LOCAL. _ A new storo is being built at Fort Mofcto. Sardy's {fertilizers. Sec advertiso jmcnt .elsewhere. We learn that several marriages an to como oil* shortly. Wallace Cannon has a full supply of all leu; Is of nice things. _____ ^?___i__fc m _ j m?, _ The Eclectic for February is upon our table. It is tho best publication in A.mcrica. Mat AI brecht furnishes the best beefsteaks in town. To secure them, leave orders at his store. Mr. Joseph Larking, so long Jury Commissioner for this County, has been removed. Bee notice of administratrix, E. T. Glover", iu this issue of the Njcws and Times. There is a big Bonanza in knowing something that is going on in the Court House Square. The Trial Justices had another meeting on Thursday last. Impor tant business was transacted. Jtlclgc Couke passed here on Thurs day last, m route for the city by the sea. August Fischer has a large and varied slock of graeerics, liquors, &e. Give him a call, and thus banish dull care. There will be preaching in the Lutheran Church on fc-'unday night by liev. Mi ? l>uTort, who is said to ho. a strong and eloquent preacher. Attention haOie.s.'? Head Mrs. Winberg's advertise ment. If we did hot tell you, wc would never be forgiven. Head then and go and tho rest is for you. Wc regret to slate that Mr. Wal lace Cannon is confined to his boil by severe illness. We trust that his genial fane will soon bo upon our streets again. The advertisement of Wilcox, Gil.hs & Co., importers ami dealers in ?!tui!in,xr'i)l be found in ionlay's paper. Messrs. Hull ?1? Smoked Shoulders.12-1 ?18 } D S ?? .12 ?> Flour.$15 ")()(.(' 10 00 (iosbeii Rutter.I0?50 Salt per sack.$2 00 Real 1 state for Sale. All that Plantation, in (he Comity of Orangeburg oil tioodland Swamp, contain ing 180 acres, more or less, and known as "Phillips' MiM," bounded by lands of R A Yon and Ariel Abbs, and the Run of Ciood laiid Swamp;together with .1 interest in the Mil! Pond, ami a Mill and Gin, dwelling, outbuildings, A-c, will be sold at public out cry on (lie twelfth day of January, I iST<> at the dwelling house on (be said Plantation. Terms?One fourth Cash, balance on a credit of one and two years, with interest from day of sale at rate of H per cent per an num unlit paid, purchaser to give bond and mortgage for credit portion, and to pay for papers and recording. The land will be sold :u a whole, or in parcels, to sui; pur chases. Rv direction of the parties owning said hind who are all of age and will unite iu conveying to (he pin chasers. For further particulars enquire of, or address, W F PHILLIPS, Orangeburg, P. ()., S. C. or J W PHILLIPS, Elko, P. O j S. ('. ; doe 25 at ?*5 to SO Per Day ni Homo. Terms free. Address (1. ?TINSON & CO., Portland, Maine jan 20 1875 13 J. C. P I K E, VOSEIS OLD STAND, Has OPENED, REFITTED and RESTOCKED this Large and Com modious Storo with the most SELECT STOCK OF GOODS EVER OFFERED HERE, comprised of FRESH GROCERIES, WOOD WARE; CROCKERYWARE, HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, CANNED GOODS. Dry Goods, Hate, Boots and Shoes, g Which is bflei-c 1 at PRICES that will ASTONISH those that wish to SAVE MONEY these HARD TIM KS. A call will convince you of the above facts. couNTrry prodtjcje w_\jsrTEr>9 For which the HIGHEST MARKET PRICES will bo paid. OST Constantly on hand FERTILIZERS, jan 21)_1870 _ly S. JE. TO?IN. S. A. AI.REItGOTTI. rii 7 CORNER RUSSELL STREET AND RAILROAD AVENUE. Wc beg respectfully to call the attention of the Citizens of Orangcburg and?urrouuding County to our FULL STOCK of GROCERIES, ROOTS, HATS, DRV GOODS, SHOES, HARDWARE &c. Which wc offer at PRICES which cannot fail to PLEASE. Special attention will be given to ^ FAMILY GROCERIES. And no po.insspared to make THIS a HOUSE where ITIIIST CLASS (:IOODS Can be had at LOWEST FIGURES. No trouble to Show Goods. All articles bought delivered Free of Charge. JCSr Mr. J. S. ALI*>ERGOT'JT can be found here prepared to take FIRE RISKS in Good Companies, at Reasonable Rates. jan 21)_J 870_ly A XI) COMFOI WD ACID FIIOSPISATE. These well known Manures of high grade made under the supervision of Dr. St. J. Raven el, arc for sale at present prices on limited terms. Foi descriptive circulars containing full iuformatio and prices apply to II. E. FROST & CO., General Agts, Charleston, S. .C. 20 PULL & SCOVILL, Orangeburg, S. C. W. D. LUKES, Rowe'i Pump, S. C. CLARK & ARTHUR, Lewisville, S. C. 1S7U iy SARDY'rt TTTgT?TTT^T^T*] RS. TI5K J35JFST AS? ClIKAPJEST IS USK. Manu fact tired by the Ashepoo Alining ami Manufacturing Guano Co. Fnrtoru:* at Charleston, S. (,'., <>//>>Y\S ASI.WO.Vi ATE? SOLU 151", fc PACIFIC G?AXO . Phosphate Peruvian Guano and Dissolved Rone Phosphate. These well known Staudard Fertilizers, after ten years Practical Test throughout tlicSouth, iinye ptovetl to he the liest in use for Cotton, Corn and all other Crops, particu larly adapted lo (lie Southern Climate and tfoil?the Crops in many instanced being 3Ior<> than Douhled I>y (heir liNC. While these fertilizers are being prepared from the liest Ingredients and of even of Higher tirade (lain ever before, The PrittCH ha VC been Materially educed lor Use Presen I Season, thereby placing them within the ch of cverv t'lanter, anil none can allbrd 10 do without tlietu. iiilO. JK. C01t.\'KI.S<).\, Agent at Orangcburg, S. C. J??s"" A liberal Discount will be made to Dealers and Urangers. jan 29?3m COTTON" "FT1 OH OU^VTsro! A FA III KXCIIANUK. TBffC-: ('ElLlKKfiltATHIft FBORTIF.IZlill, WILCOX, Gl HPS ? CO.'S MJN1PULATED GUANO I? o tie red at the following Liberal 'J'erniS. ON CREDIT TO 1st NO VKMHEIi, 1S70, with option of paying in Cotton on the Ikisih of 17 (rents for Middling, delivered at the Planter's nearest Depot, (Planter paving expenses on Uii.ino to destination,) Per Toil $70.00. 'i'he Advantage !