MASONIC Petros Council No. 11, R.\ & b.\ M.\ Will meet each Thursday at G o'clock P. M. from 1st October to 1st April and at 8 t>*clock from 1st April to 1st October, on tili following dates, June 24, July 22, Aug. W, Sept. 1?, Oct. 21, Nov. 18, and Dec. 10. o ; J. F. IZLAR, T. I. O. W. Br?hson, Recorder. Eareka Chapter No. 13, R A/. M.'.? "Will meet c^cy^F'-iday at G o'clock P. M. Jroca 1st October to 1st April, and at 8 Velock from 1st April to 1st October on the following dates, Jtine 18, July 1G, Aug. 13, feet. 10, Oct. 8, Nov. 12. Dec. 10. \V. H. UIRAKDJSAU, H. P. . W. J. DhTreyili.e, rJeci , v / fihlbboloth Lodge No. 28, A/. P.*. M.v Will meet each Tuesday at 7 o'clock, frem 1*1 Oct. to 1st April and at 8 o'clock f rota lit April to 1st October on the follow in0 date?, Feb. 1, Mar. 7, April 4, May 2, June 6, July 4, Aug. 1. JAS..F. IZLAR,W.M. Geo. Brunkon, Sec. ?say 29 1S75 7m. I. O. O. F. Kdisto Lod^e No- 3?,^Mcet? at' Odd Fellows Hall, every Moriday.evening at8 ?'clock, from 20th Mandl to 20tli Sept. and at 74 o'clock from 20tb Sept. to 20th March. C. D. KORTJOHN, N. G. G. A. HOUGH, Sec. _ TO W*f CSUNCIL. Thiyi^JiQdy.?iuceU? - every ?xxttid Tucuday after the first Monday of each month, for the transaction of regular business. Mayors Court, held whenever occasion requires SONS OF TEMPEI?A NC% OraMgeV?iirg Division No. 24, meets every Monday-evening in the basement of the Presbyterian Church. LOG AIL, The weather has been very cold for several days now. Dr. Allsten, .Solicitor Butiz's assis tant, came up on Thursday last., A man is in town with two educat ed moukics. We learn that several families con tetuplatc moving hero shortly. Let. our delegation see to it that the levy TOTTTh'G1 bi'iiiFrIfnuse is made. mm ? m - - The river bridge is Iheihg re pail cd at hist. lUlter late (hau never. Flower gardens are being put in onl'-r. free coj nrttx r.-hip ncdice of Hum berg it Hlator M. A Unecht will have .some good heel' Lhis iiinrniii'g. ' Ye lovers ofgood l?eef .steats, take notice and call early. Ex-Speaker Wain is opposed tu grunting amnesty to IC.v-J'resit'cnt Davis. Small? Court t'dihnfViujes on Monday. A lar^e amount of liusiue-s will he ut Th'rc ? uhoj *i'Wi Ii und red und pi venty-jj'cyVn \t candidates out lor the Legi.-luioXin this County. Jitiici lehi*5JCln!t. hishionalile now nt parties. Why? Became they can't he borrowed any more. ThS^itahle shod has been removed from the place it used to occupy near t'ic Baptist^ C'tuiroh. Reiht ^tnV advertisemcnt of Mr. Tuckw?He^iJ?-ns?plrn ? *>!> Mr. S. Ii. Picket?, general ticket agent for the South Carolina Railroad, will accept our* thnnlts fdr ? compli mentary over his road for the year. County Ticasurcr Livingston left here for HrnnehviUe on Thursday last, for? the/ (purpose of collecting taxes down there. ?44 : n mm* I ?+? ? . ? The fire well in front of Kortjohn's is topped over and is now ready lor use. If we had decent engines now, things would seem hotter. n ???????. -cm?? "Wo were shown on yesterday the cclcbra[c<^uBcll,,fytiltivalors," which should JnJt,|(je ..hands of every farmer. Mr. W. W. Kohbins is gen ral agent furjflitriK 4ald nrfd dah' be found at McMiehacls hotel. If you want nice dried apples drop in nt AVallace Cannon's. He's got the finest ever, offered for sale here. Ilousekecpcrs, send in your orders. The advertisement of Copt ?Tno. A. Hamilton 'deserves special attention. The Captain is always up io the times bota in goods and pricos. Mr. Ezekiel gave a fine illustration of his peculiar powers of elocution nt Wallace Cannon's on yesterday after noon. Port Royal has been.made a naval station for the North Atlantic fleet, j The New York Sun thinks it sees war with Spain in the movement. Let her come. Tom Mackcy has joined the Demo cratic party, which seems to surprise a great many. It shouldn't. He's in for four years now. JT >n. J. W. Mosel ey enjoyed his fortieth birthday on Wednesday last. The wish of the News and Times is that he may live a whole century. The senator nnd members from this county will all be promptly in their peats on the 18th inst. Our peo ple are expecting good work from them. .... County Auditor VanTassel nnd his lad' arc on a visit to B ranch ville. Mr. Van Tassel had his books ready for the Treasurer.;' in ample time for that officer to commence work. Soliciti-r Ruttz is expected here to morrow, and will be here during cburt. He is one of the most faithful officers in the State, and a man whose Re publicanism is as true as steel. We paid a hasty visit over to Edis to Township during the week, and Ibund the people generally preparing to plant. Politic* nie not talked of much. We learn that the school trustees of the various townships in the county will assemble shortly in convention. What they are to talk about has not yet leaked out. The Unicn Tinte?states that a num ber of industrious poor white men of that County emigrating to the West. They can't pay the rent asked by the land owners. Mr. Joseph Funderhurk, an nged citizen of this county, and once a wealthy man, died in the enmity poor poor house Thursday night. Stich is life. The llcv. A. Pupo Norris, than whom there is no purer man, has been caMcd to serve the Baptist Church in this place for the present year. We congratulate the Church nnd the com munity upon the selection. Mr. j. Wallace Cannon has a steadily increasing trade, and, as a matter of course, is continually ad ding to his alicady large stock of dry g> ods, groceries and liquors. Where's I'tina? W. A. Stinker, Ksq., lias located himself here, and will practice in the law and probato courts of the County ard State. He is a partner of Gener al Elliott, and is said to be well verse I in hu profession. The man who flanked my hntat the party given at Mr. G. W. Baxter's in the Fork, on ihe Pth inst, will ease his conscience and confer a favor by returning the same to me. j. Wallace Cannon. Mi . J. C. Pike moved into his ele gant mansion on Main street on Wed nesday of th s week. The building has been thoroughly renovated, and is now one of the prettiest in Orange bur jr. We learn that Representative 8. L. Duncan will call together the Pre cinct Chairmen, of the Republican party in t!.is county, in a few weeks for the purpose of organizing anew the party. We ore glad to learn thni the tem perance society in this place is in a most prosperous condition. The Grnud Division of this State meets here this year, and an interesting time may bo expected for Orange burg. There is a rumor in Columbia, which obtains credence because it goes un denied, that Attorney-General Melton Will, soon resign. If he docs so, it is thought that Judge R. B. Carpenter will bo elected to fill his place, tha he will be succeeded by Judge Thomp son H. Cookc, nnd he, in turn, by Wm. E. Earle, Esq., one of the bright ?est and most influential men nt tho Grocnvillo bar. Mr. John II. Schachte has opened on tho corner where Mr. Doyle recent ly kept store. Iiis slock is ample, nnd the public is promised bargains at Iiis counter. The indefatigable Char ly Gehreis is with him, and will do all he can d^W^ ?I8 oustomors. ; Rev. Win. tl. Chapman, Pastor of M. E.'.rjChufeh, Georgetown, D. C. writes':-? ^Having lind aii oppoitunity to test the excellent qualities of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, I hesitate not to say, it is the'best miiedy I have ever used in my family." '.The Billiard Saloon-has changed hands again. This time it has changed for the better. That go ahead gentleman, Mr. J. W. ,ley, has purchased the tables, and will see to it that Orangeburg shall boast hereafter of a first class Billiard Saloon. Mr. Webb Bull is in charge, which is a sufficient guarantee that order will be kefit there. Mr. Mose ley hns moved his liquors ovr, and Webb promises to sec that no one shall go away from his place dissatis fied. Col. Frederick met with a serious accident to himself on Thursday night last, near the office of Dr. Legare in this - place. The weather was very cold, and his horse, which had been standing stilt for sometime, and con sequently anxious to move, upon being mounted, reared jUp , and foil across the Colonel's breast, almost ^crushing the breath from his body. He wai assiKted"to-L/r. ?Legnrc's office, where he was properly cared for, and was, yesteiday, recovering and able to go to Iiis home^Wc hope he will soon be himself again. State Treasurer Cardozn has given public notice that on anil after the 15th of February next the interest on the State dobt, which fell due la?t week, the pa t-due ^interest for July, 187?, will be paid on demand in Columbia, Charleston and New York. The delav in the matter is the result first of the Solomon bank failure, and secondly of the non-collection of taxes up to this time. The Treasurer fur ther says that the coupons and inter est warrants for July, 187(3, as weil es for January, 187(3, ar'j receivable for taxes. ? ia> * m n-? n Wc are informell that at a meeting of our local Board ol School Trustees, held in (his'place on Satutday last, it was decided,on uceflnntof the want of sufficient funds, to Uhcbhtinue sev eral of . the Public Schools in ihis Township. The meeting day of tho Board has also been changed, and hereafter those \v!.o have business with the Trustees arc requested to meet them on the first Saturday in each month. Teachers, Mr. V. 1). Bowman requests us to slate, must not fill out the amounts in their certi ficates, to be paid them for sorvices, as that can only be done by the Board. ???? - ? ?? ? Why are the streets not named ? I an our city Fathers refuse to do a thing so manifestly their duty any longer? We have two new streets, ahd in buying property upon .either of them it is difficult to give the boundaries, because the)' are name less things. Christen them, gentlemen, and the public will bet upon yon. As things now stand, matters are confus ed. Not long since wc hoard of a young man jsind jfiii sweetheart, who had arranged n meeting of n moon light night ,upon the ' New Street," but who nev. r met. And why ? Be cause one went on Mr. Bolivar's New Street, and the other thought Mr. Mosel ey'a was the place. Sec. what good kissing was lust-by the neglect of the Council to uninq things ! Piiuknolooy.?Prob C.A. Birch nrd, phrenologist is now stopping for a few days more at Mrs. Blount's hotel, in this place, where be is pre pared to exnrnine tlip hpads of those of our people "'who itihy desire to have the nid of his skill in acquiring a knowledge of themselves. Wc pub. lish below a' notice of Prof. Birchnrd taken, front -the! Alexandra, (Va.) Sentinel, of November 19, 1874, as follows: ' ? I . "The Professor is highly recom mended by gentlemen pi the highest respectability nnd learning. We have submitted our own cranium to his mttnipulnti?tf)1 nnd : can. testify to tho fact that he is a certain divinet of the thoughts and capabilities of the humnn mind) through the agency of his art. Hffl't|o'cB;notro^ly "|ell that, but his instruction hs to the proper regimen nnd hygienic treatment of each case is highly valuable. Through it ho is of.spcoial aervico to the young in advising them what selection to make of partners for life. ^Indeed, the pleasure and ndvnntagc of the infor mation given by him is largely in ex cess of the moderate fee he charges fur an examination, and we can promise hose who consult him that they will be inora than Bat^edJ??N. Oi Vhun VcmcrJ . \\ H .- x We had the| pleasmc of meetiug this! gentleman- in our office a day*or so ngo. From his appearance ona would judge that ho,-is ull ? that i? claimed fur him above. i*Ho willJre muin in Orungcburg for twenty-fivo or thirty days, during which time he can be found at Cannon's hotel. Slater'h Hotel? We were shown through this spa cious building on Thursday last by Mr. Edward P. Slater, who is engaged in having it thoroughly overhauled' repainted, and re amuged from cellar to garret. The hotel, as it now stands, has three stones, and under Mr. Slater's management afford ac commodations novel before equalled in Ornngcburg. The dining rooms nre spacious and comforlable, while the bed rooms have nil; been enlarged and otherwise improved. A first class liverv stable. Will be kept in connection with the hotel, which will be nn advantage never before enjoyed by any public house in this place. Mr. Slater is a popular and energetic young man, and we wish him super abundant success. The infant sou of Malcolm I. Browning, Esq., named Rob?rtJUder.\ ( ton Browning, and aged three year* and twenty days, died on the night of the 12th inst., at the residence of that gentleman in this'plaee. It is with feelings of unfeigned regret that we chronicle the fact, for we know full w ell that the flower and delight of a happy household is gone, and that the aching void; created by its' untimely death, will long remain as the unwel come cause of many hours of malan eholy sadness. Hubert, as the. inter esting subject of this brief notice was known, was a child of rare intelligence; but all that remains of him now rests quietly in the {Episcopal grave yard, where 'he burial service was per forms! on Thursday afternoon. We extend our sinccrest sympathies to the bereaved family CUT THIS OUT, It Iff ay Xave Your MtV. There is no person living hut what suffers more or less with Lung Dis-ase, Cough?, ("olds or Consumption, yet some would clie nil her than pay 7? cents for a bottle of medicine that would cure them. 'Dr. A. I'osehcc's (Sennaii Syrup has lately been in troduced in this country from (ieimuny, and its woiiderous cures astonishes every one that try it. If you doubt what we say in jirint, cut this out and take it to your Umbist, Dr. A C. Dukes, and get a sample IkUIIc for 10 cents and try it, or a regular si/c for To cents. the 11 tf Market Reports. COTTON MAItKKT. Corrected every week by Messrs. Bull, ScoviH * Dike. Middlings.{.128(7? bow Middlings.11J ? Ordinary.U @ , PltOVISlOX 31A UK ET. Corrected every week by Mr. J. \V. Moic ley. ltl'YlXG l>*tICES ' ti, ,?/ Corn.1$ 00 New Corn.. Tens. SO Fbdtler, per 100 lbs. 1 00 Hough Mice.i... 1 10 HKt.i.iNo raicKs White Sugar.7G SJ llw to the $1 00 Hrown " .H(a .0 " " 1 00 Coffee..'.25 f:t0 Lard.IS (rv20 S C II ninti.Hi (c?U8 Smoked .Sides.17 ( f>0(ml0 00 (ioslien Ihitter.40(5)50 Salt per sack. $2 00 NOTICE T All persons who Wt Watches with I 1\ Thompson for repairs, arc here by notilicd to call for,' and prove their property, and pay for repairing, by the 1st day of January, 1876, after which they will besold at public saio according to law. A. FISCHER. dec 18 4t NOTICE OF DISMISSAL. One. month from date I will file my final account os Administrator of the Ks'tatc of Ahrain L. Crook, and ask for letters of dis missal from said Administration. Dated Orangeburg S. C? December 11th 187f>. D. W. OltOOK, Administrator, dee 11 ,41 DENTISTRY. DR. II. Jt MUCKKtffrtrsS Having entirely Itccovercd from his Sick ness, can be found at his OFFICE over Capt. J. A. Hamilton's Store, where ho will bo glad to BEE his Fill KNDS and the Public. 187G- 1876 -OF Wm. D. Love & Co., Columbia, S4 C. a ?-:o:- :f The njimo of our firm will be changed January 1,187G, to that of McCREERY, LOVE <& CO, And in accordance with our ?emi Annual Custom we will on that date; Bl?RK DOWN nur entire Mock of DRY t'JOODS, SHOKS, HATS, CA IM. Etc., to "panic prices," to make room for Spring Goods. During the month of January we will mII JcaiiH. Tweed?, Cnssi meres, Ktc,. from I Notions, Laces, Einbroiderica, at unprc 12 J cents per yard and upwards i ccdented bargains Cnlicoe*. a full line of Knut Madder j Men's and Women's Underwear. Hom Color-, at 0\ ecntH per yard. j and Half Hose, below anything ever offered. , Calicoes, all of the best brands made, at I Men's Linen Bosom Shirt.??, at $15.00 per flj rent* per ynnl. ? j! doxen,'worth $30.00.' Uhached Mid Drown Domestics, at lowerjj Table Linens, Towels, Napkin, Etc, price* than ever known before. {{ below cost of importation. Drew Goods nt great bargains, to close j Cheeked Homespuns, TickIngn, Etc., ?I out. C "st I prices equal to cotton at 5 cY*Yt?iter pound. Black Alparafc the bent-and inojfit popular Carpet-*, Oil ClotliB, Winder Shade*, Wall brands, at prices that will astonish you. !| Paper, Etc., At Prices Lower than ever made since the introduction of these Article*. . -OUR boot, siror: and hat stock: In a leading feature ofo;ir extensive establishment. In this department wo have inaugurated the system of ''small profit", and quick sales." We have determined te give our customers the lust gootls, from responsible manufacture)!, at 25 per cent. lc<4 than inferior goods hare beeu sold : them, ami in consequence ouritalc* now far exceed* any bouse i? this line. You nee : only examine our stock to be convinced. AVb hoII shoes at from 20 cents per pair upward*, but our Men's Brojrans'itrid TAdt&f .Shoes, at SI to $1.25 per pair, will l>e found cipir.l to anything offered at Sl.fco fo $1.75, We fully apprceinte the bard times our Planters havo had, between 4hoit crop* and low price of rntton ami nredetermintd to do our share lh 'easirfg lae burtben bv selling gooils atstieb prices as will make a little money go a great way in supplying your wants. Call early and often to secure bargain* at the Grand Central Dry Goods Establishment of Columbia, S. C. McCREEBY, love & co. FRESH Garden Seeds JUST RECEVIED FROM D. LANDRETH & SON E. K- EZEKIEL. jan 1 tf Notice of Dismissal.1 Notice is hcreliy given that I shall one month from (lute file account with the Hon orable Judge of Probate for Orangeburg County, and ask for letters of Dismissal as Administrator uf the Estate of (Jco. L'iS. Siatruuk. N. E. W.SISTRUNK, Administrator, jou 1 4t ^N~otice of Dismissal. One month from date I will tile my final account as Administrator of the Estatcof Franklin O. Sistrunk, and ask for letters of dismissal from ?nid Administration. N. E. \V. sistuunk; Administrator, jan 1 4t " " Notice. The Subscribers are local Agents for the Security Life Insurance and Annuity Comp any of New York, anil for." Fire Insurance Companies; and will be pleased to recive from their "(Heads, and all others, applica tions for insurance of either kind. The Security Life is well known as quo I of the most reliable Companies in the United State:', anil the Fire Companies they represent are believed by them to be cint neatly safe and trust worth v. IILTSON & IILTSON, Local Agents, dec 25 3m Administrators Sale Bv virtue of an order of the Judge of I Probate of Orangeburg County, we will sell I at the late Bcsideiice of L D Kdwards in said County oirtheHeventh day of January 1870, all the personal property of the said L D Edwards deceased, consisting of: Hor ses, Cattle, IIogs,8hccp, Corn, Fodder, (Jin, Household and Kitchen Furniture, CrdsH Ties, Blacksmith Tool* cVc., &c. Terms?Cash oti delivery; December Slid, 1873. A F KDWARDS, J A KDWAHDS, Qualified Admistrators dec 25 3t NOTICE A limited Partnership has this d?y been formed between JOAB Wj MOSELKY and Mrs. SABA it E. TOBIN, both of the Town of Ornngeburg, S. 0, General nature of business, that of buy ing, selling, vending nnd retailing goods wares and merchandize. Business to be carried on under the name of JOAB W. MOSELEY, at the Store on coner of Russell Street and Railroad Avenue, in said Town. Partnership to con tinuo--until the Int. dnv of November, 1878 rOAB W. MOSELEY general partner. Mrs. SA?Al$ E. TOBIN, special partner Mr*. SAR Alf E. TOBIN, special partner has actually .paid in, to the Capital Stock in Cash, $1,175.00; Octobffr 30th 1875. JOAB W. MOSELEY': HAH AII E. TOBIN. dec 1 Ct Notice of Dismissal Notice is hereby given that I shall one month from date file my fund account with the Honorable Judpc of Probate for Orange burg County S. C. as Administrator of the Estate of J.rM. Gnrriek, nnd nsk for Letters of Uionised. December 25th 1875. I). B. (SABRICK, ; . dec 25?4t Administrator. WTotice of Dismissal Notice is herein' given that I shall one month from date tile my final account with the Honorable .Indue of Probate,for Orange* burg County, H. ll1e% the dollar 1 will visit the following places for ?m Collection of TAXES: Lewisville, Wednesday, January 12lh. Branehville, Friday, Kill. Fort Motte, Tuesday, M ISth. Knotts' Mills, Saturday, " 22b4. lt. S. Gleaton's Store, Monday, JannarO 24th. Easterling's Mills, Tuesday January EgLh? Foures Poll, Friday, m 1 MA. ? A vingers Poll, ftonday, M "81s*. J. F. Way's Store, Tuesday, FoKt? 1st. Uookhardts Poll, Wedno*d*? 2nd. L. A. Zeigler's, Monday, Feb'rr 7th. J. 11 L1VING8TOH, Treasorct. Orangeburg County, 8. C. jitn 1 1870 4f Notice All persons indebted to the Etitato of tho late John C. Kemurly are requested to nafeo payment at once, and all perrons havhsg claims against said Fatato are roqttostedta present them ui oncu to J. A. KENNERLY, Administrator with the Win annexed jan 8 _?* $5 TO $ Per Dny at Home. Tema too* Address 0. STINSON ft CO... 1 Portland, Maine, jan 29 187& If