Orangeburg news and times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1875-1877, February 12, 1876, Image 2

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TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, j GOD AND OTJE COTJNTKY. VOLUME 9. SATURDAY MORNING, FEBUARY 12, LS76. ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. NUMBER 52 M6MICHAEL HOUSE ?RANdEli?RG, S. C. HOUSE Ifl no.r open for the recep tion ?f BOARDERS. GUESTS well taken ??re of. The TABLE amply supplied, and * HACK meeting each train at the Depot. Terms Moderate. may 21) <* 1875 ly OPEK?TIVB AND MECHANICAL. by A. M. Snider. T.J.Calvert. Office open at nil times. CHARGES S. BULL ATTORNEY AT LAW u. s. commissioner an" Notkry 1'uni.ic. Orangebtirg, s. c oet 23 tr A CARD. Dr. J. O. WAXXAMAKER is in pos session <if the Receipts and Prescription Books of the late Dr. B. J. Oliveros. All per??ns desiring to gel any of the above Preparations or Renewal of Prescriptions can do so by calling on ? .Dr. WAXXAMAKER, At his Drug Store. aug 21?3m GEO. S. SIIIKEll Commission Mevdliaiit, iIkaiVkk in GROCERIES, FIXE WIXESJ Ac. Agent f<ir Barton's Planter, Avory's Plows and all kinds of Agricultural 1 ni plfiit cuts. At New Brick Store next to Duke's Drug Store. sept 20 ?(im DR. IS. J? I?I;lJCki-.NFUSS Having entirely Recovered from his Sj?;k nt?s, can be found at Ids'OFFICE over Capt. .1. A. Hamilton's Store, whoYo he. will be glad to SEE Iiis Fit I EX BS and the Public. ? II EAP GUANO SIO PER TON. This <il".\NO was ollercd al the close n! l**t season. Some 31)0 tons sold on iis own merits as per analysis of Prof. Shcpaid. As fsr as beard from the results of its applica tion have been favorable. To close the balance of the cargo, i oiler it at $10 per ton eMail, put u^in new bags of'20(1 | bunds. j. x. boBsox, 08 Kart Bay, 1 ami 2 Atlantic'W barf, Charleston, S. C. jan S 3m. Tit* Cordial Rnlm el Syrioum end Tonic NERVOUS DEBILITY, obnenr* the caa*e may be which ii.ibuto to render nervous debility a* prevalent, affecting, as it does, ?early ?ne-half of ouv adult population, it ?Ja ? ntlanchsly fact that day by day, ami yaarWy year, we witness a most frightful in ?tmm ofncrvoiu afleotions from the slight out neuralgia to the more grave and cKtr?m? form6 of NERVOUS PROSTRATION, Is characterized by a general languor or weakness of the whole organism, especially ?f lb* nervous system, obstructing ami pre venting the ordinary functions ofilature; honee there is a disordered stale of the accretions; constipation, scanty and high oolored urine, with an excess ofearthy or liaift sediment, indiralivu of waste of brain and nerve substance, frequent palpitations ?f the heart, loss of memory and marked irresolution af purpose, and inability to starry into action any wel 1-definedbusiness ?nterprise, or to fix the mind upon any one thing at a time. There is great sensitive ness to impress, though retained hut a short time, with a flickering arid fluttering condi tion of the mental faculties, rendering an individual what is common! v called a whiflle-minded or flicklc-iiiindcd man. Thin condition of the individual, distress ing as it is, may with h certainly be cured by THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYR1CUM AND LOTIIROP'S TOXIC PILLS, Medicines unrivaled for their wonderful properties ami remarkable cures of nil Nor von? Complaints. Theircllicacy is equally great in the treatment and cure cd'Cancers, Nodes, Ulcers, Pustule, Pimples, Tetter, Fever, Sores, Ringworm, Erysipelas, Scald head. Barbers' Itch, Scurvy, Salt Khciun, Copper-Colored Blotches,CSfaudiihir Swell ings, "Worms and Black Spols in the Flesh, Discoloration*, Ulcers in the Throat, Mouth and Nose, Sore Legs, and Sores of every character, because these medicines arc the very best BLOOD MEDICIXE Ever placed before (he people, and are war ranted to be .lie most powerful 1 Alterative ever originated by man, removing Morbid Sensibility, Depression of Spirits, Dementia and Melancholia JWgr Sold by all Druggists, and will be sent by express to all parts of the country ijy ad dressing the proprietor, O. EDO AB LOTHROP, M. D';j 113 Court street, Boston, Mass., who may be consulted free of charge either personally or by mail. Send '2~\ cents and get a copy of his Book on Nervous Diseases. aug 1 1 1S7? ly Mistakes of a Majority. The Washington correspondent of the JVeics and Courier, writing to that paper, under date 28th ult., has this to say of the House of Representatives: "The present Congress bids fair to be known ns a Congress of mistakes. I refer simply to tho Democratic majority in the House, which has shown neither wisdom nor statesman ship thus far. The cheese-paring policy of Messrs. Randall and ITul man can never command tho support of the American people. We are not niggardly as a ration. The intelli gence of the country favors lair sal aries to competent men. AI eagre salaries promote negligence and peculation. It is a penn/-wise, pound foolish policy which places men in re sponsible positions and pays them mere laborers' wages. Vet, this is the policy Messrs. Rauda 11 and Hol man are urging upon the House, and lo which they are committing the Democratic party. With what con sistency can Mr. Randall advocate the cutting down of the pay of pro fessors and cadets at West Point when be advocated the increased pay to Congressmen in the Forty second Con gress, and de.ended, pocketed and kept the back pay, otherwise known as the salary grab? The popular de mand for retrenchment, and reform will noi lie met by cutting down the salaries of a lew clerks, or of men w ho have served their country faithfully and well. We pay our public ser vants to day less than any other country in Christendom, and an in crease of salaries in certain quarters would be a wi>cr policy than the pro posed who e.-.ale I eduction. There are plenty of leaks to be .-topped without resorting to such expedients as this to lessen the drain upon the treasury. The cutting down of fitly dollars there docH not look well when contrasted with jtba gj.vd ng away of lVue million and a half of the public money to a pt'.vate corporation. I do not regard the passage of an aniiK'siY hill as of very great intpor .ttltiee, bin it is very evident the meas ure Would have pns.?-ed but for the mi stub es Mr. .Knudall made in his management of it. And bail be shown the wisdom to be ex peeled in a party leader, Mr. Hill would not have bad an opportunity to place his associates in false ppsitiou, Mr. Ulaiiiu to assume ike role o.' a hyena, or Con, Hanks to cover himself with glory by deliver ing the only statesmanlike Speech of this debate. Possibly the House may redeem itself later in the session. It islo be hoped it will. Put thus fur it not only has gained nothing on its op ponents, but has actually lost ground in public estimation, and dimmed the Democratic prospectsfor success in the coining Presidential election. Their is nothing to be gained by concealing the truth, nor in this regard can it be concealed, for the facts stated are notorious to all intelligent observers here." - .a ? m A ClIAMl'ION BllOIM'Eft.?She swept into our largest dry goods store, says the Baltimore Gazette, with that easy grace that belongs as a birth right to Baltimore's lair daughters, stopping at the glove counter. The polite clerk rushed forward (o wait on her, with a nole of interrogation in each eye. She asked for kid gloves. "Yes'm, what si/.e'm V" A gorgeous pull back passed her, and she turned to look at it, and then ejaculated: "Kid gloves." "Yes'm, whatsizo'ivi?" "Why, Miss Sue, how do you do? Haven't scon you for an age," etc. Good-bye," and she turns lo the pati cut clerk and transfixes him with a stony stare, and again demands, in an injured tone : "Kid gloves." "Yes'm, what si/.e'm V" asked the somewhat excited clerk. "Oh, why, live ami three-quarters." Tho box, containing six dozen of every conceivable shade, is placed be fore her. Carefully she looks at each one of the seventy-two pairs, draws some seventeen pairs out of their var ious packages, bursts the bands Hint held them in dozens, and then re marks : "Why, I wanted black gloves." The box containing the black kids is produced, a similar process of disarranging the stock is gouo through, and a pair arc finally selec ted. "How much arc they ?" chirps the fair one. One dollar and seventy five cents," replies ho of the yardstick. "Oh, my gracious ! Tell Bells them for fifty cents." Yardstick explains that the goods would cost three times that sum, etc., goods must be damag ed to sell at that price. Lady admits that they are somewhat damaged, hut just as good; gets mad and flounces out of the store. The I'nussiAN AitMY.?The rank and file ill the Prussian army are miserably paid and poorly fed, accord ing to our ideas. The Court Journal gives sonic interesting statistics con cerning this matter. The only ration which a jn-iv ate soldier receives in peace is one and one-half pounds ol coarse bread. His pay is thirty-six thalcrs a year, or about nine shillings, a month; from this a deduction of one aud one-fourth groschon, or about one and one-hall' pence a day is made for messing, and to this is added an allow ance made, by government, which varies according to tho garrison, and is fixed quarterly. On the winde, it may be said that each German soldier has a bowl of gruel or coffee in the morning aud one meal in the middle of the day provided for him, also that he has about two and one-half pence remaining over Irom his pay lo pro vide his supper. There is no fixed rate of pay for the nou commissioned ranks. A bargain is made with each non-commis-ioucd officer Ironi time to time, according to ihc value of his ser vices. But after they leave the army they are well provided for, and it is wholly unknown tkui^a deserving non-commissioned officer should be necessitated to seek employment, after ho has served his time, because he is unprovided for^ ^ How hk Did It.?The liafajtcial ant e Jlrltfi; loll a story hf a priest who during the Jubilee mis-ion was ex cessively disappointed at finding hone but fa til ale listeners to his sermon. On the day before his final ministration he thus addressed his congregation : "It is a great comfort to us that von have duly confessed your .-ins every day to us, but that is not enough; we wish lo see your husbands, fathers, brothers present, also. Tell them, therefore, iliai if they will assemble here to-morrow 1 will teach them how to make an excellent pair of shoes in five minutes." As might be expected, the church on the ensuing day was crowded to overflowing, when the priest having giving his hearers a les son on their duties told them that, as no doubt curiosity had brought them | there, be would now gratify it. and stooping down he took a pair of boots from the floor, and in five min ilcs shaped them with a shears into a serviceable pair of shoes. How it May uk Dom:.?.Some body wrote to the editor of an agricul tural paper lo ask how he would ''break tin ox ?" The editor answered as follows: If only one ox.a good wa y would he to heist him, by means of a chain attached tu his tad, to the top of a pole forty feet fiom the ground. Then hoist him by a rope tied to his horns to another p le Then descend on bis back a live-ton pile driver, and if that don't break him, let him start a country news paper and trust people for subscrip tions. One of the two ways will do it sure. "Luvest thou me?" asked a Mtu neopolis swain of his last year's girl, ".Not much, I don't," was her empha tic reply. "Then death is my he: t friend, and here's 16 his health !" spoke up the sighing lover as he drank oil'a bottle filled with a mixture which he supposed to be laudanum. Rut when the emetic, which a shrewd druggist had given instead of laudanum, began to work, his girl just held his hat to save the carpet, and then dragged him out oil the doorsteps by tho hair of his head. Ho has no longer any I faith in the vaunted tenderness of wo ' men's sympathetic nature. Convention of Southern Republi cans. A printed cii cular lias been issued from Charleston und sent to large numbers of Republicans in the South ern States,'inviting their co operation iu holding-'a Convention of Southern Republicans to consult on the inter ests of the .party and devise for putting it on n belter fooling. The circular sot's forth that seven yeais ngo the Republicans were in possession of every Stale which had joined the war for secession except Virgin in, and that Jit present there arc only tivo in which th? party has a clear ascend* ancy, tcir being completely dead three more \iiim^rW{ iu the hands of the Democrats. It goes on to state that these losses have occurred in spile of the great advantage for the Republi cans that-the whole influence of the Federal Government has been active ly exerted on their side with the whole ollice-holdlng clement in both Slate :ui.I National posit ions The circular ultribu tetj these sweeping reverses to the bad management of the Republi can party" in the South, and suggests that if the party is not to be utte ly wrecked und destroyed it must at once put an end to the ascendancy of lead ers whose unwise, selfish and corrupt practices hnvc loaded the parly down with disgrace and disasters, and threatens, its extinction even in the two Sta tes of which it still retains possession. The trouble with our Re publican,-friends in the South is that if they ^'unload" all the bad men in the party there won't be any party left. '1 ho...inconsistencies iu our orthog raphy/are something fearful tu con template? T-ong-u-e s p c c 11 s "ton gue"' nnd'the man that first spoiled it so should have been "houguc." A-c-h-o Spells;-"ache," and that's all you jj&ivm? i^rifchjo uui ?i I1, E?i g-h-l spel's '?eight" no matter how you de prccc'ght the idea; and that a-i-s l-e should spell "aisle" and l'e-i-g-n "feign" is enough to make anybody sniaisle if the effort were too peighful. ? Albany Aiyiia. .John Surra It married a Virginia lady last year and is now teaching school at a village- in Maryland; about twenty miles thence. Miss Surratt married a treasury clerk, but immedi ately after the nuptials he was dismiss ed from the department. When is a horse not worth asltill ingr l*S3.) \\ hen it is worth less ( worth Encourage Home People AND 1 lOM \Z i3NTJ;i \\ 1M?SK ! 1)00KS, SASH & II LINOS G-liORGE S.K?CKSE "Chai'lpsioii, S. C. Only Carolinian engaged in the maiiu factiirc of Doors, Sash, Pdinds, .Mouldings and Turned Work in Charleston, S. 0. lifd" Prices as Low as any other House, and all work first class. jan 22 187(1 oin STOjNTO P11QSP1?ATK COm eir ARljESTOX, s. c. ?huiiim??(Available Ihme Phosphate of Lime IS-V> per cent. Am monia 3-1-1 percent.) April 1st, Nov. 1st, S?ll. Cotton Option, Middlings at 1"> cts. ??5. Acid l*lios|?liat???\ Available Ihme Phosphate of Lime, 22-18 per cent.) April 1st, ?;,>'J; Nov. Ist, $30; Cotton option SI?, Special Kates to (J rangers oil cash orders. K?r particulars apply to Km V. Williams, Treasurer, Charleston, S. C. Or lb K. K/.ekiel and C. I). Korljohn, Orahgcbiirg, S. ('., W. P. Cain Si Co., Lew isville, S. C., W. S. Ulsoy, George's, .S. C. |au 22 lbVii Dai COL, ASBURY COWARD n Ali?L cornsof QDlo^ofossors. . Complcto outfit uEJuniB, ppaUBOa etui Ihr UioruajPli jminial anil phyalc-al U'n&?ruJ. Xoontftm. noted Hjt Jus?IlifVlnoatJaiM posswBmg rulLrnnA ami tr tu(Ir.TiJab ,1hrflih*ff3?BgiBu3troltfJ CBalpgufl cjn^faJ^nmajal.?. 11 IST? tf R K MOV K TO TIIIO REAR OF A. TISCH Kl:'? ST?UR Where I am prepared to servo the Public at the shortest notice in my l ine of Inisiness. Thanking the Citizens fur their liberal patronage in the past, I beg a continuance of the same in the future. MOSES M. DROWN, Darliar. With or without Portable Hot Water Reservoir and CIcsct. Ics't tuy aa eli-fi:biea5i B'.w, cat get eao With all latest improvements. Largest Oven and Flues. Longest Flro Box for long wood. Ventilated Oven, Flro Back and Flro Box Bottom?In sures a Quick, Sweet and Even Bako and Roast. Swing Hearth and Ash Catch. Won't soil floor or carpet. Durable Doublo and Braced . Centers and Ring Covers. Burns but llttlo wood. Has Mica ci Solid Iron Front. Carefully Fitted 8mooK> Cftsl'ngr. No Old Scrap tron? Nickel Plated Trimmings. Tin Lined Oven Dears. Ground and Silver-like Polished Ed^cs and Mouldings. Heavy. Best New Iron. Won't crack. WAS2AKTSD S/.ri3FACT027. Manufactured by RATHBONE, SARD & CO., Albany, N.Y. Sold by an Enterprising Dealer in every Toten. willcock ? wolff, nov 20?"111 Orangeburg, S. X X. KOJISOXj COM Ml: ?s fast hay, 'ion merchant A X D ?>;ALF.R3 IX FERTILIZERS. ('malkston, S. C. November 1, LS7">. Having been engaged for twenty years in the Ougno Trade with eminent success, I deemed it advisable lb introduce Ferli;ixers under my own name and guarantee. 1 liavi made arrangements to have prepa re 1 a (i.1010 under mv inspection and coap'ol, caihd rorson's cotton and corn FKli'N lizKRS. TldH Oiiaiio \< of die highest stand.ud. Ii ebutnim, a aoag?the: val.wMo iugred'ont*. hre'i? perci 1:. of Am ain da. n ie and a bah'per cent, of I', and f<mr!e.ein per. cent, of Avalablo PlioV jt'iaie. I ;?''?'> have prepared hie COMPOCXD ACIl) PHOSPHATE of Iii highest standard. These Fertilisers lire compounded of the pure->t materials, and are iniiuipu'aied ami Uvicd under ibe i pervision 0 !>.-. St. ,)? Ravenel, of ibis city ??hose gives a was ram for tlieir high character and adaption fur oil r soil. 1 idler these For Iii? * io i'lfiittuM011 the follow ing avorablc teriiH : It'll.SON S COTTON AND CORN FEU tili/. KUS. Cash ?! ! per ton; oh S ~()\ Kpl'iSON'S COMi'Op'X? acid IMI?S dm at::. Cash. S2S per ton; on time, ?00. Planters ordering imnicdialolv ijvill bo al lowed io the lir^t of April lo decide whieli lliev prefer, cashor time. An order for ? carload,m eight ton-; will be sent free of tlniyagc: bin for a less amount SI per ion wili be < barged. On orders for large lots from fJriingors or dealers, :?. liberal diseouu tvlll be allowed. 1 lake ibis occasion to reiurn my IhnnKS fo (hose who have so largely patronized the Fertilizers hitherto ollivcd by me. and in soliciting stlieir favorable attention to anoth er, I pledge my l e t ellorts to merit aeontin nan e of coniidciiee by Keeping the highest standard of I'Viiili/ers adapted lo cotton and corn. nov 27 3hi. AN OUTFIT We want, some one in e .'cry county to take ordern and deliver goods for the old anil original C O. l>. Mouse Large cash wages. Splendid clianco in every neighbor hood for the right person of either sex, young or old. Samples, new lists, circul ars, terms, etc., 1 complete outfit sent free and post paid. Send for it at once and make inoiiov at vour homes. Address, II. .1. HALL Si CQ. 'li N'Jfoicard Strict Haiti more. M<t. nov 13 3m You will find Sied Rust Proof Oats for Spring .Sawing at Store of J. A. HAMILTON. You can- leave Order? also with him for the .MAPI'S STANDARD FKRTILIEKR, ETI WAN. ATLANTIC aud other FIIOSPIIATKS. IPeruviftn Guano will l?cscarce for a pure article, but whstt we will ofior will be A >'o. 1. Agency for the Htauochesl Companies in Fire IiiMiiranee, NIAGARA. SI,10(1,000 Assets. ATLANTIC, ?750,000. MILYILLE, $1,3)0,000. RICHMOND, $000,00(1. Risks taken on Dwellings, (iinhoiises ?e ,Sic. JOHN A. HAMILTON; Next to Court House on Market St. ,E O Oil Rr O ?? U IS IV MV(.T.**Oti O'/ HO B E LIT J E X X V. Importer and Manufacturer OF . HARNESS A SADDLES. Has the pleasure to inform the Public that he has Received a heavy Stock from the North of every description what belong.! to a first class Saddlery HaUblishmcnt. Also wish to draw* pardculnr attention to his Stock of LADIES RIDING SADDLES and his assortment of SI 10 KS. Prices lower then ever. Good Saddles at $;5.">0. Good Shoes nt SI .70 Books! Stationery! Music! ALSO A lot of WINDOW SHADES of an im proved Patent, being neat, simple in pat ling up, durable and Oll KAP in price. Lamps, C'himucys and Lamp Fixtures ,nl\vayn ou hand. SOLE AGENT tOIt THE Celebrate*; WATT PLOW and Casting*, which I sell at Manu fact urcr's Prices, with freight added, v?7.: One Horse A and U.SO 00 Two Morse M anil N. g 00 Castings.7c per lb. Insurance and Collections prompt ly attended to. AGENT FOtt Liverpool, London ami (Slobc Insurauec Co. Georgia Homo Insurance Co. Manhattcn Life Insurance Co. KIRK 11UMNSON. Market 3t oct 2 just from: new york. WHO? ARTHUR II. LEWIS' DERMAT0L1G1ST AND PRACTICAL HAIR CUTTER, Respectfully ainotmces to the Citia*e* of Oraitgebtngi th.At he has pcrmancatly locatC'd himself in this place, and requests a chare of their patronage. Call at No. 3 Law Range, opposite Post Olliee. sept -1 1S7? ly NOTICE. The Subscribers are local Agents for the Security Life Insurance and Annuity Comp any <if New York, and for .1 Fire Insurance Coat panics; and will be pleased to reci v? from their friends, ami all others, applica tions for insurance of either kind. The Security Life is well known as one of the most reliable Companies iu the United States, ami the Kire Companies they represent are believed by them tobeeini? ucutlv safe and tnistworthv. HCT.SON ? HUTSON, Local Agents, dec 2."> 3m ^Notice to O codi tors. All persons havingdemands against the Kstate of J. D. Kdu aids deceased, will pre sent the same on or before the l?til day of April next, ami all persons indebted to said Kstate will make inuncdrate payment to the undersigned. A. K. KPWA'ADS, J. A. Kl>WARDS, (julilied Admiuislratot. jail 10 -It Notice oi' ^Dismissal. Notice is hereby givsn, that on tho lifteenih day of February, A. D. 1870, I will lib; inv final account iu the Probate Court as (iiia'rdinn of ANN IK K. BRUN KR, (now deceased), and apply for my final dis charge. JOHN Ii. RUSH, Guardian of Annie K Rrnner. tan 15 4t