ISSUKD KV Kit Y SATljltDA Y MOItXIKCi l'.V Till: OltANOKlI?liO Si:\VS COMl'ANV. "~ til.O. l!l7l7iTbh\ lUlsilH'SS S?HIilKIM*. B?^* We lire in no way responsible lor tlie views or opinions ofoiir Correspond ent^ The Convention To-Day. Experience should Icneii I lie Ke puliliciius io be careful in selecting men to represent them. Jt lias been too much the custom wilh Co ven lions in tlic past to ho pulled about mid controlled in tlie interests of men eminently selfish and conspicuously noted for tlicir love 61'j?eli"and noth ing else. '1 he delegates who will make up the Convention. to-day will be IVch from thepeople, and we hope for the welfarei of the hard working yocmanry who make up the llepubli enn parly, and who have to bear tho brunt at the polls; that an iniluchtiiil and rc])rcscntative,d(.dcghtion will be ihcEcn to go to Columbia. Many of oiir slhunchtst and strdngesi men re siding hi ll.o country have been ignored hi tlie past, and wc trusl that nub us these will be allowed a chance to day. Come out, hard !i.-t. d lvcpublicajis, cud mi l assert your ?rights! Von have them, and it is with you to shy whctluror 'not they shall be trampled into '.he dust by cliquism. Brc:i'< up the slates that have been made up to shove down your throats, and elect men with whom the people who sent you here will lie satisfied, Uemcmbcr your errors of (he past. Don't 1)0 caught napping again. Up! up!! and do your duty, every one of you !!! A SINOl.K MlsSTKP NOW MAY hlMNO DKFKAT IN nn: I I The Buttv: Impeachment. It is now well known that the at tempt to remove Solicitor Butt/, from ollice by impeachment before the Legislature, oil tl.e eve o! its ad jqurnihciil, was the woik of the lion. E. W; M. Maekcy, ntember of Coh grcss, from this District. The com munity will rcmcnibor thai Solicitor Bullz is contesting Mnckcy's seat before Congrc.:s, and we are reliably informed that the evidence * of the contestant 'clearly establishes his right to, the seal, it further tip pea rs that Maek-cy did not take, any c-vi -cicrrcc, and (i.uf, ajiicss lit; ' cjiui'.'f" by other means 'aflcef Buttz's position be fore the coihinittco on elections anil the 1 iouscof lie present at i ves, he would eventually be obligi d in surrender the scat in Congress to liuttz. Tho im peachment dodLe wiis to accomplish this. Although Maekey succeeded in having a committee of three ap pointed, consisting of tho personal enemies! of the Solicitor, which com mittee examined marly every thief and coiiyict in Charleston County, whom the Solicitor prosecuted du ring the hist four years; yet they were unable lo detect anything injurious or damaging lo their intruded victim. After the evidence had been read to the House of K< prcsenta lives, the vote was taken and sixty-two votes were cast against impeachment, while thirty-two in favor of it.- We con gratulate the Solicitor in having de feated tho Scheines' lo injure him We publhli the nimorily report of the committc in another co'iimn. Bella ap. The fall of 1 kil.iiap continues to be a prolific; subji el to editors and newspaper correspond uts. Gran'. ! ;:. doiic thus and so, they say; he litis traded with bis brother in posttradcr ships; inside money here and there, but no ono has ye! been sharp enough to establish \iU giiii? sullieionlly to lead lo bis impeachment; but ilclk na'p, poor Be!knap ! by making his wife his agent and nw/hfiiiife, has obscured the lustre of bis war-like name, nud tnudc haste quickly in ihr direction of the 1 Vhitchtiary. It is dangerous lo fob) with women. N'o mailer how beautiful; how sweetly rounded, how plump, how rosy their lips, women sectn to be unsafe '?pardsV for st ?See* ret a ry of War. And why '.' Because the lirsi disturbance ever created in the world was occasioned by u mule fooling iibottl a female. Whjy ? The Ai'jr? ami C'l-iirirr voliiiiliiri'v defend..-; I'(?'any. Mossr.*. Iv iordoii A; Dawsoli, will y>? 11 answer us a lew qucsl ions? Is Dclany a better mau Ihau Cnvender ? If not, why did Governor Chamberlain make I (lesh of on ? and bone.- el" i!i other '.' : ' Your edit- rskips will please answer. ! One Last Struggle. liy the Augusta papers of yester day we learn that Alexander II. Stephens started lor Washington lust night, where it is said he will make Iiis lust lilbrt iu behalf of the South. It will bo n grand sight to behold this dying statesman pleading upon his crutches in the Capitol nt Wash ington for moderation, and order, and honest government ! lie will pass our depot on _ I ho 2 o'clock up train. mmmmmm> ? - ? gi ? ? ? - Agricultural College. We have been informed by Senator Andrews, Chairman of the. Commit tee appointed to investigu'e the Agri cultural College, that the Committee lias not made its report yet, and that the statement lt> that eflcet, published in .hist Saturday's AWs und Courier, had no foundation in fact. Senator Andrews Miys the report will be made, accompanied by nil the evidence taken beb tu tbe Committee, as soon as the Legislature rc-nsscmblcs. We overheard an amusing conver sation that look place in the Court Mouse Square on Wednesday last; The question debated was: "What does the word Bonanza mean?" One gentleman insisted .that it meant an unexpected streak of good luck, while the other protested that it signified fraud. A heated discussion ensued, each gentleman asserting to the last that he was right. Our opinion is, that if the parties engaged in the del hie have any resemblance wha' ever to a iloimn/.a, that tbe significa tion given to it by the latter gentle man is r>~t A Gentleman traveling through cue of the rural precincts of out county, a lew days since, rode up to a farm-hou.-e, and thus accosted a curly: headed urchin, who was scaled on the top of a gatepost: "JJub, wheres your pa?" The youngster replied, "lie's jest gone down there bey a ml ihr, cow-shed to . bury our old dog Towsor. The rlaru'd old fob1 killed hisseIf n-bhrkih' at candidates for sheriff, lie you oie?" Our friend rode on. A spectacle nihil was in town during the week and sold eyes to a good many of our young men. A gentle man of lender years, in the employ nicht of our popular Clerk of Court, treated himself and now sees through a glass darkly. He wilMiereaftor sa lute his friends through gobies. We I ear of deep combinations being made all around by politicians; a few of which we may notice in a future 'ssue. .Meanwhile we would advise our friends to be on the watch lor .-harp tricks. New Hampshire has gone Republi can by a large majority! The lall of Hciknap did int seem to influence the people there. Fast women may ruin one man, but they are not J powerful enough to crush the Republican party. W onder if lie lk imp's wife ever gave a lock of her glossy ringlets to the men she accepted bribes from for her fallen lord? It is said that she has beautiful pouting lip-. i.ttmar of Mississippi is sick and will not bo able lo continue his ser vices in Congress this session. II? is the ablest of all the Southern Con ti rcsciiuch. The Columbia h'eywte'r went with the corruptionists and defended T. J. Mit(d;ey. I'alling into the tracks of (he old I'linnue fasti Solicitor Buttz. Vt'S'iOrdhy we gave a synopsis of the rcpoii against Solicitor I'.uitz, by Messrs. llnytio and Sloan, as well as what liny said in adoption of the same. Wo now give the report of M r. Miller, of Menu foil: Ilbn. ii. Ii. Elliott, Speaker, and Membe'is id' the House of Kcprc scuta lives. I have the honor to respectfully submit, for your consider ation, the fot lowing report, based up on investigations made by the com mil tee to investigate the charges that had been intimated ngainst. C. W. Ibtttz, e.-oj., solicitor of the fust circuit. Your coiumilteo, consisting of W. A. Jlimie, John T. Sloan, jri, and in\.-< 11', proceeded on Friday night, llie lOlh iiist., IrVChurleslon, and look evidence on the 11 th, 13th, 1-lth and l?tli insLs. Your committee was ably assisted in procuring evidence by 1 Ion. M. McLaughlin, member of this house, nud the Hon. 10. W.M. Mackcy men:her of congress. 1 have enrefully coiisidercd nll Ihc evidence taken; mid have arrived at I'm' conclusion (hat it (Iocs not war rant' (his house in taking any further iietioii in the premises, except dis charging the committee therefrom. I have- refused to sign a statement pro* posed by the other two members of the committee for the following rea sons : That the cvidenco taken is fatally contradictory and wholly insufficient; nearly all of it being opinions of the witnesses, hearsay testimony, and, where the witnesses spoke of their own knowledge, they have been positively contradicted by those whose names they would give ns wit nesses to corroborate their statements. As to the charge of' b'ackmailing" I in the case of the stuto vs. Itichard (Murphy, indicted in 1873, charged with wounding Policeman O'ICcif- The evidence in t his case before the com mittee was first, that of Harry May, which has no weight, because of the contindictory manner iu which it wus given. B. Foloy testified that he received $100 from Murphy, the defendant in this case, for the purpose of influenc ing the solicitor's action in the case. Murphy, the defendant, testified he never gave Ii. Foley or any other pr?r | sou any money or property whatso ever to influence the solicitor in this case, rind that the case never cost him I one cent, and that Col. It. W. .Sey mour was bis attorney, who defended him without cost. Hon. E. W. M. Mackcy testified I that in 1873 Solicitor Buttz attempted through him to ^blackmail County Treasurer Gurney and George I. Cunningham, chairman board county commissioners, bv threatening to prosecute them if they did not pay certain claims held by him against said county. Mr. Cunningham, upon being sent, for, testified that Solicitor Bnttz had never attempted to blackmail him at any time or in any manner, and that Mackcy was mistaken in what he had said. General Glirncy being in the city, I proposed to the committee that be bo sent for and examined in regard to '.be statement of Mr. Mackcy, and re gret to say 1 was overruled. I regard the contradiction of Mr. Cunningham sufficient to destroy the testimony of Mr. -Mackcy. ' Combining with 'fellers' to escape justice." The only testimony to sustain this charge was given by \Y. A. Hoard, who has been con victed three times by Solicitor Butlz of various offenses, and sentenced to tbe penitentiary. Said Hoard admitted in his testimony that he had sometime since will fully and deliberately shot Solieiter Butt/, in the breast and hip with a pistol. From the character of this witness and the nature cf his testimony, in my opinion it is unworthy of belief. Ad other testimony on this charge was ru*nbr or heriivay. '"Using his office for selfish and cor rupt, purposes/' Tbc lesliiwmj* outfits pnin'-nr^vpnte" j and defective, and is only Sounded on bebe!, and, therefore slrnihl not be. considered, no witness having cited a I single instance to sustain this ch irg-'l Therefore, 1 ask that the resolution to impeach C. \\ . Butlz, solicitor, be rejected, and that the committee be I discharged from i tirilier consideration of tlie same. (Sigmd) Thomas E. Mii.lgr, Member Special Committee. Mr. Miller stated in his speech that he, with the other members of the commit tec, entered into this investiga tion with no favorable, opinion of the solicitor. Iu I net, they were all against him at the start. That Buttz had made application to be present, with his attorney, Ho::. P. T. Cor bin; during the examination of witnesses, which was refused. The committee did not allow him to produce witnesses, nor cross examine any of the witnesses brought ugiiinst hint. In fact, they did not intend he should know what had been enid by the witnesses until the house had impeached him. Mr. Milier went on to say that, notwith standing all this, the investigation, so far ns obtaining any reliable or sub stantial evidence against Mr. Buttz, had been ah utter failure; that his sense of honor ami justice required him to make the report he had sub mittcd. The Hon. 1?.. B. Elliott, who thoroughly understood the character of ihe evidence that had bean taken by the committee, showed to the house tint there was nothing in the testimony that won hi warrant the re port of .Messrs. II ay tic and Sloan. In addition to the evidence taken by the committee, he produced alii davits of respectable and reliable, citizens of Charleston, showing the character of the convicts who had testified against the solicitor. To have passed tbe resolution of impeachment it would have required eighty three votes?two thirds of all elected?yet only thirty-two votes were in hi vor of impeachment and sixty-two against it. ? Union-IlcraM. Apologizing to a lamp post isprima facia cvidenco that it is not Merrel's I [opaline for the Liver, but some worthless trash, called Bitters, that has been taken into the stomach. Merrell's Hepntinc acts directly on the. Liver causing it to throw off the bilo, and purify tbo blood. When the I liver has a healthy action the wdiole system is at once invigorated and strengthened; disease has no hold on the system, and is easily eradicated Merrell's Hepatiuo has no equal in permanently curing all diseases of the Liver, Stonmcho and Kidneys. Fifty doses for one dollar, two cents per dose; cheaper than pills, and free from Calomel. See book at Ding Store. For sale by Dr. A. C. Dukes, It must be good, lor overybody re commends it, und ibc doctors prescribe Wc mean Dr. Bull's Cough Syr tip. Price, 20 cents. Governor Smith, of Georgia. Execuiive Department, Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 26, 1874. Dr. J. S. Pcmberton?Dear Sir: I have used your Globe Flower Cough Syrup myself, and in my fami ly, wit! benefits so marked as to leave unquestioned the merits of a remedy which in my experience has pn ved one that excels everything for Colds, Coughs and obstinate L'liig affections. I shall always use it with perfect con fidence, and recommend it to the pub lic as a remedy which will afford that satisfaction experienced by me and mine. Very respectfully yours, Jas. M. Smith, Governor of the State of Georgia. Globe Flower Cough Syrup cures Colds, Cougn, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, Pleurisy, Pain and Soreness in the Breast, and will positively Cure Con sumption. Wc shall publish in the N kw's \ n i) Ti.m es Testimonials of great an 1 good men of the nation, whose woids cannot be doubted in regard to the merits of Globe Flower fcyriip. We prefer to let'hem speak. Globe Flower Syrup for sab; by Du. A. C. Di kes. .. cut'th|s?out, 14 Mixy Save Your'e. 'J'here i.-. no person living but what suffers more or less with Lung Dis'tasej Coughs, folds or Consumption, yet home would (lie rather than pay 7~> eciits for a bottle of medicine that would cure them. Dr. A. IJoschcc's German Syrup has lately been in troduced in this country from Get many, and its wondcrous cures astonishes every one that try it. If you doubt what we liny in print, cut this out and take it to your* I >rtijrf^ist. Dr. A ('. Dukes, and get a sample bottle for 10 cents and try it, or a regular size for 7") cents. dec It tf A CARD. The undersigned having accepted an invitation to officiate at the Bap tist Church to-morrow, regrets to announce that circumstances over which he has hi control have con spired to prevent his doing so. A. I. Hartley. - LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. The Assets of this Company were in creascd by the business of 187? $1,635,051.48, and now amiv.nj .'<> $28,425,150,92. This Company lias paid for Fire Losses during the past forty years $49,441,445,35, Gold. Cpwards of $3.000.0o0 arc bold by Trustees in ti c Cnited States lor the exclusive security of American Policy-holders, NEW YORK OFFICE 45 WILLIAM.ST. KIRK ROR1XSQN Agl.OrangeburgS. C. NOTICE. OitANUEUUiia County, OkAXGEnruo, S. (."., March 23rd 1870. "VTOTIGIC is hereby given that the State -Li apportionment for Orangeburg Countv is $S.(iUl Dollars for School purposes. We hope our County Treasurer will recevic this money as there arc many of our Teachers who still remain unpaid. THOMAS PHILLIPS, County School Coimof Orangcburg County. I~) ? COV KitEI>?Taken awa>~from \, a suspicious character, about one month since, a Silver Watch. Any one calling and proving property, can get it from Mr. C?co. lloliver. X M. WOLFE, ? Marshal. mar 25 ? if WTOLI^N HORSIii-l have KJ taken into my poses-ion a Bay Marc supposed to have been stolen. The owner can obtain the same by proving property and paying expenses. J. W. GRKKN, Trial .Justice, mar 2"> 3t FWAL XOTICE. AU persona having demands against the I'.slateof Ann Berry deceased will present llieih properly proven to the undersigned on or before the first day of May next, or they will be debarred payment. March ltith lS7o JOAN P. BERRY Qualified Executor. Notifo of Dismissal. Notice is herebv given that I shall one month from d ate file account with the Hon orable Judge of Probate for Orangeburg County, and ask for letters of Dismissal as Administratrix of the Estate of J. Morgan lrick. MARY I RICK, Administratrix, mar 11 It A. Card. Having recovered my health. 1 am now prepared to contract for building, hauling &c> I have had twenty years expericne, and guarantee my work. Conti acts taken on liberal terms. I. It. TUCK Kit. jan l? 3th 7notice: The undersigned, while thankfull for past favors,will continue the general Stove, Tin-ware, and House Furnishing business, at tli? Old Stand. Repairing, Hoofing and Guttering, done promptly. Wm. willcock. AN OMDI^AXCE To Raise Supplies for the Town of Orangcburg, Sc. Ca. for tbe Fiscal Year ending Ist April A. D. 1877, and a Bill to Regulate Licenses?. Section 1. Jfe it Ordained by the Town Council oT Orangcburg, nod it is hereby Ordained by the authority of the same: i Tliat the following Taxen bo and are hereby assessed ami levied lor the fiscal year be ginning April 1st A. D. .1870, at and after I hp following rates, that is to say: 1st. At the rate of four (4) mills upou the assessed valuo af all real estate lying and being within Hie Corporate limits of the town of Orangcburg, S. C, including every Building or other improvements on land under Lease from Bodies Corporate or in dividuals for any term of years; three (3) mills thereof to bo expended for general purposes, aud one (1) mill for tbe Fire Department. Sko. II. De it further Ordained, Tbnt all real property within the suhl town shall be assessed for luxation by three Appraisers to be appointed by the Mayor of the said town, who shall enter upon their duty im mediately upon such appointment, and who shall receive for such service a reasonable compensation therefor to be fixed by tbo Town Council. Sr.o. III. lie it further Ordained, That every Person, Firm, Company or Corpora tion cngiigsd in any Trade, Business or Profession hereinafter mentioned shall obtain on or before Iho 1st day of May A. U. 1870, a License therefor in manner herein provided: 1st. Those commencing business after the 1st April A D 1876, shall obtain a Li cense before entering upon that business. lid Every Person, ,?'irin, Company or Corporation required by this Ordinance to obtain a License to engage in any Trade Business or Profession fur which a License is required shall register ivbh the Town Clerk or his Assistant, his or her name or style, aud in case of a firm or company (heir names or styles of such firms or com panies, and their places of business. IJil. Their trade, business or profession for which a Licence is required. ?4ill. The place where Mich trade,' busi ness or profession is to be carried on; all of which, mil answer to questions relative to which, sluvl be given liudsr oath . Sr.c. IV. If any person or persons shall exercise or carry o i any Trade, Business or Profession for the cxercis j carrying oa or doing of which a linens : is re quired by this ordinance without takin* out such license as in that behalf required he, she or they shall besides being liablo for the payment of the license, be subject lo a penalty not exceeding twenty (-0) dollars, lo be sued for und collected in any court of compel out jurisdiction, one fourth of i he penalty after deducting expenses of prosecution to be paid to Ihc person who first informs of the mailer and things whereby Ihc penally is recovered, the oth er thrcu-fourtlis lo the benefit and use of the Town, and to be imprisoned for a term not more i hau twenty days, for cajh sad every violation of IIiis ordinance. Sr.c. V. In every license to be taken out under or by the authority Of this orlin mo ? shall be ontuiuc 1 and set forth tb ? p irp < w Trade, Business or Profession. tW which such Licenseis granted and I lid num. o place of business of the person or pcrsjus taking out th ? same. Smc VI. flic Town CIcrV *'.'??'". I""?"""1' a pron?r fity/biecns? fe be issued iu each case which License spall bj kept by the person receiving tho snt'oo in a cotispi vious place as ilie,To>vn Ck;I*k ni iy direct. Si:o. VII. A License grWH-^-^rffw*-*^ 1st day of April A. I). 1870mom 1 conti.iu ? in force until t.i." 1st d.iy o. April A- D. 1877 nnd all lie-uses graute I after ti ! 1st day of April 1S7?> shall be isui.-l u . >.i th.? the payment of a ratc.ib'e pivipOriion of tlie whole aiuoui.t of money iai.i.M.-l for such License provided liowcver i hat no Liceiiso bo granted for less ilinii t.ircj m inliii though the time at tbe end of lac be less than that. Sko. VIII. Each License granted shall be dated on the 1st day of the month in which the liability therefor it-ierii is and i hi amount to be paid tberctor shall be cn u puted therefrom uniil the en 1 of the year: an; Circuses per day $100, and for each side Show accompanying or in connection therewith, $2">; Practtsii. g Physicians, $10 each; Pedlars per montn, $10; Hucksters or Slreet Venders, $'2; Cabi noi Makers or Bepuirers, $2; Wholsilo Liquor Dealers, $70. (Every person firm or corporation whoso bu-ineas is to sell disi iL cd spiri's, fermented wines or liquors of any kind iu quantities of ono quart or over shall bo regarded ns whole sale liquor Dealers.) Bet nil liquor dealers or bar rooms, $100. Every person or firm whose busiuoss is to sell dinlilled spirits, fermented liquors or wines of any kind by the glass or otherwise shall bo termed Met nil Liquor Dealers; Provided t hat no License lo sell npirituous or malt liquors, wine or cider shall be granted for n shorter period llian six months, llotols, $10; Pri vate Herding houses, $6; Kcstivi.r.inis, $.0; Bakeries; $5; Milliners, $5; Saddlo nnd llarnoss Mnkcrs and Kepairers, $">; Boot and Shoo Makers, $3; Carriago Makers and Wheelwrights, $10; Jewellers, Watch and Clook Kepairers, $10; Master Mechanics or Contractors, $5; Tin ners, $10; Billiard Tables $10 curb; Gumo Tables of any kind whatsoever other than Billiard, $5 each; Gunsmiths, $2; Saw and Grist MiiUa tid Planing Machines and Uice Beaters run by Steam or otherwise each $10; Blacksmiths, $3; House andSign paint" crs, $3; Livery Stable Keepers, $10; and ail persons carrying on different businesses although ia 6ame building shall . pay a aopnratc tax on each. ?EC. XI. lie it further Ordained, That all male iuhab'itduts of the Town of Of ango burg between tho ages of 18 and 50 (a'c tivu firemen excepted)" shall bo liable to road duty, and shall also bo subject to' a compound tax of Si cio!i which said tax shall bs appropriate 1 to the uses and im provements of tho coporation. Snc. Xll. lie it farther Ordained, That liu-.kstors License s?all not be liable to' any deduction on account of tho time Inf which euch License shall bo issued. Sec XIII. lie itfurther Ordained, That the owner or owners of dogs within the Town of Orangcbuog S. C. shall pny a tax of $1 upon each and every dog owned by bim,her or them, and that the owner or owners thereof sh vll bo provided with a collur to bo furnished at the expense of tho Town, and on and after tho first day of Juno next ensuing, any dog owued by any person living in said' Town, found upon the streets without such colar shall be taken up by the Murshal and tho owner notified thereof, ami if such owner or ownors shall fail to- pay the license upon Such dog or dogs within five days after being ho notifi ed, said dog or dogs shall be killed. Skc. XIV. lie itfurther Ordained, That all ordinances or parts of ordinances levy ing u tux or prescribing the modo or time of returning or paying tho same or any other regulation in relation therolo aro hereby continued in full forco and eSfoct so lur |l8 (hc same nrc not in conflict vr'nh tho provision of this ordinance. Sec. XV. Be it father Ordained, That all Town Taxos on real estalo re quired under this ordinance shall be paya ble within (30) thirty days from the (20) twentieth day of April A. ?. 187C. All tnxes unpaid after tho expiration of the thirty (30) days shall be subject to an ad ditional tr.x of twenty per centum on real estate nndlwonty per centum on Licences. St:c. XVI. Be it farther Ordainedr That the fiscal year shall begin on the 1st day of April, A. D. 1870 Sue. XVII. lie itfurther Ordained, That this ordinance shall remain In forco uutil amended or repealed. Sr.c. XVIII. lie itfurthtr Ordained That all ordinances or part of ordinances milita ting against tl is ordinance bcand the same arc hereby repeated; CiEO: BOLl.VER [L. S.] Mayor* Attest ; T. U., Clerk of Council, llaliitcd on the 17th day of March 1875. Sheriff's Sales. By virtue of Sundry Executions to roc dir ected, I will sell to the highest bidder, at Orangcburg C. IL on the First Mon day in April next, for Cash, all tho Right Title and interest of the Defend ants in the following property, vis: All that plantation or tract of land in1 Orangebiirg county, coutainining 15-lucres, more or Icsa, ho'ind^d bv laud; of K. V. Shulcr. j- A. Fehler, 1). J. Chyton, Jr., J, t^. Parlor and Carson Felder, the same Ii big the Home-tea I of Ja*. F. Livingston, i!so :! Mulus, l "? lieh?! Cattle ami 1 Cart. Levied on as the property of James F. Liv ingston in the case of James F. Livingston, ii .'rv.-i Eliza p. Livingston et al. A I-so AM that plantation or tract of lanil Ir? ?nid county, ??u H.tlfwjy Sw.nnn c..'i'.?^ining LO > l i"0-v ??r' \t~*~ Oomi'ded by lands of K Ke ler, Shoemaker, Hen'j Cum-' inings. Fcikel, Barber and other*. Levied; on us the properly *f .1. H. Oarhy at tho suit of I'riuee Green and others. ?tlr.tiizrh-trz: * WL,-~*-l Shoritr? UiHee, \ E.I.CAIN, Mar. 18th; H7't. 1_< ' > t\ SHEHIFF'S SALES. Martha Stroman, Adin'x W. A. TCain el ah In He. Ex. Parte James E. Hozird. By virlnre of tb? judgment, herein. I wilt sell far cash, atOraiigoburg l.'.i H.i' on tho* tir.-t Moudiv in April next, during th? usual hours of sa-e. at public outcry,the' following, ir.u t of )aii?\ vi/.: All that tract or parcel of Und in Orage burg County, containing 50 acre*, mnrcor less, being a portion of'JOU dcrvs, of which* Absalom Strom an died, seized, and whiel? in his life time, he bargained to rellto* James B. Hozard and one J D. Ricken baker, whereon the Mid Jaine? E. Borarrf now reside-;. Purchaser to pay for papers and recording, also Edward A. Nix, Gardian, vs. J Foreclosure' John C. Edwards, and others By virtue of the Judgment herein, P will* sell at Orangeburg C. II., on the first Monday in April next, during tho usual hours of sale, at public auction, the following tract of land viz : All that plantation or tract of land,, situate in Orangeburg County on Four Hole Swamp, containing 300 acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Dantzlcr, Cecil Edwards* Eat; C L.Bochett, Dr. R. W. Bales am\ lands lately of J.C Kdwards. The same being the Homestead tract o/.Jno. C. Edwards. Terms?One third Cash, the balance on a1 credit of One and Two years secured by Bond of the purchaser bearing interest fron? day of sale and a Mortgage ofiho prtmisoa. Purchaser to pay for papers and Recording ALSO II. M. Andrews Asasignce ) of Wm, M. Sain, J- ' vs. J Foreclosure J. R. d> C. G. Stephens. By virtureof the Jndgmcnt herein, Twill sell, for Casli, at Orangcburg C. II., on tho first Monday in April next, during the usual hours of sale, at public auction, the follow ing tract of land, viz: All that parcck or tract of land situate in Orangcburg County, containing 617 acreay more or less, bounded on the North, by hinds of l>r. B. II. Knotts, South, by Ed ist o River, East, by Estate lands of G. 8. Jen nings and Sarah and Mary Graves and West, by lands of Dr. B. H. Knotts and - Ficklin. Purchaser to pay for papers and Record ing. Sherifl's Office, 1 Orangcbuig C. il., \ E. I. CAIN, Mar. 18th, 1876._)_8. O. C, TAX NOTICE. OFFICE OF COUNTY TREA8URER Orangebuho, County, OuANOEnuRO, S. C, Feb. 17th 1876. The time for payment of Taxes has been extended to the First of April next, after which time the penalty will CERTAINLY attach. Take notice thereof and govern yourselves accordingly. J. II LIVINGSTON, Trcnsnrer, Orangeburg County, S. C.