& CO. Rice, Grist, Meal and Lumber Dealers, (Cor. Market anil A mclia Streets.) Reg leave to call attention to heir Increased Facilities for supplying all wauls in their line. ' All grades RICE for sale at LOW FIGURES. GRIST ami M EA L (Roltcd ) for sale at " " Choice Clean Rice exchanged lor ROUGH. Highest Mai-lvct 3?rice p?"l for RICE ami CORN. our :i ? r, a isi i n g M i l l Lately ERECTED enables us to furnish DRESSED LUMBER at un heard of PRICES, as follows: DRESSED FLOORING; $15 per M. and Dressed Ceiling, SM per M. Rills for EOUC1I LUMRER, sawed to order at lowest rates. For Sab Plastering Lathes, Machine Oil, low down. One -l? Saw Taylor Gin, good order, at 200 per saw. A Urge number of 2nd hand Portable and Stationary Engines in good ?Working order, for sale at half price of new. We invite all interested in HOME ENTERPRISE to visit our e?lab merit; GRAND J3PENING. McIiltEEli^ LOVE & CO., J 1 \ Ji open lodhorrow, (Monday,) March 27, 1S76, at greatly reduced prices, during llio" next fifteen days, will sell their entire stock ol"J)ry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes at lower prices than ever before offered to make room for large shipments how on the way.' Your attention is directed to the following partial price list of the many articles we propose to sell you at a bargain : ?Opicecs NewStyle Dross floods, at II cents pcryard. 5 cares Wnmhilta 1 (leached Muslin, at 12 1-2 cents peryard; .ri() dur.cn Ladies' Klcgaui New Style Ties; at 'J? cents each. ? eases White Piques, at 12 1-*J cents per yard. o wises Print-. Fast Colors, warranted ::t ? cents per yard. 10 eases flood Style Prints, warranted ai (i 1-1 cents per yard. 2 cases Yard Wide Cambrics', at 10 cents per yard. 25 pieces ( iraSsCloth all Colors; at 10 cents per yard. Ail of the Scwcft Style.? and host brands of Prints .will bo sold at S 1-2 cents per yard. iSrnwii; Pdciirhcd and Plaid 11 * ?tu? pin'.-at proportionately low prices. (h'ir stock of Pent . Shoes, !!:?:? and ('aps, a: a general n duct ion of 20 per cent. The best assortmenl ot Trunks, Valises, Lunch and Market P.adtet? in the citvj Our entire Stu( 1; id Carpets, < >ii Cloths, Window Shades, Wal; Paper, &e. will'bc closed flnt at and ln !6.ir cost. The ab'OVtt will convince you that die place to gel cheap goods and j;ood attention is al tio Grand Central Pry Goods Iv.taldishmenh Now isyoiir time to secure bargains. Call early t\j\<\ often. Mo Oil KLH t Y, J jOVB & OO, man:h27tf C O Ii V M IS I A, S. C. j 0 iff ^T 6 ? n x non.-'.KT >\ i :x x v. Importer :?*id Mannfacluri r OF HARNESS & SA1]DLE.S. ITas tlic pleasure (?> inform the Public that lie has Itooetved a heavy .Stock frov the North of e very description what belongs to a first ejass biuldlcry Kstnhjisjuncnh Also"\flsh to draw pardeular attention to his tfhvVrif ?LADJKfJ i:11?in*r o.\m>!,j:s unit hio(ai?8o; t!r.c;i.: of : .1 ' I Sjy OP ; Prices lower then ever. < icftfl Saddles nt ?tt.A?. < !ood SinI?? at S1,7"> C 0 L, A3 D U riY -COWARD - . r rrfncipniv? Aihll c L'pja of rdiloPrnfonsm'pr. ? Cnniplutt* irjliil nf j\nfif?.n|'"rr?Uui utn. fur Hionnvu -jncnlal ami jjlaulcal. training? Ta>'.-uI Ina noted ii>r _ ^ii'nIlhl\jtne:iH.?i'( poshoiomi] mil rand awl MeiJHiplu? fncaaloa. ?a'JUi?li atctl CulOagoy oppty tuiS?iqpal?. dec 11 IST."? If ART If UK 13. Ii 10 wIiv l) ER M \ TO!. I G\ ST AND' P Ft A CT! C A L ?*w ''HAtlV CUTTER, If jfnu v.- in! :i " ! Ii,il .? i v Kh:iveoran A rtistie il air < .'ul or'a delightful Mia moo >, go to s 1 Ua'ir ' 'titdr .< \h rims, tfn. l/uv Itango opposite Conn i Inn? ? .-pare. |."iV' Special attention paid to Children Hair (,'uttitcr. Hxtrii l!or.in< i" \ I..?!i. -. iept I is;;, ly Wo want, to make a change in our busi ness and have made a change in our prices, Wo will sell pur Entire Slock of poods now in Store at cost for the next, thirty days. Wc mean what we say, ami would invite all those that wish to save money to call and price before buying elsewhere. J. P. BARLEY & CO. Grain Cradles. Western Corn. Six finger grain cradles just received AI .SO Anc.iher car 1<>:1.| of PR I MF. COHN, which i i offered nt low price:; for Cash. AUGUST A EA.1ULY FLOURt FRESH HEAT KICK, Ac., roi: SAI.K tiv JOHN A. HAMILTON*, '?jt 12 A DAY iilhome. Agents wanted (iiuiii and terms free. TUUE?\ ()i >., A ligiisla, Maine. mar 11 1S70 ly lV-? TO $!JO PKIt DAY AT ? f) Home. Sample; worth $1 five; SthWVh \' Co; Porl land, Maine. El o 3 nBa &^%^JL&%aPJL ? ISC A S REMOVED TO T. D. WOLFE'S OLD STAND With a full stock of Groceries, Liquors. Cigars and Tobaccos. Call on him and lie will do his best to please yon, ii JL "3. SO 1 AT " S. E. Min. The cheapest BAfi?p BEE l bey goods S. A. Albergotti. and shoe SHouse in the* County. This is the unanimous verdict of the people, gained by adhering strictly to our Cash and Small Proll* System? S. E. TQBIN & CO., PRESIDENT Was rejoiced when he heariPthal llahcoek, his Private Secretary, hail boon acquitted 61' C\ mplieity in tl>^ Whiskey Frauds, ami immediately Sent an Order to our Store For a car load 6f Dry Hook.?, llootsj Shoes, Mats, t.iroceries, Canned Meals, Oysters, Lobsters and Salmon; also For Samples 61 Wines, Whiskies, And twenty thousand id'the,C'ijrars with which we have been furhisliihg him lately. Iii.- 6bj< et |u making this Largo Order proceeded from it desire on his part Co Teat the Jury Who cleared his " ttilbbv;" w?) lin ve- lilloil hi? Order, bill hit vc still a Lar^e Supply > i everything Good on hand. Our Prices arc suited to the times. ?l*, coli rise we ihakc (.Irani pay well tor wh'al he ge??, but to all decent debplc wo Sell Low Sown for Cash Also for for sale ~>0 Tons i ; Kussel Coe's Ammoniated Superplios p h at 8 o f 351a A m o. Put. up in Hags or P.arrcls, and Manufactured at LTN*DION, UNION county, new j f.msf.y. i r:\-vv a i rr i civics f'?iiis!:inlly on hand. Hie Proprietor will give Personal AMciilitfti Ui I lie C'otM' IxtiiiKUiig ot l'Iiysieii;ns B*r<':-