William Woodford; ho by Woodford; tirst dam by ilcrtrand. Mambrino Trustee was bred by Georgo W. Ogdcn, Wrights Station, Kentucky Central Hail Road, Ronrbon Gonnty, Kentucky, tie is five years old, and lias not had much handling hut what had show ed splendid action. He troited on the Columbia track last fall at the rate of 2:45. THAI). 0. ANDREWS Orangehurg Livery and sale stables. P. S. Hoard for a few marcs can he had at my stables aug 19 tf ?EM) 20c. to (}. 1?. ROWELL A Co., O New Voik, for riiainphlet of 100pages, containing lists of 000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising, dUft TO $20 PER 1>AY AT flh Home. Sample* worth SI free. S?1MQI) & Co., Port biud, Mano,