T_^?.ggg i _!^ NEWS .& TIMES. T83UED EVERY SATURDAY MORN I KG \ WY THE _QRANOjEnuno Kiews coMi'Ayy. , '? ;? UKO. BUMVER, IJusiness Man?ip;er. " Terms of Subscription. ! ? One Cony one Year.$2 00 " f? Six Mouth*. 1 00 RatCB of Advertising. Ons Square 1st Insertion.f$l fiO Rath Subsequent " . 1 00 Jftlww ?merted in Zoe?/ CWui/m at'iOcjjer 6wAKf^>(to7M and Transient Advertise' ?3V3ia to htpeidfor in Advance M? Uteipts /or Subscription or Advcr ttummts met Valid unless Signal by Business Mm?ftr. 09" Wt ftro in no rrny responsible for tho Tiewn or opinions of our Correspond ents. SAf?r?^OulVl5','"l876. THE REP?BLICAW ??HDEC?E~ An Immense Crowd?Resolutions, Ac?Speeches by Honk. E. W. M. Magkey, C. W. Ruit/, and W. J. WllIPPER. Notwithstanding llic opposition that was manifested towards the idea of Republicans haviijg a Barbecue on tho 4th of July, the affair turned out to bo a grander success than its stnunchest friends hoped for it- Re publicans flocked into town from all portions of the county, and we do not think ihnt we would ho far from che truth in asserting that with but one or two exceptions the entire force: of the leaders were out. From every Town ship we greeted men who controlled their section. So it cannot be said that tha Barbecue was a pnrtisan or one-sided affair. The crowd here could elect any ticket put into tho field. All of the speakers who were to have been present were not here but those csscniblcd were not permitted to go homo without hearing anything. About 10 o'clock iu the morning the procession assembicd oi\ Russell Street and marched down to the beautiful pino grove near Mr. Riggs' Fprirg, where a stand had been erected for "i-peechifying" purposes, and which was kindly tendered to the Republicans by that gentleman. The Hon. E. I. Cain acted as Chairman, and air. B. G. Frederick ss Secretary. Before the regular programme wns taken up a motion was made by A. F. Browning Esq., that a committee of one from each m Township be appoirj^ad on resolu tions. This motion "was carried with an amendment that five from the County at large should be added. The chair appointed tho following as the committee : Avinger's, Jan uary McNeol; Bookhard's, A J E Mingr; Branchville, E Green; Brown's, A Harris; Club House, AC "Williams; Cedar Grove, Adam Fholphs; Corbettsvillc, B G Fredrick; Ksatorlin's Ellis Forrest; Elliott's, JQ Murph, Fogle's, E C Gray; Foures Chnpol, J P M. Foures; Fort Motte, R R Duncan; Feldei's, T J Phillips; Griffins, ? R Felder; Jami son's Addison Ilnince; Gleatou's, JH Livingston; Knotts Mill, Rufus Whetstone, Lcwisville, R. Jefferson; Orangeburg, T K Sasportas; Rowcs ville, Rev Sam'l Ways; Zeiglcr's, Jo. cob Dupout. At large; A F Brown tug; Rev- Thos Thill'ips, J Felder Meyers. II P Cook, Benj Bias. Mr. Browning acted as chairman of the committee: The celebration was then opened with prayer by the Rev. Thos. Phil lips, who uttered many eloquent and feeling sentences. The Rev. Dr. Webster then follow ed with the reading of the Declara tion of Independence, a duty which he performed admirably. la /act so well did he emphasize the most eloquent passages in that splendidly written paper that frequently burst after burst of applause interrupted him. ' We heard one man >ny "Well, it was woith coining here to hear that speech," The committee' on resolutions, which had relumed in the merntime, reported through Mr. T. K. Sasportas, the following preamble and resolu tions which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, we have assembled to g< liter lor ihc purpose of celebrating this the or e hundredth birth day of Oie Declaration of the American In dependence, out of which grew tho Proclamation of Freedom; and whereas, we enter fully into the spirit and scntiracbt of Freedom which today pervades thi?t Govern mint, and believe that wc, as Republicans, have as much light to glorify it as any other party, therefore, be it Ucsairal, Tnttt we rejoice in the fact that America has reached this the Centennial 1 irth day of her National Indcppnttenct; tiiat no one will watch closer I.or honor and " integrity in ihe future than ourselves; jtnd that WC congratulate her upon her prosperity hud power as a Nation. ?esolccd^That Republican par ty is tho party of Freedom, and tba| we:pledge..ohreelves to stnnd stead fastly by its principles. Itesolu tf, That tboso who opposo Republicanism nnd strive to crcato strife iu our ranks, are enemies of Freedom and should bo looked upon with distrust everywhere. Jiesolvcd, That wo heartily endorso and commend the course [of tho able and efficient solicitor of this circuit, the Hon. C. W. Buttz. Resolved, That the Republicans owe a debt of gratitude to Hon. JE I. Cain for his devotion to the Republi can party, and that we fully endorse his official life. llcsolved, Ihat Rev. Thos. Phillips, deserve the thanks of tho frionds of education throughout tho County for the able and zealous manner in which he has conducted the offico of School Commissioner. Jleso'ved, That we heartily endorso nnd commend the action of our Legislature in electing to the posi sitiou of Judge of this Circuit "our worthy citizen, Hon. W. J. Whipper, and shall deem tho obstacles being throwu iu his way as a blow at the d nrcst of our rights and liberties and that wo request our Republican friends throughout the Stato to aid him to the utmost extent of their ability in obtaining his scat, a posi tion to which he was elected by a majority of legal votes of the General Assembly. Hesolved, That we endorse and rati fy the nomination made at Cincinnati of Hays and Wheeler, for President and Vice-President respectively. Resolved, That we recognize tho Orangeburg News and Times as the authoratative organ of tho Republican party in this Couuty nnd commeud its course to our friends generally. [Signed] A. F. BrowNiNQ, Chnir. Com. [Signed] B. G. Fredrick; Secty. Com. As we said already tho above ro port from the committee was adop ted unanimously. After which Congressman E. W. M. Mackcy was introduced and made n general 4th of July Speech. He was followed by Solicitor Buttz, who reviewed his course, and showed up his bolting prociviltics to the great disgust of the few colored men who bad cheered him, not knowing who he was. Buttz carried tho crowd with him to the utter annihilation of our (?) Congi'cssinau. Hon. "W. J. Whipper was tho last speaker, and orated at considerable length on the Day. He was finally asked whether he designed to lake bis sent' Ho roplicd that ho did, uiUl hoped to do so peaccab'y. His speech however was mainly of the day nnd what it commemorated. A recess was here taken lor dinner, while partaking which a severe cloud came up and the crowd quietly dis persed. The Barbecue was a complete suc cess. Not a single difficulty happened to mar the serenity of the occasion, and ovorybody seemed to go away satisfied. Thorc were about twenty fivo hundred present. Sheriff Cain, Benj. Bins, F. Mel lettc, A. F. Browning, B. G. Fredrick J. H. Fordbam and others deserve much credit for the success they made of the affair. ? ????? ? - ? ?i The Hamburg Row. Tbcro was a fatally dcrasterous collision between the whites ,and blacks at Hamburg in this State on Saturday last, in which several lives were lost, one white and six colored. Several were also wounded. There are two versions of the affair. In order to bo fair wo give them both, with the hope that the guilty parties wh(?.=5oever they may be, will bo duly punished when caught. We give first the official report and secondly the account published by General Butler, who claims to have beon misrepresented by the Anns and Courier in its statement t>f the un fortunate (imeule : official account, Tho difficulty grew out of a dispute which originated between two white men nnd some militiamen while par ading on tho n tho contrary, be kept up, if possible, better than ever heretofore. It was advertIncd for sale for the paltry sum of two hundred dollars, which was not my debt but one against Mr. Mcroney, as security on a note for a party who failed to meet it when due. And as suit for the money was brought ngainst'Mr. Mcroney and not the makers of the b?te, we thought " it best to let the property be sold and that tu I should buy it in; which I did and now have titles for it. No more debts of a like natuie can ever come against it; so my friends may console themselves with the assurance that Meroncy's Hotel will con tinue to 1?; In the fettur? what it has been in' the past the only first class house of tho- : kind ever kept in Orangeburg. I ask my friends throughout the County and State-.to continue their patronage with me, and I guarantee that they \ri II always bo woll ? cared for, and ever leave the hospitable roof of my Hotel perfectly satisfied. ANNIE E. E. MERONEY, Proprietress! FOR Sik&X! ONE N. F, BURNHAM'S NEW Turbine. 9 inch Water Wheel, and Gearing-. I' liavo ginned two crops with it( '? about 100 bales, it giving entire satisfaction, AnV one about to put up a Water Giu, will do Veil to see my Wheeh, with a 12 foot ' head: on Wheel?I will warrant that the , . Wheel will run a Forty Saw flin, and Gin 4 Rales of Cotton per davi Also set of 30 inch Mill Stones, " 'I J. K. HANE. - F?it Motte, S. C, jiily 15 3t _ j?or Sale. oh 0kyj^&^?^0^^6^^^ will sell at puhlic outcry to the highest hidden for c:??di one Gray M?le, levied on as the property of Pierce Lee at the suit of (ieo. ?L "Cornelsonj under Lien and Mortgtfcai Phure of s?dc opposite the Court House at Ontngehiirg, S. C. Time of wile, 10 o'clock GEO. W. BRUNSONj Agt. Orangeburg, S. C, July 11th 1870. jiily 15 It Turnip and Ruta^ l)aga S eeds. ALSO Winter Cabbage SEEDS of all dbtcrip-' tions just Received from the Celebrated' IIoUsc of D. Landreth it S6n, for Sate by E- EZEEHEL. jtily 8 liu l^OTICE. OFFICE OV COUNTY AUDITOR, j Ol:.tis(;K??fto. S. C, July 5th 187fi, j TO W. P. MURPHY ami D. Vf. ANTLEY, Take Notice, that Mrs. J, D. King arid Mrs. Elezabcth Ay res have each paid in to the County Treasury tho amounts necewary to redeem the binds Ipurchased by you at Delinquent land sale, held June 5th !S7Gy together with 25 per cent' additional* ucccssary io redeem tho same. JAS. VAN TASSEL, County Auditor of Orangcburg Co< july 8 3t Rare Business Chance. Having decided to change my bufuncsa, 1 offer at private sale my entire stock" of Groceries, Liquors and business 8tand Cor ner R. U. Avenuo ar.d Russell St/ on tho very best terms. ?. . ??.; j This is a raro opportunity to any onto wishing to engage in ft payfn# business, only a small amount ef Caan in required* Apply to either - CHARLES S. BULL, or ? J W MOSELEY,.; july 8 , . St In Tlio District Cbnrt of fJhr United Stales. FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ISt THE MATTER OP 'WlL-MASH P, Witt, JiANKIl UPT?IN BA NKJt UPTOY* Notice is hereby given, that 611 Creditor* Bankruptcy, at his office, in the Town oi Stun ler, 8. C. on or before tho 18th day of July 1876". othcrwiso they will tc de barred trom the benefits of the. decree lo to made in this case. ? By order of tho Hon. George S. Bryan, Judgo of tho District Conrt of the U. S , for the District of South Carolina. C B. GLOVER, Assignee. Orangeburg, S. C.j July 8, 187 6. july 8 2t