Orangeburg news and times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1875-1877, August 12, 1876, Image 3

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MASONIC t*elro8 Connoil No. 11, R \ & S.\ M-;. "\Vill meet eaeh Thursday at 0 o'clock P. M. from 1st October to 1st April, ami at 8 o'clock from 1st April to 1st October, on the following dates, June 24, July 22, Aug. 19, Sept. ltf, Oct. 21, Nov. 18, ami Dec. lib .T. F. 1/iLAK, T? 1? Q. W. Bivunsox, Recorder* Kareka Chapter No. 13, Ib\ A.: M.\? "Will meet during the present Masonic year at the usual hoitrs, the followin dates: March 10th, April 7th, May ?tli, June 2nd, Angust '1th, September 1st, October 27tlt, November2-lth, Leecmber 29lh. J. F. IKLAlt, M. E. II. P. Jt M; BhcJfsox, Sec. Shibboleth bodge No. 28, A.*. F.\ M.v "Will meet each Tuesday at. 7 o'clock, .from 1st Oct. to 1st April and at 8 o'clock f rem 1st April to 1st October on the follow ing dates, April 4, May 2, June G, July 4, Aue. 8, Sept. 5, Oct. St, Nov. 7, Dec. ?. JAS. F. 1ZLAH, W M. Gf.o. W. Bucnson, Sec. may 29 1S7? 7m. i. o. o7f7" Edisto Loilgn No- M,?Meets at Odd Fellows ITall, every Friday even big at S o'clock, from 20th March to 20tli Sept. and at 7i o'clock from 201 h Sept. to 20th March. It DkMARS, N. G; J IIHUMAN W?HLERS, Sec. Ileberca Lodge?Meets S o'clock every second Wednesday after sale <biv. * F. Dr.MA l\S, N. G. town council. This body meets June S, Sept. 7, Dec. 7. Mayors Court, hebt wlienever occasion requires. sons of te my re ii a n gk. Orangeburg Division No. 21, meets every Monday evening in tiie basement of the Presbyterian Church. ~Y. Wi C. A.?Hall and Ueadinu Ilnom over Store of Mr. J. (.'. t'ike?open ?rcry nicht from S:?0 to 10:00 I*. M. Prayer Meetings this month June 1st, 8th, loth. 2:ird and 2Dlli at S IP) |\ m. Dmunesfl Meeting June 22ml S:I10 i\ Si.'; ?everv Fourth Thursday in each hionlli at 8::to'r. m. M. ftbOVEK, President. F KDlhlll.r, Seeretasv. Houfli t'arolic.i ISailroari. OFFICK lIllCKS AT OltASdlilUU.O IIHCoT. From :\ <>'( lok A. M. lo 2.J I*. M. From H? o'clock 1\ M. to ('? P. M. Goods rt-ceived and delivered only during ntlice hours. j, o a A. xi. . Solomon Ii. Fehler is tho choice of 'bis I'rcciuet for the Legislature. A fn>h supply of groceries atT C. ?Andrtws. ? <mii, local a.itd grist, al Sviiyt? oil hand for sale, eh-eap. r% bibama liar*I Jens icratic lr>y a lar^e majority. JJousi.o.i u'iJJ j'ci.>h tlO for twu.V'ftfcCS to ;Ciiitttf. ...o - ? - mm W allace lVtii;tUtii 'hks ok li.-i?il an ?! abundant. Supply 'of fres Ii family groceries. A Georgia iii.-i/i rs skiing a.Sttit-cr 1 ?for -/.mic cent's damage to ois nose Kot (much scents in tiuiL -m 'm--^m?i-. Tbc. "skceter" itu^cs bis disused iiiirji and whets lti> ?niJlc? MM every flight -flow. A 'nice breeze was *>liITMlg 'till day XVcdiiesda)'. It was j?J?easj?.?t. and >wect, and to tho 'fleshy, was a God xen.l. *"3 shall follow her soon," said a T.'uWyod man at the grave of his wife. \Viihin a 'month he was following lanbijhcr wotatin. 'Charleston will send a fusion dele gation to the Democratic) Convention, >*?i?.<h evicets in Columbia on the 1 ?th inst. General Wade Hampton heads the Deinur.ratic delegation from Rich laud. He is opposed to the wait and watch policy. There is plcasrtve enough in this life to make u.i wish to live, ami pain ?enough to reconcile us to death wh.-n We can live no longer-. Some persons arc so tenacious of memory, that they forget nothing but the services they have received, and the errors they Irtivc committed. The rains have knocked blooms off the cotton "larmiiigly." About enough, however, will be made to pay half the. guaaio bills. - - - ? tm * mt The AVie*rinil Courier has nppa vcntly succeeded in hammering its policy into the heads of the majority of the people of the State. So much for perseverance. Gnpt. John A. Hamilton is pre pared to furnish the "Tailor Cotton Gin" with all its latest improvements. Head his advertisement in to day's issue of the Njcws and Times. Sometimes we avoid a stranger fin no other reason than because he is unknown to us, though in very many eases we have more reason to shun the society of those who are already known lo us. General Colquitl has been nomina ted for Governor of Georgia. - .ji ??..??a??~ Rev. I. D. Durham will preach to morrow in the Baptist Church. Ser vices to commenco at 11 o'clock. Thoso interested in the proper equalization of property in this coun ty, arc directed to the Auditor's notice, in this issue. Forty thousand dolkus reward to any man who will tell us precisely how to run a newspaper so as to give perfect satisfaction to every man, wo man and child iu the country. STRAUSS ?t- CO'S MILLS? See advertisement of above firm. They have for sale three Grain fans, for winnowing rice, and other sihall grains. Those who want their teeth worked on, and dislike the pain generally at tendant upon such opera'ions, should patronize Dr. Mucken fuss, as he per forms his work ahnest free of pain; Sec his card. "Mrs. Spinks," observed a boarder to his landlad}', "the equal adjust ment of this establishment could he more safely secured if there was less hair in the hash and more in the mattresses The Abbeville Medium came to us last week iii mourning .'or the death of the father of its editors, the Key. \Y. R. IlcmhiH. The deceased was a destinguished minister of the Asso ciaic Reformed Prcsbytcraiu Church. Our thanks are due Mrs. Mcroncy for a basket of richly flavored grapes, accompanied by a tasty collection of | flowers otdled from the ?dornu? vari ety which adorns her front yard. Such presents serve to make us for getful of many of the asperities of i journalistic life. The Republicans refused to let Gov: Chamberlain speak at Walter boro on the stand prepared for the occasion, and came very near mak ing a vacancy in the Treasurer's oflicc of thai county in the melee that ensued. This is all wrong, and we are decidedly opposed to those "Wal tet*boj*o Horrors." _ m . ^ - Paysan's recent letter to the X? u:< it Hit C?inrii-r aroused the irj of the Jtturmti'??/' Commerer. The latter pa per in its issue of the Uth inst is pret ty heavy tu him. The N'irs awl {'mt, is tu Uta ken in calling him an "old Hiuith Carolinian." He is a young man, and, by the way, one of the be-1 fellows in I he county. - imammmI ? - ? iiii? * ?lohn Schachte bus just received a line supply of <5iry goods, groceries and'liquors. He tons the largest and Imcst mackerel for five cents a piece ever brought 'to Ofutigcburg. Those in want, of tVo.-h rice, flour, bolted meal and grist should do thoir'trade ing at. SchachtoV It is just the plaee to get blrjgaras. lie has a splendid eigaT. -.L._ The woVkl is hill of bitter disap pointments tt'iid sudden trials that break upon us like thunder from a cloudless sky, 'out at no lime is the soul of patient, miich ?jnduriiig 'man so hardly tried as when he goes to shave himself in a great hurry Sun day morning and discovers at the first pull that his wife bad opened a can of peaches with his razor Satur day night. Kvery one has admired Pnrllienia's difinition of love to Ingemar : YVImt Invc is, if thou wottldst be (aught, Thy heart inii.-t reaeh alone? Two s'.iuls with but a single thought, Tiro heart*' that ben I as one, Some profane cynic, having no fear of Cupid before his eyes, perpetrates the following villainous parody: Love is a nightmare with one foot, Two children with one bun, Two turnips with a single root, Tw 6 vabbaire huadsas ono. MKLLIC1I.MII''S SCHOOL? This popular resort for education will resume its exercises on Monday tlic -1 lli proximo. Mr. Melliehamp is a successful and distinguished teach er of the "young idea how to shoot," and wc bespeak lor him increased patronage now that he has added music to the usual branches of ilistino tion, lieferen co is asked to his terms, published in another column of this paper. A large mass meeting of Republi cans will take place at Lewisvill to day under the call of Mr. C. W. Caldwell. From what we have learned during ihe week it promises to be a lively gathering. Our Ueorge, and a number of other Or angeburg lights will be there. If nothing happens our readers shall have a full account of it in our ucxt issue. During the present campaign wc design to he fair lo both sides, portraying faithfully each week the doings of the two parlies in our midst, and giving now and then, our editorial opinion thereon. On last Wednesday a candidate for the House of Representatives rushed into the Coroner's otlice and reported a murder Ij have been com mitted at Rowcsvi lie; that one Teh a Rena had killed Teh a Tucker. The Coroner, who was at the time pre paring to leave oh the train for Ai kon on some legal business, imme diately telegraphed to Aiken why he would not be there, and prepared to go to llowesyillo at once. He deputized ihe informer to go ahead and summons the jury, and arrest Tcua Renn. On his arrival, after driving in the hot sun for thirteen miles, to ihe supprisc of the Coroner, both women were well and at work, side by side pulling fodder. Search was immediately made for the infor mer but he could not be found. All wc have to say is, that the Coroner's informant should be supplied with printed copies of the command, " Thou shall not bear false witness," CYC. South Carolina can boast of more Republican newspaper* now than all the rest of the Southern Slates put together. And the people may thank Woodruff and Jones for this happy fact. That splendid institu tion, the Republican Printing Comp any, dispensed its patronage intelli gently amongst the opposition papers during the years '08, 'OS), '70, '71 and '72, and the result was that many a hard-hearted Democratic editor was cut bused with undying love and grati tude for the glourious and beneficent principles of the Republican party, and to-day they are giving evidence of the earnestness of their con version by battling uinhfully to "keep South Carolina as firmly Republican as Iowa." The programme is to appropriate three hundred ami twenty-live thous and dollars again for the use of the Republican Printing Company, to he used in publishing the "-\cts of the General Assembly." Go it boys ! aud make bay while the sun shines, for wo do not agree that, there is five years of good stealing in .South Caro lina yt-t. There may be enough to last two years, but no more. it?iisk snoicixa - We find some splendid hints in a Northern exchange on this subject, which may be useful to owners of horses here. Many a line animal has been ruined by defective shoeing, besides depriving fc'113 owner of bis useful nows and subjecting the hoist; i? misery. Here are the hints : "As a stranger visiting your city," I have been looking at your horses. I notice that as a class they have very poor and unsound feet. This comes from the lack of knowledge of bow to care for the foot. There is fio necessity for this, as any one-with sound horse sense can keep a foot in good condi tion by simply keeping it in the'con tion that nature foimcd it. What are these conditions ? They are a good and perfect foot, and to keep it obey nature's teachings. Th 2 foot, in a majority of cases, is ruined by shoe ing, as 1 will show. You lake a foot that has never been shod, ami yon will find it about a three-quarter cir cle, and is very near flat at the bottom, and should be. quite so if he has been r.llowed to travel. The first thing a smith docs is to scoop out the sole of the foot till the protection that nature had placed to protect the sole is taken entirely away. Then they put on a shoo without any bearing, only on the shell. A shoe should have a bearing on the sole as welt as on the shell. Then the.}' invariably put a shoe on that goes outside of the quarter at the heel, so that it presses the heel in, and makes the foot grow longer than it is wide. The remedy for this is to make a shoe of the exact shape of the foot. 'Then cut out the bars that are put there to keep the outside in perfect shape. All are entirely wrong, aud should beat tended to by the owners and users of horses, as all these wise provisions of nature were made for a purpose, ami cannot be violated short ot producing injury There is an old saying, 'a poor foot a poor horse.' A perfect knowledgo of a horse's foot is worth a great deal to any on c, and perhaps is not attainable by all. Rut any one can get a bolter knowledge by simply following and ob.-5crving the simplest of nature's laws. Then look at a foot that was never shod. Mark well its construction, form, shape and all its peculiarities; then watch a smith ruin it by doing what I have described; look at it again, and sec if he has improved its beauty, aud then have a foot shod as nature bus formed it, and sec if this don't look more beautiful; and, if so, evev afterwards follow out nature's laws in shoeing, and you will have benefited the horse, yourself und the community in which you live. These lew thoughts are given to you for the express purpose of arousing men lo importance of attending to the greatest evil that afdiets the horse." 11 KM) QtJAKTr Its U. Hltl'UllIJCAN 1\VUTV, OltAKGKUUKO, C H. August 2, 1876. In pursuance of a resolution of the Kxceutivc Committee, U. it. Party Orangeburg County, I hereby give notice that a Mass Meeting of the Republican Voters of the County will be held at Onmgcburg C. II., on Saturday the 19th day August iiist., for the purpose of ratifying the nomi nations made at Cincinnati!, by the National U. Republican Convention for President and Vice President of the United States. Prominent speakers from various parts of the State will be present and address the meeting. The several precinct chairmen will extend this notico* S. Lt. Duxcax, Chairman U. R. Party, Orange bum, Co. questions for every ose to answer? .Are you troubled with Indigestion, Constipation of the Rowels, Dyspe psia, or any disease of the Diver? Have you suffered for years and found no relief from the use of medicines ? Do you have a faint appetite, and are you troubled with feelings of languor? If you have these feelings we know you have, not tried the new discovery Mcrrcll.'s Hcpatinc, at Dr. A. C. Dukes' Drug Store. It is performing wonderful cu cs in this and all otr cr communities where the people use it. It is pronounced by all as the best Diver Medicine in the world. Two doses will relievo the worst case of Dyspepsia or Constipation of tho Bowels. Dach bottle contains fifty doses, and a teaspoon Fed ?f this medicine in a wine glassful of water three times a day for one day, pro duces a most wonderful change. Where the system is run down with loss of^energy, and appetite, or Dys pepsia, with all its trait) of evil, is etlecting its deadly work, this remedy, Merrell s Hcpatinc, never fails to bring about a speedy and permanent cure. Those who doubt the merit and virtues of this medicine and live from day to day without trying the Hcpatinc, have our sj nvpa'thy, but can -not be cured unless they take the Medicine. Call at Dr. d\ G. Wannamakcr's ?"<1 ."et a pamphlet and read about IJr. Llai>v J-K..pail's great Indian blood syrup, the best meinen.v, ... use. Dr. Wannamaker also has the medicine for sale at wholesale and retail. junc 24 Di ?pepsiRj Americans are paVlicula'rly subject to this disease and its cll'ects : such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache liabi tuai-costivencss, Heart burn. Water brash, coming up of the food coated tongue, disagreeable t?ste in the mouth, palpitation of the Heart and all discjascs of the Stomach and Diver. Two doses of Green's August Flower will relieve you at once, aud there positively is not a case in the United States it will not cure. If you doubt this go to your Druggist Dr. C. Dukes, aud get a sample Bottle for 10 emts and try it. Regular size 75 cents. DJS T IST RY. DR. 15. F. MUCKEN FUSS DcmTftt ltooms CornclitOti'ri. Kay* Charges Reasonable. ? Cotton Gins! Cotton Grins!! 1 am prepared lo furnish the TAYLOR GIN with all its latest improvements. One 10 SAW GIN on hand. JOHN A. HAMILTON, Russell St., next to Mr. Albergotli'stlakery. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Ora no I'm 'He. C\ ?r nt v. by AUG. B. KXOWLTON, Ksquirc, -I 1?. Whereas,-Can yon, hath made suit lo me, to grant to her letters of Administra tion of the II: tale and cllcctti of Kd. Mitchell, late of said County deceased. These uro therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of the said Kd. Mitchell deceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Orangebiirg, C. 11., on '-'ml September next, after publication hereof, al 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Ainiiuslration should not be granted. Given under my Hand, this 8th day of Augtut Anno Domini 1S70. AUG, H. KNOWLTON, [i.*.s.] .bulge of Probate. aug 12 2i ST, MATTHEWS ACADEMY. The exercises of (his School will be re ?utiled on the lir.-ji Monday in September next. Tuition run Month. 1st. Grade, (Beginners,) $2.00. 2nd. Grade, (Grammar Pnpil?,) $2.50. 3rd. Grnde, (Advanced Pupils,) $15.00. Music oil Piano, ( Lesson each day,) $5.00 Latin, Greek &c, 50 cents extra each. Board per School week, $1.50. Board per School Month, from $10.00 to $12.50. HUGO <L SMKUCDAN, Principal. .MISS::. II. VAN LKW, Music Teacher aug ? |.|?. NOTICE The number;of null* levied on all taxa ble property in each School District, given by the Clerk Loan! of Trustees, viz; Values,.?" mills. Poplar;.0 " Pine ("rove,.'t 11 Amelia,.2 " Providence,.I " Good by s.S " Lyons.2 " Cow Castle,.:\ " Middle,.:i " Orange,.'.2*. " Caw Caw,.2J " Branchville,.U ['? New ? ope.'.2*1 " Klizabcth,.? " Kdisto,.I Union,.?...II " //ion." Willow,.0 " Liberty,.U ?' CSondland,.1 " Hebron.0 ** Hockey (Jrove.2 TilOS. PHILLIPS, Co. School Com. ??f NOTICE. The Bridges across Forehole Swamp on the Five Chop ltoad will be let Out for llepairs oil Monday the 21st of August 1S7C?, at 10 o'clock a. St., plan and specifica tions made known on ll at day at the time of letting out. By Order of the Board. GKO. BOLT VHP. C. B. C. CD. C. July 21st lSTH. nils' 22 ?t J O I t N O Gr R K BT SL'CCKSSOIt OK 1 tO BE 1 IT J E N N \\ Importer and Manufacturer OF HARNESS & RADDLES. Has the pleasure to inform the Public that he has Heeeivcd a heavy Stock from the North of every description what belongs to a first class Saddlery Establishment. Alsiu wish to draw particular attention to fus SY?ct"oT LAIMKS RIDING SADDLES nild his assort in en t of Prices lojtror then ever. Good Saddles at S.).">0. i (iood Shoos-at $1.75 Take Notice, Wo ?u,iv iv UlltKU a change in our busi ness and have made a change in our prices. We will sell our Entire Stock of Goods now in Store at cost for ihe next thirty days. Wc mean what we say, and would invite all those that wish to sava money to call and price before buying elsewhere. JJP. FARLEY & CO. ORANGEI3URGACADEMY AND KINDERGARTEN. On Monday June 25th Rev. .1. Rachtnau llaskcll and Sisters, will open & ?CHOOI, at their rcsidenea on Russell Street. In connection with above a KIN DERGARTEN, (for children be tween the ages of three (il) and seven (7) will Le opened as soon as the pro per material can be procured from tho North. * Application? for both Schools re ceived on Saturday and Monday between the hours of ten (10) and two (2) J. RACTIMAN HASKELTi. U1UUJU. COL, ASBUHY COWARD ' AluncoCTTB^nVlol^ofqasm ? Ccflrawjto mnM ofArma. nnroua ot?. for IlinrouflL jnimlftl end ihyBtcnl u\unln}J. Xocnltnrt noto4 for ^ueJUiftilnoBrtatvl 0i>3?e?*7hj] mllrun.l ur.l tetutjraohfo >p?ili!/M.B)r Jlh^tinK'J Coialegao lUl'^y tuJL'i dec U 1S7 3 If SIX ajid QUARTER Cents! SiX AND Q?AlWlSI! CNN TS ? ruiq ju. SIXTEEN Y A It-1 )S I . ' iron DOLLAR ! SIXTEEN YARDS ECU CyNK DOLL A It! I 71 ""TOS SIXTEEN YARDS - FOR pNE DOLLAR Just received One Hundred Pieces AT T. KOHN & BROTHER'S Iii ini n ,fcr Wliich will be ?oUUttduhc above HARD PAN PRICES: . ! ? - ?v ft New Spring CToocliJrvtliow prices ! New Di-c?.s Cloocls!! Ne w Sprm jg Pa ip/ko|s^f!! We offer, also, full lines leading brands ILojig Clothes, nf flic Mowcal manufacturer*' pi ices an<l,_S|U2Cj ings, Pillow Coii'oufc, ^ Towels, liincM; Tab lings, Irish Tiincus, rr Cas?iisK)r?S), -CotiGttv:??.?? a tics. pants Stulls,, of the best makes at price* cannot fail (utdefec. r,??r 52 ? ' *J t J.f t P.I Now CJlolliina;! . New Styles?! H Yb?!jui Prudence Veil tu res all buyers . . _ of Spring Clothing. *;! to examine our goods hi fore pureliasing. Oar slock of Clothing ocuvU lu xosJwtf, extent, Style, Quality imd licoiwuny. i rfi We also have in store a large j^rietf* of^ latest fashions in Ladics, iJtmts, Hoys an?! Cilrls StrawIIa!? and every other s4ylc'<of ITatS In vogue, Stationary, Hume Walls, Ilttta, Pistol Car (ridgCS and thousands of other articles U 6 nunierons \a ootne irciicu to mention, pur chased at the preralliog JLow Prices, and will be sold ac cordingly. Shoos and Jailers in heather or Serge for flffon, Women and Children, in large assortment of the hest makes at prices to suit the times. All we ask of Inc. kind puhlic is to come and see uh, briug along the Silver or Cjirecithncks, which is at par with each oilier. t. mi\m brother.