O , Fi 8 H ?"5 p p P 8 H ? B M t? O 6 c B 3 & ? Q B~ P l-H to p r g to ? B" B ? 2 c o I it Q o O ;T f?< K? ra ? 5 n t? a I" w p? CO 2 co H?;S io S9 & Q ~ p ?< ft. b p- s, S u h ? i? St o t?( ;f B g 1 ? H^ tH H: O Hl? o; ^ O B O C ft B o i-3 p o i^r* ^ p t * ^ o 8 I- ? o ro c B. 5 5. b 2 >-S r-t- j- ?-f P ? ? i Er* ? 3 fti'W *1 g p B ._, o r/j' ** 5" CO f , f/; it B p b b P H o ro W o w w i?( O o H w M t> td t> o H CD St A S REMOVED TO . WOLFE'S OLD STAND Ml stock of Groceries, Liquors^ Cigars and Tobaccos. Call on him and he will do his best to please you. McCllEERYTmVE & CO., WILT, open to morrow, (Monday,) March 27, 1S70, at RrcaUy reduced prices, during the next lifteendayn, will sei! their entire Kt?)ek of Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Hoots and Shoe.-* nt lower price.; than ever before ofl'ered to make room for large shipments now oh the way. Your attention it* directed io the following partial price list of the many articles wc propose to sell you at a bargain : 50 pieces New Stylo Dress Goods, at 11 cents per yard. ? cases AV?irsntia Uleached Muslin, at 12 1-2 cents per yard. 50 dozen Lr.?!ies' Elegant Now Stylo Ties, at23 cents each. Jj cents per yard. 10 canes Good Stvlc Prints, warranted at ('? 1-4 cents per yard. 2 cares Yhnl Widc Canibrics?, at 10 cents per yard. pieces Gr.ifc'jjOloth nil Colors, at 10 cents pcr'yarib Ail of tho New? -i Styles and host brands of IVihts will Iks sold at R 1-2 cents per yard. Ihown, niracliotl niul Plaid lloincspuns at proportionately low prices. Orr stock of Hoots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, :it n general reduction of 20 per cent. The hest as.wtnient of Trunks, Valises, Lunch and Market Haskets in the city. Our entire Stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shade?, Wall Paper, &c. will he closed on! at and hclow cost. T!ie above will convince you that the place to get cheap goods and good attention is at the Grand Central Dry Goods Establishment. Now is your time to hccuto bargains. Call early and often. McCKEEItY, LOVE & CO, mareh27tf COLU HI It I A, S. C. KEPT BY P. W. BULL & CO. U:tvin:r bought out this. Establishment, wc will keep constantly ou hatnl fi full line of "Wines, X_jii:VII Aiiioiiji; llio Tiiilors," which combined ullbrds splctuml pnslinie, Ore 1 : >t " ill be U< ]>l nt this place, ami the mostFilSlidiotlS can v'uiL it without tiny thintror of beinir insulted. mar I?ly 1J. W. iBTJJLiTj & CO., Proprietors Club Saloon. ?B ? pa Sr o ? & is n sirccK?sou or* llOTSj^UT rl I3NNY. Iutpovter ti'ul Manufacturer OF II?TiNESS & SADDLES. IIa; the pleasure to inform tlie l'nhlie llial lie lias llcccivcd a heavy Slock frpiii (lie North ofevory description what belongs to a first elns? Snddh.ry I'sliiblishincnt. Also v i h to draw j?ardcnhir attention lei his Stock of M 1)1 KS UTniNiCi 8Al)J>LK.S and iii.; a uitiit.nl of SllOKS. lyiceji haver then over. (lood Ra?Mica at :/'5.?o. (tnod HI im'> $].7~i Oood II I 'My !?;. '? and SHEEP in I u.iiiiitiiui. fin- which fuH market [irifc viit in: paid. Apply In ii. ALiMuicirr.' may i:! If NOTICE ;;? The fast I rolling thorough-bred Stallion M A ? IB RIN C) TRUSTE E will stand the season at my stables. PEDIGREE. MA.MURI NO TRUSTEE, by Mambrino Medley, lie by Old Mambrino Chief; Maiu brino .Medley's first dam by Young Medley, a line race mare, second dam by Stanley; lljird dam by Trustee; fourth dam by Specu lator. MAMIMUX? TRUSTEE'S first dam Jenny Diiiuicy, by lloleolm; first dam by Lady Wood ford, by Sir William Woodford; he by Woodford; first dam bv Bcrtrnnd. MAM I'.lll NO TRUSTEE was bred by Clt'orgy W. "gdon, Wrights Station, Ken tucky X'eiltral Kail Road, ihnirbon County, Kentucky, lie is five years old, and has not bad niuoh handling but what he had allowed splendid action. He trotted on the Columbia track last fall at the rate of 2.45 THAI). th. If. S. E. Tobin. S. A. Albergotti. The cheapest BACON, FLOUR, SUGAR, DRY GOODS BOOTS, and SHOES House in the County. This is the unanimous verdict of the people, gained by adhering strictly to our Cash a ;d Small Profit System. S. E. TOBIN & CO., J. C. P I K E, AT YOSE'S OLD STAND, Has OPENED; REFITTED and RESTOCKED litis Large and Com modious Store with the most SELECT STOCK OF GOODS EVER OFFERED HERE, comprised of FRESH GROCERIES, HARDWARE, WOOD WAKE, (i LASS WARE, CROCKERY WARE, CANNED GOODS. Dry Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Which is offered at PRICES that will ASTONISH those that wish to SAVE MONEY these HARD TIM ICS. A call will convince you of the ahovc facts. COUNTRY PRODUCE W^VIsTTJUD, For which the HIGHEST MARKET PRICES will h?. paid, flfnr Constantly on hand FERTILIZERS. LIMTC for T3iiildill?r or l^V.rl?i^iiio* purposes, con stantly on hand, and for sale at Reasonable Rates. jau 2? 1S7? ly ? GEO. H. CORNELSON, Hereby informs Iiis Friends, and (ho Public generally, that ho is now receiving o large stock of AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE and respectfully requests an early examination of same. Prices arc lower than ever in this market for cash. GEORGE II CO KMC I,SOX. J. STRAUSS & CO. Rice, Grist, Meal and Lumber Balers, Beg leave to call attention fo heir Increased Facilities for supplying all wants in their line. All grades RICE for sale at LOW FIGURES. GRIST and MEAL for sale at " Choice Clean Rice exchanged lor ROUGH. Iligliest Mavlcet 3?rice paid for RICE and CO UN. o ur i^x^A-isriisro jsiiLXi Lately ERECTED enables us to furnish DRESSED LUMBER at un heard of PRICES; as follows: DRESSED FLOORING, $1G.50 per M. and Dressed Ceiling, S1?.50. All kinds of Lumber Dressed at LOW FIGURES. We invite all in terested in HOME ENTERPRISE to visit our Establishment. The best DRY GOODS, GROCER IES, LI QUORS, &c., inthe County. Let everybody come to myystore. J, WALLACE CANNON. iE DE COME ALL! TO BOYLE'S COENEB. J. H. SCHACHTE With a Ml supply of Groceries, Shoes, Clothing and General Mer chandise. ALSO Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco, AT i Low LOwn. Prices. ?R. A S. HYDRICK, DHUGGISC AjStD CHEMIST IJnsjust opened an entire new Stock of jOjRTT G and CPTJEMIC^LS, At the ?Stand Formerly Occupied by the late E. J. Olivcros. The must popular a PATENT MEDICINES . AVitli full line of TOILET ARTICLES Constantly on hand: The Proprietor will give Personal Attention to the Com* {>omidin^ "f IMiyHicimiM PrescriptIons and i'rivalc Formalng. 'hysicians desirous of purchasing will find it to their advantage to INSPECT. MY STOCK.' lleforc Buying Elscwhesc. T'eengni/.ing the fact that "In Medicine Purity is Sll>0 7C PriC*," We shall ."pare no pa ins to secure the very best .Medicines. A call is respectfully solicited. A. S. HYDRICK, Druggist, net 30 177? 52 PEESIBENT GRANT "Was rejnicrd when ho henrd that Ibibcock, his Private Secretary, halt been nrcjtiittcd id' Cothplicity in the Wish-key Frauds, and immediately Bent ail Order to our Store For near load of Dry Chi 1.-, Ih-ots. .Shoes, 11 a t^,-Groceries, Canned Meals, Oysters, Lobsters and Salmon; ;:!so For Samples of Win33, Whiskies, And twenty thousand of the Cigars with which we have bren 'uruitbbag him laiely. His object in making this Large Order proceeded from a deeiro tu his part To Teat t)io T^tv Who cleared his "Hubby."' We have (Hied his Order, but Imy* still? Lnrje Supply of everything Good on hand. Our Prices arc suited t*i tha tinte?. Of course we make Grant pay well tor what he get*, but to all dteent deop'e wc Sell Low Down for Cssh Also for for salo 50 Tor..i of R?ssel Coe's Ammonia,ted. Superphos phate of Iii me. Put up in lings or Biirre's, and Manufactured at Lindex, UNION county, new j kksey. <.:ivo us: a tuii. BRIGUMAXN & REiVjVEKEft. buy All the GOODS you need from us. We arc DETERMINED to ?oll yott Your Christmas Goods And all others that you may want so CHEAP That every one will be asking you, who you bought FROM When you will please say, "THESE A No. 1 GOODS, nt these LOW L?WN PRICES came from BRIGGMANN & CROOK'S 36 YEARS! After an experience of thirty-six years, I tbink\I know just ho*to plcnse my friends and customers, and returning my thanks for past favors', would say that I have just returned from ? NEW YORK' WITH A FULL STOCK Bought nt LOW DOWN PANIC PRICES. I am not bragging. Como and satisfy youwolvcs by examining my assortment of every description of goods. d. louis.