Orangeburg news and times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1875-1877, March 04, 1876, Image 3

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masonic reti-OB Council No. 11, R.\ & B.\ M.\ "Will meet each Thursday at 0 o'clock P. M. from 1st October to 1st April and at 8 O'clock from 1st April to 1st October, on the following dates, June 24, July 22, Aug. 19, Sept. 1?, Oct. 21, Nov. IS, and Dec. Hi. J. F. IZLAR, T, 1, G. "NV. Biiunsojt, Recorder. Eureka Chapter No. 13, R.\ A.-. M.* ? ?Will meet each Friday at 6 o'clock P. M. from lit October to lpt April, and at 8 o'?lock from 1st April to 1st October on the fallowing dates, Match 10, April 7, May 5, June 2, Aug. 4, July? Sept. 1, Oct. 27, Nov. 24, Dec. 2?. J. F. IZLAR. M. E. H. P. J. M. BnuNsoN, Sec. ? Lodge No. 28, A.'. ?.-. M.v "Will meet each Tuesday at 7 o'clock, from 1st Oct. to 1st April and at 8 o'clock from lBt April to 1st October on the follow ing dates, Feb. 1, Mar. 7, April 4, May 2, June 6, July 4, Aug. 1, Sept. 5, Oct. 3, Nov. 7, Dec. 6. JAS. F. IZLAR, W>M. Geo. "VV. Brunson, Sec. kiay 29 1875 7 m. iT iTcK ?7je\ Edisto LodRO No- 33?Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Monday evening at 8 o'clock, from20th March to 20th Sept. and at 7i o'clock from 20th Sept. to 20th March. A. FISCHER, N. G. C. D. BLUME, iec. town council This body meets every second Tuesday after the first Monday of each month, for the transaction of regular business. Mayors Court, held whenever occasion requires. SONS OF TEM?K K AJV CE. Orangeburg Division No. 24, meets every Monday evening in the basement of the Presbvterian Church. l o -o a. i A new fence has been put up m front of Mnj. Whnlcv's oflice. Mr. Albrecht hits recovered bis setter dog. The Rev. J. Bnchman llaskcll will preach iu the Lutheran Church on to rn or row. Hon. T. C Andrews has been com missioned a Trial Justice for this -c'onnty-. ??Ar<p Haven whs iu Orangeburg -during the first part of the week. Mo ?was the ?niest of the Ucv. Or. Webster. Lead ;i<!vertiseiuent <d" iJi the mal- ' I V?:-r6f JninesO: J>. C haney; hank nipt, | ?copied from the Lexington Iltsj.itd-h. j Mr. \V. 11. 1 'cm ycli ur -.-bow c 1 us \a ?* j ani:-li eoiii the other day; over u ?Century old, having lieeii miuie in 1774. It is jejorted that Congressman Ri'ii v i.- likely to lie the candidate of the -J?fjuhlicans of ihis Mniu for .Lieutenant Governor. ? i. ? ?-? No wonder the people have Confi dence, win n the best physicians are prescribing l)r. Hull's cough syrup in sill eases of cough, cold, etc. Mr. Frnritz Hriggmatm spm ts the finest buggy ever seen in Orangeburg. It was built ill. th.s plnce by Mr. P. Doyle. Mr. .Biggs' residence caught fire on Thursday lust on the roof near the chimney. It was discovered by Mr. Ernst Mcntzcl and put out by that gentleman. A little plan has been hatched in court circles to elect a little admira tion clique, and thereby keep warm that bonanza we spoke of sometime ago. J. VPallacc Cannon maintains his reputation right straight along. His store is crammed with dry goods, shoes, hats, groceries, crockery and tin ware. Wallace also keeps fine wines and liquors constantly on band. The advertisement of Messrs. Brigg mann & Itennekcr, abuding to the connection of their house with Presi dent Grant, will explain itself. P, r haps it is not generally known that the great Washington Mogul orders his supplies from Orangeburg. Major Willoughby, an experienced and favorably known journalist, is in Orangeburg as the guest of Di*. Web ster. The Major expresses himself as delighted with the climate and ap pearance of the place. We wish somo one would prevail on him to make his home amongst us. The advertisement of the Enter prise Club Saloon occupies a conspicu ous place in to-day's paper. V. W. Bull & Co. promise to keep every thing there that is good for the inner man. Order will be kept in tho sa loon, and amusement is thus guaran teed U the most'?fastidious.'' Coll at the Enterprise Club Soloou. ANOTHER CLTANUE? As was recently announced, tho McMicbael House has changed hands, and will hereafter bo conducted by Mrs. A. P. Norris. The name of the hostess is a sufficient guarantee that first class accommodations will bo afiordcd. TUE NEWS AN!)'COURIER? Must bo excused for writing on the growing of jute, and Bcechcr, and Mrs. Til ton for the nest throb or four months. Tho Democrats havn'tsaid yet what they intend to do in conven tion, and our contemporary will have nothing to do with politics till that lime. The case against the parties who shot Shirlock some time ago, camo up before Trial Justice Giraradeau, for a preliminary hearing, on Monday last. Messrs. Browning & Browning ap peared for the State, md Mr. D. A. Strakcr for the prisoners. After con siderable testimony had been taken, Mr. M. I, Browning moved that the prisoners be held for trial at the Ses sions' court. This motion waB resisted by counsel for the defence, but the Trinl Justice decided to hold tho cul prits for trial. Failing to give bond they were scut back to jail. i ? 11 -a-? -< r u. - The following from Mr. G. A. Neu ire r, handed to us by our friend A lb recht, may be of interest to many of our readers: Twenty-seven flour mills in the city of St. Louis, Mo., manufactured during the year 1865, 1,424,821 bar rels flour. Received from other points 1,300,381. Total 2,725,202. One mill produced 180,8(57 barrels. Exports during the year, 2,480,877 barrels. Large quantities of this flour was shipped by mil to the Gulf ami South Atlantic Slates. The above is official. The store at the railroad, kept by S. E. Tohin & Co., has been replen ished witli all sorts of nice things for the people. Mr. S. A. Albcrgotti re cently returned from Charleston where he purchased line selections of dry goods, shoes, hats, groceries, tobacco, cigars, &c, all of which are for sale at prices corresponding with the hard times. His supply of Spring calicos hud shoes ai^e exceptionally g"')d, and -can le had at a Sinti 11 advance above Charleston pi ices. Indeed, the rail road store is just tlie place to get suited now. One can get there what* evT he 5nay want with but little money. THE LOST CA USE? A magnificent picture 14x18 inches in si/.t , printed on heavy plate paper, beautiful in design and artistic in execution. It represents a Confeder ate Soldier after the war returning to his home, which he find? lonely and dosolatfc. In front ol the ruined cot tngp, telling it sail till of the miseries of war, arc two graves with rude crosses, on one of which some friendly hand has hung a garland. To the right the calm river and the rising moon indicate peace and rest. The stars sem through the trees, repre sent the Southern Cross. It is a pic ture that will touch every Southern heart and should find a place in every Southern home. Sent by mail moun ted on a roller and post-paid on re j ceipt of 25 cent, or 3 for GO cents. Address John Burrow & Co., pub's. Bristol, Tenn. August Fischer is a jolly good fel low, and likes first-rate to make things jolly around him. The "devil among the tailors" was recently in troduced here by several enterprising gentlemen, to whose places of busi ness the now attraction brought con siderable crowds. Now, be it known that Fischer is not a selfish man, but he could not stand to be outstripped by the "devil'' and his "tailors;"' so be at once retired to himself, threw his head upon his band and resolved to buy a Tivoli table. When the thing arrived here, Fischer sent for bis friends, and said to them, "Behold here what 1 have. Come unto me all ye that love amusement and I will give it to you !" His request has been complied with. His place is crowded daily. Those wlu go tbero leave happy. Give Fischer a call every body. He has a store full of every thing good. And his Tivoli can amuse any number of people from early morn till dewy eve. ?'?- ma ? ami A LITTLE DIALOGUE? Sneezer?Captain you must consent to run for the office I suggested to you the other day. If you will man age your portion of the county, I will control nil the votes my way. With you in, matters will drift along like greased lightning. Thcro is no doubt ' but tbat I will retain my office, for I know how to pull wool over the eyes of both parties pretty well. Hence, I expect an endorsement from both sides of the house when it becomes necessary for mo to do so to save my official head. Captain?Ohl I'll run. I want office too much to decline. But to put ourselvcssafe beyond all contingencies that might nrise, wouldn't it be wise to see to it tbat a senator favorahl? to our schemes bo elected ? Sneezer?You bet I've got that fixed. My man will go to Columbia; and, moreover, he will not do so with without leaving a written pledge with me. Don't you fret yourself, my dear fellow. I have the stuff that has made and unmade greater men thau sena tors. Captain?Enough pnid. I under stand you. The Senator is to be our tool when elected. Good day 1 But say, Mr. Sneezer, you must keep on talking for me. My stock needs a considerable advance before the sit ting of the Convention. Sneezer?Pshaw! man, the conven tionites will want favors from me. Those they will get in proportion as they lollow my orders. Do you un derstand ? Captain?There's no hell if you ain't a trump! God bless you, Sneez er! Good bye, agnin. [The eud until the. noxt inter view.] 01} ITU A it Y? ^ *""""" Another ol earth's sweetest flowers has faded, the light of another bright star has been veiled in dark ness. On the 28th of February, Bertha, aged three years and three months, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mis. J. C. Pike, bade adieu to the scenes of this mundane sphere. Her winsome face and beaming eyes will never more scatter gladness over the paths of those who loved her in the flesh. Her innocent soul has found refuge beyond the darksome port of | death, and is now one of the loveliest stars of that bright constellation of | angels which adorns the courts of Heaven. The following lines appropriately express the feelings of the bereaved parents, to whom we extend our warmest sympathies: Takeaway ilia empty crad'e, Pul tlie play things out of sight, Take those little shoes and hide them, Lest they break my heart to night. Take that little chair now vacant, Where she med to sit and play, In her innocence and pleasure, Whiliiig happy hours away. Let me kiss hut once the ringlet, Severed from her Angel IJroiwJ Just before she smiled and left me ? Takcit, fer I'm weeping now! "Sir," asked an attorney of a wit ness testifying in u case of assault ami lmttcry, "Have you ever been in this court before ?" "Yes, sir," replied the witness, have been here often." "Ah, been here often, hive you ?n said the attorney, in a triumphant tone. "Now tell the court what for. "Well,'" replied the witness, slowly, "I have been here at least a dozen times to sec you, to try and collect that tailor's bill you owe." CUT THIS OUT, It Muy Save Your Life. There is no person living hot what sutlers more or less with Lung Dists?re, Coughs, Colds or Consumption, yet some would die rather than pay 75 cents for a bottle of medicine that wotdd cure them. Dr. A. L?schet.-'s German Syrup has lately been in troduced in this country from (ieimany, and its wonderons euros astonishes every one that try it. If you doubt what we say in print, cut this out and take it to your Druggist, Dr. A C. Dukes, and get a sample bottle for 10 cents nnd try it, or a regular size for 75 cents. dec 11 tf TAX NOTICE. OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER Oramieuuro, County, Or a no KnCRO, S. C, Feb. I7tb 1876. The time for payment of Taxes has been extended to the loth of March next, after which time the penalty will CERTAINLY attach, fake notice thereof and govern I yourselves accordingly J. II LIVINGSTON, Treasurer. Orangeburg County, S. C. feh 10 3t NOTICE. The Subscribers arc local Agents for the Security Lifo Insurance and Annuity Comp any of New York, and for 3 Fire Insurance Companies; and will be pleased to rccive from their friends, and all others, applica tions for insurance of either kind. The Security Life is Well known as one of the most reliable Companies in tho United Stales, and the Fire Companies they represent are believed by them to be emi nently safe and trustworthy. 1IU1SON & iiursoN, Local Agents, dec 25 3m Notice of Dissolution Tho limited Partnership entered into or) tho Thirteenth day of October, A. D. 1875, by Joab W. Moselcy, as general Partner and Sarach E. Tobin, as ppecial Partner, trading under the firm name of Joab W. MoBeley. Tho certificate whereof is record ed in the office of the Register of Mcsne Conveyance for Orangeburg County afore said in Book No. 14, pages 45, 452, 453, lias been this day dissolved by mutural eonecnt nnd notice of this dissolution 1ms been duly filed and recorded in the said office. Orangeburg, S. C, Feb. 18th I87G. J. W. MOSELfcY, SARAH 10. TOBIN, feb 19 3m Notice of Dismissal Notice IB hereby given that I shall one month from date file our final account with the Honorable Judge of Probate for Orange burg County S. C. a? Administrator* of the Est i to of David J. Rumff, and ask for Let ters dismissal. JOHN S. ROWE, Wm. C. WOLFE, Administrator's, feb 19 4t Notice of Dismissal Notice is hereby given that I shall one month from date file my fund account with the Honorable J udge of Probate for Orange burg County, S. C, as Guarian of Wm. N. Carson, and ask for /.cttcra of dismissal. SARAH J. CARSON, Guardain. feb 19 4t NOTICE. Sale Under Mortgage. By virture of a certain Mortgage, 1 will sell at Orangeburg, 0. II., on the (5th day of j March 1876, foe Cash, One Sorrel Horse aa the property of James Hampton under Mortgage to Geo. Boliver. . ALLEN BROWN, Agent. feb 19 3t Sheriff's Sales. By virtue of Sundry Executions to me dir ected, I will sell to the highest bidder, at Orangcbnrg C. II. on the First Mon diiy in March next, for Cash, all the Right Title and intcrcHt of the Defend ants in the following property, vis: 1 Lot of Merchandise, One Mule, One Wagon, and One Timber Cart, Levied on aa the property of John D. Foglc, at the suit of Crane, Boylston & Co., and others. AlaSO 2ITorsc3, 1 Wagon, and Dry, Levied on as the property of J. W. Larey, at the suit of Marlon & Co. rangeburg C. IL, 1 SherifTs Office, \ E. I. CAIN, Feb. 19th, 187?. J S. O- G. SHERIFF'S SALES. Martha Stroman, Adiu'x vs. "VP. A. O'Cain tl at. In Re. Ex. Parte James E. Boaard. By virture of thejudgmenl, herein, I will sell, for cosh, at Orangeburg C. H., on the first Monday in March next, during the usual hours of sale, at public outcry, the following tract of land, viz: All that tract or pared of land in Orage burg Oounly, containing 50 acres, moreor Icjs, being a portion of 000 acres, of which Abwtoni Stroman died, seized, and which in his life time, he bargained torellto James E. Bozard and one J D. Ricken baker, whereon the said James E. Bozard now reside*. Purchaser to pav for papers and recording. Orangeburg U. II., 1 E. I.CAIN, Sheriffs Otficb, / S. O. C Feb. 19 th 1876. "SHERIFF'S SALES. W. J. DeTrcvillc, \ vs. / Foreclosure. Ned Paul ling. J By virturc of the judgment herein, I will sell at public auction on the first Monday of March next^ during the usual hours, at Orangchurg C. II>, the following tract of land, viz: AH that tract or parcel of land situate in the County of Orangeburg in St. Matthews Parish, bounded West by lauds of David Stack, North, East and West by lands of A. J. Ilydriek containing 1491 acres, more or !ess, known as the ??Ileigler Tract" con veyed by II. RigKs, Sheriff to W. J. De Treville " 2, Oct. 1S71 and conveyed by W. J. DeTrcvillc to Ned Paiilling. Terms?One half cash, balance on credit uf twelve mouths, purchaser to give bnnd bearing interest from day of sale, and Mortgage of the picmises to iccure the credit portion, and to pay for paper* and recording. Sheriffs Office? ") Orangebnig C, !!., V EI. CATN, Feb. 19th, 18/fl. ) S. O. C. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ORANGEBURG COUNTY, In the Common Pleas. The State Ex rclatione Solitor^ Bill to of the Southern Circuit I perpetuate In re j [Lost Documents. J Testimony Ex Parte Rebecca A. Gleaton. Application having been made by Rebecca A. Gleaton to prove the pa.U existence, loss, and contents of the last Will and Testament of Pcmpsey Corbitt deceased. In accordienee tonn order made in the said case, and on motion of Messrs Izlar & Dibble, Solicitors for Applicant, it is order ed, that all persons who desiro so to do, ap pear and cross examine tlio evidence pro duced, and introduce evidence in reply before me on the 23rd day of March A. D, 1876, at my office, Oran^eburc. S. C. February 11th 1876 GEO. BOLIVER, Special Referee. feb 12 ? 6t FRESH I Garden Seeds JUST RECEVIED FROM D. LANDltETH & SON E. E. EZEIjjlEL. j?n 1 tf T. KOHN & BROTHER Arc iiTreceipt of all kinds of Goods for the Season. Just received 100 pieces of Prints of the Latest Styles, selling Cheap. Also just iii Bleached and Brown Domestics CHEAPER thau they have been for che past TWENTY YEARS] On hand a Large Stock of BOOTS & SHOES Which have been just receivhd from the Factories direct, and manu factured Expressly to our Order, the Examination pi* which is S elicited. We are closing out the ballance of Winter G:ods at almost any Price in order to d ose them out b fore we -will "be CUOWDED with our SUMMER GOODS. We would advise those in Search of BABGBINS to call on ns for the next two weeks. The Latest approved Patents of PISTOLS Of all Calibres, always on jrand CHEAP. S & Fl Of the Latest Styles and at the Lowest and Fixed Prices. In conclusion, would say como and stay all day, and if it looks liko rain brine your umbrelln, we will take caro of it for you. . ou need only bring a small amount of money, ns a very littlo will buy enough goods at yu prices wo are selling them, to last you a whole year. If you stay away u will miss it. 3 Theodore Kohn k Brother.