Orangeburg news and times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1875-1877, December 25, 1875, Image 4

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fiiLgii-"^?|iTfi. ? liiij r..n m?itmiTiT""' ? MASONIC? 1 vtstm fc?uncuVor'i^r.-.''?? s.-."'m:-; 'Will meet each Thursday at C o'clock P. M. from, lat October to let April, and nt 8 .O'clock from let April to lHt October, on the following date?, June 21, July 22, Aug. Mi Sept. 1?, Oct. 21, Nov. 18, and Dec. 10. J. P. USLAR, T. I. G. AV. Br?KsOK, Recorder. Knreka Chubt^ No, 13, R?*. Av\ M>.~ Will meet dabli Friday at 0 o'clock P. M. from lat October to lul April, and nt 8 ?'?lock from 1*1 Abrilto 1st October oh the follewing dates, June 18, July 16, Aug. 13, Bnl 10, Oct. 8, Nor. 12, Dec. 10. \V. H.GIRARDEAU, ET. P. J. DBTaEYiLi'?, Bee. . ?attfcil&Vioi?a Ho. 28, A.*. P.'. TTill meet each Tireridsy nt 7 o'clock, iVom latiOqt;. to 1st April nnd at 8 O'clock CrVm 1st April to 1st October on tbe follow ing dafcr, -Juno 8> July 6? Aug. 3, Sept. 7, Oct. i. Nor. 2,' Dec. ' JAS. F. I7.LAR, \% M.. . Jas. 8. HfcYWAnn, Sec toay29 187? . 7m., _ mMM \ ?> V. Si O. ?. F. Kdiato, U^O vNo- 33,?Meets, nt Odd Fclldws' Hall, every Monday evening at 8 o'clock, from 20th March to 20th Sept. and jut 71 o'clock from 20th Sept. fn 20th March. *? ?? 0 D. KOKT JOHN, IS. ?. <G. A. UOUGH, Sec Tins fbocly moeis every second Tuesday elfter tho first Monday of each month, for the transaction of regular business. Majors Corrrt, b?dd whenever occasion ^requires RAILROAD SCHEDULE. ~ Up Dav Train-. fl'-Vi A. M. Down Day Train. 7:X0 P. M. Up Night Up Train. 2i20 A. M Down Night Tram...11:53 P. M. Oflioa liours 8 to 2 and o to 5. L O O A. L . The variety Troupe gave an exhi bition last night at Elliott Hall. The Aunual Examination of Mr. T. K- Sasportas' public School came of a fchv f&y? since with brilliant suc cess. The Examination of. the School of l\Ir. V. D. Bowman au<l Mrs. E. J. llimiimo came off on the 21st inst. The result w?s most favorable, and cstablislftcd tl?c litct that children nie *nfe iu die bauds -of Mr. aud" Mrs. Bowman. Addresses wort nmdc by Messrs Martha) Jone?, J. IE Wahlert nnd others. Constable Whittemoro x.r rested a colored man while attempting to en ter Mr. A. Fische r'.s residence on tho night of the i'-'Jixl inst. Ho hijd in his possession a pistol and im-ulds, a powd er horn filled with powder nnd several other articles. lie was re'eased by tho Mayor on the grounds that he would leave Town. Linder a warrant, Constable I. C. WhiUuidre ibllowed the burglar \>ho broke into Dr. D?ke?' store lately, and captured him .at Fort Mottc,dio managed { escape- afterwards, but the Constable laid his plans so nicely, that the uext day the thi.:f was lodged in the Jail here. So much for a Constable who understands his <luiy'i___ ii_ Free of charge. Your Druggist will refund your, money if Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup docs not give you satis faction and cure your cough. 1 7 \ Market Reports. G0TT0N MA UK KT. Corrected oVcry week by Messrs. Bull, Scovill & Piko. , Middlings. Low Middlings.12 <ji\ Ordinary.7 @Tll PROVISION MARKET; Corrected every week by Mr. J. \V. Mose ?Iii BUYING riUCES Corn.$ 00 New Corn. Peas.,.? 80 Fodder, per 100 lbs.1. 1 00 Rough Rice....... 110 fiKLMKO FBICRS White Sugar.7?8J| Iba to the $1 00 Brown .8@9 " 1 00 Coffee.y.' ?30 Lard..'....I...18 (m20 S O H?mo.10 <?l8 Smoked Sides.'....17 (a\l8 DS "? ..v. a.16 &10 Smoked Shoulders.12J (?) 181 D S ?' ..12 <j) Flour.$i> 50(?>10 00 Goshen Butter/.'10?50 Salt per sack,.$2 00 NOTICE OF dismissal. One month from dato I will file my final account as. Administrator of the rotate of Abrain L. Crook, and ask for letters of dis missal from said Administration. Dated Orangeburg S. C, December 11th 1875. D. W. CROOK, Administrator, dec 11 4t > -?VM-?I ??*?MOW? 3I?w TO, curb ?artete Mua AGUE. if'jnny^ i)|rdoii|f?^'epng^w|l^ ffvui and Aciuk Intermittent or Bilious Fever will .call at the Drug Store of DR. A. 0. DUKES and get a bottle of AGUE CONQUEROR, their, immediate, enre h? ?ertaip,^tud l',u chills will dot'cotno b^clr/'di\j(JPi}Jh^^BnKon. It eontaius no Quinine, Arsenic or othor Poisons, aiul after inking ono-balf bp j tie you will feel bolter in health[ th?i'yoU have felt pcthaps for year^.' ' It cjitiVcly' eleajiwes' th? Wh?ic system," purifies' ,th? ,Hyer /ind' other secretory organs. l*ricc' ^I.pO, per bottle, try it. Ask your^ JJrtijjgist about others Wht) have "used it. * DIV A. C. DUKES. N"otice of 3~>ismi3sal. Notice is hereby given that I Khali one as Executor, of tho Estato of Richard Mngrill deceased. .. . .... I December. 11 tli'1875^ - ? -1 JAMES a.DANTZLER, . i'e j .[ i Qualified Executor. dec 11 4t Th^ Stjat.o (of S^h Carolina, j; '? By AvtS. B. KxpwiVbV, EsquiVe; J?j?| "Whereas, J. A. Kenncrly, hath made suit to inc, to grant to .him. Letters _o,f-Ad? ministration of the Estate and cnccw^fl j<jJ?H C. Kenncrly, late of said-; county, deceased. . - . , .QiV \;? t .! . These arc therefore to cue and ad monish a.11 and singular, the kindred and Creditors of the said John G, Kelinerly and, deceased, that thev be and appear, before me, in the Court o*C Probate, " to." be vlicbnat Ornngeburg C. If. on December SOtli^liioxU after publication hereof, etil o'clock in th'e' forenoon, to shew cause, if itjiy the.v:'have, vrhy the said Administration should hot Up'.' granted. Given, utuler my .hand, .this :3tU day of December, Anno Domini 1S75.' AUG. B. KNOWLTON, [L.S1 Jude;enr-I>r?b/itc, O. C. dec 11 1875 " ,M ' ?2t . COL, ASBURY-COWARD , . - ' A It?l corr?3^o^nb^PKul?sacm . CoaipToto outfit oCAna.1-ppnmtua otf- tor umnagju tnuntal and physical tramlrttj. Xrrrtrflon noted firr JxalBiftlnuud tmd posaceBL-uI rt?l rood nnd Motfhnitlq frcBBfc?>18g ffi?trated C?WPpid qwtflaiWiu?pat^ dec 11 1S75;" " .If i Has arrived with a full stock of ': *? CHRISTMAS GOODS Consisting of. Imudsotne I?KE.S5L\T?, -TO VS.-.+ l'AXI>XES ; i ? - ?? n ^ > 3 And a host of other goods too numer ous to mention. All of ihc above goods marked at Prices within the Reach of all at btJKE'S 55RUG STORE. n JTJST Arrival, and now opened for thp.Holi day?*; a lino assortment of heto Books, Music, Toys, Toilet Setts, Vases, Parlor Ornament*, nnd a variety of ChinitCppj, with and without Saucers. 1 havo also Received A full supply of Lamps, Chiranics, Burners, Shades, AND A lot of those splendid TULIP CIIIM NIES, which for beauty and durability, are superior to any others ever oflcrcd For Sale' ' ? ' >' > In this market. Call, examine, and be convinced, that you can nave money by buying your Christmas goods Cheap for Cash, At the Book Store. KIRK ROBINSON, ' Market St. A limited partnership has this dirry been formed bei ween JOAB W. MOSELEY and Mrs. SAB All E. TO 15 IN, both of ibe Town of Orangoburg, S. C. .If General nature of business, that of buy ing, selling, vending and retailing gooda^ wares nnd merchandize. Business to be carried on under the name of JOAR W. MOSELEY, ot.the Store on eoner of RtiKiieii Street and Railroad Avenue, in said Town. Partnership to con tiiiiio until (hoist, day of November, 1878 lOAB MOSKLLY general |4ir(ner. Mrs. SARAH E. TOllIN, special partner Mrs. SARaII E. TOBIN, special partner has actually paid in, to tho Capital Slock in Cash, $1,175.00. . October 30th 187o. JOAB W. MOSELEY, S .. SAU All. E. TOBINf ilcc 4 Gt DENTISTRY. DR. IJ. J? MUCK EN FUSS Having entirely Recoyercd from his Sick ness, can be found at his OFFICE over Dapl. J. A. Ifanulton'ri Store -.vhcre ho will be glad to SEE Ida FRIENDS and tub Public. COUNTY 'CQM?HBS?^ER^?PFI?l?;>A11 iooi i: ,hf)oeO -(iQ QnAX??B?iia, B. C. Nov. 15, 1975. . r^ir ItiT 0?1A I Pursuant to Scc^io?^ 20 of all Act to Reduce all Acts;ar<d iiar{6i9.f A*ls i relatlQft'to CountyX 'ommissioners, their Powers and Duties, into one Act iand to Amend the Bathe, Approved April 13j 187q, the following, ans tho ;.Clainis! Against the'CotuiIf ?f! Orangchurg,- aud^te'd 'by1 the' ?^arH ?f'.Co?n ti Commissioners, showing thb OC^ppiiditures add for'what l,umosck*TJVo>nr'j^o vfcmber ttstj'.'l87Vto November 1st; 1875,'arc hereby piiblisHbd;-11" / ?' JFHst?Amount of Drafts Issued by Present Board During Fiscal Yvmi ,Vf I ) QT,' ^Qlaiiiafc LTijpAftl_ in tn[V Amount I Amount 11'. ATC Dukes. K W Bates. F DeMars. J E Hart. John:Bdbi'an.'..,.Al Benjamin Moton. G W Rhoads.r..t-..Y,? W W Evans.UM&l A[J Evans. W.F Phillips. DIU ShaHtiahnn. rKich'd Peel.^ ?Jno Williams. E; A Davis. Ehianucl Brown. *Gt?o Washington."... Beuj Moton. J M Cope.?.. Lesley ^Yashington. J D Way. Hci/ry-Smmi:,.1.t..v:... Coroners Fund. ? Witness Fund >1 i \ Um lE^ncst Mcutzcl. Dintina Davis-.......;.,. ... ? James Hut|o...(....j.i... jno 1? Baxter..'... Fed BrflTison .v. .t::v.jv. .r. ....... Jno Robinson....?"?..? Edw'd Livingston.?'? June Green. I' cter G rau t.,.-?.,..>.,... $ .-.-?, Win Dunning....\U? i|..#? Bill Duxon.... .\ %j *- j James Dray ton. Jno W Buyck.... Peter Cannon..f.??-, J, H'Dcnypsey.J;:-:?.\XMll'V. Bill Keener .:?. Mritilda Keener. Jh^k PinknoJrVf,.}.v J R Hamilton........ .3 W R Berry. F \V Fairey. Tom Thorn as....? ... I '? i 9 4 \ i * v; "'t a \ ? r J D Sniokc".......... MF An?cyr.,.,.,..:. 0 Ii Hall;.*. John Ii Livingston. ?j* 10 50 82 00 0 00 ij 70> ' -8 70 " 3 20. "W 4 80 fn u^70''l 4 00 5 50 3 00 7 20 -.: ,8,3,0; 6 00 3 40 10 30 3 00 , 0,90 8 00 ? - .4 50 10 00 rrw 4 50 7 00 7 85 9f.6 7 00 0 00 8 00 . wmy ' 5' 20' 10 30 30 00 9 00 ?? 3 20 4 50 4 80 4 80 lorflg ffof) 4 00 5 50 3 00 7 20 0 7 i8 r30!/ " 0 00 3 40 10 30 3 00 ~, ??r9fi 8 00 , . <ft 00 ; 8 00 5V20 Road and Bridge ' .f.* G 0 Frederick. II O Sinoka.. Wade K?itt.:,.., Poter.Ijruwn./.. U II Baitzegar CbBlume. MaVy Gray,tr....rr.. Chas S Bpll.L.;..^.vJ, B .T Ginyard. J D Palmer. -Jno Sellers. T J Criiler.^ B Williamson........ Juq 'Wannamaker... J A M Haigier. R V Danuclly. J D Smoke and E Hughes. .Martin Livingstou........ ?. K u fus Fei de t%../..?..'... f.. y........ Adam Brown.;..>*\.? .?? W C Reeves*. M T Smoke. B G Frederick. V A Zeigler....../.y^. D H Hildebrand.. J,H Felder. R R Duncan. J D Bozard..J.v^;-.i.Ui..1^A;/..;... Henry Smith.?.. V D Bo\vmaJi?.q..?rv...(t..v.-? A W PiuckdoV?-i^.--"-.s.... .: s ..l ? ?? 1 ' .1. I Trial Justice Read and Bridge. Trial justice Contingent ' , Poor Witnc's Trial. Justice , Witness. Trial Justice Road and Bridge Contingent Trial Justice IK.: Tibad and Bridge 11 'I I % Trial Justlco Road and Bridge Trial Just'co Road and Bridge XoaI JuatiCO;.^ Road and Bridge ? 2HQ, 4 tO 5 00 5 00 , 4 .80 li.Jiw-i 24 45 .22. 00 19.20. 33 50" 495 .00 "71 42 48 5.0 21 00 2 30 '20 00 15 00 50 45 00 f j.8.00 , 0 50 -12 00 34 00 12 00 09 00 304)0 > 198 50 48 50 207 78 25 00 33 00 f ?a- orj [20 *50t t27 00?: 94 50 85 00 ?00, fo 4 50 7 00 7 85 \7 80 H< r- ? 9 GO 1 U 7 00 7 00 6 00 MM mm !J5'2b 5,20 n 5 80 5 00 5 00 q - ? 80/ ............ il'PlboVV?! ?.?r;;-:vrr.-;.-i' ^**... 00^. 21 75 15 00 , 16 00 40 50 . 2-lr 50 !U..-. .38 60 l^^L5l... C'onniy ComHu'saioxsr't Jtind. F W Fairey.$ 87. 90 J P Mays. 68 90 Jno Robinson.."..j ? *...........i'..r..| 70 00 bal. due. jAlex Browti.i;.1278 80 " " E T R Smoke. 213 04 " " Paid losii C?trt House Fund. R E B Hcwitson.......1.8 200 00 ivrv-y:.r.-y".V302 00 Jno II Livingatonl..w(..X.j.,??>?*%?? 4QpfJ 00 ,R E B Hewilson..'.....*....A...:..".I. 322" 00 Not, Prtitl. ?IzlarA Dibble...'.'.*..''. 100 00 T Kohn & Bro. * W?li Gi:?. Bolivia, derk.' . 13 75 JAMES P.'MAYS, Chairman. : just arrived a FULL STOCK OF ('iii;i^;ys,?V?>?>i>s.: xnUTS AND A-KTICLIUS Also a full supply of ^ Groceries, J^ry- Goods, ilafe, Boots and Sho^s On hand. Prices to suith^ tho liard,time3. Goods Delivered. ; , :i | M ^EO. VOSE. J. STRAUSS .?*T.?J[t. STIIPET JAS. II.pOWLES jl strauss' & cd.. Proprietors of tho OrAngcburg ihco Mill, Grist and Saw Mill.' ' Our MillB bcinfrnow in full nporatiou, we arc propared to fill orders fot1 llioe andl Ycshly urotmd (.iriat and Meal, (bolted or unbolted), at living price*. . , ^ Our SAW MIM,, heilig Hitualcd nenr (he Town, is now turning out superior Lumber ind bills for all sizes can be lillad at r-luorjt itotiec. Wo can supply, 8ecoijd4hab<l fSteMl liin^inOF-, Portable or Stat onary, and Saw Mills guaranteed by our Mr Strauss, at less that half the usual price. Highest prioa paid for Rough Uicc and Corn. / ?iL 2iD o t n ni htnl Jeuu; aa ,trxtrl 1 ;y" v A. H c , _ .TOSAa? Y<i*I AH TAKT ?ft v>no !n oin no ! I r.;) lt\ti')d*. ?Mi All omori oanrnnun van oca 5?vA??J 4??3* j o'| t'T? ! U T bun T ,JI .?".vii 'fi'I diuoJL .msmM ./ilaaiueaA *?I5 A s - w/fiw: oi ?.?idu.-U e>i iOloi? '(ja Jr. H?) r?-'// IIb Ol }iaij0b<>?8?B&3ga fesufft? |:Iiur. irlvl.HlHCl &I.J41A1 nv/itl i?r/ I earn land'.) no'l .&b??o$ trails 1 .ni qoi b oi autf^o?H io ab?&r? < T ff ?TO -JOT .ni ihr ilq .-. tin ; ?rfatniut ;?.KIooh*I bau ??lawriO uo banal &o* tfitf ajroK ?V8I CI Toa f.-nn<A ?I !Uw ba?S8 < i a i o i. ; io t Fqqcn Hal a . t.M r f- ;ei3 Ol ,w)*>i(aO 1? *t*q ui snritfeftat) U<* ' '.".tin t ,vi :.'..>!? .ahtomiwiaQ .v.-?? >1, ;nj?> 8f oi 8 moi) aboaOatftt ?uJoT iv.y [VI i-a)7;o I ,-f)ooO bauaaD teoofcrtf? Taue ho aviA Vr-xwjna ; lias just received a Large Supply* of! Ji ??l i li:,f * '^rf^?T<i ?aoTi?sb Muabarxtfi buyl DryGoodfl^C Tlfl 'Ji".?S??&|_ |A1 rT. w Hats, Caps, &c. ^d.^sid.a??*? Also Tin Ware, Wooden Ware, ". >?-.*^ ?? 1 Crockery'Wttraj[?'?>*C "i ' ,fld! ->iii grrtiiojswJl , Sugars, CofTce, ' 0 A ,; '1 V-? r ^dl Fn^^stffi^^. ?W f .i - nil , A? )IiUI Y * i .7, In fact a supply of General Merchandise, including ?toves of allsisea T "ur Cash. CC ?*? charge. Call before . jn iact a suppiy or ucnorai aicrcnniunse, including htov? and any dodcriptions. All will bo sold IXJWt DOWN for Cash. 08 I* (Goods Shown and delivered iu Town FKEE of eharce. ng O. 3D. KORTJOHN* fjf)/V0 7' ; \ . i ' ?VI 1 '<:,!ir1iW'-;,/W" ?r'vi w ^/si'TKM'i X 11 X JLJL > -flL X " NEW ana cfe^MQilOIjk BlUOk BUILDING M M??Wj> Stand will bo found . E. ? ef?0'-If;E '? I ? ban?V . ?>' 1o obi* ?Ui * ..til Hit) r^rt-^arf ?W Bluo Goods from 8 to 18 cts; Jenns, Casslmercs,:HoaerPi Fanoy. Goods. &c\' ->*i~C My GROCERY DEPARTMENT is COMPLETE in the'^^of^e^ Best Fioni^Chcape^t Sugar,.Coffee, Lard, Butter, Baccm, Rice, Grift?mif,*^ Choicest CnntieA Goods,' lowest Prided Tobaccos, Shot Powdor, Sea Foanij, Crackers, Cakes, Candies, Apples, Cnbbngcs, &c., Crockery and Tin Ware? * Uncap, Concentrated Lyo, . AVith af^ull supply of.