ENTERPRISE CLUB SALOON KEPT BY P. W. BULL & CO. Having bought out this Establishment, we will keep constantly on hand a full lino of "\Vines, I/icruors, Cigctrs o-rid Tobacco. To tne' rear ofHhe Fnloon, arc two excellent Billiard Tal>leSj and "The IKvil Among the Tailors," which combined allbrds splendid pn8tlmeV"Ordex w>11 ue k*ptat this place, and the most Fastidious can visit it without any danger of being insulted. 3?. W. 33XJJLT., & CO. mar 4_ly Proprietors Club Saloon. PRESIDENT GRANT Was rejoiced when be henrd'that Babcock, his Private Secretary, ha,] been acquitted of Complicity in the "Whiskey Frauds, and immediately Sent an Order to our Store J For a car load of Dry Gooks, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Groceries, Canned ' Meats, Oysters, Lobsters and Salmon; also For Samples of Wines, Whiskies, And twenty thousand of the Cigars with which we have been furnishing him lately. His object in making this Large Order proceeded from a desire on his part To Treat the Jury WhClcalel^8^^ab%." Wc have filled his Order, but have still a Large jBypplyif of everything Good on hand. Our Prices are suited to the time?. Of course wc make Grant pay well for what he gets, but *o all decent people we Sell Low Down for Cash! Also for for sale 50 Tons of Ire - " ? R?ssel Coe's Ammoniated Superphos phate of Lime. Put up in Bags or Barrels, and Manufactured at LINDEN, UNION COUNTY, NEW J ERSEY. Give us a call. BRIGGMANN & RENNET E \t* J. STRAUSS & CO. Rice, Grist, Meal and Lumber Balers, Beg leave to call attention to their Increased. Facilities for supplying all wants in their line. All grades KICE for sale at LOW FIGURES. GRIST and MEAL for sale at " Choice Clean Rice exchanged lor ROUGH. Highest Market JPrice paid for RICE and CORN. OUE [PLA-ITSriNGr MILL Lately ERECTED enables us to furnish DRESSED LUMBER at un heard of PIUCES, as follows: k DRESSED FLOORING, $16.50 per M. and Dressed Ceiling, $15.50. All kinds of Lumber Dressed at LOW FIGURES. We invite all in terested in HOME ENTERPRISE* to visit eur Establishment. THE CHEAP STOUE It will be to-the interest of every one to call and examine my stock of | FAMILY GROCERIES hefore buying elsewhere, as I guarantee that my prices and goods cannot be excelled this side of New York. My stock of DRY GOODS SHOES and various other goods, continually needed by the farmer and housekeeper. All of which^will give genial satisfaction to those who will favor me with a eall^ ?? ? 1 Step imnnd look around at the cheap store of Ii fc ^ C. R. JONES. ' "V' CALCINED JSI.A. H X.. A ^Fertilizer! and Renovator of IiUmt 1'rcparcd from the "f Mrirl Underlying the Phosphate lied* of So. Cri; The Glieapest. I'Vi-tilizer Vet OfTored to tho l5ublic! %U UU TUE BEST FARMERS EXDORSH IT! This Mail, containing Phosphate of Limb, Carbonate of Lime and Soluble Silicin, is far Miperior to die Celebrated Marls of Virginia ami New Jersey, of which millions of Ton? are iibciI yearly, and have proved of immense benefit to those Stall's. It affords the Farmer the opportunity of Kn rieh big Iiis Lands at the Lowest Possible Hates. Prices?$10 per Ton In car-load lots of 8 Tons, 12 " In smaller quantities. On Cars at Comynny'n Works, on S; C. It. It. Send for Circulars* For sale by RAVEN EL & CO., feb 26?3m General Agents, Charleston, S. C. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO AXD COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE. These well-known Manures of high grade made under the supervision of Dr. St. J. Ravcnel, arc for sale at present prices on limited terms. CLARK & ARTHUR, Lcwisville, S. C. jan 29 1876 ly SARDY'ft ?frpiL? TIT.TZ33RS. Tili: miST AND CIIKAPJGST IN USB. Manufactured by the Ashcpoo Mining and Manufacturing Guano Co. ?.ti * Factories at Charfcsfott, *V. C, O?c.c North Atlantic Wharf, SARI>Y?N AftOION 1 ATED SOlJUKI,K PACIFIC UIJANO. . , Phosphate Peruvian Guano and Dissolved Bono Phosphate. These well known Standard Fertilizers, after ten years Practical Test throughout the South, have proved to be the best hi use for Cotton, Corn and all otlicr Crops, particu larly adapted to the Southern (Miniate and Soil?the Crops in ninny instances being More than Doubled by their use. While these fertilizers are being prepared from the Tlcst Ingredients and of even of Higher Grade than ever before, The Prices have been Materially Reduced for tlie Present Season, thereby placing them within the erch of every Planter, and noire ean a fiord to do without them. C1?0. II. COIIN.UI